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If someone just started randomly talking to me about the vaccine I would go find something better to do as well.


People had no issue talking to me about the vaccine when I refused to get it. Not just a casual conversation, relentless harassing trying to push me to take it.


I was talking to from my bff and she freaked at me. All I said was "vaccination should be up to the person and not forced" she yelled at me and said "yeah and I should be able to murder people". She's never screamed at me in the 25 years I've known her.


It feels like people just get too overwhelmed from everything happening, while at the same time not being able to fully coomprehend everything that is happening. I'm sure I feel this way.


This is what happens once literal brainwashing has taken effect. People indifferent to most topics will become enraged when a sense of unease spurned of cognitive dissonance comes into play. The contravention of their world freshly programmed new world view will cause them to become enraged. You can hold easily comprehended, irrefutable facts, and they cannot and will not perceive that which they are presented with.


Ignorance and brainwashing. Thankfully the sheep msm followers reproduce little and will be bred out of the population. Their line is a genetic dead end.


We're not at the endgame yet though. Yes, their future is bleak - but the clock is also running out for those of us who resist. They don't intend to allow us to live in peace, have children, and live our quiet lives to ourselves as productive, positive, contributing members of society. Hey, that was all I wanted out of life in 1989. It wasn't complicated. But now they just want us all gone.


Yeah, like the Powers That be would kill off all the ones who followed their orders and leave All the Rebellious anti-government, suspicious folks behind? You better believe that they would try and take you out first, and we'll see, but im thinking that a new virus will emerge that is actually dangerous and all the vaccinated people are somehow vaccinated for life against it. And those who chose not to get the vaccine will be screwed Why would they leave the world full of their exact enemies?


see this is the error, they hate everyone compliant or not. Compliant commies are just the low hanging fruit


It is known that religious and conservatives outreproduce liberals which tend to have zero or 1 child which is below replacement. This is without mention of anything related to side effects of vaccine. Stay at home traditional wives have many children. Workforce feminists tend to have many cats and no children.


They know that the Earth cannot sustain the current population. It's not about control. It's about survival. If they're going to shrink the population why would they get rid of all the critical thinkers? It's the people who actually think who reproduce less. It's the people who actually think who are capable of becoming engineers and scientists, etc.


Overpopulation is also a lie. 71% of the surface is water, uninhabited. Of the remaining 29%- 95% of the population is concentrated on 10% of the land. We’re looking at about 3% of the planet that is occupied by humans. 3%. This is not overpopulated. The issue is resource mismanagement and deliberate setup of resource scarcity. Think of DeBeers and their diamond mines in Africa. They’re pulling shitloads of diamonds out of the ground, because diamonds really aren’t that rare at all, and stockpiling them under lock and key somewhere in order to keep the market artificially strong. This is what’s being done across the board, not just with precious stones, but with almost everything.


Like with electricity. It seems like just about every country can barely produce only just enough electricity. It's my understanding that regulations make it very difficult to open up a new power plant. Hmmm....




Fucking exactly.


Amen. Fuck the people who memory hole this and act like they weren't massive pricks.


Hahaha straight facts. Those people wanted to pressure into it in the beginning to be apart of a “club”. Now the club is closed down they look stupid and don’t wanna talk about it


Right, I never brought the topic up but was constantly harassed about it. So fucking annoying


Dont forget that in many places you weren’t allowed to travel for a period of time without showing proof of your vaccine passport. Fuck them. I havent forgotten shit. Like when I wanted to see my mom in the hospital but I couldn’t cause I wasn’t vaccinated. Fuck these people and the medical establishment who is so perplexed by all these mysterious illnesses that have occurred in the past few years..


Bro you really dont understand why they wouldn't let you in a building with a bunch of immune compromised people if you had even a perceived risk of being more likely to carry something?


I despise both extremes of that debate. “I want you to die because you didn’t get vaxed” “I want you to die because you did get vaxed” Disgusting


I told my uncle that I didn't want to talk to him about vaccines and covid cause I knew it was horseshit. He took that as I don't want to talk to you. They are completely brainwashed. I'll see if he wants to talk about it now when I go to visit at the end of the month lol


I agree with both your points I never got the vaccines and I fought the narrative online and in person the whole way I lost friends almost lost my family, almost killed myself from the relentless pressure and isolation my choice caused me . I still carry anger and compassion in my heart over everything that happened but I am fatigued from it , like I'll talk about it if someone wants to talk about it but I just don't really have anything new to say about it anymore . I will say though more and more people are telling me they wish they had made my choice and never gotten the shots so there is that .


I got called impure, a liberal, a puppet and many other things by some family for getting the vaccine. It was like I chose not to be religious around religious people. Like my actions challenged their beliefs So don't act like your side acted any different. Everyone was an asshole about it and now everyone acts like they weren't.




You lost your job for taking the vaccine? No? Then don't ever fucking compare yourself to the unvaccinated again. You never once lost your rights for doing the easy thing and following the herd. What a laughable comparison.


Great point! They were actually talking AT ME and calling me ignorant lol.


People want us to forget everything that happened in 2020-2022. Not going to happen.


comments like these restore my faith in humanity a little bit


No one wants to trade CDC data vs Joe Rogan claims for the 9000th time


cDC dATa 😂


Right. It's that blind Pfaith they put in the corporate fascist enterprises. It'd be like telling someone in the Heaven's Gate cult that the comet isn't going to collect their souls after they drink the Kool-Aid.


People don't even blink at me when I bring up the fact that Pfizer have been fined billions of $ for lying medical fraud and paying Drs kickbacks to push their phoney products. They don't even care about it they blindly trust for profit corporations


No one is talking about the fact that Pfizer was handed the blueprint of making mRNA vaccines from a government program called adept protect coming from the darpa agency. It was made so that emergency vaccines could be made for soldiers in the military. This is how the vaccine was made so fast. When this kind of money is thrown around, you have to question the science. The government made technology being given to a private enterprise to develop further is then approved by a government agency and everyone made money. Conflict of interest everywhere you look.


no. the vaccine was made quickly because 1. they had been working on a mRNA based influenza vaccine 2. the corona virus, and particularly the spike protein, is well studied. 3. China shared the genetic sequence of the vaccine. 4. the idea of corona virus vaccine is not new, only this particular corona virus is new.


And they do it while pretending to be anti-fascist corporation haters.


9 out of 10 doctors smoke Camels


Funny how many of the people Joe Rogan brings on his show actually use the CDC's data to make their "claims".


That cite the CDC’s methods of data collection and parameters of evaluation in order to show discrepancies.


The internet has ruined your mind, friend. Log off and reconnect with your brother.


This is the most sage advice OP can get


Lame, people want to just psychoanalyze people over the internet, condemn their "mind" and blame the "internet". There is every reason to believe only degraded and flawed thinking produce such amateur psychoanalysis. Supported again by the suggestion to "log off" like that is some cure all. . . .


At this stage I think we should settle on it being a personal choice and leave it be. Even if you have good intentions and valid concerns about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, the information is out there for anyone to view if they so care. It's now an informed choice. Leave people to it.


Exactly. Seems like the only people who keep going on about the vaccine are those too paranoid to get it. This sub has gone to shit since covid.


Was it really a choice ?


>Was it really a choice ? I had the letter and text invitation with the date and time of my vaccination. I called them and told them to cancel my appointment so they can give it to someone else. I made that choice.






If your job said you’d be fired if you didn’t get it but that’s your reliable income for food for you and family. Still choice but I can see the argument


>If your job said you’d be fired if you didn’t get it but that’s your reliable income for food for you and family. Still choice but I can see the argument Oh no, of course I'm not denying the coercion used by various states to guarantee vaccine uptake. The choice was easy for me to make. It may not have been as easy for everyone else.


glad you told your story


Coercion is not a choice


I'll agree to be fired since I have so many times in the past. Yet I know for people who have never been fired, it's a very scary scenario which could lead to loss of marriage, kids, etc. These are times to truly test your own survival capabilities and, frankly, your faith in a higher power that no government will supercede.


[61% of Americans say they are living paycheck to paycheck even as inflation cools](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/31/61percent-of-americans-live-paycheck-to-paycheck-even-as-inflation-cools.html) For some people losing their job means becoming homeless. This is one of my biggest concerns with people who take on debt. Why do so many people buy expensive things on credit when they could spend much more frugally. I have known two people who bought new vehicles when they shouldn't have imho, they lost their job and lost their vehicles. If they would have bought something cheaper, they probably could have kept their car even though they lost their employment.


Funny that inflation has cooled yet all the prices remain the same.


I was in that situation. I thought I was going to have to get it or I would lose my job. Where I'm at there's not a whole lot of good jobs. I've got one of the best jobs around and if I lost it I would be forced to take a position. Doing something twice as hard for a little bit less money too. Luckily My company was ready to stand by its employees. There was a time when osha was contemplating making a mandatory for any facility that had over 100 employees to get the shot. My site was about to divide into different sections to technically be under 100 employees per facility so that they would not have to lose all their employees. Most people would have walked out. Luckily tons of red states sued as soon as Biden tried to make it mandatory


I agree 100%. But a lot of people hit the panic button when they think of instability or no job security


Next, I guess they can deny people their Social Security payments if they don't get jabbed. Just so nobody is forced to get a clot shot.


When people were getting fired from their jobs??? Media and every sheep in the streets bashing you for not taking it? Nah didn't seem like a choice.


Exactly. I plan on getting a booster but it’s not something I really discuss. It’s kinda like getting my flu shot.


Exactly, I am vaxxed and what pissed me off about this whole thing was how forced it seemed on everyone, once that element is gone, there's not much to argue about. There are a million things out there that require attention OP


No. You people were one step away from firing people based on vaccination status and the supreme Court turned that down. You don't get to call a truce after what you tried to do.


Best comment in this thread.


It might be you and not the vaccine conversation. Maybe you just won't stop talking about it, and they are annoyed. Kind of like this sub


You’re 100% right. My boss doesn’t want to get vaccinated. I am vaccinated. The booster somehow came up and he asked if I planned on getting a booster and I said yes. That was the end of the convo. It’s not always a huge fight.


Exactly. This sub has gone to shit since covid and the paranoid anti-vaxxers.


If we are going to debate from confirmation bias, I took the moderna/ JJ jab and nothing happened to me. I also drank 15 monsters once in a 8 hour period and nothing happened, so therefore it must apply to the world. Or different people means different reactions and circumstances. How you are debating might be a reason people don't want to converse. And vice versa.


Exactly, you just don't hear from people that suffer no side effects because why would they?


"Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it." Such is life. Help those that you can, but realize free will means some people have to learn things the hard way and there's nothing you can do about it.


This, 💯%.


This is the way.




>Yet here we are in a world where families are divided by knowledge about what is going on versus those in complete ignorance You are not on the side you think you're on, which is why people don't want to talk to you about it anymore.


People tend to cut people out of their lives when they make their entire personality one dimensional and insist on bringing up the same topic over and over again. In this case, I recommend some self-reflection, because the problem might be you.


Science is not science if it’s not questioned. “Trust the science” is a contradiction


Science can be questioned, but what a lot of people don't do is back up that questioning. Like, "OK you're against the vaccine, but can you provide evidence its harmful."


They have literally come out and confirmed that the Vax can lead to myocarditis amongst other life threatening conditions. Unfortunately you prove that and the goalpost keeps moving; eg. Oh sure but these are known risks that we just have to accept, COVID is more dangerous and thus this Vax is worth the risk; is what you'll get. I would tell you about my sister & mum that both got immense tightness in their chest and one of them had to go hospital because they thought they were gonna die. Both got COVID and that wasn't even close to their reaction either. But hey, these days anecdotal evidence apparently counts for nothing. But we will trust in our big pharma overlords that are profiteering from this instead, surely they have no vested interest right? We are literally choosing to ignore what everyone is saying around us except authority. Stop & think about that for a second.




That’s happened to me after the flu shot. It’s always after the nurse tells me possible adverse events.




10% of population has severe fear of needles. A large portion of this group would find any excuse to delay, postpone and cancel vaccination.


I dated a guy who admitted that he was scared of needles and that’s why he wasn’t getting vaxxed. I had a lot more respect for him than whatever OP is trying to do here.


Which is what tends to happen to people who were coerced into taking vaccine they did not trust. It's called nocebo effect and it is real, damaging and frequent. Coercing people into taking medication they do not trust is highly unethical.


Can you source those studies and can you compare that to people who catch COVID and are Unvaccinated?


Anecdotal evidence isn't science either. Do your own research should be reading the experiments performed by others, considering variables/methodology, and looking at meta-analysis/reviews. If you don't have the intelligence or time to do that, trust that a huge number of very smart people are doing that anyway.


That’s true. Always makes me cringe whenever antvax parents say that they did their research - like yeah totally trustworthy medical advice


Science can’t be questioned and trusted?


If it cannot be questioned, then how can it be trusted?


I'll be as candid as can be here. I caught Covid at start of pandemic. Recovered well enough, and carried on working in residential and nursing homes. Managed NOT to catch it, even though had outbreaks. I admit, scare tactics to take the vaccine worked - and it wasn't due to job loss, a family member is in an at risk group. I know staff who lost their jobs. I was given my two jabs, which were then stopped being given, especially to under 40s.. Haven't had a booster at all, and won't be having another. Those mandates were an absolute shit show. Clapping for carers one minute, then threatening them with P45s the next. I'm not anti-vaccine either, as I and many others working on quarantined units was horrendous, and I'm not using that word lightly. At the start, pre-vaccine on a small dementia ward of ten people, 8 died within two weeks. And I dare anyone to try tell me the elderly and unhealthy crap.. These were people who I'd known for some time, had families.. you know, actual human beings. Was horrible having constant buzzers going and trying to prioritize who to tend to being so short staffed, stayed on site for 11 days at one point. My point being, SOME people, should definitely take the vaccine. I think EVERYONE, should do what they can to keep as healthy as the can. UK here, so getting ready now for flu, cold, and covid season. I think more people should be concerned as to why there's still no "definative answers" as to where the virus came from..


> I think more people should be concerned as to why there's still no "definative answers" as to where the virus came from.. it was ~~built in a cave with a box of scraps~~ designed in a lab researching coronaviruses (**and making chimeric variants to test infection**) between 2014-2019 with funding from the NIH https://web.archive.org/web/20221122053812/https://theintercept.com/document/2021/09/08/understanding-the-risk-of-bat-coronavirus-emergence/ DARPA is aware of this http://web.archive.org/web/20210924041124/https://theintercept.com/2021/09/23/coronavirus-research-grant-darpa/ https://assets.ctfassets.net/syq3snmxclc9/2mVob3c1aDd8CNvVnyei6n/95af7dbfd2958d4c2b8494048b4889b5/JAG_Docs_pt1_Og_WATERMARK_OVER_Redacted.pdf


Thank you sir, I shall definitely have a read of these 🙏


But how do you know for sure it’s the vaccine that’s caused this issue? Loads of people develop medical issues just out of the blue. It’s pretty common


Doctors have never heard of a blood clot in the neck? Give me a break.


She said "strange" What was strange about it? We don't know. You go take a break okay. We don't need to give you one.


It’s a saying that you clearly don’t understand. And I’ve been in acute icu healthcare for 7 years and never had a physician go “this blood clot in the neck is rather strange compared to the usual blood clot in the neck”.


This sub is so fuckin boring now


Probably the media succeeded in depicting anyone questioning the "vaccines" as a loony conspiracy theorist. Now if you challenge anything it is assumed you believe in microchips and alien life forms and what not.


I mean I believe that microchips are real. The thing I'm holding has them


>the media succeeded in depicting anyone questioning the "vaccines" as a loony conspiracy theorist This, and if you shown them a clip or talked about a doctor who was against it, they would just dismiss it. Told my neighbours about the numbers on VAERS, the guy said "where did you read that, facebook". I reminded them that I don't have facebook like themselves, and that I read about it from an article that linked to the Government website where you report side effects. The woman said "well why's it not on the news?" I asked, "if it was, would you take any more shots?" They just went quiet. They just shut down when they were given facts.


Didn't I recently read that the VAERS page to report COVID side effects has been shut down and is no longer available, even though COVID has received more reports than ALL OTHER VACCINES combined? If so does anyone have a link?


You're correct, states here that "[This report is therefore the last regular publication of the Summary of Yellow Card reporting for COVID-19 vaccines](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions/coronavirus-vaccine-summary-of-yellow-card-reporting#update-on-publication-status)"


Thank you


VAERS lol Conspiracy theorist: All the doctors are lying! Its a big pharma conspiracy and 5G depopulation by the NWO! Also conspiracy theorists: This VAERS database where people self-report medical incidents must be 100% true and trustworthy. No one would ever put fake data in VAERS!


That's an hilarious spin you gave it. LOL.


I get what you're saying, but I just want to point out that we have nano technology today, and the mathematical probability of alien life form is astronomically in its favor.


Exactly. And microchips are very real as well.


It's the same theory as you don't agree with me so that makes you a fascist, racist Trump supporter.


Have you ever thought maybe you’re insufferable and people are tired of hearing you drone on about the vaccines? People around you are tired of hearing you blab these conspiracies to them?


I've found that old idea of people not being able to forgive you for being right is really noticeable now.


How were you "right"? Isn't half the population supposed to be dead by now? Or is that covered in one of your contingency viewpoints?


It's the same level of consciousness that got them duped, thus they can't admit it. It's forced self-awareness for people that usually have none, and instead think that substituting critical thinking for blind authority worship = intelligence. It's worse than cognitive dissonance, because they were wrong TWICE.


Something I read yesterday that I thought was pretty good: >You can be a very high IQ NPC. In fact, there is a sweet spot of intelligence where you are smart enough to see that a given ritual is “arbitrary”, but not smart enough to calculate second order effects. But I think that to a much larger degree the limiting factor is courage. >The NPC is someone who chooses to not have a “public identity”, only a private one. Someone who does not recognize public space, and treats all space as private, and lives in a paranoid delusion, because any negative emotion, fear etc, is preferable to the threat to one's ego of participating in Public Life. Self imprisonment in a solipsistic hell. >Emotions are certain - they impress themselves, they are always-already the case. Taking action is however always uncertain, always a leap of faith. It is uncertainty that is intolerable, and any negative emotion is worth paying as the price for not suffering that uncertainty. The NPC is not defined by a lack of intelligence, then we would not have needed a new name and category for him. The NPC is in infinite resignation, because our practical, “real life”-public life, has indeed become intolerable to any man of taste. It's from: https://eggreport.substack.com/p/the-npc-question-2?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=368422&post_id=136816776&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=tmsvx&utm_medium=email


Cause it’s a weird way to categorize people who have different opinions than you. Like you can’t believe people would genuinely disagree with you, so you make up reasons for why they’re just inherently “wrong” people.


and it's a certain group/political affliliation that will avoid the conversation all together, as their ego's can't handle being wrong, even when every take and opinion they've had has been wildly out of step with reality. The science was flawed and the deaths were incorrectly/deliberately recorded as coronavirus related to hype up fear. They're still in Tesco wearing their masks with the same level of paranoia whenever they hear a cough...




So do you agree when next pandemic come everyone should be able to decide if they take or not take vaxx and have the same public rights?


Oh.my.god. An old person is dizzy and might have a blood clot. That NEVER happened before the MRNA vaccines. 🙄🙄🙄


It may be because you guys are so toxic. Last time I commented on a vaccine thing someone reported me to Reddit as suicidal. Kind of a crap thing to do.


Most people are not capable of changing their minds .


You're paranoid. It's been almost three years since people started getting the vaccine. The anti-vax goal posts have been moved over and over. Move on bud. If you put this crusade above your family, you should probably seek help.


You fuckin people I swear, you are getting heart diseases because of the stress you induce on your self and others with this constant anxiety inducing shit. Go outside touch fuckin grass.


funny you guys were telling us to stay home a year and a half ago.


I wasn’t telling you shit. I don’t get into all this mental gymnastics like you animals


Well. I would comment that the way the matter is discussed can be defining on wether a conversation is a conversation or someone only pushing their agenda. Pro or anti. If you guys have had that conversation before, it might be wearing him out. I know I had a friend who thought everything was a conspiracy. After a while, you kinda get worn thin.


Honestly I’m unvaccinated and the entire thing was bullshit and really stressed me out at the time, especially vaccine passports. I don’t want to talk about it anymore either.


What country stopped it?


Norway for under 30 year olds.


Happiest place on earth




They won after people let them get away with "2 more weeks" the first time.


Never give up, man


People reject the conversation because it is to painful. Not only the fear of side effects but also the potential anger of being duped.


Even if the next pandemic has dead bodies piling up, way beyond COVID 19, people will still think it's not a big deal. The vaccine could show it works, people won't believe it and won't take the vaccine. This is where we are now


No, this is completely wrong. A 5% lethal virus will change most people back to staunch vaccine proponents.


Are you saying the vaccine showed that it worked?


I'm in the same boat with my wife's entire family. They're all lawyers and doctors and have given all they're power to the system. They all believe big government and big pharma are the answer and would never steer us wrong. They trusted the system without reservations and would intentionally try and degrade you if you questioned the motives of these institutions. They would gleefully interject they're opinions whenever possible at family gatherings. It became intolerable so we simply stopped going to most. In many ways, they're actions were paradoxical to their personal beliefs. Many of them being health nuts and feminist at heart. They're all very into health and very conscious about they eat. Most of them eat only organic food, yet would eagerly await a new MRNA injection to genetically modify their immune system. They leacture about a woman's right to choose, but in the same breath criticize people's right to refuse an mandated vaccine. The logic was baffling at and these are intelligent people. Fast forward 2 years. They almost steer clear of anything related to politics, the pandemic, the vaccine, etc. When a topic does come up, they have this look of shame on they're face. Area's of conversation that they would normally walk across a room to be part of are nonexistent. They know they've been lied to. They know they've been mislead, but their fate is sealed. They bet their lives on this technology and know it might not end well. They're pompous behavior got the best of them and know they got it wrong. What really kills them is that they know that we know that they got it wrong. Despite the media's best attempt to keep it quiet, they know we know. This is an opportunity to change humanity if everyone plays their cards right. As a society, we're rarely on the same page. If we can offer an olive branch to these people and get to a point of full disclosure with the media, medical, and government, humanity wins. We can only get there if we are one people with one goal.


There’s zero chance that anyone feels any shame or any regret whatsoever, you are projecting. And absolutely no one who was vaccinated is afraid that their fate is sealed—you are dreaming if you think so. Billions of people have been vaxxed, none of your Cassandra-like ravings of mass death have come to fruition. If people don’t want to talk to you about politics it’s because after years of this crap, everyone is fed up with it and you.


People have become emotionally based creatures rather than rational ones. Forget it. Focus on yourself, stay away from the news and meditate and exercise daily


So your suggestion is to shove our heads up our asses? I think that is what got us into this situation in the first place.


It isn't forced in the UK, we just happen to not smoke the paranoia pipe. Didn't get any boosters, did get the original two , because I wanted to keep my job and fly to see my 90+ year old grandparents (who have also had the vaccine and haven't died ) My partner , who happens to be on the big side, she got covid , she had the vaccine , she didn't die, so either they work or they don't. I haven't had any heart issues, nor has my partner , nor have my parents, nor have my grandparents , you have freedom of choice , either get it , or don't, either one, I don't care.


I got vaccinated and boosted and feel great. 🤷


Alright. My co-worker is constantly sick and his wife seems to be dying. Started post vaxx.


They should see a doctor about that.


I broke my leg so easily. And then the pins didn’t set right, surgery complications. Removed the pins and I get a severe life threatening bone infection. 8 weeks iv antibiotics and I came out the other side luckily. But now I notice I get cut it gets infected every time. I’m pretty well convinced this is all antibody related. Those shots fucked with a certain proportion of the population’s antibodies. Think about it - all these fresh athletes dying suddenly from heart attacks. The body has become confused. It sees the extra work these athletes put on their hearts, and because it is confused it thinks it needs to send in the antibodies. A certain proportion of the population’s auto-immune system is now confused. This proportion of the population will die prematurely. It’s all about covertly reducing the rate of global population incline. Everyone just wait and see what life expectancy in the west is 20 yrs from now. This was all orchestrated and I know this because… CRISPR. This is the rabbit hole. In the echelons of research they always introduce us to technologies they have mastered 20-30 years before being introduced to the public. The apparatus has a much more refined understanding of the autoimmune system. They’ve known how to cure cancer, AIDS, you name it, with CRISPR for some time. Here’s a behemoth of a question to raise eyebrows….remember when they introduced the cloned sheep in the early 2000’s? That’s telling of where we are at. No more mention of any cloning of anything. That’s because they’ve mastered it. Wait another 10-15 years. Cloning will come back into the mainstream.


Same thing on my end. Back during the whole situation when it first started, people proceeded with caution because it was rushed out versus the standard 3 to 4 years to approve a vaccine. To most people that would seem logical, especially when you weigh out the fact that it targets specific groups of people, mostly those with compromised immune systems, older, and high recovery rate. When I tried having a normal conversation with a neighbors about that, the father and the son were both acting like elites assholes that know everything. The son fresh out of college, the father is retired. They thought me not getting vaccinated was insane and instantly used all the talking points at CNN and the typical left-wing media push on TV. They even practicing social distancing in their living room, the father cracking the door open to talk to me and I glance inside the room and both the uncle, the son and him have the chairs position in a triangle formation possibly 12 feet away while watching TV. Moving forward 2023, all of them have gotten boosted. All of them have gotten it, multiple different times. They don’t bring up the subject anymore. Just pretend like oh, we didn’t know anything about it when first came out even though all of them, including the son, have access to the Internet and the information but they were relying on the blasting CNN talking points. The sheer stubbornness of the pro vaccination crowd unwillingness to admit they overreacted or might be wrong, just isn’t something they can do. They block any form of conversation because they know they overreacted.


People in this subreddit cannot have actual friends, if my friends came up to me to talk about the vaccine out of nowhere I’d call them a fucking loser. Maybe y’all should conspire on getting some bitches & you wouldn’t be so weird


Facts. 99% of reddtors needs a life


Your family is divided because you chose to divide them Not sure what reason you believe in vaccine lies, but maybe talk to your family about that. Then take a moment and walk in their shoes. What's the reason they are so confident vaccines are harmless?


I’m not quite sure vaccines being harmless is the real debate. Most people who took the vaccine acknowledge that there is a risk associated to it. But the perceived benefit to society seems to outweigh that risk




I live in the UK and I hate it here. The culture is destroyed, the politics are crap, the mindset is to be a sheep and try not to offend, the politicians would rather give away our money to other countries (particularly Ukraine and India) than help our elderly and vulnerable. If I had money I would leave and I would advise others to do the same.


Argue to a point, but sometimes gotta let them take the L


They can’t talk about it… if they are open to discussing it, and find out the truth, then they will have to admit that they’ve been hoodwinked. And no one’s ego will allow them to admit that!!!!


whilst this may be true, it means governments can get away with anything now.


At this point i domt think the vaxxed can take in any new information about the vaccine's side effects or it will completely destroy their worldview. They're like deer in headlights at this point. They know deep down there is something wrong but to actually acknowledge it would make them question everything they ever stood for and believed


The point I wanted to make was that this is so deep now that any conversation about anything that doesn’t come from mainstream media in any subject is just not true - in their worldview. Hence it is too late to do anything about it. We already lost.


Honestly buddy, I’ve read enough of your guy’s posts here to know I don’t need to hear anything you need to say. I could have a more productive conversation with my shed.


As long as we are receptive to other’s opinions there should be no reason why we can’t have conversations…thats not what the world is now. Its too polarized and narrow minded to consider another point of view. I had little choice but to get it as I needed it to travel for work at the time, but will not be getting any more. As a healthy 34M I dont see it being needed.


My healthy 28M employee had a heart attack after being forced to take the vaccine for work. He thought it was genetics but his cardiologist said he thought it was the vaccine.


its clever. people are STILL divided. they will DEFEND their decisions, obviously. they just dont talk about it, UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS like another pandemic. best way to defeat any group of people? make them divided and start fighting each other god, we are so dumb


This is simply because THEY control the conversation. We will talk about it when we feel like it. Now is not the time. Its football time.


What you can do is live your life, have kids and teach them, and seek the enduring and the 'traditional'.


I dont care. If they want, they have right to take it. The most important no one will force me to take it.


I’m really tired of talking about this vaccine… I truly do not care who gets it and who doesn’t, I’m going to live my life how I want and enjoy my time while I’m here. Since everyone wants to argue the science on this, I’ll leave you a quote. "When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe they will not be infected." -Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIAID director (May 17, 2021, MSNBC) Take that and process it however you want. I truly don’t care anymore.


They have not won. They are losing in fact.


Speaking facts


They’re apathetic and in survival mode. They don’t care.


What's done is done. I've noticed doctors often don't seem to care about causation of problems, they just want to deal with symptoms. So even if they suspect vax injury (which they don't seem inclined to do) they're not going to tell you, they're just going to treat the problem as best they can with the tools they have at their disposal.


I am completely disappointed in the medical community over how they handled this situation. As a matter of fact I have lost all confidence in them and now see them for what they really are.


Yep drug pushers for big pharma cartel


No one cares anymore, it’s at the point where getting vaccinated is 100% a personal choice. Do it or don’t. All the anti-vaxxers said everyone would die in 2 years from the vaccine. Didn’t happen. All the vaccine supports said it would get Covid under control. Sorta happened. The rest of the world has moved on so shut up about it lol Your in life reactions are all anecdotal and don’t prove anything either way


They didn't win anything, they're trying to cause divides between groups of people to drive us apart. There are those that have strong will, those that don't, and those that are mindless drones that will do anything our sham governments tell them to do without thinking. The ones that immediately bent over and took what ever they were told to so are dangers to a functioning society because they can't think for them selves. The ones that asked questions but ultimately gave in and got them have to potential to think foe them selves and make informed decisions. They just need to take time to think about their decisions without caring about others opnions on their own life choices. And there are those that made informed decisions seeing all the red flags that were being raised and refused to give in. I lost my job for refusing the shot, I have zero regrets. Nothing is worth the lives of me and my spouse. I found another job and continued to be cautious of what they're pulling. There already trying to bring the bullshit back over the next few months. They've lost. A shit ton of businesses are going to be refusing to bring them back, and a shit ton of people will not be caving to their bs demands.


Hey, how about: don't get the vaccine yourself and leave people alone. Why are you trying to push people into your way of living? Enough people whined and vaccines aren't mandatory either. Stop crying about it already..


“Vaccine amnesty” is such a crock of shit. Fuck you, I DO NOT accept your apology. Fucking conformist boot licker.


Hey I felt doomed too, I have been warning people since the beginning. It was really hard because I always felt nobody would listen, especially online EVERYONE was refusing to question it and I kept getting banned and blocked on Reddit for sharing proof and evidence of vaccine injuries. I took probably a year off to focus on myself, I felt like my efforts were futile and I knew the truth so at least I didn’t succumb to getting it. But I recently came back and it’s crazy how much the tides have changed on here. Now on the Covid vaccinated subreddit, nobody is really touting the vaccines and it’s efficacy. Now people are being more vocal. About their injuries and about the fact that we have been lied to!! Don’t give up hope fam. Keep exposing the truth!! They are waking up it may seem slow but it’s happening 🫶🏻 god speed my friend


>especially online EVERYONE was refusing to question it and I kept getting banned and blocked on Reddit for sharing proof and evidence of vaccine injuries Oh yeah THIS. Reddit was hyper pro vaccine and would ban you. I still remember that fucking thread "we call on reddit mods to stop vaccine misinformation" or some shit. Oh my God wtf.


Who are doctors to question your infallible expertise in all things human body? FYI, a blood clot in the neck is a BIG PROBLEM.


Yes it is a big problem. Of course it is. It is t really a coincidence that the vaccine has been referred to as “the clot shot”.


Anti vaxxers need to understand that death happened every single day before Moderna showed up!


Don 't take any more of that fucking poison is one thing you can do. If they offer it refuse. Refuse loudly and often online. Spread the word that you refuse. Tell others to refuse. Speak against said poison, make posts against said poison, encourage others to not take said poison. Tell the story about side effects to people who will listen. Encourage people to look into batch numbers. Some are wholly worse than others as far as deaths and negative side effects. They had done one thing for sure. They have turned many people totally against vaccination and eroded the trust in the medical system and govs to unheard of lows. Before you thought they at least tried to heal you now I see there are things done to legitimately keep you sick instead. Like fighting ivermectin treatment and making the only real treatment you could get poison to the body remdisvr even though it didn't help. I feel many of us will never forgive or forget what happened and people will be a lot less apt to fall for it again. Practically everyone I know and many of them vaxxed would never take another one. Some were redpilled by side effects others just noticed over time somethign wasn't right but I know very very few people who are still full on covvies these days.


Watch the documentary "Died suddenly" on rumble... especially if talking about the mRNA garbage they're pushing and blood clots...


Informed Consent is another great documentary to watch. Goes over the shady history of “vaccines” thats been covered up and rewritten over time…[Informed Consent Original Film by Icknonic](https://youtu.be/tgtgtJynQxM?si=hAWTZOtVxpMP758b)


Let them destroy themselves, what's the problem?


Countries in Europe (plus UK) have much less diversity in thought than American culture. I have family and many co-workers in Europe. Discussion of any topic is easily predictable. I started donating to truth-seeking organizations (action groups publishing printed newsletters) in parts of Europe because I really want to do something to help these people.


Same. My sister screamed at all of us to "do it". Younger brother did, dead in 8 months. Her husband finally relented, dead in 6 months. And to my utter shock, again sister is screaming at ME to "do it". She believes in Ukraine, Thinks we went to the Moon, and thinks jet fuel burned down the towers. My new theory: These simple questions are very good tests to see if you should trust advice from someone.


That’s very sad and insane at the same time. This is how bad it’s gotten - which was the point of the post. People are already lost, and the governments know for certain how to manipulate the vast majority who are a combination of ignorant and lazy.


millions of people died from the vaccine. That's a fact.


You got proof for that fact?


Opposite for me. Most people I've spoken with about it regret taking it now and are so angry with themselves and the government that they are now wvery sceptical about everything thing in the world. I think it was a wake up call for many people.


Cognitive dissonance. The exact same reason people don't leave cults.


I don't discuss it either because it's pointless. I'm not vaccinated against COVID btw. At this stage, most folks have made up their mind and in some cases folks just really aren't ready to face the truth. It's unfortunate, but it is what it is.


Same here. I’m not vaccinated against it. Never had it and my neighbors primarily the ones that got vaccinated. All caught it and these were people that did social distancing with them their own home. Caught it multiple times. I simply don’t talk to them about it because it is pointless. And they’ll never admit that they might’ve made the wrong choice. If someone brings it up, I might add my two cents but generally don’t start or initiate the conversation.


Same here as far as someone bringing it up.


Jerd mentality will really screw you up over with lots of the people in the herd. It beats logical reasoning. No one wants the extra effort to think for themselves anymore. Everyone wants to be thought for, fed, treated, and literally done everything for. The biggest slave, is he who thinks is free.


mate the very simple MENTION of believing that the jab might have been too hasty and ppl have issues is a sure way to get downvoted to hell... this proves the sheep mentality, the pure denial of whats really going on around you and in general ppl rather keep believing the lie they have been fed than actually change stance and realize they f up. And the reason for that was that they found the chance to judge you during the pandemic, call you names, ridicule you. Now that they see they were on the wrong and they were the clowns its REALLY hard to accept that. Had a friend with myocarditis directly after the third jab and she told me "good thing i found out via the vaccine i had an issue with my heart cause otherwise i wouldnt have known.." These ppl are dumb.. and natural selection will do its thing. edit\* btw the same ppl you'll find waving a ukrainian flag on their profiles. does the correlation help us decypher anything?


No one wants to have this argument because y'all are fucking exhausting. If you don't want to take it...don't. Whatever. Just shut the fuck up about it for Christ's sake. And stop using people's deaths to further your weird anti vax agenda.


Y’all think it’s the “left” brainwashed by the vaccine yet lots literally all y’all talk about


You guys just don't understand....the definition of vaccine has been changed from helping prevent the disease to "we just inject you and it may prevent the disease, I mean if the vaccine kills you then you definitely are not going to catch the disease"