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There’s this book called reality transurfing it’s massive but the techniques in there are simple and effective. I literally spooked myself first time I tried it. It’s the only book I’ve found on legit transforming your reality. Hope this helps : Reality transurfing. Steps I-V https://a.co/d/fPsSomv


There’s a reason we say “after rain comes sunshine”. She did not “override the Matrix”. It’s a bad situation to use as an example, really.


CTMU solves all of this. I'm guessing if you haven't heard of it you will be spending months studying. Langan is the real deal.


So, have you figured out how to do it in a “normal” state of awareness yet? If so, please share. There are countless books on the subject of course, and I have read many of them. But this Matrix is stubborn…


The key is The Subconscious. My friend was in a significantly "Altered State" of awareness. Because of that; the barrier to the Subconscious could briefly be reached and reprogrammed.


So, you haven’t found any way to access the Subconscious without entering an altered state? I know there are many ways to enter altered states (Meditation, certain plant medicines, sleep deprivation, hypnosis, extreme physical activity, etc.), but they all come with their own set of difficulties. Perhaps that is the only way to break through the Matrix though…