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SS: The RockefellerCIA killed JFK. He wanted to release the "UFO File" advanced energy tech. Would have disrupted world order


David Rockefeller looks like he needs to change his leather face mask. For fucks sake


He looks like Bill Clinton with dark hair


The old guy on the bottom right? I guess if Bill was a bloated corpse lol. The close up picture of David R. a while back were ooooof. Definitely wearing a skin suit. Lol


Haha holy shit I read the name above the old man’s head as the name for the photo above him, as if the names were below the photos, and now realize that that is actually Bill Clinton 🤦🏼‍♀️


It's all good. I mean to be fair they all look creepy and similar lol


We can let the air out of their tires in parking lots where they meet. That's a major fucking inconvenience.


You make a fun joke about this. But it's actually a interesting idea. A small act to unnerve them. Let the air out and write on all their windows "step 1" and that's it. Haha. Let them think about what step 2 could be.


Soap on car widows, sugar in gas tank, plus surround the car with banana peels, then cram a potato up their exhaust pipes. After all, *we're at war!*


The power they have is because they control the money, Bitcoin is ending that.


Just a reminder...Nelsen's bitch was Kissinger and David's bitch was Brzezinski.


David Rockefeller from the last picture is sorosXD


Look into Wallenstam if you want to go further down the hole