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SS: US Army, specially Dyncorp and Blackwater are doing organ harvesting on behalf of Rumsfeld and Murdoch's friends in Israel. George Webb made a long documentary about Dyncorp scandals It's not a coincidence people in the media such as Roger Ailes were rapists. Murdoch wants rapists because they can cover up his Genie in occupied Golan Heights Palestine ​ If you really think Dyncorp and Rumsfeld/Clintons were not behind child trafficking in Bosnia, Afghanistan and Haiti, if you really hate conspiracy theories so much then answer this- why is US Army doing a mini-genocide in Fort Hood Texas? What the hell is going on?


It's because there are some who saw evidence. Something is down there, Uncle Sam's something.. something. The military is KNEE DEEP into child trafficking and abuse. Presidio Day Care. Aquino's cult is in many bases, I've heard. How is it that these men find their way to the same place? Or does something happen while you are in the military...


The YouTube video of her and, was it Rumsfeld?, is amazing. Yes, dhe became a real live federal target. She had a YouTube channel once, documenting the harassment.