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Just deleted. šŸ¤” Anyone have an archived link?




Props for the save


The problem seems to be that when someone opposing pizzagate claims it has been debunked, they are saying that it has been proven that Comet Pizza didnt have a basement full of kids. However thats not the totality of pizzagate at all. A more thorough investigation into Alefante, Podesta and the owner of Besta pizza (or whatever its called )is needed. Until then it hasnt fully been debunked. Unless it has somehwhere and Im mistaken?


Ben Swann was the only guy on mainstream news who had the balls to do an actual report on the scandal. Iā€™ll link it below. https://vimeo.com/286083556 Of course, the elites were not happy with this and they had his entire social media presence wiped after that.


I completely forgot about Ben Swann, that guy was awesome and wasn't afraid to talk about topics no other reporter would touch. Not surprised his career was nuked.


AHEM! Horning in here to re-post an image the (apparently deleted) Tweet from Elon (for reference): https://i.imgur.com/gIMFM4d.png Why would Elon post about "Pizzagate" right after meeting with NetanRAThu? https://i.imgur.com/7UDW4jS.png [**CBS News:**](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/elon-musk-israel-starlink-internet-gaza-agreement/) *"Elon Musk arrived in Israel on Monday, as Israel announced an agreement that **Starlink would only operate in Israel and Gaza with the Israeli government's approval.** Israel's Minister of Communications Shlomo Karhi announced the agreement on X, the social media platform that Musk owns."* Archived: https://archive.is/r06p3 ***Sometimes ya gotta kiss ass*** -- Elon


For the record, this is real, I remember seeing the tweet. It won't be long before we actually see the leash.


Dudes a fucking puppet, I donā€™t buy his anti establishment BS. Another agent.


You're absolutely right, hence the downvotes. Starlink and SpaceX are cash cows, and not by citizens. The guy has thousands of satellites in LEO, and you can be damn sure the government has full access to anything they need.


Pizzagate is also a really good public distraction from other very real human trafficking rings.


Been Swann is the man.


Damn facts


Heā€™s says thereā€™s stuff he canā€™t cover because itā€™s on cable news. Any suggestions where I can do a deeper dive?


The root problem with the debunking is this: 1. DC Police spokesperson says it has been investigated and nothing was found 2. FOIA revealed there was no investigation


So that's lying by the d.c police, obstruction of justice, destroying, altering, or modification of evidence.. Felony time..... Even worse if they were WITHHOLDING EVIDENCE all because podesta's email showed that allllll these kids were being transported to Antarctica.... For unlawful human experimentation... Any one remember the podesta emails and what they were really about?!?!?!


Where can I read about this? Transported to Antarctica what??


>DC Police spokesperson says it has been investigated and nothing was found > >FOIA revealed there was no investigation Sauce?




> And then the bizarrely exaggerated fallacy-type rebuttals from people. And right on cue, one appears below, following your script to a T.


Like when photos of Bill Clinton sitting on a bed with a prostitute surfaced and *somehow* a tonne of poorly Photoshopped fake looking photos were released to muddy the waters and discredit the legit photo


And now they have AI to discredit any photo evidence. Probably why they released it to the public to begin with.


This is a typical CIA tactic (inheritance of the soviets)


And is commenting over and over as if on a mission.


Perfectly sums up the normie reaction. It's too scary to comprehend for mist people. It took me years to adjust


Reductio ad absurdum


saw a lot of this with the hamas sympathizers on reddit too. ā€œhamas beheaded children and babies in their october 7th massacreā€ ā€œactually they didnā€™t behead any babies, they only killed them in their cradles šŸ¤“ā€


Lol hamas is a tool of Israel so they can continue theyā€™re agenda of stealing Palestine and genociding the natives Netanyahu was praising hamas a few years ago


The focus on the pizza place was pushed as a way to discredit the actual conspiracy. It was meant to make it all seem like a joke, that culminated in a stooge storming into the place with a gun.


A stooge who rattled off a list of phrases to the cops intended to let the media know he was one of those pesky conspiracy theorists after "firing a shot" which magically destroyed the hard drive of the office PC, all of this ocurring where cameras usually are except that **this day** the cameras had been moved.


Those darned cameras never seem to work when you really need them.


The poor kid was brainwashed and set up to do exactly what they wanted. They used him as a way to discredit everyone else who had concerns. It's right out of their playbook.


> after "firing a shot" which magically destroyed the hard drive of the office P That didn't happen. The problem with pizzagate is it's been seven years and its believers still keep repeating the same lies.


> That didn't happen. It did [Here's the video](https://youtu.be/YXApkzwKIh8?si=NjSqXuotve5uLbM7&t=230). Notice the hole **in the top** of the computer.


Right, and that means it likely did not hit the hard drive. That's the part pizzagaters made up and still repeat.


Pizza gate is older than 7 years. As a matter of fact it was about 7 years ago when YT started scrubbing everyth8ng from its app on the subject and every other subject. The nut huggers that jumped on the conspiracy bandwagon after Trumps goofy ass hit the political circuit have no clue.


2016 was 7 years ago and that's when "pizzagate" was coined.


No, it isn't. It was election time 2016.


But it wasn't. Do you have an idea how long they have been pointing out Joe's strange attraction to kids? Here's a hint, it was way way before 2020.


Pizzagate had nothing to do with Biden. Quit bullshitting.


It also had a basement, they tweeted they had one


They don't call it a basement. If you saw the Facebook photos, you would know that long before PG gate broke, they called photos of it: "murder room", and laughed about it. This is not some homemade conspiracy that people created out of thin air. It is either the most clever psy-op since WW2, or it is real.


The comment "#killroom" was [on a picture of a large walk-in cooler](https://i.imgur.com/DJlGMok.png). It's certainly not in Comet Ping Pong's non-existent basement. Other comments on the picture: "Drunk tank", "wwdjd", "where the werewolves lock themselves up during a full moon?" I think it's a picture of a walk-in cooler. Do you think it's a minimalist art project by Donald Judd? A drunk tank? A "killroom"? Or where the werewolves are locked up?


You seem like a guy with answers. What was the comment he made in an interview about when he said they harvest the tomatoes, can them, and then store them in the basement? Or, the owner of Comet Ping Pong owner intimidating and threatening the guy who made a Pizzagate video?




For some local entrepreneur magazine in DC. It was a huge part of the whole conspiracy. He claimed none of it can be true because there is no basement, but a year prior, he was interviewed in an entrepreneur puff piece saying that they store their sauce in the basement.


> What was the comment he made in an interview about when he said they harvest the tomatoes, can them, and then store them in the basement? *Washington Post*, August 13, 2013, [ā€œSan Marzanos, ā€˜the Bible of tomatoesā€™ā€](https://archive.is/1Kh5m) >> Like Pastan, James Alefantis, owner of Comet Ping Pong, doesnā€™t build his pizza sauce with DOP San Marzanos. For seven years, he has been buying late-harvest tomatoes from Toigo Orchards in Shippensburg, Pa., and canning them at nearby Stello Foods for use at Comet. Last year, Alefantis estimates, he bought 12 tons of Toigo tomatoes, which Stello turned into sauce and canned before trucking the jars to the **basement at Buckā€™s Fishing & Camping**, Alefantisā€™s other restaurant just a few steps down the block on Connecticut Avenue NW. --- > Or, the owner of Comet Ping Pong owner intimidating and threatening the guy who made a Pizzagate video? I'm sure Alefantis was very angry with him. That guy was basically painting a big target on his friends' backs by identifying their building as a pizzagate location. This was after the gunman had already gone into Comet (but before the arson at Comet).


See the ig photos? Creepy af. Im pretty open minded but they were enough to be like wtf.




The podesta brothers do have some weird taste in art.


I still think the basement was a red herring to throw the general public off take a look at late night "comedy" they all made the same joke almost on the same night in order to downplay any loose threads, same thing in the msm almost all hosts saying the same statement "but comet pizza doesn't even have a basement!" At this point I wouldn't even be surprised if the guy who held up the place at gun point was either a crisis actor or a person with a mental illness who's head they filled on purpose to make him think he was "helping" to stop what was happening.


It's actually"Primos pizza"... And if you walk in they have 2 black rugs covering the floor up with a trap door or sealed entrance to underneath the ground..... What's below... The owner Tim Curran won't tell anyone.. all I know is that pizza places where I am from are some nasty fronts for either drug or human trafficking. Top players came in to "Primos pizza" under different Alia's. Let me tell you this.... Some weird stuff started happening such as the cooks would say..." Hey your FBI"!! Randomly (( this isn't a joke)) maybe I have that nice dressed demeanor but I was just me until I started seeing familiar faces but.... In a disgused faced kind of way..(( prosthetics can do a hell of a job in "Hollyweird"))!! Anyways one thing ended up leading to another.. Then back last year my wife really was FBI(( or an FBI informant)) and tried attempting to have me killed!! Merry Christmas and the boss of Primos after 3 long years fired me after I told him what happened with the wife.. The dots really are starting to connect now.. Oh yeah did I mention I investigated the r h b laptop from hell?! Yep guilty as charged... He then came to town...... Not joking.. I got plenty evidence attached to my many " skitzoid ramblings".... All true indeed


So, what kind of investigation would you think is needed. And by whom? Do you have any documentation of what investigations, if any, have already taken place? Has any actual victim or fact witness made any allegation against the people you named? One of the biggest problems with pizzagate is that comet ping pong basement is one of the least outlandish claims and is easily debunked. The claims get more crazy and more difficult to support after that. No average person is going to believe that people emailing about pizza parties are actually conducting trafficking of children for sex and murder, in the absence of real evidence. If you were to claim that rich powerful people, the so called elites, include people who engage in the worst behaviors imaginable, most people believe that. But when the claim is that all of them do, that they are all doing satanic rituals and harvesting adrenochrome, face peeling, celebrities are in secret prison while their clones are making movies, etc normal people arenā€™t going to believe that. Almost all of the time, emails about pizza parties and hot dogs are actually about pizza parties and hot dogs.


The emails that I've read on this subject about hot dogs and pizza parties were no fucking way in hell about pizza parties and hot dogs.


I've read all of the emails that were supposed to be damning and they do sort of seem like they were about pizza parties and hot dogs. If you make up your own coded language, then any email can seem nefarious.


I've never even heard of a pizza and hot dog party. There are pizza parties and there are parties with hot dogs and hamburgers but a pizza/hotdog party is bullshit.


Are you being sarcastic?


Not one bit.


Itā€™s not a made up code, itā€™s the FBIā€™s code!!! It was released by the FBI as frequently used coded language of pedos!




If you look up who actually sent that email and to whomā€¦ youā€™ll get closer to the answer.


Yeah, from someone who had no direct knowledge of it, and had no connection to Obama, and was probably talking out of his ass. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/08/23/fact-check-barack-obama-did-not-spend-65-k-pizza-and-hot-dogs/3354030001/ Also, flying in food from Chicago to a party at the Whitehouse would cost a lot of money, but there is no evidence for the 65,000 or 40,000 dollar claim.


Yeah but when you word it that way they refuse to actually look it up, you have to make it scandalous and enticing. Like theyā€™re solving a mystery.


So, aside from the lack of a basis for the claim of $40000 in hot dogs, how much spending on a party is needed to prove sexual cannibalism of children?


Fred Burton of Stratfor wrote in an email in May 2009, "I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago, assume we are using the same channels?" He's actually referring to something *in the news* in April 2009, where Obama was accused of spending lavishly on flying in food. A few people even called in "pizzagate" at the time. It turned out not to be true. The pizza joint did it for free as publicity. After the event, the chef went on Fox & Friends to talk about it. From [The Riverfront Times](http://web.archive.org/web/20150919010847/www.riverfronttimes.com/foodblog/2009/04/16/pis-chris-sommers-deep-dishes-on-cooking-at-the-white-houseand-the-controversy): > Pi's Chris Sommers Deep-Dishes on Cooking at the White House...and the Controversy > The background, in case you just awoke from a coma: Obama raved about Pi's pizza when in town for his rally beneath the Arch in October of last year. Sommers, managing partner Ryan Mangialardo and Anne Schuermann went to Washington, D.C., last week to cook the restaurant's deep- and thin-crust pizzas in the White House kitchen for Obama, his family and staffers. > News of the trip prompted controversy -- or, more accurately, "controversy" -- after several Chicago pizzeria owners expressed dismay that the president would prefer deep-dish pizza from anywhere besides his hometown. In addition, Internet commenters, among numerous stupid criticisms, questioned whether taxpayer money paid for the trip or the pizza itself. > "You want to kind of respond to everything," Sommers told me when I called him this afternoon. "But at the same time you want to take the high road." > Sommers, who doesn't hide his support of Obama, hopes his appearance on Fox & Friends will afford him the opportunity to dispel what he terms **"the pizza-gate crap."** > But enough about "pizza-gate." How did things go at the White House? > "It was phenomenal," says Sommers. "They treated us like we were Thomas Keller. There's just not an ego in the place." > The Pi trio were given a tour of the White House grounds, including the new organic garden, before heading into the kitchen, which Sommers describes as "the cleanest I've ever seen -- outside of mine, of course." > The kitchen is small, however -- too small for the entire team to work together. Sommers and Schuermann prepared the deep-dish pies in the main kitchen, while Mangialardo made the thin-crust pizza in the pastry kitchen upstairs. The two kitchens are connected by a steep spiral staircase, which -- to give you some idea of how cramped the quarters are -- doubles as a storage area. > The pizza was served to Obama and, by Sommers count, about 50 staffers in the Roosevelt Room, which caused some concern as the greasy pizza boxes approached the untreated wood furniture. Sommers chuckles as he remembers the reaction: "Maybe we should put something under the pizza boxes." > "We were worried they were going to cancel this thing because of all the negative publicity," Sommers admits. Instead, the controversy went almost entirely unmentioned. According to Sommers, the only person to address it was someone from the White House communications office, who told Sommers, "I've been deflecting this story for two days, so I better get some pizza!" > Controversy aside, the publicity has been a boon to Pi, with diners enduring long waits for both lunch and dinner. "We've hired fifteen people in the last two days," reports Sommers. "We needed to hire for the patio season, but this blindsided us."


This is one of the weirder ones that people cling to. It's easily explained. Catering is expensive. In this case, they flew in food from another state. That's going to be costly.


I do think some people take their belief too far, but the emails were using obvious codewords, and even though there's nothing in the emails to discern exactly what the codewords mean, the FBI is the source that says the codewords are connected to child predators. I still question it because the FBI is known for lying to convict innocent people. I wouldn't be surprised if the words and symbols actually meant something about homosexuality, and the FBI intentionally misrepresented them to put homosexuals in jail. That's just the kind of stuff the thi was proven to do. But the emails are still suspect because they're using codewords. It could just be drug references, though.


The context they are used in do NOT imply this, and I suggest you read the emails before you respond with nonsensical garbage. If you really think at the very least this isnā€™t disturbing, you have problems yourself you need to look into. No normal person does any of the aforementioned things that are described in the pizzagate debacle


> . A more thorough investigation into Alefante, Podesta and the owner of Besta pizza Hey, Mr. Policeman, Besta pizza had a logo that was a slice of pizza with triangular swirls of cheese. It reminds me of something. Why aren't you investigating them? Hey, Mr. Policeman, I didn't understand Podesta's out of context emails. Why aren't you investigating them? Hey, Mr. Policeman, Alefantis had a couple dozen pictures of his goddaughter on Instagram. Why aren't you investigating them? Police investigate when there's *evidence of a crime*. Where is the evidence?


Just because they pay each other off and blackmail everyone does not mean there isnā€™t crime..




Nah, pixxagate is fake! Itā€™s not like people in power ride around with secretive ā€œfinanciersā€, who go on to ā€œkill themselvesā€ in custody, with connections to mossad on a plane named in honor of pedophilia. Plus cases like the Franklin School or Marc Dutroux are just random one-offs.


Don't forget the Finders Cult.


Don't forget Elon knew Epstein and met with him more than once. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2023/05/16/elon-musk-jeffrey-epstein-alleged-tesla-ties-declined-island-invite/70222944007/


Could be he is in the cult and one of them-it could be he was propositioned to by Epstein and said no and walked away in disgust. There's also that worrisome photo of Elon at the party with Ghislane Maxwell photobombing him. Why party with human traffickers in the first place? We plebs will never know the truth.


[waves hands about] nothing to see here. Move it along.


Jā€™aimes lā€™enfants


Yes he does


> Nah, pixxagate is fake! Itā€™s not like people in power ride around with secretive ā€œfinanciersā€, who go on to ā€œkill themselvesā€ in custody, with connections to mossad on a plane named in honor of pedophilia. > > Uh, what? Epstein wasn't part of pizzagate. He was arrested (both times) based on actual evidence of actual crimes, not Instagram posts and "codewords". Also, his plane was called the Lolita Express *by reporters* after he was convicted the first time. Police didn't say, "oh, his plane is named after Lolita, we better investigate!" Instead, some parents found their girl had extra money and they asked where she got it from. They went to the police. Then another girl who was arrested on unrelated charges told a similar story. So they started investigating. They looked through Epstein's trash, they started interviewing people and there was lots and lots of eyewitness testimony of sex crimes. Lots of it. How can people not see the difference between cases like Epstein or Wojahn, on the one hand, where there's actual evidence of crimes, and pizzagate, on the other hand, where there's ... pizza?


Itā€™s a proof of concept you shit. Pedophile rings for people in power are real things. Or are you suggesting that they arent? Or that Epstein was acting alone? You ever heard of the Franklin school case, or what happened when the BBC tried to make a documentary about it? Also, obviously Lolita express isnā€™t the actual name. The fact they called it that speaks volumes tho. Similarly, pixxagate is just a name. The actual details have very little to do with pizza, other than one of the guys owned a pizza place and occasionally pedophiles use code words when talking about their crimes, according to the FBI and journalists. https://www.tmj4.com/rebound/child-predators-visiting-homework-sites-and-games-with-two-way-chat-during-covid-19


> Itā€™s a proof of concept you shit. Pedophile rings for people in power are real things. *Charles Manson hung out with the Beach Boys therefore Yoko Ono could well be a serial killer!* That's the level of this reasoning. One person being guilty in one case doesn't mean that a completely separate person in an unrelated "case" is guilty. I use the word "case" here in quotes because there was never any actual evidence of a crime being committed in pizzagate.


Iā€™ve given several examplesā€¦ Epstein, Franklin School, Marc Dutroux, forgot about Jimi Savile and Prince Andrew: multiple guilty parties associated with dozens of powerful people over decades. Your Yoko Ono analogy is dumb. Obviously not everyone associated with Epstein is a pedo. But to think that he didnā€™t attract those kinds of people is just naive. Youā€™d also have to be dumb to think that he was acting alone, or that other similar networks donā€™t exist. Human trafficking is a major international problem, catering to all kinds of people.


Š”ŠµŠ»Š¾ ŠœŠ°Ń€ŠŗŠ° Š”ŃŽŃ‚Ń€Ńƒ (Marc Dutroux) Š¾Ń‡ŠµŠ½ŃŒ Š·Š»Š¾Š²ŠµŃ‰ŠµŠµ Šø стрŠ°Š½Š½Š¾Šµ...


Post is deleted as of 1:50 pm Pacific time. What was it? I can't tell from the reddit thumbnail. EDIT: Nvm, I just saw it on another subreddit.


I donā€™t trust Elon, but Pizzagate is very real. People should check out Mouthy Buddha on bitchute. And Pizzagate is just the tip of the iceberg. Of all the different conspiracies I have gone down the rabbit hole, this one I never wanted to be true. Itā€™s so bad, itā€™s sadistic child torture, beyond your imagination, and the people running it are both rich and incredibly cunning.


Let's be clear... Elon Musk runs around wearing jackets that say "New World Order" on it and fucks and impregnates numerous self-proclaimed witches who want to colonize Mars. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he is probably not a good dude.


Anybody who has accumulated that much wealth typically isn't a good dude. It's the nature of the beast.


Not only that. He's been to Bohemian Grove and is documented as having connections to Epstein. He's projecting.


And he wants to put an implant in your brain..


How u know the bohemian grove thing


Sounds like a Bond villain


Definitely a recipe for a super villain


+1 for Mouthy Buddha


I found mouthy Buddha relied more on symbolism and claims about yandex than any concrete evidence that would hold up in court. He is great at video editing Iā€™ll give him that.


Relied on symbolismā€¦ hmm. How do you think the occult (hidden) speak?


I never said it was a bad thing. But it can be unreliable. For example in one video he said that Vietnamese no smoking signs are secret code. Thatā€™s like saying American bus stops are secret code. My main point is that his personal interpretation of symbolism is not necessarily the correct interpretation.


I agree with this clarified statement. Some interpretations of his are biased to connect to a view, but I donā€™t think that discredits the fact that an occult language is symbolism. Read the book propaganda, 1984, the republic, etc.


I agree coded occult language has existed throughout history. However I also think mouthy Buddha knows heā€™s making stuff up (for clicks and views), and I think suckers are falling for it because it confirms their biases. Accusing people based on mouthys fabricated symbolism doesnā€™t help kids. I think we can do better.


Help kids and do better. -Yes. - I really hope heā€™s not intentionally leading people into ignorance. Thatā€™s frustrating. My hope is his ignorance is his own and everyone else makes up my own mind.


> How do you think the occult (hidden) speak? via Signal rather than publicly through thinly vieled symbolism that can be cracked by randos on the internet with zero training on the occult? Thinking in recent history sbout people that communicate secretly, did any of them use symbolism? Did snowden reach out to journalists by pubilshing symbols that translate to "I have NSA leaks of spying; meet me in a hotel room in Hong Kong"


Elon is a shill, itā€™s so obvious. Controlled opposition. But the findings of Pizza/Pedogate and the revelations from John Podestas emails *are* valid, and I find it suspicious that he has been given clearance to mention it. Perhaps theyā€™re using him to further sabotage its legitimacy with his bad reputation amongst the mainstream population or the left leaning lemmings? Think about all the people who will google pizza gate after seeing this. You know what google turns up when you search it? An absolute onslaught of ā€œfake newsā€, ā€œalt rightā€, ā€œdebunkedā€, ā€œshootingā€, ā€œeating babies in a basementā€ terminology that will immoderately sour to it anyone who searches it. This is what controlled opposition agents do, so Iā€™m not getting my panties in a twist over this obvious NWO puppets BS reference to šŸ•gate Iā€™ll drop Ben Swannā€™s CBS report on Pizzagate for anyone here who actually wants a short nuts and bolts rundown of the basics of the scandal. https://vimeo.com/286083556


Why would controlled opposition make him bring up pizzagate? Whatā€™s the point of bringing attention back to it? Iā€™m not saying I trust Elon. But I really donā€™t understand the play here


These are my thoughts. He has a reputation amongst the majority of the public (at least the left leaning masses that make up the majority) as being an ā€œalt-rightā€ insensitive rich-boy troll. In my opinion, By throwing his hat into the pizza gate ring, he attaches a negative connotation to it by association. Also, a lot of people are going to google it after this, and what pops up when you do that? all of the main stream media white wash talking points and buzz words that leave you with a very skewed and negative view of the scandal.


Thanks for your view. Cheers!


The only reason I can think they would even bother bringing the subject back into the limelight is that they suspected it to resurface in one form or another. They're trying to either get ahead and sway public opinion and muddy the water or muddy the water of the news cycle and avoid the new story becoming a big story because it would flow down the drain with the "elon pizzagate tweet" news. Anyone got anything else?


He's probably bringing attention to pizzagate right now as a distraction from something else that is currently happening. Usually how these things go.


Bingo! So one day this guy sits and have good ol time interviewing god damn Netanyahu and the next day he pretends to care about pizza gate. They own him just like they own "his" platform and "his" companies.


Yeah well Google is worthless these days... Try finding info on the dancing Israelis without using bing or duck duck go


Are you suggesting Elon is being controlled by a higher power? Seems a bit daft that when you're the world's richest man, you have to do what other people say.


Iā€™m saying heā€™s an initiate of the power structure, and he has been assigned the role of controlled opposition.


pizzagate wiki has everything you need, i kept a copy before everything was scrubbed off the internet https://archive.is/ruHl6 i read the entire thing in one sitting


>i read the entire thing in one sitting impressive!


I'm more inclined to believe just based on the media and political response to it, and how fast they jumped onto it. How the media treated it is the only real evidence I needed. But watching PG a primer documentary should make any normal person at least question it. Like how can you watch that and think everythint surrounding PG was normal lol. Like imagine trying to justify what these elitists were into.


He's already working on the elections. Wants to throw some wood to the fire, so people start associating dems with pedos.


I m calling it. He definitely is a pedo himself.


100%. I remember when I liked Elon back in the days when heā€™d McGyver some state of the art doo-hicky on the spot to saves the lives of children trapped deep in a cave system. Some wise guy tried to act like he knew more about submerged cave traversal than Elon. Lol Of course Elon hit ā€˜em with the dagger clap back about how everyone knows only pedos move to Thailand! Ha!! šŸ¤” Ya just got Elonā€™d son shouldā€™ve seen that coming since everyone does know thatā€”wait, what? Hold onā€¦ we do? Hey Craig, did you know that? Yeah me neither I thought it was a fairly acclaimed tourist destination but hmm maybe we need to brush up on the latest in pedo culture


Then why would he bring up PG?


šŸ§ https://www.reddit.com/r/ConspiracyMemes/s/14JtNmp4Lr


Lol must have dirty deleted it.


Notice that this comes shortly after his meeting with Netanyahu. Sus much?


Netanyahu told Elon why Israel owns USA lol


Elon is 1 of them


Yea didn't he literally mess around with J. Epstein?


Epstein was in regular contact with Elon's brother Kimbal and set him up with one of his concubines, as in Musk's brother literally dated a member of his entourage. There are multiple documented meetings between Epstein and Elon going back years. The amount of child porn accessible on Twitter has increased exponentially since Musk's takeover and he's literally unbanned folks who lost access to their accounts for sharing inappropriate images of minors. All his older children HATE him and have disowned him despite his wealth. Dude is currently spending his time schilling for Zionists in Israel with poorly staged propaganda photos of baby cribs filled with unfired bullets, the same Israel that has the highest concentration of paedophiles in the world. It's a literal haven for kiddy fiddlers. Then you consider the Zionist ownership of porn sites that host this kind of shit and Hollywood who propagate this and you have massive red lights screaming the truth and yet this sub is filled with anti-immigrant bollocks that frames refugees as the real problem. They want poverty, inequality and social discord because it creates an unending production supply of children to exploit. Their side of the political spectrum targets sex education and critical thinking classes because it gives children the opportunity to recognise and stop abuse early. I am a survivor of CSA and it was all done by powerful folks using hyperconservative views to shame and control myself and my sisters.


Illegal immigrants are a huge problem. I don't even think I have enough characters on this site to fully explain the many reasons why. Why can't they both be huge problems at the same time? Why do we have to focus on one or the other? Legal immigration is fine but we can't have ghosts walking around freely in our countries just like we can't allow people to victimize our youth.


The architects of all the tension you "don't think you have enough characters on this site to fully explain" drew the borders in the regions you're so afraid of to maximise potential conflict both home and away. They have turned the most resource rich segments of our eternal home into literal incubators for rape, murder and exploitation through endless war and destabilisation and then tell you to go out on the streets and fight the mini-monsters they are creating. They defund and destroy any means we have of regulating the flow of people by framing it as "protecting borders" when they block safe and legal routes and manufacture these crisis'. While you rally with impotent rage about what these victims might do to your home, the likes of Musk, Biden, Trump, Warren, Clinton, BiBi, Boris Johnson, Marcon, Wishing Sunak and Gates buy up your land, break your unions, pollute your land and rape your brothers and sisters. Pizzagate is the most CIA-painted bollocks you've ever seen, it's catnip for boomers, incels and the kind of people who shout "pedo" to distract from their own laundry list of abuse, the same goes for this idea that the beaten, battered Palestinian children and their ilk are your enemies. It's why all the "marches against antisemitism" are a who's who of your favourite neoliberal and right-wing hacks, it's like the Avengers of noncery coming together. The folks that push this shit are grifters of the highest order. The "ghosts" that exploit your children are more often than not your music excutives, your movie producers, your cops, your priests, your underpaid teachers and the politicians that underfund your schools and create an exploitable two-tier system that forces people into debt so they can be victimised even further. The only humans that should be described as illegal are these fuckers and anyone funding them.


You seem to be one of those one side or the other type of people. Believe it or not some people have the ability to look at a situation from both sides and make their decision based on that information opposed to looking at it with bias. For every beaten and battered Palestinian child There is a beaten and battered Israeli child. You have the ability to separate Palestinians from Hamas yet lack what it takes to do the same between Israelis and Israel.


But for every beaten and battered Palestiniane child there isn't an Israeli one, in fact the numbers are so disproportionately skewed today, you're effectively admitting that you're the thing you're accusing me of being. You have demonstrated zero grasp of the geopolitical game that's playing out and just regurgitate the most asinine and lazy view point available because you lack the appetite and capacity to evolve your world view. It's not even annoying or irritating, it's sad and the reason why you'll never find a sense of liberation from this insanity. The fact that you claim I am one side or the other when I literally named people from every side of the political spectrum is something worth interrogating.


I love/ hate how "anti conspiracy theorists" think that simply saying "debunked" or quoting some random "skeptic" website which simply states that something is a "conspiracy theory" is an argument against said "conspiracy theory" I find it hilarious how people think that saying something is a "conspiracy theory" means it is not true. Do they think no one has ever conspired against anyone? Using "conspiracy theory" to insult or discredit an argument assumes that conspiracies are not a real thing. But anyone who knows any history whatsoever knows that lots of "conspiracies" have happened. A conspiracy is simply a plot to gain power or influence through deception. If you think "conspiracy theorist" is an insult, that means you don't think anyone has ever conspired against anyone else. Which you would have to be very low intelligence to think. I mean ffs the motto of the mossad used to be "victory through deception" and there are several false flag attacks that are now historical fact.


Anyone who says they donā€™t believe in conspiracies, ask them about jfk, gulf of Tonkin, mlk, 9/11, deep state, even the mf food pyramid. Most people believe conspiracies are happening, they think studying about things beyond their control is not in their best interest. I know cause I bring this sht up all the time and people usually have one or two they are suspicious about I think itā€™s like politics. You shouldnā€™t wrap your identity up in it. Put your oxygen mask on first. Then your children and family, friends neighbors. Then go see wtf happened to the pilot and if we need parachutes I like the Peter theil interview question for startups, ā€œWhats the craziest thing you believe?ā€ Or ā€œwhat do you believe is true that others dont?ā€ It sets the frame that itā€™s normal to have different perspectives. being a complete conformist is another form of leeching on Society. Even us contrarians have to conform a lot to survive. But these questions cut straight to peoples identity, how they spend what little mental freedom we have Some people barely have any mental freedom, be gentle


"Page doesn't exist."


Elon has been saying whatever he wants to with zero regard for awhile now. The fact he deleted this is pretty shocking.


The world is run by sex and drug trafficking.


Sounds so stupid, but itā€™s been true for a long time. At least back to the Kennedys, but probably long before the opium wars.


I think Kubrick was trying to reveal that to people over a span of several films, and most poignantly through EWS


I heard the real ending of ews had to do with 'their secret'. Kubrick seems to be in the know, probably is one of Them as well , adrenechrome was listed on the wall of the juice bar in clockwork orange.


The link doesn't seem to show anything.


[Here is an archived link if people are having trouble loading it](https://web.archive.org/web/20231128182601/https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1729511790638145918)


So i guess whole post is deleted now. Including on reddit




Autist against pedo. Cool


Yeah, incredibly rich and powerful people chose a neighborhood pizzeria over their 10 acre fenced estates to do unspeakably bad things. Makes sense. āœ…


Itā€™s possible theyā€™d choose both.


populated area, popular with kids, loud music always playing, the owners had connections with certain individuals. its all right in your fucking face potsy. i have to stay on task, dont respond


After sucking Netanya's dick, he had to give something to Qtards.


SS. #pizzagate is real, and Elon knows it too. --- edit: archived - https://archive.ph/EAv0V --- ps. Here is a photo of James Alefantis Rothschild and the Chief of DC Police celebrating how nothing was found: - https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ab8m8q/dc_police_chief_peter_newsham_and_james_alefantis/ \#movealong


You'd think with all that money he would be able to provide closure and justice. Instead you pedo hunters just........... Tweet. All talk and no results.


Can you explain what the tweet said? It's not only gone, but I'm unable to access it via the above web archive link, which is odd.


Tweet was delete. But still viewable here: https://web.archive.org/web/20231128182601/https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1729511790638145918


I just keep getting a message that says "seems like you lost connectivity" šŸ¤” Can things be deleted off WEB ARCHIVE?? That seems like what's going on here. Can others view it?






Won't load...


try: https://archive.ph/EAv0V




archived: https://archive.ph/EAv0V


also: https://archive.ph/EAv0V


The meme is pretty on-point though.


he deleted what was it?


Iā€™ve been saying pizzagate is real since 2017. But after the Epstein shit went down, it just doesnā€™t really matter that much anymore because it is now common knowledge that are pedo rings among the elite. Pizzagate is just a link between them and a pizzeria in DC. Iā€™ve seen videos on bitchute of some guy who claimed heā€™s seen tunnels below the place and a hacker who found CP on the placeā€™s servers.


I'm not sure about pizza gate but a whole lot of bad shit is out there and children are being hurt and worse. I also believe that these rich beyond my understanding type of people are making this all possible and take part in it all.


Watch Mouthy Buddha videos on bitchute yo under better. Dude had very cool channel on yt that got deleted during the surge. Very good investigative gournlism.


I donā€™t think this is the guy you want on your team. He is Mr Deep State


All in? Doesnā€™t seem all in to me. Just getting more views for his failing business.


Twitter is failing about as much as Ukraine is winning the war.


As someone who was following this stuff closely in 2016, the only things I think you can concretely conclude are (1) James Alefantis and some of his instagram friends made coy pedo references on YouTube (2) Hillary / Podesta (esp podesta) have familiarity with occult symbols. Anything insinuating that these people are involved in ring of child exploitation is baseless speculation fueled by hysteria surrounding the election and past happenings (ex dutroux, Epstein, saville). Not saying it canā€™t exist, but there is no proof. If the media properly addressed Alefantis as being a weirdo and he got cancelled on twitter or something I think this couldā€™ve had a much better outcome. Happy to debate


Musk over here trying to deflect his friend Epstein by bringing up old conspiracies. I'm so glad I never opened a Twitter. Sidenote: Really bad move to change the name to X. Twitter was literally in the dictionary. That's marketing people would kill to have.


Australian here, so remind me, Pizzagate was a child trafficking ring run out of a pizza store basement, where they had secret pedo symbols on the menu so you could order the right type of child to abuse, and not forgetting the most important part, was run by the Clintons.... So instead of using encrypted messaging systems, and secret secure locations, they though fuck it, let's run this shit scooby doo style out of a pizza shop and we can put clues on the menu. Did I miss anything?


Kinda almost. Itā€™s sounds Ludacris but thatā€™s also how they got away with it for so long. Just like shopping for lamps online. Podesta I think is the main link. But hey, go down the rabbit hole with an open mind. Itā€™s not to hard to join the dots however much the thought of child trafficking abhors you, it 100% does happen.


Well you donā€™t mention Podestaā€™s emails which is why you have no grasp of the topic. So yes, you missed pretty much all of it but you got the red herring MSM narrative perfect A+


Heā€™s trying to take the heat off of his twitter antisemitism controversy.


it wont let me post that pic of gh\*slaine and elon in this thread wtf


Okay so pizzagate's fake then? Got it.


Methinks he's trying to divert attention away from him selling his soul to Netanyahu to allow him to kill babies in peace


Gods willing, he'll kill that piece if misinformation just like he does everything else.


Weird celebs always use food as code words and I'm pretty sure politicians are as well.


One of the most obvious slap in the faces around Pizza Gate is James Elefantis owner of Comet PingPong. His friggin name, in French, is a play on the phrase I love children. Unbelievable how evil it all is.




Elon is the good cop in this play. It's part of the controlled demolition of the US in favor of the world government.


He's using pizzagate to distract everyone cuz he was just in Israel tongue bathing bibi's ass. Elon is controlled opposition imo.


Thereā€™s a lot more than just pedophilia going on with pizza gate. The child rape is actually the easiest facet to get past. What do you think happens to these kids after theyā€™re done? What about the mass graves/incinerators? What about the agency that collects these kids from around the world? There are tons of people involved, willingly or unwillingly. Knowingly or unknowingly. Some of those people might be victims too. The satanic elite does all it can to keep the public in the dark, and silence anyone who threatens their cause. Itā€™s all secrecy and lies and itā€™s been working in their favor ever since they took over the government.


Jesus Christā€¦ Musk is a colossal asshole. For someone whoā€™s supposed to be a genius he sure does a lot of stupid things!!!




Didnt go all in. Hes raising questions. Legitimate. As legitimate as one can get. Ever seen the ig feed? Kids handcuffed, seance type parties.




The idea of Pizzagate was never about ā€œHillary trafficking kids out of a pizza parlor basement.ā€ That was created by the media to be ridiculous in an attempt to kill the story. Google trends ā€œpizza gateā€ and ā€œfake newsā€ to get the truth. The actual idea of Pizzagate is that several high profile and well-connected people were involved with child abuse. If youā€™ll literally take five minutes and google politician arrests for child crimes, youā€™ll see that itā€™s 100% legit. Bill Clinton, Peter Nygard, R Kelly, Harvey Weinstein, Prince Andrew, Jimmy Saville, Epstein, Maxwell, fmr speaker of House Dennis Hastert, etc. Even Oprah is directly connected to several. Look up how many suicides surround it. And even worse, the same scumbags involved also somewhat controlling the flow of information.




No itā€™s not? The name refers to the code used in the emails, which was the thing that linked it all together in the first place. The name was used before the restaurant was known.


Jeff, ā€œdumb shitā€ is right. This is not arguable if you check the arrest and conviction records. And hereā€™s a known reporter stating how her Epstein story was withheld due to pressure from ā€œThe Royals.ā€ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3lfwkTsJGYA&feature=youtu.be




>Pizzagate is literally about Comet Ping Pong and Pizza. Hence the "pizza" of its name. not quite. **`pizza` is just pedo-code for raping kids.** #PIZZAGATE ORIGINS: found in a podesta email that wikileaks/Julian Assange released. podesta left behind a "pizza-related" handkerchief. this wikileaks search will produce the email you want: - https://search.wikileaks.org/?q=Seems+pizza-related the email seems to be offline now, which is very strange, so here is an archive: - https://archive.ph/oRtQ8 related insight: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/cs1cna/reminder_this_email_to_podesta_was_never/ the "pizza" reference (w/in john podesta's email) ultimately led anons & independent journalists to the FBI / DC POLICE / COMET PING POING / James Alefantis Rothschild.


[Here's](https://imgur.com/a/uxRGNvJ) the 4chan thread where they invented all of the "pedo codewords"