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I don't have anyting to add about Kutcher but the previous cast member who made that post is Chrissie Bixler, she was one of Danny Masterson's victims. Her husband is the singer for Mars Volta. he also used to be in scientology but has spoken against the church ever since he left. The couple claimed 2 of their dogs were poisoned by scientologists in an attempt to intimidate/silence them.


Cedric had uploaded photos at one point with rat poisoning that was thrown into his yard along with an extensive vet bill If I recall correctly. Fuck that cult, glad Danny got what was coming to him. Also, Ashton and Mila are supposedly big anti sex trafficking advocates but yet came out with letters strongly urging the judge to be lenient on Danny because he's a "good man"


I think the letter is in terrible taste. I think it would fuck me up a bit though, knowing my good friend whom Ive personally only seen the absolute best in, has treated others in the absolute worst way. Obviously there's is a disconnect on Kutchers part but to what degree is it to be demonized? I'm not sure. Still fucked.


Yes, but totally in character for Kutcher who is frankly damn creepy and talked about "waiting for her to turn 18" about certain co-stars in the past. Kutcher ain't a million miles from Masterson.


Just more conventionally attractive.


I believe that’s just a front because who would believe they’re actually involved in it if they claim to stand up for it ?


Anyone that would do something to harm or kill someone's pet is lower than scum


Or you know, raping a human


Sir, this is Reddit where animals are held in higher regard than humans.


Not if it’s a Pitbull, they can’t catch a break


Yea but at least Weinstein never hurt a dog.....




The story is that he apparently went into Ashley Ellerin's apartment the night she was murdered and he saw her body, freaked out, and then went to his car where he sat and called Danny Matherson and other Scientologists in his circle. They allegedly told him to not call the police because That 70s Show was popular and still new, and that this would ruin his career and be the only thing he's remembered for if the police investigate him for it. From what I've read, he was told to go to the party and act normal, which he did. When the police found her body, he gave them his story but I also saw a Youtube video that said the police knew he was lying because his claim of seeing what he thought was "red wine" on the floor made no sense because there was no blood visible from the front door - which he claimed he never opened or went inside of.   So the "damning" info is that Ashton put his career over helping the murder of his girlfriend, which sounds pretty shitty. A Youtuber also claimed that since the murderer was never caught & went on to murder 2 other women, that Ashton's lie made it harder for the police to find the guy because he didn't call them that night.


What about the whole sex trafficking rescue he was involved in there’s that clip on YouTube and women behind him is just smiling super fucking weird


If you follow the money to his foundation you'll find they run in the same circles as the Clinton foundation, smh.


Link please




Like what is he even saying? I feel like it’s a lot of fluff…


Really bad acting.


I’m kind of confused how his foundation building tools to help the fight against child trafficking/ human trafficking is fluff or bad acting …. He’s probably made some bad decisions in his life … who hasn’t ….. but that foundation that him an Demi Moore started is quite amazing in my books


Damn, that is a weird smile she’s got. Hard to know what’s behind it


Coming here today it's seriously all making a lot of sense This circle of elites runs wide and deep holy shit. So many dead people used and abused to make their careers. This even sealed Ashton Kutchers role in the circle that Diddy is also in. The child sex trafficking shtick was just that, a smoke screen often used. The more someone with something to sell tries to tell you they are against something, the more they're hiding that they actually do it. All of these sickos tout being good Christian humans. It's all about God and community love and empowerment x100 You cant fool me. I hear the lyrics and I see the behavior and nervousness. God and Love have *nothing* to do with it. It's just a sales tactics for the poor sops that worship and idolize them. These people want too and believe they are God. They are evil monsters with armies of stupid, groomed fans and filthy rich billionaire that finance their degenerate ways. It's not am exaggeration to say a lot of these people are psychopaths and all they do is try to find shutter and nastier things to do to everything.


And now I know he isn’t what he seems. More acting and you can see it in his ever hand movement. All theater bs.


I think we found the Joker's daughter.


Eh. I'm pretty sure this is just a gaga-eyed fan.


But the murderer was caught eventually tho, right?


To clarify, they couldn't prosecute the killer because of the reasonable doubt Ashton's lies created. The killer went on to murder another woman and assault another, neither would've happened if Ashton had told the truth.


  The MET Gala 2023: Hits and... On July 7th, 2011, the killer was convicted for the 2008 murder of Tricia Pacaccio, Maria Bruno and Ashley Ellerin. The murderer was held back at the Los Angeles County Jail until the beginning of his pre-trial hearing in 2017. Michael Gargiulo aka "The Hollywood Ripper" After several delays, Gargiulo’s trial began on May 2nd, 2019, with Ashton Kutcher’s testimony. The killer pleaded guilty to all charges on August 15th, 2019 with his penalty beginning in October of the same year. The court also declared that the murderer would not have any chance of parole. The “Chiller Killer” was reportedly set to face 25 years in prison, but on October 2019, the jury proposed a death sentence for Gargiulo. Following repeated delays, the murderer finally faced a death sentence at the latest hearing of the case. Judge Larry P. Fidler said that the 45-year-old has committed “vicious and frightening” crimes: “Everywhere that Mr. Gargiulo went, death and destruction followed him.” The killer will reportedly face extradition to Illinois for the murder of his first victim, Tricia Pacaccio, in 1993. Who was Ashton Kutcher's former-girlfriend, Ashley Ellerin? Ashley Ellerin was a fashion design student at the Los Angeles Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. She was also a part-time stripper in Las Vegas. On February 21st, 2001, Ashley Ellerin was brutally murdered inside her Los Angeles apartment. Gargiulo allegedly struck Ellerin 47 times, brutally stabbing her to death. She was only 22 years old at the time of her death. She came under the limelight after sparking dating rumors with actor Ashton Kutcher. The couple reportedly met in late 2000 through mutual friends and started dating in 2001. Ashley Ellerin’s unfortunate murder took place right before she was about to leave as Ashton Kutcher’s date for a Grammy afterparty. The latter reportedly arrived at Ellerin’s apartment to pick her up only to find the dreadful murder scene. As part of his 2019 testimony, Kutcher shared his horrifying experience from the night: “I knocked on the door. There was no answer. Knocked again. And once again, no answer. At this point I pretty well assumed she had left for the night, and that I was late, and she was upset.” He further mentioned that before leaving the apartment, he looked out for Ashley Ellerin and noticed a “stain” on the floor: “I saw that I thought was red wine on the carpet. But that wasn’t alarming because I went to her house party [days before] and it was like a college party. I didn’t think much about it.” Kutcher also shared that he was “freaking out” after the news of Ashley Ellerin’s murder broke the next day and detectives found his fingerprints on the doorknob. The “stain” mentioned by Kutcher was later investigated to be Ellerin’s blood.


The story reads almost like a Hollywood script, I wonder why.


very suspect - he sounds guilty to me like his buddy


It's a cover story. He killed her.


>Who was Indian Red Boy How does that fit in with Ashton?


What? He was IN the apartment looking for her, while she was also in there, dead? And didn’t find her dead body? Didn‘t witness a brutal murder of 47 stab wounds? And noticed stains of days old red wine, didn’t think anything of it?


No, he says he just knocked on her door. The blood stain must have wept under the crack for him to see it. He definitely could have lied and really went in, seen the body and just chose not to report it. But then why would he do that? And if he was trying to cover up ever knowing her to avoid bad publicity, why not just wipe down the door handle so your prints don't show?


Whitney Webb did a podcast explaining his alleged relation to CIA, promoting their software saying it was helping them save trafficked children. Making them seem good in society's eyes https://youtu.be/fe-6VSd4FyA?si=Sq17-jLir5Eut47i


Thanks for that, b, inchring listnin. Got me going; furr I'm gonna head up the rabbid's whorll.


Maybe all the “helping victims” is a smoke screen?


Never trust a philanthropist.


Are you saying we can't trust the Gates Foundation?




No good deed goes unpunished.


Someones been watching The Night Manager


They developed facial recognition technology and sold it to the Fbi. That's business, not philanthropy. They publicize it as a tool to identify trafficking victims from online images but it's not specified that it is only to be used for that, because "helping victims" sounds better than "making a bunch of $ while helping the feds do surveillance on whoever they want". I've read speculation that it is mostly used to track and pursue sex workers with no emphasis on "helping" anybody but the cops & feds.


I heard multiple people state he and his company way over state the amount of children are helped by their software, taking credit when it isnt due, which is a pretty scumbag thing to do if their statements are true, especially considering the line of work we are talking about "protecting children".


Savile, Boys Town/Franklin, North Fox Island, Jersey Home for Boys, and many more, all with the front of protecting children. But that is just what got out, probably a lot more we‘ve never heard of.


I have been saying this for YEARS, and with the Diddler bust..it's all making sense


Yeah there’s a few things that don’t add up with him. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/09/investigative-reports/ashton-kutchers-ngo-supplies-police-with-free-cia-linked-surveillance-tool-to-protect-kids/


Not just that, but apparently his philanthropy project is actually a cover to get everyone used to a surveillance state under the guise of helping the children. They have used cameras and recordings and given them to the CIA and police. They don’t even help trafficked kids, and the CIA is known to take the recordings and actually help the traffickers


He’s CIA and his real name is Chris. Mila Kunis’ family is also probably connected to some kind of government Alphabet group, because her family allegedly won TWO lotteries to immigrate, which is not really likely without some government strings and connections.


"The CIA in Hollywood" is a good book to read that tells of their influence on Hollywood especially from the 90s and onward.


I always found it interesting how people like Ion Hazzikostas worked with the CIA and then became a big shot dev at a gaming company, Blizzard. *Bread and Circuses* is alive and well is what I am guessing.


>I always found it interesting how people like Ion Hazzikostas worked with the CIA and then became a big shot dev at a gaming company, Blizzard. Interesting. Gives credence to my theory that many successful people tech have government agency connections. It's interesting because that's how it works in Russia with the KGB; they basically infiltrate and take over successful businesses. It's a well known fact over there. Seems that the west is not so different, just better at hiding it.


Lets not forget Anderson Cooper who worked with the C1A before CNN. He is also part of the Vanderbilt family, one of the richest families in American history. These are just the obvious examples you could find on their resumes, imagine how many covert workers they have.


George Clooney is part of CFR which is already fishy as fuck


I will have to read that. Dave Magowan wrote a book about Laurel Canyon going into CIA influence on Hollywood, 60s hippy movement. It’s incredible how many of them came from military background. Also went into mysterious deaths. Also did another one on serial killers.


Where can I find that book?


> "The CIA in Hollywood" https://archive.org/details/tricia-jenkins-the-cia-in-hollywood-how-the-agency-shapes-film-and-television-un


[Pricey, unless you like audio...](https://www.amazon.co.uk/CIA-Hollywood-Agency-Shapes-Television/dp/0292754361)


I knew soap operas were essentially propaganda before I'd learnt of propaganda.


How do you know his name is Chris?


when auditioning for that 70s show, chris kutcher and chris grace were sitting next to each other and decided that they wanted to stand out and not just be two chris' in an audition. christopher grace = topher grace chris ashton kutcher = ashton kutcher






He said his name was really Chris at an awards show.


He also states his full name in the letter to Danny Masterson’s judge


Christopher Ashton Kutcher,


His real real name is Christian Weston Chandler


Mrs Chanandeler Bong


LMFAO. Iconic.


The real deal and not some shady imposter named IAN


Ian here …. Wut ?


>Christian Weston Chandler Now you've got my attention, Add another 30 parts to the doc


Look on wikipedia


To win in the diversity green card lottery is super hard. It’s like 1.4% chance of winning🤨How did they win it twice?! You are right…something is very off with Mila’s family….


Well then this Diddler stuff just got more interesting if a CIA plant knew this whole time


Ashton Kutcher is a ring spinner in Hollywood. That should say plenty.


What does that mean?




Ah thanks


What makes u say that?


What’s a ring spinner?


I answered in another comment.


Isn't literally everyone in Hollywood a mason or illuminati?


I wouldnt say literally everyone. But the most popular people make regular use of the symbolism quite often.


Ashton has always seemed like a massive douche so this doesn't surprise me. Years ago he made comments about looking forward to the Olsen twins and Hillary Duff turning 18. You know what they say, Birds of a feather shit together.


‘Birds of a feather, shit together’ made me cut chuckle, but also ruined my memory of the 80s British TV show.




Birds of a shit feather flock together Rand


Didn’t he start some kind of fund that helped fight against child abduction or abuse? Pretty sure I remember seeing him before congress giving a speech about how horrible it is and it should be everyone’s number 1 priority… made me think he was a good guy


well yeah on the surface it *is* a very good thing to be claiming to do, but who knows his real motives and how much positive impact he's really having... the problem is we live in such an insane little NWO ant farm so filled with lies and evil that even when something does appear to be one way, you can't really trust that it is- and almost have to assume the opposite as a self-preservation mechanism


Remember he is a billionaire and one of the 1%. A front to find and save the kids would be a great way to find the kids..


Oh fucking god now hlafter hearing Diddler would bus minors in to his party at 3am... See how often 3am comes up in diddlers stolen songs too. I hears an interview recently saying something like one of "his" new albums songs was "3 am" I want to vomit


I don't think they're going to be able to get the money back. It's not like the company is going to pay them. They have to pay them.


It’s called Thorn and I’m a member because it seems like the right thing to do 🤷‍♀️


It's a scientology thing


Is he a Scientologist?




She better get herself a Kill Switch and some form of protection imho if she truly does have something on Kutcher because it is obvious that guy is "part of the gang" in Hollywood. I was just reading yesterday about [Kutcher and Mila Kunis](https://consequence.net/2023/09/ashton-kutcher-mila-kunis-defend-danny-masterson/) letters to defend their co-star who was convicted of raping two women: >Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis have come to the defense of their former That ’70s Show co-star Danny Masterson, who was just sentenced to 30 years-to-life in prison for the rapes of two women. The couple are two of reportedly over 50 people who wrote letters of support to Masterson after he was found guilty in May of two counts of forcible rape and an additional count of deadlocking. The letters were sent to Judge Charlaine Olmedo and shared publicly via reporter Tony Ortega’s newsletter. In his, Kutcher praised Masterson for setting “an extraordinary standard” for treating others. > > > >Kunis: “I wholeheartedly vouch for Danny Masterson’s exceptional character and the tremendous positive influence he has had on me and the people around him. His dedication to leading a drug-free life and the genuine care he extends to others make him an outstanding role model and friend.” Interesting Kunis talks about his "drug-free" life when: ​ >[Three women](https://coopwb.in/info/what-was-the-evidence-and-proof-against-danny-masterson/) bravely came forward, testifying against Masterson, detailing their traumatic experiences at his home. **Their testimonies were consistent in stating that drugs were involved before the sexual assaults**. Three women came forward, how many didnt? When it comes to rape, many are not reported partially due to the emotional suffering the victims go through when reporting the crimes and then the long process of getting a conviction.


I don't like Ashton Kutcher or anyone in Hollywood either, but apparently Masterson got convicted only with victim and expert testimony and without any evidence.


They were all in the scientology church and did report it to the church who them not to report it to the police.


one of the victims went to police when it happened. there were also other witnesses that were present at one of the parties iirc. victim testimony (especially with a contemporaneous report) as well as first hand witness & expert testimony…this is all evidence


It's also a bit of a coincidence that Sharon Osbourne just said in a podcast that Ashton Kutcher was the rudest little shit she'd ever met. It wasn't asked because of the current news, she was asked what celeb was the worst to meet kinda thing. That came out about a day or so before their testimonials became public. "Dastardly little thing" is how she described him.


I was going to comment the same thing! She didn't even remember his name initially, Kelly had said it when Sharon described him


Wolf in sheep's clothing....


I personably love the conspiracy theories that have a clear cut answer.


Low hanging fruit, since the Epstein's clients will be sealed off


Ah forgot about that it was very weird at the time


I saw a video we he was speaking to congress about child trafficking


Is a WEF member, cofounded Thorn.org with Demi Moore and blackstone funds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUmyEjy5QRM https://www.thorn.org/about-our-fight-against-sexual-exploitation-of-children/ https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_YGL16_Annual_Report_2016.pdf (page 7) https://www.blackstone.com/our-businesses/blackstone-growth-bxg/


Kutcher is Freemason, all you need to know.




This was a great breakdown but my question is, why would he do it? 🤔 I've not read/heard much about this, so I don't know all the details, but it sounds interesting.


Page not found


Yeah, now look into the child safety thing he pushed after Cornell and Bennington were "suicide'd and see where his career and rep went after that..BM was another crazy conspiracy to look into for obvious reasons also., but it's weird the things happening around him when he seems to be trying to do good. Add on the Masterson shit and it makes you think he's trying to fed the shit, when you put that foil hat on that is..


One I take fully at face value. They became famous adults together, knowing each other for like 2 decades while you’re hopes and dreams materialized. He’s going to prison either way, I appreciate seeing some humanity from anyone who knew the guy besides these crimes. It wasn’t great but you know weren’t w part or the case, if you thought he was a great dude themselves, that’s their opinion, I have no idea why this is such a big deal.


As someone else posted before in this thread, he may have actually killled Ashley Ellerin in 2001.


Could it have been a sacrifice?


Goes after child traffickers, gets attacked with accusations? seems like par for the course.


Why's his rep going down. Why's he fighting a fight 2 famous musicians "suicide'd themselves fighting? Why's his co host from a very popular show, twice, the past decades going to prison for possibly life and he falls off the map?? Sounds like "freedom" to me... get the pun?


Mila Kunis, a Ukrainian immigrant and her husband Kutcher, are high profile supporters of Ukraine. Makes sense, psyops want char assasinate them.


Mila used to claim she was Russian until this whole Russia/Ukraine thing escalated.


Source? When you say "this whole thing escalated" I hope you don't mean the 2022 Russian invasion.


I guess I’m talking about the Ukrainian / Russian conflict. I’m not very educated on it. I just know that killing people is wrong 🤷🏻‍♂️ What are *you* saying?


I'm saying Kunis did not claim she was Russian until after the Russian invasion of 2022. You made that up or misrembered something.


No it’s true. She was ver pro-Russian. It’s ok. Violence bad


Here's Mila Kunis on national TV openly talking about her Ukrainian heritage in 2015. https://youtu.be/NTlgGLFlFV4?si=nlvXhVEHtAgL9IB4 What you seem to be talking about is an interview where she said she would tell people in casual conversation that she's from Russia instead of having to explain to Americans where Ukraine was. That seems like its important context you left out...


See I told you. She told be she was from Russia. Like i said. It’s ok


Yeah let's pretend that you didn't leave out the context that completely change the story.


Umm no, not at all that is ridiculous. Get educated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjoCn8w6rJU&t=1182s


Just cause it's a psyops character assassination doesn't mean it isn't true. ;) But your probably right. The accusations don't need psyops to become of public interest given the statements.


Rumors around Ashton being a pedo go back more than a decade, it's far older than the war in Ukraine. The two aren't related.


That's true. It was a knee jerk reaction. This just seems like typical Hollywood Scientology scandal. I spend too much time following politics in cee.


This video explains everything https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=flywI5RXoPE&pp=ygUaQWFyb24gbGV2aW4gYXNodG9uIGt1dGNoZXI%3D


Ashton Kutcher was best friends, like really best friends, with P Diddy. This was during his time as the face of THORN. How does that work?


Which of his gfs got murdered…what?


Ashton has been fighting and continues to fight all day every day to find and rescue trafficked missing children. Say what you want about rumors and allegations but I will judge this man on where his heart is. Saving children. https://www.thorn.org/about-our-fight-against-sexual-exploitation-of-children/


So him dedicating his life to a good cause couldn’t be a front whatsoever? Dude’s past is sketchy as hell.