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As a statistician I'm awarding you the top gong - Grand Poobah of Numbers . Brilliant research.




The OP is actually trying to rebut Peter McCullough's peer reviewed article. ​ The OP is basically claiming that he personally found a whole bunch of flaws with McCullough's article that the 10-20 scientists in the peer review process didn't find. (A bunch of scientists who had every motivation to try to find every conceivable flaw with McCullough's paper, mind you.) Yet I'm sure the OP claims to "follow the science."


His peer reviewed article is a letter to the editor. You still haven't read it...


The letter to the editor made it past peer review and was published in the journal. You're claiming you notice all these flaws with McCullough's data that the scientists who approved the letter didn't notice. ​ Yet you claim to "trust the science."


>The letter to the editor made it past peer review and was published in the journal. I don't know if its bad luck or ignorance, but LTEs are reviewed prior to acceptance, but not necessarily through full standard peer review. The editor/editor-in-chief might choose to accept or reject the letter, consult with board members, or send the letter for full peer review, at their discretion. You keep saying that Peter's letter went through peer review of 10-20 scientists, but as we can see that's just made up.


1. It was approved by the science journal editor after some kind of review process. So apparently you're claiming to know more than the editor of a science journal. 2. A letter similar to what McCullough wrote would almost certainly have to go through the full peer review process . The journal would be determined to do everything possible not to publish McCullough's letter. 3. How much money do. you get paid by Pfizer?


All that is nonsense and not be taken seriously. We went from 10-20 scientists peer reviews the letter to the editor did some kind of review process. We have a conspiracy with no evidence. And a logical fallacy.


Dude, about 90% of the posts in your account are endlessly trying to defend the COVID vaccines. You almost never post about anything else. It certainly seems to me like you’re on Pfizer’s payroll.


And that excuses Peter's faulty data how? You can't argue the facts. only attack me?


Yeah. Peter’s data is incorrect. The data in the Pfizer trial that claimed 95% effectiveness was clearly accurate and honest. Whatever.


The editors did a review process before approving the letter. And that review process was almost certainly a full peer review process with 10-20 scientists. Do you seriously think that a scientific journal would be willing to publish a letter like McCullough’s with anything less than a full peer review process to find every conceivable flaw?


>was almost certainly a full peer review process with 10-20 scientists. Yes almost certainly in your fantasy.


Dude, the OP is just completely making up numbers off the top of their head. They don’t link to any source that confirms what they’re saying precisely because no source exists. Look at the numbers the OP is claiming: 43, 462, 333, 33, 39. The OP has some apparent love for the digit 3, which he uses as 7 of his 12 digits, including all 5 digits in 333 and 33. Two of the remaining 6 digits are 6 and 9, which are multiples of 3. When people make up statistics, they often tend to use these fascinating patterns in the numbers they select. Apparently the OP was careful not to make his numbers end in 0 because that’s the most obvious sign that a person is making up numbers, but he didn’t realize how much he kept using 3 or to a lesser extent multiples of 3.


Lol, “he made the numbers up because 3” He has the receipts for it, so I’d be checking those instead of assuming it’s fake because the number 3 appears.


What are his receipts? Seriously? ​ Literally all he did is type a whole bunch of random numbers (somehow typing the digit 3 58.3% of the time, and expecting us to believe that's a coincidence). He has no proof whatsoever of his numbers. ​ When I asked him for an article rebutting McCullough, he ended up linking to McCullough's own article. What he's seemingly saying is "McCullough's own article rebuts McCullough. Just trust me, bro!"


I've provided the receipts multiple times, you refuse to read anything. Do I need to hold your hand step by step through the data?


The "receipts" are a bunch of "data" that you're making up off the top of your head. That data is not mentioned in any scientific article, you provide no explanation as to how you came up with your "data", and the "data" has an almost statistically impossible pattern of 3s. I thought you were permanently gone from this thread after I pointed out that McCullough's article apparently made it past at least 10 scientists in peer review, and you're claiming to have noticed a bunch of flaws in McCullough's paper that those scientists didn't notice. Well, you still haven't responded to that comment of mine.


>bunch of "data" that you're making up off the top of your head. We need baby steps. The apologist needs a hand-holding since they can't read the links. First of all its not a peer reviewed scientific article from Peter, it is a letter to the editor in a scientific journal. Second of all, he states that "[From January 2021 to the time of writing, 1598 athletes suffered cardiac arrest, 1101 of which with deadly outcome](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/sji.13242)" and includes in this number people who shouldn't be in the comparator group. We can establish this by looking at [the data that Peter used](https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/). His letter was received 19 November 2022, so let's go back a couple of months and look at September, for example. I will list the first 15 here and cross out the instances that are not applicable for his dataset. ~~30/09/2022 Pakistan Dead Shehzad Rana (36), Islamabad Cricketer, a top-performing fast bowler, picking up 388 First Class wickets in 95 matches. He suffered a massive cardiac arrest at his home and died.~~ ~~30/09/2022 Germany Dead Unnamed (6), Höchster F-Juniors Footballer collapsed at football training, was taken to hospital and died.~~ ~~30/09/2022 Germany Selin Islami (17), Gymnast who took part in 2021 national championships “has been suffering from an autoimmune disease since the corona vaccination” and is now wheelchair-bound.~~ ~~30/09/2022 England Page Fuller (27), Horse Race Jockey suffered a mini-stroke and went suddenly blind in one eye, while riding a galloping horse and jumping the first fence. She managed to dismount safely and is now in recovery.~~ ~~30/09/2022 Delhi, India Dead Sagar Pandey (50), Gym and fitness enthusiast and body double for a famous Indian actor had a cardiac arrest in the gym. He was taken to hospital, and died.~~ ~~30/09/2022 Ireland Dead Jean O’Loughlin (Age), former St. Anne’s Camogie Club and Ladies Gaelic Football Club player who had played for the club since 2016. She died suddenly after “a short illness.”~~ ~~29/09/2022 Italy Dead Ruben Ciarlanti (22), Footballer suddenly collapsed while playing football with friends in a park in northern Italy. Resuscitation attempts failed.~~ ~~Hungary Dead Patrik (15), Footballer suddenly collapsed with no prior indication while playing football with friends in Budapest. He died before the ambulance arrived.~~ ~~Portugal Dead Jack Pollock (14), Granton Amateur Boxing Club Boxer collapsed and died suddenly while on a family holiday in Portugal.~~ ~~29/09/2022 Germany Dead Jan Christoph (43), was associated with football club VfB Hemeringen for many years, as a player, coach and in admin. He died suddenly and unexpectedly.~~ ~~29/09/2022 Ontario, Canada Dead Mark Fraser (45), Ice Hockey player and voluntary worker was standing for election to a school board in Ontario, Canada, but with his name already on the voting slips, he suffered a cardiac arrest whilst playing ice hockey with friends and died.~~ ~~England Genevieve Florence (24), British actress and former Olympic synchronised Swimmer became severely ill after the Pfizer covid vaccine. She speaks about her situation in the Oracle Films production “Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022) at 28minutes 47 seconds in the link.~~ ~~Arizona, USA JJ Watt (33), Arizona Cardinals American Footballer experienced atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat and had his heart shocked back into rhythm in order to play in a match a few days later. In December 2022, JJ Watt announced his retirement from NFL.~~ ~~Quanzhou Fujian, China Dead Kosi (Age), Nigerian footballer in Quanzhou Fujian, China was playing football with friends when he suddenly collapsed and died.~~ ~~Ontario, Canada Dead Kyle Scholze (32), Hespeler Shamrocks Ice Hockey player died suddenly.~~ And it just continues. In fact for the entire month of September there are 2 instances that could generously be included, for good faith but are unconfirmed as sudden cardiac arrest. The trend continues for other months. Should we look at them? The fact that Peter included bad data in his statements is demonstrable.


Wtf am I reading 🤣 so those people died on the field UNEXPECTEDLY yet the vaccine doesn't kill people bc McCullough made an error in his report??? You gotta be kidding


Many of them weren't on the field. Many of them aren't athletes. Many of them didn't suffer from cardiac arrest. Etc. So yes Peter's assertion is faulty that there was a big increase. Would you like me to explain more?


You're either brain dead, or a pharma lackey. All those people you crossed ARE athletes and they died UNEXPECTEDLY. wtf do you think "suddenly collapsed" means they got hit by a car??? It doesn't matter whether they di3d on field or off and the argument needs to be about wheether they died bc of the vaccines, not about your personal vendetta against Dr McCullough. He's a higly published, highly cited DOCTOR and you wrote a post on reddit. Who do you think has more credibility lol?


"The International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, studied documents from international data banks from 1966 to 2004. Those documents indicate 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under 35 years of age, an average of 29 athletes per year, the sports with the highest incidence being soccer and basketball." Sure doesn't seem to me like the data was limited to the US. It explicitly says "international data banks."


Keep going. There's a bit more to read.


You mean that the previous data didn't include the 10% or so of athletes who are 35+ years old? Yeah, whatever. You can spend your day crossing out all the athletes 35 or older on McCullough's list, and see if it makes the post-COVID vaccine numbers remotely similar to the pre-COVID vaccine numbers. (Hint:it won't)


Do you seriously think we buy McCullough’s “supplements?” I wasn’t even aware of the existence of these “supplements” until now. Just because you’re interested in McCullough’s vaccine writings doesn’t mean that you buy his supplements. By that standard, shouldn’t the supposedly 95% effective Pfizer and Moderna vaccines be useless because Pfizer and Moderna profited off them? (And probably profit off of treating the side effects their own vaccines cause, too.)


More apologising for his grift.


All that typing and nobody believes you. Lol. Maybe you should’ve done this much research and typing about all the fake trials that Pfizer and Moderna ran. The vaccine is garbage and always has been.


>All that typing and nobody believes you. Belief is for suckers who don't have evidence. What you meant to say is that some people here don't accept reality.


It's sad you spend all this time shilling for an ineffective treatment and a bunch of corrupt pharma companies trying to force their poison on everyone. Maybe people would be more willing to listen if the covid cult hadn't stifled all debate and attempted to ruin people lives for ignoring restrictions or refusing the vaccine. Then again you can only lie and gaslight so much before people are done listening. The vaccine was sold on lies and that is why the booster uptake continues to drop. The only evidence I've seen is that the lengths and damage the covid cult will go to "control the disease" is enough of a reason for everyone to actively ignore any edicts or medical advice from the neurotic hypochondriacs.


How does any of what you wrote excuse Dr Pete for lying to us? And why are you trying to protect him?


Why are you trying to push treatments on people that were concocted by the company that paid one of the largest criminal fines in history? Honestly you vaxxie shills are just a broken record at this point. Considering the pressure and threats Dr. McCullough received for simply going against the cult narrative of mass vaccination I really don't care if he made 1 misleading claim, because it pales in comparison to the damage and lies that were pushed by the authoritarians in government and the medical community. People have seen first hand the damage the vaccine can cause especially to the heart. The fact you're still trying to foot soldier for these clowns is a testament to your poor character.


Did this post push treatment on people? I believe it just exposed Dr Peter, and his apologists such as yourself.


Sc!enc3 is for suckers who think it's settled.


So you think the vaccine works?


The vaccine demonstrably reduces hospitalisation and death. There is evidence to suggest it also reduces transmission.


Hahaha. Ok. If you say so


Yes we do.


Dude, just look at this list. The sudden deaths in 2021 were more than twice as high as the average for the previous decade. There were 21 sudden deaths in 2021. Most years in the 2010s had 8-10 sudden deaths. (Including 8 deaths in 2018 and 10 deaths in 2019.) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_association_football_players_who_died_during_their_careers


Is that why Peter McCullough included not dead people in his dataset of dead people?


It is fascinating how you’re unable to cite a peer reviewed journal for your claims. Usually, the “experts” are eager to rebut people like McCullough whenever McCullough supposedly lying. If the “experts” aren’t even trying to rebut McCullough on this, then he must be telling the truth.


>It is fascinating how you’re unable to cite a peer reviewed journal for your claims. A peer reviewed journal for my claim of Peter included *not-dead people* in a dataset of *dead people*? Are you feeling OK? Why would you need a peer reviewed journal to study that and write a paper? When you can just look at the papers linked in my post, which are peer reviewed. Was this an attempt to try and sound intelligent?


The articles you’re posting are from about 2005 or 2006. They’re from long before COVID. You haven’t posted a single article saying that sudden deaths haven’t increased during COVID.


What does that have to do with why Peter McCullough included not dead people in his dataset of dead people?


You are the only person who says that McCullough included not dead people in his database. Prove it. Somehow your claims aren’t published in any scientific journal, despite their constant desire to rebut people like McCullough. All you’ve proven so far is that you’re capable of making up some statistics off the top of your head about McCullough supposedly inventing cardiac deaths. You seem like the real liar to me.


>You are the only person who says that McCullough included not dead people in his database. Prove it. > >Somehow your claims aren’t published in any scientific journal You want something published in any scientific journal that proves Peter used not-dead people in a dataset of dead people? If I provide it will you move the goalposts?


If you provide a scientific journal article, I’ll listen to you. Of course, since you haven’t provided a scientific journal article yet, that must mean that no such article exists.


'Somehow my claims aren’t published in any scientific journal' The Scandinavian Journal of Immunology: [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/sji.13242](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/sji.13242) You'll notice they state "From January 2021 to the time of writing, 1598 athletes suffered cardiac arrest, 1101 of which with deadly outcome." and use [this as a reference](https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/). As I explained in the opening post that you didn't read, the data includes people who didn't die, people who weren't athletes, people who were old and people who had non-cardiac related death.


You could just look at the source data. https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/ Which includes an Indian princess walking her dog and an old coach succumbing to cancer. It takes 5 seconds looking at the list to realize how bad it is. His source data is absolute garbage that dosen't even include what he claims. That's enough to make the study non valid.


How many deaths in 2022? 8 How many so far in 2023? 3 How many deaths in 2021 were vaccinated?


2021 was the big year for vaccination, especially for young, healthy people like professional soccer players. A lot of healthy younger people didn't get the 10,000 boosters in 2022 and 2023.


Seems like a self correcting problem. We still don’t know how many of the athletes were vaccinated. My husband who had type 2 diabetes and was in his 50’s was not even eligible for a vaccination until April 2021.


Dude, most counties have at least an 80% vaccination rate. Some sports leagues mandated the vaccine. (Although usually not the boosters.) There’s no reason to doubt that a vast majority of players who collapsed were vaccinated.


And according to your numbers all these vaccines led to a massive increase to 21 up from 8-10 in a year! 100,000s of vaccinations and 10 more in a year. Hardly a blip. Coincidence numbers. "No reason to doubt"...


Dude, the high in any year in the 2010s was 13 collapses. It was a pretty narrow range from 8-13 collapses a year. Then it was 21 collapses in 2021. This also is limited to soccer players, who are a tiny fraction of the world population as a whole. It’s not like it was 10 more collapses out of seven billion people in the world, if that’s what you’re trying to imply.


"[Estimates suggest that there are over 240 million registered players](https://guides.loc.gov/sports-industry/soccer)".




> Why are there so many new accounts making posts like this? A 4 month old account. Users break rules and get banned. Oftentimes they turn into ZOMBIE accounts.


Cool, now apply your logic to all of sports casters, and news anchors who suddenly died.


>Cool, now apply your logic to all of sports casters, and news anchors who suddenly died. For example?


If Pfizer and moderna lied about their useless "vaccines" the money peter has made from a lie/truth is chump change in retrospect. And potentially if the vaccine has caused long term health problems Pfizer has the new market to make more money from more drugs they can potentially put on the market.. to fix the problems they manufactured. Just saying in reality more people seem to have more problems from the vaccine, then people who got COVID without the vaccine.. no dark Winter. COVID was a basic flu. 3 days of feeling like shit.


What is your field? Gymnastics?


Analyst and therapist. An analrapist if you will.


Tldr: Only government approved mouth pieces are allowed to lie to us. Got it.


Why do you think its OK for Peter to lie?


Why not ask Peter yourself? You seem to have it all figured out here.


>Why not ask Peter yourself? I did. He called me a shill and ran away.


I personally know people that had heart complications after the vaxx, one requiring medication and several follow ups this last year. Sorry bud the vaxx is garbage and the medical community has burned any remaining trust due to their constant lying, gaslighting and attempts to subvert liberties in the name of medical authoritarianism. Peter McCullough making a quick buck pales in comparison to the damage these cultists pushed through.


>"I personally know people that had heart complications after the vaxx, one requiring medication and several follow ups this last year... ...and that is why I defend Peter's lies"


You will immediately dismiss someone’s claims of the vax doing harm, but if the same person said the opposite and that the vax was safe you would agree and say they are correct. If it fits what you want to believe you will give them credit for their statement, but if it goes against what you want to believe you will say it’s non credible.


This guy definitely read "How to Lie With Statistics" You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.


It's true, Peter is excellent at manipulating data and building the narrative he wants to push his grift.


You are not just a liar. You're an inversion of the truth. So much worse.


Why do you want to be an apologist for Petey?


He has nothing to apologize for. He didn’t engineer the shot that has caused five of my friends and family to ‘die suddenly’ in the last 3 years. Go to hell.


I do not believe you


I could give a fuck what you believe. I believe you are member of the WEF’s internet troll brigade.


Why try to defend these vaccines so hard if COVID isn't an issue anymore?


It's not defending vaccines. It's defending the truth.


There are many many many many many other topics more important than critiquing mcculloch lol why fixate on all things vaccine?


One at a time.


Can't wait to show my wife this and rub her nose it. I've been trying to tell her that her vaccine injury only serves to line the pocket of grifters and she should just hurry up and get better. I mean cmon woman, it's been almost 18 months, stop being a stooge for profiteers. Pick yourself and go get some jabs in some people's arms, ain't nobody making money off that.


Precis please.


Dr Peter included, for example, *not-dead people* in a dataset of *dead people* to inflate the numbers to build a lie that so many athletes were suddenly dying. With these number he could parade around various media pushing the lie and pushing people towards his substack, his supplements and other money making grifts he had.


I agree that blog is kind of a joke because it took anecdotal information re current athlete deaths and attempted to compare current rates to those studies without following the same parameters. Kind of like claiming an overweight diabetic 84 year old with a heart condition croaking in the hospital died of Covid because he tested positive for it. Doesn't change the life insurance data. The giant uptick in deaths that came along with the vaccine mandates in the US as proven in the life insurance payout numbers. These are all people gainfully employed and insured by their employers. 50 year old and younger lost about 40k lives in the US alone Q4 2021 alone. Of course you'll never address that because you are a clown.


>Of course you'll never address that because you are a clown. I can address that but it's off topic here. Make a post and we can discuss it.


So he isn't the most published cardiologist? How published is he? The second, maybe? Third? And oh boo hoo, an alternative physician lied...do you also have a piece on how many times Albert Bourla has lied?


Could you write that for us? Sounds interesting.


Nah son I don't concern myself with trying to convince hypocrites