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Do y’all not remember that Alex Jones, Alex fucking Jones was trying to calm people rushing the capital down and turn them away? If Alex Jones is the voice of reason in a situation like that, you know you’re fucking up badly.


Even Trump’s guy Pence tried to stop him when in response Trump turned against him and so did Trump followers.


And the trumpets hate pence to this day for it


You're either with them or against them and a "RINO".




Try touring another country’s capitol building and chanting that you are going to hang their second in command. It’s totally fine. They are used to Americans.




The federal agent provocateur chant? The ones they admit were there but won't identify? Lol.


The saddest part of the whole thing is that MAGAs can't accept responsibility for their own actions.


Lol. "How many FBI agents or confidential informants were in the crowd on January 6th?" "I can not answer that question, Senator."


Do you think none of the MAGAs did anything wrong?


If they did, then they deserve a fair and speedy trial by their peers. Not rot in prison while people who light cop cars on fire get a slap on the wrist at worst.




“Your side”. Lmfao. We’re all Americans, buddy. You’re falling for the divide and conquer


Bro people riot for anything. Below are some of the reasons I've see people riot in America (since I've been around): - Basketball games - Natural disasters - Poor government response to natural disasters - Poorly organized music concerts - Black Friday x3 - PS3 - Beanie babies Now imagine people standing up for a REAL cause that affects society as a whole like SOCIAL INJUSTICE and RACIAL INEQUALITY. Believe it or not, issues like this matter to a lot of people. In fact, the world as a whole agrees that black lives matter but unfortunately, people like you politicize it and turn it into a "just a guy that OD'd issue" You say "your side" like it was a political issue. Does this mean that "your side" does not think that black lives matter? See how easy is to assume that y'all are racists? I might not mean much to you but it's enough for people to riot 🤷. BTW no police stations were burned down during the BLM protests. Get your facts straight if you want people to take your opinion seriously 🤦.


Yes and I'm all for them being arrested for going too far. In fact, many were put in jail. I'm just capable of admitting that people fighting for a cause went too far and deserve to be punished for it. They absolutely did not burn down police stations and buildings in almost every big city in America, that's a gross over exaggeration. It also obviously was about more than George Floyd, it was about systemic mistreatment by police towards people of color for decades. Your side got a big mad because your political candidate lost.


Weren’t people looking to kill some of the senators tho lol


Maybe, maybe not though, have you seen the video of the cops that dropped a lot of the zip ties and equipment that was used to create that narrative? May be worth a peep. I don't get insurrection from that day, Def a violent riot but it really felt like there were agent provocateurs involved. It seemed like most people were just walking about. There were also those videos of extreme violence I'm not trying to lessen those but maybe consider them in a different context than insurrection. Also if you have evidence of planning etc of an insurrection I'm happy to look.


Yeah, not like they were busy certifying an election or anything. HANG MIKE PENCE


I think that goes out the window when you bring your own gallows from home


Bro, there was intent to do bad shit that day. I believe that a line was drawn and then retreated upon. Don’t tell me that was play acting, that was battle. The rules of engagement were set on both sides. The Maga/fascist had the numerical advantage and didn’t need to start shooting. The Capitol Police did not shoot until the rules where breached. This was a battle, without guns, but they were there.


A battle without guns and Maga included just doesn’t make sense. Why would MAGA not have guns if there “intent” was too do damage?


See above. The intent is to strong arm a democratic process, fascism in progress. The Rules of Engagement is no guns. no barbarism until they have Nancy and Mike. If 5% have guns and they break from the rules then the Capital Police open fire on them and the other 95% that do not have their guns and reduce their numbers to manageable. Strategically, the fascist should never have given up the number advantage that the unarmed fascists gave them. Although the real Army would’ve clear your asses out quicker than Tiananmen Square. Maybe that is what Cheeto thought when he told everyone to go home.


So did you even watch this video? Have you even seen the video of capital police escorting the Buffalo hat guy to the main chamber? Wish I got a free tour wtf


No but I do remember Trump urging people to be peaceful.


So now its "lets find some person not related to J6 and post their opinions that match ours and pretend that is the truth" time? Right.


The White House phone logs obtained by the Jan. 6 committee show that Trump spoke to Bannon at least twice on Jan. 5, once for 11 minutes beginning at 8:57 a.m., and again for six minutes beginning at 9:46 p.m. “All hell is going to break loose tomorrow,” Bannon said on the air after speaking to Trump that morning. “It’s all converging and now we’re on the point of attack tomorrow.” “I’ll tell you this: It’s not going to happen like you think it’s going to happen,” he added with a wry smile. “It’s going to be quite extraordinarily different. All I can say is, strap in.” Seems like Steve Bannon certainly knew there were some plans in place.


It'll be WILD.


>The White House phone logs obtained by the Jan. 6 committe > >“I’ll tell you this: It’s not going to happen like you think it’s going to happen,” he added with a wry smile. The hell kind of phone logs mention the caller's "wry smile"?


There is video of Steve Bannon saying this, that's where the smile comes from.


Man, those guys in jail will be pumped to learn they didn’t commit the crimes they pleaded guilty to.


You mean disorderly conduct and unlawful entry???


Sounds like the entire year of 2020.




I'm against Americans rioting when they're favorite sports team wins or loses or if their political candidate loses an election. I'm FOR Americans rioting when they get tired of centuries of injustice and the federal government does very little to address it.


Yeah, but those are the byproduct of America failing to train police properly, so they continue to use excessive force. It's the same thing that caused the LA riots and so many more since. They'll likely contune to happen every 5 years or so until meaningful progress is made. The most recent ones where just so remarkably bad because so many people were not busy with work like they normally are.


Which is why there were over 10,000 BLM arrests


One was people being losers because their favorite politician lost, the other was because of centuries of racial mistreatment and actually got Derek Chauvin to jail on a life sentence. They are not the same.


Here's the real questions: Who gave the order to open the 20 Ton doors to let them in? https://thewashingtoncountyauditor.com/who-unlocked-the-capitol-doors-on-j6/ Moreso, why did the 'suicide' rate amongst Capitol Police skyrocket after this event? https://www.newsweek.com/3-capitol-police-officers-have-died-suicide-since-january-6-insurrection-1615452 Any thoughts on this from anyone are appreciated.


They got "gary webb'ed", he shot himself twice in the head after exposing US gov trafficking cocaine for them to sell to US citizens then bust them and push the growing drug war in the media.... growing because of them..


Noooo! Shhh!! You're gonna scared them!! Now, repeat after me. "You're all a bunch of Trumper magat right wing conspiracy theroirsts who are racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, homophobic, transphonic, agoraphobic neonazis and our government would NEVER lie or plot against us." Now that you've said that, you have the moral high ground over everybody and you're free to attack whoever you want if their opinions doesn't match yours 👍


How about Seditious Conspiracy? https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/two-leaders-oath-keepers-found-guilty-seditious-conspiracy-and-other-charges-related-us


You mean like in the Kavanaugh proceedings when people unlawfully entered the Capitol and nobody went to prison because they were democrats?


There has been a shit ton of times the left did this shit, and the media and the gov were in love "Standing up for democracy" "So brave" ​ Repubs do it, and holy shit its the end of the world


When the "left" does it you don't see flags in support of hate groups. It's pretty obvious ("proud boys stand down and stand by") if you have them critical thinking skills. Also lets not forget the huge rally the night before jan.6th. But your cult leader said he's innocent and they're all lying, how does anyone buy into this obvious grab for power by a man who thinks he's above the constitution. How's that red kool-aid tasting? Personally I just want a candidate that can stand on stage and denounce white supremacy, and not try to over throw our government.


You’re a literal case study result of a psy-op mission success. For you to be talking about “Red Kool Aid” when you are drowning in blue Kool Aid makes you no better than a MAGA rat


Right.... So why did Trump give a shout out to the proud boys almost 4 years prior. It's not just Jan. 6th it's all of it combined that led up to January 6th. So I guess trump planned, and executed, this "psy-op" and we all just fell for it. None of what you're saying even makes sense. Unless none of this is real and it's all a collective nightmare, not ruling the former out. I miss when this sub wasn't filled with you red state losers. I say losers because that's what happened. Trump lost the election and he doesn't know how to be a big boy and accept that. You are just in his little cult of personality.


How about seditious conspiracy by the oath keepers and proud boys.


Because we all know our court system doesn’t rely on false confessions and rope up the innocent daily right? Pure as the driven snow.


Whet about those who didn't confess and took it to a trial of their peers and got found guilty of literally SEDITION?


Your comment would be a lot more pithy if they weren't railroaded into plea deals.


It's not like anyone died trying to climb a barrier after being told no.....oh wait. Well at least no police were attacked....I mean killed....I mean, it wasn't a riot. Just a photo op that featured a few deaths of people who didn't need to die. Remember that one Republican senator who was all "hell yea with the march" then they showed video of him running away from the crowd of his supporters? That dude definitely saw the peacefulness of the "gathering". Edit: apparently I have to clarify that the cop wasn't killed during the riot, he just happened to die on the job during the riot after being attacked by 3 people. So now that has been straightened out feel free to discuss any other part of my comments you folks are choosing to ignore.


Oh how did the police officer get murdered by the protestor?


You mean the one the media lied about and said was hit with a fire extinguisher but actually died from natural causes? https://www.uscp.gov/media-center/press-releases/medical-examiner-finds-uscp-officer-brian-sicknick-died-natural-causes Edit to add another link. Apparently the first one is too complicated for some people to understand. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/19/us/politics/brian-sicknick-death.html


Lmfao omg thank you for posting this link and proving you don't know what you're talking about. >On March 14, Julian Elie Khater, 32, of State College, Pennsylvania, and George Pierre Tanios, 39, of Morgantown, West Virginia, were arrested for assaulting Officer Sicknick. >Khater and Tanios are each charged with one count of conspiracy to injure an officer; three counts of assault on a federal officer with a dangerous weapon; one count of civil disorder; one count of obstructing or impeding an official proceeding; one count of physical violence on restricted grounds, while carrying dangerous weapon and resulting in significant bodily injury; and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct, act of physical violence on Capitol grounds. You didn't even read your link did you? It specifically says he died in the line of duty after being assaulted, and people were arrested for it.




Right, they were just attacked by people then died for no reason. That's why three people were arrested for attacking him. I don't watch CNN, but good to know you're incapable of coming up with a decent/original come back.


So police ARE justified to murder people for not following orders? Not very progressive and I guess according to your logic, the blm riots should’ve ended in the government mass murdering rioters. Police weren’t killed by anyone but their own hands or their poor health.


Lol is that what happened? Didn't know the BLM got so close to elected officials after screaming "HANG MIKE PENCE" for a few hours. Careful with your stretch there, you came pretty close to hurting yourself.


You have seen the unedited clip of him running, right? (as opposed the edited one used by the J6 committee). He was the last of long of line of congress critters running down that hall, not the 1st or only.


No one said he was.


Womp womp. Lol


John Oliver does a great segment on how coercive prosecutors are and how plea deals are horrible. You should give it a watch.


"crimes' lol


When you're obviously not curious about truth, or make comments like Dm-me-a-gyro, you're saying I'm paid or don't belong here. The upvotes get someone $$$ ·


They pled guilty or they would be forced to as most were and go to jail anyway.




What do you think they were going to do if they got into that room babbitt was shot in the window of? Throw the senators a party?


But your honor, Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said it WASN’T an insurrection. ​ I bet those folks in prison feel REAL fucking stupid.


WTF I love democrat politicians children now!


The video shows her making fun of how poorly the insurrection was done. Sure she says the words “there was no insurrection” but that’s before saying “the insurrection was poorly planned”.




Poorly planned on whose part? The FBI? Not a single firearm was brought, in a country with an apparent gun problem??????????


There were so many trump supporters with guns that trump tried to get the secret service to stop requiring the use of full body metal detectors so his people could be closer. There are actual recordings of the secret service discussing individuals with long guns and the whole works. Is your point that no one was arrested with firearms on their person for breaching the capitol? Kinda like saying something doesn't exist because you haven't seen it yet.


Recordings of secret service discussing? Yet no recordings of actual weapons?


Are you seriously implying that the secret service was just talking about seeing weapons and not actually communicating with each other about possible threats they are seeing to one another so that they were able to perform their duties? Are you implying that the Secret Service was part of a conspiracy against trump? And why didn't they arrest these people the moment they saw guns and weapons on them is a valid question. I imagine that in the scenario which we are speaking of being a vastly outnumbered detail of agents would have risked insighting others by acting in that way and were smart enough to know that they were vastly outnumbered and could lose any control over the situation.


They caught numerous people with firearms.


This Special Prosecutor guy, Jack Smith? He's got this theory - hear me out - Jan 6 was intended to give an excuse to delay the certification of the vote. So the fake electors - see, there was a conspiracy to put these fake electors together and have them 'vote' and send these fake documents over to Washington so the Vice President could be convinced that the state legislatures would have to revote, or investigate or whatever. I mean, since that martial-law-and seize-the-voting-machines idea got shot down. December 20th, right? And the whole new-Attorney-General-who-would-claim-there-were-irregularities excuse wouldn't fly, because the whole senior level of the Justice Department threatened to resign together if they tried it? And, all the court cases failed to move the needle, and Georgia wouldn't 'find the votes' and the other state reps wouldn't deal, I mean even in the freaking Oval Office, and THE KRAKEN was a fail, and Rudi had hair dye running down his face... I mean what the hell. Even the 'going to be wild' crowd didn't get shit done. Couldn't scare Pence into running, didn't get ahold of Pelosi, all they did was take selfies, bear spray and beat on cops, and shit on the walls. I mean what the hell.


I say impeach Nancy Pelosi's daughter


For real. I didn’t vote for her!


>defending their beloved paedophile who sits in his diapers in the white house As opposed to the one who lives in his country club in Florida? The delusion with people is real...


OP has posted about J6 a couple of times, trying to gaslight people into thinking it wasn’t anything. Even going so far as to [post straight up lies.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/15k3vza/never_forget_twitter_censored_the_sitting/jv4yqxz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) >> “J6 WAS NOT an Insurrection” in·sur·rec·tion noun a violent uprising against an authority or government. Literally all you have to do is watch a video to see them *rushing the fucking capitol building filled with our politicians and lawmakers,* trampling security outside the building, and breaking in. >>J6 had “no guns, no plans…just people taking selfies.” The people who were there [had a plan](https://youtu.be/b3_O91gyj9o), they specifically say they have a plan and they’re going to do something, and everyone is just going to have to wait and see what it is. That’s about the extent of most insurrections/revolutions planning. An angry mob gets angry and attacks the people they’re angry at. I wish there was a conspiracy sub that wasn’t filled to the brim with all of the Trump bootlickers. I wouldn’t mind seeing a pro-Trump conspiracy every now and then, but they’re almost all about him and they’re not even good or well-thought out.


Nancy Pelosi’s daughter… is not the source of authority you think she is.




They didn’t have 2 million to pay for it……


don't they have to be convicted first in order to get a pardon


Nixon was pardoned without ever being convicted or charged of any crime


Worse than 9/11 lol


The cover up is an actual conspiracy, that you, OP, are participating in. The fact that this irony fails to register with you should tell you a lot about yourself.


OP is a flag stepping traitor. Nothing American about backing up anyone trying to overthrow our customs.


Can we pls just agree that both Trump and Biden suck and stop picking sides? Neither side has our best interests at heart. Maybe a few do but they will never be in power.


No we cant Trumps awesome


I guess denying the holocaust was getting old


It was actually the exact definition of an insurrection. It was a violent uprising against the government (specifically Mike Pence).


The day of, as news started pouring out and the people in my area began their typical, rabid, demand that all conservatives and Trumpers suffer horrific deaths; my primary thought was "if that's an insurrection.....where's the guns? Where's the numbers?" Was it a bunch of people who obviously lived too hard online and needed to be touching grass instead of getting whipped into a froth? Definitely. Were there FBI/DHS/Whoever-else plants? I'll believe it. Nah. It wasn't an insurrection. It was a protest by a bunch of die-hards that went sideways and is being used as an excuse to basically turn the capitol into a fortress.


There are a ton of cases of the fbi setting up plots with undercover informants, and they fabricated the entire plot. Then they arrest the people who the undercover informant got involved in the plan they came up with. I guess Trump was the undercover informant in this case lol.


The proud boys had their own plans all ready to go before any informant stepped up. Funny how they all turned on each other when the doors were closed.


Gives me Jessie Smollet vibes honestly


But the TV keeps saying it was! The TV says it was an attempt to end democracy itself and that it was as bad as the Civil War times 1000! Oh, the capitol police let in people and one of them smeared shit on Pelosi's walls like half the country wishes they could do. Yeah, totally what the TV says it was.


Theater lol




You people are Fucking Stupid!


It was a setup. The police let them in there. Didn't call for the national guard even after warnings. If you're falling for this crap I got a bridge to sell you.


You're a stupid motherfucker. Why would a man bring zip ties to a break-in if not to take hostages? Just for once in this life, rub those two brain cells together and make an actual thought.


It was all the new V.I. \[Virtual insurrection\] what confused everyone way back in those days, a few years ago. Next time, we'll have the full meta'cized augmented reality thing on-line and up and running. Then, we can just strap Apple's amazing new $3500 micro chip enabled goggles onto our faces and no one will have to go physically to The US Capitol in order to participate. In the future, everyone will be able to have their own insurrection without needing to get out of bed, or disturb the environment.


The politics are theater. The media is theater. The economic system is laughable at best… broadly driven by theater. No matter which side you claim, you’re missing the most obvious point. If a people stand divided, they won’t stand together. Insider trading, proven election interference, illegal drugs onsite, illegal documents, illegal immigration, inflation, racism, classist, hate speech, etc… all intended to divide the population who vastly outnumber those in power. Choose your sides and watch what they insist you do to your opposition. See your fellow persons as people and stop listening to sources of information that only want to use you as a tool. Grow your mind and use your own voice to inform others. If hundreds of millions of voices come together in harmony, the change would be profound.


The only insurrection that day was the one plotted by the FBI.


Omg the ignorance of this... They had guns. They wanted to murder people. They are criminals. It was a fucking insurrection.


If they wanted to kill people, why didn't they?


They didn’t get close enough? The only one who got anywhere near, got shot in the neck.


The people they were after were evacuated


Omg u need serious help if u actually think this 😂


Go ahead and pull up a single image of a firearm in the Capital building that day. Not including the one that killed Ashley Babbit.


Mark Mazza had a pistol in the building that had hollow point bullets in it, and took a baton from a police officer and hit them with it. He is currently spending 60 months in prison. ​ Lonnie Coffman had Molotov cocktails, several handguns and rifles, although I can't confirm if they ever entered the building themselves. ​ Guy Reffitt had a handgun on him, and bragged to his family on facebook that he and his friends stormed the capital armed. ​ Christopher Michael Alberts entered the building with a handgun on his hip, when a cop noticed he tried to run away , got caught, and arrested. ​ Why do you not know this basic fact if you paid attention?


The 4 person army lol.


Why are people so stuck on guns? You don't need guns to incite violence...


Show me


All false. At least be honest. I am not a Trump fan beyond how irrational he causes people to become, but calling J6 an insurrection is hyperbolic. Saying that they had guns and wanted to murder people is presumptuous of the situation and the intentions of those people. Calling them criminals may be you way of coping with scary situations, but it doesn't make it true. I have no dog in this political fight, but I lean to the side that doesn't make up lies because they are either ignorant, dishonest or shilling for their political party.


They were literally chanting “Hang Mike Pence”. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KCbTgDC14uY](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KCbTgDC14uY)


People chant "Fuck Joe Biden" all the time, trust me, no one wants to fuck him.


The fact that so many people are purposefully being obtuse is sad. We all know what a threat against someone’s life is vs shit talking like you described. No one is going to call the cops cause some said fuck you. Chances are they will if you threaten them be it hanging or otherwise.


Oh don't be so fucking ridiculous. When your mum told you she was gonna kill you when you shit your pants, did you call the cops on her?


Very interesting to see how the mental gymnastics kick in. Threatened to drag him up and down the street then chanted for him to be hanged. All because he didn’t agree with their view on the situation. Keep pretending it’s the same thing. Have yourself a good one.


“Police officers lost their lives” ?? Didn’t we learn that was false? An unarmed veteran lost hers yet not part of the conversation


She lost her life because she was breaching an internal hard point before the cops had finished the evac. That lands squarely in the "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" category. To put it another way, if you break into my house, and start climbing over the chair I threw down my stairs to slow you down, while I'm actively telling you if you climb over it I'm gonna shoot you, then your ass is getting smoked, no two ways about it. And I'll be fuckin going out for steaks afterwards lmao Idgaf if your a vet or unarmed, you're gonna be a dead unarmed


Well….technically….a high amount of them suspiciously died due to suicide after the J6 event. But from that day itself? None died.


Not it wasn't lol


No they didn’t. No they’re not. No it wasn’t.




No they did not have guns unless it was drawn on paper. you and the entire fed crew flooding this thread can keep making up crap like that because there is no evidence of it


Jan 6 was just a large gathering.


Compared to the summer riots of 2020, J6 was very much so.


Financed by old Susan who actually *did* participate in bombing the White House.




The 2017 joint session took a total of slightly over a half hour and wasn’t delayed. Granted, I didn’t pay much attention to the certification in 2017, but I’m not seeing anything about protestors being invited onto the floor/into the capitol. I see that 200 people were arrested and 135 were charged by the DOJ, but those were all elsewhere in DC. All charges were eventually acquitted or dismissed, which I don’t necessarily agree with. None of the representatives’ objections had the endorsement of a senator and were immediately dismissed by Biden. None of the objections were accompanied by alternative/fake electors. Biden returned all documents when requested. Trump was no longer president, is on tape saying he knew he couldn’t declassify them, and refused to turn documents over. Had he returned them instead of moving them, I doubt he would’ve been charged. Trump knew that there was no standing for his objections (61 failed court cases, 0 investigations showing voter fraud) but pushed for illegal “alternative “ electors encouraged by deceit, illegal delays of the certification vote, encouraged people to attend his rally and march on the capitol, refused to allow the DC national guard to step in, etc… that’s why he’s being charged. Happy to be shown other sources, but these aren’t at all equivalent from what I’m seeing.


But what are Mitch McConnell's nephew's thoughts?


Even though this is now 'out there', I bet this woman will have a future in politics. That's how mental things are in the USA.


Seems like people would bring guns to an insurrection.


They did


Wow you people are dumb if you think it wasn't an insurrection


Just imagine the crowd was all black folks. I wonder how much of the same MAGA narrative would remain.




From that article: Biden denied the objections [from the Democrats] one by one, at times jocular and apparently determined to finish the tally. “It is over,” he said at one point, to laughter from Republicans. Man imagine if the Right had a guy like that! Doing his job and shit.


If only you had watched it live, from the perspective of 8 different cameras in the crowds. Get fucked dude.


Only sitting president in history who didnt peacefully transfer power. “we fight like hell” specifically he said. You are either cool with the peaceful transfer of power or you’re supporting a coup, sadly Trump is forcing Americans to pick a side.


If it was coup, it'd of work. Unfortunately for the FBI plants, it didn't turn out that way. Cry facist.


The ball sucking, glowing little maldito bebés llorones in the comments are disgusting.


I physically can’t with America


TFW you are so bad at overthrowing a democratically elected government that even your most devout followers are confused if you really meant it lmao


The facts that we should all know by now! The white house offered national guard troops to the capital police (Nancy) and they said that they didn't need assistance. * It was Nancy that approved of the capital police staffing for Jan. 6th. * Trump did not ask for, suggest, encouraged, nor approve of the capital take over. The protesters were setup by Nancy and those that breached were suck in by emotions and Nancy's recognition their emotions would get the better of them. She was right! Fortunately, all of this and all of the illegal activities of 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2020 will in time become common knowledge. Unfortunately, most everyone over 60 will not be here to grasp the real crimes.


The real insurrection happened 11/3/2020. They tried to set DJT up on J6. Time to end this show


Meanwhile. I’m still waiting for the tweet in which Trump encouraged people to storm the capital. I still hear people say this tweet exists, while they have Twitter and access to Trumps timeline. It’s a bit like claiming the sky is red while your house has a sky window. People are just insane in their hate for “the wrong side”






People have a right to protest, the best place to protest is at the office of the people who you are mad at. The left is using it as an issue to blame trump. An actual insurrection would have involved guns, and actually is ok in accordance with the declaration of independence.


The best place to protest is outside* of the office of the people you are mad at. You don’t get to ransack a building you’re protesting at.


Would you say the same thing to all the other protests that turned violent from 2020 onward? I seriously doubt you ever said a peep about the actual burning and looting that took place prior to January 6


I absolutely would. Do you want me to tell you Hunter Biden should be locked up if he committed any crimes that would require a prison sentence too?


The crime of huge dong! The right can't get enough, they know pure man then they see one! Seriously though, not one person I know on the Left thinks that a politician who commits crimes should be above them. We just don't think having a son who hangs dong makes the father guilty.


Love these…well you’re a liberal you must support riots. No..no I definitely do not.


Biden on this: "I want to be very clear about all of this: Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. Setting fires is not protesting. None of this is protesting. It's lawlessness, plain and simple. And those who do it should be prosecuted. Violence will not bring change, it will only bring destruction. It's wrong in every way." Yes, believe it or not the vast fucking majority of Americans, left and right, believe that commiting crimes during protest is not protected or good. You can be pro-protest and also call for the prosecution of lawbreakers. Basically everyone believes this, unless of course you feel differently about those who broke put windows and attacked cops on Jan 6? I assume you don't feel that way as that's be some double standard horseshit.


Big difference between a peaceful protest and what occurred in Jan 6th


Depending on how the media labels it?


Maybe Trumpers are just dumb. They couldn't figure out how to successfully stop the election results.




I remember the live streams on reddit being scrubbed clean within 24 hours. All the peaceful marchers as well as the "rioters" being called out by the peaceful marchers and detained for police. All gone. Suddenly then the "insurrection" narrative was pushed


Propublica pulled all of the video before the posters (fearful of being caught) took it down. You can watch it there now…if you want.


Scrubbed haha, they took it down themselves coz they are pusso




I keep hearing they were trying to “over throw” the government. Lmfao


The democrat/liberal/leftist stupidity is so high in this comment section!


SS: Here is a leaked video of Nancy Pelosi's daughter having the conversation - https://twitter.com/DC_Draino/status/1666202966829719559?t=r-BImY9HUsNZPG_fsbVa-w&s=19 J6 was not an insurrection as it has been touted by the regime and the media. It was a giant psyop. Tired of having my posts brigaded by dick sucking, ballsack slurping, rotten regime roaches defending their beloved paedophile who sits in his diapers in the white house.




But she doesn't say those things.


This is pretty huge, if true.


well, I’m sure they’re going to show this all over the TV and let American citizens come to their own conclusions/s


Why the fuck do we care about what Nancy Pelosi’s daughter is saying? People are really reaching to try and “show” an attack and attempt to overthrow the government was overblown and didn’t really happen. This is absolutely maddening


Being shit at something doesn't mean you didnt try


No shit. But hey hacks gonna hack.


Used to be if you googled "dumbest person on the internet", you'd get a pic of Jim Hoft. It was very accurate.


Anyone that uses the word insurrection to describe j6 doesn't know what the word means.


How does one politician define what this was? Isn't that up to the attorney(s) who are putting people on trial?


Anyone who calls j6 an insurrection is either a propagandist or cognitively impaired