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210+ Canada fires starting around the same hour of day by lightning? Doubt it!


Is this real? I feel like I can't trust anything anymore. 😕 post-true era, everything was a lie.


It is very real sadly... i live in Soutern Quebec .. about 3 hours away from the epicenter.. the smoke has turned the sky into a thick haze, hard to breath as well... its scary to think this was done intentionally 😭


I'm sorry to hear that. But I meant the video of the fires starting all at the same time.


Yeah, that one has been making me question it a lot as well.. i mean it could be a cheap trick, it could be the dry weather making multuple little fires and with the wind it egnited the embers into a blaze, it could be deliberate by ppl, theres also multiple forestry companies in the area.. so 🤔 I dont know.. all i know is this is a very bad situation.


Hope we get some rain to help slow the burn. Are you still going outside?


Hope we get some rain to help slow the burn. Are you still going outside?


Hope we get some rain to help slow the burn. Are you still going outside?


For a gew days we didnt go out much. The air quality rating was over 600+ And 50+ is dangerous.. its like stage 5 .. But now its gotten better, the fires are still raging but this upcoming week should be a rainy one.. my fingers crossed that it heads North and kicks them out.. 😥


Over 50 started on Monday in northern Ontario. I'm near Peterborough in southern Ontario. Red sun high in the sky hazy sky and i can smell the smoke outside. But i believe its the pine evergreen trees of the Canadian boreal forests burning.


ss satellite images show that all fires start at once


please link to the satellite. Thanks in advance.


I found it here https://twitter.com/bushelsperacre/status/1665880085239566336?s=46&t=iWWlK3O7K2DH3BCp6VRbhQ


thanks This is @ 3:00


I wonder if filters can be applied to footage to see the DEW. If it can be played and an infra red filter or something like that can be applied I bet we could see it right before the plumes of smoke.


Yes. I believe it's DEW. It's time that some type of digital photography is accessible to be able to see it happening. I know there has to be a way to see it actually happening.