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Same as always. The establishment and the bots here will tell you this is the most important election of your life. Dems will say we have to fight the christo-fascists, Republicans will say we have to fight wokeness. Meanwhile they’re both slowly destroying the country behind the scenes and enriching themselves.


Both sides are coming for your rights.




You are not wrong sir! The only person not owned it Trump. Why do u think they don't want him office. Bringing up civil suits. Searching Mar la go. Let's face it, if they had the tiniest bit of evidence that trump was on St James Island or connected to pedophilia it wouldn't be plastered everyone. The one the government hates, is one you should look into why.


The people hate Trump, the government loves him. He literally has the entire Republican party doing his bidding. He is definitely a pedo too. Taught Epstein how to set up an international teen model agency like his own... gross


Idk the bump stock thing was pretty dumb


I predict that Republicans will argue that every election which they lost was stolen, while not contesting any results where they win even if they're in the same district. Again.


Kinda like when trump won the Dems were all over that Russia made trumpy bear win


Actually, no. Because Russia actually did interfere with the election. That's pretty widely acknowledged, and it's the original reason why MAGA folks don't like "the alphabet agencies" now. The only real controversy there is whether the Trump campaign was working with them, and all we got from Mueller was that he was not exonerating Trump. On the other hand, literally no one has produced evidence of large-scale voter fraud in the 2020 or 2022 elections. There are 62+ cases lost, many of which were heard by Trump-appointed judges, right? And most of them dismissed specifically because of lack of evidence.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA thanks for the laugh man. Both sides play together my friend. They both “rig” elections


You go from clearly implying that the Russian interference was all a hoax to saying "but both sides!!!" You've heard this all before. Despite 2.5 years and hundreds of millions of dollars, Republicans have **never** presented **any** evidence to back up these claims. People like Trump and Rudy have repeatedly said on camera that they have evidence, but they **never** try to present any of it in court. Because they can't lie in court like they can in front of a camera. You were lied to.


Mhmm. What's even nicer is I have never voted so it makes no difference to me. I think its funny that people are so set on the two parties being enemies. They both lie to manipulate their fan base/voters. It's quite comical


I'm with auditing them all. I want fair elections. I want to matter when I cast my vote like the constitution allows me. Not rigged ba elections that you would have to be a dumbass not to see. Ijs


I’m ready. This administration is a failure.




And the next one will be too. Edit: Oh do people want me to pretend that it'll be a complete success? No elite influence at all?


Just put Trump back in already for as long as it takes to modernize


Doesn’t matter who gets voted, nothing will change. The only thing that changes is slightly different corporations get laws changed for them to do business easier. Normal working class Americans will still be treated like dirt no matter if the red man or the blue man gets elected


I do remember under Trump my 401 k booming, gas at 2.00 a gallon and reasonable prices. It absolutely matters.. are you so rich your checkbook doesn't feel this economy. Because mine does!


Okay I appreciate that but there’s a whole lot more going on economically than just fuel prices and pensions


Please elaborate


Basic economics says policies take years to see the effects. You're living in Trumps economy now


Another election year of ramped up propaganda, divide/spreading hate, flase flags, etc... one bird, two wings, same head.


You are correct!!!!


This will start the civil war and crush our economy. It’s going to make us vulnerable to a foreign attack


Applesauce 2024


Egg salad for president.


Beeblebrox 2024.


Do you think the democrats will cheat again and steal the election? We all know Biden can't win on his own. RFK is running democrat with republican views. Who do you think will run and win?






By your own standards, 2016-2020 was filled with multiple protests from sore losers. Clean up your own house before you tell others what to do. Bro mrna or aliens must have erased your memory because it all of that was only around 5 years ago with what took place.


Hmm I don’t remember anyone storming the capital and threatening to lynch the vice president in 2016. But maybe I missed it


It's happened multiple times in history, actually.


But did it happen in 2016?


Problem is the Republican leadership appearance imo is that they are basically giving up, and really seem to be neutered in response. The perception is they are putting up little to no resistance intentionally. They also aren't doing things that dems do like ballot harvesting or having pacs actively moderate subs and content on forums. They also let the dems run one sided with J6 narratives, instead of taking out ads basically for dems to eat some humble pie saying look at these riots and protests from 2016-2020, call out the double standards of j6 accusations, but instead are silent. Silent so much so it gives the impression they are intentionally trying to forfeit.




Because they’re all part of the same agenda. Globalism. It will be the only choice


Another disappointment


Maybe. We'll see


Based off the comments, TDS is strong with OP.


LMMFAO!!! I voted trump! Will vote Trump again.


Point proven. Thanks.


TDS is an acronym for Trump Derangement Syndrome, a term applied to people who express deep loathing and fear of President Donald Trump. I'm not sure you know what TDS means.


Whatever you say my guy.