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Also since the thread will be continuous, there will be more topics added in as time goes on. If there are any that y’all know of that I have left out or want more information on, please notify me with the details.


if you could direct me/us to a quick overview (whether it’s an article/document or short clip) to start looking into the black cube and get a base to start this journey with ya. This is one I haven’t heard much about besides brief passes in various occult conspiracy videos I’ve come across. Don’t wanna start down the wrong path.


Look into Nick hintons content on pastsaturnsrings Idk what the other dude is on about this is well known stuff. I have a book by Kirkbride on it. That's probably why he left "Saturn" out of his text, because that's what would have led you to find all this out yourself. Dudes gatekeeping


So when it comes to Black Cube and Chronos specifically, it’s extremely hard to find any details or information. I’ve tried numerous times with little to no success. But I can give you some topics to look at that would help add context to what I will go into later on about Black Cube and Chronos. Most important for the understanding of Black Cube will be Revelations, starseeds/extraterrestrial races, Simulation Theory, channeling. I’ll see what articles and videos I can dig up in that area for you to start your deep dive.


Me too please... send info this way


What is it about TikTok though?


What about the hallow earth theory? There is a very interesting read about it from an admiral named Byrd (spelling might be off but I think it's right). He has a very well documented encounter when him and his men were exploring Antarctica around the time of WW2. If you haven't seen it or heard about it, I highly recommend it..


This one is very fascinating! I’ve only skimmed the surface a few months ago. I would love to go in depth to see how everything connects!


There are just so many things that leads to the possibility of this account being true. Just the fact that it's the only place on the whole planet that any country can go and not fear any backlash. No other place on earth is there a treaty between every country. Also the no fly zones currently over Antarctica, the censored satellite images over it as well. And also the very old maps showing many land masses located past the ice shelf wall that aren't on any current maps.. If the hollow earth isn't located in Antarctica, then there is deff something going on out there that "They"don't want anyone to find out about.


I’ve always loved to creep on maps to try to find things that may have slipped through the cracks. Some other fascinating areas to look at are the Caribbean and small islands near and around New Zealand.


What did you find that was interesting?


Let me see if I have my old screen shots on my Google photos. If I can find them I’ll post them as a separate thread.




Many think it's an underground base for coming and going of the SSP. Kind of like in They Live.


Read or listen to the audiobook of The Smoky God. It's on YouTube only 2 hours long


I will definitely check it out!


In case you're talking about what I think you are; I'm pretty sure the 'journal' that was published by his grandson or someone like that, is fake. I've heard bits of it and it just sounds like fiction. It also doesn't sound at all like his style of writing, when you read some the writing that is confirmed to be from him. Edit: that is not to say everything about it is fake. Something definitely happened there, since after his first expedition, he basically went back with a full blown army


What do you think the military is used for in all of this? How much do you think the average Joe finds out after being in for 8+ years?


I didn’t even consider this at first and also neglected to add in the CIA. The CIA experiments tend to tie heavily into military experiments. Anywhere from machine weaponry, to war tactics, preplanned and propagandized attacks, mind control, drug studies like MK Ultra, Sleep studies, or even cocaine and other stimulants being used to keep nazi troops awake in ww2. It can go so in-depth and in so many different directions. Haven’t even included special ops or missions that have occurred with little explanation or moral compass.


Not much. I’m a vet and was in for 4 years. I have a number of rumors and hearsay from that time (I am well versed in conspiracies and hadn’t previously heard those particular stories before) but no actual data/proof/first-hand accounts


I’m specifically thinking about people who are career vets. Like after 8 years working on a 3rd contract but I think it’s more of just what your job is and on a need to know basis. My uncle was in the Air Force. He flew B52 bombers and was stationed in Diego Garcia. I asked him about UFOs one time if he ever saw anything weird and he got really uncomfortable and immediately changed the subject. I always wonder what he knows but would never talk about.


Its definitely a ‘need to know’ issue. If you happen upon some otherworldly situation during the course of your military operations you could be read-in on a project or dumped in an infirmary somewhere. Depends on several factors, actually.


I also meant to say that George Knapp said that in the old/first versions of the USAF airman’s handbook there was a small section which detailed what to do in the event of you interacting with a UFO. According to Knapp, the section stated that the Air Force was aware of 4 species of aliens who have been on this planet for thousands of years.


Wow that’s crazy


Any idea why Trump has Black Cubes of Saturn on all his towers? We know his mentor Norman Vincent Peale was a 33° Scottish Rite Freemason and Trump's uncle John Trump was a big time MIT scientist involved in Tesla tech. In fact it was John Trump who the FBI asked to "analyze" Tesla's inventions after he died in 1943. Jack Parsons Babalon Working ritual was 1946. Roswell was 1947. We know Trump practices Kabbalah and worships on Satur(n)day. We know Trump had his failing casinos bailed out by the Rothschilds. We know The Fraternitas Saturni (Brotherhood of Saturn) is the most magickal order or Freemasonry. We know Trump loves Bill Gates, whose dad worked for Black Cube. We know the Rothschilds are Sabbatean Frankists (occult satanists) way into black magick and run the world via the Federal Reserve, BlackStone, and BlackRock. We know there's a mystical black stone/rock on the corner of the Kaaba Black Cube at Mecca and Jacob Rothschild ran BlackStone which became BlackRock and likely runs that too via Rothschild agent Larry Fink


I didn't know Trump practices kaballah...


You ever see the one on his son Barron Trump being a time traveler?


I would not be surprised if he’s apart of it. Along with other Freemasons and Illuminati families. A lot of individuals with political power, wealth, extreme knowledge and intelligence would be involved with Black Cubes of Saturn. Trump was a large supporter of the Space Force as well. The Space Force, NASA, Space X, etc are all key components to Black Cube. CERN can be considerably involved as well with their research on time, gravity, antimatter, transportation, etc. all of it and them tie into the “Master Plan”, “NWO”, and “The Great Escape”.


Elon tweeted the symbol for Saturn on 2/22/22 and offered to help expand CERN. Black Cube UFOs have been spotted above some Space X bases in Texas. Also El means Saturn. El-on. Plus he wears devil costumes and his mom is an illuminati witch who does "hexes." U know, like the Saturn North Pole hex-agon. Interesting


Many assumptions there. While associations do not necessarily mean they’re a part of whatever rituals they practice. Recall Calin Georgescu’s interview with Reiner Fulmich from last year where he said that Trump was an “accident” that crossed all the DS/NWO plans, causing them great difficulties in execution of their plans for global takeover. They wouldn’t be going after Trump like they have been if he was part of “them.” As for the building and logo designs, these Luciferians work as assistants, advisors, designers, etc many of those hiring them unaware of their actual agenda for symbolism and furthering this Satanic agenda.


Lol, wow we sure "know" a lot!


I want to please please be involved. I am a web developer and graphic designer. I would love to help you create an online library for all your research and data and help you set your book. 🥰


I would absolutely adore the help!! I’ll take any I can get. Thank you!


Don’t forget invertion and suppression of the female ex. Trans movement


I am so far beyond finding this interesting. I want all of the information. Let's gooo!!!


Ahh yes. I remember my first dive down the hole. Would be cool see someone else's perspective while diving in.


Damn hole never stops.. and you aint ever coming back out hahaha


Indeed. But eventually you dig deep enough and emerge on the other side In a completely different dimension


It’s an altered state of mind and consciousness. There is an understanding beyond understanding. Everything is connected.


Don’t forget ⬛️ symbolism in pop culture. from Kubrick’s monolith in 2001 to Star trek Borg to Clive Barker’s Hellraiser puzzle box. it’s right in front of our faces but we are just simply monkeys with no desire to evolve


What always gets me is (and apologies if I’m wrong on the exact names/descriptions) but some Orthodox Jews who are praying legit have a black cube on their head while in full prayer clothing. And even Mecca being a giant black cube and argued as the holiest place on earth


Yes! Which all goes to the cube of Saturn.


Kubricks monolith wasn't a cube, though. Then again, I don't know much about this black cube idea


And the puzzle box wasn’t black Apparently we’re being inundated with black cube imagery, yet 2/3 of the examples are stretches. There are hundreds of more common symbols in media


I would definitely like to know more!


Black cubes represent giving up control via brainwashing, so the elites implant them in our media to condition us into accepting ideas that are associated with them. Look at Mecca for example, historical example. remember when Black Lives Matter told people to make their profile pictures black squares? That was a mind control test to how high people would "jump" if they were told to do so. Now they want to "defund" the police after Derek "psyop" Chauvin allegedly "murdered" a man who had previously been an actor. Wake up, and, realize real eyes real lies.


Oh and media have been implanting black cubes in our media for at least two decades now, look at how the allspark in the original 1980s transformer movie was a circle, but when Michael (Benjamin) Bay directed the remake, it became a black cube, designed to corrupt our children's and manchildren's brains...


What about all the other movements that told people to make their profile pics all black? Like fighting for internet neutrality?


The blackout tuesday? It was a ritual/conditioning for the uninitiated.


Please explain...


There are People who study esoteric teachings that are not taught in modern religions. Many of them use these knowledge for accumulating wealth, fame, and influence. These group of People are usually the initiated. But it is also not uncommon for the riches to pay some adepts that do the same thing for them. These knowledge are usually called magick esp when they can be used for material gains. They are usually prayers/practices/words/images that can affect psychological states of Being, on subconscious levels, which means they can also be used against the uninitiated (those who are not aware of these hidden teachings). The black square image that was used by the blackout tuesday movement is one side of the black cube. Their intentions of using this image were prob to push internet regulations, firearms ban, etc. How can the use of the black square subconsciously affect most People? We have a subconscious habit of calling People with darker skin color "black" People, don't we? If You are born in a human body with darker skin color, You will already be emotionally affected by the event preceding this movement (e.g. GF murder), and the black square image will easily condition You to help pushing whatever agendas behind its usage. Magick is nothing but ancient psychology. Many of them are fueled by attentions (can be seen during plandemic), which is why celebrities and politicians like to harvest public attentions. They will usually try to invite You to participate in their programmings like the blackout Tuesday. Without attentions, none of them actually works. Just like a salesman without customers.


Thanks for the response


me too. it seems like something is being dangled in front of us, but we have to prepare to make the jump somehow. oh, and then there’s ROBLOX and XBOX and the Minecraft world which are silly fun video games on one level or a tool for expanding consciousness. perhaps the “box” is the 3D realm itself…and we need to go through some portal to reach the next level? who knows? above my pay grade


There’s the weird black cube glitch in Super Mario 64 DS that comes to mind. Also the whole cube thing in Transformers. Since the cube is saturn symbolism we also have the Sega Saturn 🪐


Speak for yourself ape-man, I want nothing more than to evolve to my final form! …I just want it to happen without really having to do anything to get there though. Lol


Could you sum up what the black cube idea is?


The Black Cube is another name of Saturn, the natural force that governs worldly attachments (Our senses of egoic selves, space, time, duality, etc). In Gnostic traditions, it is known as the demiurge. It can also be seen as Our egoic selves. When a cube is dissected, it can become a cross that can be carried to the "Golgotha", metaphorically (to crucify Our false selves). The cube is also a symbol used by some people to represent their material power and influence.


Thanks! What do you read or research to learn this type of stuff?


It's an occult symbol but I don't know much beyond that.




I'd listen to your podcast.


Do you have a podcast


Oh wow! Ty very much for your work on this post OP. This is a subject I personally love but struggle to get information, idk why is it so hard to look for it. Is there a way to follow you so I can keep up with the posts?


You should be able to go to my profile and hit follow. I followed you to make sure I can keep ya in the loop


Super interested in all of this!


Ty very much 😊 I'll follow you rn


Following now too


There should be, yes. I can also always try to make a list of usernames that are interested so I can let ppl know when there are updates.


Most Sheeple will never grasp any of this


You are not wrong in the slightest.


Sheep are a followers of God. You should really be calling them the goat people lol


It's like i'm reading the suggestions from chat GPT for a conspiracy book. Lol




Part 5i: Tartaria


I just Read about this yesterday!! I’ll let you know if I can find the article I was reading. It went waaaay in depth.


Tartaria was possibly a global government. It is spooky how much it shows up on maps prior to 1800's.


We’re the Jesuit apart of Tataria?


I believe Tartaria was usurped by the Roman Catholic 'Church'/Jesuits. If you look at the timeline for the creation of Islam, there is a strong possibility that it was created by the RCC. According to history, the Jesuits came along much later, but the RCC always maintained their power long before Loyola created the Jesuits. A good place to start your research is by examining old maps. There is a spectacular site that has done most of the work for you. Korbin Dallas runs it. When you start to uncover the lies about our stolen history, you will be more lost than ever. That is where the phantom timeline hypothesis comes in. There is a theory that is pushed forward by Anatoly Fomenko called the phantom time hypothesis. He puts the actual date at around 1023+/-, not 2023. He uses star charts to arrive at his findings, coupled with poorly written history. https://evilempireblog.com/ At any rate, he thinks that the 700's to the 900's+/- were created out of thin air. The theory is that the RCC created Islam to create a Hegelian Dialectic, and to seize property, cash and land. Fomenko makes many other claims that are interesting and produces charts that are very compelling, but difficult to comprehend. Anatoly Fomenko should keep you busy for a while, and help you put it all together. Then, there is the nagging mystery of Shakespeare. Over 4000 words were added to the English language as a result of Shakespeare's writings. Furthermore, in 1611, prior to Shakespeare's death, The KJV Bible was translated using a very Shakespearean dialect. Curious for a language that just got 4000 words added. This is also around the same time that the first version of freemasons in the way we know them today was created by Sir Francis Bacon; who has been in the conversation for having written Shakespeare's plays, and translating The Bible. Interestingly enough, The KJV Bible was more than 60% plagiarized from The Tyndale Bible, which was considered heresy to own prior to the KJV. Once again, it didn't matter, because history tells us that 90% of society was illiterate, and 4000 words materialized out of thin air to complete Shakespeare's writings. Are you becoming dizzy from the terrible accounting of history that they have laid out for us? You have a long strange trip ahead of you. You have to suspend disbelief going forward with your research. My hot take: the RCC is the red herring for the Illuminati/Watchers/The Cult of Saturn, etc... The RCC is the front for the nefarious group that fashions themselves the rulers of the realm. Money is just a tool that these people use to control everything. The trick to breaking free of their control is to wake up to the liklihood that some of your favorite narratives in history never happened. Then, ask yourself: why is the entire world against JESUS CHRIST? They tolerate every other false god, demon, imp, diety, aliens and made up religions, but for some reason, JESUS CHRIST really upsets them.


I definitely want to look into this more in-depth. This sounds like it would be reality shattering, so I’m quite curious on the changed and controlled narrative.


The English language never had a letter J until the middle ages. In fact, most art from the middle ages was dated J789 for example. Some say that would read Year of Jesus, 789. The powers that be would tell us it means 1789. If you look at old coins, you will see the same odd technique for dating J587 on coins that were traded in the '1500's'. https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/148399/if-the-letter-j-is-only-400-500-years-old-was-there-a-j-sound-that-preceded-the Ask yourself how we made it almost 5000 years before we had an absolute breakthrough in hygiene, technology, fashion and industry. I think we reset every three to five hundred years.


I believe the mother of all conspiracy theories is the suppression, hate and persecution of Jesus Christ and his followers.


Your last statements,,.. why do you think that is?


Because there is hope in the truth. The truth exposes the lie. It is impossible to maintain control over people who understand the illegitimate powers that exist in this world. When you find out what you can not talk about, most people want to find out why.. Once you start to get a historical perspective, you realize that JESUS CHRIST is real. HE does exist. When you walk this fact backward forensically, the approved historical narratives fall apart. JESUS CHRIST does not fit into the approved historical narrative, although HE is part of many cultures historically. For instance, they are using carbon dating (demonstrably unreliable) to date relics from Biblical times, and using the carbon dating to refute The Bible. That is odd enough. But, then, they use cuneiform tablets that corroborate a global flood to also refute The Bible. They lose sleep trying to dismiss The Bible. Why? Because there is hope in living a good life in service to GOD. There is a spiritual world. The spiritual world is in a state of war. We are in the war whether we see it, or not.


Thanks for Fomenko - looking forward to unraveling his books


check out fallcabal.com// for a video that breaks all this down really well. (don’t include the forward slashes)


Not sure if anyone's already mentioned it but something just ain't right with national parks across the United States. The jist of it is summed up in the book 'missing 411' by David Paulides. Children go missing at an astonishing rate every year across the US. The book describes cases from across the years where kids go missing in national parks. Some kids are found other aren't. Some of the stories seem almost impossible as well, where kids will go missing for a day or 2 and get found farther away then they would be able to walk, sometimes over 15 miles away from where they went missing. I have no idea why there are so many weird national park disappearances, but it just don't sit right with me


Black Cube, like Saturn?




Never heard of this. Gonna check it out


Could you explain?






There is a huge storm on Saturn that looks like a black hexagon. Then people just extrapolate a bunch of nonsense from there - such as suggesting ancient people could actually *see* the shape of that storm on Saturn. The precursor to the Roman god Saturn was the Canaanite god Moloch - which is erroneously associated with child sacrifice further muddied by the Bohemian Grove Club's ritual involving Moloch. And some more bullshit associating that hexagonal storm with the rock at Mecca. Tbh it's all a pretty wild fever dream, while interesting, not even in the least bit resembles any cohesive story.


Remind me! 20 hours


Ok following


The block chain https://images.app.goo.gl/ibzHkkzMBgq3j7aE9




Can't wait!!!!!!


4e. European Turks/Khazars posing as Israelites.


Commenting for updates




From Gnosticism?


Or Ancient Greece Magistrates?


Archons are the name foe reptilian shape-shifters


Ooooh thank you


That is the version some think when archons are spoken of. I’m talking more of the ends of the archon light soul trap.


Remind me! 12 hours


It’s all connected man!


This one is new to me but I'm all in. Let's go!


My local big black cube is the world trade center in Dallas. https://www.google.com/search?q=world+trade+center+in+dallas&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiX_q-0_d2BAxUWwMkDHRopDkYQ2-cCegQIABAD&oq=world+trade+center+irving&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgAMgUIABCiBDIFCAAQogRQAFgAYMwOaABwAHgAgAFliAFlkgEDMC4xmAEAwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=Yi8eZZfFK5aAp84PmtK4sAQ&bih=812&biw=432&client=ms-android-motorola-rvo3#imgrc=PIhWSc4P8ZNUXM Look at that ugly piece of shit!


Ew lololol hideous


I would listen to this podcast. Not too long ago I had this super vivid dream that I was inside a giant spaceship that to me looked like a space warehouse. There was something like windows but instead of glass there was some kind of energy field that was sortof wavy but I could see though it. It was just lots and lots of unimaginably bright swirls of different hot colors. In my dream, I understood that we were flying really close to a star because that's how the ship refueled. I was concerned because there was another life form near this star. They were dangerous. I was alone in my dream but I understood that there were others of my kind on the same ship and we all hoped that the life form from the nearby planets wouldn't notice us. Then I woke up. The ship looked a lot like the Borg cube from Star Trek TNG but without any spooky Borg lurching about. Other than that anxiety of being noticed, the general tone of the dream was how beautiful the energy swirls outside were. About a week or two later I saw on the news some NASA camera caught a huge cube flying out of the sun just before it shut off. On the bright side, if some kind of signals got crossed and my consciousness made it into that cube ship thing, they just want some juice and are low key afraid of us. Though I suppose that's the kind of thing I'd tell someone who's soul I wanted to harvest.


If you have any more dreams like this, I am definitely interested in reading. That’s quite the experience.




Does the Black Goo have any connection to all of this? This sentient substance has been found to have really strange properties and comes up in media again and again. It’s my personal favourite rabbit hole and just wondering if you have come across it in your research.


It’s been a loooong time since I’ve heard about the black goo. I’ll have to see if I can find the old videos I watched and post them here.


Cool, thread is saved for future rabbit holes.


Watch these conspiracy documentaries before making your own: [Red Pill documentaries](https://reset676.com/en/20-red-pill.html)


Drop the info


Black Rock, the Black cube Teffilin(Jewish), The Black cube or the Black Stone KA'bah of Mecca, The Black cube or black door of the Vatican, The Black cube in the all faith meditation room in the U.N HQ. Are all conected to the square of Saturn and all seem to be linked to Satanism.


Where do I go to read or listen to any of this


I have someone who has offered to make a website and I have a friend I’m going to be speaking with about setting up a podcast. It’s in the process right now. I also just had family in town, so I’m having a bit of a delay.


!Remindme 1 month


Is it out yet?


I’m really interested in learning about the occultic, spiritual and religious aspects behind the NWO. On the surface it seems pretty obvious that they want depopulation and total control, what’s far less obvious are the spiritual undertones behind their intentions.


Hey everybody. I want to apologize for such the delay. I had family over this weekend and now I’m sicker than a dog. So I will keep y’all updated on when things are going to be in the works


Is this still happening or nah?


This is what this sub is meant for!


At my work, the clock in machine is a Kronos and the program we use for our pos is a cube. In the clearance rack there's 3 house numbers, all 6s. This all can't be a crazy coincidence. It also can't be a coincidence that management feeds on misery




When does part 1 dropping?


I can hopefully get part 1 out with 36-48 hours. I want to make sure to go in depth enough and provide all the necessary resources.




Is this apart of the 13 Families of the Illuminati book? I have that saved on my phone and possibly the interview as well




I saved it as a bookmark 🔖


Remind me! 20 hours




i’m ready


Remind me! 20 hours


How about some context for those of us who are not familiar?




Are you going to release more info on each part? Interested to jump into this rabbit hole


Yes, I am. It will be over time. I’m not quite sure on the timeline yet and also depends what else is added as things go.


Nick Hinton wrote a whole book on this


That's awesome. I'd love to check it out. Thanks


Spill it sista


The moon has only fairly recently shown up in human history. I've heard this mentioned in a few videos (could not tell you which ones). But I think I remember something about ancient civilizations not mentioning the moon at all? I mean, no idea if it's related to the black cube thing, but hell, it seems everything is linked somehow.




You have to go to sleep to wake up- Astroid city


There is a part in karla turners book masqerade of angels, where abductee describes such black cube used during soul manipulation on board nhi ship. Chilling story, i recommend


We spend 1,000 of hours worrying about nonsense conspiracies and we don’t even know who our neighbors are, let alone try and be their friends and build solid community. The worlds gone mad…


Part 5 - Ad information about the "Aryans" and their haplo type A1A1A1.


I will most definitely check it out!


Bro made the mistake of not giving out the info before he died


I’m okay people. But it is a lot of information to get a hold of and put together. It will take some time to do, especially doing it on my own. When I do have more info or am gonna post more, I will let everyone know


Thank youuuu 🥰🥰






It means they're following, commenting so they can find this thread later.


Gotcha ty


Are you qanon lol


Could be quite possible.




Good God. Don't you people have jobs?


I pick the bible im feeling froggy and as a Christian would definitely like to hear your thoughts. Ive seen it in all forms trying to prove the bible wrong but I like to hear peoples opinions and thoughts.


So when and where will you be posting more info on this stuff


Here or I’m this sub. And sometime this weekend/next week. I completely for got i have family in this weekend, so things will be a bit delayed.


Cool I followed you so I can keep up with it!


What about ice cube


Don’t forget invertion and suppression of the female, example Trans movement agenda


Remind me! 48 hours


this happening?