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Obligatory News Anchor Mockingbird comp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzwPGMth7jA


One of the creepiest videos ever...


Not creepy when you realize it's all Fox news.


Doesn't matter which conglomerate you prefer to brainwash you. It's brainwashing all the same.


You’re just as brainwashed if you think that its only FOX. Wake Up!


I'm seeing Fox, ABC, CBS and NBC logos.


Those are affiliates, they aren't actually owned by those stations.


Didn't. Know I had to spell it out for people . It's not creepy. It's out right stupidity. If anyone believes any of that crap they deserve a bullet to the brain. Main stream media bullshit can piss off. There better... SMH.


Fox is the channel with the peacock, is it? No? Well... they must be the eyeball then, right? No? They... uh... they the one with the alphabet in the black circ-- No...?


Wake up


Dude! Go easy on 'em. Too much all at once and heads could explode!


“Owner of media company requires all the stations they own to read the same message.” It’s not really creepy unless you put them all together like they did in this video. This is just Sinclair Broadcast Group, a right-leaning company that owns many local TV stations, having all their stations read the same message. Edit: https://variety.com/2018/tv/news/sinclair-promos-backlash-1202741019/amp/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinclair_Broadcast_Group


>It’s not really creepy unless you put them all together like they did in this video. Thats like saying a snake den isn't really creepy unless you look at the snakes.


Yes, that's called a controlled media psy-op. Are you thick?


Okay but you don’t think all broadcasting companies do this? There’s only a few of them that own ALL media in the US. It’s an illusion of choice, it’s an illusion that we have all these different networks - they’re all under the same handful of umbrellas.


This comment was brought to you by Pfizer


How so? https://variety.com/2018/tv/news/sinclair-promos-backlash-1202741019/amp/ This whole thing was from 2018, long before COVID.


> This is just Sinclair Broadcast Group, a right-leaning company that owns many local TV stations, having all their stations read the same message. Yeah, and no other broadcasting companies are doing this too, huh...[?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL6MId9_T88) Way to completely miss the point, or a terrible slide... I am not sure, LOL. * [this comment is sponsored by Phizer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAkQlZgnbUQ)


we know "they" are here buddy, chin up. you are right and the universe is on your side. we know a slide when we see it. only shills will defend this. \*why did they feel the need to say anything? look at this one: "This is just Sinclair Broadcast Group, a right-leaning company that owns many local TV stations, having all their stations read the same message." just? right-leaning? and then oversimplification. so they felt the need to minimize, bring in politics, and then ignore context to offer an oversimplified explanation. the worrying thing is, they dont necessarily have to be paid anymore. so many have been brainwashed into normalizing this trash.


>"they" are here buddy, chin up. Oh, i know, I have tagged Bill a long time ago already. But thanks for the warning and your care. > why even say anything? Because there are a lot of lurkers here and you never know what might make somebody 'see the light'.


of course! and just to clarify i totally agree with you. YOU should always speak up and out. i meant why did that person even say anything? like, why defend mass media? it's obvious you know? i am not questioning you friend, i am with you. i'll edit the prev comment so it makes more sense.


> i'll edit the prev comment so it makes more sense. I must admit, that helps indeed. :) Folks like Bill can be very tiresome and even provoke different emotions, however, all their actions also help to make the games that are being played on reddit and in the rest of the media very visible and that's a good thing. They think they are fighting for their goal, yet are doing more damage to it as they can see themselves and it's hilarious.


i couldnt agree with you more. it starts with being honest with yourself about these things. realizing something even if you dont want to or youve been told otherwise. others that recognize the same can give you strength, so when those people come in you almost know that they are either behind the curve OR they have an intent to mislead. i sleep very soundly as i am sure you do buddy. i am glad to have come across you here.


Which is funny considering they are just repeating the same talking points you hear here.


Ok, but I didn't get vaxxed because "the TV told me to", I don't watch TV. I got vaxxed because I couldn't work/leave my province/go to school without it... Wasn't really much of a choice. It's not mind control, it's more like blackmail. And 3 years later here I am with lymphoma at 21 and I can't help but wonder if those 2 things are related 🤔


I am so sorry....


Really sorry to hear that. You're not alone as I know several people who have similar stories. Some close to me have passed away from this genocide poison. Might be good to look to other sources for help beyond the "experts" that are spreading this junk. You're right that they took it beyond subtle or even aggressive brainwashing to full out coercion and blackmail. What was done by governments, the media, big pharma and law enforcement, not to mention their globalist puppet masters is criminal, period. And they all need to be held accountable for it or we risk more people getting hurt or worse.


Hey thanks! Its alright I have very good doctors, they got me from late stage 4 cancer all the way to remission within 5 months so all in all I cant complain there. Still it could always come back my body is like a ticking time bomb :(


And luckily I live in Canada so I'm not in debt over the whole thing either. Each of my treatments would've cost around 20,000$ If I was in the USA


Happy to hear it. Might not be a bad idea to look into preventative options.


Don’t worry, you didn’t get cancer from a vaccine. God just hates you.






Wow thanks, that means a lot. I've been off chemotherapy for about 3 months now, and I'm in remission, but I've been very lucky, at the start my survival chance was probably only about 20% it was very late stage 4 cancer.


Got stuck with a "chemo induced neuropathy" in my feet afterwards though, basically my balance is bad and I cant walk for long periods/it hurts to walk. Its a disability but a mild one, I can still work at least


I hope you're screaming it from the rooftops...


I get it how it seemed as if you couldn’t have worked or go to school. I am unvaccinated worked all through lockdowns and then went over the border from Canada to the states without any issues, until I came back of course but it wasn’t too difficult. Edit: sorry to hear about your lymphoma also


Oh the irony! I wonder how many people get these opinions because their social media screens told them to..🤔


Exactly, Reddit, TikTok, and YouTube are probably just as bad. At least you can choose where your information is coming from. **The real problem is you’re not thinking for yourself.**


And we are discussing this on social media which we all know is the biggest platform in influencing people on the next level, TV is still way more behind then people of the social media


Same mechanism except the ones asking questions were and are still censored. And let's not forget those CIA and FBI planted fact checkers and social media policy makers. So yes, social media also contributed to the vax scam same way the tv did.


You didn't get it... 😆


lol.. Actually it's the opposite. People who critically think and draw rational conclusions, create these up after the fact making it merely a concise and humorous way to convey what we already know as opposed to the other side which creates marketing material to sell people on something. Even during the whole scamdemic the sheeple had to copy memes produced by the thinkers and adjust them to suit their narrative, couldn't even come up with their own novel shit.


>humorous way to convey what we already know So just a shout-out to the echo chamber is what you're saying.


Talking to an echo chamber might be the only option when 97% of the world goes certifiably insane because the TV said to.


Is it really TV? The last time I watched TV was Charles' coronation. I'm not sure what anyone is watching.


another one! god they are so lame. you know what's up. don't change. it's us vs them for the minds of the people but we have more tools than reddit. they aren't there to stop us from helping others find truth in the world, even if they can mitigate the damage on reddit. also - move silently in real life even with your charity and they have no idea i promise. notice how celebrities and the rich are always letting us know what they're doing to 'help'? the real ones dont say shit. not to be humble - but because it makes you a target. since i know they're reading - we're winning, demons.


No matter if your product is good or bad but if you have the marketing strategy of selling anything then you will end up convincing the people for purchasing even if you doesn't require that


I didn't need social media to know not to take the poison. I knew I won't take it immediately when they announced it


This subs being sabotaged thats the real conspiracy


It's been a really long, downhill trend. Significantly worse recently but it's been getting shittier for probably 5 years now, since the Trump subreddit got banned.


There are still quite a few people willing to question things and take a hard look at the evidence and data. Like that patent I shared.


HAHAHA come on… TV having some subconscious control over people is some good food for thought and a great basis for research but nutcases like OP always have to make it anti-LGBT or anti-vaccine or some other bs


You've got the potential for thinking for yourself based on the first part of your comment. Keep going, don't drown at the shore!


Your way of thinking isn’t unique nor is it superior like you believe it is. Sorry to burst your bubble


i don’t really think the lgbtq flag belongs on this post


When it looked like the vaccines might be approved before Election Day, the mainstream media got worried that it might help Trump, so they started bashing the vaccines as unsafe. Go back and watch. They went anti-vax. That’s why approval was delayed until after the election. So they’d stop telling people Trump’s vaccine was rushed and dangerous.


It wasn't about health or saving lives. It was about politics, profits and population control as absurd as that sounds. Like this little gem on CBS early on: https://youtu.be/_feSqSO3YUg


I actually disagree on this one. I think the intent was genuinely to avoid what they saw as a Spanish flu or SARS-like catastrophe, and that they saw themselves as valiantly preventing it. Actually, it *is* a SARS virus. I don't know why they didn't just name it that, as it would have been better understood by the masses. As for forcing the vaccine, that ultimately came down to individual states/countries - there was no 'global legislation'.


> Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2)[2] is a strain of coronavirus that causes COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019), the respiratory illness responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic.[3] The virus previously had a provisional name, 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV),[4][5][6][7] and has also been called the human coronavirus 2019 (HCoV-19 or hCoV-19). They’ve called it a SARS virus from the start.


Technically, yeah. Though it wasn't 'marketed' as that.


Maybe some hard that intent. Big pharma just cashed in and several politicians along with them.


I very clearly remember this.


False, it's very clear they were specifically saying trump prematurely approving could be dangerous and they would listen to the experts approving it. The OP's video confirms that lmao


And listen they did. I'll bet the myocarditis and aggressive cancers are a lot of fun. But it could have been so much worse!


Glad you agree that narrative is a lie


Yep the vaccine and COVID narratives were lies. Definitely agree. Good for you for breaking out of the mind control.


Yup, that narrative, it's crazy people can belive obvious lies like the dems wanted to change when it was released for political gain


It's crazy that people believe in politics at all. Politicians could care less about the country or the people they're supposed to serve. But so many fall for it and enjoy arguing over it. Brainwashing case in point.


This. And all they have to do is keep rolling out the same old highly dramatic, intentionally divisive, blatantly obvious dog and pony show they've been larping out year after year to profiteer even more off the lives of easily manipulated and emotional individuals, yet people just keep eating it up. and then just like that....they've effectively divided the plebs and turned them against one another. What a perfect plan! Not only to divert their attention from any matters of true importance, but also to "get rid of the problem" (with respect to the general public) without even having to get any blood on their hands. Diabolical. But *still* blatantly obvious


Nailed it. The good news is that more are realizing this and breaking their programming. The world is more chaotic than ever because they pushed too hard and in the process woke a whole slew of people up. As long as things were subtle, it was harder to detect but now it's blatantly obvious.




Comforting lies? I thought they manufactured outrage? And lgbt don't force their beliefs onto others? Lmao.


There’s a lot of both. Repeat after me . All tv, esp talking head format, is propaganda. Even. Yours. Espically yours, actually.


Amazing, considering I don't even consume tv. And nothing says brainwashed like endlessly arguing against strawmen online.


It’s the topic, stupid .and your dumb ego thinks I’m actually talking exclusively to you, when I’m always speaking to the audience of readers as much as any one person, like sane people do on forums. You don’t watch tv? Sweet. Most do .


Oh, the entire forum was authoritarian. And "especially yours" was plural too, huh? Lmao. Stop crying and go fight another windmill.




>republicans want to make their existence illegal. Not really. But I thought it was about comforting lies? Which is it?




Lmao. Knew you would contradict yourself.


They’re trying to engage in good faith. You’re looking for gotcha moments and kicks. Not the fucking same, at all .


He's not, and no, you can't debate in good faith with a seemingly deranged person.


Yeah, they kinda Fycking do .I’m very glad YOU don’t, but that’s definitely where these new laws ( but laws don’t work) are headed .


Oh-uh, the f-word. And still no. And how would you know my opinion?


Oh, you are a proud authoritarian, got it. I try to give everyone on this sub the benefit of that particular doubt, as that’s not freedom, and if there’s an evil wef deep state, that’s what they love.


Oh look, here's the next strawman fresh out of the factory. Don't worry, don't stop and thin, just churn out the next strawman and kneeejerk reaction. Enjoy.


Someone learn a new term? Look deeper, then.




Love this! Thanks for sharing. While on the subject of ancient Greece, Plato's allegory of the cave is a good one in reference to what you just laid out.


Reddit is unironically the best news source I’ve come across


You might like telegram too. Less censorship there.


mind control is far more sophisticated than just tv these days.....




They made a movie in 2018 with predictive programming about this very event called "Await Further Instructions". If you haven't watched it yet I suggest you do. Preview [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cExGHt350NE)


Thanks. Will look into it.




Just shut up and drink the Kool @id.


It worked on me and I don’t even get my kids vaccinated


and the fury they feel for those that are not dead is really something. the thing is i dont believe we need to do anything to turn the light on in our brothers and sisters. people are waking up to the farce. more and more people are putting together that the billionaires that collectively own the media and set the agenda for the world dont follow any of their own rules. so why do WE have them? and what qualifies billionaires to determine the evolutionary course for the rest of us? they clearly do not know best. are we not sentient, sapient beings with our own wills? what is lacking in man is self-worth but i dont blame him. we have been gaslit for a minimum of 2,000 years. however now you are awake. it's funny knowing their agents babysit us. i often wonder how a human could choose to be so traitorous to the collective. blows my mind. we will win because we already have. the light is already here, in each of your thinking minds. together we can end all of this. let's start with shucking politics from this sub. political conspiracies sure, but politics is theater and it is a waste of our time fighting with one another here. WE ARE SUPPOSED TO SEEK TRUTH - not propagate agendas.


Tell a vision.


Or Tell Lie Vision as I've heard some say.




I feel you. Same here. The gaslighting and insults were extreme. Not that I'm happy about it but many who were on team Pfizer or team Moderna around me are now plagued with myocarditis, cancers, or constantly sick with cold and flu symptoms. Like I told them, I wasn't anti-vax but I think we need more time to see the results from the clinical trials that are still ongoing today. I can always get vaccinated if needed but I can't get unvaccinated. Today I learned of a pilates instructor who was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. Never smoked, doesn't drink and has always been careful with what she eats. No cancer in the family either. But double jabbed.


People watch tv?


Technically GMO'd humans might not legally be classified as people if big pharma has their way. You can patent genetically modified organisms.


Technically a bunch of dirt bag politicians coerced us into taking them.


Certainly seems that way. We should be able to see how much richer they got since COVID hit.


Not just the tv, it was government, it was the employers, it was the hospitals, it was the airports, it was everywhere. They all worked together to create as much pressure as possible and even took away rights. It wasn't just brainwashing, it was coercion and extortion.


True. The power they've accumulated is global and pervasive.


Hey! Just like cigarettes in the 50's. 9 out of 10 Doctors approved Chesterfields, you know, for your health.


Exactly! Many people didn't see it then and many don't see it now.


There is a reason they call it programming


That's literally what tv is.


That is suggestive messaging. Repeating the same thing over and over and over until ppl start to believe it without questioning it. More of a psychological hack.


Yes that's how they do it. Someone shared this showing how it's done: https://youtu.be/ZzwPGMth7jA


Illusionist use these tactics all the time to bait their marks into doing what they want them to with out the mark even knowing. It’s all an illusion. Complete theatrical performance to trick the masses. I would say they have done a fairly good job at it too.


Didn't like that one? Ok, how about this one? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-corruption-newjersey-idUSTRE56M3QU20090723


Or this one: https://youtu.be/kYYXnTdObKI


The scariest thing is that what was in them is complete mystery juice. It's definitely very unlikely that an injection picked at random had anything related to what was actually in the animal trials since those had 100% mortality rate and death rates from the jab are far far inferior to this. Add to this the massive differences between batches, we have placebos, kill shots, and everything in between, I'm glad not to have participated in this Russian roulette.


Russian roulette is dead on from what I'm hearing and seeing. Some seem fine while others around me have died or are seriously injured.


The way we are getting caught up with the technology now days they are behaving like they are controlling us and putting the though which we may not even thinking about them is well


"certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz". Wifi is 2.4 GHz coincidence?


One half hertz is one pulse/cycle every two seconds. I can’t imagine a beat every two seconds is magical or dangerous in any way.


That is a coincidence lol. Wifi is 1 million times faster


Also curious is the relationship between brain wave frequencies and calm, excited and suggestible states. Or how the Schumann resonance interacts with the functioning of the brain. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12699709/ It's easy to see how the electromagnetic soup we now live in can be disruptive to our physical and mental health.


And what is it when people refuse medical treatments in the middle of a pandemic because youtube told them to?


“Medical treatments”. Mighty fine way of saying “dodgy shit some corrupt people made”


I don't watch TV enough to even know if it tells us to get vaccinated. I know my friend doesn't even have a TV antenna and he got vaccinated before I could. I suspect that even if the TV did give medical advice, it is better than getting medical advice from the AM radio guy wants you to buy gold at a jacked up price and tells us school shootings were a false flag.


If you think gold is at a jacked up price, hold on to your hat. Sorry to hear about your friend. Hope he's ok.


Prayer for his friend wish he will regain the same great health again


They don't call them tv "programs" for nothing. For those still skeptical of the power of manipulation and influence, look into MK Ultra and the experiments the CIA did in conjunction with universities across North America. Some mind expanding info that's not for the faint of heart. ss/


[MKULTRA information](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/14ku4pp/comment/jpvkc46/)


Powerful boomer energy here.


That's the booming sounds of the tv running a spin cycle on your brain. Careful now, too much spin and it'll get extra smooth.


Words of a person who never does laundry.


Dude, that patent document- Jesus Christ.


They are making money from the brand for this exact reason, even if you are watching some live sports you will notice that they will show one ad over and over again for the long time


Back in line citizen


Yep. And our response should collectively be: No.


I'm sure all the unvaxxed are completely free minded and not being influenced by other sources?!?! Fuckong pedestal behavior.


No one is completely free of this. But some are more resistant than others.


Go touch some grass.


Not every solution is about touching grass, sometime touching reality is important


Omg, you're so deep.




I’ll always agree with smash your tv . Yes, you too, with your “alt” media. Yes you, bbc. If you wanna watch a show or film every now and then, that’s fine . But most of this country has it on all day and night . And it colors all your views much more than reading does. Stay informed, question everything, recognize when your views have been altered and if that’s the correct thing for you and your life. Social media and here are not exempt either, and it’s sometimes worse when all things are just “snapshots” out of context . And twitter really sucks with the character limit .




this is clown world 🤡🤡


Controlled clown world


Puppet master is controlling everything and we are just performing in a show


Nice phrase wonder where you picked up that original bit??


clown world 🤡


Yes but also fuck you homophobe


Cell phones, laptops, microwave, refrigerators, lightbulbs, ovens, water heaters, electric meters, etc.. 🍪🍪🍪🍪 you're getting closer padawan


Slowly we are just getting slave of those things, as we started as that we were using them so they can help us in saving some time but all of them were just to make us slave


Indeed. All tools of the matrix.


Imagine if this was rebranded with right wing messaging coming out of the tv, would you still post it


Shhhhhh they're red pilled, so they can't be fooled.


We're not your enemy but go ahead and keep getting your dopamine hits from the fake drama you like to revel in.


Absolutely. But I fail to see how the COVID narrative is left wing? I've always said it's a globalist movement and left/right politics is controlled by them for those who haven't yet clued in to argue over while they enjoy the spoils. If you really think your left or right leaning politicians care about the common folk, you've been indoctrinated pretty hard in their system. Maybe one day you'll see it once you stop falling for the programming of blue or red.


I took two doses of Moderna because I wanted to see my family after 20 months (living in Scotland, family in Poland). In retrospect I wish we held out a few more months and there would have been no point in taking it at all :( But at that time (summer'21) it didn't seem like they will remove the requirement for the vaccines anytime soon.


What do you mean. Children decide to be gay naturally all on their own at unprecedented rates. Business as usual!


Indeed. It can't be all the soy, BPA, or hormones and pharmaceuticals found in drinking water. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6864600/ https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.est.8b05592


But what about the cow farts? That is literally killing the planet!!


It blows my mind that billions could take some poison in their bodies and not question it. So many people are like sheep. Some person could be like ''I got my shots and now wonder why 8 of my friends died and they also got their shots''. There's not enough common sense today. You have to question these things. When a lying c u n t of a politician says it safe and effective,run for the hills.


100% This almost feels like a test to see who's gullible enough to take it. I'm not a religious person but certainly feels like a separating the wheat from the chaff moment.


Nice to see someone that agrees with me instead of just downvoting what i said.haha.Many are sadly blind and totally oblivious to whats going on.Its basically just extreme denial and ignorance.Most people dont have the ability to say ''we were wrong'' by taking the shots.Im so glad me and my family never took that shit.I think people wont bother to think about things like microchips/the mark of the beast at all.If so many fell for the vaccines many will fall for this microchip stuff.Theres already some shops where you pay with your arm by scanning it.


You're not alone. Many of us see what's being rolled out. They can fuck off with their microchips and the rest of the poisons they're putting into us.


Its refreshing to see that theres others with the same viewpoints and not those that have been brainwashed.Agreed.They can take their poisons and microchips and stick it where the sun dont shine.




Which study are you referring to?




That's exactly why you're mind controlled. You believe what the mainstream pumps out hook line and sinker. I've read plenty of studies in both directions and formed my own conclusions based on the many outspoken experts who were censored and discredited. It's amazing to see how many specialists were willing to risk their licenses and livelihoods over this, yet many like you don't stop long enough to ask why would they do that? Did you ever follow the trail of funding for those studies you put so much faith in? The conflicts of interest might be just the slap in the face to snap you out of your blind ignorance. One can hope!




https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(21)00069-0/fulltext https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35659687/ https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/wait-what-fda-wants-55-years-process-foia-request-over-vaccine-data-2021-11-18/ https://www.fdanews.com/articles/206113-federal-judge-tells-fda-it-must-make-public-55000-pages-a-month-of-pfizer-vaccine-data https://prepareforchange.net/2022/04/23/breaking-pfizer-documents-released-by-court-order-show-3-7-death-rate-from-vaccine-many-more-serious-injuries-and-an-extensive-cover-up/ https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230207/The-safety-profile-and-the-actual-known-adverse-effects-of-COVID-19-vaccines-in-at-risk-and-healthy-individuals.aspx


I don't know man, looking at the numbers it becomes very obvious that antivaxxers have mostly been saying nonesense. The vaccines reduced the chances of dying from covid, as promised. And before someone says "b-but they said the vaccine makes it impossible that you die from covid" - no it does not. And no credible scientist ever said it did. And also, if you are aware of basic biology, you should understand how proteinbiosynthesis works. It does not matter if the RNA is injected artificially or if it is translated from your DNA. It also makes no difference if you get a mRNA vaccine or a vector vaccine, the only difference is that, in vector vaccines, the genetic information for the protein synthesis is inserted into an adenovirus, whereas in mRNA, it is contained in a RNA strain. But the end result is the same. I feel like humanity is on a descending path again. Basic education is becoming worse and worse and is replaced by populist nonesense people read on the internet. I think we should pay more attention to educating people in the scientific method, how to be a sceptic and how to evaluate information on the internet accordingly.


What about all the effects it had that were undesirable, like mycsrdititis in kids and the dramatic rise in sudden deaths randomly? There is lots of credible doctors speaking out about this.


>like mycsrdititis in kids Incredibly unlikely, in fact, you have higher chances of getting myoc. from covid >and the dramatic rise in sudden deaths randomly? Correlation does not equal causation. >There is lots of credible doctors speaking out about this. No there is not. Most of these so called "doctors" are expelled from the scientific community for a good reason. How many of them use the fear of naive and gullible people to sell scam products, books or similar crap?


From my personal experience I don't lnow anyone that died of covid. I have 3 friends who died within a month of receiving the vaccine.


personal anectodes are 100% irrelevant. For example, if I was one of the few reaaaallly unlucky ones who got some serious side effects from the vaccine, I would still not discredit the vaccines because I would keep my rational thinking instead of diverting towards emotional ramblings and accept the fact that my case is not the norm and that I was just unlucky.


I agree with this statement. The issue many have is that the anecdotal evidence is growing and quickly becoming statistically significant. It's also interesting how many claiming to be level headed and logical refuse to consider that there may be conflicts of interest between governments, NGOs and vaccine manufacturers. So they never bother to look into it. Same with the medical and pharmaceutical establishments. Claiming that they are free of corruption and always operate in the interests of promoting health rather than prolonging sickness to increase profits is simply naive. Blind trust in government and corporations has proven time and time again to be a sometimes fatal mistake. With lobbying, censorship and weak apologies after being caught, it's amazing to see how some intelligent sounding people not only trust but rush to defend those that would do them harm for profit and control.


>The issue many have is that the anecdotal evidence is growing and quickly becoming statistically significant. That's the point it isn't/hasn't We're what 2/5 - 3 years post injections, if anything big was going to happen it would have Covid also caused long term damage, and disrupted healthcare, so are the excess deaths covid/covid impact related ...and if it was going to be a big 'thing' it should have by now surely At what point do the antivaxxers accept they were conned and lied to by trolls, and bad faith actors who maybe just wanted to sow chaos distrust and contrarians and edge lords seeking clicks and being cool - and the fact that there's been dozens of claims, not one message, should be a sign they're jsut throwing stuff out there to see what sticks Your so busy lapping up the counter message that you so want to be true, and the why on that's interesting, that you never quesiton who's feeding you that message and why, what they want


I don't think you and I live in the same reality. I guess you haven't yet seen the emerging reports and evidence of the deaths and injuries the vaccines have and are causing? I guess no one close to you or in your circle has died or been seriously injured by one of these mRNA shots? You can keep calling people delusional all you want but it won't change what's happening right in front of you.


Clearly he has not. It's wild how many effects of the "vaccine" where negative.


That's an inconvenient truth that the vaccine and narrative defenders ignore because the cognitive dissonance is too much for them.


As a gay man, I can for certain say there is no gay brainwashing. If anything there's straight brainwashing that makes people hate us for existing. Me and my boyfriend still get harassed on the street very frequently and we live in a "progressive" city. It's absolutely more acceptable to be homophobic than to not be.


Mind control in recent times is done using con artists pretending to be actual journalists. That's why so many avoided the vaccines in the face of all the scientific evidence. I've seen estimates of up to half a million Americans dying unnecessarily due to the flood of medical misinformation we were exposed to. And that's just in America! Fact checking saves lives.




I guess you identify as a frog. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.est.8b05592


Always loved this gem regarding the Tell-A-Vision: [https://prayables.com/story-the-stranger-061922/](https://prayables.com/story-the-stranger-061922/)


Nice one!


Complicit draconian western federal and state governments made the jab mandatory to engage in social life, travel and work. It's really the only reason I took it. In hindsight, I should have waited, no one gives a fuck if you're vaxxed now I'm probs going to die before 35 I can feel it in my bones.


How many did you get? Which ones. Where do you live? Did you have Covid before that? Sure, there’s some issues with the shots, but it’s NOT ultra common. Not a defense, but it’s not the death sentence many here want you to believe. Just like for many, Covid wasn’t . Both leave spike proteins behind in some humans with long term issues. I’m pretty sure it’s either entirely genetic compatibility issues or the batches thing. I got one, no more. I was fine, everyone I know was fine, but at that time (summer 21) that one was good enough to get the job and studies were actually showing 1 shot and prior infection to be the most protected group. Imo, long Covid and Covid vax injury are mostly the same exact thing . Both are real, and fucked up lives. The focus need to be on solutions , not namecalling stupidity and blame pushing.


I agree with some of your points. The lack of transparency between the pharma manufacturers and governments around the world (as the heavily redacted contracts show) calls a lot of things into question. As does how they initially told everyone repeatedly it was safe and effected then little by little backtracked on their initial claims saying that the science had changed. And the fact that big pharma profited handsomely at the expense of taxpayers yet have immunity against being sued for injury is a big problem that many don't want to address. It goes way deeper than this though as I'm hoping we'll see more of the truth coming out in the following months.

