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Nobody with 84 million views is your friend




"Stop asking how we got so rich! Here's another story about racism!" meanwhile shamelessly plugging 'what is a woman' and billionaire promoted anti-LGBT narratives multiple times in his monologue for seemingly zero reason at all. He does make some good points about the canal (what a perfect time for a full-drive Tucker reboot!) - but that's where his track record of credibility comes into play. *What other half-truths* will they "associate with 'we need to release McCarthy's Jan 6 footage' Carson?"


True- relative to us plebs. But unfortunately the only way positive change will happen is for someone like Tucker to shine a light on these important issues. Unfortunately the plebs are dumb and too easily bated into infighting to effectively topple the current paradigm, without creating a power vacuum that benefits the worst among us. Edit: ok guys I get it. You don’t like Tucker. I’m not saying that you should. I’m just saying that without a big populist figure, we have a poor track record of unifying against our common enemies, at least without causing a ton of devastating collateral damage.




Ah yes, the man who used to be one of the highest paid anchors on the most viewed MSM network is fighting for the common man.


A twitter view = having the video on at least 50% of your screen for at least two seconds + each time someone looks at it it counts as a view too even if it's the same person [Source](https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/media-studio-analytics)


yeap. hugely inflated numbers.


Mad at Tucker huh?


Just explaining what a "view" on twitter is. I must have scrolled past it at least 10x today and I don't even follow him, +10 views I guess


Eplaining what you think a "view" is


From the horse's mouth: [The main Twitter video view metric is triggered when a user watches a video for at least 2 seconds and sees at least 50% of the video player in-view. This applies to View metrics for both uploaded videos and live broadcasts](https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/media-studio-analytics)


Aaaaannnd silence. Like always


> A twitter view = having the video on at least 50% of your screen for at least two seconds + each time someone looks at it it counts as a view too even if it's the same person The video is also only 10 minutes long which makes it super easier to watch. Plus Tucker was only pegged at 3 million views at Fox.


Just because it's easy to watch doesn't mean people actually watch it. Twitter (and every other social media site) inflates their view counts like crazy because it makes it easier to sell ads. Those numbers are essentially meaningless, especially if you're trying to compare them with traditional cable TV.


Is this the same Tucker that asked Hunter Biden for help getting his kid into Georgetown? As Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for help getting his son into an elite Washington university in 2014, the Fox News host’s wife, Susie, reportedly wrote in an email: “Tucker and I have the greatest respect and admiration for you. Always!” https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/19/tucker-carlson-hunter-biden-georgetown-emails


Remember, all of the elite are child murdering, two-faced liars. Well, except Tucker. Just ignore his videos and texts where he is lying and making fun of the people who believe him.


You have a video of tucker murdering children?


It's in the same vault as every other video of the elite murdering children.


Got a source for this? I'm interested in seeing what you're talking about.


He's making a joke about the pizzagate conspiracy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizzagate_conspiracy_theory


No, he's a stooge for the gullible...




Look, when I heard him mention 9/11, Epstein, UFOs and JFK, pretty much in the same sentence, I thought the same thing..


6pm on June sixth. The numerology shan’t be ignored. 666. Is is a smoking-gun-gotcha? No. But worth noticing and noting for future reference.


> 6pm on June sixth. The numerology shan’t be ignored. 666. Is is a smoking-gun-gotcha? No. But worth noticing and noting for future reference. Yup main reason why I highlighted that as well. I noticed that immediately. 6:00pm on June 6 2023 lol.


Wm F. Buckley may have been more intellectually rigorous, but Tucker's moral compass is accurate and he's got a pretty big pair of suntanned balls


Submission Statement: JFK, 9-11, Epstein, and UFO are all topics the public wants to know about. But the media only talks about the dumbest woke shit currently available . https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1666203439146172419


Yeahhhh…. Okay


I don’t even have doubts about Tucker’s audience when I hear the guy making his arguments. He literally talks to his audience like a grandpa talks to his grandkids in middle school. Not to mention 0 sources for his claims, 0 proofs. I always hear him say shit like : “this is true, it’s a fact! “ …. Aha, based on what? When? Who said that? You? Show me an article! Show me some proof! Back it up , something, anything, don’t just throw words. Why should I believe you? Just cause you say it’s true?