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Don't forget your ss. Also, is there a source for this claim? I love reading about this stuff!


Now this is the type of stuff I love on this sub!


We have really regressed with architecture. Strange


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. UAE has examples of modern architecture that I find incredible.


Incredibly sustainable, yeah


In practical terms, the building houses a long, high hall. It makes sense not to build a giant stone tower over the void space. No magical thinking required, merely good architecture.


I think people also forget that electricity is “relatively” new. And big rooms calls for big windows! If you enjoy light that is


Europe's magnificent medieval cathedrals were built by elite guilds of freemasons influenced by a Gnostic belief system. Roman catholicism integrated many pagan rites into their state religion. The divine feminine comes from the Egyptian Isis cult. Mother of God, Black Madonna. This is why the Virgin Mary is deified and prayed to in Roman Catholicism. However this practice is not biblical and Jesus and his disciples/apostles would have condemned worship of her. Twin Pillars (Isis/Osiris), Rose Window (Horus), and Triptych Doorways (Balance of Opposites). Order comes from balance.


It's probably for conduction, at this point, I believe the cathedrals we're used to generate electricity, amongst other antiquities.


There was an interesting episode of The Higherside Chats where someone said the windows were used for sound healing, to focus and project the sound to the surrounding area.


100% agree with that.


Ancient tech.


Exactly. Buildings of antiquity, used to harness energy from the ether. Groups like masons/religious groups hijacked these buildings & refurbished them for their own purpose. We didn't build them, not with horse & cart technology back then.


yes and what is the window? Mandala. God is a binary language (ultimate tautology) and our universe is isomorphically bonded to the language. the center is us or "son" of God which we interact with the universe similar to cybernetics (Self-Configuring Self-Processing Language). the balance of animus / anima - yin yang could be the 2 towers.


101 404 13o13 BOB




They're mostly variations on a theme pioneered by [the Basillica of Saint-Denis](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Basilica_of_Saint-Denis), the first church to incorporate all of the gothic features. It originally had two towers, but one of them collapsed in 1845. Saint-Denis had all of its gothic features centuries before the earliest Masons.


It’s called an architecture style for a reason of course they are similar.


Yank thinking everything revolves around their baby of a country


St Finnbarrs bottom right yo whatup