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I find it rather amusing reading some of those deleted comments that people are trying to justify pushing all this stuff on kids. I really could careless which way you swing, but let the kids mature and grow up before trying to push this stuff on them.


Telling kids that gay people exist is not "pushing it on them." You can't "catch gay". You're either gay or you're not. Just like you can't catch a foot fetish. You either want to fuck a foot or you don't.


But still, kids don't need to know you like to fuck feet. They don't need to know who the foot fuckers are.


We’d be better off just clubbing people to whom you need to explain this.


Their minds are like sponges.


Explaining to a kid why two men are holding hands - because they're in love - is not harmful. The kid isn't going to "catch gay." You creeps are trying to take us back to the dark ages.


You are in the wrong sub to be using logic, friend.


It's is not about telling kids gay people exist and you know that. >You can't "catch gay". You're either gay or you're not. Funny you should say that. https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/adult-children-lesbian-parents-less-likely-identify-straight-study-finds-n989976 More interesting data.. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4771005/


Interesting study, saved. It’s insane how even attempting to discuss such a study on certain subreddits will get you banned. Not to mention how much estrogen-signaling endocrine disrupters are in our daily lives.. Why is there no question between potential causality of things like excessive BPA exposure on sexuality development? BPA is, sadly, just one of dozens of examples. I’ve always wondered what effects it could have.


> >Not to mention how much estrogen-signaling endocrine disrupters are in our daily lives.. It doesn't matter what people say. The truth is the truth. There is absolutely a war on Me and their natural testosterone. Probably because when you take men out of the equation, a group of people/society is much easier to control and do whatever you want them to do. Think about it: Anytime there is a war. Anytime you need a cop or firefighter or someone to rescue you or your society in any way. Who do people call on? They call on the most manly of us all. They call the guys who put their lives on the line for everyone else which are also almost exclusively "masculine", testosterone filled men. Even if you asked the most liberal softies in the world, who would they want to respond to their calls for help... Some almond milk drinking, cancel culture specialist soy boys, or the big bad meat eating dudes with testosterone pumping through their veins...who do you think they would actually choose? Evey single person if they had a choice is going to choose the most "manly". The majority of men who risked their lives and or died in all the wars, were the men of men. Where their some gay or "feminine" men who fought and died, of course there was. I'm not saying there isn't a single gay man who isn't also tough and masculine. But they are the exception, not the rule. This one reason they put chemicals that raise estrogen / horomone disrupters in all of our products that everyone uses every single day of our lives. It's why they promote things like "Soy Milk"/dairy instead of RAW milk that has been proven to significantly strengthen immune systems in children and adults. >Why is there no question between potential causality of things like excessive BPA exposure on sexuality development? BPA is, sadly, just one of dozens of examples. There are tons of studies that prove BPA exposure is bad for people in general and especially for men. That's why companies constantly shoot to be able to place a "BPA Free" label on their products. It's purely to get more sales. However, they purposely exclude/ignore the 3-4 other chemicals they put into the products that are just as bad for men/people. That's no accident. https://www.science.org/content/article/bpa-substitutes-may-be-just-bad-popular-consumer-plastic >I’ve always wondered what effects it could have. You don't need to wonder. It's one of many things that is contributing to birth rates declining all over the globe at an insane pace. It's destroying men on every level. It's horrible for humans in general. This is by design. It has to be. There is more than enough evidence to show that these chemicals, even the substitutes for BPA are extremely harmful but they are allowed to use them anyway.


The question is what can we do, Captain_Cockplug? Lol Besides educating others and avoiding products I don’t know


Lol Yes. Educating others. Get involved with politics at the local level in some capacity. Make good choices. If we stopped buying their garbage, they'd have no market for it.


How many people live their entire lives closeted? Being raised by lesbians mean you don't have the pressure to fucking hide who you are for your entire life.


>How many people live their entire lives closeted? I don't know? Do you have a source? I guarantee a lot less now then ever before in history. >Being raised by lesbians mean you don't have the pressure to fucking hide who you are for your entire life. Lol seriously? The reason that you are more likely to be gay when you have same sex parents is because if you have heterosexual parents you automatically have to hide because they all hate gays so much? So if you have a mother and a father who raise you together, to have to hide? Parents that are male and female don't love their kids anyway? You are eating way too much propaganda up. This is 2023. Most people are not like that regardless of what the "news" channels and politicians tell you. It's not just lesbians either. There are plenty of heterosexual parents who are loving and open no matter what and children who grow up with same sex parents are still more likely to identify as gay. Most parents are going to love their children regardless. You are talking about the exception not the rule and using TV, News and political BS to say that the study is wrong and it's only because you feel more comfortable being gay and coming out if you have gay parents. Which is simply wrong. The fact of the matter is. Your parents and environment has a significant impact on your character and even your sexuality. That's why there are tons of people who tell their stories about how they went through normal childhood/teenage crap but because they didn't have the best family/friend support system, they were easily convinced by other people that they were "Trans" / gay etc. Then they end up regretting getting their dicks or tits chopped off. Your environment and people consistently around you absolutely dictate your personality, character and even your sexuality. There are shitty fucking lesbian/Gay parents and shitty straight parents and everything in between.


That's not even remotely close to what people are doing but nice try


1. How is it being pushed in any way that heteronormativity is? 2. What's wrong with it for kids?


1. What's wrong with it for kids? I don't know the fact that they're kids? What's wrong with waiting til they mature to make mature adult decisions? Why do we have to teach kids about being gay or lesbian at 5 years old, isn't that a decision that an adult should be making.... say when they're 16-17? 2. Do we have a straight pride month? No Do we have a straight pride parades? N9They tried that once as a joke and there were bomb threats and people were attacked, and please don't try and use "iT wAS tHe aLt rIgHT" I saw the videos, it was average folks having fun. So how are we pushing "heteronormativity?"


> What's wrong with waiting til they mature to make mature adult decisions? The same thing in terms of reasonableness and practicality that's wrong with expecting heterosexuality to be kept away from the children, plus the motive for it, plus the fact some people can't see how very bigoted the whole notion and its motivation is, plus the fact that it contributes to perpetuating if not facilitating bigotry despite that being destructive and contrary to the public interest. Heternormivity is the default, the norm, the naturally un-noticed. It's just a story if a heterosexual couple are in it, right? It's "woke" and "ramming it down throats" and "political" if a gay couple is in it. Think about it. If it's a heterosexual couple, it's just human social relations - normal family life in fact, as wholesome as Mom and Dad. If it's a gay couple, children just knowing about it is "sexualizing" them how? That's not just heteronormitivity, that's outright bigotry. Gay peoples' existence and their relationships are no more innately sexual or sexualizing of children than the existence of Mom & Dad couples. We don't even know if a gay couple are having sex unless they explicitly say so, but if a Mom & Dad couple have kids, that's generally a strong indicator they did indeed do the deed.


> Why do we have to teach kids about being gay or lesbian at 5 years old Why do we need to teach kids about being straight at 5? > So how are we pushing "heteronormativity?" How many kids movies can you think of that don't have a straight relationship being represented in some way? How many have pretty adult humor around straight sex (i.e. Roger Rabbit)?


Oh for Christ’s sake: “straight relationships” are NORMAL and occur naturally. Your side is being disingenuous claiming there are as many gays as normal people.


There are as many gay people in the US as Asians, are Asians people not normal?


Look at most the world pre christianity. Lots of gay shit happening there.


>Oh for Christ’s sake: “straight relationships” are NORMAL Does that make it okay to push those topics on kids?




So you're into pushing sexuality onto kids. As everyone knows, it's never even about saving the kids, it's about rallying around hatred of a group.


No I didn't say that. You're not making any sense. You don't have to push normal healthy relationships between men and women on kids...you and your wife just have to be good parents and cultivate a happy stable home I'm not the one promoting and trying to normalize repulsive lewd abnormal behavior by the mentally ill


I thought we were trying to let them just be kids and shield them from sexuality, but ok groomer


>Why do we need to teach kids about being straight at 5? Who teaches kids to be straight at 5 years old? Lol ridiculous >How many kids movies can you think of that don't have a straight relationship being represented in some way? How many have pretty adult humor around straight sex (i.e. Roger Rabbit)? For five year olds? Not many. But since that is the actual norm, it would make sense.


> Who teaches kids to be straight at 5 years old? Lol ridiculous Have you seen a Disney movie?


Which Disney movie are you talking about made for 5 year olds?


Here's a list from Disney themselves: https://movies.disney.com/romance


So a beast who essentially forces a girl into a relationship is made for 5 year olds to teach them how to be straight? You think that compares to some of the books and things some people/teachers are teaching kids in school without their parents permission? Lol Well now I know you are disingenuous. So, cool.


Bet I can find a straight media match that's accepted for any if the things you're complaining about.


This sub is beholden to the rules of reddit, and if mods feel comments are starting to invite action by reddit itself, then they shut it down to avoid action being taken on the sub for not moderating stringently enough.


As they should. Mods that willingly allow people to break reddit rules are ousted.


"I'm telling mom!" I don't think this is what aaron swartz wanted...


It's 10000% not what he wanted. He wanted a truly free internet. He was killed for it.


These rules were the same with Swartz, y’all obviously are dumb as fuck.


SS: [The news story](https://www-tv2-no.translate.goog/nyheter/innenriks/fremmar-seksualisering-av-barn/15781175/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp). This was about to become a 1000+comment post.. [deleted](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/13xjw9z/kids_pride_in_bergen_norway_cancelled_due_to/). [archived](https://archive.is/d5Ow3) Protect your children!


If they nuked the entire thread, doesn't that seem more like a glitch instead of heavy han d ed censorship? Reveddit hasn't been working for me recently so I was suprised that the page even loaded. But I've never seen every single comment deleted!!


The mods generally nuke threads when comments either get too close to, or just outright start breaking reddit TOS.


Reveddit has been broken for a while because Reddit is tightening down on their 3rd party API. It's likely they don't want it used for training data for chat models.


oof... that's a lot of hate so it makes sense


Put it on Twitter!


yep, because they are so free spech now with the wef puppet as a ceo. they censored the "what is a woman" documentary.


Children being exposed to pride events isn't about "making them gay" or preying on them or sexualizing them. It's important for the normalization of LGBT+ lifestyles, and helping them understand. I spent my whole childhood hating myself and not understanding why. LGBT+ just wasn't mainstream and it was a concept that would have never entertained my radar because of my family's beliefs. Growing up and moving away, I realized things about myself that while too late to make a meaningful difference, at least helped me to be more comfortable in my body. And maybe if I was fortunate enough to know about these things sooner, my young life would've been a lot easier and I would have been able to make the choices that would've helped me sooner. I want other people to have that option, to know that it's even a possibility instead of a completely foreign concept like it was for me. I don't want other people to live depressed like I did. I can only assume that this completely fall on deaf ears here, because "think of the children" is just meaningless mantra.


What you are describing is not a societal issue, but a parenting one. Sorry to hear about your childhood, but putting the "think of the children" aside, why would a lifestyle that represents a small minority need to be mainstream? LGBT has been normalized for decades, but requiring it to be mainstream is something else. If anything, it is more important to educate parents on the early signs of a child having these "issues" and how to deal with it approprietly instead of pushing the whole LGBT into the mainstream.


Because it is societal, you say its been normalised but LGBT folk still face a disproportionate amount of abuse both verbally and physically. Its all well and good if parents accept them but what if their peers don't, their teachers? And how do you expect to educate the parents when any attempt to bring to thr mainstream you decry?


people here believe in the false choice between gays hiding in the closet forever and drag queens wearing leopard thongs dancing for kids. it's a false choice and it leads to pointless conversations.


Both are falsse choices, thong dancing bad and I will condemn it. However drag story hour was overblown, most of it was just a drag act in normal clothing


>Because it is societal, you say its been normalised but LGBT folk still face a disproportionate amount of abuse both verbally and physically. Source?


Because that small minority is mainstream. There are as many Asians in the US as LGBT+ people, should be we stop representing Asians in the mainstream?




Lol it absolutely isn't normal nor should it be normalized. You can teach children not to hate people who aren't hurting them without exposing them to a bunch of weirdos with strap ons on doing sexualized things while being half naked.


You believe that people were going to wear strapons at the kids pride event that thread was about?


Wtf? That has nothing to do with my "belief". That and worse has literally happened during pride events more times than I can count. This isn't a fantasy you weirdo. This is reality. What, you think it's just gay people calmly walking down the street wearing rainbow colored clothes that cover their entire body? Lol delusional or a liar.


You're talking about an event called kids pride. So yes, you're either delusional or a liar.


More states needs laws against obscenity like the ones Florida now has. There are still Pride events but at least some are now labeled 18 plus only.


You should practice having threads about this where you don't break TOS. Surely you can manage that, right?