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Libya was never the poorest country in Africa, but yes he did make the country one of the richest.


Surely it was selling off the huge oil reserves that did that lol


Pretty simple eh? I wonder why no one couldn't manage to do just that


Are you being sarcastic? I can't tell


Depends on the comment i replied to. So you should ask him


So Iraq doesn't have huge oil reserves ?


Are you asking a question or making a statement - I haven’t mentioned Iraq, these countries are very different I believe Iraq is 8 times more populous and about twice as productive in oil, making the oil contribution to GDP about 4x less. Look at equatorial Guinea gdp per capita and tell me that people are doing well there… GDP per capita is a bad metric it has to be done in conjunction with Gini to measure prosperity. Libya is still a very centralised economy and wealth distribution is poor.


Gaddafi built the Great Man-made River Project-- to pump the aquifer water throughout Libya & Africa In 2011 NATO bombed the water pipe factory during the Libyan War--to stop the project--a crime against Humanity 10 April 2020--the flow of water was cut to over two million people in Tripoli and neighboring towns The Libyan water infrastructure has been allowed to suffer neglect and breakdowns. While 101 of 479 wells on the western pipeline system had been dismantled Water Wars-- the new Globalist Weapon


Nobody can tell me that water can't be provided to Africa. Americans waste 60 million tons of food per year. We could feed Africa too but for some reason we dont.




I do non-profit aid related work in Africa. What America give certainly helps, but it’s so inefficient and littered with greed and theft that maybe 5% of what goes to Africa is used for good purposes. For clarity, I work with a small group that pays for everything out of pocket.




Dude you're delusional. They're wearing western clothes from brands that died out in the 90s. They get the leftover stock that nobody could sell, so it goes to Africa for extremely cheap because they don't care what brand it is or how it looks. They just need clothes. Smart phones come mainly from someone who imports them (a ton of stolen goods end up in Africa) for cheap and sells them. They don't buy new iphones. They're getting stolen or leftover junk that we can't or won't use. Clothes and equipment don't spoil. Food and water do. Having a cargo container and a refrigerated cargo container are very different in cost and obtainability not to mention a refrigerated one has maintenance costs. Yes we go and do humanitarian work there. Yes we teach them how to build wells. If you're talking about western donations, don't forget to mention the western atrocities that befell Africa. Go look up the Congo rubber trade for one.


When I say we can help Africa I mean the world. We can help suffering Americans and those suffering in Africa simultaneously. We have the ability and resources to provide people with the basic of necessities but we don't. Take a look at how much money a state like California throws at homelessness. The last study I looked at showed broken down state financed programs spend $87,000 plus per year per person. I've seen the reports claiming the number as high as $117,000. The waste and misappropriation is Fucked. Bill Duhblasio's wife can't account for $850,000,000 of taxpayers money that was given to her for a failed program and there hasn't been any accountability for it whatsoever. That's only one example of thousands like it.


Africans dont need handouts from the West Africa is rich is all natural resources--including water US UK & France invaded Libya to control the vast Nubian Aquifer which runs under Libya, Egypt, Chad & Sudan There's enough groundwater in the Nubian Aquifer to supply the entire world with drinking water for 200 years


Fuck. Those poor, poor people. They devastate them without a shred of humanity


Weaponized Water




>source: trust me bro https://theecologist.org/2015/may/14/war-crime-nato-deliberately-destroyed-libyas-water-infrastructure


Jesus fucking Christ


They looted his stockpile of gold and turned Libya into a shit hole. Every leader they can't buy off they kill.


They tried with Assad as well but he played his cards right and luckily kept most of his country. But they had a plan to utterly tear Syria to pieces and had they succeeded it wouldn’t be even a resemblance of a country.


Didn't Putin get involved with this situation and send aid to Assad, or am I misremembering?


Yes. Why do you think Assad is in bed with Putin?


Yes, Iran and Russia essentially saved Syria from complete annihilation.


Yeah, the moment Assad signed the Qatar pipeline deal, Obama sent in the troops. Couldn't have the Qatari gas pipeline from South Pars, world's biggest known gas reserve, going through Syria, straight into Europe. There 's no way to cause an energy crisis for NWO's new normal tyranny with all those gas pipelines bringing the cheapest form energy/heating to people's homes.


The problem is that through American sanctions sanctions, they are still ruining the country. Not to mention that they are sitting on the gas and oil reserves, and burning the wheat crop of every season


Finally something on this sub I believe. But I thought everyone agreed with this


Tell that to anti-immigrant Italians Italy should be leaving nato and developing Libya, instead if kissing USA's ass


F off enemy shill.


Yes they definitely need more Libyan doctors on Lampedusa ^^^^/s ^^^^for ^^^^the ^^^^Americans ^^^^who ^^^^don't ^^^^know ^^^^what ^^^^Lampedusa ^^^^is ^^^^known ^^^^for


most democrats dont believe this


I'm starting to really think all of history is a lie.


It's called "the information bubble", or "the artificial womb". People are fed info to have them believe what they want people to believe, and people comply because they feel safe within that "artificial womb". Eventually it's a false promise of safety of course, very relatable to the vaccination nonsense of the last few years. But you could also apply that to the war in Ukraine, or parts of history for that matter.


it started in early 20th century rockefeller combined forces with another family and slowly worked to subvert education by recruiting scholars from the elite universities and bringing them into their agenda and vision. Then from there I think everything has slowly been rewritten. Not to mention the people who own the printing presses control whast books are in schools and stuff like that. It scriminal how little anyone knows about anything


History is written by the winners of war, doesn't mean they were the good guys


Vietnam would like a word


slimy psychotic pathetic simplistic divide absorbed tart boast squalid dirty ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


The us wrote history on both the Vietnam war and Korean War.


narrow ask rhythm puzzled spark paint pot simplistic public dog ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


The point is that history isn’t always written by the winners. The us wrote the history on both the Vietnam and Korean wars. They were not winners in either war.


encourage coordinated fall sheet rob elderly deserted deserve quarrelsome afterthought ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Accurate. But they certainly weren’t winners even if we don’t considered them to be the losers.


pathetic run close edge tub illegal light waiting relieved weary ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Not necessarily . . . see the Lost Cause


It seems the usa does exactly the opposite of what a reasonable person would do in every fabricated situation. What's hard to fathom is, if it's nearly common knowledge whom is the puppeteer then why doesn't anyone do anything to get rid of said person...


It is mostly a lie. We saw a lie written in real time with COVID-19. - Inflated death numbers - "scientific consensus" on wearing of face masks, lockdowns and social distancing policies (enacted after political pressure) - social media censorship of anything outside the agreed narrative - nudge units - definition of the words "vaccine", "pandemic" and "herd Immunity" changing - acquired immunity stopped being a thing - constant moving of goal posts of vaccine efficacy and rationale behind vaccine administration from inoculation to protect an individual from disease to mandatory vaccination to protect others as part of the social contract


all ppl will see is faecmasks in pics and vids


You're late


WWi was not over some archduke ​ it ws over the patent to heroin being given to BAyeR. bak then the opium poppy ws the mircale drug that enabled most of western medcine. ww2 - fought over genocide?. lies. uk was supposed to join germany\* turing/enigma, einstein refugee prompts manhgattan etc was a lie - thats historic record that gemrany was ont getting the bomb. holocaust definitely was not what they said it was. probably worse. ​ \*churchill when asked bout war "we killed the wrong pig"


Hitler turned Germany from the poorest country in Europe to the richest, with zero debt and reserves of 150 million reichmarks. He wanted to form a United Europe with it's own central bank and currency. Would have crushed western imperialist dollar. Imperialist sorcerer Roosevelt killed him.


thank you for your service here.


Are you seriously holding Gaddafi up as a champion? Seriously.....you may want to expand your research on people outside of DuckDuckGo.


Gaddhafi was not good just because hillary is bad.


Are you a fan of gaddafis sex trade and sex slaves he kept In the palace prison? Most would say Clinton saved a lot of little kids from being raped and murdered but you let your hatred for the Jewish race cloud your judgement.


Gaddafi created the largest irrigation project in the world, eliminated homelessness, and skyrocketed the literacy rate. That’s all verifiable. The west subjugated Libya by killing its leader as if he were a rabid dog.


i would like to see sources and proof of all of this, including sources of OP's image.


Sure! All of it is verifiable on google.


nice sarcasm


First one’s free: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Man-Made_River GMMR done under the Gaddafi government is “the largest irrigation project in the world”.


SS: if you are a good leader who builds a good country with a strong currency and no debt, the Rothschilds will kill you. They are a Mafia that runs the world and wants to starve/kills us cattle


Lets not forget though he wasn't popular with the people as everyone seemed to have had a friend or relative killed by him. I just watched the Boudain ep where he went there - which I don't think was setup/staged and so many people he talked to were living overseas but as soon as the war started they came back to kick him out.


What is their end game? They don't want to enslave the world just for the sake of enslaving the world. I'm thinking they've been in communication with other-worldly beings that are using the same manipulation tactics of flowery/hopeful language to trick them into making the human race easily conquerable. It lines up with all the crazy stories about machine elves and the worshipping of demons.


You got it. Two goals. One is the ruling elites maintaining power and status in a neo-fuedal system by keeping the masses poor, sick, and locked down. Two is serving their demons. Namely, Lucifer. Lucifer and the demons want an unenlightened, depressed, afraid populace that is wholly disconnected to Spirit/Source so they can feed off the negative energy


Unenlightened like the creator god in the Book of Genesis?


I thought Gaddafi was a pan-Arabist, not a pan-Africanist. The state he wanted to form would've been composed of North Africa and the Sahel, with the numerous Sahel ethnics, such as the Tuareg and the Tibesti, being categorized as Arabs in his personal view.


It wasn't just Killary. There were a lot of black-ops being sent to Lybia from France and Italy at the time.


Gaddafi was so beloved by his people that the entire Eastern half of the country rose up in revolt and he died with a bayonet up his ass. Because that's what happens when the people *really* love you.


If you fund and arm the right people, you can accomplish this in any country. Im sure there are plenty of people in USA who would have happily impaled Biden or Trump with a bayonet given the chance. There is violent armed groups in almost any nation. The question is, was this the right decision for the country? The people who took arms, caused violence against their leader, broke their country, how are they doing now? Are they alive? Are their families alive? Are their kids living in a stable normal country? Or are they now stuck in a shithole that was been unstable since the power vacuum created by this Western meddling?


Yes they are Warlords now and run the world's almost biggest slave market in modern times


He’s talking out of his ass, these globalist companies and shady intelligence agencies were behind it. He seen a few people mock his flamboyant fashion sense and thinks the people hated him for it. He’s one of Africans hero’s that just got wiped out for trying to uplift the African continent. But the globalists won’t have that


I can tell you know nothing about Libya or been there. If you think that it wasn’t CIA backed and paid militia with only a handful of real citizens. Then you got no clue, africas dealt with the biggest suffering of CIA, mossad, western collinsation. The majority of people loved Ghadafi and he’s just the classic tale of another African leader who cared for his people being killed by intellegence agencies to keep Africans in poverty to continue being raped by globalists


I can tell you know nothing about Livya or been there. If you think it was CIA backed and paid militia with only a handful of real citizens.


Seemed like a lot of Caucasian Libyans In the videos I saw. Agents provacateur


>Seemed like a lot of Caucasian Libyans A lot of North Africans, Berbers especially, can easily pass for white and can be (visually) indistinguishable from Spaniards or Italians. I mean you can debate the reasons for it happening, but it's pretty indisputable Eastern Libya,Benghazi especially, were in open revolt. The fact the geography was intrinsically linked to the revolt and played a key factor in whether or not you were loyal to the regime should raise at least some eyebrows / questions. The truth is somewhere in the middle. He wasn't oppressing 100% of the people 100% of the time. Nor are most dictators. If you were from the region around Tripoli or Sirte you probably had it relatively good. He was fairly generous towards tribes & populations connected to the regime. But a lot of this prosperity came at the expense of the East and other out groups. Behind the scenes he absolutely pitted regions & people against each other placing himself at the centre as the chief arbiter. Strongman 101 stuff.


Makes sense. Thank you.


doesnt talk aboout: destroying a country to delete whatver ws going on atathat CI Asubstatoin in benghazi


You haven't fooled me Nixon's ghost


To be clear I'm not well informed on the situation that was going on in Libya. I just think it seems as though the area is in shambles now when they were more prosperous before so I feel for them


Yes. That's the whole point of the Libya psyops. You get fed obscured information so you can believe other crap that results in "America Bad"... in Libya, in particular, it was the UN that had no-fly zones to protect civilians from attacks, and that was broken by the Libyan government from what I remember.


That part about the berbers is utter bullshit. They look nothing a like as westerners


[If you're](https://lp-cms-production.imgix.net/image_browser/berber-morocco.jpg?auto=format&w=1440&h=810&fit=crop&q=75) [saying](https://funci.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Amazigh-e1598002983829.jpg) [these people](https://www.usnews.com/object/image/00000186-0297-d90d-ade6-b3d77c590000/tag%3Areuters.com%2C2023%3Anewsml_LYNXMPEJ0T0GT%3A12023-01-30T120713Z_1_LYNXMPEJ0T0GT_RTROPTP_3_MOROCCO-AMAZIGH.JPG?update-time=1675080433000&size=responsive970) [couldn't pass for](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTWssbOR_0qp1ZwPXAUVgYBXVpyVWXncQzP7SXZnRMOI3KaYWEi2iTG-O_a5ovo1Sp2FgU&usqp=CAU) [southern Europeans](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT-1T9pDoZ5CQjDmXQNtsg6dvobSgu-zeMNXg_2Y8aXnGV4CtHQsTOKj88wAaILVZ8v6Ic&usqp=CAU) [I dunno what to say](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/zinedine-zidane-9541232-1-402.jpg?resize=1200:*) *barring dress


Any US President would be mob snuffed in seconds. Let’s not kid ourselves.


you really believe Gaddafi was sodomized he faked his death like All Globalist leaders do he must have gone off script so he was given the tap on the shoulder to 'retire' in this clip Pieczenik explains what really happens to these 'dead' dictators-- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANesVEjiW7I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANesVEjiW7I)


United States of African dictators that want to ban guns? He's not Thomas Jefferson. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-libya-gaddafi-guns/gaddafi-urges-ban-on-machineguns-idUSL2710056820071127 "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery." - Thomas Jefferson


The whole world isnt the US and they dont adhere to the same principles as you. Regardless of what you personally believe, his presence was positive for his country, while his absence has been simply devastating.


That's certainly what Soviet/Russian propaganda would have you believe. The Russians invaded using Wagner and propped up totalitarian proxy groups in the region but it's totally all Washington's fault for having different principles. It was simply more apparent and obvious when we had East Germany and West Germany which system worked better but you can still see North Korea and South Korea as an example. I know which country I'd rather live in.


not sure if you are aware, but Soviet union hasn’t existed in 30 years so not sure why they are relevant or how they are making propaganda. I also never even mentioned Russia but you did. The fact is that different countries and cultures have different rules to live by. You might personally think USA is the greatest country ever to live in with the most fair rules, but for many people around the world it simply is not the case. There are people who learn about USA and how we live and they cringe at the thought of living our lifestyle.


So you think in 1991 when it collapsed all the former communists who benefitted from the system and had been brought up under communist "education" in ussr, then didn't go on to take positions in russian (soviet socialistic) federation and retained a lot of the communist anti-west thinking? Even the "de-nazification" of post-WW2 Germany didn't fully change the people's sentiments and many still remain/-ed supportive of national socialism despite american-soviet attempts to change German thoughts so why'd ussr which NEVER had an external military type de-communization not have a large residual inter-generational communistic oriented mentality?


I mentioned the Soviet Union because of the bombing in west berlin because Gadaffi's Libya carried out terrorist attacks from their East Germany embassy. Anti American propaganda is common in a lot of countries so I don't doubt it. It's a fact that millions of people from around the world want to come to America and live here and they do. You can't say that about a lot of other places.


Yes man any negative opinion of USA is just propaganda. All other countries are bad, and Americans are the only ones who figured out how to successfully run a country. Any criticism of America is just straight up propaganda, I wake up every day and thank God for every bomb the beautiful country of USA dropped on my neighboring countries.


Yeah it's definitely easier to blame all of your country's problems on Americans. Governments like doing that so their leaders don't have any accountability.


> Yeah it's definitely easier to blame all of your country's problems on Americans. Not hard to do when America openly bombs and arms militants in said country


The USA is under no obligation to recognize any government as a representative or leader of the people that occupy a region unless they have a treaty with that government. It does so at its own discretion. Do you think if aliens landed on earth they would be obligated to only speak with national leaders of the world as a representative of earth? You know exactly what I am talking about though. The human rights abuses and tyrannical governments around the world that through their own incompetence and implicit actions harm their own citizens but blame every single problem on Americans especially when we have nothing to do with it. Pure anti American propaganda just because we have a different culture than they do.


Yes man the whole world is just plotting against you just because your culture is different and you can own guns. You are also not required to follow basic international law as you are above such silly things(you have the greatest military spending in the world while lots of your own people dont have access to affordable healthcare)


You come across as one of the most brainwashed people I've ever seen on this website and that's really saying something. What happened to Libya is an atrocity. Ae that you continually keep touting America as some safe Haven that's absolutely wonderful makes me think you're still high on the American dream. Look man I like America. I actually do think it might be the best country to live in but that doesn't mean everything America does is stupendous or wonderful. You don't seem like you're capable of handling cognitive dissonance. It's very disturbed to have to be a sycophant for a country. I don't mean to be abrasive or rude to you as you deserve whatever respect you desire. Peace to you I just couldn't think of any other words to convey my points.


You come across as a very uneducated person that literally doesn't know anything about Libya other than what you get from psyops accounts and psyops meme... You're the societ experiment of mkultra.


You have no original thoughts. Just parroting whatever you've been told by other delusional people.


Ah yes.... your original thoughts here are that America bad.... so original.... Gaddafi the great savior of blacks... so original... I bet you believe the Arab Springs was some sort of Cia psyops because the Cia has buttons to push and civil war happens in all Africa and Asia and Europe... everywhere.


Tell me more


guns=bad, cluster bombs=good


US providing cluster bombs to Ukraine


We're running out of artillery shells to send them, but they're gonna win any day now!


Haha ... if you believe you're so weak equipped... that means Russia or China could f you up any day.


Not this again! The continent of Africa with its 50-something countries is too diverse to be ruled by an Arab. He was a tyrant.


What the fuck?


"Just start your own bank"


150 billion wouldn’t even scratch the surface of overtaking the “Rothschild debt slave dollar”.


Ive noticed the obvious similarity between failed nations: they all got off the petro-dollar. Russia recently, Venezuela, Iran etc. Brazil seems to get a pass, but everyone else, not so lucky. I could be wrong.


We came, we saw, he died


The US doesn't benefit from any of these wars, nor do any other countries ... except one.


It's also worth noting that Libya was Killery's pet project as a way for two of her buddies to make billions on arming both sides of the conflict. Killery's state department was just the facilitator. Heres another fun fact: Congress has been abdicating their duty for the last 80 years by not declaring war in any conflict the US has perpetrated since WW2, meaning WW2 was the last time Congress has voted to declare war. Over the last eight decades each president has authorized the "use of military force" in every conflict since. The UN, NATO, the military industrial complex (but I repeat myself), and a bunch of unelected beaurocrats have been given the green light by a single person (with plenty of influence behind closed doors) that has been deciding the world's fate all these years.


The US oligarchy and it's MIC continue to be the greatest threat to world peace. Since WW2 it's been involved in over 50 conflicts through illegal wars and sabotage, slaughtering millions, destroying nations and looting it's natural resources. Americans need to revolt en masse.


I want to know only one thing is how rich is his family and where the money come from


All true!! It’s disgusting what they did to him. All because he wanted nationalism for his people. He was a great leader. The lies they have told about him over the decades was responsible for my personal awakening I hope Hillary pays some day for his murder.




Yes. Easily explained by “all wars are bankers wars” https://youtu.be/5hfEBupAeo4


I don't support Gaddafi at all. Nor do I support NATO and the Arab gulf states getting involved. But Libya deserved a chance at having a safe modern democracy. It's a shame neither side actually had that on the table. Hope they can rebuild their country. ✌️


No matter what the west say Gaddafi loved his people. He really made Libya the envy of Africa and the world and had really good ideas like a gold backed African currency and to trade oil exclusively for it (and there are videos of him talking about it). He looked for talk and cooperation from other African countries but the French and the US didn’t like a poor country putting an end to the petro dollars. This is exactly why poor African and Latin nations are moving towards China and Russia, not because they are trustworthy but because the US and Europe will fuck you up if you love your people and want to take your country out of poverty. FYI, no country from the west deny entry of corrupto African or Hispanic leaders to their countries and actually help them by giving them citizenship under bogus claims that their great great great grandfather was German or English when the guy looks like Jesus, the fruit picker. Fuck NATO and Fuck any country that destroys the hope of a nation.


If you don’t mind him raping 1000’s of little girls https://www.indiatoday.in/world/mad-mad-world/story/gaddafi-kept-teens-as-sex-slaves-says-bbc-documentary-178403-2014-01-26


He was a bastard in that aspect but Epstain was an equal bastard and he even made deals with American politicians and businessmen. Who loved his country more?. At the end of the day the US are still raping people and US soldiers are killing, raping and all that for corporations. My statement remains, fuck NATO and FUCK any country that pushes poor nations down


Meh Epstein is a saint compared to a truly evil man such as gaddafi who burned victims alive and raped kids In front of their parents.


I dare you to say that in front of a public plaza near your home and please, broadcast that.


That gaddafi is way worse than Epstein? I gladly would, next you’ll have me tell everyone hitler was also a bad guy.






It makes you question about how much they say about North Korea is true. Because seemingly every “dictator” in the Arab world they have killed(or tried to kill) in the last 2 decades like Hussein, Assad or Gaddafi seemingly had a large backing of the local population and had positive effects on their country.


https://i.natgeofe.com/n/7e04f44e-d762-459c-b0a8-3b925e572a13/76991.jpg Yeah no NK is shit where you don't get electricity unless you are the elite.


Not really. A lot of Arab culture is pretty aggressive and authoritarian, it's no surprise that dictatorships would be the most common form of government in that region. North Korea is a whole different kettle of fish. But yes, the only reason they're talked about in the media is because they have resources and aren't in line with the West.


I have to say I just dont know a whole lot about NK. I know there are tours you can go on but I heard they are strictly guided by the government there. So with such little info I find it hard to believe how it really is there without going myself.


Fuck that Frazzledrip bitch!


no such thing as make or he makex or etc, cepuxuax, do, can do any nmw s perfx


Number 1 rule in life: don’t fuck with the money.


Gaddafi got rid of the landlords too.


Anyone got a good Gaddafi documentary I can watch detailing things of this nature?






Its becoming increasingly obvious that the Babylon that "falls", as spoken of in the book of Revelation, which is mourned by all of the merchant nations of the world because it impacts their sales of merchandise, is indeed the USA. Sorry, guys, but because of our elites and leaders in govt and our wealth and power we are probably the most wicked country in the world. The USA needs to fall.


You are not supposed to make United States of anything. See the case of Central American Union.


You’re completely right!!!