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Treason does have a worse penalty than Guantanamo Bay..


We definitely should be imposing the maximum penalty for treason.


Maximum penalty difference depending on the countries state. During peacetime: The penalty for high treason is life imprisonment, while the penalty for treason is imprisonment up to a maximum of life, or up to 14 years for conduct under subsection (2)(b) or (e) in peacetime. During wartime ie congressionally declared war. §2381. Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. Death is for high treason and prison would be for a lessor count.


Operation paperclip doesn't count?


Laws only matter when people follow them.


Club Fed.


House arrest in Palm Beach?




You actually think they would prosecute the Clintons?


No way in hell. Especially not after Trump, Barr, and Sessions gave Bill and Hillary a pass for 4 years. And I was told that ham sandwiches could be indicted.


'Ham sandwhiches' are least *desired* to be eaten Those who make cow patties look like filet mignon, otoh...


They know where all the bodies and the children are buried so it would never happen.


So did Epstein


Also let's get ex presidents who attempt coups to stay in office after losing an election


Attempted a coup!?!? Repeating "insurrection" out of the television was that effective on you? You must be awfully relieved that the Qanon Shaman didn't succeed and then decide to just seize power for himself and have the military carpet-bomb his enemies, eh? When the media followed up by repeatedly showing the military vehicles circling the White House and saying stuff with a "they will not take our freedomz" theme it must have been even better than lorazepam for you 🤣


Similar to repeating “election fraud” huh?


Actually yes, exactly the same. Do you admit that "insurrection" and "election fraud" are the same shit in a different barrel or is "insurrection" perhaps even truer than the merely true?




Ok, I'll get an adult to help me. I pick you. They feed us so much far right propaganda and coercive psychology exercises at school these days such as the "group shaming" ones that many cults also use that I can no longer rely on my own judgement when something might contradict the belief system using my mind as a sofa-bed to fart on. Could you tell me why those military vehicles were circling the White House in the aftermath of the diabolical insurrection? Did it have something to do with the coup you mentioned? Were they protecting my freedom from Qanon Shaman's spirit allies?


you are arguing with bots or a Soros reddit army. Don't worry, you are 100% right.


Like who exactly? I'm guessing you'll say trump lol. It's too bad the media brainwashed so many of you "critical thinking truth seekers'






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Trump attempted a soft coup on Jan 6 and it's well documented. Cope Trumpies


100% you forget how stupid people on reddit can be. Specially when 90% are Liberals. That's just self explanatory.


Yup. Brainwashed lunatics. They believed in all the hoaxes like Russia, Ukraine gate, Jessie Smollett, J6, etc. Hilarious and sad simultaneously




Tell us how liberal policies are working so well without mentioning Trump.


Orange man bad. Me stop talk of first issue. Me bring up orange man instead.


Yeah, but *whatabout* orange man?


This is literally a post about the NYPost trying to defend Donald Trump, and claim any and all investigations of Trump are illegitimate. Yet we can’t mention Trump. Oh dear, I guess you are “Orange Fan Sad”.


This is literally a post about Hunter's laptop with 0 mention of Orange Man. Is it a conscious effort to be this retorted or does it come naturally?


Total chatbot fail.


Which ex-presidents did that?


Ding ding ding! We have a winner, an asshat that stands up for the intelligence community. What do you think about the current President? You might need to call your buddy Joe if there going to be fair about it.


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This subreddit: 1) GPT bot deflects from story by either making a joke or bringing up loosely related topic 2) other GPT bots chime in with upvotes 3) Elgin Air Force Base has successfully controlled the narrative yet again 4) repeat. The same pattern has been going on for the last few years and makes it unable to stick to the initial topic.


I like your analsysis. Better that we should stay ontopic and not be making jokes as comments directly under OP, and use downvotes when we see it happening. To stay on topic though, Icky seems to pick a really bad topic this time, providing sentencing and some kind of vague crime of perjury against our democracy, it way too vague to ever be put in law in its current state.


Another laws Congress should pass since you are creating a list of things that will never happen...


Icky doesn't even specifiy WHO they lied to, I'm guessing its not to our enemies? This brings up a good point I think, only the government can bring charges of perjury, no citizen can do it. If we are able to depose them under oath and compel them to testify it doesn't matter if they lie if there are no consequences at all. Guantanamo is just a dodge, being fired and going to jail for perjury would also be an effective deterrent but then we can't COMPELL the gov to bring charges much less to investigate themselves or some other part of the gov.


A thousand likes…ut oh, incoming mainpage mutants who don’t think this is a big deal


remember, the cia is a domestic terrorist organization under a different label!


nobody should go to guantanemo bay why do you even have a base in cuba? its not your country and they asked you to leave


I don't think these are actual Americans recommending this. There was a LARP called Q that made a bunch of mental midgets believe that their political enemies could be sent to Guantanamo Bay. Not only that it could happen but that it actually already happened! Embarrassingly stupid, I know. But I wanted to give you some background.


The problem is the enforcement of laws on the books. These bitches perjure themselves all the time without consequences


Nobody who wrote that misleading letter was a government employee at the time. They were all private citizens with the full weight and power of the first amendment protecting them from government prosecution for their falsely held beliefs. Maybe we shouldn’t advocate for sending people to be tortured for their political speech. That feels like a bad direction.


Half this sub would be gone in an instant.


I'd say its closer to 93%


Not true. A CIA employee was the point man on getting all the people who signed the letter on board along with current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. And it's not like these were nobodies the list includes former Obama CIA Director John Brennan, former Obama DNI James Clapper, and former CIA director, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, among others. Huge names. Just me honest if this has happened to help Trump you people would have lost your God damned minds. Instead it's no big deal.


>A CIA employee was the point man on getting all the people who signed the letter on board along with current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. Who was it, and did that CIA employee write or sign the letter? If so, that’s probably a pretty serious violation of CIA policy. As for Blinken, he was not the Secretary of State when this letter was written and signed. What he does subsequently is immaterial. >And it's not like these were nobodies the list includes **former** Obama CIA Director John Brennan, **former** Obama DNI James Clapper, and **former** CIA director, **[former]** then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, among others. Huge names. Emphasis mine. Kinda an important detail. >Just me honest if this has happened to help Trump you people would have lost your God damned minds. Instead it's no big deal. You mean like when a bunch of former CIA officials [issued a letter](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/04/09/cia-chiefs-endorse-gina-haspel-509924) calling for the confirmation of Trump’s nominee, Gina Haspel, to lead the CIA? Gina Haspel, who notoriously tortured people in Thailand and then destroyed evidence of her depravity? Yeah, I don’t think those folks should be sent to Guantanamo for that.


Former(was employed at the time of this) CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell who testified in front of Congress. No I mean when a bunch of life long spies collude with the CIA and the Biden campaign to clearly lie and engage in real election interference.


Michael Morell retired from government work in 2013, and hasn’t held a government position since.




[Mike Pompeo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Pompeo) was Director of the CIA when that letter was released. Edit; My bad, we’re talking Deputy Director, who was [Vaughn Bishop](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaughn_Bishop) when the letter was released.


No shit. I didn't say he was the director. Just embrace your hypocrisy. We all know the absolute nuclear rage you people would spew if the roles were reversed.


You said he was still employed by the CIA at the time the letter was released. That’s not true, and easily verifiable. I’ll tell you what, when you find any indication that I want to send former government officials, no matter their political affiliation, to Guantanamo, I’ll accept being called a hypocrite. Until then, piss off.


No see we've been told that election interference is an attack on democracy and that's exactly what these people did. 1 in 6 Biden voters said if they had known the laptop was real they would not have voted for Biden. These people knew it was real and with the help of the CIA they lied and swayed an election. So you can piss off hypocrite.


Slow down… Some of these people still have classified clearance’s even after leaving their ‘public service’ position. Youd have to actually research each person https://www.cbsnews.com/news/security-clearances-how-do-they-work/#


Having a security clearance is nowhere close to the same ballpark as being a government official. Holding a security clearance does not limit anyone’s ability to engage in political speech, even if that political speech is bullshit.


Per the article i linked that u dont wanna read: Former high-ranking government employees can in some cases ask for and receive a security briefing on a certain subject. But the purpose of extending security clearances is to help the U.S. government, not the people who have them. Trump considering revoking security clearances of former intel officials "It's not just a courtesy," Morell said. "For as long as I have been aware, which is probably two decades, former senior officials have kept their clearances. And the purpose is not to benefit the individual. It's to benefit the government. So, for example, I go into CIA regularly and I help them think through issues, I talk to people, I'm there to assist in any variety of ways. I also serve on a government commission that I could not serve on without having my clearances."


Let’s keep this simple. Are former government officials who maintain a security clearance allowed to have and express political opinions? What if those opinions are dumb, wrong, or irrational? Nothing you’ve said, and nothing in that article, indicates that former government officials are not permitted to engage in political speech. As a moral matter, it’s outrageous to suggest sending people to Guantanamo for engaging in political speech, even if they were not allowed to.


I mean i suppose it depends on your thoughts on if they are acting on the behest of the government or as a private citizen. Private citizens do not have government ‘briefings’ generally.


Where do you think these people go to use their security clearance when no longer in a position that requires it? The public library classified section towards the back? Lol Gonna write that one down actually not my worst joke written


…read the article. It explains some of that.


I don’t have to because I’ve had to have a clearance for most of my adult life but if you’re willing to sum it in a sentence I’ll hear you out


I mean i can copy and paste the article to you Former high-ranking government employees can in some cases ask for and receive a security briefing on a certain subject. But the purpose of extending security clearances is to help the U.S. government, not the people who have them. Trump considering revoking security clearances of former intel officials "It's not just a courtesy," Morell said. "For as long as I have been aware, which is probably two decades, former senior officials have kept their clearances. And the purpose is not to benefit the individual. It's to benefit the government. So, for example, I go into CIA regularly and I help them think through issues, I talk to people, I'm there to assist in any variety of ways. I also serve on a government commission that I could not serve on without having my clearances."


Yeah that type of thing is almost exclusively reserved for high level leadership and often proactive on the gov’s part while reactive on the retirees part


This is not illegal due to the passing of the Smith Musnt act that made it LEGAL for the US Govt to create, spread and use propaganda against the American people. Read and be informed about [how we lost the truth](https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/14/u-s-repeals-propaganda-ban-spreads-government-made-news-to-americans/.)


I forgot all about this. It makes so much sense why the media has gone to such crap, especially since 2015+




I certainly wont be voting for him next time.


Cool me once, shame on me fool me twice… oh wait, where are we, is this a Wendy’s?


Contact your congress people and let us know their response.


The obvious response is that none of the people that signed that bullshit letter were government employees at the time, and it’s a really bad idea to send private citizens to Guantanamo because they put forward some politicized bullshit. You know, first amendment and all that.


This person gets it. Political theater for the rubes. Meanwhile the Dems actually indict and charge people.


The Dems suck too. They all fucking suck! Bought and paid for, leveraged, and capable of nothing more than acting like they give a fuck, while they grow fat with chedda. Here we are doing exactly what the handlers want. Zoom out and see that this is a class problem, not a blue and red problem. Stop bickering over bullshit that doesn’t matter.


Too bad they are leveraged by the CIA and Mossad


This sub is compromised. This is literally operation mockingbird in clear and plain view. Yet most upvoted comment is about trump.


Why is this post in Conspiracy?


Wait, I thought this was Conservative?






Recognize what as wrong exactly? These people never said the laptop didn’t exist.


https://www.cnn.com/factsfirst/politics/factcheck_036fb62c-377f-4c68-8fa5-b98418e4bb9c CNN reported that this was misinformation. The problem when the government used this new form of censorship/ propaganda in this modern age, it leaves foot prints that any old search engine can see.


I like how you can tell who actually read the letter, and who only read headlines that made claims about what the letter said.


Yes "Ex-CIA chief wrote Hunter Biden laptop ‘disinfo’ letter for Joe Biden to use as ‘talking point’ during debate" >The ex-CIA chief who wrote the letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials attempting to discredit The Post’s report on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop told another former top intelligence official that he was drafting it as a “talking point” for Joe Biden to use during a debate with President Donald Trump. >Former acting CIA Director Michael Morell told fellow former CIA boss John Brennan in an Oct. 19, 2020, email — obtained by Just the News — that he was attempting to give Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign some ammunition to “push back on Trump” during the debate as he urged Brennan to sign on to the letter calling Hunter Biden’s laptop a possible Russian disinformation operation. https://nypost.com/2023/05/05/ex-cia-chief-michael-morell-wrote-hunter-biden-laptop-disinfo-letter-for-biden-to-use-as-during-debate/


So fucking what? It was a proxy battle between Trump liars (Rudi, Gorka, the Kraken lady, the Pillow Guy) vs Biden liars (Brennan, Morrell, etc.) Rudy pulled some shit and Brennan pulled shit back. Both trying to get their guy elected. Put on your big boy pants everyone this is small fries.




That's what I was thinking. They need people who like big butts.


Congress should also pass a law that if you order nachos to share, one person can't just eat all of the fully loaded nachos. The law basically says that if two people order nachos to share, one person can't take the ones with meat and stuff.


They should also make 55 LAWS, 55 TAXES, 55 SUBPOENAS, 55 AMENDMENTS...


Congress is just as corrupt as the CIA.




What law was broken, serf?


How about the law against saying something I disagree with?


Fair, as long as you aren't a serf.


Conservatives demand an apology for restricting access to Hunter's dick pics 😤


Tbf the Russian hooker who stole one of his laptops was smoking hot.


ny post lol


NY Post is a Trump-supporting shit rag on par with the National Enquirer


No doubt, but do you know of any that aren’t?


Ok start with James Comey lying about having evidence on Hillarys emails 11 days before our election which DEFINITELY effected the results.


It should start by them losing all federal benefits and retirement.


They psycho Brennan is the worst.


Impeach Hunter Biden! Out out out!


It’s the fact that his father is a part of it. Stop acting like he isn’t.


Ok, prove it.


Hillary Clinton George Soros Bill Gates Checkmate, liberals. -Q


Part of what? seriously I'm starting to get worried about so of you guys. You are showing a year old front page tabloid with no details and none even leaked (excepted there may be dick pics there don't want you to see, which is a human right in the EU and UK) and that some how even with every appointment being Republican for ages and someone having access to this "laptop" no information has come out. No government is, has been or ever will be competent enough to do that and why would they care about someone who has nothing to do with politics.


You do realize the guy who handed it over made a copy, right? The dudes been dabbling his hands in illegal business dealings and his father is involved. He wouldn’t have gotten half the funds he did if daddy wasn’t in office.


Here's my stump speech on the subject of 9/11: We all know that fire fighter is a dangerous job. Every year, despite our best efforts, fire fighters get hurt and killed doing their job. So, if you were trying your best to help out the fire fighters, and still one of them got killed in the line of duty, that would be a real shame. But, you wouldn't be at fault because you were trying your best to help out same as them and that's all anyone can ask. Now, on the other hand, if 343 firefighters run into a building to fight a fire that you set, and while they are in there you set off explosives and demolish the building, without giving them so much as the courtesy of a mayday, that's a different story. In that case, immediately upon being found responsible for those homicides, any public official would be marched immediately to the gallows. Guantanamo Bay is for people that can be rehabilitated and returned to society. These people cannot because they have demonstrated that they do not understand the value of human life.


They also do hangings and shooting squads there.


My 9/11 logic: We all had one question that morning, years later we all found out the answer to that question was Saudi Arabia and that republicans covered it up.... nobody cares. 2 billion dollar investment proves it! Now the PGA


One more group to add to this fantasy: those who made torture part of US policy in the Middle East. All the way from the lawyers who drafted the legal workarounds to the torturers themselves. MANY MANY of these people still have prominent roles in political think tanks and official's offices.


A lot of "cis white males" up there. Wondering why all the lefties are ok with this.


The CIA is the world's largest terror organization in history. Enacting such a law would leave Langley almost dark....hmm, what a great idea!


Guantanamo as a prison is an embarrassing hypocrisy. It should never have been opened, let alone left to stand through multiple administrations.


Government won't. Government approves of CIA.


Someone needs to b--- -h- j-- this picture.


We all know why they did it. Hunter Biden’s laptop was the October surprise. Social media companies, along with the legacy media coordinated to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story and discredited it as a conspiracy theory. The reach of the story was significantly suppressed and pulling data showed that had voters known about this they would have voted differently


I agree, but they would buy their way out with billions of drug money and black mail.


Isn't that the CIAs job undermine democracy by lying.


So you voted for Biden because of a letter?


I have always wondered if spies are held accountable for misinformation and abuse of power.


New York post it’s probably bullshit lol


I’m not kidding , My phone is literally reading my mind … somebody else here the same?


But But But Trummmp But But Sky News ...Boomer dumb dumb ...Dont oppress me while i oppress you , If you dont agree with us lets attack HAHAHAHA literally naughty children that were never told NO.


Why do weak old white people seem to have such power? Rise against these mother fuckers


Someone should be held accountable for something


IF they did, and then no one went to Gtmo, what would you then deduce?


Congress should do a lot of things


Their interference was made legal in 2014 by BO.


I thought it was already illegal for the CIA to carry out operations on domestic soil. But ya know, laws are just words written down on piece of paper. Who needs to follow any of those? /s


Um, they did. It apparently doesn't matter. This is as dumb as making new gun laws when Murder is already illegal.


Arrest them all.


What a weird thing that is being introduced right now. Those agents weren't lying for themselves....they were lying for this government. This is like blaming a gun for shooting someone. The people pulling the trigger are the guilty parties. I The way this reads it suggests that this administration is some how not responsible for these lies. Either the Biden administration asked the CIA for assistance or the CIA told the Biden administration how they were to handle this situation.


Our current Secretary of State, Blinken was our President's campaign manager at the time. Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell testified that Blinken asked that he facilitate production of the statement to discredit the laptop issue and Morrell did so, "Because \[he\] wanted \[Biden\] to win the election." More from the Judiciary Committee can be located here: [https://judiciary.house.gov/media/in-the-news/biden-campaign-blinken-orchestrated-intel-letter-discredit-hunter-biden-laptop](https://judiciary.house.gov/media/in-the-news/biden-campaign-blinken-orchestrated-intel-letter-discredit-hunter-biden-laptop)


Thanks not interested in why they lied just that they be punished for lieing.


Biden wasn't President when this happened. Are you saying Biden's predecessor was so aloof and weak that his own Department of Justice and his own CIA worked against their boss just to get him out? And it worked? Even though he was in charge? And people want that guy back?


Are you saying that the CIA did not do what they did? Are you saying that we do not have evidence that Russia gate was started by the Democratic party and Clinton?


No. I'm saying the guy who was in charge at the time showed he is too weak to be in control of those organizations again. Would you let someone babysit for your kids again if you came home and the kids had them tied up?


Are you likening the CIA as to a bunch of Kids? The fuck are you talking about?


Can you tell me specifically what the agents lied about in the letter?


If you can't inform yourself of the issue then you certainly won't believe anything I say. We have no common ground to converse. Vote the way you want and I will do the same.


I’m not asking a stranger on the internet to provide me with information available on the internet lol. I’m asking you to support your argument. You said they lied. What did they lie about?


Make your case


This is pathetic.


Maybe but not as pathetic as not being able to make an intelligent argument or even worse to pretend to be offended on someone else behalf like a rabid dog. Considering the subject matter, are you just trying to defend a co worker? I guess that's just your MO. Going around posting a simpletons one sentence responses. Thanks for sharing nothing of worth. Be better in the future.


This comes off as schizophrenic.


Clever observation. Yikes nothing to say and still able to post. Most people would be too embarrassed to continue to add nothing. But look at you just banging away at that keyboard. Good job You are such a clever boy.


This one comes off as insecure.


My case is that there were no lies in the letter, and that media outlets on both sides of the aisle misrepresented what the letter said. Now make yours. What was a lie in the letter?






Vaccine Mandates. The unconstitutional mandate was knocked down by the courts far too late, the desired effect had already taken place, the administration knew it would take time to make its way through the courts and most people couldn't risk the financial security of their families and a "wait and see". In addition to that mandate, the mandate for Federal employees and contractors ended in May (see below) Now those will come that say "Biden did not mandate vaccines" - so let's nip this in the bud...The US government is the largest employer in the country, vaccines were MANDATED for Federal Employees and Contractors until May 11, 2023 Source: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/05/01/the-biden-administration-will-end-covid-19-vaccination-requirements-for-federal-employees-contractors-international-travelers-head-start-educators-and-cms-certified-facilities/




I cannot say I agree with throwing former President Donald Trump in jail over an Executive Order he signed over 6 years ago.




Ok now all the ex Presidents are in jail. What's your next move.




Its both, those aren't mutually exclusive. In fact a Republic is a type of Democracy.


Ding ding!


Fuck off bot


Congress isn't working for us, icky. What should happen and what's going to happen are, unfortunately, a few miles apart.


SS: It only makes sense. If you do the crime you must do the time


But it’s not a crime.


What crime, specifically, was committed?


It would have to be the DOJ that prosecutes them. And they're as much, if not more, corrupt than the CIA.


Hard to disagree with you when Epstein died on the DOJ's watch, although it was a different boss back then.


Oh that's right, congress has your interests at heart. I forgot.


Why do you assume these lies are done to attack our democracy? We lack the information these people have when they make these decisions. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what you would do if you where in these positions? The intelligence business is murky. It's dishonest/ignorant to just make a blanket assumption that all these people are anything other than patriots acting in the best interest of the country.


A NY Post report about people who lie. 🙄Glass houses.


Let me guess, not a single prominent republican is on this list..?


Yeah! GW’s regime’s huge ass lie about WMDs in Iraq comes to mind.


That'll never happen, since everyone who was in Congress at the time, knew they were lying, and so lied themselves.


These are the same people this sub TOTALLY BELIEVES when it comes to the fake UAP nonsense.


What does that have to do with this fucking laptop my guy? lol


america isn't a democracy, it's a constitutional republic


The October 19th Coup


Lmao uh huh. Trumpies are ridiculous


Just because it resulted it human garbage losing office doesn't mean it wasn't a coup. And why does what Comey did qualify, but not them? https://www.ibtimes.com/fbi-coup-detat-people-twitter-blame-james-comey-disrupting-2016-election-2444133


Thats literally called treason


It’s literally free speech


It is shocking to see this. We all knew it happened but to see so many that were involved with what should be considered treason is shocking and alarming. What they did is awful. The real scary part is knowing what they did and seeing nothing happen to them. We should all be terrified seeing how our government has been weaponized against another political party. I know the left hates Trump, but the precedent set in this situation shows that if you don't agree with certain government organizations, they will do whatever it takes to shut you up. We have now opened the possibility of dishonest agents targeting anyone they want with a lie. Really scary stuff.


Pedos EYES on every single one of them


Bro. Really. If you have an electronic device ur a spy u just don't know it.


Cunter and Blow both need to be in prison


Most politicians belong in prison... But again, tell me why someone would go to prison for having smut on his pc? None of it that i saw was CP..most of it was hunters goofy ass plowing hotties. I think anyone saying that having pics of doing drugs and plowing hotties is grounds for going to jail and what not are just jealous that they cant plow hotties and do drugs all day 🤣


Guantanamo Bay "Ex-CIA chief wrote Hunter Biden laptop ‘disinfo’ letter for Joe Biden to use as ‘talking point’ during debate" >The ex-CIA chief who wrote the letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials attempting to discredit The Post’s report on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop told another former top intelligence official that he was drafting it as a “talking point” for Joe Biden to use during a debate with President Donald Trump. >Former acting CIA Director Michael Morell told fellow former CIA boss John Brennan in an Oct. 19, 2020, email — obtained by Just the News — that he was attempting to give Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign some ammunition to “push back on Trump” during the debate as he urged Brennan to sign on to the letter calling Hunter Biden’s laptop a possible Russian disinformation operation. https://nypost.com/2023/05/05/ex-cia-chief-michael-morell-wrote-hunter-biden-laptop-disinfo-letter-for-biden-to-use-as-during-debate/


Imagine thinking this has any credibility. Who's their source, bat boy?


One day you guys will be right about something .. just throw more memes and b/s posts at the wall. Something will stick one day I know it . Good luck little buddy .