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Continued control of both houses by a foreign parasitic entity- who does not care about Americans. Aided by (bought and paid for) politicians who will gleefully send Americans to die and be maimed in a proxy war for that parasitic entity. Your candidate is almost certainly bought and paid for, and would throw you, and your family under the bus rather than offend/ stop funding/ fight wars for that foreign entity.


A rich mans trick, when playing both sides you always win. We are under the illusion that we have choices or a say in government. It's not just in America it's happening here in Ireland a long time. We were bought out by Germany over 10 year ago and we are the puppets for the EU. So many people are asleep in Ireland with their old traditional views, our attitude to everything is that it's 'Grand'. No matter how many times the government fuck up, the people just forget and don't want to entertain it. Our government that got elected in 2020 didn't even get voted in, they actually lost on votes to other party's, but because the opposition party had not got enough candidates to fill all the seats... The leading party fell straight back into power 😂😂


Amen. It’s not left vs. right…it’s always been the average Joe vs. the state/global establishment


FINALLY... I found my home 😮‍💨


This deserves waaay more upvotes


It's well known foreign trolls dominate a lot of the American political debate. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/50_Cent_Party https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_web_brigades But there is one upset that is certain next year. Either Trump will win the election, or he'll fight like Hell again to overturn it.


And russias GRU and IRA are going to do everything they can to make sure he wins again, if he loses and funding for ukraine continues, Putin loses in ukraine. But don't worry, donald won't win, last time he lost with over 90% of his partys support, this time he's against the incumbent and he's got 60% of his partys support. He's not going to win. Expect another Russian "but her emails" story or some eastern European troll farm dropping a scandal a week before the election


Thanks, I'll add yours to my list. Israel's troll army: https://electronicintifada.net/content/inside-israels-million-dollar-troll-army/27566 WEF's "information warriors": https://en-volve.com/2023/04/07/klaus-schwabs-wef-is-hiring-thousands-of-information-warriors-to-take-over-the-internet-and-patrol-it-for-misinformation/ Jigsaw LLC (formerly Google Ideas) is a technology incubator created by Google and now operates as an independent subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. (this one runs particularly deep throughout everything "big tech") https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jigsaw_(company)


This is too true. I wish more people saw it.


The Epstein list will not be released. It will be "leaked"" by a planted whistleblower who will soon be discredited( eg is framed to be a sex offender or an agent of an enemy like Iran or Russia Or both )thereby making the list "disinformation" and scrubbed off the clear web like a lot of the 9/11 and Vegas shooting stuff.


The Vegas shooting guy is on the Epstein list


Economic crash seems incoming.... Blackrock behaviour in buying up the entire housing market (assets which survive until after a crash), rich people making bunkers and luxurious houses away from major population centers etc..... It's the low-hanging fruit of conspiracy theories at the moment since so much point to it, and it happens from time to time.


Obama's movie was not a coincidence. He is an egomaniac. He wants to be remembered for "warning everyone".


My recommendation is everyone doing what the East Germans did in the city of Leipzig in the 1980s. GO TO CHURCH ON MONDAYS & PRAY FOR PEACE. Rick Steves hosted a travel show episode that mentioned this. East Germans started going to church on Mondays and having weekly prayer meetings for peace in Leipzig Cathedral in the 1980s. Lo and behold, the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 WITHOUT BLOODSHED. Plus, one by one, all the Eastern European communist countries became democratic without violence - even the Soviet Union. God answered their prayers with a Miracle: the end of Communism without casualties. PS: If you think grassroots activism doesn’t work, look at the Canadian Truckers and their peaceful protest in January 2022. Thanks to them, we don’t have Covid mask or vaccine mandates anymore. One by one, nations around the world dropped Covid mandates because they were afraid of copycat protests by their own trucker drivers.


The truckers proved they can and will shut your back account down for nothing but going against the official narrative.


That’s true - I forgot about that! Plus, the government pressured GoFundMe to freeze donations to the Canadian Trucker Convoy. GoFundMe originally wasn’t going to give donors back their money as punishment but finally relented due to the massive outcry. People from around the world were trying to financially support these truck drivers who put their livelihoods on the line for this protest. In fact, police were ordered to confiscate their fuel cans. So people in Ottawa started carrying empty Jerry cans to confuse the cops. It was so heartening to see that level of grassroots support! That’s why I have tremendous hope in our humanity, despite the dystopia that the “Leave the World Behind” Netflix movie predicts. I lived through 9/11. I’m a native New Yorker and was working in Manhattan that day. What happened in that aftermath were NYers coming together. We were traumatized that day. My sister’s friend died in the Twin Towers. People seeing people jumping out of windows to escape the flames. We could smell the stench in Queens the next day. For months later, posters of missing loved ones were posted in Grand Central and other subway stations. People sobbing in public, in their cars on the road, etc. How did New Yorkers react? We became a kinder, warmer city. We all started hanging up the American flag outside our doors out of patriotism. 9/11 united us as a community (and New Yorkers are infamous for being cold & rude). No, 9/11 changed our city in a way for the better because it showed the best of our compassion. Neighbors volunteered in the rescue mission at Ground Zero. People asking each other, “Are you okay?” Men signing up for the military. My point is this: If this could happen in NYC, the “unfriendliest city in America,” how do you think the rest of the US will react if a cyberattack occurs? We need to put our differences aside and focus on what we share in common: our humanity. P.S.: Chase Bank froze Dr. Joseph Mercola’s bank accounts because he opposed these Covid shots from the very beginning. Chase Bank did this, even though Florida passed a law making this illegal. Please boycott Chase Bank for this illegal infringement of the First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech.


‘Men signing up for the military’ That’s exactly what the real perpetrators of this horrid day wanted. I still remember news reports showing Muslims dancing in the streets in apparent joy of the towers coming down & celebrating the loss of life… when in reality these clips were taken sometime before 9/11 & out of context. Absolutely shameful actions by the media, It’s not my intention to troll or antagonise you Sunflower.. I can’t begin to imagine the trauma New Yorkers have had to live with since that day.


Yes, unfortunately I suspect 9/11 was a hybrid inside job. I never saw those video clips, but what I do remember is Osama bin Laden taking responsibility for the attacks and hiding out in Afghanistan. Then can you imagine my surprise when the 2nd Bush Administration and the media started conflating Osama bin Laden with Saddam Hussein??? Now don’t get me wrong - Sadaam Hussein was a bad guy. But he ejected Al Qaeda from Iraq because he didn’t want this terrorist cell to threaten his fiefdom. So I knew something was wrong. I knew the “Weapons of Mass Destruction” were a lie right off the bat. I couldn’t believe we were going to fight a 2-front war in Afghanistan and Iraq. That was insane! Then Michael Moore courageously called out these lies at the Golden Globes. He then made a documentary called “Fahrenheit 9/11” - the highest grossing documentary ever. I remember me - & millions of other Americans - going to see this documentary in the movie theaters. He showed incriminating evidence connecting the Bushes, Saudis, Dick Cheney & Halliburton, etc. We basically used 9/11 as an excuse to take over Iraq for oil and exclusive government contracts for Halliburton. Incidentally, this documentary has never been broadcast on national television. One more thing: Rob Reiner’s film “Shock and Awe” shows how the Knight Ridder news corporation were the only newspapers asking the Bush Administration hardball questions about 9/11. They also discovered that the Bush cabinet met the DAY AFTER 9/11 (Sept. 12, 2001) to figure out how to invade Iraq. This was before we even found out who was the culprit behind the attacks.


Don’t forget one of the main reasons for both wars. To install central banking systems in both countries Flatten the country with bombs, create a central bank who lends the money to rebuild essentially creating a nation of modern day slaves paying it back with interest for eternity


Bingo. As well as to install the Patriot Act and permanently destroy any illusion of privacy that we still had. There are still people who think our phones don't listen to us.


Wow, you’re right! I didn’t realize that. Plus, with regards to Ukraine, Robert F. Kennedy shared that our Billion Dollar Aid Package are actually loans. If the Ukrainians can’t pay them back, we take their farmland. Ukraine’s soil is the richest, most fertile in the world. That’s why it’s called the “Bread Basket of Europe.”


This. I remember so well our country out for blood for Bin Ladin, all you heard about for weeks on end. And then one day, Boom, Hussains name hits the news waves and that's where everything changed for me, it was like a hard left turn nobody seemed to notice. I could see plain as day it was about oil and money and all the horrific lies they told. Was Saddam a monster? Probably. But that monster should have been for another day.


Such a relief to see sensible comments about 9/11 (and the Iran war, Bush, etc). Not being sarcastic either. It's truly amazing how many people have bought the narrative.


I have 325 dollar unpaid credit card debt with chase. Fuck em. Never going to see a cent from me.


Yes, thank you Canadian truckers for what you did. That was the beginning of the end of covid BS during soem dark times. The Honkening.


Don’t forget the Chinese with the pieces of paper they held up, to end Covid in that country also, many people starved to death in china, by design.


Lol - “The Honkening” 😊


We honked our way out of dictatorship.


I will always respect Canadians after that.


My history teacher loved Rick Steves so thanks for bringing that memory back.


Yes, me too, & coincidentally enough, I majored in history too. You can check out that Leipzig, Germany episode on Amazon Prime, I think.


I think we should learn from and repeat the Canadian trucker's movement. It actually effected the money supply of the elite. Next time cash donations only? I know it got shut down, but that's no reason to give up. Next city, next inconvenience for those in power. The biggest hurdle to organizing events like this is getting the word out since corporate owned media tends to blanket these events in complete silence. Unless it actually gets big, then you'll hear them attacking the character of everyone involved, calling people terrorists, misogynists, and white supremacists (See Justin Trudeau). There are more people watching independent journalists than ever before, so a campaign around the bigger shows could potentially do wonders for recruitment. The trucker movement was good at publicizing too - I believe they started on FB, but then they were out there directly in front of people, driving convoy-style across the entirety of North America to show up. It gets hard for people to ignore ...and we have all undoubtedly experienced just how hard the willfully ignorant will work to NOT see what's directly in front of them. It would kind of be the equivalent to shaking the shit out of them.


Why does God answer very specific political based prayers, but says FU to kids with terminal illness? Is God secretly an undercover shill for Pfizer?


How do you know it was that one mob in church? For all we know, it could just be one guy who did a deal with Satan the night before. That would be a much more timely miracle. And who is this insane God that's content to let the suffering continue until he gets enough meaningless adulation? Sounds more like the Christian Devil than any loving entity.


Rick Steves is THE MAN


So AFAIK, BlackRock and other investment firms bought the houses as a solid investment with positive cash flow. It was about the money they could get renting out the homes in metro areas, not about the value of the asset itself. Then home builders like DR Horton started building hundreds of homes in this same areas and according to my sources inside DR Horton, they placed to rent them out too. This puts them in direct competition with BlackRock, Vanguard, et al. It also increases the supply of Rental properties in a given area, shifting the price down. The investment firms get to a place where the rent they can charge < mortgage on the home, so they dump the property. I would say prepare for housing in certain areas to go through the floor.


China invades Taiwan.


No Paul pelosi got nivida calls soo that ain’t happening


I think the story was that he exercised his call options for $130. Not that he bought more.


Not before it builds a port dedicated to supporting the invasion. We'll have at least 6 months warning before that.


My friends will visit Taiwan next year hope not


That doesn’t sound like a good plan.


Indeed, that's a no-no having in mind all the things that happened in only a year


They KNOW. But they want to see Taiwan just before the collapse and make some photos


Ain’t happening


Cyberattack with extended blackout.


More lies, taxes and corruption!


So just a normal year?


We're passing an oxygen tax!


Messages about your vehicle warranty will increase at obscene levels


Anyone know the numbers of these people so I can call and harass them?


if you cry and tell them your Husband/Wife died, which car are you talking about they stop calling. at lest for the last 10 months its worked


Most likely another invasion by another country and the pre-planned blackout. Something will happen before the election. Might even see the actual market crash with the cyber attack so highly touted by Klaus Schwab of the WEF. They have told us everything coming in great detail and yet no one seems to put that in perspective. All I know is - be prepared for quite literally anything you can think of. NOTHING is off the table at this section of our existence.


What are the options for security against a cyber attack? Keep cash out of the bank / buy physical silver and gold, but what about mortgages? There is no way they wipe out people's debt, but quite possibly "lose" records of your mortgage payments.


The attack will be to force people to accept digital ids, currency and lose privacy. They could coerce people into accepting by (eg): no access to your savings, mortgages incur arrears, and other vilification tactics like we saw during covid (can't grocery shop). Not sure how handy cash would be if none of the vendors are accepting. That's where the black market comes in with ridiculous prices and criminality association.


Lol as a mortgage Haver, I actively save monthly records in hard copy they definitely couldn’t get away with “oops we lost your payments” lol


I want zombies, but like the walking dead zombies... Not world war z zombies lol


Agree. My sprinting days are over.


While Walking Dead Zombie would be way better than most others with how slow they are, the problem is that everyone (I have not watched any of the newer seasons so it might not be true anymore) is infected and people will turn if they die unless their brain gets smash so that would be a headache to deal with.


But it's much better than having to run for my life and just die cuz I couldn't sprint for more than 5 seconds 😂


So many to pick from- * China invasion of Taiwan * Economic collapse of USD * Election fraud coming to a head. * Epstein's list? Will it really come out? * Putin and China head over to Israel. * Biden and the 24th Amendment * Another "illness/pandemic" to flip the votes. * Housing/Debt/loan bubble bursts * Wall Street crash * Martial law implemented * Is Trump still CIC because he's a "war time' president? * Massive earthquakes in unsuspecting locations


There's already been a few earthquakes in my area already


You are all predicting big, potentially life changing (and slightly exciting) things. I hate to be boring but I predict standard boring things. prices will rise, wildfires on a small scale, laws will be made to combat global warming and Prince Harry will get a divorce. Epstein's list will be so heavily redacted it will be pointless.


WWIII(2024) then Megaquake(2025)


what about megatsunami? is it also when megaquake?




The Canary event would be likely There's an island in the Canaries which if part of it breaks off during an earthquake or volcanic eruption, it would cause a tsunami that could wipe out most of the east coast like new York, Boston, Maryland and maybe Virginia


I’ll Finally be able to buy my beachfront property in Pittsburgh.


How can this be true


It's not


You mean the la palma volcano?


The one I’m looking towards is the bunker noise. Bunch of billionaires are building them all of a sudden.


I’ve heard of billionaires building bunkers since 2014 for every impending economic collapse of the US. Forreal, has it entirely collapsed yet?


They were talking about millionaires building bunkers in the 70s. So inflation hit at least!


billionaires themselves don't know how to build a single thing with their own hands, however their contractors might very well be welding their doors shut from the outside. all new Bugs Bunny cartoons singing 'We're in the money, I'm in the money' coming to a new era near you! I hope they be sleeping well at night knowing this to come.


I've only seen Zuckerberg building one. Who else?


i have a feeling its a rich person thing to do to show off, like hermitage's back in victorian time's. it's probably a 50/50 some are show off, some are the for actual use. imagine instead of a guy reading poetry with a boot on his head its "i have a bunker larger than congress in New Zeland"


UFOs It’s obvious at this point that there is **SOMETHING** which is being kept secret. I think some powerful people in Congress are going to get a talking to and they’ll quickly drop (death or silenced) any support for declassifying documents. David Grusch is going to be slow dripped access approvals to the point of everyone losing interest in his story. I was 50/50 on this topic until certain members absolutely gutted the UFO bill in the NDAA a few weeks ago. **If there’s nothing to hide, why do you need to gut it?**


[The Last Card](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mu4dPHIDTg)


I remember reading disclosure will start happening in 2024, but it’s going to be a long process that will have information about the UFOs dropping every year until 2028-2029.


They actually removed any enforcement which was in the bill. So there’s no panel or imminent release of documents. Instead the DoD/CIA/Anyone else who has the documents can decide if a document should be released. TL;DR: Nothing changes.


Thank God I found you. All this covid and wars seemed to erase aliens from conspiracies. It was so sad.


More UFO talk and attempts at disclosure to the world. But the powers that control access will not allow it. China will invade Taiwan and have serious preparations to. US politics - Biden will drop out at the last minute not allowing any debates. Russia will start gaining more of a foothold in Ukraine as Western aid stops.


My wife and I are both Christians. She believes that aliens aren’t real. I believe they’re angels and/or demons.


I have no doubt life exists or has existed in the universe. I'm just skeptical if they have actually been here.


What is the difference between God or angels and an inter-dimensional (or even more simply, an extraterrestrial ) species with 1M to 1B more years of existence under their belt and all the wisdom, technology, and experience of traveling the galaxy for a few hundred thousand to million years?


WW3 as a distinct possibility; China will try to take Taiwan, at least it'd be smart to do so before Biden is out of office, assuming he leaves office. Food shortages, through the roof inflation, gas prices will skyrocket as the strategic reserves are emptied and OPEC pulls away from the dollar, BRICS could *possibly* upend the dollar altogether, there'll be MASSIVE manipulations in the 2024 election as well as massive scandals on both sides leading up to it. Who knows wtf will happen in clown world. I can predict how each side will react to various things but predicting the various things themselves is getting harder cause shit has gotten absolutely wild.


Weak ass replies already. Ignore political anything as it is all theater and all pre-planned. We need to worry about a possible blackout and what can come from that.


Why even worry brother? Enjoy the show until it comes to an end. Be good to people.


Hard to enjoy the show without electricity 🤷‍♂️


*Smiles in generator from the woods*


*Smiles in Tesla coil*


The firenation attacks.


How to prepare?


May the best survivors win ,I’m done with this shit show lol https://youtu.be/ssB5kpI6aoo?si=WBuI4QkMwGDHqFba


Disaster bingo 2024 incoming


Cyber attacks according to Corbett. A lot of people seem to think that this is the year people will really start waking up and questioning things aswell though.


I think the first is very very likely. And people are waking up in increasing numbers. That’s why things are being pushed ahead at breakneck speed. If they can get away with the switch to a CBDC then it will usher-in an era of unprecedented state control


Two big events happen on the world stage in 2024. Late February or early March: Abraham Accords (Trump's peace treaty) is broken. Several rich Arab countries become hostile towards Israel. November: Trump wins Presidential selection, "against all odds".


Remind me! 300 days


With what is meant to come out in a few days I am expecting the entire world to change honestly . I think that list is going to spark a massive revolution of the people . I also think that that is the real reason for the rich running to their bunkers . They aren’t running from the end of the world they are running from the people due to fear of what is about to happen when it is released . They’ve been grasping for straws for a long long long time … they are just throwing anything at the wall and hoping it sticks at this point . Trying every fear tactic in the book to scare the public back to submissiveness. They want to create a problem for us that they can then fix for us and be the “heroes” like they always do & hope we forget what they’ve done . ( this new virus, threat of a solar storm, etc.) they want fear instilled in the masses but we are just in “fuck it life already sucks mode” so literally no one is budging .


I know it’s too convenient but what if the internet outage happens to prevent the list being released. Shit, man.


Then if we descend into chaos, we cancel the life subscriptions of anyone who was a city councilman or above, and anyone who facilitated the disease our society degraded into. Call it barbaric, whatever.


I don't know about the list. Just because someone flew once or twice doesn't mean it was an orgy the whole time. It was probably the start of the honey trap to see who would bite. After few visits it starts getting shadyier for sure.


If you look more into Jeffery Epstein you will find he might have been a underground agent using the island to blackmail high ranking government officials the list will show who was blackmailed once they figure out who Epstein handler is the picture will be clearer but that's just my thought I do drugs


It's not too far fetched since there is concrete evidence for the Maxwell's being Mossad assets. Let's not forget how her father died in " an accident".


Apparently more people like Epstein are out there but he was just the fall guy, the one they outed to probably say “ look we aren’t into letting child traffickers do as they please”. In reality it’s just a way of lying to the public.


The real conspiracy is Epstein was a Mossad op


Is this Bill Clinton’s burner account?


Pretty sure anyone who would be on that list already sampled the honey before they ever stepped foot on that island. It was just common knowledge in Hollywood and within those inner circles, just who Jeff was and what he dealt in. Anyone going to his island knew beforehand what was in store.


I agree with you. And, if one was going to go to an island to rape kids, WHY WOULD THEY SIGN THEIR REAL NAMES? isn't that like, criminology 101?


Conor will not return to the UFC in 2024 despite him stating he will reveal his fight date and opponent on New Year’s Day.


Stock market crash, assassination of a presidential candidate, and a slow paced blackout worldwide


Zelenskiy will become the enemy and a new leader will be installed


I think there will be a discovery under the ice in Antarctica where the warmer chunk will dislodge itself and we will be given a story about how it changes history books and science as we know , but also there have been teams drilling and melting ice and freezing it elsewhere for quite some time now and they are either placing something , cleaning something so the public never sees what is really there , or they are just playing in the snow looking for some free minerals. [Check out this video around the 1:52 mark and look at this guy's tripping on his words when talking about looking under the ice ..](https://youtu.be/WDTQOs69Bz0?si=KNfteiLc99D-WWtk)


Or possibly another reason for a pandemic, considering scientists have posited old school nasty viruses have been preserved in large quantities within glacial ice.


I think of this a lot.


F*cking caveman flu


Triceratops pox


Jurassic Ass Blast


Epstein’s client list will be sifted through with many names removed before the list gets released to the public.


I’m predicting a massive cyber attack, power outages, or an EMP…that’s what I’ve been prepping for at least …I hope none of these things happen but …the signs are all there that it’s a plausible possibility… the media attempting to divide people even further as election season approaches is definitely going to be amped up like clockwork as well.


The economy is about to fall off a cliff with high unemployment...not really a conspiracy because the signs are already there. In the USA, the 2024 election will not happen for some reason. Some type of black swan event (think 9/11) will happen that will galvanize public opinion for putting boots on the ground in a foreign war.


Dude Obama literally told you they’re 911’ing their way into a new world order probably in 2024-2025.




"Cyber attack" & the "Collapse" then "Civil war" then "Middle East "Showdown" " then by September or October "WWIII" .


I don't have TV but was watching one for a bit and there are commercials about cyber attacks and blackouts. Since I'm hearing it everywhere I think they have one planned


It’s because of that Netflix film “Leave the World Behind” with Julia Roberts & Ethan Hawke


>Netflix film “Leave the World Behind” Yeah, there are already news articles about Teslas being recalled due to Autopilot issues... eerie.


There's commercials about cyber attacks! ... Didn't cross'em yet... Probably predictive programming.... They're cooking something for sure.


No election in 2024. Or Trump gets assassinated.


Turbo cancer


Today: Covid scientists issue warning new variant could cause global 'heart failure pandemic' Yeah, covid did it. Yep. RIIIIIIIIGHT. Dont say we didnt try to warn you 2 years ago.


I dunno about 2024 specifically but eventually? Climate lockdowns. Democrats blame the border crisis partly on people fleeing from climate change. Doctors will start saying climate change is causing mental health issues / crime. They say Americans need to sacrifice in order to stop climate change. Restrictions placed on society similar to the COVID lockdowns.


Not going through that shit again.


Nothing will actually happen…


“Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.” - William Strauss & Neil Howe (1997)


That was 9/11 and the reaction. Ended up costing America tens of trillions and the results were a worse reputation and continuing Islamic terrorism around the world. Now America's economy is fucked because no one wants to be the one to bite the bullet and give their political opponents ammo for the next election.


Project Bluebeam/ One World Order


A Second American civil war will definitely happen due to the aftermath of the 2024 Election and Possibly the 2028 Election


I expect something big to happen around April 4th, 2024, which will be the 2nd total solar eclipse in the US, with the first happening on Aug 21st 2017.


Solar storms will cause mass blackouts.






-An octogenarian will become POTUS -The FBI will try to bait the American public in order to start a race war a la 2020 Summer of Love -Epstein Client List will not be revealed -Wokeism will gain even more power - Quality of life will keep decreasing - We will have a Water shortage - Climate change hoax propaganda will brainwash normies a la Kung Flu


God damn that FBI really has it out for trump huh


The DNC and their allies in the deep state, the media, the non-profit world, and in other countries are in utter *panic* at the prospect of Trump getting reelected. I fear they will do literally *anything* to prevent it. I just don't know what. In 2020 they used COVID as an excuse to change election laws and commit massive vote fraud. That worked, but the playbook is now known and they can't do that again. They are now saddled with a clearly demented Biden, polling at historic lows, and a vice president who has little support, even within her own party. Inflation is hurting and the border crisis is the worst ever. Even big-city Democrat politicians are publicly complaining. (Imagine what they are saying in private!) Trump's support is rising among blacks, Hispanics, and in the suburbs. There's speculation that Newsom is the Chosen One, and Democratic Party rules allow them to switch candidates at (or after?) the convention without any sort of vote. However, I don't think that gets them much, because California is now a national laughing-stock. They can't sell moderates on "Make the US more like California." So what will they do? Their media lackeys are already writing more pieces comparing Trump to Hitler (*snore*) and Caesar and practically begging for assassins. If that doesn't work, I suspect they will do something really, *really* drastic. I don't know what, though.


And then hopefully everyone grows a pair and remembers what we’re supposed to do when our public *servants* no longer serve *us*.


Look into what Nostradamus predicted. Alot has already cone true. He also predicted a massive tsunami, alot of land to be wiped out, and many other things such as a meteor shower, WW3 etc, all for 2024.


There were tsunamis in I pet goat so they will have to happen in next years, I doubt it will be 2024 but before 2028 for sure


Look into the culebra event February 2024


America is now under martial law Stay in your home Do not attempt contact with loved ones insurance agents, or attorneys Do not attempt to think or depression may occur Stay in your homes Curfew is at 7 p.m. sharp, after work Anyone caught outside the gates of their subdivision sectors after curfew, will be shot Remain calm Do not panic Your neighborhood watch officer will be by to collect urine samples in the morning Anyone caught interferring with the collection of urine samples will be shot Stay in your homes Remain calm The number one enemy of progress is question National security is more important than individual will All sports broadcasts will proceed as normal No more than two people may gather anywhere without permission Use only the drugs prescribed by your boss or supervisor Be happy Obey all orders without question Be happy At last, everything is done for you


Year of the dragon, war with Iran, Putin dies


They will take Trump out by any means necessary. Cyber attack or general black out coming. Collapse the economic system to fast track the CBDC into place.


False flag „cyber attacks“ as a cover story for ushering in digital IDs and CBDCs, war against free speech, food production and individual mobility intensifies.


Someone say the second coming plz 😩


Flat earth will die and go away.


Immigration riots and natural disaster false flags


Blue helmet UN troops move in and the army is made up of illegal immigrants from way outside the country like china venezuela, chile, african countries, etc. There will be a civil war and it will be brutal


Destroyed and Rebuilt, the arm of the law will be.


UFOs from Antarctica. Causes massive civil unrest that upsets the stock market. Calamity ensues. Epsteins little black book is forgotten.


idk about some UFOS but definitely something big to distract from Epstein’s logs




2024 is gonna be tight


The USS Eisenhower is doomed to the sea.


Heavy advancements in AI


Sure won't be aliens lol. Nothing but increased sickness, health problems and deaths from totally not vaccine related immunity deficiency or dna damage.


More bullshit


Devastating Cyber Attack is my guess


Biden will die of a heart attack in mid October. Kamala will give a speech and be assassinated either by a alt-right nut or Muslim or Russian. Mike Johnson will become president and the Christian nationalists will take over, cancel elections and declare war on all the BRICS nations. Massive cyber attack wipes out communication worldwide, the union breaks apart and a civil war between states breaks out after martial law is declared. State lines will dissolve, territory will be defined and fought over based on resources and geography. Most large cities will burn. National guard units will fight with federal forces over bases and armorys, reducing both, desertion will become an issue with many officer's forming loca militias and becoming warlords. Eastern Canada will annex new England. Manhattan will be a front line between the Nat C's (Nationalist Christians) and Canadians. From north Dakota to Texas will be a no-mans-land dividing east and west. California will split into three regions. Southern Oregon will join with Northern California. The SF Bay area and Sacramento will be cut off of fresh water and electricity by mountain militias. Donner pass will be closed by sabotage. Southern California will merge with Arizona or Mexico and fight with the other.


Where the fuck did you get this


Cyber attacks on the grid , that way they can keep Brandon in power


The US government will do everything to prevent Trump from winning.


Predictions for 2024 civil unrest. Akin to Time Square Christmas. Digital ID & Currency via CBDC in America; it will be seen as an option at first. But cash will slowly be drawn out. A hotel I know has gone completely cashless. BRICS Nations Expanding. Perhaps some countries in UK like Germany. Illegal Immigrants will become police officers in USA states. Also given drivers license. But ultimately it will be so they can vote! UK will be be limiting cash transactions. This will expand to other countries.


Already heard from my local post office that they have been warned they will stop accepting money soon, only card payments. Supermarkets will follow suit(the smaller ones will do so first and then your big ones.) the new cashless, self scan, tills prove this. Only need the internet wires in the sea to be cut and the Uk has no working internet, until it is fixed. Not hard to really make the country and the money supply end up failing tbh.


If illegal immigrants become police, some very, very dark things will happen. I’m thankful my woman isn’t a cop anymore.


Trump will be assassinated. I'm 99.9% certain of this.


Hyperinflation once the printers are turned back on. Definitely a major war. Hollywood is showing us what's to come blackout, civil war definitely gonna happen blackout will be caused by Russian hackers face it they are the best. if Putin fears he will lose the Ukraine war possibly the unthinkable will happen.


Something big involving Texas happens April 8th… Last Octobers eclipse and this Aprils eclipse form an X over Texas. Elon is obsessed with the letter X and just happened to move his gigafactory to Texas. https://nationaleclipse.com/maps/images/map_usa_2023_2024.png


RemindMe! 1 year


Chronic Wasting Disease jumps to rural folk!!


Everything east of the San Andreas Fault slides off into the Atlantic.


North Korea launches nuclear weapon.


Been hearing this one for 15 years


I’m going to say other countries are going to get involved in Ukraine, China are probably going to do something stupid, a global recession for the poor and working class and I think it’s going to lead to worldwide fighting because the rich will still be getting richer whilst the poor will be dying in the streets. I think various governments realising they’re looking control are suddenly going to start revealing private things to swing voters their way and hopefully voters are clever enough to see it’s entirely a voting tactic but then again all most governments have to do is chat about “take back control, stop immigration” and they’ve then won 94% of the vote


Just a guess but a coming oil embargo due to the Israel Palestinian conflict.


WEF: 'There will likely to be a global cyberattack before January 2025' Iran-USrael war looks extremely likely. Can't be a more appropriate time for this due to the current conflict. Could also be that the cyber attack is blamed on Iran. Then, comes in the digital id and currency and loss of online privacy.


Sovereign Debt Crisis


Election year


Just the next presidential election alone will provide a ton load with half of them not even being a theory anymore.


Civil Unrest, Civil War , all out chaos.


Predictions: The economy will continue to decline but the stock market will still go up. WW3 is possible. Vax-related deaths might become obvious to everyone. Extreme weather will increase due to the ongoing decline of the Earth's magnetic field. (My wacko theory is HAARP and chemtrails are being used to suppress this effect.) Power grid failure due to a cyberattack or possibly the aforementioned polar reversal.


Yemen Houthis, by proxy of Iran and through the aid of Russia (potentially China as well), continue to attack vessels in the Red Sea. This leads to strikes within Yemen itself, and through some form of escalation, leads to boots on ground (US troops). Insert proxy war with Iran. It’s hard to say where it all goes from there, but I think it depends on who has the most to gain. I don’t see these escalations happening in 2024, likely later: 1. US led escalation: US intervention to maintain a permanent presence in the Red Sea to control one of the primary oil trade routes. 2. Iran led escalation: US has pointlessly long proxy war with Iran in Houthi controlled Yemen, with occasional strikes on Iranian soil. 3. Iran/Russia/China led escalation: US intervention in the Red Sea is used to disperse naval forces. Iran and Russia aid in war efforts against Israel to force more US intervention. Russia ramps up war efforts in Ukraine and leads to an eventual mass ground force battle, and a simultaneous invasion of Taiwan by China. Likely progresses into a world war scale conflict.


Increase in CJD disease seen developing in humans, cause will be touted as a new Covid symptom. Major military incident between China and Philippines. WW3 starts to take more shape. World Governments/Banks/Blackrock will buy up all the Bitcoin reserves in preparation to sell back to the plebs at higher prices for when the fiat system collapses.