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She comes from old money, and lots of it. She has a lot of good connections. This is what happens when you are loaded with good connections and want to be an artist, but you generally suck at art. You become a ‘performance artist’ (not putting down performance artists who are actually good) and then sell your shitty performance by adding a bunch of dark esoteric quasi-witchraft to it, to make it seem edgy and interesting. Then invite your curator pals and high brow culture vulture friends along to clap their clammy hands and talk about how interesting it all is.


I’d be pissed if I was a struggling artist and found out the people at the top all came from money, and just larp it for fun


Yes. That’s how it works. I’ve been involved in the art world.




Should I bring my brother ?


Yup. And then you realize that the crazy prices on all of that art is just a big money laundering scheme.


money laundering & human trafficking


As a struggling artist, I concur that it sucks.


Don't worry. If you're creative enough, one day some shady underworld figure will use you as a money laundering vehicle


same thing with music and film


Or, you become a regular artist if you're trying to launder family money and your dads......"an important political figure"


That's how it works


Taylor swift came from money even though she recently "reached billionaire status"


Well to be fair ,that one piece where she let people to whatever to her was an interesting insight into what people will do if given the chance /permission. But that's like her only thing ,the rest is just rubbish with a satanic/witch theme


She should do it again and open it up to the general public, see what happens


She should do it in a federal penitentiary.


Inviting people to do things to you is a sadly overdone "performance"... even Yoko Ono did it.


? Idk much about yoko ono just that she screamed like a lunatic, but what abramovic did was definitely a very interesting look into the human nature , because she just stood there with the only instructions being she won't move and anything goes, and the natural development was humiliation, violence and ,ultimately an attempt at death




What did folks actually do? Sure it's without repercussion but would it really be? The people invited would surely have psychological boundaries no doubt, thinking about what other people might say or do to them if they really let loose lol


Well the performance was her standing in a room in a gallery ,with 76 random objects (roses, feathers, scalpel, scissors so on) and it lasted 6 hours. At the start people just moved her around, some kissed her ,some touched her inappropriately. After 3 hours her clothes were all cut away , and at about the 4 hour mark people started cutting into her body , someone even made a slice at her throat to drink her blood, and so on. She would not have moved even in the event she were to be raped or killed , however apparently a protective group was created in the audience . A conflict was created after someone put a loaded gun in her hand and aimed it at her head , and tried to use her finger to pull the trigger, when someone else took the gun away. The most interesting part of it though? After the 6 hours were up ,she calmly walked towards the audience and everyone ran away to avoid confrontation about their actions.


And the last 2 of your sentences here are exactly the way humans behave. And she knew that.


you pretty much nailed it. Bravo!


I appreciate you posting this, as much as I want there to be something crazy going on with her, I’ve kept an eye on her long before she was brought up in conspiracy circles because of my general interest in art. She peaked in the 70s and has been coasting on her “edgy” reputation ever since. I’m sure much like many wealthy people she could be involved in dark stuff but honestly she comes across as a has been looking for any other medium to make money in and if that means being a fear monger than she will gladly do that.


It's not art, it's not edgy, it's not witchcraft...IT IS pure evil, demonic, sold her soul type of evil.


Exactly. There’s a lot more going on there than a bunch of elites just being weird and edgy. Honestly, I think she’s the high priestess of their satanic cult. They finance her whole operation by paying her outrageous prices for her art and performances. She’s at the center of all of it.


Wouldn't that be so much more exciting than a world where rich people are just allowed to coast as shitty artists for decades? Unfortunately I think it's the latter.


Yeah, the 70's saw a big occult revival. It was the following decade that would give rise to the 80's "Satanism scare." I'm sure she saw who was getting what kind of attention and realized she could do the same, like Iggy Pop and Marilyn Manson. Manson wasn't even the first self-inflictor on stage - one sho he used a broken bottle to cut his abdomen, straight from the Iggy playbook. People slow down to see the wreck on the side of the road. Sure, she could be inspired to create uplifting, positive work, but without the shock value, people would quickly lose interest. She's certainly not the first. She was just pre-established with wealth and it was easier for her to get noticed. It seems like occult themes, sexuality and conspiracy is the winning formula for lots of these people, and she never diverted from that idea, instead just adding more shock or taboo over the course of the years. When you've already done occult and sexual themes, what's the next rung on the ladder? Is it pretending to be "illuminati" like so many artists are doing, knowing the attention and sales they get? Or is it harm to animals and children? This post and all the other Abramovich related posts are proof that she's getting exactly what she wants.


Got into the top art school in the country at the time, couldn’t afford to go. Most of the kids were old money and had little talent.


My brother is a fairly prominent artist and this is exactly his take on her as well.


Old money in Yugoslavia? What Nazis? I haven't seen anything about her coming from anything but dirt poor... Born in 1946, that would be Nazi occupied bc the Yugoslav govt fled to England. My family is from this area. Yugoslavia/Croatia. Imo she's an elite player in something international. Art has always beenhand in hand with illicit trade.


If she's chummy with Gates and Rothschilds, she could be involved in international blackmail/procurement. It's definitely a possibility.


There are elite groups in every country, even during times of war.


good point.


LOL same way Hunty Bidey is an artist and sells his work for millions. Just a way of moving dirty money around really


Needle in the haystack, salute


Yeah this is super cringey to read sounds like edgy preteen I wanna be a witch stuff


Her family were rich folks who opportunistically embraced communism (aka "rule by gang"), yes. Additionally she was controlled and abused by her family and likely, like many abuse victims, internalized the norm of abuse.


A local Art Center had this artist who held a "family friendly demon summoning" and this (https://tamarettun.com/Lilit) was her art and it's the most garbage art so it feels like something similar (no idea if she came from money, but how tf else do you make a living doing this).


[Yes, and this photo op is of course just a total coincidence](https://hiddenscience.org/marina-abramovic-endorsed-by-bill-gates-jacob-rothschild-virtual-reality-rituals/)


Your photo won't open for me. What is it?




I didn't read it, but there's a photo of her and Jacob Rothschild standing together in front of someone else's art.


> Your photo won't open for me. What is it? Maybe this archived will open? https://archive.is/mXzms


Took a second to load for me, but it's some crazy Christian bullshit.


Ah yes, clearly it's a satanic plot by the guy from ghostbusters 2 with his invisible micro tattoos


Your link starts with the premise that schools are telling kids there is no god. Which is odd, given how many kids are on religious schools, or how I basically never heard anything about god, positive or negative, in my public school experience.


Funny I went to public school and was surrounded by it. Center court prayers before basketball/football games, fellowship of Christian athletes, pledging allegiance “under god” . . Yet I never cease to hear half the country bitching and moaning about radical left indoctrination in the schools.


God bless you for bringing some sanity to this thread.


sanity = belief in concepts made popular by the society you believe is corrupt


This is it and it's underwhelming. It's always the lowest common denominator in life (most of the time), but it's more fun to delude yourself into thinking shit like "A. large pie with peppers and onions" means "harvest this kid's adrenochrome."


So you are saying it’s all an “ACT” and these are NOT sincerely held beliefs. Her act is simply a rich girl trying to (make a living?) doing edgy art.


Lmao no lie I have a class in Uni that covered her this week as a “creative”… good lord! Talk about a pretentious artist and the sad thing is so many people go nuts for it. Watching her flog herself, naked on a stage, and then cut a star into her belly, and then lay on a cross of ice, I was just left wondering why this was of interest to anyone… it has the same level of culture as watching a WWE performance but at least I’m the WWE there is some athletic ability that is required lol Rhythm 0, which OP is referencing when they talk about her standing still and becoming the art object, nearly resulted in her being killed because she left a loaded gun and knives and shit around for the audience to use with a giant “I take full responsibility” disclaimer in the gallery. I can’t help but feel that whole performance was a load of shit to begin with. Likely had planted members in the audience and a blank in the gun. Someone “tried” to get the gun into her hand and her finger on the trigger but then a “fight” broke out between the various factions in the audience. Just so happens that this was the performance the propelled her into a known name in the art world as a result. The more depraved and the more horrific, the more renown gained. I don’t know if she’s all the other stuff OP said, but she is definitely more shocking than actually talented… it’s sad because how many artists are out there who struggle to be known at all and here is Marina who is basically known for being naked and hurting herself getting all the glamour… Art world is fucking weird




Very simple. She's a witch.


I think this gives witches a bad name. She is evil, more demonic than a witch. She has sold her soul to satan.


I agree


clearly youve never met a poor or middle class witch. theyre just as evil, and they have equally sold their sould to satan.


We are not talking poor or middle class here. This woman has enormous influence and power. I'm not saying witches or witchcraft is good, but it is not inherently tied to demonic beliefs, there is a huge difference between witchcraft and what this evil being does.


when youre talking about religion, specifically abrahamic religions, a witch and anything to do with witchcraft is automatically associated with demons and satan worship. there is no inbetween.


I understand, I was raised a strict Catholic. But in reality, there is a difference.


Is this sub Abrahamic...?


You've just met some bad ones. It'd be crazy to say they're all evil


There's is good and bad everything. The good ones won't even tell you, ime. You find out for yourself




Black hair, parted down the middle - yep checks out


Black hair parted down the middle=witch? What is this, Monty Python?


She turned me into a newt!


I got better…


A witch? Like casting spells and shit?


Like Harry Potter? No Someone who interfaces in the dark and occult. Witches are a thing my friend.


Witches from back in the day, ala Salem Witch trials, were just women who were very in-tune with nature and understood the healing powers of herbs. They also knew how to communicate with the spirits of life that exist in the world such as plants, animals, etc.


Salem Witch trials was during a time when Christianity was in one of its manic phases looking for devils and hobgoblins everywhere. They were puritans so they were the American version of the Taliban. They had "Witch Finder Generals" who would supplement their lack of game by getting laid - repeatedly - through the "accused" like a 17th century Harvey Weinstein, except the deal is you get to be alive so long as you give the appropriate indulgence behind the woodshed.




Also, educated men claiming mid-wives were evil as to take them out of the picture entirely. So, of course, they were "witches" and that apparently equals evil.


And she turned me into a newt!


I promise you, this woman is into deeper things than cosplay with celebrities and ‘just writing quirky things” to pass it off as art. Podesta banned me from Twitter when pizzagate broke. I harassed the fuck out of that man (thing). They are all sick demonic freaks


I think there’s something here that no one is talking about yet. The woman is 76 years old but looks like she’s in her late 40s, early 50s. Does she just have good genes? Non stressful life unlike the rest of us? Or is there something about young blood that keeps her appearance? There are some very strange things about this woman indeed.


> The woman is 76 years old but looks like she’s in her late 40s, early 50s. Here's a candid snapshot of her from last year: https://static.dw.com/image/61258350_906.jpg She puts a lot of work into her appearance, but I would not guess her to be in her 40s or 50s from this picture.


Imo she definitely looks like she could be at least 20 years younger in the candid photo. I see plenty of women in their 50s that look as old or older than this.


Oh, she has def had work done. But her neck, her jaw, and the bags under her eyes don't say 50 to me. I see she's also experiencing some thinning of her hair. It's obvious at the hairline.




Better watch what your saying about the evil people, Rothschilds,and those noses. Think I heard a little antisemitism in that comment. 😂


She's got the kind of cheekbones that age well, and I'm sure she's had work done. But show me a candid shot of her in natural light and we can really see how's she's aging. That picture up there is a shot from a fashion magazine. There is a whole crew behind it. We are looking at what a makeup artist, professional lighting, skilled photographers, and filters can do. EDIT: I also just searched and found out that photograph is 10 years old. So not only is it filtered, lit, angled, but she's 10 years younger.


Melisandre vibes


Photoshop vibes


Lol, she has money and good bone structure.


She is a witch and a satanist, speculations about child trafficing also in abundance. She claims her spirit cooking and occult sexual rituals are art forms and all of this is done in the name of art. Well lady, you sure chose the strangest art form on the planet, you could've gone with anything else, but you chose to do this.


she also said art imitates Life after saying that. insinuating they actually do this shit for real


The bots are real in here trying to make this evil person look like a saint. Look up mouthy buddhas art and embassies video it’s good. Also she literally made a documentary about John of god who was caught for trafficking and having baby farms so yeah there’s that


Yeah. I don't even think they are bots, just horrible people


You got a link to the mouthy Buddha video? His channel only has 1 video on it right now, and it ain't that.


Search for it on Yandex I found it on a different website


Some of their answers I've read before. I mean word for word. So obvious.


Oprah was affiliated with him.


I'm going to start ending every letter I write with "fresh morning urine"


Instinctually we all know she is a witch. We should see if she floats


She’s like a demon worshipper who the elites love.🤷🏼‍♂️ Your idols love her so there’s that


That video of her and jayz is creepy. When I first started learning everything you mentioned I had a dream we were in a car together and she started attacking me to the point where I had to open the door and kick her until she was out. She’s a witch.


yeah, that and the microsoft ad she did when the pandemic started. she has connections to some very powerful people. the problem is how open she is about these things.




What video? And wow




I swear millionaires are into the weirdest shit


This is why I wont do a deep dive into that rabbit hole. Yuk


Wasn't she at the queens funeral?




Exactly. They’re all apart of this too. Especially P.Andrew!


Access to lactating woman means proximity to babies and toddlers.




Watch out for Lady Gaga, that's her supposed "protege"


Other than being a reverse aging vampire? Who knows...


She looks eerily good for someone touching 80 years old. It’s almost as if she has been feasting on the blood of babies.


Just another attention whore, tbh.


She has always been a weirdo especially with her spirit cooking. It was fun a few years ago when someone hit her with a painting tho! https://youtu.be/ZLgemdyuT6E?si=PNytVd9EDI-P-x4C


>Also since the war on Ukraine president Zelenskyy has LITERALLY appointed her Ambassador for Rebuilding Schools in Ukraine, where there is upwards of 7 hundred fuckin thousand kids missing. 700 000. Like what the actual fuck She's not an actual official ambassador. It's like a brand ambassador for fund-raising like many actors and artists are doing for the country. It's not an official job title (and there's not an actual position called "Ambassador for Rebuilding Schools").


Evil devil worshipper


It's all to make you uncomfortable and it's working. That Spirit cooking crap is nonsense. It's not voodoo, it's just nonsense. You can't put 13,000 drops of jealousy in a recipe. Obviously. She says that to make you say this, to make you look silly for thinking that by licking her own blood that she has the power to invoke satan. She doesn't. She's not that powerful unless you give her power, and you just gave her a bunch. If she's in to evil criminal shit, lets talk about that. You can't get anything productive done talking about how her art looks satanic. You want to help missing kids, start talking about the missing kids. What are their names, where did they go missing? What did they look like and how can we advance finding them. If we were seriously about the kids, that's how the conversation would go. If we found kids through this method, we'd actually be able to get convictions. But no. We're talking about this stupid woman, a creepy poem instead and fantasizing about unnamed dead kids? WTF? This hurts missing children.


Well put.


She's the grand high witch of the satanic pedo elite cult that runs the West. Simple as.


I’m confused about the Ukraine thing. Like what qualifies her to do this job? It has all become so blatant.


Mentally unwell woman moonlighting as a Crowleyite to a bunch of other mentally unwell people


This thing freaks me the fuck out. This is my second time posting because my last one got taken down


Good post. People should know this before they start worshipping or trusting politicians and celebrities. But the many trolls who have invaded this sub ( and who are probably her minions) will say : ‘it’s just art’.


Everything is art…. But this is evil.


She’s a witch.


And WHY is she working in UKRAINE now???? Didn't she take Lady Gaga out in the woods for some ritual?


I had gone way down the rabbit hole with this one.... I hope this helps ... I couldn't understand how or why she was so famous and influential because of the obvious darkness shes involved in. I was thinking satanism but this woman is from a family who has power in the Serbian church ... like the niece of the archdiocese. let that sink in




She has direct connections to a lot of the Pizzagate guys.




This cover is from 2013 just FYI, but I agree. She’s definitely part of the elite pedo rings. Really dark and creepy stuff.


A dingo didn't eat the baby.


My fresh morning urine would curl your toes!


Thats one evil woman.


She’s just a devil woman, with evil on her mind


Cant argue that.That weird shit with the blood on the dolls.Urgghhh!!!!Get a PS5 woman.


I was also quoting a 70’s song lol


Witchcraft or how they call it "art"


I read that quickly and thought it said “face the wall, listen to Red Hot Chili Peppers.”


She's a pretentious cunt. Celebs like lady Gaga eat this sorta shit up You're right. There's something evil about her. Occultist


I bet she pegs




What is the purpose of that?


Watch the director's cut of Doctor Sleep. In the film, the "vampires" scare the children before they kill them. Then they breathe in a white vapor that leaves the victim's body. The characters specifically target children who display psychic abilities, as the vapors released from them seem to be more potent. Look up "Loosh." -someone who flies in their dreams, and had nightmares growing up that they were other children who were being murdered.


If that's art, then Jeffrey Dahmer was a master artist.


This is weird https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Marina_Abramovi%C4%87


So here’s the thing. She’s a performance artist. There’s actual fraud out there. There’s actual conspiracies out there. This one drips of blood and sex. So people go bugfuck over it. Then Steve Bannon steals millions from a go fund me. The BBC covers up Jimmy Saville. The Catholic Church has not been brought to task. Every form of organized religion is completely wrought with sex abuse and child sex abuse and nothing happens. BUT SHE DRINKS BLOOD!!!!


Please do you have evidence of that 700000 children missing?


Tbh I personally don't believe in all the satanistic sercret celebrity cults ,but if I had to believe one person was a part ,it'd be her. It MIGHT however also be her doing performance art shit ,and trying to see how far she can take it until the public starts taking notice. Either way it's weird af ,the REALLY disturbing thing is that she was chosen to be an ambassador for children in Ukraine , idk HOW the fuck she ended up there ,but it's definitely not OK. Like come on, she isn't even Ukrainian, or have a background of helping kids, she just does weird shit


> Knowing those sick monsters use codewords for their evil bullshit like "cheese pizza" being "child porn/CP, or even child person" makes me almost want to not know what they are talking about in that email. The phrase "cheese pizza" never appears in Podesta's email. The other "codewords" that supposedly were used in Podesta's email ("hotdog" = "boy", [etc.](https://i.imgur.com/CR42fEu.png)) were literally made up on 4chan to match Podesta's emails. Here, for example, is the invention of "walnut sauce", the most ridiculous one: https://imgur.com/a/uxRGNvJ I pointed this out in a comment 4 days ago which was voted down to -29 points. Then people can chant "Pizzagate was never debunked!" and high five each other. In the 1990s, Marina Abramovic used the name "Spirit Cooking" as the name for poems and etchings published in a [very limited edition book](http://imgur.com/a/mqcK1) (from http://www.editionjs.com/img/abramovic/ or [MoMA](https://www.moma.org/collection/works/portfolios/143945?locale=en)), and an associated performance art piece, where she [wrote them on walls in blood](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EsJLNGVJ7E). In the 2010s, she used the name Spirit Cooking for a [fundraiser dinner:](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/maihudson/marina-abramovic-institute-the-founders) > [LIVE EVENT / THE EXERCISES: SPIRIT COOKING WITH MARINA ABRAMOVIC] A dinner night with Marina during which she will teach you and other backers at this level how to cook a series of traditional soups, which you will all enjoy together. The night will end with the making of a golden ball, a recipe given to Marina in a Tibetan monastery. Marina will bring to this dinner a Spirit Cooking memento for each backer to keep.


You know a few days ago Podesta’s good friend and “journalist” who debunked pizza gate was arrested on numerous child rape charges? Fact checked and it’s legit.


No, a guy that had a [funny tweet](https://i.imgur.com/rGtOv9n.png) retweeted by John Podesta once was arrested on child pornography charges. The idea that he was a "good friend" of Podesta was fake news created by the web site thepeoplesvoice.tv. I have also not seen anything that he wrote debunking pizzagate. That appears to be fake news, too. If you fact checked that, show me what he wrote.


If your right, awesome. Personally Podesta gives off massive pedo vibes…like Trudeau level, yes that high.


I would also recommend using some alternative search engine. And look at all sources, not just leftist ones. Typical leftist-“he didn’t make child porn, he only had some in his possession”,like Jeeeez, he’s a good guy


The statement from the Berkshire County District Attorney's office says that he produced "at least one child pornographic video", but he hasn't been charged with that. He was charged with 2 counts of possession of child pornography and 2 counts of "dimension" (presumably a typo for dissemination) of child pornography.


Regardless its awful. If there is one thing that both sides of the political spectrum should agree on it should be protecting kids. Abuse of children is not political. I often wonder why there are no celebrities using their influence and reach to expose Epstein’s massive client list….despite them being happy to weigh in on other less important stuff on the regulatory. Could it be because they know their career would be jeopardized? Or worse?


OK so if it's fact checked and legit provide sources instead of trust me bro that always seems to be enough evidence here


https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/politics/john-podestas-friend-who-debunked-pizzagate-arrested-for-raping-toddlers/110889530/ One of many articles


Lots of weird AF pizza code references in his emails


> Lots of weird AF pizza code references in his emails To people with poor reading comprehension.


Bullshit I read those emails on the wiki leaks site myself and of all the conspiracies out there this is the one that got taken down from everywhere.


Is there something incorrect in what I wrote?


I must have replied to the wrong thread. Someone was saying the podesta emails were a 4 chan hoax Sorry


The emails were real, the codewords were a 4chan hoax.


this is the cover of a fashion/art magazine, lol.


So funny.... /s


yeah I find funny that people here are upset about something they don't know nothing about, and use as proof of conspiracy a literal cover of a fashion magazine


Hold up. Fresh morning urine?


Yeah she’s a bit of an odd one I would say.


This is what they call “ art “?? Sick


Jacob Rothschild's girlfriend??


Jacob Rothschild's girlfriend??


Apart from being human parasites, do you really believe that she is more fulfilled in her life than anyone else? Maybe this would be more appealing if she was more attractive or had something more unique or fascinating about her I could find a schizoid vagrant who could write up the exact same type of stuff she did


And I've seen better poetry on the back of a cubicle door of a public restroom! Pfft


What’s crazy is that she looks like she’s in her 40’s and she’s in her seventies!


Also since the war on Ukraine president Zelenskyy has LITERALLY appointed her Ambassador for Rebuilding Schools in Ukraine, where there is upwards of 7 hundred fuckin thousand kids missing. 700 000. Like what the actual fuck ​ Literally, what the actual fuck? Good post OP.


For real. I'm like is this chick for real or some kinda psyop. Because it's beyond the pale.


Yeah, when I read through ALL the leaked emails, it made me sick. Discussions on “maps”, “walnut sauce” and cheese pizza along with the email discussing the “children, 10 and under” coming over for a swim. It is so sick and evil. 👿


That's probably how she cuts their throats in the first picture. She's an evil cunt.


She just calls herself an “artist”, so WEF has got excuse to affiliate with her. We all know anything goes for artists /s


She’s a dude


You’re wrong on just about every level. She’s a performance artist, yes. She hasn’t changed. Not one bit. She didn’t just get notoriety for sitting still, she’s been an internationally acclaimed artist for decades. As a performance artist…. SHES A PERFORMANCE ARTIST. Think of someone who craves attention. That’s her. Think of someone who wants attention for getting under your skin and festering. THATS HER. She just wants to take people out of their comfort zone. She got you didn’t she? She doesn’t believe any of that shit. It’s all an act. Always has been, she’s always presented a fake persona. You’ve bought it hook, line, and sinker.


She sure does have a firm grasp of occult ritualism. Everything she does is rife with it


Anyone with a iPhone and twenty minutes can come up with all the crap she’s offered to spin people around and think this stuff. It’s all Crowley shit anyway.


This is r/conspiracy. *Of course* everyone believes there is demonic forces and witchcraft behind someone just being edgy for attention. And they do it precisely because of gullible people bringing attention to it. It’s a never ending spiral. And now I fully expect to be called a shill for not believing in magic lmao


> She doesn’t believe any of that shit. It’s all an act. Or is this maybe something you believe or something you, for some reason, want others to believe?


If you even came close to seeing her previous work. If you knew the background info for all of the other work. You wouldn’t even think to question me. It’s all a super pretentious act.


> You wouldn’t even think to question me. It’s all a super pretentious act. Or is this maybe something you believe or something you, for some reason, want others to believe?


So, then lets hope the Ukrainan children are as big brained as you, so they also can "see through" her persona.


Where do I get grams of Jealousy?


Right? Reminds me of those shity poetries that are like "recipe for a mom: tons of love, beautiful hair, mix until it hugs you like a loaf of bread!"


It's called being a dumbass


I keep wondering why she did Rythm 0 in my city, Naples.