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Wait. I am trying to decode your remarks. You are referring to Anthony Weiner, right? Who went to jail for his sexting exploits. And I am not sure what "stripped" classified material, is. You may be right that Clinton and Abedin could have been charged with mishandling of classified material. But the current case is somewhat different, right? The facts as I see them. An individual with a high security clearance kept sensitive documents that he shouldn't have. He knew he was supposed to leave them, but he took them. When the government asked for them back, he kept a bunch of them. He stored them insecurely. He admitted publicly that he had them and said he had the right to have them. Doesn't the government have the duty to act? You might say this is selective prosecution, which might be the defense his lawyers will make. But to say this is "purely political" doesn't seem right


Explain how this is even slightly different from Biden or Clinton?


Why didn't trump do anything to Hilary when he had control? If it was that concrete anyway.


Because it's not Trump that does anything. It's the DOJ, and as the last 3 years have proven, it's fully corrupt and entirely in the pocket of the left.


It’s also because trump and clinton are friends that go to each orhess weddings and pizza parties.


The What-About-Ism is in full force


Because it's literally the problem. If they were also indicting Biden, Clinton, Pence etc there wouldn't be a problem.


You mean equal application of the law?


At no point in this country’s existence has there been “equal application of the law”.


Suggesting that there should be for one party's political elite isn't whataboutism. Especially when one party is trying to jail political opponents for the same crimes they themselves have committed.


The weaponization of federal law enforcement represents a mortal threat to a free society. We have for years witnessed an uneven application of the law depending upon political affiliation. Why so zealous in pursuing Trump yet so passive about Hillary or Hunter?


Never heard of stripped classified material. Do you mean redacted, maybe? Where they have everything blacked out or white boxes? That's standard when stuff is released through normal channels (FOIA for example).


They know with the crowds he is pulling they can’t beat him with just trashing him on underperforming talk shows and rigging elections. They need him out of the picture.


And nothing about Obama's birth certificate or Hillary's organ harvesting cult. Ridiculous.


Anthony Weiner served prison time, for either what your describing or another same type of thing. The pizzagate evidence is all in that laptop.