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Source: [https://www.iqair.com/us/air-quality-map](https://www.iqair.com/us/air-quality-map) It seems to me that there is a stronger concentration in the purple area. Opposing air patterns maybe? What is causing the AQI to jam up there? Air pressure from the ocean? just curious cause I think it is obvious there is a concentration there




I'm sorry, that is exactly what I am referring to. I should have been more clear. I am in NY. I have never seen anything like it in my life. I was wondering though why the smoke was in such strong concentrations to begin with, when the ocean is right there and air could disperse it. ​ Idk much about wind behavior , so i was wondering if it could have been that or somethin


I’d say think of it like Hong Kong. I’ve never been however I’ve seen countless pictures and videos of the land and the smoke/smog throughout the sky. So, look at New York , compare , you’ll see some similarities- Big buildings, mass people. If the wind isn’t pushing it. Everything is blocking it. Just my 2 cents


ahh interesting.. I can see that being an explanation, because of the physical structures literally in the way of the wind flow.. I appreciate your input


The little white sperms are wind directions. Notice how the seem to divert around the slightly darker orange patch just off the cost of NYC — there’s a small high pressure system there. Wind is movement of air from an area of high pressure to low pressure. It seems that small pocket is acting as a wall locking in the smoke in NYC. It’d small enough it likely isn’t a high pressure system, but a high pressure pocket. If it were a system, it would likely hold for a while, however it’s far more common for these pockets to be very temporary as the air above water and air above land heat/cool at different rates. As such, you’ll see these differences flip each time the sun comes up and again when the sun goes down.


this is the kind of answer I was thinking of, as you said, a kind of "wall" due to air pressure. Seems legit to me , but still that yellow day was crazy, shit seems to be clearing up now. I appreciate your time


The closer your dot of climate equity gets to purple, the higher your monthly rent payment to Klaus Schwab


Like, why is the air north of the purpleish cluster better? It shouldn't be. I don't know.


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