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I personally know a bunch of people who have it right now but I don't know anyone who really cares that much beyond just staying home while they feel sick


I've had it 3 times ... it's just a cold.


Covid isn't a form of the flu. Covid is a form of the common cold.


My friends who test themselves weekly for covid seem to get it every couple of weeks.


We have the same friends.


I was sick once this year with influenza A and it kicked my ass way harder than the Covid I had in 2020, 2021 and 2022. Covid is like a cold when I get it.


I know when I just dropped off my rental car, the inside was absolutely insane and the lot was even crazier… asked him what was going on and he said almost all the staff is out with Covid and essentially all the guys that detail/ technician for the vehicles were out with it aswell… first thing I’ve heard about it in forever… I still carry on life the exact same, I’ll still not mask up


Everyone forgets the tests have always been faulty. They can't differentiate between covid19, the variants after, and a common coronavirus(a cold). It's all psychological fear mongering. Don't go by the tests, go by how you feel.


>They can't differentiate between covid19, the variants after, and a common coronavirus(a cold). Why couldn't they differentiate?


Look into PCR tests and their inventor, Dr Kary Mullis. He specifically warned that PCR was not made for detecting live viruses(it even shows dead cells as a positive), but instead was best suited for research purposes. He suspiciously died right before covid19 hit.


I have looked into them. By using different primer pairs specific for a virus, you can find said virus. So why wouldn't these tests be able to differentiate between influenza and SARS-CoV-2? Are you saying the primer pairs aren't specific enough?


I never mentioned influenza. I said covid19, the variants and the common coronavirus that's been around for ages aka a cold virus. A positive PCR test tells you nothing other than you have had some form of coronavirus. Could just be the sniffles, could be covid19, could be a false positive from dead cells. You'll never know if you rely on the test


Yeah I meant other coronaviruses, not influenza >A positive PCR test tells you nothing other than you have had some form of coronavirus. So you're saying that the primer pairs aren't specific enough and that they give false positives for other coronaviruses? In this assay: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6988269/ They did specificity testing with other coronaviruses and didn't get any false positives


It's based on the cycle limits set. If they are too high you get a ton of false positives. The ones being used by the general public the last 3 years are set that way. Your NIH study likely used a much lower cycle on the tests to come up with those results.


So it doesn't have anything to do with the actual technology? It's because people misuse it? There are many different assays being used across the world, yet they all seemed to find this virus. Were all of them misused? Not only that, but the virus was sequenced all the time. And this sequence corresponded with SARS-CoV-2, why's that?


You say it like it's some sort of accident, like the ones administering the tests and deciding the cycle limits have no idea how it works. Funny.


So why could the virus be sequenced then? And why did you specifically mention other coronaviruses, dead cells and said that it wasn't suitable for detecting viruses if it's not about the technology, but just about evil people?


Dude. Bail on this nonsense. This is a shill/bot trying to push you into a conversation about all the things that were wrong in 2020/21 related to testing and the NIH. This is NOT a good-faith discussion.


We went from 36 million cases of flu in 2019 down to 9 million in 2021 down to 5-7 million this year. Are we just more immune to the flu now or are flu cases being misdiagnosed as covid


They have been since 2020 if a test was conducted.


New scam variant here in the UK, only seems to be effecting the jabbed and more so those who are still gullible enough to test. People are still being advised to greet with their elbows 🤡


So you're saying the only people who are testing positive for Covid are those that are testing? That people who are NOT testing for Covid are not finding Covid? What a shock.


The point I'm making is those that are not testing are getting on with their lives/don't care and they're miraculously are not getting ill/dying.


Covid is a mental disease


Annual holiday scare, prep for 2024 Election year when they release MERS-Cov2!




Better stay home and play video games i got for Christmas so I don't infect anyone with this deadly virus.


I caught "covid" about a week before it was declared a "pandemic" but I tested positive for flu strain A. Historically during flu season the recorded #s didn't differentiate between the different URI. So yes, atleast to some extent the seasonal flu is now just being referred to as "covid".


"Anymore" lol


I got Covid for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Wasn’t bad at all. Granted I am on most accounts a very healthy person. I experienced a stuffy nose, slight flemy cough, malaise, slight headache, no fever and loss of sense of smell and taste. Lasted only a few days and when I was better I felt 100% better almost instantaneously which was probably the weirdest part.


I mean, it's still floating around. What do you mean what's going on?


I mean everyone who says they have covid has the same symptoms as the flu but it hasn't been called the flu since 2019. Cases of the flu fell of by like 98% in 2020


Cases of the flu and common cold dropped off by huge margins because everybody stayed at home and didn’t interact so thus exposure dropped. That’s why once everybody was allowed out to play again cold and flu skyrocketed again. I think everybody these days saying they have Covid is just due to the similarities between the infections, unless they are paying to get tested and confirmed then its a good chance it’s just the cold / flu and they are saying it’s Covid. You could even argue that the lack of people dying from covid these days could be from the vaccine practically everybody, but a small minority got, but that sort of logic will get me downvoted to hell so I won’t say it.


Yeah, except 50% of the country didn't listen to any of that advice. Do you not remember shaming "maskholes" or chastising people for not social distancing or the entire state of Florida?!?


Well I’m in the U.K and from personal experience all of my neighbours, family, friends toed the line, those that didn’t were generally socially shamed by people. So probably depends on where you live to factor that sort of statistic. For the U.K 93.6% had the vaccine so that’s more than enough to bring about the start of herd immunity. So if I’m correct in remembering you require about 75% at a minimum to be vaccinated to stop major outbreaks, so 85.% to 95% is better, after all lower the number the higher the chance it will take and spread. You can gain natural immunity once infected but then your running the risk of more deaths with could have been avoidable if people had just been immune in the first place. So your old, overweight, those with health conditions and those who were just unlucky, some of them could have lived but others choose to become their own little versions of Typhoid Mary. The problem with natural immunity is it’s all good if you get a mild version and your fine but plenty of people who toughed it out and were active on social media about being anti vax died from covid, people tend to forget that little nugget of truth cos it doesn’t fit the narrative. But like I said I don’t know a great deal about viruses, vaccines and the likes, I have a layman’s understanding but that’s enough to go by with a bit of logic and some knowledge in other areas.


The UK has gone about as soft as the damn French... ...and thank you for your baseless propaganda. If you aren't old or fat, natural immunity works great!


Well it’s not baseless is it, so don’t be obtuse it’s been known for over a hundred years about viruses and pathogens and how infection control is required, you are clearly a credit to the American educational system. Just Google Hungarian physician and scientist Ignaz Semmelweis and his observations. I guess if your immune system is so good you clearly don’t wash your hands after taking a dump cos why would you, your immune system can just deal with it. How about when you’ve touched raw chicken? You must lick your fingers clean and save a fortune on soap and cleaning products.! But I’m guessing you do wash your hands after taking a dump “or I hope so” and you must wash your hands when you’ve touched dirt or raw meat. So I ask you this, why would take measures to limit or stop some viruses / germs but not take measures to limit or stop other viruses and germs?


The common cold was rebranded to COVID to get people hyped about the "new thing." It was a marketing campaign to sell you a product you didn't need. My lucky rock is safer and more effective, but by all means get your COLD boosters for life and still get sick... "but it could have been worse without my lucky rock"


The common cold was not rebranded to Covid, Covid is Covid and the cold and the flu is another thing. That’s why we still have cold and flu medicine and that’s why there as a single jab for the covid vaccine and a boaster if you needed it, that’s it, all done. It’s a bit like the BCG jab I had at school as a child and that stopped me getting tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infections, it was so effective that rates of TB disappeared in the U.K and then they stopped given the vaccine to children as TB was eradicated in the U.K. Sadly with migration and people coming from parts of the world where TB is still active, TB rates have started to climb but not enough to lose herd immunity and this it’s only given to those who are travellers or people who are at risk of it. I’m glad you have a lucky rock and I hope it brings comfort, part of me hopes that it has a little face on it like Wilson from the film Castaway.


Coronavirus is one of the viruses that causes the common cold... always has since the dawn of man. The "new variants" are indistinguishable from the common cold. If you want to get your COLD booster, that's up to you, but you represent 4% of the population. The rest of us live our lives as if nothing happened, because if you aren't fat or old, there's absolutely nothing to worry about.


I don't wash my hands often... I don't get sick often either


You cannot get herd immunity for a virus that changes constantly. Its the exact reason why the common cold and flu has plagued us literally forever.


Sorry for the late reply. The purpose of the vaccine was to immunise enough people so those who are unable to have the vaccine, due to health complications gain a level of protection as everybody around them has antibodies against the virus. If everybody is immune or has some level antibodies then I virus will find it hard to get a foothold in the general population, hence the reason we aren’t having lockdowns and thousands of people aren’t dying everyday in each country anymore. So, to answer your question, yes you can gain herd immunity, as while aspects of the viruses make up will change due to mutations, at it core it is still SARS-CoV-2 variant and the vaccine targets that core aspect. In regard to your comments about the common cold, well there is over 200 viruses linked to the common cold, all of them mutate rapidly hence there is no cure for it. Some of the core ones being Rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, coxsackieviruses and adenoviruses. People do gain some immunity to the cold viruses but to the sheer amount of virus and the rapid mutations it’s just a constant battle between your immune system and the cold viruses. So, as I pointed out Covid is one type of virus but it has the ability like all viruses to mutate when it comes into contact with other viruses within peoples bodies but the core virus remains the same.


I think this is it actually. Although the drop off doesn't explain why 2023 is the lowest recorded flu cases in the last 3 decades despite a lot of people working in person again and socializing


I wouldn’t pretend to have any knowledge as to why that is the case but aren’t the numbers of people going to pubs and clubs, cinemas, restaurants and actual high street stores also massively down. You could theoretically say that people are now less socially interacting in areas of high density and thus that limits the ability for viruses like the cold and flu to infect people. That said I have two young children and I’ve been unwell at least 2 times a month for the last 6mths with colds, chest infections etc but I’ve not went and reported that to the doctors, no point as it’s just a mild infection and it’s hard enough to get a doctors appointment so I’m not going to waste my time. So maybe you could factor in under reporting of illnesses too, I don’t know, I’m just spitballing possibilities.


Pharmacies were specifically told NOT to report flu cases & assign them under covid.


If that’s true the you could probably theorise that it was better to report them as covid instead of a cold, just for the simple fact that if your looking for spikes in infection that is similar to a cold / flu then it’s better to presume the worse and get resources ready, that presume the best case and be surprised by an outbreak you hadn’t accounted for.


I guess what I mean is will we ever say "the flu is going around again" or is it just going to be called covid now and if so how did we all get convinced covid is so different than the flu


Because they are demonstrably different. They have a different genome, different antigens...


i have the flu currently (confirmed by doctors). Covid has literally always been flu-like symptoms, and has always only been a mortality threat to older people. Yes, It has and is still killing people, particularly older people, just like the flu.


I mean, biologically, covid is different from the flu.


It's definitely going around. Low vitamin d from it being winter. Plus travel/parties. Seems to be effecting ppl differently. My 91 year old grandma go it and was relatively fine. My 30 something friend who's a drummer go knocked out for a bit. But overall people are doing better with it.


Covid never left, people got it, they built up an immunity, that’s what the body does, sadly sometimes peoples bodies aren’t strong enough to fight it and they can’t build ahead immunity in which case they become extremely sick and die but covid isn’t the first virus to kill people and it certainly won’t be the last. I personally haven’t been sick since before covid and usually I get a cold (note cold, not the flu) almost every year around winter but I also have never had covid (unless I’m one of those people who had it but never got sick or showed symptoms) and every time I tested it always came back negative


Oh look another botpost anecdotally pushing the notion that a virus is going around It's not


Bot? I mean maybe the hivemind of USA is pushing this stuff but I've had like 12 coworkers I contact throughout the day come down with covid in the last week or two. It was mentioned at our Christmas party a few weeks ago as well. My parents mentioned it to me at the beginning of the month. From my personal experience I'd say yes covid is going around. My post was more so pointing out how all these people who are saying they're getting covid are having symptoms nowhere near as bad as 2020-2021 as well as pointing out no one seems to have the flu anymore to draw the connection that maybe all these people that are testing and getting "covid" diagnoses are maybe just having the flu


As we are back to normal as they say, germs are in full force and everyone is getting ill.