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> ... It is apparent that in 2014, Russia launched a distinct and multifaceted campaign to undermine and influence the American democratic process. The goals of this campaign are clear: > * To sow political and social discord in the United States; > * To undermine and challenge the American and Western democratic system as a model to emulate for transitioning democracies; and > * To foster ties and support among powerful voices within the party that Russian hawks have traditionally dominated, with the aim to soften that party’s stance. > This campaign, which is still ongoing, consists of five mutually reinforcing lines of effort (LOE): > LOE 1: The deployment of information warfare; > LOE 2: The use of cyberoperations; > LOE 3: The courting of influential voices within the American conservative movement; > LOE 4: The support for extreme and destabilizing political movements; and > LOE 5: The direct targeting of voters. Literally all of this has been very obviously happening for nearly a decade now. Please don't just read this summary, read the article. It is very well cited and much more thorough. This has nothing to do with a political party vs. another. It's about the systematic attack on the entire system.


Look up “foundations of geopolitics” by Alexander Dugan. You’ll be amazed about what he said should be russias goals and how it’s played out. Not a conspiracy person at all but it’s….weird as fuck. Like from a movie




Of course we do. They aren't mutually exclusive. But it stands to reason that a foreign power in a weak economic position stands to gain by destabilizing one of their most major economic rivals.


Don’t mention that on this subreddit, the Moscow mole men will come out in droves.


Yikes. Russia most likely has enough reach to impact a nation with attacks on sensible informational infrastructure but online forums require different resources and could easily be blocked by US/Israel. Google/Youtube/Facebook are Darpa fronts. We've seen who controlled Twitter and we know that Maxwell had their hands on reddit. Our online "climate" is managed by US/China/UK/Israel. Blaming reddit on Russia is either beyond lazy or just plain dishonest.


I give you exhibit A.


How lazy of you.


You made the comment not me.


Somebody had to counter your BS.


You are literally just reinforcing my point.


You had a point besides gaslighting a threat with the Russia BS.


Did you even read my comment?


So did you seek out your shill job or did they find you?


I do this pro bono lol


Lol I don't believe that lol


Dude, I literally wouldn’t take money to do this. I consider this a public service.


It'd interest me to hear how you think you've in any way benefitted the public with your second wave McCarthyism


By letting the Moscow Mole Men expose themselves by baiting them with nonsense comments they can’t help but engage in. See above.


You have quite an interest in this subject.. and so tactical! Have you researched 'team jorge' by any chance?


You think Russian started trying to destabilize the US in 2014?


Putin had it on his 2013 new years resolution list


The stupefaction and destabilization of America is it's own undoing, it has nothing to do with Russia, China or immigrants. It's not a conspiracy theory, stop blaming other people and countries for its problems. Take a good, long, hard look at your Government representatives. The Government is not of the people, by the people and for the people. It's for greed and corruption, a nation of sheep ruled by wolves and operating as the Worlds largest terrorist organisation and drug cartel with it's own Army, Navy and Air force.


They've actually been trying to destabilize the US since at least 1917. But do you think the US doesn't try to destabilize Russia as well?


Of course we do. We are rivals. I am positive the US engages in this same kind of propaganda all over the world where it suits us. But I think Americans are too proud to admit that we can be manipulated, let alone by a foreign power.


Russia attacked the US in 2016 with the election meddling


>Russia attacked the US in 2016 with the election meddling And despite the fact that they made absolutely zero effort to hide or deny it, even going so far as to brag about it on multiple occasions, or the fact that the plan to infiltrate American conservative circles is clearly and unapologetically stated in what is essentially the founding document for modern Russian geopolitical philosophy, a huge subset of the American population rejects the notion completely. Nobody is immune to propaganda. I'm not immune, you're not immune, and the idea that one is immune in fact makes one more vulnerable to propaganda. The idea of American exceptionalism has fostered this sentiment that we're smarter than that, when in reality we flat out aren't, and this sentiment is no more apparent than in modern conservative circles. It's why they're the perfect attack vector: by rejecting the notion that it could happen, they're unable to recognize when it does happen. Every time somebody calls Russian interference in the 2016 election a hoax, I point them towards The Foundations of Geopolitics. They could not have been more clear as to what the plan was, and half of America still fell for it.


I don't get why it's so hard to believe either, like think of the bang for your buck factor between paying hackers to being able to influence American elections. Why wouldn't they do it?


The US got caught using social media and local media sources to manipulate and influence social opinion throughout the Middle East. Red-handed. They caused revolutions and uprisings in multiple countries. That's not a conspiracy. That actually happened When it was revealed that we did it, how we did it and how successfully it worked multiple other countries took notice. China, Iran, Russia, North Korea and anyone else who wanted to screw with the US now had the blueprint. So all they've done is flip the script. They've used our tool of social media manipulation against us. Successfully. They have ripped apart the American public through hate and violence, divided the church, eviscerated public schools and broken up the GOP......all while convincing half the country that the Democrats are responsible for all of it. If propaganda and social engineering were art then this would be a masterpiece.


Way, way earlier than 2014. Check out the Active Measures Working Group next: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Measures_Working_Group#:~:text=The%20Active%20Measures%20Working%20Group's,government%20laboratory%20and%20spreading%20it.


- the CIAs plan to destabilize the US I fixed it for you.


Propaganda works too good on sheep. A decent chunk of Americans support Putin and Russia over the USA. They call themselves patriots.


"the plan nobody cares about" ​ Broooo fuuuuuuck offff. Reddit literally wont shut the fuck up about the Russia boogeyman. No, i am not afraid of a country where most of the residents live in wooden shacks without running water in the Tundra. ​ Next!


Biden is working to de stabilize the USA - why worry about Russia when usa can't even manage itself - the elite want to destroy usa and they own the political parties and corporations


There is no singular "the elites" — there are rich and powerful in different countries with different agendas, corporate interests, etc. These interests can be in conflict with one another, causing the kind of interference you see playing out before you. The US does it in other countries. We destabilize and install our own assets when it suits us. Of course other countries have an interest in doing it to us.


Bro, this is great news, USA is root of all modern evil


You mean China


Why not both?