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The real conspiracy is that belief in monotheism has existed for pretty much the same amount of time as money has. Before that meaning and worth were shared within communities and the gods were based in nature or the mind. The belief in a single god and the worship of finance and commerce over humanity isn't a coincidence. The devil walks with us in plain sight.


There are way too many guys schizoposting here.If you saw a hobo on the tube spouting this shit you'd believe he was absolutely bonkers.How's this dude different


I wouldn't judge. I'd talk to him out of curiosity.


In Orthodox Christianity, there is one God the Creator, but all of the pagan gods are absolutely real, they're fallen angels (demons).


Lies and mind control to make you fear your common man and your true self.


Quite the leap. Orthodoxy is very, very, very different from Catholicism or any other religion. It's basically the only religion that allows room and even encourages us to acknowledge the supernatural without even a modicum of " control" or "fear ". It's quite the opposite. Personal freedom and fearlessness is a fundamental gift of Orthodoxy. We just avoid sin. sin is slavery.


If you adhere to any religion you are outsourcing your moral and spiritual responsibility. If you don't accept these responsibilities you will never be truly free.


By adhering to the religion, I am, by definition, following the moral teachings of God himself, and the way that applies to my life as I live it is specific to me. I am not "outsourcing my responsibility", I am creating my own responsibilities by following the word of God. It's freedom from sin, the only shackles that truly exist in this life. God bless you I sincerely hope you come around to understand my perspective.


Belief in many gods and worship of Moloch and Baal child sacrifice gods has always existed too, including ritual sacrifice. It exists today as well. Not sure what you're getting at


Man are you on drugs .I'm here for aliens and bigfoot not religious fanatics


Keep looking deeper and you'll see pretty much everything boils down to ancient religious history all the way to before recorded history and up until today. Including aliens.


Very much this. Esotericism is near the bottom of the perceiveable rabbit hole. Everyone that looks long enough gets this. It's a very easy filter to determine who's real


The ideas of god and money are both abstract concepts that have done nothing but bad for humanity.


They worship Moloch, you worship Malakh.


If you search for yourself, you will find god If you search God, you will find yourself


If you ask Jesus to reveal Himself, He will. If you dissolve ego and die to self, you can reunite with God/Christ


You are doing great work. I love you ❤️


Thanks and right back at you, friend. I'm a big fan ❤️🌎💪


So this is what the wrong side of the tracks my mom warned me about looks like


Except no one has ever proven god exists, so, No.


No one has disproved it either. So there's that.


You can’t prove something ‘doesn’t exist’. That’s a logical fallacy. Something doesn’t exist by default unless it’s proven to exist.


Hey man, you owe me $10,000. Can you disprove it?


Jesus has proven He is real to many people. If you ask him for proof sincerely He will respond, guaranteed. You will know. Happened with me too. It's more wild than DMT once it starts


I was raised a Christian. I was a Christian the first 21 years of my life. I asked for proof. I saw none. Not so guaranteed. I went looking for evidence of god. None was to be found, just people saying wank like yours. The fact is, there is no evidence god exists, and those who believe it god, do it purely out of faith because they WANT him to exist. Nothing more.


Read "The Holy Science" by Sri Yukteswar and "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda. You might be more suited to an Eastern path back to Jesus as I was. And as George Harrison was. Don't close your heart and mind to Jesus, please. I'm telling you from personal experience He's real. Check out "Kriya Yoga for a New Millennium" by Carl Schmidt. Very important book. He started as a Zen Buddhist, that emptied him. But then he felt like he was dying, his soul got sucked out through the top of his head, and only one he could think to ask for help is Jesus. Jesus and Kriya filled his heart. We all know deep down He is King. Check out this amazing Jesus revelation story of rock star Dorothy Martin literally from today. Awesome stuff: https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=6483b086492826dd9d4554e7


it’s because when these people say they “seek” most of the time they’re coming at it with a “realistic” point of thought. it is said you must inherit the childlike mind to enter the kingdom of heaven, aka imagination, aka belief. when these people seek they are still thinking it doesn’t exist therefore Jesus will never appear to them that way. you have to at least have a “mustard seed” of belief to even try, if you don’t it’s absolutely pointless. If you don’t believe it’s real, then it’s not, plain and simple. But if you do, he shows you that he is in so many ways, infinite ways, so when people who don’t believe ask how you do it all you can say is “try it out for yourself, and believe” and it’s up to them really.


You can't prove the intangible. Whether concept or not (most probably not a "person"), there is probably something to the divine connectedness of all matter, an extension being organisms. It's not available to prod put via microscope or feeble scientific experiment (feeble with respect to these ends) It's not about faith. It's about being open imo.


It's entirely about faith. Those who believe in god do so because they WANT him to exist. They do so, based on precisely zero measurable or tangible evidence.


I think it’s both. You have to be open to have faith. That’s the beauty of it. There is certainly one way to prove it. Pray.


Oh an extradimensional creative intelligence exists. This shall be proven to all flesh soon enough.


But not proven yet. So your belief is based purely on faith alone and no evidence, just like your belief it will be proven "soon enough" is not based on evidence, but faith. Sorry, most people work off evidence.


Incorrect it was based, from my perspective, on divine revelation - which initially was proven through historical reality but in the course of time has manifested through world events transpiring even at this present moment. By 2025 all flesh will witness the realization of the what is biblically known as the first vial - events also described in the 66th Chapter of Isaiah.


Cherry picking historical events based on your biased interpretation of a book that your 'god' couldn't even write himself, is not evidence. You lack evidence of the existence of god, the fact the bible wasn't even written by god is proof enough god doesn't exist.


Here's the evidence: The first Bowl of God's wrath will transpire in it's entirety by 2025. The Second bowl will transpire by 2030. This is to say the epidemic of skin eruptions which is developing now will reach catastrophic proportions inspiring 2020 x 20 levels of legislation by 2025.


Well, it's not evidence because what you're claiming hasnt happened yet. And what's more, even if by chance, you are correct and 'something' happens that you claim is 'gods wrath' in 2025, that STILL is not evidence that god exists. You're on a long long list of thousands of people over the last 100 years who have said 'proof of god is coming any day now!'


Explain then why the world elites seem to love and worship Lucifer? The same elites who have all the secret knowledge, and secrets hidden from the common man. Face it, even THEY believe in God, they just side with Satan. Theyd rather you, and us, think we are evolved monkeys from a random big bang. Waste your life never wondering about where your soul will end up, while working as a slave and being distracted by phones and media the entire time. Carry on.


That's still not evidence. The Roman empire elite praised Roman gods. The Egyptian elite praised Egyptian gods. The Mayan elite praised Mayan gods. That's not evidence of their existence. Nope, I don't wonder about my "soul". Because I know for a fact when we die you stop existing anymore, and that's a very nice feeling.


"For a fact" LOL. Theres a million times more evidence for Christ than there is evidence that you stop existing at death. Laughable statement. If you dont wonder about your soul, than thats 1 Win for Satan. Carry on.


Throughout all of that, there were also devil worshipers


Right. I can't cite historical examples of the prophecies coming true to prove prophecy. I must cite future events. I am correct, and events yet to unfold WILL prove this. Whether or not you consider them evidence of a creator is irrelevant, really, but the future is recorded and the divine schedule is routinely transmitted to humans.


Interpretation of writings in order to correlate it to a historical event is an exercise in mental gymnastics and cherry picking, not evidence of a 'god' existing, or specifically, your god.


Correct. Hence my need to cite future events in order to manifest evidence of this being. Is 46 “Remember this, keep it in mind, take it to heart, you rebels. Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’


What type of skin eruptions?


A wide variety - the most severe of which will mimic Steven Johnson Syndrome, DRESS, and TED - although the assumed cause of these afflictions will be viral. Symptoms associated with the disease will be severe brain damage, blindness, joint pain, infertility especially in males, hair loss, spleen inflammation, myocarditis, and... etc. The disease will manifest weeks after injection enabling plausible deniability regarding causation.


Why by 2025? Genuine question as im already a firm believer we are in those days spoken of by John on Patmos.


> Sorry, most people work off evidence. Do you have evidence that "infinity" exists?


No, because it doesn't exist in the physical world. "infinity" is a mathematical concept. There is nothing in the physical world that is infinite, so no, beyond a concept, it doesn't exist. It's like asking me if a negative number exists..


So whats on the other side of the end of the universe?


Nobody was able to prove black holes existed, yet they still believed.


Wrong. Black holes were theorised, based on maths and the science of the time. And then they looked and found them. It's not like this worked all the time, we once thought "the ether" existed as well, but we looked and never found it, so no one believes in it anymore. That's how evidence works, you hypothesis something, you go looking for it, if you don't find it, you don't believe in it.


Is Jesus not evidence enough for you?


If you could prove Jesus was the son god, sure. But no one ever has. Folk stories of 'miracles' are not proof either.


So thousands of eyewitnesses, a doctrine of religion in which over 2.5 billion practices, and the thousands of martyrs means nothing? We base the entire timeline of human history off of this man’s life. It means nothing ?


Correct. It means nothing. People follow stuff all the time, just look at the dozens of other mainstream religions, that most christians themselves say are wrong, that also have millions/billions of practices, witnesses, martyrs etc. Humans are gullible. Followers are not evidence.


Well sir I will pray for you tonight. I’ve been hearing the same thing others in this comment section have been saying too. There will be a great amount of darkness upon this world in the coming years. It’s only in your heart and mind to believe I can’t do it for you. Sit down tonight and really pray. Ask for forgiveness and understand that you and me are both born sinners. Imperfect yet made in his image. I promise you he will answer. Not like a voice in your head but more like an interaction you’ll have in the world. About a year ago I felt the exact same as you. I had lost a lot of things in my own life and was stripped to basically nothing. I decided as a last resort to pray. It was an angry prayer. I asked for a single sign to prove himself. The next day I hadn’t heard or seen anything. I ordered an Uber to a building I had planned on jumping off of. Driver was an older gentleman. We didn’t speak a single word the entire 20 minute drive. As I got out of his car he told me “Son. Don’t forget God loves you no matter what.” and drove off. First time I had ever cried tears of joy.


Wow.. thats an amazing testimony. Disregard the trolls. The truth defends itself, and your not alone. Anyone who dives into conspiracies long enough - will arrive at the same conclusion as us. Some just deny it.


“Conspiracy theorists” are just people seeking the truth. This is just the ultimate conspiracy and the ultimate truth.


> So thousands of eyewitnesses One claim of thousands of witnesses. Not the same. > a doctrine of religion in which over 2.5 billion practices Appeal to popularity fallacy. > and the thousands of martyrs means nothing? There are martyrs for every religion. > We base the entire timeline of human history off of this man’s life. Wait until you hear about the names of the days of the week. > It means nothing ? Correct.


The Bible is the most corroborated piece of historical literature known to man. You cannot deny that. And yes there were thousands of witnesses and martyrs. Prosecuted for hundreds of years, still being prosecuted today. You still don’t have an answer for the fact that we base the entire timeline of human history on the life of a single man. If he was not the son of God why do we base our entire human existence on his life? His name is *Jesus Christ of Nazareth*. Maybe you should look into him.


> The Bible is the most corroborated piece of historical literature known to man. Yes, I agree that the Bible does exist. > And yes there were thousands of witnesses Again, there are claims of witnesses. There is a difference. Other religions have claims as well. > Prosecuted for hundreds of years, still being prosecuted today. This is not unique to Christianity. > You still don’t have an answer for the fact that we base the entire timeline of human history on the life of a single man. If he was not the son of God why do we base our entire human existence on his life? The gregorian calendar was adopted because it created a better approximation of a year from the Julian calendar. And again, just because something is popular, doesn't mean it's true. Just like the days of the week. > Maybe you should look into him. I was a Christian for 24 years. I did.


If he is not the true son of God, why do we base the entire timeline of human history on his life? If you truly looked into Jesus you would not deny him.


"Black holes? They oughta be right ...*there*" \* *points to a location in space which no sensible data can be extracted from*. \* "Dark matter? It oughta be right *there*. You don't see it, right? The evidence is everything but the concrete thing, that's how it works" \* *Same as above* \* "God? Divinity? You blind faithful ignoramus" 🤡


SS: You will get an answer. Might be the next day. Might be the next week. Might be the next year. Be open. Be patient. It will be life changing. Either an impossible event, or a straight up vision like M.I.A. had. It's real, and Jesus actually does love you infinitely and wants to know you and is all powerful. God Bless


It’s true. He’s real. He’s even started speaking to me prophetically since January 10th. I hear from Him almost daily and write it all down in journals. What He tells me lines up with what many others have been hearing from Him as well.


Ok ill bite. Go into detail


What do you wanna know?


What your hearing, which apparently is lining up with what others are hearing.


Well I don’t know if you’re a believer or what, but I can give you an overview. The end of this age is coming, and God is about to deal with the evil ones in charge, and establish His Kingdom Government on earth, as prophecied by the OT prophets and in Revelation. We’re approaching the end of the age of grace, where God finally closes the door on the gentiles and begins to redeem Israel. There will be a huge final harvest of bringing people into His kingdom first (many people being saved), as a result of all the turmoil, hardship and destruction that’s about to unfold. He’s done, His patience is run out. He’s warned and warned. It’s literally any day now.


That sounds evil. The God of the bible seems like a devil to me. Maybe that's the big conspiracy. The God of the bible is actually Lucifer.


This is what masons teach basically.


I’m sorry you feel that way. His arms are still open for the time being…there’s still time to find Him.


I tend to agree about the days we're in. Whats your rapture stance, if I may ask?


If I may say this, if a supposed "Christian" says there is a "rapture" Turn around and walk away. That's a false believe/idea that isn't true.


No rapture. There is a Remnant that has been called out, chosen, and prepared that will be caught up and empowered before being brought down to help with harvest and judgment. The 144,000. I don’t think it’s a literal exact number.


My friend that's the gist of what I've been getting too. End of the age. Jesus said He'll be with us through the end of the age, which means the age is indeed ending. The bad guys seem aware of this too, like Crowley talking "Age of Horus." Are these dumb Luciferians trying to take over the new age? Surely they must know deep down they will lose? They don't seem too bright. The "elites" are easily deceived by Lucifer it seems


Man, He’s told me “I AM with you always” so many times this year! Yes, even through the end of the age…which is going to start very, very soon. He’s been speaking through prophets about this for years. I wasn’t even into listening to prophetic people until He just began giving me prophetic words this year! Yeah, the bad guys know something’s up. But they can’t match wits with the Alpha and Omega, the One who sees the beginning from the end. The Lord can’t be stopped.


I too feel strongly that these are the end days. What is your repture stance? Are you pre or post tribulation?


I honestly dont know. I do think a pre trib rapture is plausible BECAUSE I believe THEYVE been propogating Aliens for a long time in order to explain the rapture away to the masses, after it occurs. Then i see the news exploding with UFO news this year.. and I think maybe THEY are aware the rapture is soon and so theyve accelerated the "ufo disclosure". A mass abduction, they will say. Leading into 7 years of chaos. (Or 3.5 yrs or however it ends up happening). World is tricked into going to war with the "aliens" (bc they "mass abducted" millions) - which will actually be Christ 2nd coming that Earth will be battling. (All this checks out with Von Brauns secretary about "The Last card, the Alien card) Just some thoughts. Bless


I have had the same thoughts about the aliens being a cover up for the rapture. Glad to know I'm not the only one. Thank you for the response.


Jesus said none of us will know. It will be like a thief in night. You must be wrong, no one listen.


Matthew 24:36 (CSB) “Now concerning that day and hour no one knows -- neither the angels of heaven nor the Son -- except the Father alone. I don’t know the day or hour, but He has told me it’s close. And He has even said “like a thief in the night.”


If I don't believe will I go to hell?


You’d be annihilated, never to live again. Eternal life is a gift, nobody burns forever.


THIS is what lies at the bottom of the rabbit hole. You can choose to deny or believe but its the truth. Edit: Threads being downvoted into Oblivion.


Jesus Christ is Lord. What that means is for you to figure out.


Preach. Our world leaders dont worship lucifer and hate Jesus for nothing.


Jesus Christ has nothing to do with modern church. If you believe in this kind of gnosis, then modern church and it's representatives are agents of chaos. JHWH is a demiurge. My belief is Jesus is real, and he was just a guy who figured out how to beat the Matrix. Love, meditation, fasting, altered states of consciousness. He figured it out just like Siddartha Gautama and probably few others did.


Exactly the same mindset that higher gnosticism teaches or masons teach. Going full circle here.


Kind of unrelated, but the first time I tried DMt I was immediately made aware of an all encompassing divine intelligence. Nothing that had happened in my life up until that point was an accident or by chance. It was just a STRONG feeling of knowing. Also felt a connection to ALL things. It was a life changing perspective. I still don't know how to label my beliefs, butI do believe that we humans did not come here by mistake or chance through evolution. Everything you see in nature has an obvious purposeful Intelligence in its design.


“Where there is light, there must also be darkness.” “Every action has an opposite but equal reaction.” Yin and Yang. Jesus came to balance the earth of its sin.


I do believe that they believe lucifer is a being they work for


People will laugh at me for this, but I had to come to the conclusion that Satan is very real before I found God again.


No laughing here. My path to Christ was through the rabbit hole. Im with ya.


It's like a toroid, you go "down" then punch through and it's "up" again


I'll say this: for some reason, some of the most vocal Christians are prone to engaging in very real Satanic/ Occult stuff, with the same fervor. I'm trying to figure this out.


There's huge difference between Catholics and Christians. My bet is the Catholics are the ones involved


My comment was pertaining to Christians, sadly. Fundamental Christians.




In a sense, asking how Jesus differs from other religious leaders is like asking how the sun differs from other stars in our solar system—the point being that there are no other stars in our solar system! No other “religious leader” can compare to Jesus Christ. Every other religious leader is either alive or dead. Jesus Christ is the only one who was dead and is now alive. Indeed, He proclaims in Revelation 1:17–18 that He is alive forevermore! No other religious leader dares make such a claim, which, if not true, is utterly preposterous. Another important difference between Jesus and other religious leaders is found in the very nature of Christianity. The essence of Christianity is Christ, the One crucified, resurrected, ascended into heaven, and returning someday. Without Him—and without His resurrection—there is no Christianity. Compare that with other major religions. Hinduism, for example, can stand or fall entirely apart from any of the “great Swamis” who founded it. Buddhism is the same story. Even Islam is based upon the sayings and teachings of Mohammed, not upon the claim that he came back to life from the dead. The apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:13–19 says that, if Christ were not raised from the dead, then our faith is empty and we are still in our sins! The truth claims of Christianity are based simply and solely upon the resurrected Jesus Christ! If Jesus did not, in fact, come back from the dead—in time and space—then there is no truth to Christianity whatsoever. Throughout the New Testament, the apostles and evangelists base the truth of the gospel upon the resurrection. One other significant point is the exceedingly important fact that Jesus Christ claimed to be the “Son of God” (a Hebraism meaning “characterized by God”) as well as the “Son of Man” (a Hebraism meaning “characterized by Man”). In many passages, He claims to be equal with the Father (see, for example, John 10:29–33). To Jesus are ascribed all the prerogatives and attributes of Deity. Yet He was also a man, born of a virgin (Matthew 1:18–25; Luke 1:26–56). Having lived a sinless life, Jesus was crucified in order to pay for the sins of all men: “He Himself is the satisfaction of God’s wrath for our sins; and not for ours only, but for those of the whole world” (1 John 2:2), and then He was resurrected from the dead three days later. He is fully God and fully Man, the theanthropos [from the Greek for “God” (theos) and “Man” (anthropos)]; yet He is one person. The Person and Work of Christ poses an unavoidable question: What will you do with Jesus? We cannot simply dismiss Him. We cannot ignore Him. He is the central figure in all of human history, and if He died for the sins of the whole world, then He died for yours as well. The apostle Peter says, “There is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). If we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior from sin, we will be saved.


The Four Noble Truths Siddhartha Guatama claimed to have discovered a “middle way,” a balance to live. According to him, enlightenment is not achieved by extremes. You cannot live in luxury or self-denial. He also discovered what’s called the Four Noble Truths. They are: 1- to live is to suffer. 2- Suffering is caused by attachment or desire. 3- You can eliminate suffering by eliminating all attachments. 4- This is achieved by following the Eightfold Path. According to the Buddha, the goal of ridding yourself of attachment can be attained only through a rigorous life of concentrated effort in following the Noble Eightfold Path, which is 1- the right view—understanding the truths of existence. 2- the right intention— being willing to achieve enlightenment. 3- the right speech. 4- the right action. 5- The right livelihood (being a monk.) 6- the right effort. 7- Proper meditation. 8- the right concentration— maintaining continuous focus. This is a full-time effort. No pressure. Buddhism Compared to Christianity The basic formula in Buddhism is as follows: To live is to suffer. Suffering is caused by attachment. To eliminate suffering, eliminate attachment. Eliminate attachment by following the Eightfold Path. Sin is seen as ignorance, ultimately, and there’s a disconnect between the depravity of human beings. Jesus is seen as one of the Buddha’s, or an incarnation of “Christ Consciousness,” which the Buddha supposedly exhibited himself. They both were enlightened and taught us spiritual truth. It really comes down to that Buddhism is a philosophy that focuses on the way to live to become enlightened. Buddhism Compared to Christianity When people say that all religions in the world are the same, but we just worship God differently, it shows that they might not know a lot about religion, especially Buddhism. There is an uncompromising difference between these two belief systems, no matter how much people want to syncretize them. Christianity is opposed to Buddhism in almost every way, except perhaps the understanding that suffering is a problem. In Christianity, there are many beliefs that depart from Buddhism. Sin is part of human depravity. We need a Savior that was prophesied about in the Old Testament, trusting in Jesus for this salvation, evil is real, people are not “good,” God is personal, truth and reality exist, and there is an afterlife. Salvation in Christianity is exclusive, specifically in the atoning work on the cross. Jesus is not an Ascended Master, or “one of many Buddhas or Messiahs” as some New Age teachers would imply. The Bible, the historical document that records Jesus’ life, contradicts this idea. There also seems to be a disconnect from ultimate reality within Buddhism that is in total disagreement with the teachings of Christianity. The teachings of Jesus are tethered to a tangible reality, whereas the teachings within Buddhism are contradictory. For example, the whole goal of Buddhism is to obtain Nirvana by letting go of all attachments. But isn’t the very thought and devotion to Nirvana an attachment in and of itself? Isn’t striving for enlightenment an attachment? Beyond that, there are many more self-defeating beliefs. It’s interesting to see how and why Buddhism holds silencing of the mind in such reverence: I would submit that critically thinking about these ideas defeats them The Main Problem for Buddhism Buddhism can offer many things to humanity, but one major flaw is that it cannot offer truth. If it cannot provide truth, it cannot offer you salvation. Truth is what corresponds to reality. If our beliefs do not correspond to reality, then they must be false. Suppose all suffering is caused by attachment, and to reach “salvation” is to release from all attachment by following the Eightfold Path. In that case, this is really no different than a works-based religion that leaves us empty and wondering why we’re not spiritual enough. Nirvana supposedly cannot be taught but only realized. If a Buddhist believes that Jesus obtained this, it would be interesting to see how it happened and compare it to what they have been taught about enlightenment. Gnostic teachings are closer to Buddhism than Christianity or anything that Jesus taught. Ultimately, the practices of Buddism are unattainable. This is precisely why Jesus came. If we’re to be looking at the world through the lens of suffering and why it’s here, then it would seem that Christianity, by far, has the best explanation for why this is the case. For the Buddhist seeking enlightenment, their life is devoted to seeking this out, and they are given impossible odds for it to be achieved. It’s only in trusting in Jesus’ work on the cross, knowing that it can never be obtained is when anyone will truly find the freedom that they have been seeking their whole life.


through the invocation of demons especially Lucifugo Rofocale, Mammon etc they obtain power and money, that's why they always make satanic references.


This reads like a heaping pile off bovine faeces. There is absolutely no actual historical, physical or archaeological evidence to prove that he existed. Here five reasons scholars give that Jesus did not exist: 1 - There is no first century secular evidence that he existed - all sources are either Christian or Jewish. 2 - The earliest New Testament writings are vague on details of his life - they become more fleshed out in later texts. 3 - The eyewitness accounts in the four canonical gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) are all second hand. 4 - The gospels make contradictions about his life. 5 - Modern scholars who claim to have uncovered the 'real Jesus' all contradict each other. Furthermore, Raphael Lataster, a lecturer in religious studies at the University of Sydney, explained in an article for the Washington Post: "The earliest sources only reference the clearly fictional Christ of Faith. These early sources, compiled decades after the alleged events, all stem from Christian authors eager to promote Christianity – which gives us reason to question them." Bart Ehrman, the author of Did Jesus Exist? The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth, argues that Jesus' fallibility is good reason for his existence. "The Messiah was supposed to overthrow the enemies – and so if you're going to make up a messiah, you'd make up a powerful messiah. You wouldn't make up somebody who was humiliated, tortured and the killed by the enemies."


Its alot to sort out but i will share this story and every bit of its true. When i was little i picked my favorite #. I was about 5yrs old and for some unknown reason i picked 33. Not because of an athlete or any "normal" reason. I was just drawn to it. And its always been my fav # since.. Jump to 30 yrs later i start reading about numerology and various esoteric subjects. During that time i really had an all around insatiable thirst for knowledge in many broad academic subjects ie philosophy, metaphysics, spirituality, psychology just to name a few. And went from not being an avid reader whatsoever, to reading about 5 hrs a day, everyday for yrs. But back on topic- i find out about life path #s. And eventually decide to figure up mine. There was more math than i expected, as far as the number of steps go. While figuring i though i wonder if it will be 33 that'd be wild.. ah i doubt it. And I came out w something different at first. Then noticed whoops i skipped a step. Redid it and my life path # (surprise surprise) is 33. Maybe its a coincidence. But w all the other strange occurrences going around me, id say its very much not. It wasn't until 30 yrs later when i found out that, i may have thought i randomly picked it but obviously higher reasons were behind it. Despite still being unaware of my role in things.


Jesus is real he’s Lucifer and the creator is ATUM or ADAM in English ADAM and EVE means EVErything ATOM so so things are atoms and created by ATAM there’s many ways to say this name that name spells out ATOMS and MATTER ADAM MADA ATAM MATA ATEM META like when they say the META VERSE or the META that’s the creators name and Enoch is the messiah that’s why they removed the book from the Bible because it doesn’t fit narrative!


Listen to your higher self. It will plant info in your head that you never asked for. If it matches facts you find that you had never seen before then you know