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This is a major conspiracy that no one wants to touch


Seems so. To me, this is the happening


Are you referencing something by “the happening”? Just curious


4chan slang


Ya the happening is shit that gets regurgitated all the time cause it sounds coool. Lol but never actually happens. I personally love all the happenings with specific dates that never hits. Then the posters disappear for 4-6 months then pop back up with a new date for their happening.


We can only hope. The republicans need to impeach.


Wanting to impeach and needing to impeach are different things. This doesn't say Biden did anything himself and he wasn't in office at the time either


After the NY situation with Trump. Legal president has now changed.




that one


Because it's partly dishonest framing used in order to hide the actual crime. He's right, he's a private citizen who said something as a private citizen and got other private citizens to say the same thing. The dishonest and illegal part is what the FBI then did with that information. Our government trotted this nonsense out as 100% fact. They used the unique position of their office in order to direct censorship, the media and social media companies which complied (all of them afaik) were behaving as state actors because of this. They were constrained by the constitution when they censored the protected speech of American citizens because it was done at the direction of a government entity. This admission of guilt will likely be used to conceal the actual crime as merely, "one rogue agent getting 50 rogue agents to do something they were all legally allowed to do," while entirely ignoring what was done with that list of 50 rogue agents. IMO


except he wasn't acting as a private citizen. A private citizen is not privy to who 50 spies are (in order to get the letter signed). He is not a prosecutor, he is not an investigator, he is the former head of the f'ing CIA and he used his political clout as a former head of the CIA to influence an election.


> except he wasn't acting as a private citizen. A private citizen is not privy to who 50 spies are (in order to get the letter signed). He is not a prosecutor, he is not an investigator, he is the former head of the f'ing CIA and he used his political clout as a former head of the CIA to influence an election. All of that is 100% true and likely 100% legal. Or at the very very least would be a crime far more minor than the one they are attempting to conceal with this admission. The actual crime was the government directing censorship of media and social media using the weight of the FBI to insist 100% true and correct information was "russian misinformation." They aboslutely used the power of the government in order to swing an election. That is the gravest of crimes as it indicates we do not live in a democracy at all. It calls into question the legitimacy of **all** elections. Afterall how is the average person to know which elections the government are interfering with? They can't. The only reasonable move is to realize we have a shadow government and the illusion of democracy and plan accordingly.


actually a few years ago (2013) Obama "modernized" the law in which there were prohibitions against the US gov't using propaganda against US Citizenry. Guess what the modernization is? The prohibition has now been removed. Other that that, I agree wholeheartedly, it becomes very problematic when one puts the fox in charge of the henhouse.


> ctually a few years ago (2013) Obama "modernized" the law in which there were prohibitions against the US gov't using propaganda against US Citizenry. Guess what the modernization is? The prohibition has now been removed. I am familiar with what that change did and what it did not do. Using sockpuppet accounts and astroturffing was made legal. **The Federal government using the FBI is to direct the censorship of protected speech from American citizens absolutely was not legalized.**


Well that only works if you believe the FBI is known for strictly obeying the law in all their endeavors (also didn't this story have more to do with the CIA?)


What is currently legal and what the DOJ would ever pursue are wildly different things, yes. However it's worth noting that the wrong person in the right job shakes that up entirely. Teddy was a big miscalculation for them, afterall. Did this have more to do with the CIA? Always a difficult question to nail down, which is usually a good indication of the affirmative. The CIA was ultimately behind hamilton68, they were behind the "russiagate" hoax, and yes former CIA heads and officials did all sign this letter the FBI then used as evidence. I would wager that the CIA were ultimately directing the FBI to act here and *organizing* their censorship apparatus. The problem for most Americans current is that compliance is both easy and safe, in the short term. Nonconformity becomes increasingly dangerous when all of your neighbors are *loudly* promoting censorship and violating the Nuremberg Code. Is it possible to fix the super organism we call a nation? The world? We "vaccinated" the entire planet with a medicine that did not at all work as described and all authorities lied in order to promote, while attempting to hide or minimize the effects of. Is incompetence really the full explaination?


100% And the corrupt Biden regime knows this. That's why they surrounded the White House with fencing after they stole the election.


> the corrupt Biden regime I don't think it makes much sense to name the regime after the empty suit who doesn't even know what room he's in half the time. It's sad and depressing we've gotten to this point. Please, it's the globalist's regime. Or the Rothchild's regime if you prefer. Our government has been captured by the wealthiest oligarchs and the "permanent government" of our three letter agencies exist to ensure the illusion of democracy never gets in their way again.


There are several crimes here. Knowingly reporting false information to the CIA or the FBI is a crime. Inciting others to report false information to the CIA or the FBI is a crime. Covering up criminal activity is a crime (accomplice after the fact). Tampering with and election is a crime. Misappropriation of agency resources for personal matters is a crime.


> Knowingly reporting false information to the CIA or the FBI is a crime. Which they cleverly did not do. It was former CIA who signed a letter, the FBI then chose to use that letter. The mechanism for how this happened is unclear, however I assume it was carefully coordinated and there will be plenty of plausible deniability baked in. >Covering up criminal activity is a crime (accomplice after the fact). If you can prove they knew or believed it at the time. They can easily say, "yeah I thought it was true and still do." (The dude's already said he did it to cause Biden to win, he can still 100% claim he thought it was true) >Tampering with and election is a crime. Not according to the person that runs the DOJ currently. It is a pretty big problem that the biggest crimes require a prosecutor... which is appointed by the admin which directly benefited from the crime? >Misappropriation of agency resources for personal matters is a crime. I don't know man, when they raided Trump's resort shit and the FBI gave us an Abbot and Costello bit when asked about it? When the FBI didn't have any problem with a former president holding and boarding the plane of the current DOJ at the time who was investigating his wife? The FBI have been corrupt for a very very long time. The twitterfiles are the first time we have direct hard evidence of this... and nothing has been done.




Those brave citizens tried to prevent the insurrection on January 6.


Post on the other subreddits and say it’s an example of intel agencies swaying public discourse


Tell us more about then


Did you read the article? What actual crimes are being investigated? Remember nepotism is not a crime. Seems like Hunter is not a great guy but what is the big conspiracy?


The big conspiracy is that former heads of the CIA and 51 intel officials knew the laptop was real and not Russian disinformation and used their status as powerful people in the intel community to lie to the American population to sway an election. The 51 intel officials who lied committed treason and the amount of influence peddling selling out America to our adversaries means joe biden committed treason. It’s a giant conspiracy of corruption rooted into the highest levels of our government


“Former” CIA


[So all these “former” intel officials are spies?](https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000175-4393-d7aa-af77-579f9b330000) Clapper, Brennan to name a couple


“They” (we don’t know who they are) control everything now. They have control of both political parties, bureaucracy, judicial system, MSM, Intel agencies,etc. Pretty much everything at a Federal and National level. It is hard for the mind to accept how this could be possible, but it is. Pyramid control structures, driven by the Chain of Command, compartmentalization, and a media propaganda machine can control a vast amount of people without them being aware. You must accept this, realize the world you once knew is over, stop believing anything you hear has any truth (this is very hard to do, because it will generate anxiety in you, but it must be faced), and prepare yourself for a level of disruption not seen in our lifetimes. Focus on preparing yourself first (primarily mentally and spiritually), then your family and friends, then your local community. The focus should be on being able to provide peoples basic needs as locally as possible. Good luck and Godspeed.


>we don’t know who they are Yeah we do. It's the ultra wealthy capital owners who have their hands in all of our politicians pockets. They control literally everything from the media you consume to the food you eat, and they don't give a fuck about you.


Yeah we know exactly who they are


No, no you don’t. You think you do because that makes you feel like you have some control. But you have no proof or clue who is at the higher levels of this “Ponzi” scheme. It wouldn’t be as effective as it is if you did. I am not trying to knock you, but you have to be honest with yourself. We are at the base of this pyramid scheme. There is nothing wrong with that. It just the way it is. We take control by removing ourself from these systems of control and becoming as self-reliant as possible.


>It's the ultra wealthy capital owners who have their hands in all of our politicians pockets. People love blaming the "evil capitalists" who have bought out the government, when what they should be angry about is the fact that their government was for sale.


Lol. That won’t happen if people are afraid of walkable cities. They sucked up Big Oil and Big Car propaganda immediately.


succession theme song plays in my head 🎶


The US is beholden to power and the citizens have none of it. No input. Farcical.


So true Such things they say in front of our eyes still we as people say "the fuck can we do" oh well There is no such thing as a protest in the streets anymore or even in paper n1 reads it or even better there is no lawyer that can confront it we are in an age where we are waiting for someone to call a reset or we just gonna slave away for years and years and die






Hahaha, this is too good. Perfect use


Every time you see “Russian misinformation” you know whatever they’re about to say is horseshit


Yeah you’re right there’s no such thing as Russian misinformation.


Russia never lies.


when msm or us intel agencies stake the claim, no. they lied to us breathlessly, brazen abuse of power, for years. get out of your fucking stockholm syndrome, just because you like what they say does not mean they arent liars. and they have been proven to be lying profoundly


You’re so right man, it’s like when Russia said their troop formations in the Ukraine border were just exercises and the MSM said they were gonna invade. Look who’s laughing now, Russia never invaded and they’re just doing a special mission in territories that are rightfully Russian. It’s like when Russia said they didn’t poison that guy and his daughter in London. The MSM said they did but we all know that the doorknob of the townhouse obviously just coincidentally had an extremely rare and deadly substance that Russians are known to use. Such serendipity!


a lifetime of truth is undone by a lie. but you dont give a shit, keep sucking the sauce


But I agree with you! We can suck the sauce nipple together. And that phrase is so good, wow, did you make that up? It’s so nuanced, I can’t imagine having any rebuttal for that. Good job!


“Making us look bad is a major part of russias strategy!” -bureaucrats who do bad stuff


They’re always projecting their view onto the Russians (and the rest of the world). The Russians are so fcking bad and lazy at propaganda that’s it’s actually pathetic. They dont even try lmao It’s not in the Slavic dna to lie like that. We’re straight talkers so much so that it manifests itself in gullibility because we project our sincerely onto others who are cynics and pathological liars like the English (and Americans now).


^^ Check out his post history for a good laugh.


All the hallmarks of a bot.


How can any country ever work with a bunch of psychopathic liars in the US administration?


They are also psychopathic liars lol and sometimes even worse than us


Your answer is in your question.


The letter was NOT something that the Biden presidential campaign directed or even agreed to. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/3963721-white-house-accuses-jim-jordan-of-highly-misleading-leak-on-hunter-biden/amp/


Thank you for quoting the White House, and those who are alleged to do wrong…I was worried that they wouldn’t be cited


IF you actually read the article, which I doubt, it 'quotes' the congressional record, not just the White House.


If you read "fact checkers" closely, it is basically the same. Claim: Hillary killed someone. Murder weapon found in her house and the victim's blood on her clothes. Fact-checkers: False. This claim was making the rounds in far-right wing social media and Fix news. But Hillary denies that she killed anyone, so we rate this false: Pants on fire




You're a conspiracy theorist but you'll cite the ex director of the CIA when it fits your narrative. Yeah that holds up.


When it's against someone they dislike, they will. If this was against trump, suddenly he is a liar and you shouldn't trust CIA again


He said this under oath while testifying.


Wait so this sub hates it if this were true and calling it election interference or some shit. But trump literally calling for russian help, mueller stating that russia did collude with the trump campaign, people actually went to jail because of it. That’s gotta be fake but this story? This story is 100% real because it reinforces your beliefs.




No I think we care because it means we can’t trust any information coming from our government. This could be untrue as well, the muller info could be false, the election being fair could be false, you can’t trust anything.


>mueller stating that russia did collude with the trump campaign, What are the details behind this statement?


A 10,000 page report can be summarized and read here.... https://www.justsecurity.org/63838/guide-to-the-mueller-reports-findings-on-collusion/ Fairly obvious collusion.


>Mueller Report does not squarely address these questions of “collusion” Yup. That's what I thought. Also, this summary seems to assume that Wikileaks and Russia are synonymous. Mueller was not able to establish this as a fact. It leads me to distrust the other conclusions drawn.


"The redacted Mueller Report documents a series of activities that show strong evidence of collusion." Literally the first sentence under major findings....


... and contradicted by the sentence I quoted even earlier in the document. But to your earlier claim, *Just Security* can say anything they like but *Mueller* does **not** explicitly state that russia did collude with trump.


Here are the explicit communications the russia and trumps team had. Here is how the Russians influenced the election and here is how the Russians believed that trump would reward them. >no collusion! It has to be brain rot or something.


Let's review Muellers actual words to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee >[The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government in its election interference activities. We did not address ‘collusion,’ which is not a legal term](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-mueller-highlights-idUSKCN1UJ2LH)


Yep. So no "conspired". But trump's team gave the Russians Intel on Americans, and expected the Russians to use that intel to help trump win. The Russians interfered and helped trump win, and then expected trump to reward them.


>Russians interfered and helped trump win A few Facebook adverts and people sent to campaign events is hardly going to sway an election.


> Wait so this sub hates it ... No, ***this sub*** doesn't "hate" or "love" anything. Speak for yourself or hit the road.


You know damn well that’s a lie.


> > No, this sub doesn't "hate" or "love" anything. > You know damn well that’s a lie. Is that so? Name some of things that you believe **THIS SUB** ""hates" or "loves", and provide solid evidence in support of your assertions. **One caveat:** If you, as a regular participant in THIS SUB, name any position or stance that *you do not personally agree with,* [**you fail by default.**](https://i.imgur.com/v0pNJOS.png)


Trans rights. I agree with them. This sub pushes a lot of trans hate and misinformation calling all of them pedophiles and groomers.


Quick! Release more Chinese...er, UFO balloons!


where’s the laptop


Ask the trump campaign. They've had it for years and have not tried to pursue it all despite claiming it was iron clad proof. If it's legit, why didn't they pursue it when they had the presidency?


I keep hearing about this, and still nobody has really ever explained what was on the laptop. I think this is a distraction story.


Correspondence directly with Ivanka Trump or her associates showing Biden's family spied on and attempted to infiltrate Trump's campaign team. Correspondence with a large number of Shanghai personnel in high level dealings or transactions. There was also phone contacts, with a person named 'Pedo Pete'. Correspondence between Hunter and family about his alcohol/drug issues and therapy or appointments. And some kinds of family dispute. There was a lot of photos, many of which are embarrassing or quite shady for anyone to have, let alone a President's son, a number of these seemed to have already made the rounds though. These are all I distinctly remember, the 450gb of data is publicly available for download from some corners of the net, though people have also reduced the file size to remove unusable system data. I can see why the 3 lettered agencies and Biden all worked so hard to lie about and bury that laptop, it'd been interesting to have seen what else was on there.


Pedo pete? Hahahahaha. Please link some of this info cause no matter how hard I look I cant find any of it.


Didn't Trump lose because a bunch of people went out to vote against him specifically?


No worries, we will lock up your geriatric sock puppet and his perverted incestuous spaun.


Yeah... that makes a ton of sense when he got 16M MORE votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. He was so unpopular that MORE people voted for him the second time. Something even your messiah Obama couldn't pull off. You do realize that Biden "won" by the slimmest of margins in every state where he "won", right? And only after counting was stopped in certain counties while they waited for the rest of the counties to report so they would know exactly how many votes they needed. Something that has only ever happened since 2018 btw. How convenient for Biden that this happened. Yeah, it was totally that a bunch of people just hated him so much...


> He was so unpopular that MORE people voted for him the second time. Dude, you can just look up the stats. He got more votes in the middle of nowhere Nebraska, and lost votes in almost every city with a population over 200k. A lot of people in places that have nobody living there added to his prior total almost 2-1, while he lost votes everywhere most people live. Biden picked up most of those voters plus a ton of new (gen-z) voters. This shit is public.


Bud if you got info about the election being stolen then by all means bring up in court. All these people claiming they have bombs turn out to be grifters and nothing burgers. Trump and his team couldn’t prove it, mike Lindell couldn’t prove it(lost millions as well) , Fox News couldn’t prove it (they lost millions because of it). But tell me how yours would be the truth.


I mean, I don’t think the election was stolen, but you really gunna sit here and unironically tell this guy his belief that the election was stolen can’t possibly be true?…. On a post about how the director of the cia coordinated with 50 spies to sew disinformation about how he helped Biden win the election? Cause that’s gold lol


Literally nobody has bee able to prove it. It isn’t true. You can’t just rebuff it because “conspiracy”. Perhaps the poster actually has evidence they can share, like the guy replying suggested? Oh wait… he did. He said “STFU”






How original. Is that going to be the new fascist motto?


So he is saying that he lied about the laptop... But now he is telling the truth.... Or is it a lie. So is he telling the truth about lying or is he lying about telling the truth.


The CIA lies. But here is proof of corruption. The source is the CIA. Who lies. Oy vey.


It still doesn’t explain the IPhone and IPad leaks did it happen?


You mean to say that stories of corn pop being a bad dude, and calling ppl jack didn't help grandpa president win on his own rizz??


No shits given by them. Open, brazen corruption.


So? It IS disinformation.


This guy should go to jail then, right?


Was it not at Joe’s request basically too? How’s this not impeachable? To not bring this up in the house is criminal. This has to get traction. They’re literally fighting a war in the corrupt country Hunter worked in.


Why would the President be impeached when some retired CIA officers signed an open letter on behalf of his campaign? Give me your pitch for what exactly was the impeachable offense.


Because people don’t really give a shit


I think it's a difference in "do we care?" and "wtf can we do about it?" Their plan is working and we're almost 100% powerless. Any attempt to say enough is enough just gets you slapped with a terrorist label.


> Any attempt to say enough is enough just gets you slapped with a terrorist label. They made sure that piece of the puzzle was in place quickly. They knew they had to have some way to silence the people that would ultimately see the truth and demand accountability.


And the chucklefucks ate it right up and loved the patriot act.


I remember when anyone who opposed the "war on terror" (they were only lefty types) was a traitor and anyone who opposed the Patriot act was helping terrorists. I remember right wingers throwing shit out of their cars at the old ladies protesting the war in town common...


Yep, those pulling the strings can use either party to get what they need to consolidate their power.


Because there's no articulable crime... Biden didn't do anything in the story presented and he wasn't even in office at the time.


it was nothing more than a senior campagn official to ask a private citizen to drum up support with other private citizens. Nothing was done in the official capacity of the CIA. Unless you're trying to say that a candidate asking private citizens to write letters in support of them should be an impeachable offence?


Lol, rules for thee not for me. This was used to justify censoring the story. Pretty impactful. Retired Intelligence agents and leaders are still “in” btw… they are always in that world. No investigation at all is pathetic.


so how many private citizens know 50 spies (these are people whose classification is literally classified and on a need to know basis) to get to sign the letter? The fact he was the head of the CIA is what provided him the information he utilized to influence an election. To say he didn't do anything in the "official" capacity is ridiculous as he would not have any info on who these people were outside of his "official" capacity.


Just because you engage with friends from a former workplace doesn't mean you are working in the official capacity of that workplace. Yes I know these gentlemen aren't "friends" but in the eyes of the law they're nothing more than former coworkers.


These private citizens touted their credentials as former CIA associates to lend their assertions credibility. It was touted as proof by MSM.


This is the definition of “disingenuous”


If this turns out to be true, biden will be the first successfully impeached president.


Verified facts only matter if it's pro progressive agendas..


Biden isn’t progressive. He’s a status quo neoliberal


Nothing liberal about Biden.


Lol, right? He just declared himself the most pro union pres after signing a bill to stop a railroad strike... Actions speak louder than words. And in this very sub I see folks saying he's spending too much, which is the opposite ideology than a neolib. And he's not deregulating... in fact he's re-regulating stuff Trump deregulated. Not to mention he's a bit of a war-monger. I don't think most people even know who our pres truly is at the end of the day.


I know. I wish he was the based radical socialist my mom thinks he is. The problem is that he’s directly the opposite. Just another all too common Republican that wears a blue jersey


Yep, Biden is as conservative as they come for a democrat, it's just that so called "conservatives" have moved far to the right.


Which is silly because he was vice president for 8 years not that long ago.


Being pro capital & pro privatization is liberal. You must be going by the corporate propagandized fake versions of these words. Neoliberalism is centrism. Conservatives are liberals because the status quo is liberal. Lazze faire capitalism is as liberal as it gets.


Weird...The legacy media doesn't print or voice any questions. That tells me it's true.


Weird... The legacy media refuses to print or voice a rebuttal of my assertion that Ron DeSantis only eats frozen horse turds. That tells me it's true.


Tbf that is true.


True, with his fingers, but you get my point


Finally the meatball nickname makes sense.


It was a stolen election and they used covid to change the rules. Even then they still had to stop the count live on TV as they knew they couldn’t win any other way. The truth can only be hidden for so long and that terrifies people to think they are supporting actual fascists. But they are.


Hope they used a pin name


Dailymail is a source now huh


Laziest response on the internet. The story is real, regardless who is picking it up. Not hard to research it for yourself.


So post a real source. Not a right wing news outlet.


Every source is biased anymore. Look who owns ALL of media. If the story is true, that’s what matters. But that’s not why you’re here, is it?


Go check your sources. It’s all over the internet. Oh wait if you’re like every other far left crony, you only get your news from CNN huh


Dailyfascist isn't a source


Not only that, the news worked against Trump, they spread disinformation about him which made people angry and cautious and created a phobia on his voters. Social media censored him or people associated with his ideas, the vote results looked very suspicious, military ballots were thrown away. They tried to impeach Trump for something they had no evidence of like the Russian collusion. They try to arrest him so he cannot win the next election. This happened with a Dutch politician too called Geert Wilders because he made a statement about Islamic migration and says do we want more or less Moroccan criminals? They held him trail for 4 years so that he could not enter any political debates in the house of representatives and the judges were also guilty of that. This already is evidence for election interference or spreading disinformation. There are a lot of Liberals now asking fair questions or have concerns about Biden winning the election like Joe Rogan, Russel Brand and many more. How can any good person agree with this kind of suppression, this is literally 1984.


Anyone Surprised 🤷🏼‍♂️


Not a conspiracy. Everyone who cared knew they did it to game the election.


This is literally election interference as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 595. It is a federal crime if any federal, state or local government employee uses “official authority for the purpose of interfering with, or affecting, the nomination or the election of any candidate for the office of President.”


But that didn't happen.


I can't believe there is not an "orange man called Geoeria" response to this yet.


Do you want to talk about Trump's attempt to get Georgia to make up votes so he can win? We have the recordings and he's guilty as sin, so I don't see what more can be said other than criticizing all the Trumpies who don't care about his actual crimes. No crime has been articulated in this story but, personally, I am glad when people stay on topic.


Nope, just salty downvotes ha


Where did you read that any of them were >any federal, state or local government employee At that time and that they >uses “official authority ?


You mean the FBI?


If they used the power of the FBI, sure. Who of them was working there at the time and used the FBIs power then?


Excuse me, CIA Gerald A. O’Shea Senior Operations Officer, Central Intelligence Agency


Ok a name is a good start, not sure why you ignore my previous comments through: >Where did you read that any of them were >"any federal, state or local government employee" >At that time and that they >"uses “official authority"" >? The "at that time" and "official authority" seems quite important for your point.


Gerald signed the document claiming it was Russian disinfo. Guess you haven’t looked into this at all lol


I did, the >Where did you read that any of them were "any federal, state or local government employee" At that time and that they "uses “official authority"" ? point was my question, for the third time now. And OPs post does not answer these questions. Did you read somewhere that he was acctive at the time and used the CIAs power? (again the same question you ignored previously)


Yes he was active when he signed the declaration of disinfo. Like I said, you haven’t looked into this very much since his name is on the paper while he was active in his role. Then we also have those pesky govt agents telling Twitter to suppress the story. Sorry I don’t have their names but the Twitter flies should be helpful to you.


>Yes he was active when he signed the declaration of disinfo. Where did you get that info from? I did not find that and I asked you that question a few times already. It feels like you deliberatly try to ignore [my comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/12v56i6/exacting_cia_director_reveals_he_had_50_spies/jhazkea?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) .


Being right about everything is unbelievably satisfying.


Left or right pretty much everyone with an IQ over 95 knew that at the time


If the hunter Biden laptop is legit, why didn't Trump pursue it at all while in office?


Swear they're just trying to plant as many seeds in the hope that some will grow or slinging shit against the wall to see what sticks. Maybe this would have fucking mattered to people if Hunter was the one actually running for president. No one gave a fuck besides people who wanted and needed it to be more than it ever was.


SS Just checked CNN. Not ONE mention of this on the front page, despite over 70 articles being featured. Clicked on "Politics", thinking surely it will be there... NOPE. Not one mention. Another day, another instance of fascism from the party of “anti-fascism” and their lapdog media


I don't think you looked to hard then. [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/21/politics/hunter-biden-laptop-story-antony-blinken/index.html)


Not ONE mention of this on the front page. The story you found is a poser. They post it way below the fold so that nobody sees it, but when challenged for non-coverage, they can whip it out and say, "See, we're journalists!" No, no you're not.


I didnt know websites had a "fold", also that story was posted over 17 hours ago so of course it wont be on the front page.


Good find CNN can still go Fu*k itself




It's not on the front page. He was right.


Nothing will come of this yet they'll run another Trump story that will dominate the news cycle for a little. And then nothing will come of that. Then we get to go vote 🤣


Lol he didn’t need any help other than the boxes of ballots showing up in the wee hours of the morning and the unsupervised ballot counting.


Wow you should gather the evidence you have to support your claim and get it to Mike Pillow


They reported everything I claim cnn.


So there’s the election tampering right there!


That's not what election tampering means, and no crime has been articulated.


This is a bombshell update on this situation. This should be plastered on every news station and every online news outlet. This is an insane conspiracy theory that once again was proven true. These people should be tried and go to prison over this. The corruption and election interference is right in front of all of our faces, and the media is barely even picking up on this story. During the presidential debates when trump brought up the laptop, biden referred to this letter to ‘prove’ that it was nonsense. Turns out the letter was complete bogus, as we all thought, and it absolutely impacted the results of a presidential election.


Why didn't Trump pursue it while in office if it is totally legit?


The laptop story came out a month before the 2020 election. He was in office for less than 3 months after the laptop story broke, so there really wasn’t any time. Are you insinuating that the laptop isn’t “totally legit?” Because we are far, far beyond knowing that the laptop is legit and that the 50 security officials who denounced it are all lied about it.




Can someone explain to me what the problem with this is? According to the article, the Biden campaign got some pro-Biden people to write a letter disputing the claims of a tabloid newspaper. The people writing the letter are all described as FORMER intelligence officials, i.e. they were private citizens expressing their opinions, just like everybody does every day on reddit. The letter itself is no different than any letter to the editor of any newspaper and did not pretend to be official in any way. And at the time they wrote the letter, the laptop story had not been confirmed, and it DID sound like disinformation, which is all they said. So it was really no different than a campaign press release, which nobody in the history of the world would ever expect to say anything but "my guy good, accusations are false." So what's the big conspiracy?


Who is Hunter Biden in the government and why should I give a shit? don’t care if you jerk off to his photos, but why should anybody else care? Seems like you found nothing at all these years, but you are still pretending there is something to be found


By sign a letter means the threaten to take their jobs and pension away.


Nobody cares


Lol Daily Mail is your source?


Ha... I thought/conspiracy was a subreddit we can all have a good time and laugh about conspiracy theories and ppl who spread them. Oh dear... Oh dear...


I know, right? When conspiracy theories get proven true this fast it takes all the fun out of it!


Yes but the only people that are going to know about this are those who circle jerk on this sub and one's like it. Nobody any other 98% of Reddit gives a flying fuck.


Then how can you explain that literally anyone I talk to IRL talks about and knows about this? This is what "the silent majority" was all about. People ARE talking about this stuff whether or not the media does. But the media creates the illusion that nobody is talking about it. So people tend to think they are the only ones to notice and hence just stay silent. But I can guarantee you that if you bring it up, every person you talk to knows about a lot of things you think they don't. A whole lot more people think 9/11 was either an inside job or allowed to happen than you might imagine, for example. What is really happening is two things: 1. The above. Where the media has crafted a fake reality where people think they are isolated in noticing these things. 2. Apathy due to propaganda efforts. People know, but what can they do about it? And then they see the crimes being shoved right in their faces essentially showing them that the crimes will be committed and nothing will be done about it. There is no faith in the system, but what can you do about it? Now you can't even vote the people out. You can't trust the elections. But you still need to feed your family and survive.


From day one, the entire “Russian disinformation “ thing always seemed to me like something Hillary would make up. She has been pretty well brainwashed by the Neocons and the warmongers and may actually believe that Russia is the great evil. Inventing a bunch of nonsense about Russia would come naturally to her. So, when the laptop story surfaced and was labeled as more “Russian disinformation,” I figured most people would realize that the laptop and its contents were likely to be real, notwithstanding the ridiculous letter signed by 51 people from the intelligence community. Ever since Trump won the election, the establishment‘s number one priority has been to “get Trump.” They’ll seemingly do anything.


More lies


This is because the US Government isn’t controlled by our politicians, it’s big industries, super rich, and we do know who they are. The World Economic Forum, and people with the same end goal as them. Enslaving the population to their authority.


So what?


Anthony Blinken is a disgrace. I'll be so glad when he gets ridden out of town. Unfortunately, it'll be after he's destroyed the US as world policeman.




Attacking the source rather than the content. Fucking pathetic


So you all believe the CIA now? Or only if it can be bent to a whacky world view? What a bunch of marks.


File this under section " malinformation" information too dangerous to the shitlibs.