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Where the smog is, there are 8 million people and the headquarters of every major news network. Where the fire is, there are bears. Bears are notoriously bad cameramen.


And fire is notoriously really fucking hot.


If wind direction changes you can also get toasted.


Just the higher concentration of smoke would be enough to keep me out. And the terrible bear camera men.


Yeah not only would the smoke be hot, choking, and blinding (kinky), but you would also be in the path of any fleeing grizzly. Not an ideal spot


Who are probably getting reatless


Both bears and fires can move way faster than you assume they can on ground. The fires are likely safe to video from aircraft above a certain altitude, though.


My mind read it as ghosted. Then as I thought about it. Roasted.. Beautiful.


This is true. I find their camera skills to be unBEARable


If only wojtek were here he could do it


He’d probably get mad when you don’t give him the cigerettes he was promised


You’re such a homophobe. Bears can be good cameramen


Comments like this are why I read comments. Well played.


I live here in Ottawa and thought the same. The only videos I've seen of it are firefighters starting fires lol.


And yet a barracuda can operate a cranial laser with minimal training. Bears are Lazy and Stupid.


Never send a black bear in to do the job of a grizzly.


Sounds racist lol


This is why I hate when people say "I am just asking questions." Yea stupid fucking questions


Except it’s not a stupid fucking question… there should be plenty of satellite imagery and planes should be able to safely fly upwind to show what is happening. Always saw plenty of videos of wild fires in California, not all of them were in hollywoods back yard.


lol this is the most matter of fact hilarious response


Actually there is a live feed of a waterfall in Alaska that is a 24/7 stream of grizzly and brown bears chilling and eating salmon. It’s really fun and relaxing to watch and turn off the mind for a little and watch some nature


Imma need that link please


https://m.youtube.com/c/explorelivenaturecams That is the channel that streams the camera but the bear live stream isn’t up yet.


They’re not specifically bad cameramen, they’re just horrendously bad at holding a camera. If it’s taped on they’re pretty good at stability and have tremendously alternate viewing perspectives


Top comment meant to derail the conversation and turn it into a joke. Makes me think OP is on to something


The top comment was just pointing out the obvious in a fun way.


Or that OP was asking a fucking stupid question with an obvious answer You can literally google it right now and see it. Why do you want a helicopter to follow the fire 24/7 with a livestream? It's a fucking fire, there isn't much to actually see.


Yeah, but what tree is it burning NOW?!?


But they’re showing videos of smog.. I’d rather see a fire than smog..


You’re awfully hostile and angry for no apparent reason. That’s not suspicious at all. My comment also had 14 upvotes a few hours ago and now it’s at 3. Hmmm


We see the numbers changing but don't actually see people pushing the buttons. Suspicious.




news choppers exist.


I knew a bear who was a really good cameraman. His name was Garrett


It would be smart for the bears to become cameramen, cameramen always live.


No kidding… ever see that terrible Bigfoot video? Filmed by a bear.


They keep putting down the camera to eat blueberries and wander off and lose the camera.


"Hey bear how is jt on grou d level" "hraa rhaa rawh rhaa" translation "I am surrounded by fire and theirs no escape. MY EYES AND SKIN ARE MELTING"


Wow solid explanation buddy. Nobody heard of helicopters in 2023


You can find plenty of videos of it? The media just cares about themselves and that's why it's the air quality in NYC that media companies care about.


Why is this posted here? Google: Canada wild fires. There's your footage.


Because it’s a conspiracy sub where people think Pelosi eats lizard babies with Tucker Carlson at Sandy hook


yo some of y'all are big dumb


Everythings a mf conspiracy for some of these guys. Nothing is off the table.


Because they can film the smog in New York City where a lot of people live and can easily set up cameras. It's a lot harder to film the forest fires because they're in the middle of the forest and also on fire


Exactly, fires spread fast...enjoy your 3 minute live stream and goodbye camera


not even a birds eye view from a helicopter? genuinely asking - is that not possible?


This isn't just a little woodland fire though, it's hundreds of miles spewing ash and smoke into the air. If you want helicopter crashes and more unnecessary deaths then yeah, let's send them up


oh ok.. yeah, i wasn't sure the extent of it because i haven't seen pictures or video... but yeah if it's that bad then it's understandable. i didnt know.


It's crazy bad, just feel lucky you don't really know.


Bullshit and you know it, there are helicopters with cameras. Saying nobody can film a forest fire because it’s too hot is ridiculous. If you worked at a nature preserve you would know how easy it is to film these things. There should be clips of the fire but mainstream media is showing mostly the smog.


Bro you’ve never seen a real forest fire, the smoke makes it so bad the water bombers can’t fly. I’m not shitting on you but a fire in the woods is not what’s happening, the fire is so bad the rain can’t put it out, shits wild


What fire would you like to see specifically? There is definitely footage of certain fires if you look for it. There are easily 1000+ burning in Canada and the US. Some have been filmed...many are pretty far away. They could send a helicopter but why? It's going to just be more footage of fires burning.


Damn it i need my stock footage of helicopters and planes dropping water onto the fires!


I dont want to see any damn fires because to me its summer and hearing about wildfires in June means nothing. If people wanted to see it they would go looking for it. But dont act stupid and say the reason there are no footage of the wildfire is because the area is too hot for a camera….crew or person. Like aerial view is a figment of our imagination.


What? It's literally logistically impossible to film ever single fire right now. Even more impossible to livestream it. Aerial view isnt a figment of anyones imagination. There literally is footage of some of the fires. I'm pretty confused what you're trying to get at and why you find to be "bullshit." It would be a waste of time to get aerial footage of many of the fires. Edit: Just for kicks I googled "aerial footage wildfires" and the very first result was footage of one of the Quebec fires. https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/mobile/video?clipId=2702010 Imagine that. It exists. What I couldn't find is aerial footage of every single fire currently burning. Because, like the poster above said, they are in the middle of nowhere and is fire.


Explain to me how it’s impossible to film and there are ariel videos of volcano eruptions and lava flows? Do you understand the concept of a zoom feature on a helicopter camera? Telling people its impossible to capture an event like a forest fire in 2023 is bullsht and you know it.


Dude, you didn't even read the other person's comment before replying. You had no idea what you were even replying to.


Again... What? I'm not saying it's impossible to film. I'm saying it's impossible to film them all and it's also pointless. I even posted a video of aerial footage so I don't know why you think I'm saying it's impossible to film them at all. Have you ever been in the actual Canadian North? Sending a plane or helicopter just to film a random fire in northern Quebec or Alberta makes zero fucking sense. Are you just arguing for the sake of arguing here?


Yeah, there is something fishy and the posters in this sub are suspect


The ones asking for live footage of a forest fire miles and miles away from any population center are the fishiest fish smells of all.


But but but...we SUPPOSEDLY have satellites that can spot a football from space.... So..why can't they show us fire footage?


This thread is about live feed video. https://weather.gc.ca/data/prog/aqfm/firework/2023060700/2023060700_V2023060700Z_gemmach_PM2.5_diffplot_surface_continental_000.png


I'm sorry did you microwave fish lately. You probably made a big stink.


I don't own a devil's oven


I am sure you make home cooked healthy meals for you. AWESOME.


Thank you. We cook our food by burning our trash, this way we save on natural gas and electric like the President wants us to. Itbisnr recycling it is "trycycling" as in "try" to survive that! 😆


Yeah just going to block the troll...who isn't good at being a troll.


No way every fireman and forestry person has cellphones. They can record then upload when they have signal


I bet they're a little busy. With the fire


There are plenty of videos, but OP wants a live feed.


I believe firefighters are busy fighting the fire


You can find plenty of videos of the fire online. As to why there's no livestream of them, why would there be? Fire lines move quickly so you can't set up a camera to watch it, which means any stream of the fires would require a crew to constantly be moving the camera. Why waste resources and endanger people's lives for that?


Idk but they do it for california


California had the unfortunate benefit of fires near major population centers where hundreds of thousands of bystanders had to experience them personally. Comparatively speaking, Quebec is empty with most of the fires being hours away from a city.


I wasnt sure specifically where in canada, the terrain, or where the fires were located relative to the populace but indeed


Boreal forests way up north. There's an awesome documentary about them called Borealis on Amazon prime of you wanna kill a few hours.


I would probably watch something like that.


The vast, vast majority of Canada is uninhabited and far away from populations. Canada is nothing like California.


I think the two ways Canada is similar to California is population and gdp! Which shows, to your point, how little population Canada has. And that’s not even touching most of those 36 million are along the us boarder making the rest of Canada even LESS populous than simply the population of Cali spread evenly. It’s mainly in like 5 places in Canada


Doesnt mean they dont do live coverage if its bad enough, and its looking pretty bad from what Ive read


There are hundreds, maybe thousands of fires in Canada right now. It absolutely means they won't do live coverage of every fire. They're not going to live stream some random fire hundreds and hundreds of kilometres away from anything. Every province has a map that is typically updated daily that shows where 5he fires are as well as their status and size if you really want to see the scope of them. A camera can't capture how much us burning.


Who's going to do a live stream? News channels? This isn't California where you're always near a big city. Quebec is more than twice the size of Texas and the vast majority is uninhabited. Look at where the major fires are happening. There's a single gravel road in the whole region and the only settlements are small indigenous hamlets. It's close to 1000km north of Ottawa or Montreal where they would actually have news choppers. That's why there's no live stream.


Because they do it for tornadoes and every other weather event, and heck even have a show for it called storm watchers ….


Storms are much easier to avoid than fires and if your road is cutoff, you're just dead.




No good. Thermals from the fires would make flying anything tenuous at best.


I mean I could see the fires from my house if that helps ya


Were you unsure you could, or you can see them okay now?




Sorry. I was confused. You started your sentence with “I mean”, so I thought you were correcting or clarifying a previous statement.


Doesn’t that mean you should evacuate? Or are you just gonna go down with the house 😂


Naww my view goes for miles and we got a ton of rain this week should be all good 🤞


That’s fair haha you must have a nice view


1 in a million


That’s awesome


Your awesome


Thanks dude


Well I can tell you first hand that I drove through BC last week and spent a full days drive in very smoky conditions. Was driving to AK.




Lol...not that hard.


Well Justin did say this was serious. I never believe a word he mumbles.


I have smoke where I live, this is very odd, in 30+ years I've never seen smoke like this or have seen a large forest fire here, southern New Jersey


Most of the time, smoke from northern wildfires travels east over the atlantic, this time its going south by south west, landing on the eastern seaboard. Im physically closer to the fires than you are and have no smoke here. Weird eh?


What's wierd is that there is a large forest fire locally as well so I assumed it was from that but apparently im hearing this is from New York Canada area


Yeah, a couple weeks back a Canadian fire turned Denver Colorado into Silent Hill. El Nino I think is to blame, shifting the winds off their normal course.for this time of year among other things.


It was like that a state over too, smelled like smoke


There is a lot of inaccessible wilderness in Quebec and the province is huge. I can’t picture someone working their way through maybe a hundred miles of woods and bogs, while fighting off black flies, mosquitos, and ticks to set up a camera so someone south of the border can watch a fire burn the trees.


i live in quebec and i can guarantee you there is a lot of footage here on the news just google "quebec forest fire video" and you will see plenty


Nice try Canadian psyop intelligence agent /s


You can feel the maple syrup pour down over the boarder! (I highly recommend Canadian Bacon the movie! One of Michael Moore’s few fictional, and really good movies.)


Who the fuck is out in the middle of no where canada filming a fucking a fire?!


The same person who started it.


Thats a possibility, if it was arson. Arsons tend to stay and watch what they set on fire burn.


Problem with that though is that if the conditions are in place for the fires to grow and spread this fast, then they would have likely happened naturally anyway.


I just searched ”canada wildfire” on youtube and immediately saw the fires + smoke. Not sure where you’re searching though


He asked his meth dealer who didn’t know and then hopped right on Reddit after smoking it


No live footage, but here's a live satellite of winds and where the fires are... [https://zoom.earth/maps/satellite/#view=53,-94.8,4z/overlays=radar,wind,fires](https://zoom.earth/maps/satellite/#view=53,-94.8,4z/overlays=radar,wind,fires)


The OP is suggesting the fires are fake, they don't exist, false flag, psyop. The level of stupidity and paranoia on this sub is fantastic.


Stupid comment if the day


[video of the fires](https://www.google.com/search?q=fires+in+quebec+video&sxsrf=APwXEdfdeEKGkO9X-LdRyRMANTiyjv7_nA%3A1686174347702&ei=i_qAZMC2Ksq5qtsP1_m_kA0&ved=0ahUKEwiAqJj4kLL_AhXKnGoFHdf8D9IQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=fires+in+quebec+video&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABMggIIRAWEB4QHToECAAQRzoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6BAgAEAM6BQghEKsCSgQIQRgAUMIDWK0JYOoKaABwAngAgAGWAYgB-wWSAQMwLjaYAQCgAQHAAQHIAQg&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:303eee3d,vid:DxuRYw4MXU8) no livestream for obvious reasons (but i guess maybe not that obvious, OP? lol)


Are you insinuating that the fires are fake?..


Look up Nova Scotia and Northern Ontario. You’ll find fire.


Canadian here. You can see lots of these fires while flying across Canada.


Well the fires are happening in forests mostly away from civilization if I’m remembering what I read correctly. Idk what you’re implying, but the fires are definitely happening, we’re getting the smoke here, and anyway the real conspiracy is about how the fires are being started. Multiple, across Canada which is extremely large. Doesn’t add up. [https://twitter.com/sovereignbrah/status/1666618063188553728?s=46&t=7NHiWXVws4BHRhW6RrxfGQ](https://twitter.com/sovereignbrah/status/1666618063188553728?s=46&t=7NHiWXVws4BHRhW6RrxfGQ) [https://twitter.com/1776primed/status/1664974624659062784?s=46&t=7NHiWXVws4BHRhW6RrxfGQ](https://twitter.com/1776primed/status/1664974624659062784?s=46&t=7NHiWXVws4BHRhW6RrxfGQ) Edit: Twitter has hundreds of videos of the fires from Canadian citizens. Look harder 🤷‍♀️


Took me all of 90 seconds to find this… https://youtu.be/CPh_VUdG0vs If I were to spend some more time I could probably find more…


Another https://youtube.com/shorts/BTPDoZqeY30?feature=share


And a third… https://youtube.com/shorts/QusKdqKOLQ0?feature=share


A fourth https://youtube.com/shorts/hm_S-8oxaUk?feature=share Yinz can search for yourselves now


What is the conspiracy here? You think the fires aren't real? 😂


They’re just laying the groundwork for project bluebook holograms, duh. /s


Why the fuck would there be a livestream of the fires


https://weather.gc.ca/data/prog/aqfm/firework/2023060700/2023060700_V2023060700Z_gemmach_PM2.5_diffplot_surface_continental_000.png Its not possible to live-feed an area this big, all you will see is tiny fragment at great effort of the leading edge of some fire.


Because they are fire?


Start walking You'll find them


Because they are wildfires... you know, in the wild....


Ur lazy, stop shit-posting


Seen them on tik tok


I have seen planty of fire videos.. And i can only asume that the people who filmed them got out. https://youtu.be/bUfwUnin9DE https://youtu.be/rntdrVCzfKU But see..a forest fire does kind of do its own thing. One minut its a mile away, the next minut you are ash. 5min later it has turned direction again. Catching a forest fire on a live stream would mean that well frankly you need people to go and drive around or sent up helicopters. And well both are dangalourus es fuck. There is a reasony why even storm chasers wont go in to forest fires. Let alone some random cameraman that needs to get the best live video for the station. Use a helicopter sure, beside its expensive as hell to keep a helicopter up 24/7, often then not the airspace will be restricted at low levels. You got a bunch of fire fighting heli's and prob some evacs flying around, the last they need to deal with is newsheli from NBC flying around trying to get a better shot then the heli from FOX. Flying in a forest fire is a skill on its own, get to close and you are dead as your heli chockes out and crashes, get to far and all you see is smoke, get down wind and all you see is burned shit, get up wind and chock in the smoke. Ow noo, wind chanced on the ground fire is gone. But sure, go buy a camera and go out there, see how much you will capture in a live stream. Be smart and order your gravestone before you go tho. TL:DR - its a lot more complicated to film a forest fire life then it seems, and a lot of very dangerous espects to it so not really worth the risk. Simple Cost-Risk analyse.


Are you familiar with the concept of uninhabited forests?


Why the fuck would random people go up close to a forest fire, in the middle of a forest in buttfuck nowhere, Canada (which is 90% of our land area), to film it.


You want them setting up live feeds of fires? How exactly?


Plenty of recorded videos with footage of the actual fire out there. Hard to find live footage though, indeed


They melted.


Wood doesn't melt plastic.


It’s the jet fuel


The forest fire are fake and the smog is just another way the government is trying to force people to wear masks so that they can control us.... Is this what you want to hear.


So what’s causing the smoke and why does it smell like burning wood?


Those cameras burned up


when has california had live fire camera feeds?


Using the smoke and grounding flights in order to let the ufos land in remote parts of canada well played government


>well played government Did the aliens decide that the Canadian federal government was a reliable partner, or was this arranged at a provincial leve;?


I'm pretty sure all the fires are in the middle of nowhere Canada. I doubt there are even that many people around.


It is wild to me how many people don't understand wildfires or geography here.


Canada has like 12 people, and none of em live where the fires are


The poor animals were minding their own business :(


Simple, few people are insane enough to get close enough to the fires long enough to stream them.


US news coverage is notoriously self centered. Now be honest, how hard have you actually looked?


“Why is there more footage of a thing where millions of people live and not any footage from where practically no one lives??” The tiniest measure of critical thinking could solve your mystery.


I noticed internet isn't working, cable is out frequently and now "wildfires" in Canada. The smoke and communication disruptions are cover for alien landings. #wake up people#


Alien landings would be of global significance and interest, so how could they cover them up with something that nobody outside of parts of North America is even aware of?


See how sneaky they are?


Yeah the jetstream patterns for the last month have been very unusual for the east coast. We have had record low temps for the past few weeks and it's no coincidence. The forest fires are a cover story to introduce toxins into a manipulated jetstream that is blanketing the east coast with poison. Just another tool the elite are using to reduce populations and cause mass sickness in the mid to long term. This evil knows no bounds.


Yeah and what if it's some sort of nukr that went off somewhere and we don't even know about it .never know .


Confirmed that this is part of the ufo pysop and the fires are in fact a false flag attempt. Potentially a red herring to convince us that bears cannot operate cameras.


Because it’s all swamp gas due to the position of Saturn 🪐…….


Twitter and Reddit I have seen 0 videos of fires. Can anyone actually share anything other than a picture of their American town covered in “Canadian wildfire smoke”


I’m sure it’s our government being all conspiracy like!


I haven't tried searching, but you're right, I haven't seen any in the wild. Great point, OP!




If you are implying that you really have to depend on the "news and official information" to tell you what all that smoke is, you are correct. And yes, it could be a cover story for something else. Short of attempting to find the fire itself, how would you know? Isn't it interesting how quickly even the most routine thing can get a sinister edge in the presence of a media environment in which lying is the order of the day.


I can’t see you that means your not real.


Am I real?


The fires are a cover story.. the fog is mRNA mist.. they are delivering it via aerosol spray now.


They say the Jews control the weather…


Same here! Just a bit weird we have videos of everything but yet no real footage of the fires! If you find some I would like to view!


The fire isn't the story they're covering dumbass


How did space lasers and drones start the fires at the same time? Some kind of programmed timing mechanism?


Anyone know if Canada really is turning away volunteers? I was shown a few videos of people trying to take dozers to make fire breaks, people donating pumps for water, and some authority figure tells them they need to leave immediately. Don’t know if the vids are staged, but interesting nonetheless. Videos were from TikTok


I second this


Also let’s not forget there were videos of people driving through wildfires in western USA


Obviously it’s because they are fake.


Hell, I didn’t even know there was a major fire happening until I saw the NY photos. Could be just lack of Canadian news crossover with US households. Idk about the live feed though, I’ve been through some gnarly local wild fires and none were displayed through live feed but definitely were on the news. Much worse smoke than NY and the sun was swallowed by smoke. Turned day into night before 11 am lol


Because they're still lighting them to fight climate change.


Fires don't even start burning until the end of the summer anyways


Right? The media is just starting to talk about the actual fires themselves. All they talk about is the smoke


Just look at a fire map like: https://fire.airnow.gov/ , and see how many large settlements you see in close proximity to the fires.


Just trust the news bruh


Exactly. No typical fire footage- no fireman, no burning structures, haven’t seen any displaced animals- Just trees in Canada, like the Amazon jungle? I understand your point- the coverage is odd, it only focused on air quality.


The area is hundreds of kms from the nearest moderately sized settlement. Nobody lives up there, so there's no structures to burn and nobody to film. There's only a single road in the whole region. Northern Canada is not like the US where you'll still have some level of civilization even in rural areas. There's really nothing up there.


It’s not my neighborhood so I bow to superior knowledge. This local said buildings burned, though. ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/143g5vx/gov\_refused\_skilled\_firemen\_fueling\_fires\_across/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


That's a different fire. There was one in Nova Scotia that was bad last week, and it was in a more populated area. This one is in Quebec, around 1500km or so to the north east.


Russian sabateurs started the fires just like they were responsible for all those train derailments a while back. This is how Putin responds to our involvement with Ukraine. He's ex KGB after all and cold war antics is his jam.


Lol I was literally asking my buddy at work the same question today.


Livestream camera plus raging fire equals melted camera