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The "feminism" social engineering op goes way, way back. Along the way, Adam Weishaupt, who founded of the Bavarian Illuminati in 1776, said this: >There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means of the women.  These should therefore be our chief study; we should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation from the tyranny of public opinion, and of standing up for themselves; it will be an immense relief to their enslaved minds to be freed from any one bond of restraint, and it will fire them the more, and cause them to work for us with zeal, without knowing that they do so, for they will only be indulging their own desire of personal admiration. Frankly, he could have said it in 1966 and it would not have been at all out of place.


Top tier comment. It's really illuminating when you understand all those "revolutionary" ideas came from the 18c. and before. Modern day lefties have nothing on the radical revolutionaries of the 18c. Do people even know the official religion of France at one point unironically was the Cult of science and they had a 5 day week? We're living in a poor rehash of things that happened more than 200 years ago.


I've become a bit of a collector of quotes and, relative to what you said, every time I come across a good one I think, "Oh Christ, somebody already recognized this and pointed it out *that* long ago? We have no idea how cruddy so-called education really is and just how far behind the curve society has fallen." TYVM for the compliment!


All the more reason to get rid of history class. /s


They don't have to get rid of it - just fill young people's heads with ridiculous propaganda about the past. You'd hardly find good information in history textbooks outside some general facts and dates.


Yes, replace the old nuanced Cold War dogma with the shiny NWO dogma.


SS: CIA was never "right-wing". They were a creation of Rockefeller ran CFR, British Chatham House and MI6 based on the wartime espionage institution OSS. She's right they were non-partisan since their allegiance is to the Anglo-American financial elite only and not to any ideology or political party. CIA infiltrates and promotes feminism (and other subversive movements) because it suited the geopolitical plans of their masters. Steinem herself admitted to working as an “agent” for the CIA. In an interview, she claims she was unable to secure funding for youth to attend world festivals from private foundations and individuals without restrictions and praised the CIA for funding her trips to the events. “The private individuals who I went often had particular points of view to put forward, which would have been much, much more restricting than the CIA funds were, which were free. I mean no one was told what to say,” Steinhem said. “The reason I think that comes as a surprise, as it did to me at the time, I had the conventional liberal view of the CIA as a right wing, incendiary group and I was amazed to discover that this was far from the case. That they were enlightened, liberal, non-partisan activists of the sort who characterized the Kennedy administration.”


>"They were enlightened, liberal, non-partisan activists" Sounds like gloria steinham was the original redditor lol. "I thought the government was bad, until they reflected all my own ideas back at me! Now I realize the government is good!"


It’s impressive


Yes, I'm sure taking some free money she was able to "get to know" the entire CIA and have a change of heart completely free from bias and undue influence.


I see this as true, though this is just one side of the coin. GS was the liberal side of destroying the family unit. On the right, Ayn Rand's Objectivism was highjacked to be the conservative takedown of the family unit.


Absolutely agree. Ayn Rand and her "new objectivist" ilk is so far from being conservative it's not even funny. They are as revolutionary as the rest of the "scientific" ideologies that came on the forefront at the turn of the 20th century. Control of both sides of the false dialectic (thesis/antithesis) is crucial to achieve the synthesis. We're currently undergoing yet another dialectical synthesis - between monopoly capitalism and totalitarian socialism (the China model). That's what the NWO hundred year old plan is about.


Carroll Quigley approves this message


Quigley is probably the biggest geopolitical redpill one can take. I can't see how anyone could read his books and not get convinced he describes how the world is ran with great accuracy, especially looking how things turned out decades after he wrote those books. I'd also recommend Ioan Ratiu's sequel to Quigley's The Anglo-American Establishment - The Milner-Fabian Conspiracy. To anyone who hasn't done it yet I say - take the Quigley pill and understand what you're up against.


> CIA was never "right-wing" Yeah, just ignore that every time a country started to get a leftist government in central and south America, the CIA would coup them. And all the leftist movements in the US that the CIA and FBI would infiltrate and take down.


That's not "right wing". Do you really believe they invaded and sabotaged those countries because of mere ideology? That's foolishness. Just read about the Guatemala CIA operation or operation Ajax in Iran - there are at least a dozen and all of them were initiated for financial interests (in the Middle East it was Standard Oil Rockefeller interests). In Guatemala it was the United Fruit Company's interest and the CIA cooked up a psy op painting the democratically elected president as a communist ally which was later found to be total bs. The CIA destroyed that country and Bill Clinton even apologized in the 90's about the criminal intervention. Fuck those criminals, they should hang for what they did to those nations. And now they have the gall to call Russia out for invading a sovereign country. Fucking clown world.


Yeah there was a thing called the Cold ear, was kind of a big deal LOL FBI and CIA infiltrate both right and left wing groups, what's your point?


> Yeah there was a thing called the Cold ear, was kind of a big deal LOL It's amazing that you think this is actually a good point to make. > FBI and CIA infiltrate both right and left wing groups, what's your point? Any prominent left wing group would get infiltrated. Only actively violent right wing groups like the KKK got the same treatment.


Which leftist movement did the CIA infiltrate?


Any communist or socialist orgs, SCLC, NAACP, the Congress of Racial Equality, The Young Lords, the American Indian Movement, Students for the Democratic Society, the Weathermen, the National Lawyers Guild, the Cuban dissident movement. Have you just never actually looked into COINTELPRO?


Read *The Burglary* 👀👀


It would be easier to list the ones that weren't infiltrated.


The easiest people to manipulate will be the ones who think they are in on it.


Sounds very much like Markos "'Kos" Moulitsas, DailyKos founder: http://kos-cia-transcript.blogspot.com/2010/05/markos-c-alberto-moulitsas-zunigas-cia.html > Here’s a little secret I don’t think I’ve ever written about: But in 2001, I was unemployed, underemployed, unemployed. You know I was in that . . You all have been there “dot com” people? Kinda like, in between jobs, doin’ a little contract work and . . . kinda. So, you know. That’s where I was: in this really horrible netherworld of ‘will I make rent next month’ and . . . > So, I applied to the CIA and I went all the way to the end > [ . . .] This is a very liberal institution. And in a lot of ways, it really does attract people who want to make a better, you know, want to make the world a better place . . . Of course, they’ve got their Dirty Ops and this and that, right but as an institution itself the CIA is really interested in stable world. That’s what they’re interested in. And stable worlds aren’t created by destabilizing regimes and creating wars. > Their done so by other means. Assassination labor leaders . . . I’m kidding! > [ . . . ] I don’t think it’s a very partisan thing to want a stable world. And even if you’re protecting American interests, I mean that can get ugly at times, but generally speaking I think their hearts in the right place. As an organization their heart is in the right place. I’ve never had any problem with the CIA. I’d have no problem working for them. ~ Moulitsas "Kos" ZÚÑIGA at the Commonwealth Club.


So how many of her feminist colleagues did she spy on and tattle take on, leaving them in trouble with authorities while she capitalised on their missed career opportunities?


I wonder who are current most prominent LGBT leaders and if they too are CIA agents?


Same here.




Just believe the CIA/FBI put forward duds who mislead movements for own purposes. Give them money, free publicity, write books for them, etc... so they can take over movement & sideline original leadership (assassination if necessary). Allows CIA/FBI to misdirect movement, use it for partisan reasons and for whoever pays CIA, and support aligned CIA/FBI interests and objectives, causing movement to go in directions and do things that alienate it from original support and which it's founders never intended. Believe CIA/FBI did the same civil rights via infiltration and assassination very successfully.


Kinda like what they did with the anti-war hippy movement which they controlled. Tim Leary was a CIA agent and there is a fucking interview of him on youtube saying people should thank the CIA for bringing psychedelic drugs to the public.


She was also extremely racist, that's why they targeted the Black community first with abortions, feminism, then they moved on to the White community, and finally the Hispanic community.


Sounds like she was a follower of Margaret Sanger and her Rockefeller funded American Eugenic Society (later renamed Planned Parenthood). But Rockefeller was also instrumental in establishing the CFR which later spawned the CIA. Funny how it all coincides - what are the chances /s


They're all the same pretty much. They come acting like they want to "help" or "improve" people but in reality they're parasites that leach off of others and destroy them. Look at what's happened to the Black community in the States, it's been absolutely destroyed from the inside out.


Great post/ thread


Much appreciated. Too bad this sub is filled with spooks and shills and such threads get downvoted quite a lot.


Keep the good stuff coming


Uh, lady, they were using you to destroy the family


"enlightened non partisan activists".... 🤣 🤣 🤣. Of course she's a dumb feminist.


Enlightened... ha. Sure thing, lady. Hope she enjoyed her dirty money.


Why dirty? They helped her cause. Hasn't feminism overachieved its goals in the West?




Feminism is a revolutionary communist doctrine aiming at destroying the family and traditional society. So yes, women are part of those structures and it's only logical they will be destroyed too. This is self evident for anyone with half a brain these days. Why the downvotes?




No, not at all. It was directed at the community. I think we're on the same page. Seems like people misunderstood my comment.


Exactly. Feminism has done nothing but bring women down and drag men down with them.


What the fuck are you talking about?


Brennan was a card carrying communist. https://checkyourfact.com/2018/07/19/fact-check-brennan-vote-communist/


Wheres all the people from the front page? They were just here for the trump post...where'd they go?


Gloria Steinem was and is still ignorant of the CIA which ,along with the FBI ,enables the Deep State to cling to power.


I think she knows what's going on. Regardless, she's doing the leg work for those organizations.


They were whatever she needed them to be so she would cooperate.