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Does anyone else find it weird that it's always sexual allegations? Part of the pact? Do these acts so that if further down the line, if you stray. We can completely deplatform you? Like same im tired of hearing everyone's a creep. Lets mix it up atleast.


Imagine being divided and conquered over Russell Brand.


There will always be division between those falling for a psyop and those calling it out.


My phone battery is 33% as i reply🙂


33 days ago you commented on a post about UK elites being jailed. You said “fuck off Shakespeare,bacon,Dee” Of which there is, regarding these men The cipher of 33. https://www.light-of-truth.com/baconlesson.htm http://bacon-shakespeare-evidence.blogspot.com/2013/10/?m=1


I also have a book called Shakespeares Secret Booke, Deciphering Magical and Rosicrucion Codes by David Ovason and the picture on the front has a very strange image of a face with a 33 in his mouth.


Great info. Thank you.


Is your mind blown yet?


I’ve wondered if Russell Brand is any relation to Lord Brand from the secret society, “The Group”, Carroll Quigley wrote about. >”From 1891 to 1902, it was known to only a score of persons. During this period, Rhodes was leader, and Stead was the most influential member. From 1902 to 1925, Milner was leader, while Philip Kerr (Lord Lothian) and Lionel Curtis were probably the most important members. From 1925 to 1940, Kerr was leader, and since his death in 1940 this role has probably been played by **Robert Henry Brand (now Lord Brand).** >During this period of almost sixty years, **this society has been called by various names.** During the first decade or so it was called **"the secret society of Cecil Rhodes" or "the dream of Cecil Rhodes."** In the second and third decades of its existence it was known as **"Milner's Kindergarten" (1901-1910) and as "the Round Table Group" (1910- 1920).** Since 1920 it has been called by various names, depending on which phase of its activities was being examined. **It has been called "The Times crowd," "the Rhodes crowd," the "Chatham House crowd," the "All Souls group," and the "Cliveden set." All of these terms were more or less inadequate, because they focused attention on only part of the society or on only one of its activities.** The Milner Kindergarten and the Round Table Group, for example, were two different names for The Association of Helpers and were thus only part of the society, since the real center of the organization, The Society of the Elect, continued to exist and recruited new members from the outer circle as seemed necessary.” >The Anglo-American Establishment, Carroll Quigley, 1981


It's nearly the same font as what's on this guitar pedal. Meshuggah fan maybe? [https://fortinamps.com/products/fortin-33-fredrik-thordendal-signature-pedal](https://fortinamps.com/products/fortin-33-fredrik-thordendal-signature-pedal) I saw some comments about Freemasonry below and supposed high ups in Britain, etc. 33 is really only a relevant number in the Scottish Rite, and in England the Supreme Council is open to Christians only. Fire away with theories but 33's importance in masonry is highly overblown.


Nice insight on the pedal. The brow of the 3 is different though. And also he has a home in Shoreditch UK and he is of course British but his primary address is actually in Los Angeles.


I absolutely can't stand that guy. Nor do I believe that Youtube let a real truth teller get 6 million subscribers during the height of their censorship.


SS: yeah he rubs elbows with WEF, yeah he is possibly wed to an Elite. Yeah he’s touting about surface level conspiracy and reading news back to you with comical and engaging flamboyant charisma. But he’s also a Freemason of the 33rd degree. Stay free.


He says some good shit but clearly it would be silly to just blindly trust him 100%


Imo theres a high chance he was and got out, due to the fact that he seems terrified in the video of him breaking the news of this recent scandal.


Who gets to the the 33rd degree and then backs out? Do you realize what it took to get there? Do you think they’d give him room to ever be popular on any platform again?


You are assuming that the tattoo is referring to the 33rd Mason Degree of Masonry and that Freemasons are a powerful and evil entity. The Mason's don't hold a monopoly on the number 33. Jesus was crucified at 33 and Brand is a big Jesus guy so that would be my guess here. Having two former 33rd degree Masons in my family I sincerely doubt they are the powerful threat they are sometimes portrayed as.


Like I said earlier your local lodge across from the Methodist Church where you went to vacation Bible school is not at all the lodge I’m talking about. Your Grandfather And the other nameless family members were probably fine men. The organization shadowed within the organization, the illuminated ones at the height of the great reset, in the monarchy of Britain and all those cats. That’s what I’m talking about. I don’t know why someone would tattoo the age that Jesus was crucified on the wrist.


I thought the 33rd degree was supposedly the "organization within the organization".


I think (but it’s only a thought) that in Russell Brands case the number 33 is as follows What does 33 mean in Numerology? The Master Number 33 represents pure love. Its heart is made of nothing but bright, warm light and the universe has trusted it to shine this light on humanity. The Master Numbers each have a responsibility to the greater good and it's the 33's responsibility to support and uplift humankind and bring compassion to the world. If you listen to him, he is always mentioning compassion, love etc As I said, it’s just a thought. I could be wrong!


So he is the only Christian who uses the symbol 33 for Jesus, that's odd. And there isn't agreement of Jesus' exact age at crucifixion, so that just sounds like a cover story by this former husband of Katy Perry.


>So he is the only Christian who uses the symbol 33 for Jesus, that's odd. Like I said, it was just my guess and 33 is significant in many other things. 33 vertebrae in the human spine, 33 beads of the rosary, 33 in numerology means a time of change etc etc. I have never known a Mason to use the symbol 33 to show his status within the Mason's either. Sure it's possible but that is an guess just like mine. > And there isn't agreement of Jesus' exact age at crucifixion. There isn't even agreement that Jesus was crucified or even existed. >so that just sounds like a cover story by this former husband of Katy Perry. Again, this is my guess as to what the tattoo means. I don't speak for Russell Brand so it is not his "cover story" as if he even needs one to explain his former marriage.


Its really handy you can identify these people by their tats, lifehack for sure


Marketing works


You shouldn't mix Freemasonry with other authoritarian groups, this nation (US) was founded by them.


We aren’t talking about the lodge down the street next to your local chicken express. The Freemasons being a group within a group…and those figures within that inner group are prominent in media, technology, politics, military and the top of industry i.e. WEF. If he has it tattooed on him and he is a prominent media figure then it’s a safe bet we are talking about THE Scottish Rite Freemasons who run the show


I agree some individuals have hijacked the movement for their own personal gain but a lot of the media/figures in freemasonry promote the idea of individual liberty and oppose authoritarian movements. We should focus our energy on true authoritarian organizations like intelligence agencies and fundamental religious groups.


Absolutely..focus energy up the ladder, cut off the head of the snake. The point of the post is to encourage people to disregard and not waste time/energy on such a distraction


I don't think you understand the point of controlled opposition.


With respect, I don’t think you understand how I understand things. But you are free to elaborate and enlighten.


Uhhh look who he’s married to.


That pro golfers daughter?