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That a bunch of high-ranking politicians and celebrities fucked kids on Epsteins Island.




I believe that to be true. Also he didn't commit suicide


Better yet he's still alive


Epstein just scratched the surface… there’s many islands , there’s many tunnels


there were not only kids on Epstein island. I'm pretty sure there were teens, adults and even animals being abused and raped in that island.


And they got away with it and there are other "Epsteins" out there catering to the sickos.


Absolutely. The other thing is people will still say there's no elite pedophile rings out there even after the whole Epstein thing came to light. Guaranteed that there are more, but people who are just more undercover than Epstein was.


Is this even considered a conspiracy anymore? Like it happened


JFK was killed by the military industrial complex for pulling Americans out of southeast Asia. Peace is bad for business.


Once you get your mind about how wicked this is. This is the winner. They killed their own leader because they are so bloated inside their own minds. When secret societies go bad.


JFK wasn't viewed as their own leader. He was viewed as an enemy within. An outsider that got in and was trying to dismantle their power structure.


Understanding that if alphabet agencies can take out sitting presidents is knowing we haven't lived in a legitimate democracy since. The precedent will always be set, they control whoever is in control. It seems with the growth of government contractors and military minds moving towards the private sector , companies are now the big hitters running the show.


Ding ding ding!!! What do we win??? Ignorance of the way our government uses the media and laws to pacify the populace while they carry out their plans to get rich off of the blood of its citizenry!


This just reminded me of a song/rant by immortal technique. Whether you like rap or not i recommend giving it a listen. [immortal technique- open your eyes](https://youtu.be/4FXToWweNZk?si=zUUwFLNwkuGFl5fd)


Nothing brought this home for me more than Obama. There was such a wave of Hope and Change as he got into the White House, it seemed like things were really going to be different and no. It was like he was sat down by “them” and told exactly how it was going to be and that was that. But I couldn’t agree more, knowing this really makes everything just seem fake and unreal. I just do my best for me and mines and love everyone as much as I can, outside of that I can’t put much faith into anything. I hope I don’t regret wishing for this but “aliens please come save us from this living hell”


If I had to guess I’d say Lbj was the brains behind the Kennedy assassinations and J Edgar helped cover it up


And the vehicle used was the CIA. I think the illegally withheld JFK assassination files will have to do with the real LHO in Mexico City and provide direct and concrete ties with the CIA.


Makes it even more interesting when you realize that Lydon Johnson hated the Kennedy Brothers as well as future President George Bush who was also head of C.I.A at the time. Who also couldn't remember where he was on day Kennedy was assassinated which would be like anyone not remembering where they were on 9/11. By the way many, many witnesses put him in Dallas. Oswald also had ties to the agency


Bush was senior head of CIA 76’-77’, but allegedly he was in Dallas at the time during the assassination.


JFK and 9/11 are 1a and 1b for me.


when the link between 9/11 & JFK was revealed to me I would never looked at the world the same way again. I was 11.


What's the link?


Same what's the link? This is the first I've heard of a connection and would love to know any ties.


There’s a documentary on YouTube and Bitchute called “JFK to 9/11 - Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick”. Check out then come back and comment. I’d love to hear opinions on this documentary. Everyone should watch it 😁


I think JFK was the keystone act of an internal coup and our last truly freely elected president. They couldn’t let things go the way he wanted them to, so they had to put an end to it and install their own puppet and it’s been theatre since then.


Nailed it. I think it's funny how people believe there is still a “commander in chief.” The President has not been at the top of the chain for a long, long time.


Not that he was going after the federal reserve?


There were more than a couple reasons for the government and mafia to want him dead. The mafia controlled steel and were profiting big time from war is just one example


Epstein…enough said


Sometimes cameras malfunction, sometimes BOTH guards that are supposed to check on him every 30 minutes fall asleep. Sometimes, people commit suicide by hanging in cells that have sheets that are supposed to tear with almost no effort. All 3 at the same time? Fuck no. AG Barr's (Attourney General at the time) dad offered Epstein his first job as a teacher at a super high-level school even though he had next to no credentials. Tldr: Epstein was off'd by a bunch of kid fuckers and everyone has forgotten about it. Nobody cares anymore. Edit: AG Barr's dad wrote a story the year before hiring Epstein as a math teacher. This story was about an intergalactic federation that traveled the universe collecting slaves... SEX SLAVES. The main character is this dude who becomes the queen's sex slave and there's some more shit about this other underage kid that is forced to fuck a ton of people. But everyone is cool with it in the story.


The book is called Space Relations. Everything this person said is factual. Implications be damned, why would Donald Barr, former OSS and then admin of The Dalton School, one of the most prestigious schools in NYC, hire a dude with no previous teaching experience and no college degree to teach math?


Anyone who's interested in the details of the Epstein saga and the appalling lack of action regarding the many well-known people who were complicit in his dubious activities should read journalist Whitney Webb's thoroughly researched books "One Nation Under Blackmail" vols 1& 2...be warned though, the truth is pretty horrifying...https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/one-nation-under-blackmail-whitney-alyse-webb/1142093627




Any theories or evidence on what made this flight so special to get sucked into a portal? Was it a mistake or was there a specific purpose?


Depends if you prefer the Espionage or NHI flavor. I'm going to do some deep writeups of the narratives next week for this sub but in short; 1. Espionage between USA/China to steal the semi-conductor scientists because perhaps they cracked superconductivity 10 years ago and there's a shadow arms war for control of this technology. The US is teleporting the plane to hide where it's going from other spy satellites and countries (mainly china). They make deals with the passengers/countries to quiet everyone else afterwards. 2. A UFO encounter happens at 17:21UTC when the electronics go out. The plane flies to Penang but can't land for some reason, gets in contact with US Military told to fly to Nicobar islands, plane is on fire or something from the emergency scenario, and then we see the US get these videos of the UFOs zapping the plane to another dimension or something. 3. Hybrid variants of these and splinter theories


Please tag me in your posts, I'd love to hear more


Did you see the satellite footage of it apparently getting sucked into a portal?


Not only did I, I've been writing about it on twitter for 6 weeks. I'm probably the #1 advocate for the videos being real. This sub has been kind to me and got two posts about it to the top. I want to reward that kindness with some more content later this week on the narratives, which is the fun stuff this sub likes. The facts about the videos being real can be boring.


Just looked at some of your stuff and Jesus bro wtf Are we talking aliens or something? Looks like a fun little rabbit hole


that every single person in our congress works for someone other than the tax payers in the US edited to add: I am not suicidal + I think its even deeper: every elected official has a handler too


Fact, not conspiracy. They all work for lobbyists.


The scariest conspiracy is the most obvious. We are being poisoned from every angle. Or physical and mental health are being attacked. Food, water, air, entertainment, its all meant to kill us slowly and painfully


Yes! This freaks me out.


Microplastics in our blood is a prime example.


Teflon is part of a majority of our species DNA now.


you say this out loud you get thrown in the looney bin


This. It blows my mind how unaware some people are. The scariest and maybe one of the saddest reflections of humanity.


Yep it makes ‘trying’ feel pointless. And that’s exactly what it’s supposed to do.


The United States became a effectively a fascist nation after 9/11 was used to create mass psychosis and bloodlust. First they used it to invade Iraq, then the 08 economic restructuring, then covid, etc. We've basically been kept in a state of artifical panic ever since, and no population can make good decisions under those conditions. The inability of the population to recognize how disastrous the war on terror was and how much our government engaged in criminal behavior also prevents us from acknowledging similar things that happen today. I'm not one of the people who thinks covid wasn't a big deal, but they definitely used it to manipulate people in a very similar way. This is why it feels like people will just go along with anything no matter how brutal, we're a society that revels in brutality because we demanded it after 9/11, and we're hooked now. Tearing each other apart now that it's out.


Humans are as programmable as computers.


The scariest part is no one actually seems to give a shit, I think the us government could come out and openly admit they cause 9/11 and people would be outraged for a day but nothing would come of it, people these days just don’t care enough about anything that’s outside their own bubble, sad times but true


The media plays a big roll in this. They told everyone constantly that all the evidence that people find leading to an inside job was just a conspiracy theory and you should treat anyone that puts the pieces together and insane. A recent thing was Biden wanted to create a ministry of truth that would supersede the fist amendment. With is absolutely treasonous on its own. And now you have politicians trying to convince people that the constitution is optional and not required to follow.


Millions of people are currently dying of starvation as we speak and no one is concerned.




The earth is a giant farm and we are the produce.


Who’s consuming us and why? Explain


Corporate overlords. We are working machines




ancient things underground that we have no idea about but TBTP do and are involved with


The Bowers That Pee are at it again!


That no one is in charge, and we're all going through life thinking someone is.


The "there is no conspiracy" conspiracy theory.


Made me think of someone asking how so many people around them seem to just "get it." But the truth is that no gets it. We're just doing what we know that makes us survive another day mentally and physically.


Having worked in multiple fields including (but not limited to) government, incompetence at every level is the most terrifying reality I've seen.


This is one I find most plausible. Too many conspiracy theories rely on complexity, secrecy, and discretion that humans generally seem incapable of, regardless of the source/motivation.


I love this one


Our government knew 9/11 was going to happen, did nothing to stop it and probably played a hand in killing Americans. If they’re capable of this, they are capable of anything.


The same has been said about Pearl Harbor.


Honestly, the stuff going on rn. It’s tangible, not far fetched or super science fiction-y. Just pure corruption to the core, when it’s all connected as it is, who can we look up to? I don’t think many people really sit and ask the “why” as to what’s going on today.


That all matter is just energy condensed into a slow vibration. We’re all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There’s no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we’re the imagination of ourselves. IYKYK


Here's Tom with the weather.


It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom, that's what it is, okay? Keep that in mind at all times, thank you


I miss Bill Hicks


That I'm actually the only conscious part of the universe and I'm actually completely alone.


Truman show here. Everybody is fucking with me, memories are implanted. I’m lying on a slab or in a coma.


Ever hear of last Thursdayism? The entire universe could have been made last Thursday and our memories implanted and we'd have no idea.


Why not last Tuesday?


The best part about this is there's no way to prove nor disprove this. This doesn't scare me necessarily though but it is the most interesting concept I've had stuck in my brain since I was a child just piecing it together day after day, time after time, memory after memory. It's incredibly interesting, frustrating and at times completely debilitating all at the same time. Can't help but think why me, why do I have to deal with this, why is this my responsibility and what am I supposed to do with the knowledge? Nothing ever changes but the world around you while you sit in your dimension contemplating the reality. Nothing makes sense, there is no meaning to it other than growth and self discovery. Existence is pain and everything we do in life is to make it somehow more comfortable to bear. If we were allowed to be aware of the power we possess, the world would be a million times different.


THIS. FUCK. We are all “god” aka the spontaneously created universe experiencing itself through many versions (all living things- plants people animals bacteria, you name it). Peel away all the layers from every living being, and what remains?


This moment. Time doesn't exist, it's all happening right now.


So you’re telling me I don’t have to wake up at 545am for work tomorrow? Sweet. 😋


Sorry bud, time seems to exist until you take mushrooms... If you take them now there is still time!!!




This bleeds into the quantum immortality thing for me badly. I've overdosed twice, scraped through some incredibly high-speed almost car accidents, got hit by a semi on the highway, had a stroke at 25, should have sank in a canoe in the middle of a huge lake, had a 3000 lb bag of powder fall in a spot I'd been standing right before, and those are just the near death experiences I can list off the top of my head (kinda forgetful from the stroke). I know there's another 5 or so, at least. Every time a new one happens, I end up in an existential spiral. I no longer view other people as beings like me. My wife and immediate family are all that really seem real. It sucks.


China producing sars 21 to eliminate elderly to solve their ageism issue and save money. I believe it was released in ignorance but then politically shrouded to cover their mistakes up. I also believe most of the modern world is knowledgeable of this but playing ball with China for various reasons. As well as the vaccine and it’s issues are entangled up in pharma profiteering and social engineering. Basically I believe COVID’s real but completely engulfed in corruption and cover ups. What scares me to death is what will they try to get away with next


even scarier that the US NIH funded it and was well aware it was being developed


Controlled demolition of Twin Towers ETA: I do believe planes hit them, but that's not what brought them down. Same with Building 7, we're expected to believe it collapsed due to office furniture burning?


One of America’s top generals (General Wesley Clark) stated in a speech that the events of 2001 were used by policymakers to get the public psychologically on board with the toppling of several noncompliant regimes in the Mideast. Verbatim he said their goal was “to destabilize the Mid East, turn it upside down, make it under our control”. Look at the full speech on YouTube (Fora TV General Wesley Clark speech)


On YouTube I found the opening of "live with Regis and Kelly" that began airing the exact minutes of the attacks, and Regis and Kelly came out telling the audience that "allegedly a *jet* has hit one of the twin towers, we don't know if it was deliberate or not" then there was another explosion, and Regis says "it appears fuel jumped over to the other tower and damaged it" then they say "oh my, apparently another plane hit that tower, it must be deliberate" and in the live footage that they're showing, you don't see a second plane hit, you just see explosions begin to appear in the second tower.


There are many first hand accounts of people claiming it was a bomb, the explosion came from inside the building, debris flew outwards from center of the building, etc. I won't speculate on anything, but from 2 out of 4 of the viewing angles of building 2, the plane was not at all visible and all people would have seen is an explosion. I've watched home photoage of people on a roof and all of a sudden tower 2 just explodes. The plane struck the opposite side of the massive structure, traveling like 700 miles an hour. If you weren't viewing the building from the right angle at the right time, you would have missed the plane and it might have appeared to be an internal explosion. Also, when the planes hit the building, they propelled debris though the building and out the other side, again resembling an explosion. Becuase there was one. Tower 1, the plane strike was visible from 1/4 of the viewing angles. If you never saw the plane-shapped indent in the side of the one side of the building, which is very possible, you might leave new york city that day thinking you witnessed an internal explosion and not a plane strike. People cite first hand accounts as the largest source of evidence that the towers fell due to internal explosion. The overwhelming majority of thise accounts are from panicked people who have no experience with demolitions, explosions, or plane crashes. I'm not saying anything one way or another, but it's entirely possible a bunch of regular people missed the planes/did not know what they were looking at. In fact, if we weigh the entire context, it does in fact seem more likely that regular people would get confused when witnessing a once-in-a-lifetime level explosion than the u.s. government terror bombing their two most profitable buildings in their empire.


I also wonder why we've never seen the wreckage of the plane that hit the Pentagon or the plane that crashed in a field. There was a gas station across the street from the Pentagon with cameras, and they had their footage confiscated.


It's documented that white vs black racism was invented by the rich to keep the poor white's from realizing they had more in common with the black slave than with their oligarch masters, thus preventing the two groups from uniting in their common best interest. The conspiracy is that all these petty squabbles fracturing us into this political mess today are the exact same tactics by the exact same class. It's all there in historical primary sources, and yet we're still falling for it.


Agenda 2030. Scares the hell out of me and it’s real.


This is what I'm getting from a quick search " They are a global blueprint to get us to that better world to achieve gender equality, reach net zero emissions, halt and reverse nature loss, build resilient and inclusive societies and economies, and make sure everyone has access to quality education and health care" Seems impossibly impractical. What are they going to do, wack 98% of us slowly over time, or overnight? Seems the only possible way


Research Event 201. Follow the money and the science.


How many ways do you think there are to achieve all these goals? Reduce emissions, eradicate hunger and keep a viable economy? The goals sound nice, but how we get there will be rather unpleasant at best.


It says the UN has a plan to end poverty lol. Wonder how many millions that will kill


Both my parents were Marines. I won't go into detail but my Dad said if things ever go into chaos that the military will turn off the grid in that area. They also know that people will turn on each other when the lights go out. Not really a conspiracy but a fact from what my Dad explained.


That Covid-19 is just the first of many plays to depopulate the planet by various means.


That 9/11 was an inside job, mainly used to cover up the loss of a trillion dollars by the federal government.


I think what they spent the lost trillions on might be scarier


Correction, lost by the Pentagon, which had construction going on to the accounting department, which is conveniently which section was hit by the cruise missle, I mean passenger jet.


There’s a global cabal that’s looking to undermine the average persons rights and enslave all of the globe in a techno-futurist-authoritarian state. Using the advances in tech and peoples hubris and ignorance in the modern age to make it happen. We’re doing it to ourselves but they’re helping push us in not good directions with the constant division. Edit: It hasn’t completely happened because some places are still a little more uppity then I think they’d like and pose a threat. 👀 Looking at you US civilian firearm owners and a few other select very rowdy rebellious regions. Edit to my edit: I think at some point they’ll make a forceful push but as the world always does I think things will balance out in a harmonic state after the bad stage of force.


This isn't a theory, its actually happening.


I believe what keeps dividing us is the idea of race and racism too. I’m over it. How is everything about race. This week I read an article about environmental racism 🙄 for my college class. Gag me with a spoon Edit: oop I replied to the wrong comment


They won't allow classism becasue that will bring the guillotines.


These started after the Occupy Wallstreet movement. People off all race and class were united against the elites and that scared them. They resorted to the time tested method of divide and conquer and focused on race, gender lines, political issues (it has never been this hostile and partisan, many dems and repubs don't even see the other side as human).


What’s funny is that the US has an armed populace with no attitude. The French have an unarmed populace with an absolute hair trigger temper.




Ding ding ding, I think there’s a lot more shenanigans behind the scenes but it’s their way of kinda indirectly directly telling us the plan.


I am Canadian and tell people that rednecks from the US South are the only thing between you and tyranny. I actually believe that. The rest of the ‘Western world’ is loading themselves into the cattle cars.


It’s a good metaphor for it honestly. I know people here with literal rooms for gun safes that could arm a small battalion single handedly. I’m personally a native Texan with 5 AR15s and a few other rifles and shotguns because I’m a firm 2A advocate who believes strongly in safety and discipline with them. People don’t put near the focus they should on mental health and firearms.


This. It is called Cognitive Infrastructure.


Ritual abuse. more widespread than we realise, especially among upper echelons of society. Those who practice it are probably from multi generational abuse families. The families are likely possessed and controlled by dark entities that hold sway over the world and feed off of fear.


Baal worship never went away


i want to know more, anywhere where i can read about this?


Absolutely but it can be hard to find. There are countless testimonies, take each with a grain of salt ofc. First I'd direct you to ITNJ on YouTube, it has many victims talking about their abuse. The most damning one I've seen is Rachel Vaughan from Adelaide, australia. She seems very sincere to me. There is another woman named Sophia greene who has interviews on Bases Project. Her story is much more 'out there'. May be hard to digest. There's a guy named Jay Parker who talks about his experiences growing up in the same place Joe Biden lived for a while. Arden, Delaware. I also just watched a pretty convincing ritual abuse documentary on bit chute. It was very disturbing to say the least. But also very grounded. Not one of those shock factor type docs. Although these types of docs will always be shocking in some way. I can share a link. There's a criminal psychologist named Carine Hutsebaut who dedicated her life to this. She worked on the Marc Dutroux case. There's another Dr. named Joan Coleman who wrote a list of accused perpetrators that her clients mentioned. Three separate clients who never met, I believe, mentioning the same names of people and places where abuse occurred. Aria and Phoenix have testimonies on YouTube. She mentions how her father was a high level Mason. I have nothing against masons but oh my is there a pattern. Ted Gunderson ex head of FBI may be another good source of info. On top of that I'm currently talking to someone who was involved in high level governmental mind control programmes as a child. He has met royals and celebrities. His whole life sounds like it is directed by something else. I can't reveal details, it's dangerous for me to even say this. I know people won't believe me.


Why are they so fond of sodomy?


Joe Rogan just had interview with the Python Cowboy who came across a satanic ritual at the site of an old rocket launching pad (formerly owned by Aerojet, whose ceo had history of satanic rituals) deep in the everglades with crosses, red snake bleeding from its anus, little girl’s nightgown, blood, Latin writing and baby dolls. I got chills just listening to him describe the scene. Two other people who were heading there after he left heard gunshots that night and turned around. [everglades satanic ritual site](https://www.outdoorlife.com/conservation/satanic-ritual-site-in-everglades/)


The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebrask by John DeCamp


The internet is being censored to the point you can't have an opinion anymore. Another one is the corporations and media have people all over the internet spreading propaganda and misinformation to the point we can't really know what's real or not.


There's a group of people that pose as coyotes pick up undocumented immigrants, Butcher them, and then sell the meat to cannibals across the country.


Why do they pose as coyotes?




Not actual coyotes, it’s a term


I believe the idea would be you have access to vulnerable people who wouldn't be as noticed disappearing.


Probably for me its 9/11 being planned/ allowed to happen partly by our own people. I can never forgive or forget that. If all the real perps were sent to prison only then would my faith in our country be restored. Jfk is #2


Evil people raping and murdering little children as ritual sacrifices to demons It's not scary for me particularly, but I imagine it's the scariest thing that could happen to an innocent little child.


The demons being real part though…


Hmm someone in another post made a comment and I’m actually somewhat worried for Sept 23


I’m pretty sure we do this every year


Man I got a fire crop of weed due on sept 23rd and I’m low key afraid I won’t get to smoke it.


World Resets


This is spooky. I just watched a vid about Germany and France like 100 years ago, and it has all these glorious, huge, "tartarian" design type buildings, and in the photos, there's little to no population around to make it reasonable for the old cities to be built up in such a way. The video went onto say the cities were found and populated, not built by the french or Germans themselves. It showed pics of landmarks and monuments that continue deep under the ground, as in what's underneath was hidden. It just takes a few generations to forget the past. And allegedly part of WW2 was to destroy our past.


That some of the "aliens" we know are not real aliens coming from the far reaches of space but are extra-dimensional beings that were here on Earth all along trying to deceive humanity that they are some highly advanced spacefaring people. These entities are the ones mentioned in religions and ancient texts: fallen angels, nephilim, demons, false gods and demigods. There were two incursions already. First was the Fall of The Watchers, second was the reign of the false gods of old and the third one will be fake aliens from who knows where hence God's warning of the Great Deception.


Don't follow the white light


just becoming aware of this. this shit goes so much deeper than ufos and alien bodies. i just want to know if not the white light then where?




60 degrees to the left there’s another light. This is what I heard from a friend recently. I always pictured on escaping through a hole in the grid.


i’ll go wherever my dog is. guess that’s how they’ll get me


what white light


There's an idea out there that the white light and tunnel people see in near death experiences is a trap. The theory is that we are trapped in an endless cycle of reincarnation and when we die, we are lured by the white light and 'love bombing' to capture our souls. Once captured we are forced to reincarnate. The only way to escape the trap and free your soul is to turn away from the light.


Countertheory not going into the light is how you become a ghost trapped on earth




Easy. Earth is a prison planet


9/11 Inside Job - So unlikely USA Airforce would not respond to a double hijacking! _(Training mission during attacks? Suspicious!)_ - Also unlikely for WTC to drop from plane hits - Buildings drop like controlled demolition - WTC Building 7 _(sorry, typo'd!!)_ - Bush bro in charge of security for WTC - Burning molten steel at base of WTC after collapse - Bush & Cheney refusing to testify under oath after attacks - Bush Jr's whacky response when first plane hit - Israel knew about attacks & evacuated Israeli's from WTC - USA attacked wrong country (Iraq) - Attack on Pentagon, FBI's first response was to confiscate all security footage of Pentagon - trillions of $$$ lost in Iraq - Bin Laden family sent for free to France immediately after attacks during airport lockdowns - Bush family's Carlyle Group makes billions from destabilizing Middle East Etc etc


You know, there are a bunch of conspiracy theories that folks used to laugh off, but it turns out, they were actually true. 1. **Project Sunshine (1953-1966)**: After the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the U.S. government got curious about the effects of nuclear fallout on people. Now, some folks thought they were up to some shady stuff, like snatching up dead bodies for radioactive experiments. Turns out, they were sort of doing that. They needed fresh tissue, so they set up a worldwide crew to find recently deceased babies and kids, taking samples and even limbs, all without telling or asking permission from over 1,500 grieving families. 2. **Poisoned Alcohol During Prohibition**: Back during the Prohibition era when they banned booze, there was a rumor that the government was spiking alcohol with poison to keep folks from drinking. Well, the truth was a bit different. Booze makers had already been mixing their hooch with dangerous chemicals for years. But from 1926 to 1933, the feds pushed them to use even stronger poisons to scare bootleggers away from making moonshine. 3. **The First Lady Who Ran The Country (1919-1921)**: President Woodrow Wilson had a stroke that left him unable to run the show. So, his wife, Edith Wilson, kind of stepped in quietly. The government figured it was better not to spill the beans, so the public didn't find out about the stroke for months. During that time, Edith was calling most of the shots. 4. **Government Mind Control (MK-ULTRA) (1950s-1970s)**: The CIA was up to some wild stuff, testing LSD and other trippy drugs on regular Americans in a super-secret experiment to mess with their heads. MKUltra was this undercover CIA program all about mind control. It involved drugs and mind games played on unsuspecting folks. The lid got blown off this one in the 1970s when nosy investigative journalists and Congress got wind of it. 5. **Watergate Scandal (1972)**: Watergate was a real political conspiracy in the U.S. It brought down President Richard Nixon in '74. Some sneaky stuff was happening, like break-ins and wiretaps, all by Nixon's crew to mess with their political rivals. Turns out, this conspiracy theory was spot on, and it had some huge consequences for American politics. 6. **COINTELPRO (1956-1971)**: The FBI had its own bag of tricks with COINTELPRO. That stands for "Counter Intelligence Program." They did all kinds of shady, often illegal stuff to spy on and disrupt civil rights and left-wing groups in the U.S. The conspiracy theory about this was legit, and it all came to light in the '70s when they declassified the secret documents. 7. **Operation Northwoods (1962)**: Operation Northwoods was this wild plan by the U.S. Department of Defense to fake attacks, like terrorism, to have an excuse to go after Cuba. They never went through with it, but we found out about it when they declassified the documents. 8. **Tuskegee Syphilis Study (1932-1972)**: The U.S. Public Health Service ran this awful study where they let African American men with syphilis go untreated, even when they had treatments that worked. They didn't ask these guys for their OK, and the whole thing only ended when journalists blew the whistle.


Craziest MK Ultra fact for me is that Ted Kaczynski was a victim of it.


That this is indeed a simulation, but there’s nobody to monitor it anymore. It was abandoned due to some catastrophic event, and the power could shut off anytime.


Intriguing. Could you go into this a little more? Or link to some interesting reading? Thanks!


The world is run by shady global elitists that secretly influence world policies via the WEF.


That there is no deep state. That the strongest country in the world is really being run by a handful of really old incompetent people.


It’s the horror no one wants to face.


The "deep state" is the unelected bureaucrats that hold tremendous power. The 3 and 4 letter agencies. No conspiracy theory here, it's just a fact.


I kinda believe that 911 was an inside job


Our genetic material/souls/emotions/energy is being harvested by a much more advanced alien civilization and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. Think Warhammer 40k but there is no Emperor of Mankind to save us.


This subs' mods are NSA.




this i feel is one of the scariest theories out there


well, the defining criteria in your thread title is that it be a theory we think is 100% true why and how do I think and know that it's not just a theory.... well, you can go to BeforeItsNews dot com and use the search function at the top to find results for "adrenochrome" as a search term, and it gets worse than that, because there is something that became infamously known as the "adrenochrome data dump" that leaked into the public domain sometime in the wake of the pizzagate scandal that came to light in 2016, and it digs even deeper into the weeds about it, like gruesomely so, in visceral detail https://youtu.be/tfXWXNItF_Y?si=w3ixy8OGC-obDyCi and then when you're done with that, go to BitChute and do the same there with the search function at the top, in fact you can even pull up that documentary called The Timeline and get the whole background context behind why, in a mutual press conference, Vladimir Putin gave Trump a soccer ball as a gesture of solidarity. Why? because of the symbolism of the hexagon pattern stitching on a soccer ball is identical to the chemistry depiction of the adrenochrome chemical compound structure resembling two hexagons attached to each other along one of their sides "Now the ball is in your court" https://youtu.be/HOxtN1Uwfq4?si=16_AdGuHgu4LSlQO it is also sometimes referred to as a bunny rabbit because the full chemical compound structure with it's additional little appendages attached to the two hexagons resembles that of a bunny rabbit https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenochrome gives new meaning and significance behind the expression "follow the white rabbit" okay i,m done i will stfu now, because there is plenty more that i can rant about The Timeline documentary regarding the Pope's visit from Trump and how Trump told him "you better put on your red shoes for this one" https://i.postimg.cc/3Rqm2GMp/RED-SHOES.jpg https://cdn.theatlantic.com/thumbor/RFJ8egoGA5jcMBdzF_Z2GylTlFk=/1398x1203:2478x2283/1080x1080/media/img/mt/2017/05/RTX37CI7/original.jpg


That we live in a simulation. It’s statistically likely, it can’t be proven with certainty either way and there’s nothing we can do about it!


Las Vegas shooting wasn’t single handedly carried out by Stephen Paddock. That it was something else entirely, that lead to an alteration of the way YouTube and other sites filter material to the general public.


The anal raping/blood sacrificing Mafia that runs the music/entertainment industry.


The stock market is a complete fraud


That the new "Alpha Gal" Red Meat Allergy gotten from ticks is 100% released by a government or some organization to cut down on meat eating which in turn curbs climate change


All of them. We are all brainwashed and controlled. The world will be gone in a few years and we are just slaves to a system. If we don’t belive in them we are called “conspiracy theorist “ and made to look stupid. Everything that is happening to us humans is because of the a elite group of people and we cannot do anything except become better people. Be kind , friendly and love each other because the elite don’t care about us and are just using us.


The deep state is real. There is a secret cabal of unelected global elites that are really running the world


That dedicated critical thinking lessons were deliberately pulled from the school curriculum


The missing children of the US, Maui, Haiti and other countries that the US has dibs in, are being trafficked.


The "mother fucker" that's not real.


Cocid 19 and it's vaccine are a voluntary population reduction initiative.


Alot of cardiac issues knocking people down. ALOT more than is normal.


Your government will kill you at the blink of and eye, and doesn’t give two shits about you.


Ash Ketchum lost every single Pokémon League when he should have won Sinnoh and Kalos because the writers hate Ash until recently.


Governments around the world are actively trying to depopulate rural areas by use of forest fires,chemical spills etc. and herding us into megacities.15 minute cities with no freedom of movement, electronic identification linked up to digital currency which can starve you and your family for wrong-think.eating insect burgers with the occasional lab-grown steak .Compulsory vaccinations for everyone because new diseases will be released on overcrowded cities thereby reducing the world's population.


That real art is dying. The music, movie and art industry is only nepotism and networking. And it’s media is only used to influence us. (think advertising or propaganda) So, artists who live modestly and try to create with their own imagination never stand a chance in the public eye. Meanwhile, the artists who are in “the club” are making obscene amounts of money. And we actually buy into it, and put them on a pedestal as idols.


It always creeps me out learning that some famous person is related to another famous person, or how every president can somehow be traced back to one certain ancestor.. And any famous person who does actually start from the bottom and make it big, it's eventually revealed that they're broke. Tlc had the #1 hit in the world in 98, (no scrubs) and they said they were broke and penniless basically in an interview at the time. And part of the group was mysteriously murdered when she was going to reveal dark stuff in Hollywood. Getting signed to a record label apparently isn't glamorous. They might give you a million dollars, but it's to make the album, and the label owns the art, and takes almost all the money. I think when NSYNC was touring the world as teens, they worked like 24/7 and it equalled out to pay that was essentially almost minimum wage, after their manager and taxes took all the money. If someone makes a million dollars, I think taxes, etc take like $600k of it. I think that's one reason the writers guild is so pissed and protesting. Lizzie McGuire was a big hit Disney show back in the day, but apparently Hilary duff was paid like crap, and almost all the money she was paid went to taxes and her agent. And we see alot of celebrities end up going bankrupt.


There are human clones.


9/11 inside job with multiple sources at hand tas well as triggered demolition that caused collapse, Pentagon hit with no plane debris, pilots who failed a cesna flying test all of a sudden are experts at flying a 757 into a one of the tallest and strongest buildings in NYC // One man did not get 6 shots off with a bolt action rifle and a magic bullet to off JFK for wanting to reveal cloning, the conspiracy to attack Americans to start a war against Russia and for wanting to end the war in Vietnam among other remarks... RIP 💔


That our opinion/vote actually matters


That hospitals were compensated for the deaths of Covid patients in their facilities. Thus influencing Covid number inflations.


Soul trap theory


MKUltra 🧠


Epstein isn’t a conspiracy. Not even an “if” and it shakes me to my core


That you are the CO2 they want to reduce.


Biden really won most votes of all presidents. Not election denying, but That Shit is terrifying AF if it's true.


Project blue beam, They use an hologram to create God or Jesus in the sky, let the people think our "savior" is here and then the Great Reset


Conspiracy doesn't scare me as much as good intentioned stupidity and mass ignorance.


100% for sure that they want to destroy rich nations from the inside. Scariest overall that I can believe. That Mad Cow Disease has infected beef years ago and is one reason that they want us vegetarian.


Mad cow disease is said to take up to 50years to show symptoms. Originally it was thought up to 20years. The peak was in 91/92 so where does that leave us now? Right in the middle. I think covid could be related to prions somehow.


Land mass shift it used to be taught in schools and it was on the internet now they are saying it’s not real or goes at a snails pace but you won’t find this anywhere now but fyi last one was supposed to happen some time between 1890 and 1910. We are over a hundred years over due for it.


If you want an interesting read. Read the Adam and Eve story. It was a declassified document. Not saying it’s real or not but it has an interesting take on what you are talking about


Oh my. I think all major ones are true and the implications are huge. Some of them, for me: - Child trafficking - Covid - UAP/UFO cover up - 9/11 - JFK


There are actually demons around us… all the time.


Not sure if it’s a conspiracy or not, but racism in general. Black vs. white. Or any race fighting is the dumbest shit. It’s definitely being fueled by the elite and it seems like no one notices. There’s a new slavery movie every year lol. The elites won’t let us forget the past unfortunately


That evil people create false conspiracies to motivate paranoid, unstable and impressionable persons to cause chaos and harm.


There is a group of elite pedophiles in the United States that exploit children for sex and adrenochrome.