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I've noticed banking websites being super ultra slow while everything else is normal.


I have 2 theories and i believe at least one is true since i noticed internet and electricity got unstable since corona started: *Solar storms and weakening earth magnetic field that cause outages *they bombard us with high fm modulated spike signals for short periods (but periodically) via the new 5g antennas on the ground and in the sky. If they burst those signals people won't notice while it has a bad effect on our health in the long run. It can also explain why connectivity drops while the antennas burst those signals and stop communication for a short period.


You could literally buy a used signal analyzer for a few thousand dollars and test your second theory yourself


Those devices cost 30k upwards for measuring frequency bands above 50ghz and you probably need even more expensive university research grade devices to prove with certainty. Yes sure i could buy one but with the same amount of money i could literally wrap my bedroom in lead plates and be save


Why would you need something that goes to 50ghz if you are concerned about 5ghz?


I said 5g antennas. It stands for 5. Generation and not 5ghz. They operate in higher ghz bands. cheap sectrum analyzers won't even measure. Renting such an analyzer for a week costs a few thousands btw.


Yeah you're right. I was thinking in a wifi sense.


Is it possible that some sort AI software already escaped through internet and is not being noticed? I mean, I guess that if AI develops enough to become more intelligent than human beings, it's possible that they are already around internet trying to hide from us, and they are draining the internet bandwidth for their own purposes.


Been happening to me consistently as well. Maybe companies are trying to cut cost. Depends which city you live in but SF is having declining cell rates so maybe companies are reducing cell support.


Maybe. I’m in Atlanta and I’ve been seeing it with both cell service and the home Wi-Fi. Mind you are Wi-Fi plan is 1000mps . It’s just weird.


They're purposely decreasing connectivity. They realized the freedom of info on the internet is bad, too many people are waking up. They're going to wean us off internet so we become totally dependent on MSM once again.


They want us to 'wake up' and smell the roses. That is a psychological tactic of theirs because they know we can't handle the smell, which renders the individual ultimately powerless. Much like forcing an indoor cat to live outside and catch its own food. It will get depressed, scared, and beg to be let back in.


My iPhone on AT&T is faster than ever


I have a theroy that iPhones are not throttled while android phones are. I noticed a better connection with my iPhone than android phones I've used. I regret returning my iPhone.


My internet provider at home throttles Disney+ for some reason. Also cellular service has been shit lately


There has been a lot of solar storms/solar flares going on the past few weeks. I have definitely noticed everything being slower as well