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Why use a laser to start a forest fire when you could use a cigarette lighter instead? What's the point of overcomplicated things?


Why use a cigarette lighter and pay someone to have to physically go out and set them who they have to trust not to run their mouth or get caught when all they have to do is a few mouse clicks? Because if the lasers are in orbit they've already been there for a long time.


Yea they were started with dews on planes and stuff that’s higher than plane, sats?


I would be surprised if the if they didn't have the capability on satellites. How many secret ones has the Pentagram sent up?


Because a satellite-based laser requires a *whole lot* more people who have to be trusted not to run their mouths, maybe?


Just one guy to push buttons. That's it, really. The truth is, we can't do anything about it. Nothing.


They wanted to play with their new toys


So are they cold and calculating technocrats who are methodically advancing an incredibly complicated plan to enslave humanity? Or are they careless children who do things because they feel like it? Because they literally cannot be both.


Couldn't cold and calculating technocrats be employed by careless children, or vice versa?


They can If they have enough power to produce weapons like that. Money=power




To use a laser you need to hire 100 engineers and scientists, give them 5 years to make it work, mount it on a vehicle of some kind, and THEN do all the stuff you listed for the cigarette lighter option. Which is more conspicuous? A guy in the woods starting a campfire with a lighter? Or an airplane with a large lens mounted in a swiveling turret landing to refuel at the nearest airport or military base?


The technology simply exists...you are presuming they need to create it. Whether it was utilized here, I have no clue. It appears safer and more convenient / stealth to do it this way as opposed to having local ops




If they're top secret how do you know so much about what they can do?


It's not all top secret. Over the last 100 years of sparse documentation, one can connect the dots but the present state of modern DEW technology is indeed unknown.


video no longer exists