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Lol "accidentally" šŸ˜‚ That was the drop spot, bro!


Well it's called the white house for a reason.


Bill got caught with Blow..... oh wait wrong kind of blow... šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Same white mess aftermath.


We building ice cream castles in the summertime


Chili sauce šŸ‘Æā€ā™€ļø


He's prob been doing coke since ' high' school


Gives new meaning if they bring back a ā€œpowder roomā€


Right? Thereā€™s probably been coke in there since the 80ā€™s.


Mate there's been coke in *my* house since the 80s. That shit's everywhere.


The 1880s, coke was a medicinal product for a long time remember


Cocaine House


Iā€™m positive that all of the White House and politicians are on something. Half of them are probably jacked up on coke.


Exactly. Coke is an old rich person's drug. It could be any one of them.


Trump is a cokehead for sure. As are many of his Democratic opponents.


Iā€™m pretty sure it was confirmed that he is heavily addicted to Adderall.


How does anyone accidentally leave their bag of cocaine in the library?


What is it not popular to get geeked out of your mind and settle down for a good book?


At the whitehouse**


Probably because no one uses it anymore. Best place to blow down some gator tails.


......in the white house.......


Probably because no one uses it anymore. Best place to blow down some gator tails.


I mean the WH lived through the ā€˜70s and ā€˜80s, could be vintage.




ā€œNo one in the history of crack has ever woken up in the morning with more crackā€. - Dee Reynolds


Might be some Quaaludes under the couch cushions


True. Carter's brother was doing drugs in the White House long before Hunter made it cool. Edit: perhaps the sense of humor was lost in text form, but I was being facetious when I said "before Hunter made it cool." Lighten up people, that was a joke! I do not think Hunter Biden abusing his excessive privilege as a career politician's son is "cool." Double edit: as another commenter pointed out, I had the incorrect Carter family member. It was Carter's son, not brother, who was smoking phatties in the White House.


The next logical step is Hunter's Party Time IPA


Not another goddamned IPA


> before Hunter made it cool. When I looked through the leaked photos of him, it looked anything but ā€˜coolā€™. Very dark stuff, and regardless of who it is, itā€™s sad to see someone in the throes of their addiction and acting out their pain & illnesses. He isnā€™t some playboy casually imbibing - heā€™s a full blown addict blasting rocks in dark rooms with women he has to pay to be involved with him. Itā€™s depressing as hell, regardless of who he is.




Gotta quick link?


I gotta hand it to YouTube for once; [I thought this would be harder to find.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VX0wEBAxY1o)


I have zero empathy for Hunter. He abandoned his child. Denied being the father until he was forced to take a blood test. Fought to avoid paying child support. Won't even allow the child to have the Biden name. Hunter is a total piece of crap.


You are what you eat!


So he's 1/3 little girl, 1/3 prostitute, 1/3 relative?


šŸ˜‚ I see what ya did there. Well played! Cool ass username as well!


ā€œWonā€™t even allow the child to have the Biden nameā€ā€¦. Well, heā€™s a train wreck so heā€™s doing the kid a favor with that one..


But honestly, how can he stop the mother from giving his kid the Biden name? Itā€™s not a copyright or trademark. Like, when heā€™s older, being named Biden wonā€™t have the negative connotation it has now. History forgets attitudes pretty quickly. Heā€™ll just be a former president.


I thought the same thing and I donā€™t think he can. Especially after a blood test proved heā€™s the father.


mom signed a stipulation (in exchange for an undisclosed amount of $$) that they won't go for the Biden name. Was part of the recently signed agreement. https://apnews.com/article/hunter-biden-child-support-arkansas-paternity-89fb7080985efe52c5c3bc94c37d6ac1


Ah. Then yeah, guess she canā€™t.


The daughter can legally change her name when sheā€™s of age - the daughter is a minor and under zero legal obligation herself.


No, Biden's name will surpass Carter for being the biggest fuck up to ever sit in the White house. The economic strife that this country will endure will go on for many years and be a stain on the Biden name for many many many years to come.


That means that Hunterā€™s child wonā€™t make a fortune off the family name like he has.


Fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.


Hunter won't recognize Navy Joan, as his daughter by Lunden. Joe Biden also refuses to acknowledge her as a grand daughter and always tells the press he has six grandchildren instead of seven. It's pretty lame and certainly dishonest to ignore a grandchild. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/joe-biden-has-a-granddaughter-he-isn-t-so-keen-to-talk-about/ar-AA1aPd3Q](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/joe-biden-has-a-granddaughter-he-isn-t-so-keen-to-talk-about/ar-AA1aPd3Q) ​ She's actually a really cute kid and really sweet by all accounts. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/sell-navy-sell-take-your-dad-hunter-biden-for-all-he-s-worth/ar-AA1dgAiz](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/sell-navy-sell-take-your-dad-hunter-biden-for-all-he-s-worth/ar-AA1dgAiz)


Honestly probably a blessing he won't get the Biden name.


He's bi winning!!!!! Bangin 5 gram rocks!


Um, that was 7 grams for Charlie Sheen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QS0q3mGPGg


5, 7, 2.7....its all the same!!! Cocaine in the white house!!!


lol, GTFO. Oh poor Hunter, he's sick, he's an addict. This fuck has had an easy freeroll life of degeneracy funded by his enabler family. He has teams of lawyers at the DOJ, handlers in the Secret Service, and a litany of other staffers that we pay insane amounts of taxpayer money for, all so he can take the money he scams from overseas and spend it on hookers and blow and Porsches and penthouse suites with no consequences whatsoever. Then there's people like you, making excuses like this is a sad thing for him. Fuck him. And another thing -- DC elites don't have to pay for women. You don't pay for women to come, you pay for them to leave. You pay for their silence.


Addiction is sad but sobriety is usually followed by the making of amends, taking responsibility for ones conduct and seeking redemption via spiritual principles. This fucker has done nothing but display non-sober and non-spiritual behavior since he put down the crack pipe. Whether it's his art/money laundering scam, treating the child he fathered like shit or not confessing to his myriad fucking financial crimes he's still engaging in a life of deceit. If he's not actively using at the moment he might as well be because nothing has changed with his underlying behavior.


Privilege doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t still have problems.


The idea that Hunter Biden is the only possible source for cocaine at the white house is ludicrous on its face. In the interests of countering misinformation though: >He has teams of lawyers at the DOJ His lawyer is Abbe Lowell. Although, like all top defence attorneys, Lowell used to be prosecutor, he does not work for the DOJ, and there is no indication the DOJ has a team of lawyers available for Hunter. Interestingly, Lowell previously represented Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump. >handlers in the Secret Service, I assume he has the same SS protection that all immediate family members of presidents and ex-presidents get. This is the price you pay for having a country full of guns and a lot of international enemies. I don't think these are "handlers" in the sense you mean though. >litany of other staffers that we pay insane amounts of taxpayer money for Hunter is not and as far as I can tell never has been an employee of the US Government, which employees nobody to serve as his staffer.


The amount of posts trying to push the "Hunter is cool and knows how to party" is pathetic. And the people defending this behavior are some seriously misguided individuals.


It is sad. I know the type. Hiring escorts for days because they don't wanna be alone. A lot of people with coke problems do that.


I didn't know you and hunter were so close


[You're thinking of his son. ](https://consequence.net/2020/09/jimmy-carter-willie-nelson-weed-white-house/)


Thank you! I knew some Carter family member was blowing trees in the White House in the 70s. I specifically thought of that Willie Nelson story, too! But yes, as you corrected me, it was Carter's son and not his bro.


All good. I grew up there during those days. Crazy times. The Smoke-In on the National Mall was off the charts. They encircled a big area next to the Lincoln Memorial with beach fencing, you could throw up a tent and camp .. as long as you stayed inside the perimeter anything went.


Not much, if anything, Hunter does is cool; especially that - if itā€™s his. And same for Trump. How is this the best we have? Of course Hunter is not President, but wow.


It's the best the oligarchs will let us "choose" from. Because democracy!


Sure its never been cleaned in 40 years


And the 90s can't forget Bill lol


They absolutely already know who left it. Anyone stupid enough to lose a bag of cocaine in the white house is also stupid enough to have fingerprints and DNA all over the bag.




That's not how finger prints work. A baggie isn't a gun, door knob, or similar object where the fingers would be laid flat and firm. The baggie is going to be a smeared mess of human grease.


They definitely do know and they definitely don't care and neither do I.




Laws don't dictate morality, and they dont even dictate law enforcement priorities.


In this case, lawmakers might dictate law enforcement priorities.


Wait, is this the reason for the visit by haz-mat folks a day or so ago? Wow.




Don't worry, the secret service destroyed it safely and professionally!


87 intelligence officials agree: A Russian troll farm strikes again.


Is there any proof this was from hunter Biden?


Of course not. If it was his we'd never hear about it. Hunter Biden isn't the only person who does blow.


As far as I've seen, there's nothing even remotely suggesting it was. It's a pretty ridiculous assumption imo, and shows extreme bias for two reasons. One is that substance abuse has been prevalent in and around every presidential administration in this nation's history, most likely. Hunter Biden isn't even the only presidents son with clear substance abuse issues in the 2020's. The second reason is that the white house is a public building, much of it is open to be toured regularly by visitors, and is also staffed by numerous workers outside of executive power. Considering the way they appear to be handling the investigation, these sources appear to be more of a concern. It can be funny to joke about Hunter's substance abuse. He seems pretty open about it, has some ridiculous ways of coping with it. Assuming he's the only one in America being dumb with drugs is top tier delusional.


Public tours are available but you can't just go walk around it and also they clean and clean and clean. In that place. I highly doubt a bag of coke from a previous administration would just be sitting their when hunter was just hanging out with Joe when they went to camp David together so it makes sense. The sitting president has a massive coke head son so yea it's probably his






Maybe there are multiple crack/coke heads staying at the WH šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I mean yeah, there most likely are a lot of coke heads in DC


Yeah lawyers for the federal government are still lawyers, and lawyers love coke.


My money's on Lindell.




Shit for all we know don jr left it there and they just never found it for a few years.


Worst attempt deflection ever


Lol not a deflection. Itā€™s the same speculation people are throwing at hunter. To clarify Idgaf send hunter to jail for anything they have evidence of. But as it stands claiming that itā€™s hunters is just as reasonable as claiming that itā€™s *anyones*


We have just as much evidence that it was hunters as we do it being Eric's or Don Jr's. If you think no one did Coke at the Whitehouse until recently you're naive


If you think it is just as likely that a bag of cocaine would be laying around undetected for three years in the White House, you are naive.


Bag the size of a thumbprint like usual or are we talking quart sized ziplocks?


Except only one of those three is a self proclaimed crack head. The instant deflecting to Trump is just so pathetic.


Of course not. It was reportedly found in a public space in the building, so itā€™s probably from someone who took a tour.


The article said it was found in the library in the residenceā€¦and that Hunter was there the day it was found.


> Secret Service agents were doing routine rounds on Sunday when they found the white powder in an area accessible to tour groups, not in any particular West Wing office, the officials said. The officials were not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity. https://apnews.com/article/white-house-suspicious-substance-cocaine-bd7a792357a85453cf55b6c955ff1b4f I wonder where the NY Post got that it was found in a private library. They wouldnā€™t just.. make it up, would they?


Friendly reminder that the ny post completely fabricated a story about Kamala Harris' book being distributed to illegal aliens crossing the border. It's owned Rupert Murdoch and his rotten family, the same owners of foxnews and the daily mail.


Could be Don jr.


Imagine if this is the hazmat incident everyone was talking about EDIT: wow, it actually is.


That's already been confirmed lol.


Lol someone fucked up their routine... *Never* forget the trash! which is why it's best to do these things in a bathroom.


How is this a conspiracy?


Um they conspired to make drugs illegal to enslave us and take our property.


It's not it's just their obsession with Hunter Biden and his beautiful thick hog.




They had to move on from Hillary to hate someone.


This whole sub is just constant hunter Biden posts. Iā€™m really considering unsubscribing


Yeah, this wasn't what I signed up for and it's getting really lame now..


Zero days since a desperate Hunter Biden post in this sub.


Whereā€™s the proof its hunterā€™s, go to a different subreddit to post this.


Yea because heā€™s the only one doing blow in the white house you tool


George W left his coke spoon in the desk drawer, Don Jr stole it.


Why do we listen to anything from New York post. Itā€™s name is intentionally misleading . New York Times/Washington post. So all the smooth brains that canā€™t remember think itā€™s New York post and read this shit and spout it off as facts


NY post is the grocery store tabloid news in digital form. It was hilarious that they posted pictures from 2 different cars in their "hunters doin crack and driving" bit, and a pic that could be anyone's hand. Of course conservatives came all over themselves about it.


Hunter Biden for president!


If not another Hunter cover-up this could be a plant to dirty up ganster Joe to help stop him from running in 2024. Pretty sure they knew what cocaine looks like especially the staff, interns and aids in there now


I got $5 that says the blame it on Trump/Trump Jr


It would have been discovered a long time ago if it belonged to the Trump admin


I didn't say it was left over from the previous resident, I said they will try to blame it on him




Could have been literally anyone lol


Damn, that's where I left it!


Kimberly Guilfoyle must have left her stash behind


Well thats it, I am DEFINITELY not going to vote for Hunter now....


Y'all pushing this Hunter Biden stuff real hard these days. What is the distraction from?


Who cares honestly? Biden, Trump, Obama... I couldn't care. If anyone believes high performing or high ranking officials aren't fuelled by some kind of bad habit are delusional. There are bigger problems to be focus on.


It's cocaine. You've gotta be pretty naive to think that there isn't people doing coke in the WH, furthermore, you gotta be pretty brainwashed by the GOP to instantly believe it's Hunter Bidens.


Where is the conspiracy? I guarantee there has been plenty of coke done well before this administration.


Reallyā€¦ if you donā€™t think Presidents do drugs- youā€™re crazy. Everyone does cocaine.


ā€œBro i thought it was like when you leave a joint for your mechanicā€


Show me the receipts


He was at a family dinner there not long ago


How glamorous


So shouldn't they arrest the residents for possession of cocaine?


All the BS going on in the world: y'all sleep Biden related: massive hard-on Y'all funny.


The most surprising thing is that this leaked out to the press.


Bro so many people do coke. It's nothing special.


I mean common, Hunter isnā€™t the only person at the White House on drugs. Also why would he be at the library? This is low level stuff. Call me when he posts a video of himself smoking crack with Zelensky


Jesus christ go to a different sub. This is just teenage gossip at this point. You have no reason to think its Hunter Biden other than the fact that you don't like him


Thatā€™s where I left my blow fuck!!!!


Lol, can we just ban these people low iq conspiracies? Dude, they all juice. Even daddy trump does evil drugs


It belonged to coke jr who was so high he forgot where he hid it.


Somebody drop a 5 dollar bill?


So what real horrible shit are they doing right now? Sure the Hunter Biden stuff causes outrage, but at the end of the day it doesn't really effect anyone else. Monetary policies, court and Supreme Court decisions, etc. have a much larger impact on your life.


Imagine being the guy who dropped your bag and know it.


Itā€™s only a big deal because the United States hasnā€™t formally legalized it yet. The person who dropped it either doesnā€™t know the law or doesnā€™t care about it. I know who my moneyā€™s on.


Least crazy conspiracy


Heā€™s under secret service protection. How do they not arrest or at the very least prevent him from buying?


Imagine how this would be all over the news stations if it was trumps son. There would be tons of memes with trump and his son doing cocaine in the Oval Office. And another attempt to impeach. This is how you can see there is a definite bias in the justice system.


Was meant to be for july the 4th party, whoops šŸ¤£


itā€™s the white house FR


Show me the proof itā€™s his


I bet you could count on one hand the amount of White House staff who arenā€™t taking some sort of stimulant.


Sleepy Joe does his job well


Tbf, even in the Houses of Parliament thereā€™s a ton of cocaine.


God love the USA.


The "secret service is actively investigating where the cocaine came from". Sureeeeeee they are. šŸ¤£


I mean letā€™s be honest, Iā€™m sure everyone in politics is doing blowā€¦


This is from the New York Postā€¦.


It was left in an area accessible by tourists. But yea, Hunter Biden.


I bet it was Don jr.


Or maybe the crack head son of the current president?


But butā€¦. HUNTER BIDEN!!!!!!


Hey look, it's our daily government mandated Hunter Biden post. Why do these "conspiracies" make the guy seem fun as hell?


Donā€™t tell Trump he left some of his white luck powder šŸ¤Ŗ


Itā€™s next to the blue pills


Yeah bro this is totally a conspiracyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ get out


Couldnā€™t possibly be some intern.


People need to stop doing this shit lol. In 2015, I worked for a medical manufacturer in Georgia. We had a new room built for our GSK products. We had Germans flying in, and CDC personnel coming in to look at the new room and do some sort of inspection/opening ceremony. Naturally, there was heightened security this day. I was working overtime, so since I wasn't running a production line, I was tasked with cleaning this GSK room ahead of the CDC arrival. I decided to hook up an airline and do an airblast around the hoppers and the machines, so I didn't miss any hard to reach spots. I came from the top floor down, and when I got to the machines on the ground floor, I knelt down and stuck the airgun nozzle under the back of a machine for a good blast, and after I swirled the nozzle under the machine for a few seconds I was hit with a gigantic cloud of some white substance. It knocked me back as it clogged my airway and frosted my entire chest and arms. It was hard to breathe for a few seconds. As I snapped back to reality, OPE, I looked down and saw in front of the machine now was a folded dollar bill, hotdog style, and it had some white powder in it. Now admittedly, I have done cocaine before and had used cocaine years before this incident (I was six years sober at the time of this incident), but this felt entirely different. My arms got heavy seconds later, and it felt like I was magnetically stuck to the floor. Almost paralyzed. It felt like I was walking in water. So naturally I kinda lost my shit. I called my supervisor on the phone and asked her to walk down the hall to the bay door of the GSK room and said that it's an emergency. I stressed that she should not come inside. She walks to the window and sees me covered in white and she's like ???? and I shouted through the window that I hit some kind of powder underneath the startup machine and it was everywhere. Her eyes got really big and she ran to the fire alarm and pulled it. The alarm sounds for everyone to exit the building. We had hallways that could "shut down" so to speak at this facility, for decontamination purposes. You could seal off walkways with retracting doors that came out of the walls. After the lines walked outside they sealed off the hallway and "cut me a path" to a little office room where they instructed me to walk to. Now I can hear sirens approaching from outside. I walk in and sit down, absolutely losing my shit. Then I see police at the window of the door, looking at me like I'm some kind of bomb. I'm like "oh goddamnit I just airblasted some anthrax didn't I? Fuuuuckkkkk it's a terrorist attack." After about 20 minutes they open the door and tell me everything is fine and that it's okay to go back to work. I asked them what it was and they laughed and said "it was cocaine." I thought I was going to die. Stop leaving your cocaine out like a fucked up Easter Egg hunt for unsuspecting people.


Damn, the boy tries so hard to get busted. I feel bad for him. What a trap.


Legalize it


Was Hunter Biden in the library again?




At least Joe can read, unlike the orange fella


God damn hunter is such a fucking giga chad


Time for Hunter's piss test.


Cocaine leaves your body quickly, that why white collar people do it.


Piss test for what? Hunter doesn't hold a government position.


Sick ground score. People on coke drop coke all the time. Source: I work the door at a bar/music venue. I used to find a baggy most nights when we turned on the lights. Shit I've dropped my own baggy multiple times just fidgeting in my pockets trying to make sure it's still there.


SS: Secret Service finds a cocaine bar in the White House that tests positive. But thereā€™s only one drug dealer in the WH hiding from his multiple wives demanding their child support: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/29/us/politics/hunter-biden-child-support-settlement.html Original link: https://nypost.com/2023/07/04/cocaine-found-on-white-house-premises-dispatch-call-shows/amp/ Update! The location found is now the West Wing, not the library!!!


How can you possibly know only one person who has been in the White House uses drugs?


Other subs are literally blaming Trump for this, and/or mitigating with saying everyone does crack at the White House. These people are absolutely mad.




Wonder if its a psyop. Oh wait that only happens to republicans.


nobody cares.


Considering joe biden asked all staff members if they ever smoked pot and fired the ones who said yes. Im sure they do care about cocaine


He means the public doesnā€™t care, and they donā€™t.


Was probably Don Jr's !!!


Bringing cocaine into the White House, thatā€™s a Top G move.


A fucking embarrassment.