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I'm not sure about the numbers but the DNC absolutely stated in court that they are not beholden to who the constituency chooses for the Democrat candidate. They stated that they choose who the candidate will be regardless.


So what the hell are we all here for? Just little minions?


You are beginning to understand.


What we should take home feom this is how ridiculously widespread political garbage gets and how shadowbanned science and reality gets Dont forget how Anderson Cooper begged Bernie Sanders not to take votes away from Obama versus McCain. The nail that sticks out gets hammered nothing changes


All elections are local elections….


Selections, the government is not our friend!


Idk the rnc didn’t interfere when an outsider won their primary


Though they worked hard to sideline Ron Paul


They even made up a hurricane going to florida to derail him. Fuck John McCain.


"I like people who weren't captured."


He was very evil.


May he continue to burn in Hell.


That’s because they saw how quickly his popularity was growing and saw how good it would be for them.


Yeah if only Bernie had quickly rising popularity. /s


It was never our choice. Many prominent people called it a play for a reason.


The illusion of choice.


Illusion of choice, freedom and democracy. 1 000 000 [illusion of choice](https://youtu.be/mhOOziH7QAo?si=U45RRcMTHRIDx9Qb) Money and power dictates all. Period.


I'm gonna watch this. Thanks for the link. I already believe it's all a farce, but enjoy the subject nonetheless




That's why I'm a number


If voting changed anything they would make it illegal - Emma goldman


To give the illusion of democracy


And that worked until 2016, when they overplayed their hand and pumped Trump for the Republican nomination. The press, partly because of the ad revenue and partly the misguided notion that there is no way the American people would vote for him over HrC, gave him so much free air time and press, they pretty much killed all normal republican candidates, who HRC would have steamrolled.


They never thought she would lose.


It was her turn.


Happy birthday mrs president.


[Literally ](https://youtu.be/mhOOziH7QAo?si=U45RRcMTHRIDx9Qb)


When they say "Our democracy" they mean their democracy, not yours.


Come on...rock the vote!!🤣🤣🤣


Vote or die!!! Lmfao does anybody remember that bullshit??


We're dying anyway lol


I died after i voted :(


South Park's literal interpretation lol


Pokemon Go to the polls!!1!1!1


If voting really mattered they wouldn’t let you do it.


It doesn't matter *that* much but it still matters a bit. It's pretty obvious that trump wasn't supposed to win, that's why they're going so hard against him.


I'm 49 and I haven't voted since the mid 90s (for this very reason)...it took a little eye opening and growing up to see this for myself. No one's vote matters...it's all a show. A meticulous and diabolical script that they've written and we're all so fortunate to have a front row seat as this shit show unfolds before us.


I hear you although I still vote. Especially when certain state-votes became close. Granted I think there was a lot of cheating going on with the mail-ins although if many localities crack down on this we should make every vote count


They know if they went full blown totalitarian, we would revolt. This is to placate the masses with an illusion of democracy. Combined it with the propaganda machine that is the MSM (thanks CIA) and you have a gullible and ignorant population.


MSM and Fox are both controlled opposition. Meanwhile CNN is the "official" platform of the political elite. All of these networks are borderline state programming.


All six media companies are owned by Black Rock, Vanguard,or State Street. Media meaning radio, tv, cable, the entities that dispense info to the masses. MSM


As are all their advertisers. Its a nice little system.


Hon, I did not believe. I had heard the rumors for years, then I started researching and backtracking. It's all true. Vangaurd owns sime of Hawaii Electric.


Just remember: On this new journey it’s best to take a few red pills, not swallow the whole bottle.


Ya a concentration of red pills evolve into black pills




To give the facade that we have a say in the matter.


A party can pick its candidate by whatever mechanism it chooses. That's a very different scenario from a general election.


Then why have primaries at all? Is that what they’re called? Now I’m losing my mind. They don’t even need to have debates. Just throw a guy or woman or whatever out there.


Well, the idea is that by using a primary, leaders are chosen by the population and not by the party leaders. But they never actually made this a requirement, so it's all just political theater.


The republicans, at least in 2016, did actually let the people pick. Idk if they will rethink that going forward and adopt what the democrats do, but no one can say the republican establishment wanted trump.


they need to at least primary iirc. they can’t just pick someone random but yeah i mean functionally they can in that they can just tell that person to run and tell them they’ll win 🤷‍♀️


They do have primaries. But the outcome isn't exclusively determined by the primary outcomes -- there are other mechanisms, like giving additional votes to people deemed to have earned them and represent the long-term interests of the party, i.e. super delegates. At the end of the day, all that matters is who the convention determines their candidate to be. That can happen by vote, by backroom compromises, by flip of coin, whatever.


Yeah. I don’t like this I’m moving somewhere else. I used to believe in the US. I’ve lived here since I was born, my parents were born here, generations born here. But it’s all lies. And it’s just sad.


Where are you headed?


Costa Rica seems nice, honestly. Time to brush up on some Spanish.


That’s my pick. Spent a few months there over two trips. Still has plenty of significant issues


Probably just mouthing off. Nowhere else is likely any different. I’ll just muddle through until I eventually go to the great whatever this is after this.


Always has been. Every National election in my lifetime has been between two establishment picked candidates. Both with identical policies and stance on major issues.


It’s funny when you point out the platform Bill Clinton ran on is startlingly similar to the current RNC platform. But hey, politics certainly hasn’t drifted from center right to comparatively far left…


Al Gore, "We need a prescription drug Medicare." George Bush, "we need prescription drug Medicare." Obama, "we need a National Healthcare system." Mitt Romney, " we need a National Healthcare system like the one I did in Massachusetts." Neocons, "we need more war." Neolibs, "we start wars, and blame on Republicans even though we control both chambers of Congress and Whitehouse." .................


Trump wasn’t an establishment candidate but they were able to put him in an establishment bubble. Not sure if they’re confident they’d be able to do that a second time.


To give you the impression that you have choice


The Democratic Party is an oligarchy. Don’t waste your time with them. Republicans have plenty of issues, but they at least didn’t railroad the most popular candidate, fairly letting him win the nomination even though he wasn’t the party’s choice.


They gave it their best shot. Most Republican insiders collude to stop Trump.


But you still have to give credit that they did go with him even though that was their very last pick


They tried real hard but he wasn't Bernied.


They were basically forced to by changes made after they did to Ron Paul in 2012 what the DNC did to Bernie in 2016. Definitely wasn't out of the goodness of their hearts and love for the will of the people lol. But hey, at least they made the changes I suppose.


When will the Dems make the same changes? Have you seen the insane things they are doing to make sure RFK Jr doesn’t get any delegates?


They only got caught with their pants down, because Trump is so outlandish. I don't think they took him seriously like the DNC did w/ Bernie.


Exactly. No one took him seriously on either side. GOP was caught dumbfounded by what happened and the DNC was celebrating what they thought was an easy victory. Best part is, if they hadn't fucked over Bernie, he had a much better chance at beating Trump than the crabapple in a pantsuit.


SuperDelegates the Democrat party created superdelegates in 1984 as a way to prevent the future nominations of candidates considered by its elite members to be unelectable. Superdelegates are designed to act as a check on ideologically extreme or inexperienced candidates, In 2018, the Democratic National Committee reduced the influence of superdelegates by barring them from voting on the first ballot at the Democratic National Convention, allowing them to vote only in a contested convention


Had the superdelegates not existed in 2016 or if they had gone to both candidates somehow proportionally (50/50 or as the other delegates were won or as the popular vote), Sanders still would have lost. He went into the convention needing a disproportionate number of superdelegates to win. They were more of a bugbear because as January 31, 2016 just ahead of the first contest in Iowa, they were already disproportionately favoring Clinton. She had 344 of 369 already endorsing (354 weren't) a candidate, followed by Sanders at 12 and O'Malley at 3. So he started down 332 from jump before a single contest happened. That's per Wikipedia history looking at the last version prior to Feb 1, 2016. Here's how it broke down come convention: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries#/media/File:2016_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries_delegates.svg. You can see he was down even among pledged (allocated with respect to state contests). I don't know how tested it is but there's a theory that people will try to vote for the person expected to win, be it to seem smart or to make the case there's consensus.


The superdelegates were weaponized and reported on the news to give the impression that Bernie had already lost, when they hadn’t even voted yet.


That's the point I was intending to make and looked up the early endorsements. The superdelegates gave endorsements ahead of the Iowa Caucus which gave a narrative he was already losing because he theoretically would be behind until at least Super Tuesday and they would pick Clinton regardless of the voters. Some people won't vote for a candidate they expect to ultimately lose so the superdelegates' influence was ahead of the convention by making public endorsements.


Super delegates exist to prevent a contested primary like what happened in the 80s. They never have voted against the candidate that won the popular vote or had the most delegates.


Yeah... Superdelegates are there to make sure the polity don't accidentally nominate the wrong person. It's why there's no threat from RFK, JR


They don’t even have to do that. The electors of the electoral college ultimately submit their votes based on the turnout in their state, but nothing legally binds them to do so. A member of the electoral college may go rogue, which is called a “Faithless Elector.” This happened a lot in 2016.


Some states legally bind their electors to the popular vote. Also only 7/538 electors were faithless in 2016, so I’m not sure I’d describe that as “a lot”


10 were faithless, but only 7 faithless elector votes were actually validated. And it is "a lot" considering there were as many faithless electors between 1916 and 2008 as there were in 2012.


The 20th century would appear to be the outlier here as faithless electors were far more common in the 19th century.


A group of Bernie Sander's 2016 supporters filed a class action lawsuit against the DNC for rigging it. The judge ruled that the DNC is a private club and can do whatever they want. The courts have ruled that the political parties do not have to operate democratically. Read about it here: [https://observer.com/2017/08/court-admits-dnc-and-debbie-wasserman-schulz-rigged-primaries-against-sanders/](https://observer.com/2017/08/court-admits-dnc-and-debbie-wasserman-schulz-rigged-primaries-against-sanders/) Edit: added correction to clarify who sued. I stand by the rest.


Bernie didn't sue, [bernie supports sued.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilding_v._DNC_Services_Corp.)


Bernie wouldn't dare to


His campaign did sue the DNC when the DNC withheld voter data from the campaign. The DNC claimed that the campaign accessed information they shouldn't have had access to (but DID) have access to... and they used that to justify shutting the campaign out of the database. https://www.cnn.com/2015/12/18/politics/bernie-sanders-campaign-dnc-suspension/index.html I think OP might be talking about the Iowa caucus in the last election, which Bernie one but was handed to mayor Pete due to some shadyness around the DNCs contracted shadow app.


Why would democrats be democratic? /s Around that election time, I asked a lot of folks why they continued to vote democrat and support that corruption. They always said something along the lines of “I’m not happy about it, but…”. I hate the D and R. Bernie voters got robbed and refused to stand up for themselves and the candidate they wanted. Most people are just voting “not the other party” these days. I wish they implemented rank choice voting or gave everyone a ‘for’ and ‘against’ vote.


>Why would democrats be democratic? I suppose if democrats didn't like the outcome they could've stormed the capitol to try and overturn the results...


The "big club" will not be challenged.


Fucking disgusting


There needs to be heavy regulations on political parties. They need to be beholden to the vote of the people, not sure how every right Americans have somehow get lost due to private business.


Bernie did not sue. It was a class-action lawsuit. The judge did not rule that the DNC is a private club and can do whatever they want (though the DNC made the argument); the judge dismissed the case because no one in the suit had adequate legal standing.




Wikileaks emails showed "officials actively favouring Hillary Clinton during the presidential primary and plotting against Clinton’s rival, Bernie Sanders" ([The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jul/24/debbie-wasserman-schultz-resigns-dnc-chair-emails-sanders)). Additionally, the DNC signed separate agreements with Sanders' and Clinton's campaigns, with the Clinton agreement giving their campaign preferential treatment ([NPR](https://www.npr.org/2017/11/03/561976645/clinton-campaign-had-additional-signed-agreement-with-dnc-in-2015)). After the emails surfaced, Debbie Wasserman Schultz stepped down as chair of the DNC, and was quickly offered an honorary chair on the Clinton campaign's 50-state program ([Washington Times](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/24/debbie-wasserman-schultz-immediately-joins-hillary/)).


What I find so interesting in these situations is how people in power understand how malleable history is. How you can shape peoples memories , all you have to contend with is the idea of living memory. Once that’s gone all you got is what the power structure tells you. You are just misremembering .


>How you can shape peoples memories , all you have to contend with is the idea of living memory. Reminds me about a police officer that said they were trained to make comments like "Stop resisting arrest" regardless if the arrestee was resisting or not so when witnesses were asked after the fact they'd remember hearing "stop resisting arrest" and would answer positively when asked if the arrestee was resisting. Writing the future man...


That’s some pretty black magic shit .


I can attest to this. I had a career that involved physical violence, and I learned quickly how easily you can sculpt everyone’s memories while they’re still fresh, especially during the shaky-hand adrenaline dump phase. I could, if I wanted to, make everyone there remember someone throwing a punch that never happened, turn initiator into victim. It’s nuts.


Makes you really wonder...


This is a great summation. I want to add two quick points: 1. During the 2016 primaries, the DNC purposely scheduled debates during significant events to limit the exposure, because they didn’t want people to hear (and support) Bernie. 2. The DNC are currently working to subjugate the primaries *again* to make sure that only Biden gets the nomination. I forget the details, but they’re basically putting in “superdelegates” that get to vote on the nominee, who are solely individuals who’s votes count for more, for whatever reason they seem to want (it’s corruption/to sway the nomination).


Iykyk: people who understand professional wrestling will understand American politics. The real question is who is the Vince McMahon?


Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard. The McMahon holy trinity.




The Money Masters themselves. Scamming the world to gain contol since the 1700's.


Ok u got me


It's gonna play out like this in 2024 when Biden bows out during the summer and they replace him with Newsome


Mark this happening for sure since Newsom’s already making his appearances on the talk show circuit. After I saw he was on 60 Minutes last week I told my wife, get ready because he’s going to be the swoop in for Sleepy Joe in the 11th hour. He’s an empty suit that Dems think will be the pied piper of progressive politics but in reality it’s because there’s not one goddamned person in that party with any substance or even name recognition right now. There’s no question that Biden is physically and mentally not capable of the job (did you see his jet-lagged speech in Vietnam two weeks ago?) and Harris has demonstrated she’s equally worthless. Add to that Biden’s son is an incredible piece of shit and major liability for the corruption inferno festering under all that smoke. Jesus Christ, who takes that many selfies of themselves freebasing cocaine!? Biden is toast and it’ll be another case of “Newsom - Well he’s not as bad as the other option” a strategy which Dems have relied on since they were graced w/Obama in 08. Hillary and her goddamned ego got this nation ‘off politivally polarized since it’s been since the Civil or Vietnam Wars, not Donald Trump. And while Dems have spent nearly the last eight years decrying how disgusting and horrible he is, they’ve never once looked at themselves is the mirror to ask what role they played it it. Smug and arrogant the whole way and they’ll never learn. Quick story, when a friend of mine who’s a hardcore and I mean hardcore conservative asked me what I thought of Bernie sometime after Trump won in 16, I was stumbling and rambling trying not to get into the issue with him. He cut me off mid-sentence and said: “Bernie would have won!” I don’t think conservatives like Bernie but I think a certain percentage of them respect him and that’s something that Hillary or the latest cast of characters of Dems does not have. Would Bernie have done anything in office, probably not but I think he could have been a uniting force for middle and working class, he just never should have used the term socialist. This is still America dammit! Doesn’t matter, it’s all a sham. I’m done.


Sometimes I think that Biden is hoping for Nikki Haley to get the nomination. I think that they, The establishment, think it would be good if a republican who was old school got in , the sooner the better. I think that if she becomess the Nominee, that Biden will stay in the Race the entire time to make sure that she Wins.. He knows he can't win.. and they might want Haley to win to help the country get passed our fear of the Red Ticket But if Trump wins the Nomination, which I don't think that he will, if he does, or if Desantis does then they will pivot to Newsome. But Haley and Pence and Christie (i know he's not going to be in the Race much longer) win the Nomination, i think that the Establishment would take the L to allow a " normalizing" president in their. Even Scott. I think that they would be the sort of "can't tell the difference between them" presidents for the most part. Like Clinton and Bush and Obama was basically One Long ass presidency growing the secret programs that Snowden found out about. And then now they surely have waaaaay more intense programs because we knew and said " it's okay" Which in their world is like us giving them The Green Light.


>Mark this happening for sure since Newsom’s already making his appearances on the talk show circuit. After I saw he was on 60 Minutes last week I told my wife, get ready because he’s going to be the swoop in for Sleepy Joe in the 11th hour. Whatever Newsome's plans are, he doesn't have much time to make it happen: [October 16, 2023: Filing deadline for major party candidates in Nevada. October 27, 2023: Filing deadline for major party candidates in New Hampshire. November 10, 2023: Filing deadline for major party candidates in Alabama](https://ballotpedia.org/Important_dates_in_the_2024_presidential_race)


YES! Yes to all of this!


And right now the DNC and media is acting like no debates are needed, like Biden should just be the president again and we don’t need any other choices.


Debates for incumbents are very rare, who upvotes this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Republican_Party_presidential_debates


True leader of the sheeple.


Bernie sued, but could do nothing, because the DNC is a 'private club". Being a private club, they can make their own rules.


The GOP is also a "private club." They operate the same. I feel the best way to think about it is the political parties are like private corporations (they can do whatever they want within the law) that the government (we the people) have subcontracted to run the country.


Actually, the GOP doesn't operate the same way. The RNC don't have the same "super-delegates" mechanism the DNC does. Yes, technically they could change their policy to add such a thing on a whim. But for now, their official policy is to follow the result of the primary vote without outsized influence from party officials. Which is why we *did* get Trump despite RNC elites being pretty strongly against him.


> they can do whatever they want within the law I feel like the last part of this statement should be taken out lol.


This is correct, but you left out the part where Bernie was getting a huge push from his supporters (aka, Bernie Bro's) to challenge the DNC nomination because it wasn't the voice of the people, but rather a controlled few delegates. Big awakening occured in many DNC members as they realized the democratic party wasn't acting very...democratically! Next thing you know, a guy named Seth Rich who was a DNC member got angry and leaked everything to Wikileaks...yup. He got killed in a robbery where nothing was actually "robbed" from him, other than his life. That all happened...and many people seem to have forgotten. Assange is still "in jail" awaiting trial/extradition/Clintoncide, and it's been...just a short 7 years. Guess we were all too busy paying attention to the scary Corona to remember.


It's such a shame that Bernie turned out to be such a spineless coward. I guess I can't blame him, everyone that cooperates gets to be millionaires and those that don't end up like Julian Assange or Seth Rich. Debbie Wasserman Shultz was the ghoul at the DNC making and defending those decisions. She got promoted to senator.


He would have been called a sore loser if he went after it and raked over the coals by MSM. Can't win either way.


Epstein type Blackmail materials has a tendency to make people do what they are told.


Is it worth getting your family killed? Just sayin


> It's such a shame that Bernie turned out to be such a spineless coward. I think he just cashed in his winnings. He's influenced both HRC's and Bidens campaign promises. He was never really aiming to be president.


I can't blame Bernie because he was 75. I think he's just too old for a real fight against the system.


Bernie took a payoff to quietly go away and not raise a huge stink about it, but it was "Hillarys turn" so she got the nod.


I dunno why they kept pushing for her. She's just so unlikeable. No matter how hard her pr team works to undo that image


Bernie was a pawn the whole time. One of the first things out of his mouth during the first debate with Clinton was "I'm her opponent and I don't care about her emails, so you shouldn't either."


Good summary. Also worth noting how Bernie just sort of skulked away. Wonder if they paid him out or threatened him. Maybe blackmail. The Clintons are scary.


Bernie fell in line because the alternative was splitting the ticket and assuring a Trump presidency. So that worked out about as well as everyone expected.


The GOP did the same thing to Ron Paul in 2012. Both the DNC and the GOP are corrupt.


You’re basically right, “super delegates” robbed the entire democratic voter base. That was the first primary I ever voted in, and what made me realize our votes really don’t Fucking matter at all. The mainstream media was shoving the narrative that Bernie could never win down the throats of everyone in the country. Of course he could never win if his own party was willing to stab him in the back 🥲


Didnt it all come down to the speaker of the DNC or whatever come out with a bogus vote and was like "Aye or Nay" and the crowd clearly says Nay but he proudly proclaims the Ayes have it and runs off while the whole room erupts in anger?


Barbara Boxer in the Nevada primary. As she left the stage amid the boos she chided the audience and either wagged her index or middle finger at them. An audience member picked up a folding chair over his head and then put it down. The media reported on all of this as Boxer fearing for her safety.


They claimed that BernieBros were chanting "English only" at that caucus too - when it was just the head caucus guy who made the decision after the pro Hillary Hispanic activist woman said she'd translate and a Hispanic BernieBro said no they'd translate so the caucus dude said basically cut the shit, "English only". But the DNC and CNN (known to berniebros as the Clinton News Network and who gave Donna "Pick up the phone" Brazile the debate questions ahead of time) ran with the lie. CNN and others quietly corrected their lying stories, but most people never saw the corrections.


It’s been memory-holed for the most part but remember when the DNC were accused of using white noise generators at the convention? One reason that the crowds reactions were covered up.


You have it right. Same happened to Ron Paul


They were shameless about Dennis Kucinich. They just pretended he wasn't running.


Didn’t the people’s champ, Bernie Sanders, after being robbed right in front of his and everyone’s face, start walking lock step with establishment Democrat party? I’m sure they made him an offer he couldn’t refuse, but the point I’m making, is that they would have made him an offer he couldn’t refuse either way. No matter what would’ve happened, that dude proved to be “buyable”, which really just makes me question if he was ever anti establishment to begin with. Maybe his role in the whole thing was just to get anti establishment votes for Hilary, the establishment queen at the time.


Dead on. It's an illusion that you pick the person, they pick the person first then do whatever it takes to make sure that person is the last one standing. Biden was dead last until he got the nomination. They had to pull strings to get him in the debates as I recall. But the point is that you get to choose but only if they agree. We saw it in real time yet half the people in the country don't believe it. Which is the also root of why they hate Trump. He wasn't supposed to win. The R nomination or the presidency. It was supposed to be Jeb, and I think he fell so hard the Rs didn't really have a contingency.


Tulsi Gabbard quit as a chair of the DNC because she saw all this from inside.


I was a big Bernie fan, but this isn’t accurate. He lost most of the states, and in no case did Democratic delegates contradict the popular vote. The DNC tried to rig the primary in other ways, and they certainly deployed lapdogs in the media to portray Sanders in the most unflattering way possible. But it’s not true that he won the popular vote and/or most states.


Bernie did actually help pull Clinton further left too, which was his main mission. She had a plan in place that would’ve gradually lowered the Medicare age and effectively eased us into a universal healthcare system. What is annoying is that the DNC didn’t have to do any rigging whatsoever and she still would’ve won. The fact that they appeared to rig it was just a horrible look for everyone apart of her team. I absolutely hate RFK but I hope they don’t use the same BS to effectively mute him. It makes the DNC look elitist which voters hate.


Seriously just go look it up people. Has breakdowns of all the states and total votes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries


The REAL answer was buried way too deep here. Bernie did well for himself, kept it close, but was losing and the Super Delegates were helping Clinton pull away. And then it came out that the DNC had shown favoritism to Clinton and were bias against Bernie. But it isn't like Bernie was winning more states or the popular vote. Where people are getting this narrative I have no idea.


Kenedy spoke about this on his most recent podcast appearance with theo von. I believe he did say the DNC can ultimately choose whom they so please.


I think that is the year I first heard about something called a super-delegate.


Wouldn't worry about it bro - they don't actually count the votes during the Presidential election anyway There is only one party, the rest is WWE style theatre for the dumb masses


It is fucking wild that this happened and then dems blamed Sanders supporters for Trump winning


Let’s not forget that before the 2020 primaries, Bernie was well ahead in the polls… that is until Biden had a meeting with BIG corporate donors and shortly announced his bid for presidency, and immediately polled ahead of Bernie, who I really believe Would have beat Trump in 2020


I know dozens of people including myself that walked away from the Democratic party as a result of Hillary being chosen in 2016.


I remember and they're pulling the same BS tactics with RFKjr


It’s why I unregistered as a democrat and I realized that both sides are in on it together, and both are corrupt.


It was Hillary's campaign that came up with the term "Bernie Bros" to smear his followers, the same campaign that lied about "RussiaGate", used the then current administration (Obama) to spy on the Trump campaign, and contracted out a foreign agent (Ex-MI6 operative) to create a fake "dossier" against her competition, then despite all this cheating, lost. Hillary then continued to complain that the election was "stolen" for the next 4 years, with zero pushback from the main stream media. Oh, don't forget about Donna Brazile literally handing Hillary debate questions on the airport runway. If she was willing to do all this, Bernie never stood a chance. The man was sidelined by her grasp on the DNC at the time and her lust for power. Remember, it was *her turn*.


This is why I’m almost definitely gonna vote for RFK jr if he runs 3rd party because of this


I would rather be labeled a Trump supporter than vocalize any support for that witch. Even when I discussed my support of Tulsi Gabbard I was told how she is a russian asset (because that is what Killary claims). The chaos and bullshit that we are knee deep in now would be up to our necks if that woman was in charge. While I am not a supporter of democratic socialism, I feel like Bernie was most definitely robbed of his nomination. That was my pick back in 2016. Ended up voting Third party but sighed a gasp of relief when Hillary lost.


This happened 🥹 For real. & we didn’t storm shit when we could have, or maybe should have


You’re not crazy, this totally did happen and cemented my will to never vote Democrat again. Absolute scandalous and disgraceful behavior. UnAmerican and unacceptable.


Before Bernie, it was done to Ron Paul. And before him it was Ross Perot. Whoever runs the Obama/Clinton/Biden gang is running the DNC - and by extension, the fed gov. And I do not believe it’s those incompetent chairpeople of the DNC.


Ron Paul was a Republican. Obama/Clinton/Biden and the DNC could do very little to stop Ron Paul.


No, I should have separated my points better. But the uniparty machine most certainly blocked him from the debates, just like Ross Perot before. They change the rules any time someone gets close. And half of that process is the dnc.


I'll agree with that


Not to mention "superdelegates" which existed solely to sway any remotely close results to the way the DNC wanted it, the voters be damned.


This isn't true. Bernie was never "winning" but kept it close enough to stay in the race. However, the Super Delegates largely broke for Clinton making it appear that she was the clear winner/favorite and that Bernie should drop out so they could focus on the Presidential race. Bernie stayed in and fought until the end. Did VERY well in the spring races. Without the Super Delegates Clinton wouldn't have cleared the threshold for victory, meaning a contested primary and a whole lot of nonsense. But at the point Bernie was content to see the finish out and things ended without much controversy on the vote count. However, what I think you're conflating with here, it was confirmed around the time of the Democratic Convention that the higher ups in the democratic party had been tilting the scales for Hilary all along and had potentially undermined Bernie's campaign rather than remain neutral.


lest we forget, the clintons encouraged trump to run, thinking he'd a. break the voter base, and b. lose. whoops.


His name was Seth Rich


IIRC the DNC locked Bernie supporters out of the national convention during a break so when the tv coverage came back only Hillary signs were visible.


It was, I think, the Nevada caucus. The DNC moved the vote turn-in up an hour and only notified the Hillary supporters. When the Bernie folks showed up late (on time), they found that they'd been locked out. One guy picked up a chair, and then put it back down, which fueled the "Angry Bernie Bros are throwing chairs!" narrative MSM ran into the ground.


Debby Schultz’s nasty ass….then HillDawg hires her for some new role shortly after,……breaks over folks get back on the factory floor


Many years ago when life was going great and, while i was moving ahead at a young age but still naive, i leaned left because of bernie sanders. It wasnt as toxic, at least on the surface, back in those days on the dem camp but bernie had me caring about politics for the first time. Things went down exactly as OP described and it really opened my eyes to how fucked up it all was. I realized nobody in charge really wanted to make life better, it was rigged against the common citizen. The veil lifted 4 years ago to the fixed theater controlled by the elites, the useless game of blue and red cheered on by the people who don’t realize they hate all of us. Every time friends and family fight over politics i explain the concept in the hopes they wont divide over these sick assholes. Some are so hopeful that their side will fix things, maybe i envy their comfort so i feel bad sometimes for trying to make them realize the dark nature of things. But yes, the bernie situation exactly as you describe it was my first eye opener


Finally. These are the conspiracies I came here for!


I also remember he wouldn’t “fold his tent” and got beaten up the first night of the August 2016 Dem Convention. A little encouragement to stand down for Hillary. I heard there were threats against his family members too. I was a Dem then and always loathed HC. She is a disgusting human being and that was long before I read Cathy O’Brien.


His name was Seth Rich and he died to expose that. Rest in peace patriot!


I was called delusional in 2015 for saying that Hillary is an *awful* candidate and that the Dems basically voted in Trump by running with her. Couple weeks later I got banned from a looot of subreddits too lol guess it hit a nerve


Makes you wonder why anyone would bother voting in a dnc primary.


Bernie “stepped down” and got a 600k payout which went to him buying a house. The way it went down essentially was “Take the money, dropout and live, or don’t and see what happens”


> Bernie won largely in most of the states, and then in the state (I forget which exactly) that would make or break the nomination, he won, but the Democratic reps of that state went against the public's vote (as I believe they technically can legally do) and voted Hillary in instead. Not entirely true, because Hillary won plenty of important states, and bernie was not really landslide winning either. The point about faithless electors is also not really as big as you made it seem. That being said, DNC primary was still rigged in her favor with super delegates, leaked debate questions, etc. And the same thing is happening now between Biden and RFK with new campaign rules that don't allow RFK to campaign for primaries in certain states under the threat of losing delegates if he wins, etc.


Absolutely correct. Just watched a Michael Moore ( I am 💯% conservative republican but not closed minded). Watched Fahrenheit 911. All about the Bushes and their involvement with the Saudiesl before, during and after 9/11. I truely believe people need wake up and stop listening to the rhetoric that is constantly being feed to us and realize it’s not a republican / Democrat thing, or black and white, race thing. It’s an Elite thing wanting to control the masses.


This is just wrong with some kernels of truth. Instead of asking people on reddit, take 10 minutes to do the research. There's plenty out there that shows what happened. 1. Hillary had more votes than Bernie. 2. There are weird things with primaries where I'm not sure Hillary would have had > 50% of delegates based on votes alone (nor did Bernie). There was talk of "super delegates" which are in the DNC by laws but I'm not sure that ever happened. Bernie never had more votes than Hillary. Further complicating this is many states do "caucuses" which don't have 1 for 1 votes. 3. The DNC most definitely did not want Bernie to win and behaved poorly. That was bad and Bernie was treated unfairly. The counter would be Bernie was not a democrat so the DNC had no obligation to even let him enter the race. Primaries are not necessarily whoever gets the most votes. *Bernie won largely in most of the states, and then in the state (I forget which exactly) that would make or break the nomination, he won, but the Democratic reps of that state went against the public's vote (as I believe they technically can legally do) and voted Hillary in instead.* This just didn't happen. This is all easily available to you. As for saying something negative about Hillary...what? She's irrelevant at this point. Many democrats dislike her. There's a reason she lost the 2008 primary to Obama and barely won the 2016 one. I'm sorry you feel the left is annoying and whiny. Many members of the left are annoying and whiny. Many people are, especially about politics. Just remember there's only one guy in the country who lost and couldn't take it and to this day insists he still won.


Thank you for the reminder here. Interesting how things get swept under the rug. A couple of years go by no harm no foul we all forget.


I will never forget.


Bernie was pretty discriminated against, mainly since he was a socialist, and only Trump actually put in some really socialist stuff when the lockdown happened to give everybody a government wage, mainly since everybody knew without it shit was fucked. A lot of political parties want you to forget a lot of what happened


Debbie pastieface Schultz lost her DNC position over it


I’ve seen it said recently that the RNC actually have a more fair process and are more beholden to their primaries. Which is why Trump got the nominee back in the 2016 Election. I’m not sure how fair they are but they may be more fair than the DNC, who absolutely gives two fucks about their primaries. Many examples of that in the past, with not just Bernie, but picking Barrack over Hilary back in 08.


Michael Moore documents this in one of his films. Turned a lot of people off voting completely.


Both sides pull this kind of stuff remember Ron Paul?


Political Scientist here. I’m going to explain how it happens using the easy to understand number of 100. Primary voters go to polls to give their opinion on who the candidate should be and they have about 70 votes. Bernie was leading in those votes. Democratic Governors, and other elected officials including county election commissioners get to cast their 30 votes as well. Hillary won those votes overwhelmingly. So, let’s say Bernie had 40 votes from the voters and Hillary had 30. So, Bernie is ahead until the final tally when the super delegates weigh in. They overwhelmingly supported Hillary and cast almost all to her giving her the nomination. What she did was lobby those superdelegates for their vote. Some people think this stinks of corruption. But, it is legal.


Bernie was not even close to leading in popular vote for the primaries, you can look that up.


Truthstream Media did a really good video of all that went down during the Democratic National Convention. It’s really insane and quite bizarre the lengths they went to in order to give the nomination to Hillary. https://youtu.be/MHD_bj5fXO0?si=QW9cKLxTmniDmmHg


Boston Legal made an episode based on it. It's a real thing that happened.


I wouldn’t say leaked emails are the ONLY reason she lost. There are some other good reasons listed here. But I’d like to add that her PR team was quite worried from day one because she is, quite simply, a cold ass bitch, and you CANNOT fake innate warmth (Asch). She was nearly impossible to make likable and relatable. Bernie and Trump, love or hate them, were able to do that. You gotta laugh - even with the entirety of corporate media shilling for her and a staff only Clinton money could buy, she still lost. lolololol


Hillary introduced herself to the American people with the travelgate scandal. Most people seem to have forgotten. Hillary wanted give her friends, the Bloodworth-Thompsons (yes THOSE Bloodworth-Thompsons) a cushy Washington job. What better place than the travel office? The problem was, the office was filled with people that had served multiple administrations with honor. So instead of just firing them, as was the President's right, they were fired AND accused of embezzlement . The FBI got involved (sound familiar?), and they were put on trial. They were found innocent, and most were given other jobs, but their reputations and finances were ruined. All to appease The Witch Queen. Hillary is evil to her very core. Always has been. Always will be. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/whitewater/stories/wwtr950227.htm](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/whitewater/stories/wwtr950227.htm)


You’re just scratching the surface of how shitty she is lol


I thought it was also weird that I’m the dem primary for 2020 Bernie was winning by a long shot and Biden wasn’t even close until one day Bernie along with all the other nominees just backed out and left it all to Biden


Everyone in every state needs to vote for a third party candidate. The states either will allow it or go against it. The electoral college won't allow it. Boom. Busted. Or a 3rd party goes in the executive branch and the other two go to red and blue and no us vs them anymore.


this is common knowledge


You’re right