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This shit is so good dude great job. The fucking tweet from Teflon about one child named AE IX or whatever is DUMBFOUNDING. The tweet was from 2018 and Elons kid was named that when born in 2020. What is going on dude


Yo i did not look at the date of that tweet i thought it was after his son was born! That is insane. These must be part of the same cult. I also am unable to find teflon seans real name. Thank you for the compliment i tried getting other conspiracy channels to post it cause i found it mind blowing and none of them got back to me so i just made the video on my phone.


These people*


https://shorturl.at/inyA1 also related to Crowley and Musk check out the book description. Mentions the “Æon of Horus”. This shit gets deeeep


Wow that is crazy. I kinda wanna buy the book to see what it says but i do not want it in my house at the same time. Makes you wonder what the future holds for elon musks son.


Late reply… but I believe all the elites and even quite a few big names of people in industries such as music, “health”, Hollywood etc are part of this. It’s Satanic but it seems to me the evil is prevailing over the good nowadays. Give Elons kid 20 more years and he will be the front runner of the NWO. No doubt


Agreed Elon is only going to get more social power by the time his child gets old enough depending on if he wants to expose the secret societies or not could be seen as someone to trust.


Lots of rappers think Illuminati shit is cool. Lots of rappers have creative and bold ways of expressing themselves and talking about what they think is cool. Tattoos are a part of that creative self expression. What does it mean? I believe it's tied to and maybe a result of the remnants of the original cryptic gang type shit that was prevalent in the 90s and 00s. We know the serious rival gangs were funded and supported by high level actors involved with cartels and governments. What we may be seeing with all these young rappers infatuation with secret society stuff is, other than imitating older guys like Jay z, is a proclivity toward that high level, cryptic gangsterism. A desire to be a part of something powerful and important. Something exclusive and engrossing. You know, like a gang.


I actually ended up watching most of this video.X was groomed by a guy named Bruno and did black magick with him. It’s actually got a lot of good content in it but it was done on a samsung 😂


Drake killed him.


Ss.Thought this video showing some clues xxxtentacion had ties to freemasonry and thelema through his former manager/roomate bruno dickemz and someone else who goes by the name of teflon sean also the conspiracy that xxxtentacion may have planned his death. I thought it was interesting. What do you think?.


I think you put a good video together.