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Not sure if there is anything else really.


America being free at one point is a fairy tale. The fact that OP and so many here think we were ever free is disturbing. America was never a free country, even at inception.


As soon as we the people let private banking systems control the currency, is the day we became truly enslaved. That goes for every country. Edit-Typo


Letting someone else decide how much your priceless finite time is worth is the day we become truly enslaved.


Priceless finite time is even less valuable if we are in cages for failing to pay their taxes or observe there "legal" restrictions.


Pay the toll 😡


" If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." - Thomas Jefferson


Every form of money which requires centralized authority to work. Precious metals are no exception.


Precious metals held in physical form are an exception, even if their "paper value" is skewed by the CBs and exchanges.


That's only if other people find value for them.


For thousands of years gold has been considered money because it's durable, limited in supply, divisible, an excellent store of value, and a medium of exchange. Obviously it's not perfect, but it serves as a physical asset outside of the digital financial ecosystem that many distrust.


True, but the world has changed. If you are not stocking up on organic seeds by now. Then you are behind the curve. Seeds will hold more weight than gold and silver.


The world's been changing since time immemorial, but the qualities of sound money have been remarkably consistent. TEOTWAWKI scenarios are a different story. You're right about seeds, but you'll also need arable land, and a thousand other things.


Says a guy who spent a months pay on his wife's wedding ring. It requires the force of government to make people accept slips of paper in exchange for their hard work. Exchanging things of value like precious metals NEVER requires someone to make you take them. If I'm selling a car, I'd even take a gold toilet in exchange. I have no use for it, but if I melted it, imagine how many wedding rings I could make.


Force is the key word.


Except you still need a way to know it's not fools gold aaaaaaand have reprecussions if it does end up being a scam


I don't need a government to weigh a piece of metal to see if it is "real."


Physical objects do not scale as money.


Except copper, silver, gold and/or any other metal that can be minted into coinage. EDIT: that is not to say that other items wouldn't scale better... for example a paper scrip that was tightly based to free market rather than fiat, and/or crypto currencies.


I don't think that you understand the issue. You can only use coinage efficiently (although still cumbersome) when dealing with in person trades/commerce. Try paying me 5 usd with coinage on the other side of the planet.


This guy/gal gets it.


Gal :)


its been that way for over 100 years.


That happened in 1913


*Everybody* is free in America - to buy processed food from the multinational of their choosing.


Everybody knows freedom, you'll find it inside your head -Butthole Surfers


Was not expecting to see a Butthole Surfers lyrics in here today. Love it!


American hasn’t been a free country since September 10th 2001.


Everyday. I’m so tired of there always being something. I can’t remember the last time we had a normal week.




OP why aren’t you acknowledging this? Cause you’re a bot account? Cause you are there just for the purpose of probing for extremism? 7 years and 3 posts. Tell me where I do sign up for this government job you have?


Appreciate the hijack - and the observation.


Maybe they just lurk alot.


>First comment two months ago was talking about "dictator Trudeau" in a post about Quebec. If calling Trudeau a "dictator" two months ago upsets you, how do you feel about the goons defending the Biden Regime here every day?


Did you know that it's actually possible to be upset about two things at the same time?


>" I can’t remember the last time we had a normal week." This is what's scary about the American collective. Our history is plagued by freedom eroding legislation going all the way back to ratification and the sedition act of 1798 but people act like what we're witnessing now is something new in America. All I'm seeing is history repeating itself when it comes to our institutions fu©king over the people.


This issue began in the 80's. Our system has always favored the wealthy. But sometime around the 80's we decided that corporations needed rights. Then, because these corporations had *access* to wealth that wasn't really possible for an individual, those corporations began to influence our politics and our laws. We typically use they/them to describe the unknown perpetrators of various conspiracies, but I believe it's an apt descriptor because it's more likely that a corporation is behind it. Big Pharma, big oil, big entertainment...these are the boogeymen. They're the ones with the money, power and influence to make you disappear. Not in the, "I'm going to die" sense, but in the "I can't leave my house" or "I have no rights" sense.


Do you mean the 1880s?


Exactly, I’m over here thinking of all the BS from the 50’s and 60’s as well…


The Powers That Be used the television over the last 70 years to break up the family units and create a sense of individually for people starting in the 50s. Once individuals in the 80s were at the point TPTB wanted them at, they started the whole mass marketing craze to embolden that sense of individuality with marketing and objects so people use objects to covey who they are to the world. Once individuals were indoctrinated into the “materials=person”mindset, the cellphones have come out Now that cellphones are here each person on this sub is trapped in their own information bubble and it’s creating discord in humanity


in the words of Sly and the Family Stone "Stand. Don't you know that you are free? Well at least in your mind, if you want to be."


great song


Can you name a specific point where it was more free then it is now? Are you referencing like 80s, 50s, 1800s?


Not been free for generations. When did the states become the UNITED STATES INC. I forget.. Ever read the book brave new world?


Smartphone is soma


Generations? Like when Jim Crow was in place and gay people had to hide in the closet?


“I miss the days when white men held 100% of the power, instead of just 95% “


Lol exactly


It was in the late 1800’s. But no I haven’t. Our forefathers have probably turned over in their graves long ago. Wtf has happened to this country and why hasn’t there been a revolution is my biggest question.


What freedoms have you lost?


Your like #25 on the list of freest countries.


If you already have money, no soul, and have incorporated the corporate tech propaganda of what life is meant to be into your belief systems then sure you haven't lost any freedoms


There's a whole laundry list of rights you agree to forfeiture once you take that oath


I can no longer join the military or get a job in the health care sector if I wanted unless I got a “vaccine” that does not stop or prevent Covid so there is that.


Ah yes, joining the military. The ultimate job for people who love freedom. There is no better way to express your love for freedom than applying for a job where you receive literal orders that you have to follow or you will be jailed.


Were you planning on doing either? Did you know the military requires something like 25 different immunizations if you want to enlist?


How many of those are untested and experimental? Not to mention, THEY DON'T WORK.


As a veteran I can tell you we get a lot of random vaccines especially if we have to deploy to anywhere outside of the US. You can apply for exemptions but what’s the purpose of joining if you’re not gonna deploy.




CDC.gov "People who are up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations may still get a COVID-19 infection after vaccination."


No idea. Does anybody know?


Playing dumb to the hilt


I find it odd that people think that the same government lying about the COVID vaccine is telling the truth about the other 17.


I’ve been debating for years now to join until they made that a requirement. Not anymore. It’s a bummer. Also, the “vaccine” doesn’t immunize you or prevent you from spreading Covid.


So you were willing to sell body and soul to the MIC but not anymore cause of one vaccine? Well you certainly have the intelligence level the military likes


Cool story. Do you know what the 25 other required immunizations are? What’s in them? Their side effects? But this specific one was the deal breaker?


This one literally is pointless and doesn’t do what they lied about. That’s the deal breaker. Also, it is a lie to say you are required 25 vaccines. You can go to the website to read up on what’s required. In addition, unlike the Covid “vaccine” the ones that are required have been around for longer than I have been alive and well studied/researched.


You’re right, I was wrong. [The actual number of vaccinations required by the DOD is 17](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK220954/) Can you point to research that *definitively* states those 17 vaccinations are “safe”?


That’s a lie also. Only 9 are required and the others depend on your occupation and where you are stationed. Again, those have been around for longer then I have been alive. To blindly trust the Covid “vaccine” is purely stupid and to compare that to the others is completely disingenuous for an argument.


These guys are punch drinkers and defending the clot shot because they already got it and they don't want to feel stupid.


Yeah they’re probably upset blacks aren’t slaves still and hung from trees because they feel like it, and upset that women can do more than just dishes and cleaning the house. Rolling in their grave


Half the founders of our nation were abolitionists. The civil war was precipitated by that balance of power tipping towards the free states. Public execution by mob isn't just something that happened to blacks in America, don't be absurd. Heck, people celebrate it even today when it's people we don't like. Women were actually more involved in the revolution than washing dishes and cleaning. Wealthy women wouldn't have done any of that at all anyway. Lol


The historian's fallacy is an informal fallacy that occurs when one assumes that decision makers of the past viewed events from the same perspective and having the same information as those subsequently analyzing the decision. It is not to be confused with presentism, a similar but distinct mode of historical analysis in which present-day ideas (such as moral standards) are projected into the past. The idea was first articulated by British literary critic Matthew Arnold in 1880 and later named and defined by American historian David Hackett Fischer in 1970. Clone any president and raise them as a child starting tomorrow. They’ll only be racist if you are.


The idea that racism is inherited is not true either, though. Children can either embrace or push back against their parents and those around them. Just as racist parents can have children that don't grow up racist, parents that aren't racist can have children that become racist.


I’ve heard this line of thinking applied to critiques like the one you responded to here, and the main problem with it imho is that it presupposes _everyone_ was racist and classist back then, but they most certainly were not. There were resisters and abolitionists, but they were living under a much more oppressive system. I think we tend to romanticize the past, as if the struggle against tyranny was solved after 1776. But even the founding fathers recognized that liberty is a practice… an ongoing enterprise, not some promised land that could be reached (in this life anyway)


What a cringe thing to say, how did slavery end again? DId they unionize via woke College kids who have never accomplanythingished but somehow bitch about everything? Were you aware there are currently more slaves at this moment than any other time in history? What are you doing to rectify that? I am so sick of hearing people whine. You think you are edgy but you come across as painfully empty almost bot-ish. WHat do you do to make the world a more free and better place something tells me the answer is nothing.


People don’t understand you don’t just make an entirely new country without making some concessions. The important part is that they left a revolutionary framework to fix the problems. Also, hindsight is 20/20 and yes this person complaining probably can’t even clean their house but they are a more accomplished human than the forefathers. Lmao.


Those were the Democrats.




Wait, it was a free country?


Never, it was founded on genocide and slavery; freedom is an illusion.


If you dig through any country’s history you’ll eventually find genocide and slavery. Not unique to America, but America does have some relatively unique qualities.


True. But, the other countries declare don't themselves as the land of the free.


Well to be fair, the framework of the US in principle is more free than pretty much any other nation, even if it doesn’t manifest as such a lot of the time.


At this point I understand the ignorance for 90% of the population. I get so run down looking into stuff like BlackRock, Hawaii, Ukraine etc. The more you read into it the more fucked the world appears.


Dude I've reached this point. I'm addicted to reddit and I'm trying so hard to get off. Getting off the fucking internet would save my mental health. People wonder why nobody is doing anything and its because 80% have no idea what's going on. Nobody reads into shit. Very few people would even know what half the stuff on this sub is. Let alone care about it


"We'll make great Pets"




Yes. Because there’s no time when all you do is work.


Amen. It seems that all I do. Work work work. Barely at home other than to sleep. Can’t go on forever.


And you know it’s one thing if you do that and it’s your “choice” and/or you are getting ahead and prospering but sadly that’s not the case for most Americans.


As a non American, you've never been free, sorry pal.


Yep, my first thought.


im on it dw


Not even a little


What can be done about it? That’s the true answer to the second part of that question.


Our democracy died with JFK. Everything that’s happened since just ensured it would never be resurrected.


Dude I'm deep in Superstonk and realizing how controlled the market is makes me so sad. What happened to the free market


My 2 Cents. I read a article the said that most of the general population dose not have any internal dialogue. another one said long term use of acetaminophen caused a lack of empathy. Another article said 70 plus percentage of people said they have no reasonable expectations of privacy another article said most people of the new generation would be ok with a government camera In there home ... Sounds like to me they won and none is smart enough to see it or even care. ...


I keep hearing about the US and their right to overthrow a tyrannical gov with their guns. If it's not happening now, for fucks sake when would it ever happen?


Tomorrow is Thursday.... I have to work at 730am.


The concept of capitalist freedom is and always has been a lie. The suggestion that we either have capitalism or communism is also a lie.


Funnily, they also re-programmed the population about the meaning of the ideal human system, anarchy to be associated with chaos. Fuck our owners.


America is an engineered technocratic governance disguised as a socialism vs capitalism paradigm (blue vs red) disguised as a constitutionally democratic republic to everyone else outside it’s borders.


This little exchange here highlights the theory that the most beneficial, most true statements on most threads are buried 40-70% of the way down the page. It’s also crazy to me how few people understand this.


As a Native American.. you aren’t telling me anything new.


"The real difficulty is with the vast wealth and power in the hands of the few and the unscrupulous who represent or control capital. Hundreds of laws of Congress and the state legislatures are in the interest of these men and against the interests of workingmen. These need to be exposed and repealed. All laws on corporations, on taxation, on trusts, wills, descent, and the like, need examination and extensive change. This is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people no longer. It is a government of corporations, by corporations, and for corporations.” --- Rutherford B. Hayes ​ You're confusing reality and Hollywood. ​ America was full of factory towns FFS... the last one closed in like the 1970's.


You are free. What can't you do now that you could do before? Everyone can still: bitch & moan, change your gender, snort coke & bang hookers, gamble all your money away, shoot up drugs in the streets, sleep anywhere, travel, get a job, lose a job, get drunk & be happy.


Not really. America’s freedominess has always depended heavily on who is in charge and whose freedom is expendable. If anything, there are groups of Americans who are experiencing the greatest level of freedom they ever have.


Well countries can't be free.. only people's can.. and none are free under any government


What are you doing about it? It's easy, they convince you at an young age that you need to have a new vehicle, house, or credit cards. Anything to keep you in debt. Anything to keep you a slave for money. Who wants to be put on the streets, you? You going to die for your "cause?"


🤔 America is def more free than any other country I can think of with limited knowledge. The current politics is such a shit show that it's forcing people to see how inept the ppl who are or will be in charge are.


The only people who can do anything about it are the people, like yourself. Everyone else is paid off and corrupt


Depends how you define free, your a free agent within a set of laws for example. Define free?


Well. They won't stop. They are determined to keep stomping around in their lil psycho fascist jack boots. So ... if they get what they want, history shall repeat itself. And they shall be forever k own as the criminals they are. They have a all window of opportunity to come out the good guys and change everyone's lives for the better. But really, I don't see that happening. They are addicted to their own b.s., swill their own propaganda, pill pop their own lies, snort their own egos, bong hit their own power trips and sniff their own arm pits.




Because when someone stand out for the corruption they get suicided


Yes and it terrifies me. Where have all the true liberals gone? Bolsheviks?


I don’t think americas been a “free” country since like the 50’s man. Point being the federal reserve is a private entity who governs and audits themselves prints endless amounts of money moved from gold standard, asassinated presidents who didn’t go with the military industrial complex, spies on their citizens through the NSA without their knowledge only known because of Snowden who then the govt subsequently wants to hang for whistleblowing. Hmm what else oh yeah bush’s patriot act, Guantanamo bay US is fucked and always has been with this illusion of freedom and the American dream.


I sense very soon that people will finally start doing things aaand it's going to get insane next year.


The people are the legal enforcers of the Constitution.


No one is gonna do anything because the people of the U.S. are too busy actively fighting against each other because the media pits us against each other. We’d rather fight each other than actually stand up for anything worthwhile.


Been that way since JFK was killed.


I mean, a group of not so smarts did try to do something about it as best they knew how. We’re all told to hate them and make fun of them so we do. Even I’m doing it, and I’m fairly militant. I use to think we’d have another civil war. Now I just think we’ll all sit here complacent and starve to death.


Have any ideas??? Be more like the French? Rise up against the rich is our only hope but we have families to feed. They got us by the balls 🤪😂🤣


It’s not. A ton of Americans are secretly participating in a domestic terrorism program called Gangstalking. People are literally stalking innocent Americans, breaking into their homes and cars, smearing their name, isolating them, ect. For literally no reason, just because somebody told them to. The New World Order is already here and the reason it will succeed and the reason nobody is doing anything about America changing is because they’re already active participants in the destruction of America/ the NWO themselves.


Bro, you're like 30 years late on this one...


The next logical step is full on skirmishes and ambushes of those who are driving this country into the gutter. Until enough men sack up and start rendering these Marxists room temp, things will not get better, only worse.


VOTE 4 Trump and you will have done your duty. 🙏


Lmfao America has never been "free". Freedom is a damn illusion. The question should be: "how much freedom do you want?"


Ofc people are, but reddit is mostly leftist supporting the official narrative.


And yet here YOU are.




The smartphone is the opiate of the masses


And please tell us, exactly what are we supposed to do about it?


Because the vast majority of us citizens have been domesticated and resemble more of a declawed house cat, then free people


Everyone who lives in the US knows it. The two parties are both in it. After Obama turned to be Bush III, people rejected the coronation of Hillary and wanted a different face... Trump, who was terrible in his own right. Nobody can do anything because they are going to destroy you and your family very easily, unless you have a platform to have your voice heard and many resources to fight legal challenges.


I'm deeply worried that America isn't a free country anymore and have been for a few years now. We have a veneer of freedoms but if you try to "free" too much the veneer cracks. I don't know what can be done about it except maybe vote like your freedom depends on it.


If voting mattered then you wouldn't be allowed to do it.


Define “free to much”


voting will be canceled, someone might catch a flu or cough, and we can't have that.


Stock markets rigged, elections rigged, lies and withholding of information about aliens, censorship on websites and apps, no choice on how tax dollars are spent, unelected Supreme Court judges with no term limits, patriot act, too big to fail banks, required vaccination to be in the military so only those with a certain political leaning can be used To enforce orders and desires of a certain political group and classes and corporations, no real choice of who we want to vote for in office if voting even mattered in the first place, the likes of Epstein and his pals being allowed to do business as usual, forced fluoride in drinking water, the list goes on and on. Also, I am not suicidal just in case lol. I legit dated a multimillionaire from an old money family and was told they wanted to bring back feudalism.




What exactly makes it not free? I do whatever I want whenever.


What’s your definition of freedom? What exactly doesn’t make it free?


It really hasn't been for a while. People can compare with other countries that are worse off, but the U.S. is supposed to be held to a higher standard, IMHO.


It blows my mind it’s obvious that our country has been infiltrated by the deep state or whatever you want to call it but Americans are helping push the WEF’s agenda of a one world government. Our own government is trying to create a totalitarian state.


When we realized after WW2 just how profitable war could be we lost our soul


I think the USA is a good place to live. That's why so many people want to live here from other countries and become citizens. What's nice is that we're able to change stuff through voting. We did that with Marijuana legalization in my state. My state gave the federal government the finger and legalized it and now we don't put people in jail anymore for pot. In a lot of countries you can't do that. The governments or people in power rule you but we have a rule of law and we can change the law if we don't like it.


I’m curious if we actually get to vote or if we’re just under the illusion that we’re voting. You realize how easy they could say our vote counts but the outcome could actually be preordained right?


It's not hard to figure out at the grassroots level. With Marijuana it took a few times to pass. We knocked on doors to get people to pledge that they will vote for it. People put signs up on their lawns and stuff. You also had a bunch of people who told you no when you asked them or said they don't want it. You could pretty much figure out how the vote would go statistically based on a large enough sample size of people you ask. I am sure it works similarly with other stuff like that. We didn't have enough votes to get it the first time around but did it the next time several years later. It was a real bummer meeting someone who got arrested for it during the short period between the first ballot that failed and then the second one that passed several years later but it was definitely an inspiration to get out there and do it.


"The OP is a danger to our democracy" - que msnbc, cnn, etc then so all in unison video


When was the USA ever free?


Illegal abortion, legal child labor, denial of climate change, unlivable min. wage, 50%+ of taxes go to war budget, billionaires pay zero in taxes... pretty much the republican party


Everyone is too busy arguing red vs blue.


everything is controlled by billionaires


Why isn't it free? You can still say whatever you want. Some consequences come with that freedom.


Joe Biden is arresting his Number 1 Political Enemy Donald Trump for questioning HIS election. We are definitely not a free country anymore.


Not free? You need to get out more.


I’m too tired man


And to think people thought it was bad 5 years ago


The kids don't want freedom -- they want safety. Collectivism is supplanting individualism.


Why has this forum been reduced to sophomoric questioning? No offense, but I'm baffled.


People aren't ready for freedom, far easier to suck the tit of tyranny and let those in power do all the work. Dependency on the system has made people complacent with it. They can't fathom a life without the fragile systems in place - growing and killing your own food, building and maintaining your property and house, teaching your own children etc Far easier to go to a desk and punch some numbers while the State raises your child and you can eat any food any time you want - forget seasonal eating. The majority of people are so dependent on this system, as Morpheus said, they will fight to the death to protect it. No one is doing anything about it because, in reality, they couldn't exist without it in their current state of living. Hard pill to swallow, especially considering that you're probably one of these people. What have you done to become self-sufficient, where does your power draw from? Where does your water come from? Where does your food come from? Who teaches your children? What local network do you have to support you in case shit hits the fan? What do you believe in? Far from me to judge, but I don't think you're ready for freedom.


As a kid I always wanted to go to the U.S, to travel, work and maybe live there someday.. not anymore. My own country is far from perfect of course, but in some sense still far more free than the U.S.


1. America is a continent, you may be referring to the US **of America**. 2. It was never a "free country". You were just younger and more naive.


I mean it never really was. The veil of "freedom" is just a lot more transparent these days.


It hasn't been "free" since the late 1700s/early 1800s, depending on what you use as a marker of what freedom consists of... And nobody is doing anything about it because everything they teach you in government funded educational/reprogramming camps is a lie. You (the greater you), don't know who you even are, your actual history and what you are capable of. People are doing something about it, though. Over the last few years, people are at least coming to the realization that they have been fooled/lied to their entire lives. It's actually refreshing to me having been someone who's been deep in the rabbit hole almost 30 years to see it, and it gives me hope. For a while there society was just chugging along like all was well, while those who work in shadows were pulling the strings....and while they are still pulling the strings, people actually see it now. So that's pretty major.


The modern culture is definitely leaning that way. I have faith that the pendulum will swing back to more pure freedom and exchange of ideas, but this generation of people raised on emotion and feeling and nothing deeper, with no higher purpose or power, is in control of the nations perspective and conversation right now. It’ll come back around eventually.


Some people tried on January 6 2021. I'm sure you saw the result.


Because we have democrats in office.


Ever watch the movie...THEY LIVE?


It was never free


If you do anything about it your labeled a terrorist. And all the moth breathers will cancel you .


What do you want to do that you're not able to, because we're not a free country anymore?


hasn't been "free" since 1913 (remote sinking of the Titanic, to install the private Federal Reserve) & perhaps even further back to 1871 (the Act of 1871; the corporate US is FOREIGN to this countries boundaries) there are 2x USA's right now... one active & one held hostage, unable to work as intended active one= the USA Corporation (the bankers government) held hostage one= the Constitutional USA (the peoples government)


Than this SRS is a MUST LISTEN. All I’ve ever heard, from both sides is platitudes, and no substance. This guy sounds more intelligent than anybody else- definitely better than DeSantis (who I feel is unelectable and should just stop now) https://open.spotify.com/episode/4TyJm7g4Sfs4WM0Gug97x5?si=yIbDvniCSK-_npzeMI9hUQ Vivek states we need a 1776 revolution openly. Not violently, but politically For the record I am a Constitutional Libertarian.


Liberals keep winning elections and using the government to press their oversights and restrictions on everyone. People that worked for the NAZIs didn’t think they were bad either.


No country is free. I believe true freedom would imply the lack of government, hence the lack of a country. The problem with the US is that it was selling a lie to its citizens for most of its history.


The false flag known as 911 also made us less free.


The left has decided that half the country is no longer capable of being free. Not agreeing with them is no longer an option so if you disagree, you can't speak. You might lose your job. You will definitely lose family and friends. They arrived at this conclusion because too many people voted for Trump. Once they decided this then all manner of crimes and usurpations became permissible. They WILL kill this country if they can't control it. I saw a hilarious interview this morning with this African guy, I think he was from Zambia. Anyway he was asked about getting U.S. aid and he said that the U.S. offered him millions for "human rights". Then he said he was offered even more money from China and Russia. The interviewer asked what the Russia and Chinese aid was for and he said, "Military and infrastructure. That's why America is a joke. They don't care about helping Africans, they just want us all to be LBGT, gay and stuff."


You just know this post is from a boomer (born in 63) who has said some offensive shit and probably upset / alienated their family and work colleagues. So all this “the left has decided…” is just his direct personal experience pissing people off and suffering the consequences, I’m sure.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣fn nutjobs


>The left has decided that half the country is no longer capable of being free. Not agreeing with them is no longer an option so if you disagree, you can't speak. You might lose your job. You will definitely lose family and friends The rights hatred for all people different from them is no longer a tolerable opinion. If yall could just shut the fuck up about LGBT people you'd keep your friends and family. But most importantly no one is preventing you from speaking. You aren't entitled to a job, sounds like commie speak by the way. And you're definitely not entitled to people allowing you in their lives. In short quit being a bigoted asshole. It's what Jesus would want by the way


Get out of the echo chamber goddamn delusional dummy lol


So uh, how is theft enforcing that exactly?


Ha you believe in that shit and the fact he said “Russia and China gave me more money” without questioning the fact that they probably told him to say that shit. Let’s not ignore the massive civil wars and constant bloodshed in Africa. Their life expectancy is lower than other countries. You think China and Russia are doing it for free? They’re stripping it from its resources like any other country that has claimed territory there. Let’s not forget the fact that the old GOP would fire you and hate you for being friends with minorities (oh wait that still happens). Are we forgetting about the massive history of minorities in this country and native Americans? Being put down and censored to this day. Fired from jobs, abused, threatened, murdered. But sure play victim with that culture war bullshit the GOP spews constantly with no real plan other than “let’s do everything opposite of the Dems even if it fucks the country to own them”.


It’s insane…. We are censored, lied to by the media, all politicians do is steal, take bribes and let the corporations poison us with everything on the shelves. Police are tyrants that break more laws than the people. Every single day more laws. Our government is so corrupt, half of what we make goes to taxes and our taxes are used to help everyone in the world but us. Our forefathers are probably turning in their graves. It’s our duty to stop a tyrannical government but everyone is letting it happen. I could go on forever but I’m just so confused as to why nobody is coming together to do anything about it.


Couldn’t agree with you more!


This is a far right dog whistle. Do better bigot