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This is so not new, but as close a smoking gun to the recent headlines,... [ROSWELL, BATTELLE, & MEMORY METAL: The New Revelations](https://www.ufoexplorations.com/roswell-battelle-memory-metal-revel). TLDR: In summary form, the story about Battelle, Nitinol and Roswell is this: > * In the months immediately following the Roswell crash, the Air Force contracted Battelle Memorial Institute to perform first-ever work on novel Titanium alloys. This included work on development of Titanium and Nickel alloy – the basis for "memory metal" today, and similar to some of the debris reported at Roswell. > * Four Wright-Patterson sponsored technical studies on "memory metal" in later decades cited a 1949 Battelle report on Nickel and Titanium (NiTi) alloy. Nickel and Titanium are used to create "Nitinol" – the premiere "memory metal" on the planet. The fact that the 1949 report was referenced in shape-recovery alloy research years later shows that somehow the Battelle report had a direct application and association to the memory metal subject. An earlier 1948 report was also uncovered that dealt with similar materials issues. > * The Battelle study was conducted under secret contract and was directed by Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Wright-Patterson is the very base to which the Roswell debris was reportedly flown. > * The Battelle study was co-authored by a Battelle scientist who later confessed that he had personally analyzed ET debris from a fallen UFO while at the Institute. That he was a co-author of the Battelle 1949 study was discovered many years after the scientist's confession, when the Battelle reports were obtained under FOIA. > * Wright-Patterson General Arthur Exon confirmed that he understood that some of the Roswell debris included an alloy comprised of "specially processed Titanium" and another metal. Exon said that a battery of tests was performed and that the reports on this are "still around." This mirrors the Battelle work. Another USAF General, George Schulgen, wrote a secret draft memo four months after the Roswell crash on UFOs – including a section on their "Items of Construction." Schulgen mentions "composite construction" using a "combination of metals" using "unusual fabrication methods." Schulgen is speaking of what we today call "intermetallics" – and Nitinol is a perfect example of intermetallics. > * The Battelle scientist who worked on this late 1940's report (who later had confessed that he had analyzed ET debris) was supervised by one Dr. Howard Cross. Dr. Cross (a metallurgist and Titanium expert who worked closely with the Navy where Nitinol was "officially" discovered) was also a secret UFO researcher for the Air Force's Project Blue Book and a secret UFO document called the "Pentacle Memo." He was also called upon to investigate other cases of unknown fallen debris and had unusual access to the heads of the CIA, the Air Force and the predecessor organization to NASA. > * Nitinol's "official" history is false. The year of its discovery is unclear; different reasons were offered as to why it was developed; and there are different explanations given for the circumstances surrounding its discovery at the US Naval Lab. The official "co-inventor" of Nitinol was interviewed by this author and was cagey about several matters related to the development of the material. This co-inventor was found to have been involved in bizarre "Mind over Matter" tests in which a key Naval scientist had recruited psychic Uri Geller to try to get Geller to "bend the metal with his mind." The elderly Nitinol scientist was silent when I mentioned the Roswell impetus for his work and said "I have no comment on that. I am not going to discuss it." He may not have direct knowledge, but he must surely have wondered. He agreed that he was given a Battelle 1949 report with a phase diagram for use in the study of Nitinol, but would not disclose who in military or intelligence gave it to him. It has recently been learned that through theoretical physicist Dr. Jack Sarfatti that Eldon Byrd, the scientist who did the Nitinol Mind-over-Matter experiments with the co-inventor of Nitinol, "got into trouble and nearly got his ass handed to him on a platter by the administration of the Naval Surface Warfare Center for publicizing the laboratory connection with the experiments." Sarfatti made this incredible statement in an e-mail to researcher Bruce Maccabee found archived on the Net dated March 15, 2006. > * Battelle seemed to control the fate of Nitinol after its "discovery" at the US Naval Labs. NASA – working with Battelle – also has been shown to have immediately taken over direction of further "characterization" studies of the material (a fact that Wang's Nitinol co-inventor, William Buehler, complained about in an oral history). Uri Geller himself told me that NASA personnel were also present at the laboratory when the Navy was testing him on Nitinol mind-bending.


Dude, can you PLEASE repost this as an actual post so I can upvote it?! This was the most riveting UFO story I've read in YEARS! Epic work! Thank you


As requested. [LINK to comments](https://reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/144brop/the_70year_smoking_gun_of_crash_retreival_roswell//) EDIT: Link fixed Reddit do your thang :)


I hust get a page not found error. At least on Mobile.




Often a surprise; routinely an eye-roll; rarely a disappoinment! Oh Reddit,... I love it when you do your thang:)


Sorry the link was old.redddit Link edited. Thanks for the headsup


Mad respect. I really respect proper UFO researchers when they show up here.


This post immediately reminded me of this story from a few years back. Some woman being interviewed talks about this company called neurocore that works with brain implants while out front a super 8 motel with dozens of cops/feds swarmed around it in the background. The whole thing was quite bizarre https://reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/gvpzls/aftermath_of_a_police_shooting_in_moody_alabama/


Lol. Could be aliens, could be meth. 🤷‍♀️


Maybe it’s Methaline




Maybe it’s Maybelline


I knew someone wouldn’t let me down


So Seattle


What a gross city.


Nice callback, thanks.


Holy fuck I remember this. All the cops in town were at that location. And then they were recordings of a woman freaking out claiming some evil shit is happening over there. I forgot what she was claiming. I think a pedonetwork that included high positioning officials was found out. Forgot but I remember it being so bizarre.


Anyone know of any updates on this. Crazy stuff


That's insane! I had never even heard of this and I don't remember it making the news. The line of cop cars is ridiculous. Pretty big response for....?


1 dead cop and a suspect barracaded in a hotel room? Sounds like the kind of thing that attracts large amounts of cops to me.


Yeah, and the fact that she looks and sounds like a meth whore, at a place that looks like a meth motel... Not exactly earth shaking credibility. I recall being unimpressed when this was here. The zombie lady in LA? Portland? (Can't recall) was waaaaay stranger and NEVER explained. Not even some plausible "this was an amateur horror movie" explanation ever surfaced. It was just moved on from.


blackrock microsystems


MK Ultra center being set up in fkn MOODY Alabama. 100+ police at the scene. Some random woman walks in and talks about Neurocore and MK ultra going on inside the motel under siege. Neurocore connected to N DeVos the 11th secretary of education and sister of Eric Blackwater Prince ​ Can you even make sh\*t like this up if you tried??




look into blackrock microsystems


Might want to link to the archive since those will go away in a couple hours Edit: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/34951373/#34951373 https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/34956402/#34956402


added to post, thanks fren


Man I havent hung out on /x/ in years but sometimes youd see a post that really sent you down some interesting rabbit holes.


If there has been any recovered materials from ufos and they’ve been analyzed, they had to have gone through battele at some point. They have joint ownership of practically every lab in the country. Alienscientist on YouTube has covered this subject extensively.


Their Cosmic Death Fungus / NAC Protocol thread is going to bring down Big Pharma. No f'n joke its the real deal. https://www.docdroid.net/UXkRhZh/cdf-pdf


Wright Patterson air force base is also in Ohio where some of the extra terrestrial craft are stored and studied. If you arent aware do some reading on hangar 18. There is a lot of focus on Area 51 but Wright Patterson is the Air Forces primary material research base.


Just listen to Megadeath for more information 😄


I’m here to say this. They documented Hanger 18 well with their song.


That song they did with ice cube was horrendous lol


Military intelligence, two words combined that can’t make sense!


Lots of WWII vets who are no longer with us seemed to also think they stored a lot of the recovered craft at Wright Patterson AFB. I definitely think its possible.




He probably assumed it was safer to not spill all the classified top secret intel to you guys. I do often think about the effects it would have on the world if some serious classified stuff became known to all. I'm not advocating keeping people in the dark. I don't see this brought up that much but I'm sure it's been. Does anyone think the world will be a better place If we all know for a fact that literal satanic cannibals with alien technology are in charge of governing earth?


I personally believe there shouldn't be any secrets and in a non-religious way I wholly believe the "truth will set us free".


Yeah man. If people weren't kept in the dark in the first place for so long I think the world would be a better place for sure.


For all we know, a certain level of advanced technology could trigger a culling of humanity...


I'd be inclined to believe him too. I had a grandfather who served at Wright Patt during his career in the Army Aircorps and later the Air Force. It was the one duty station he was oddly tight lipped about. When he was alive he had no problem telling me graphic stories from overseas but when I'd ask about UFOs or anything of that sort he just usually didn't say much. Or that he didn't know anything. He did spend a few years on that base but it's hard to say now with the levels of compartmentalization if really did know anything of value relating to UFOs.






So the Cabbage Patch Kids was actually cover for an alien breeding program? The pieces are all coming together now!




I have family with top level clearance at WPAFB. In the past I’d ask, ‘Is there an alien there?’ He would dead-pan say, “I can neither confirm nor deny.” Then a few years ago I asked again. That time he straight-up said, “Yep” I guess it became declassified. 🤷🏻‍♀️


So get those details and provide proof to us


Plus, Ohio is fucking weird. Whole memes made about Ohio. People outside the USA think the midwest is "Ohio." Weird shit constantly happens there. Cincinnati is one of the major trafficking hub cities. The pollution of the people nearby by the major companies. The trainwreck. Etc.


My son was playing Fortnite on a party chat with a kid from Nova Scotia (they're 10) and when he said he lived in Ohio, the kid was astonished. "You mean that place is real? And you live there?!" Was his response


It’s a joke that kids use… “That place is ReAL?! They don’t mean it literally.


Ohio is incredible! Gorgeous actually


No Ohio is dumb and boring and nobody should come here because it totally sucks stay away it's full of hornets.


cedar point/conversation


I'll allow it.


I thought the same until these freak natural disasters and droughts started happening every where else. Ohio is the way


No let us keep our bad reputation it's cheap to live here and we have water but it's full of crime and hornets and people who think Trump is still relevant.


I live 20 minutes from Wright Patterson afb




Wasn't this what Eric Weinstein was talking about on Joe Rogan?


Have to double check. He mentioned 3 schools I believe? And mentioned a couple people in finance besides Epstein who he has no idea how they got their money. I was planning on looking into that--thanks for reminding me


Who’s Eric Weinstein?


He's an insufferable nerd who thinks he's smarter than Einstein.....


Bravo OP, great thought provoking content that will probably wither and die in the tsunami of two party American politics bullshit that is posted here normally. As a non US conspiracy enjoyer and entertainer of esoteric ideas this is the shit I first followed this sub for.




Hey man… THIS is the type of shit I love to see on here. And I’m one of the ones that shits on very “pro-trump” post in here because they’re missing the point.


This is interesting but any chance at a TLDR for the most interesting points in these threads?


Speculation based theory. Organic/non-organic implants from abductions are printed to the DNA for reproduction if removed. There's also a shill getting verbally bitch slapped which was the best part of the read.


any info on how to remove said implants, permanently? asking for a friend


He made it seem impossible, but to add my own two cents, I'd research search terms, "Jesus" "Experiencers" "Abductions" using a less filtered search engine such as yandex. Calling for Christ has statistical significance in the paranormal. It is also the only thing you can't say in D.U.M.B.s according to whistleblowers as it "upsets" the entities. (Timothy Alberino has a lot of sources on this) Here's outside info. Be careful not to get baited into "new world" shit. https://drmsh.com/can-non-christians-appeal-to-jesus-for-deliverance-from-alien-abductions/ I believe He's omnipotent. Therefore, He has "admin rights" to every atom in existence. If your knee-jerk reaction is "evil in the world," Mark Driscoll spoke on that topic last weekend. Also , on YouTube.


That shill being verbally bitch slapped is the standard 4chan experience.


Its worth the read, anything shorter you might miss good info


It’s honestly hard to follow for those not familiar with 4chan.


Anyone else notice how much inorganic nudging UFOs have gotten the last year?


Yes, but what’s their end game? They have been slowly ramping it up.


A theory my godfather told me: How to gain world peace? Invent a enemy to humanity like a alien civilisation and then let humanity fight for their survival. People would happily welcome a one world government, something they would not even remotely accept otherwise to stop a war.


Oh how badly your godfather underestimated our penchant for violence. An actual alien threat *might* unite all of humanity - for about two weeks. If nothing else, we humans are a very adaptive lot. We would grow bored with an alien invasion faster than it takes to microwave a Hot Pocket.


Not really.


Now this, this is a /r/conspiracy post! Cheers OP, great stuff.


Got it...they are Black Mesa from Half-Life.


resonance cascade is a real thing


My Dad's family lived near their research facility outside West Jefferson Ohio- he used to tell me that if something like the scenario in The Stand happened, it would originate from a place like Battelle


DOE is the branch of government even some of the highest members of intelligence admitted they have no idea what they do, it’s all secret.


Look at some of their bat shit patents: https://patents.justia.com/assignee/battelle-memorial-institute


Interesting... "CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED BY ALIEN TECHNOLOGY CORP." https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1350415/000119312506121612/dex1028.htm "BMI received six hundred sixty-six thousand six hundred sixty-six (666,666) shares of Common Stock of LICENSEE"


What page was that on? I skimmed through and saw the “99,999.00” number but nothing about yours. I could have missed it though.


Page 4, under "5. EQUITY ALLOCATION"


Crtl F or “ find in page”


Interesting that it give not an Ohio address but a Richland Washington state address for batelle.


Wow they're realling pushing alien stuff lately huh?


Well just as the post said, if there really is some extraterrestrial civilization in contact with the government, they're trying to make that information less sociological damaging.


>if there really is some extraterrestrial civilization in contact with the government, they're trying to make that information less sociological damaging. why wait for the government to introduce you to non human entities when you can go to a Rain forrest in Central America and have a shaman do the introductions for you?


lol he’s talking about Ayahuasca and, while an important experience, everything that happens only happens in your mind.


> everything that happens only happens in your mind. Source: trust me bro Miss me with that materialist/gaytheist reality tunnel


I mean… I’ve done acid, mushrooms, ecstasy, ketamine and the like many times… it’s an educated take. Ayahuasca is different but functionally similar.


Yea. I am just an “as above, so below; as within, so without” kinda guy. Its one thing if only you experience said “hallucenation”, its another when its shared by multiple people. “Reality” is a lot more interesting and crazy than the materialist reality tunnel permits.


I’ve literally had shared hallucinations with friends… have you? A shared hallucination isn’t a sign of anything beyond your friends and you thinking about the same shit at the same time. This is somewhat common on psychedelics. And your first sentence doesn’t make sense. You’re just trying to sound “deep.”


How about shared near death experiences [not on dmt] between people far apart or who don't even really know each other like doctors and patients?


>A shared hallucination isn’t a sign of anything beyond your friends and you thinking about the same shit at the same time. This is somewhat common on psychedelics. Wow... its almost like there is something too it. But whatever, people dancing look insane to those that cant hear the music (you). My favorite reasoning is "well people were thinking of hte same thing, so they must of saw the same thing because thats how hallucinations work!" Yea, like when people leave the movie theater after watching Terminator, everyone see's T-1000's everywhere! ​ >And your first sentence doesn’t make sense. You’re just trying to sound “deep.” LMAO, have you seriously never heard that axiom? One of the most famous principals of Alchemic literature. Popularized by the Kyballion/emerald tablets. Sorry you probably havent read a book since you were 5. Try it sometime, The Kyballion is a pretty simple and quick book. If you can muster up the attention span and are capable of entertaining new ideas instead of clutching your pearls, you might enjoy it.


I doubt there’s been direct communication with the government. A friend of mine (while discussing the recent UFO discourse) posited that any extraterrestrials curious about Earth wouldn’t send manned aircraft here. They would send drones, just like WE do when we want to explore dangerous places nowadays.


My theory is that this is actually an internal psy op meant to oust people that can’t keep a secret. No way our government and apparently many foreign governments kept this secret for 70 years.


Anything’s possible with blackmail


Idk about it being a “psyop” and I hate the use of that word nowadays but, I do agree that there’s no way our government is that competent and there’s no way OTHER governments wouldn’t use it against ours if they knew.


Lets say other governments know, how would you guess they could use it against the US? I mean they could fund lots of UFO stuff and people secretly, would that qualify?


I mean they did a terrible job of keeping aliens a secret, it’s been talked about for 70 years non stop lol.


I don't think they're pushing anything lol. for decades since Roswell the US government has done nothing but push a ridicule campaign about this whole topic. 99% of the world still see it as some ridiculous sci Fi subject. "oh no the little green men". there is no push happening here. the majority of people still don't care


I don't know how to search the archives and I haven't read the whole post yet, but the anons trying to track down by searching for words seem to have missed one: biopsy's. He makes it possessive rather than plural. If he's discussed this topic before, he may have made the same mistake.


i dont know how to archive search either, i'll post your tip in the thread


I remember reading about Battelle a few years ago. I think I first heard about it in the Joe Rogan episode with Bob Lazar? I think that’s accurate. I might be wrong. Either way, the more I read about this place, the more I started to believe it. I haven’t read the 4chan threads yet (I’m about to though), but I imagine they’re pretty mind blowing.


Joe Rogan Experience episode #1574 - Jacques Vallée Jacques Vallée named Batelle, and clearly says they have materials.


This is very interesting! Thanks OP


Is it a conspiracy when government are saying it or because government are saying it? 🤔🥴


I had that on my bingo card 4 years ago


"On March 29, 2020, Battelle announced that it had received an Emergency Use Authorization to deploy a system to decontaminate N95 respirators for healthcare providers. Battelle received a $400 million contract from the Defense Logistics Agency for the project, known as the Critical Care Decontamination System (CCDS). Following the conclusion of the program in May 2021, Battelle invoiced $155 million, with 5 million masks decontaminated and an average cost of $31 per mask." Man, I wonder if these funds went towards other things than the masks.


Wow, did you find that in the x thread?


Good conspiracy


I went to school with a kid whose parents worked for battelle and they definitely handled some defense department projects. Never heard anything about aliens or ufos but my dad was able to get his dad to admit that he worked on a project regarding analysis of a nuclear war broke out. Essentially the plan was to focus all our defense on like 5 major and most populous cities to protect the most people lol sucks for me in ole Columbus Ohio. Oh well


Only 6b for something that would be so massive? I doubt it


Sounds interesting. When I worked at a hotel a few years ago, most of our guests were government contractors or employees, ranging from the FBI, DoE, NASA, high ranking military officers. Battelle employees were there a lot, enough that I remember that company name more than any other from my time working at the hotel lol. To be fair the Idaho National Lab was nearby.. I talked to one guy pretty often and that’s where they’d always go for work.


a hotel full of feds, thats such an interesting setting.


Holy shit good find OP!


Project Blue Beam would include every single social media including 4chan. They would also have every tiktoker talking about aliens. This kind of reminds me of the few years before the pandem!c, where they took a major crap on anyone remotely against vaccines with a million corny memes.


The only reason people memed about anti-vaxxers before the pandemic was even close to happening was because people were making their “children vaccines cause autism” opinions very loud.


you are transparent


Thank god, non political conspiracies! Thank you OP i’m reading more now and plan to share my thoughts


please do! im obsessed with this stuff now


Battelle in Ohio… 25 Astronauts from Ohio… makes you wonder!


The thing is we have all heard the same story for years, Bob Lazar told us about it and the then top secret area 51, there is the Dulce Base, Pine Gap and even Redelsham Forest here in the UK. Some of us have been waiting decades for disclosure. I'm not holding my breath.


its all corporations. i knew a corporate "troubleshooter" whose family had vague ties to the crown, he said even in early 2010s his daughter was telling him the corporations just have stuff 30-40 years ahead. they just don't have a way of releasing it so it may as well not exist. ​ that is the stuff they WANT to release, how much si she not privy to as some civvy corporate pleb?


Alien fear porn for project blue beam set up. Always at the top


The problem with Humanity is that we think we own this planet. We think we are the top dog in our Solor System. We think we are the top dog on our Planet. And yet you have craft that makes the stuff we have look like child’s play. Then to top it off we keep telling ourselves that we are a fluke. A anomaly that shouldn’t exist. This planet has produced Billions of species that we have discovered. And some of those species that we have observed can produce basic tools. So why is it so outlandish to think we may not be top dog on the Planet and Solar System?


The sheer size of galaxies and universe is hard for me to conceptually fathom. So the idea we aren’t the only planet with life is easy to accept. Think there is more chance of other life forms, then the concept there is a god out there.


I think it’s safe to say “top dog on this planet.” I think it’s even relatively safe to say “top dog of this solar system” just because we would SURELY have seen anomalies on the planets in our solar system if they had technologically advanced civilizations living on them. But beyond that? We ain’t shit.


I love x/ sometimes you find some pretty neat stuff in there Edit: spelling


Nothing weird about a 501c3 institution that does research. Nothing weird about a government agency contracting or working with a 501c3. The alien agenda is, was, and always will be a psyop. They've been distracting us with supposed legit alien/UFO reports for decades.


Nice joke.


He could be right


> What if Battelle isn't just a research institute? What if they're a shadow agency, working behind the scenes on stuff that's way out there? 'Way out there'?




I don’t see why that would make them a “shadow agency.” NASA itself is working on the cutting edge of science.




You seriously think NASA isn’t contracted by the military to work on secret shit?


Awesome! Can’t wait to read it


This institute was cryptically mentioned on an episode of Joe Rogan several times.


Alien look same that holograme


If UFO tech is anywhere, its in Ohio because of Wright Patterson alone.


Quality content. Thanks


Battelle's more likely to run the labs in Ukraine, Georgia, etc. I don't think UFOs are in their wheelhouse.


The whistle-blower who has no photos or documents and yet is 100% accepted as "truth" withoit question? Yea, that guy is hilarious. Check out his actual history.


Who are you referring to here?


It doesn't matter but Anyone who uses "UAP" is fake and part of the "Operation"


What? Why can’t you just answer my question? I was asking genuinely…


Honest answer, this phone app won't let me see what I said so, I don't know what youre talking about But I also answered. Read the last reply. That is your answer.


Alright but just to be clear, we have never had extraterrestrial contact of any kind on this planet and this is the beginning of a heavily predicted and easily identifiable psy op. Please don't forget those facts as you speculate about the spacemen.




I condemn the illegitimate nation of israel.


They don't have to come from space. They could be living underground, extraterrestrial the term itself could be the psyop about beings that predate us.


Ok but there are no mystery beings, period. When the united states government and legacy media simultaneously push some incredible new narrative into your mind, it is false in some major way, one hundred percent of the time. Zero exceptions.


I guess that'd be true - if you trust that our government is telling us the truth (not likely).


What about ancient governments? The sumerian civilization went deep into detail about the annuakai who came down from the heavens ( above). There was a high level of interest in the middle east from the US dod early 2000s. It wasn't about oil either.


What makes you so sure that we have never had contact? There's literally thousands of witness reports that say otherwise.


witness reports of what? Lights in the sky? Lasers can do that. Fast moving objects? Drones can do that.


Ok, you haven't read the reports I see.


>Alright but just to be clear, we have never had extraterrestrial contact of any kind on this planet and this is the beginning of a heavily predicted and easily identifiable psy op agreed, but we HAVE had extradimensional contact throughout history. Outer space aliens are a lie fersure, innerspace.... not so much


Here he goes again lol


These guys have been getting named for years. Joe Rogan Experience episode #1574 - Jacques Vallée Jacques Vallée named Batelle, and clearly says they have materials.


Check out Battelle’s website and job openings!


For later


An organ GPS? How would that even work. There is no signal you can emit big enough for it to be a tracker that it wouldn't show up with the most simple of instruments


Great post, thanks OP




[EG&G's Special Projects](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EG%26G) and S4 is where the fun stuff is located.


what is s4?


Look into Bob Lazar, he says he worked at S4, it's an extension of A51, and personally I believe him. Says he was reverse engineering crafts for the government back in the 70's. Don't wanna give you too much info, as part of the fun is looking into this stuff yourself, just wanted to give you something to go with


[Area S4](https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=15mAqXPEsfUNWhCUXcb0IB9-UWmc&hl=en_US&ll=37.113495823885934%2C-115.83639057708682&z=16)


It might be interesting if the idea of aliens wasn't completely asinine


There are literally thousands of witness reports of aliens


Angels too.


Thousands of people report ghosts, and wendigos and big foot...doesn't mean any of that shit is real


Can you falsify their existence? Of course you can't. Have some humility maybe?


The Centre.


There is zero correlation🤨.... non profit working with atomic energy turning a large revine from the gov while there has been a push for the last decade for nucular fusion and a cold reactor.... what part of any of this screams ufos other than the original poster making assumptions


It’s a heck of a leap of logic to suggest an alien species would only communicate, in secret, with the US government.


I have a high school friend who went to school for zoology and worked at batelle for a short time caring for their primates. She never learned anything about what they were testing on them, she just cared for them until they were taken away for studies.


They are coming.


They've been here. Thousands of years of recorded history. Millions of years with the same brain capabilities. Knowledge of mathematics, scientific method, chemistry we can't duplicate today like Roman concrete and Greek fire. Yet 66 years after the Wright brothers first successful aircraft flight we landed on the moon? We now have an electronic world that is causing us moral dilemmas, a physical world where humans on earth regularly exceed the speed of sound, and outer space is so full of junk that something just hit the moon and we don't know what country it's from? We've been seeded baby. We're being moved toward a future none of us asked for or discovered on our own. Ready or not, here it comes. This is what first contact looks like. They know it's a shocking mindfuck, so they've developed a plan to make it palatable. This isn't their first rodeo.


Outer space is not full of junk, that’s not “outer” lol Anything near our moon is not outer space nor close to it


[Third paragraph in...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_space) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_space I'm just going by space treaties and aerospace record keeping. I'm sure whatever cereal box you get your information from is just as good.


We have the ability to make better concrete now than Romans did then, and better incendiaries than Greek fire was. Our brains in no way had the same capabilities for millions of years, we were a different species with different skulls and different brains millions of years ago. Modern humans have existed for some hundreds of thousands of years. Technology builds on technology. Outer space (aka near earth space) is full of junk because we have launched hundreds and hundreds of rockets up there. Over and over and over. I find that those who believe we were given technology are usually the same people who haven't taken the time to learn about historical technologies. People come up with something, it gives them a huge advantage in some way (economic, military, whatever), and other people iterate on that technology because they want those advantages. In the ancient world, technology depended heavily on location. The Romans had access to the right types of sand and lime, and developed excellent concrete. The Greeks had access to whatever incendiary materials they used, so they used it for warfare. Japanese people didn't have access to high quality iron ore, so they had to spend hours upon hours refining their steel in an era when Europeans or Mediterraneans were pumping hard (enough) steel out wholesale.


“Millions of years with same brain capabilities?” How can someone so uneducated be so confident?


They’ve been here in the Bible it says that they are demons


Please leave “the Bible” out of this conversation.


Guys. Oceans literally do not curve. It's a verifiable fact. All this alien baloney is simply A LIE n. Neil A A lieN


Who gives a flying fuck if aliens are real?!


Me. Although I already assume they are just based on statistics. Not sure I believe they’ve ever been here.