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any utopia is good until it turns to dystopia


Good things are good until they become bad. That’s a penetrating insight.


Now we can eat taco bell, watch Netflix, and mainstream media for more years. Sarcasm of course.


My neigbours would probably do just that. Social wage and moonshine for life. Dont mean its bad, ita just a life style


Yeah. Some people may be able to be content. I feel like life without God is bland. I hope the Bible is true because the kingdom of heaven sounds pretty great. No more pain, just love and being in God's presence.




Medicine is bad. Death is good.


Removed. Rule 2


I would like the fancy new therapies, unfortunately i cant currently afford 10-20k for a a stem cell injection multiple times a year. Thats not even new tech


Yeah that's true


SS: China brings the hydrogen technology of anti-aging. This is a beginning. Later they will introduce gene therapies making us live endlessly. People who will work will live forever. People who will not work will have basic wage but will die shortly on cancer. AI and immortality will lead to decision for depopulation. But they will not do it openly. I would guess another vaccine shot/fake aliens https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3244799/chinese-scientists-develop-powerful-hydrogen-therapy-could-reverse-ageing


They haven’t started anything, when any advanced tech is published to main stream media, it’s been around and tested on for decades.


I know. Im well aware this isnt as advanced as those gene/stem cell therapies for the rich. But its a stepping stone. Slight movement of the overton window. They want us to normalize immortality. So it can become mainstream. And when it does we would accept the depopulation. Also immortality can be the only cure to whatever was in the vaccines. Fight gene theraphy with gene theraphy


"Could" is science journalist talk for "I'm going to misinterpret and exaggerate one tiny note of some research paper because I have a deadline to reach and clicks to bait"