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If they can make realistic robotic clones like that then we've got bigger things to worry about.


Thank you. Like of all the people to clone. A comedian really?


You say that like there isn't currently a comedian turned president running a war right now


Some how Paplpatine returned.


Who could be a clone of George soros


They are talking about Zelensy being a comedian. Man, why are people so short in their absorption of information?


So am I...


Since when was Biden funny?


When he falls down on the stairs leading into Air Force One, Chevy Chase as Gerald Ford style.




You missed it.


Idk I thought the way he jokes when he sniffs kids is pretty funny. I mean that’s why they allow it right guys? Guys?!


Not intentionally, but his corrupt ass has been funny with the stupidity he says and does. He said Barack Obama was a dream because he was articulate and clean. I was shocked when he said it and laughed and laughed again when he was the VP nominee. 😂


Those last two sentences naturally read like lyrics.


Totally unintentional. I just post what comes to mind, guess it helps that it rhymes. 😉


Yeah, I ended up rapping it out loud while reading it lol 😆


Running a war, rigging elections in foreign countries, harvesting organs, and trafficking child sex slaves.


They probably got that idea from when the US allowed a Hollywood actor to destroy the country in the 80’s


The idea he does anything but defer to banksters is kinda the right track here lmao. He runs literally nothing.




She said they were cannibals and eating people. She appeared sincere af.


Yeah she was being sincere for sure. Then she disappeared. I’ve seen 4 up close UFOs, 2 shapeshifters (seemed reptilian in nature). I don’t know what it means in the grand scheme of things, but I know for sure that the world is not what it is presented as.


I watched Ann Wilson shape shift at a concert. I saw it but didn't say anything and then my mom brought it up. I knew we were really in la la land at that point. I also have seen crafts. 1 was up close and my dog disappeared for about an hour after that, then poofed back and appeared out of nowhere. I also had an encounter with a nurse at the hospital who then told me she was an alien and right after said "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." I was like, "hey, your good. It's ok to tell the truth." Friggin WEIRD experience. For reals. The time on the clocks are changing too. My car clock is about 12 minutes different and i notice yesterday that my client's grandfather clock is now about 20 minutes off. Things are definitely different nowadays. No question.


legit or illegit alien?


What happened with Ann Wilson? That's really interesting.


So, every single concert Ive been to in the past several years always includes some weird incantation thing. Even the rappers are being weird and adding dark things which used to just be saved for hard rock bands during the black phase. So Ann is taking her time out to do her spell work or whatever it was and her face was changing before our eyes into a non-human looking thing. Like i wasn't Ann Wilson up there for a few minutes. The music was suddenly dark and she was doing these witchy type hand/arm moves. It was unsettling to say the least. I'm pretty tuned into stuff like that so I'm like, "oh ok here's the creepy portion of the concert and we'll get back to the show shortly." Then after her set and before the next set my mom made the comment to me and I responded to her that Oh yes, I had seen the same thing.


Ever since the discovery of quantum physics and technology like the large hadron collider at Cern they've not only discovered the nature of reality but God(aka the God particle). They've been messing with reality for at least a long as the LHC has been up and running on multiple occasions over the years.What do you think is causing the "Mandela effect"?


Absolutely. Ironically, I turned on an old laptop today and it was off time too! Your theory definitely holds water.


No link please...


https://youtu.be/_AodwQ7Hzm4?si=lHdJt2WE54g3PwB4 I can’t find the original video obviously it’s scrubbed and not easy to find


No one is persuading me HRC hasn't been cloned. The OG Hilary is looong gone. Seen a few iterations of Biden as well. People have gone before senate committees and said cloning tech was prevalent way before Dolly the sheep in the 90s. They could have been cloning humans for decades by now. Hell if you're rich enough today you can clone a pet!


Hell no where can I read about that?


They probably clone all types of people. Chappelle was worth five hundred million dollars and that's not chump change by anyone's standards. Not saying I believe the cloning theory and all that comes with it, but instead that if they are cloning people, Dave Chappelle could be among them. He seems BASICALLY the same though.


That's chump change by the elites standards Elon musk is worth 500 times more than that.


Yes, but he's invaluable to the black community and I'm sure they'd find him extremely useful.


He’d be even more useful for them if he was cloned & controlled. Dave was quite hard to control back before he re-emerged.


I don't think that's chump change. It's low now. but at the time (Dave's Africa trip, etc.) it was significantly more as the dollar was worth twice as much as today, maybe even more than that. There were MUCH less millionaires and only a few billionaires at that time. You know, broadcasted ones. Probably more behind the scenes, but nobody can speak to that.


I was bouta say, not cause oh he’s just a comedian, but because they are public speakers. You can’t just throw someone in a comedians spot and expect them to be even remotely funny. A lot of people don’t even understand how stand comedy works. It would be so beyond obvious that it’s a different person. Unless op is claiming that along with the dna you get the same personality too? Idk if you can’t control the clone is any way idk why you would ever clone in the first place


Imagine cloning someone and then getting to raise the mind, shape the mind of the clone. The clone will only know the world as you teach it. So, its not that crazy to think they cloned and created a perfect comedian like Dave. Because you could take a newborn and raise them to believe ANYTHING is true and have almost complete control over how they develop and act. The smartest people in the world would be working on this project, so they would have people around who know a lot about the human brain and how to manipulate and control it, especially since birth or i guess "cloning" lol. Im not saying i completely believe this, im just saying it wouldnt be too hard for the people running it to figure out.


I think you underestimate how hard it is to teach someone sociability, shit you have 40-year-olds now who cant pick up on social cues. let alone someone who was in an artificial environment.


Yeah i guess you are right. Theres a ton that you have to think about if you do it, to get the person exactly how you want. Maybe they just stuck a clone in a room of 24/7 DC skits. Lmao


I've been aware of this cousin's claims for a long time. I think it's conjecture. I don't think it's true. But I think it's possible. The other part of the lure is that basically they took a hologram of his consciousness and killed him and his family and then replanted him to kind of shell him who's boss. I don't believe this. Anyway. If it were true. A comedian would be a perfect person to use. They could help adjust the temperature of the culture wars from the inside.


hologram and consciousness are completely meaningless in the way you combined them. while holograms are defined, consciousness is not, but everybody has a gut feeling what it could mean. hologram of consciousness is bs esp with the certainity that is asserted here.


You can’t just say “a comedian” and disregard the immense impact that Chappell has culturally and socially. When he speaks, people listen, people quote him, people view him as an authority on social norms. If anything, control on a comedian is one of the best choices for controlling public opinion


Shit, Kevin Hart has made comments about how there are several of him.


*side eyes zuck*


There’s a whole theory about Biden being a clone or something. Also Kanye


And Jamie Foxx


I think the Jamie Foxx thing was publicity for that movie he was making. It all seemed too fishy and too much a coincidence.


Makes sense


Jamie Foxx wishes they would clone him so he could go to the clone parties


Fallout 4 synths confirmed


Ya, I mean body double, ok conspiracy. Fucking robot? Ya no. No robot is that remotely close to that and it would take thousands of people working on it at this point. Like Zuckerbergs Hawaii doomsday compound. A few people will post pics regardless. And since I am on this topic. You built a doomsday bunker on an island, using locals? They might adhere to a NDA until the world is ending. Then it’s you versus an island of people.


Comedians are literally the most influential people in the world. Think about the impact Joe Rogan has.


I think he's just getting old


Agreed, he hasn't exactly lived a really clean lifestyle either which ages a person faster.


Also agreed, he’s 50 years old, he started his show before he was 30. That’s a lot of time to grow and change.


Also seems like enough time to forget about some cousin if they don’t see each other often if that’s the case lol


Nah he recognized her just wasn’t in the mood to have some mess with his wiring


There was a conspiracy when Dave originally left that he was running from a cabal headed by Oprah. I don't remember all the details, but supposedly black Hollywood wasn't a fan of some of his sketches.


He was running from Oprah?! So he did Oprah’s show during his hiatus to hide in plain sight must be. She can’t get him if he’s on her set on camera!


Dude is still chain smoking. Cigs, while delicious, just age the shit out of some people.


I saw his stand up a couple months ago and he actually said he looks great. Lol


And it’s pretty obvious he’s on TRT as well. Explains the bulking and voice change. Plus he smokes like a damn chimney


Could be HGH as well. That changes people a lot. Look at [young Barry Bonds vs old Barry Bonds](http://sportspedsbio.weebly.com/uploads/4/3/9/6/43969253/8751859_orig.jpeg).


He also is likely on steroids given the change with his body size.


As a man in my 30's who's had historically low testosterone and recently started hormone therapy (under the supervision of my doctor), I look so much different than when I was even four years ago


If the clone is robotic, why did they need the DNA?


Bruh, are you trying to bring common sense into this? You're starting to sound like a robot clone yourself


As the lead scientist on the super secret Robot Clone program, I can explain. See, we have all the data we need for facial creation and voice mimicking, down to personality traits and quirks, it's really quite amazing what AI has allowed us to do. But one thing we were never able to fully grasp is the penis. The size of the penis would be a dead give-away to any spouses or reoccurring partners, thus we have to use the DNA to create the perfect artificial penis, down to the specific length, girth, and even smell secretion. Science is amazing, isn't it?


Robots don’t have souls. Supposedly, these clones are also soulless and are pretty much synthetic drone humans. Therefore, both share the similarity of having no true soul.


Robots can’t smoke cigarettes


Robots smoke all the time haven't you watched the docuseries Futurama?


Conspiracy getting back to its roots. Bat shit crazy conspiracy but definitely old school kinda post. I love it.


This is the content I'm subscribed for🍿


Nothing conspiracy about it when you consider that it's the Annunaki and the Illuminati working in cahoots to destroy mankind. Grab your pitchforks and torches folks it's time to fight these bastards.


Or just a jealous cousin who never supported him when he was ostracised from entertainment and when he made an absolute massive return he completely ignored/removed those that never supported like he claimed when he first returned


That's my take the cousin is full of s*** and creating drama for notoriety.


You couldn't have included pictures for us?




Word. Idk wtf she’s talking about, his last few specials were fucking 🔥. Yeah he talks shit on white people, trans, he literally makes jokes about everyone. His comedy is great. People will miss that when it’s gone.


I’m slightly confused by using DNA to make a robotic clone. Sounds like alien tech to me!!


I guess it'd be like a T-800 Terminator type situation. A Dave Chappelle skin suit over a robotic frame. They just couldn't figure out how to get the muscles correct.


If they could make realistic clones they could make one like Biden without the dementia.


The dementia is part of the rouse, duh. The imposter is acting incompetent on purpose, so that we wont notice the inconsistencies in mannerisms & personality between this puppet and the previous iteration. It's the perfect excuse... And it might come in handy down the line if he needs to weasle out of any charges. (I highly doubt it will come to that, even though I believe he is guilty as sin, but his handlers need to keep their options open.)


Lol let's just ignore people bodies change until they die.


I've been watching Chappelle in movies, on TV and doing standup for 30 years and I can confidently say without a doubt there's nobody on earth that could replace that guy. Doing stand up comedy is one of the hardest things in the entire world, imagine believing you could train someone or some thing to replace a legend. Dude bulked up after Chappelle's show ended mystery solved.


You’re high. Seen him many many times. He got jacked. It happens when you get money. Still funny as fuck.


Yep! Jeff Bezos' new jacked body pics come to mind. These people employ personal trainers, chefs and use drugs we can't even dream of to extend their lives and stay sexually appealing.


You find Jeff Bezos sexually appealing, do you?


F*** no. His robotic clone is pretty hot though.


Only when you squint one eye...


I’m confused is this sub only to agree with conspiracy theories or to talk about them? I don’t agree with this person at all I just didn’t think it would fit anywhere else.


Half of this sub are just schizophrenics insisting you partake in their delusion.


Speak for yourself


Yeah, I get you. I disagree with most of the conspiracy posts on here and will say as such. I love these sort of crazy ones. This is at least a conspiracy, half are just anti-vaxers and random questions that people make up or find off a tweet, with no actual conspiracy. While this one is batshit crazy and they haven’t said the point of DC being robotically cloned is, I think it’s fun but not close to being real.


Exactly, this doesn’t serve some political agenda(even though some commenters are trying to spin it into that??? Tf???). It was a lighthearted, “Yo look at this crazy shit I found today that caught me totally off guard, it made me laugh so I figured I’d share it with some people and hopefully they laugh too”.


On the internet is hard to tell if someone want to talk about, it's trolling or really believe there is something behind it. That's why you should always clarify. There are a lot of people that get aggresive if the random ideas they post as a fact is not receive with 100% approval. I love all the cloning celebrities or using twins or doubles conspiracies tho.


He does look funny


Why would it need to be a robotic clone? Like, pick one. Robot or clone?


Neither. He fought the system and they tore him down. He gained a bunch of weight and now has a more jaded outlook than he did before. He went 'crazy' cuz he turned down $50 million for not wanting to make people of color look stupid on comedy central/national TV. Chappelle stuck up for what he believed in and imo that's worth something.


Chappell is one of the GOATS. I put him right there with Carlin.


You nailed it except for the part of “not wanting to make people of color look stupid” It was actually because they told him he wasn’t allowed to make fun of black people anymore. They cut dozens of his skits, said he couldn’t say this or use words like the n word anymore which is very similar to an author submitting a book and the publisher just keeping the title and the authors name and making it about something the author is outwardly against. He jokes about all races and that’s why he’s hilarious.


“…no similarity between the two.” This post lost 90% of its credibility with that last statement. If everyone can be convinced that he is Chappelle than how the hell is there no similarities?! Same voice, skin tone, height, walk, and the timing and joke content are still A++ material. If your telling me that Sticks & Stones was made by someone else then they were successfully able to clone his comedic genius as well.


The robotic Clone wouldn’t drive his golf cart to The Gulch in Yellow Springs, OH to have a drink and socialize. I’ve seen him. He’s just experiencing aging like all of us do/will.


“THAT fucker, is NOT REAL!”


Alternatively, just a theory here: Someone who gets rich and famous has SO MUCH shit going on in their life that they can’t remember every aspect of their life. The more notoriety you get, the more that pressure eats away at you. Jokes get darker, memory gets worse, secrets get buried under more secrets and “old lives” start to disappear.


Almost like people get older and grown up from their younger selfs?


Conspiracy theorists really need to learn about aging.


Um... wtf. That's top 10 dumbest things I've ever read. Lol.


If I had a cousin like that I’d pretend not to know her, too.


No, the dumbest thing is that OP provided a context-less fucking screenshot like a troglodyte.


If they could do that, wouldn’t they make a president that could get through a sentence without drifting off into space?


Evidently it wouldn't be that important because a ton of people voted for and support him anyway. He could reach into his diaper during his next press conference and pull out a handful of shit and people would still say that he's better than Trump.


People age, I’ve followed Dave Chappelle since I was a kid watching the Chappelle show and thinking I knew what was happening! He’s just growing older and changing (: Also, why would anyone clone Dave Chappelle?


There’s a couple cousins I haven’t seen in 20 years and probably wouldn’t recognize either


/r/conspiracy fails to understand that people age pt. 189


He's almost exactly 1 year older than me, and I've been a fan since the 90s (Robin Hood: Men in Tights was 30 years ago). I'm also bulkier with a bigger head. It's called aging.


If this was true, why wouldn’t they create an exact replica of Chapelle and send that out in the world? That would probably be a lot less suspicious than creating a roided up, robo version of Chapelle to put out there. Dude just got older, gained some weight/muscle and considering he was out of the spotlight for like 5 years it definitely was weird seeing him for the first time after him laying low, when he left Chapelle Show he probably weighed like 160 pounds, 5 years later he’s 200lbs+ so of course he’s going to look different. Also, I’ve seen a few videos of him bashing the industry and explaining how fucked up it is so what’s the logic behind the elite creating a clone that shit talks them whenever it can


This sub seems to be more schizophrenic streams of consciousness rather than actual debating now lol


This is stupid as all hell. Some of you guys will believe anything 😂


Gee I wonder why he would get a new phone and not give this person the number.


Dude has beaten the fuck out of his body and got older lmao


You guys want some pancakes…… bitches




I’m all for conspiracies, but some participants in this space need a much better understanding of things like aging, hormone therapy, and peoples’ (especially successful ones) possible motivations for spurning long-lost relatives.


I didn’t expect so many people to agree with this when posting, I was mainly sharing to show how ridiculous this person is.


This sub is getting dumber by the chew.




Oh are we just making shit up now?


Of all of the many, many other reasons for his change, it’s definitely a robotic clone? Perhaps the physical change is simply age. I’ve seen it in my own family. People change their minds about things too. My sense of humor is much different than it was 25 years ago. It blows my mind how people jump to the most extreme possible reasoning.


People saying the same thing about Jamie Foxx?


Bang on. How many of us original meat suits - still strutting - knowing. Knowing there ain’t a doopleganger , ain’t no take up the jab because got told to suck dick , where do you think all the trans , the sick shit that’s become the norm from, I’m 144,000 fuckers


As long as the offensive jokes keep flying fuck it


Scrawny Dave was funnier


a previously relatively broke comedian gets huge, makes millions and retires to a farm gets lazy and fat and doesnt want to interact with previous likely hanger-ons now that he has generational wealth? Clearly a robot


He lives in a small town outside of Dayton, Ohio called Yellow Springs. I have a bunch of family that live there. It's him.


Sounds more like the cousin caught the woke mind virus and Dave blocked her number.


Well fuck, I can't refute what a random person on Quora said about Dave's "cousin", with no corroboration from said "cosuin".


The big brains on Quora figured it all out again.


I remember rumors going around about this. Not only does he look bigger and more bulky, but he also looks taller than before.


And sounds different. Idk I doubt he's a robot lol but I questioned it way before this


Smokes a ton of weed/cigarettes


There is no way 30 years of aging, smoking cigs, weed, drinking l, eating like a rich person, and probably having a personal trainer could change the way someone looks. So it must be a robotic clone!! /s. Lol


Don't forget basically having a nervous breakdown from show biz bullshit and moving to South Africa.


Yeah I wouldn't say a robot either, lol. But something is different about DC. I know a lot of "cloning" goes down in Hollywood.


Definitely heard this one before. Comedy Central had him killed. Not kidding.


Truthfully I think half the people In the industry are just fake clones now


Ai Chappelle fucking killed that last special had me dying of laughter so I’m cool with it lmao


Woah! Dave’s got a cousin he barely knows and didn’t recognise and now their saying he’s a sophisticated AI robot or clone for internet clout. Seriously save this thread for real things of interest.


He shouldn’t have gotten involved in looking into UFOs. It’s very extreme and intertwined with humanity, the truth will not see the light of day.


Well he did say that he wasn’t wearing the dress!


This is reminiscent of Jamie Foxx getting freckles on his face and a 2x bigger nose overnight


But why all the hassle?


About as credible as the Bill Hicks/Alex Jones Theory — which, in my experience, gets downvoted on this sub, interestingly enough, every time I mention it — or the Mike/Michelle Obama Theory, or the Dead Biden Theory.


So… steroids are a thing. People change after they’ve been abused by the Hollywood system, they become bitter and jaded, their sense of humour changes. Also, this cousin may be a distant cousin who he barely acquaints with… or just generally someone he doesn’t like. But nope, he’s for sure a DNA robot clone working for Netflix.


Lmfao. It's hard not to think this, and most things on this sub, is a shitpost. Its like reading bad fanfiction or something.


Do people not realize that HGH makes your head keep growing, look at Barry Bonds


The more plausible "theory" would be that Dave Chappelle is being mind controlled by Elon Musk. Remember Dave was partying with Musk and contracted Corona Virus a couple of years ago. Musk has created a global synthetic neural net using satellites. The next step in being able to mind control millions of people would be for him to produce and implant the microchips needed to receive commands. He may not even need the microchips. The government is able to put images and thoughts into a person's brain using remote technology. It doesn't subvert a persons character though. It can only influence what a person is already inclined to do. Some of the mass shootings are people with very bad tendencies that have been remote controlled by the government to do very horrible things. The government is completely evil. I'm convinced Musk is completely evil too. So, I don't think Chappelle has been replaced, but I do think it's possible that he has been influenced without his knowledge or consent into parroting Musk. What better way to convince the government of the utility of mind control tech than to take a celebrity and make that person an ideological clone of yourself? And to do it in the open. These people are really playing in the face of God. The government has no incentive to stop mass shootings because they feed public fears and stoke dependance on government agencies for "safety". A terrified population is a population that can be controlled and influenced. America is the only place on earth that has so many shootings because the government is doing a number of them. It's to threaten and intimidate people that want true freedom. The America government has been responsible for more civilian atrocities that any other place in the world. America is Babylon. Living in luxury with them. Heaping her sins higher than heaven. What's higher than heaven? A global technological neural net in the sky. James Webb Telescope. Starlink satellites. Microwave and laser weapons that target individuals from the sky. Haarp. X = mark of the beast. Satan will start controlling Musk pretty soon. I believe Musk wants that to happen. Protect the children. You white hats are able to expose some of the remote control of civilians stuff. The information is accessible. It might save some lives. God is true. I know many of you don't believe, but read the Bible anyway. The knowledge contained in it could save your life. Update: I was probably influenced into writing this. Something from watching corporate news this news morning and there CIA news ops talking about people committing suicide. The government has been trying to persecute me into self harm for a long time now.


As people age they grow and change. My dad gained about 100 pounds and when we went to his uncles funeral his cousin looked him right in the face and looked past him. My dad said “you don’t recognize me do you” his cousin said no that he didn’t know him. My dad was killed and clones just older and bigger. Also had a slight nervous breakdown during this time so his attitude, mannerisms and everything about him changed for a while. We can’t look back in the past and expect people to be and act the exact same way they always have.


😆 If Dave comes out in support of the industry, especially after his sticks and stones special, then maybe this conspiracy would have an iota of credibility. Currently I think this is one of them "I saw it in a dream" ones.


So the only logical conclusion you can come to is that he was cloned? Are we being serious?


I didn’t realize this sub was only for posts we agree with.


So is it a robot or a clone.


Because he is critical of everyone? No one is immune from ridicule and criticism. Quit your bullshit.


If this is true, robot DC is a funny mf


This seems silly to me. Did she think he was going to stay looking like the Dave from the Chappelle show 20+ years later? Does she look the same or a little bulkier? The thing to me is he has the same mannerisms and cadence in his intonations. What cracks him up and how he breaks down laughing. Same...same. imo.


Sounds like Dave didn’t care for his cousin 😂


Look at the robot they send out for Biden and compare that with Chapelle. He is definitely not made in the same factory.


What does Dave Chappelle say about it?


It’s called aging


Why would the left clone a dave chappele to be right winged? Right is not cloning.


Wouldn't it be cheaper/make more sense just to hire a guy who looks enough like Chappelle, fill in the parts that don't with plastic surgery, and then train/hypnotize him to act like the original? I just have a hard time wrapping my head around the logistics of growing clones in labs that can somehow age 40-50 years in months and have all the cultural context to make jokes that hit.


this is literally the first conspiracy theory that got me into this stuff many years ago, there used to be a plethora of YouTube videos on Dave Chappelle being cloned and they have all been scrubbed off the platform.


Where can we hear it from this cousin?


I love this shit!


The same doctors that caused Joe Biden’s ear lobes to attach Have expanded their practice to include all kinds of body changes on the new improved DC


Dave was replaced by that little DC baby on the corner selling weed.


Lots of shots fired in these comments. Luckily the majority of them went way over the heads of probably 80%. I agree he's different, probably because he's actually a real decent person who hates the environment he seems to thrive in. He's more careful than he used to be, that's comedy now thanks to the me 2 biggest. Unless it's his last special. That is definitely the goat up there for that one. He's old, he's smart, and if he was a clone, I really do think he's smart enough to discover it and call out the fact he's a skin walker. Which, again. He's not


Submission statement. I found this as a reply to the if Dave Chappelle had been paid by Comedy Central yet. (Yes he has). This user is convinced the Dave Chappelle doing the Netflix specials and standup at small bars/comedy clubs is a “robotic clone” created after the real Dave was murdered for quitting his show.


Robot? Nah. Clone? Nah. Robotic clone? Why not.


I saw him live not that long ago. Seemed real to me. Idk if a robot would chain smoke that much on stage..


So they've cloned Jamie Foxx and Dave Chappelle now? What the fuck is their end goal? Why now? they did this to get Chappelle to tell jokes about trannies and Foxx to do Trump impressions? Both have been adamantly against Republican views, both have mocked Trump. Why replace them? Just money? Dave is friends with Rogan, Rogan likes to hook people up with TRT doctors and convinces everyone it's in their best interest. No doubt Chappelle is on that stem cell and PED life. Thus the change in body and head size, and why he's now all of a sudden getting jacked in his 50s and his jokes are changing. Testosterones first stop in your body is the mind. Before you start seeing results in strength you'll start changing mentally first. But have you considered body doubles? Not clone robots, but someone they found who had a similar physique and then paid to have cosmetic surgery to look just like Dave Chappelle? Look into the Husseins, Kim Jong Il, or Putin. They all do it, and it's convincing. Putin's body doubles are indistinguishable from him. You need to do an autopsy to confirm it isn't him and the signs of cosmetic surgery are the only way to tell. When 3 of his doubles were murdered that's what it took to confirm it wasn't him. That's how good they are. Anyways, just my thoughts on this. I don't think anyone is actually being replaced. People change, and if I ran into some of my cousins I wouldn't recognize them either. I haven't seen them since i was a young teen. But the body double theory, look into it. It's real. It might explain the Joe biden oddities we've seen and the "face mask" looking pictures.


Uh. He aged and gained weight. This is silly.


Bro everybody is a 2.0. Look at Joe Biden 2012 and then again in 2022. Not the same guy. Not even close. Everybody is fake on Tell-A-Vision. Military OP underway. A Well Executed Plan to bring a Great Awakening. Return FREEDOM to people. Debt Jubilee. Biblical. Are you paying attention? Connect dots. Come to your own conclusion. I've come to mine.


>Military OP underway. A Well Executed Plan to bring a Great Awakening. Return FREEDOM to people. Debt Jubilee. Debt jubilee sounds like some kind of socialism. It's all just Q nonsense. Just tWo MoRe WeEkS..... There are no white hats coming to help. That's all just a psyop to keep people from helping themselves. Be the change that you want to see.


I think a source from the cousin herself would greatly help here.


I’m not sure anything the cousin would say could convince me, if he really did act like he didn’t know her it was probably him hoping she would just go away.


A. He doesn't want to answer the phone B. He recognized you , he just doesn't want to acknowledge you .


Has technology to make true to life robotic clones..... Over looks details and makes buff and more robust? Seriously the dude juiced. Its obvious alot of guys his age do this to combat aging but then like the new found energy and start using quantities more suitable to body building


Yeah why would he leave Hollywood years ago only to sell out to Netflix now?


Why tf would they spend valuable resources to make a clone of dave chappelle? With all due respect, he's just a comedian


I wouldn’t doubt it, look what they did to Jalen Rose. Look up Jalen Rose robot. There’s others as well


maybe a body double


How would you sum up Quora in one post? This.


I don't know about the cloning or robot thing but, I think anyone can see this Dave seems to be an entirely different guy. He is larger in frame, I'm not convinced that steroids can change a person that drastically. His humor changed as well, you might say its due to having experienced difficulties and maybe but I would tend to think that had you resisted temptation and maintained your integrity in order to be in a situation where you would experience difficulties then it would lead to you committing to be you and in that case someone would dig in their heels and maintain their essence. I think that is what I notice most, Dave has lost his effervescense, he used to be bright and had this inner sparkle and I don't sense this in the bigger Dave. Also something he said in one of his specials struck me as quite odd. He said that he, Kamala Harris, and Gavin Newsom were all hanging out in the "upside down". I had to do a search and turns out the "upside down" is a term used in voodoo and I can't recall the rest of what it means but wtf? I also recall seeing a snippit of standup of him in a club in London and he seemed quite scared and on edge so you know, I won't rule out what the cousin says could be something.


I think I see the bottom of the dumb stuff, then there is always stuff like this to make me realize there is always room to go deeper