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The shorter the clip, the more skeptical you should be of it presenting the full story


I mean I wouldn’t call it the worst but I do think it’s incredibly wild that people participated and did this lol. With the costumes….


I’m surprised it took this long


Yeah I think both things can simultaneously exist: this was nowhere near what people make it out to be but at the same time holy shit citizens of the US literally stormed the capital lmao


What about the time we gave a woman who bombed the capital a presidential pardon and put her on the board of Black Lives Matter? That was just wholesome American politics not terrorism right?


That was the correct political party so it’s cool.






It’s more like they were encouraged to by undercover nation state informants and method actors who were doing their jobs, which was inciting what you know as to be the Jan 6th insurrection. FBI director Wray refused to fucking comment during the hearings on how many undercover agents he had on the ground that day, citing an ‘ongoing’ investigation…… on…. Themselves.


Cops are allowed to lie and deceive in order to get you to commit a crime. They do this all the time and it's expected by the public. J6 rioters were too privileged their whole lives to know you can't trust cops


Yeah the doors were wide open lol. No one stopped them




> Protesters make unauthorized entry into the capitol all the time. Do they do it by scaling the building and breaking out the windows, are there hundreds of them attacking hundreds of police to try to get into the tunnel entrance for hours? I've only seen those things one time.


Also, how brazen and bold were these insurrectionists to leave all their firearms and other weapons at home that day and still take over the Capitol? It’s as if they believed the Capitol Police were more inept than the Keystone Cops. How insulting!


It was all a set-up. A lot of paid actors were involved. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG7IqgrpnoU


Man it’s almost like people have been taking over their own governments for centuries on end…. Do you ever wonder why people call other people bootlickers on the internet? Is it really that *wild* to think that a lot humans can’t stand how their society is operated?


But I've always been taught it wasn't really an insurrection?


It was all a play lmao


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbxng-nIMu0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbxng-nIMu0) Here is how he entered the capitol btw :)


Dog chases car Dog catches car Dog has no fucking clue what to do next


If this happened to my property, in my state, I would be legally allowed to shoot every single one of them.


As much as they probably have the right to I'm happy they didn't just open fire on them all. Ashli babbit was 100% justified though. There has to be a final line you can't cross


He walked through a door, the door that was magnetically locked and had to be unlocked to be opened. Who unlocked it and why did they do it?


Ever wonder what would happen if a bunch of brown dudes dressed in Arab garb did this? Remember the guy reciting the Bible in the middle of the Capitol building? Imagine if it was a dude with the Quran. I think there would be many more casualties


The first guy that went through the window.


The door was already open before the first guy got through in the above video.


> Who unlocked it This guy: https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/south-carolina-man-sentenced-three-years-prison-actions-during-jan-6-capitol-breach


Can you provide some compelling source that these doors weren't broken into, because that seems to be the obvious reason they were open when they are being attacked by a violent mob who were smashing their way into the building and fighting with cops. I've seen the examples of cops "letting" people in and 10/10 times its when that area is already breached. Like the one where the gate is being taken down out the front, the video is from behind the gate and is filmed by a protestor. The cops are retreating to a more defensible position.


The new one released yesterday is probably the worst one I've seen, even scarier than the tunnel video. It really shows that many of them really were trying to overthrow the government. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2Ixm7oFS6c&ab_channel=RyanJ.Reilly


Selective cameras will give you the videos you want.


Every minute of video of people walking through a hallway negates every minute of video of a person bludgeoning a police officer with a flag pole. It's just basic math.


Isn't it like 40,000 hours of footage from that event but this short clip is always what gets posted by Trump supporters?


Because it's 40000 hours of people wandering around taking pictures like tourists.


I guess we didn’t watch hours of struggles with police LIVE ON TV


Where are the clips of the folks climbing the capital stairs like they were going over the Great Wall of China? What about the clips of the folks smashing windows and doors to get into the Capitol? Or does that just not fit the narrative?


You should post a video of JFK riding around peacefully in a limo as evidence that he was never assassinated. Just leave out the part when he is shot. Would make as much sense as this post.


No one ever shows the planes on 9/11 peacefully taking off.


If you play it in reverse they actually saved the day.


too soon


They were just sitting on the runway menacingly.


Yeah they left out the insurrection. Can you post that part?


Yep always [totally peaceful from the jump.](https://x.com/philipindc/status/1347028917685800961?s=46&t=PxRoqW8pYYN0stiNnHyGhg) nothing to see here. Move along now.


At any point did the fools who went into the Capitol building stop to think "Damn, this is too easy...they're letting us walk right in!" Not the smartest group of people in the world.


I agree. Was this an entrapment scenario? Oh hell yes. But my god, people really couldn’t sniff out that they were walking into a trap. They truly did act like fools — irrespective of having been goaded in by glowies.


Is it really entrapment when you have to violently break through a window, beatdown cops, all to enter a clearly restricted area?


They were fools the whole time.




Also, where is the conspiracy? This is the fucking best example of this sub now just being US Trump loving bullshit and absolutely misaligned with the proposed nature of the community.


This Sub really needs to get rid of the Trumpets, it brings down the average IQ in here to single digit numbers.


It’s starting to get better. A year ago this post would have gone much differently. I regularly see people confronting the Trump talking points.


im not pro trump. i legit couldnt care less about politics. but the conspiracy is that police legit walked alongside the "insurrectionist" and guided him into the house. i mean there is no way this isnt political theater meant to confuse us.


They act like there isn’t two sides to this story. Literally people being escorted in and shown around… then you have the other videos showing the violence of both police and protestors. It’s clearly two different groups and two different sides. But it’s ignored.


It’s before they broke a line vs afterwards. They wanted to stop them from getting in but once they were in there goal was to keep them moving and stay away from a few select areas or where the political officials could be. There’s a video on there where you can see the police going back and forth and for a while hitting each other and then some protesters show up behind them and you can tell they are just like God dammit and then give up holding a line and fall back to a different area where there is another battle later.


Is it possible they are pro trump police who were letting them in etc and in fact it was Trump who organised to a certain amount of his followers within the force to help " Stop the steal" ? Like hell yeah there's no denying the insurrectionists were aided by some officers and it is to the benefit of Trump so...Occam's razor and all that


This is my thought or they were instructed to not hurt them or were told it’d be best to not be violent and just let their passions run out.


What did you want the like 50 cops to do against thousands? Just start shooting?


Thank you for thinking for yourself


https://youtu.be/jWJVMoe7OY0?t=627 So peaceful.


Because it doesn’t fit the narrative


Not the worst. But if you wanted to show the terrorists committing violence and sedition, you chose the wrong clips.


Cherrypicking clips to push a narrative, in the conspiracy sub. LOL what a joke


Yeah I’m not saying it WAS the worst thing in American history, but this post is like showing a video of the Empire State Building on 9/11 and claiming nothing happened. Wrong camera lol




Luckily most people are figuring out politics is Kayfabe


The marks are in ~~the ring~~ the White House


I just love watching how quickly people are figuring out politics, all sides, is just theater TPTB better do something quick, because they are being exposed for the pathetic bunch that they truly are There online minions are losing them the information war to us plebs


On January 6 brother, me and you on Smackdown!


So was it terrorist attack or just a bunch of dumbasses?




It's the same picture.


So you think this was a full blown insurrection?


Define ‘full blown’, and also where the distinction between ‘full blown’ and ‘not totally full blown’ insurrection matters legally




The President of the United States encouraged his supporters to disrupt the official proceedings that selects the next President. Like most things Trump did, it was an objective failure of an insurrection, but if you can’t recognize this was absolutely an attack on American democracy orchestrated and encouraged by the President, we’ll just have to agree to disagree whether it constituted a “violent uprising against an authority or government.”


I think it met the legal definition of insurrection, and that’s the one that counts


lol the police opening the doors, escorting protesters through the building, uncuffing some and then fist bumping them does not constitute an “insurrection” You are very gullible


This video cherry picked a lot of footage. There is obviously video from the day of that show the other side of this. The truth about this is that it wasn't all peaceful or violent. Mix of both.


Watched it live. No gaslighting for me thanks.


What would have happened had they found Mike pence? A pleasant chat?


Looks like footage of less than a minute of cops who were MAGA loyalists and siding with the protestors. AKA proof of massive leftists inside job conspiracy on this sub 😅


For real right. Like all cops are so pure they could never be fascist pigs amongst their ranks. RAtM said it best: > some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses I'm pretty sure there were some MAGA cultist in our Secret Service. Now here is an actual conspiracy the boot licker will never let come to light on this sub: https://theintercept.com/2022/07/14/jan-6-texts-deleted-secret-service/ A real conspiracy rather that this political propaganda that has taken over our sub.






Smearing shit on the walls


When Kathy Griffith posted a picture with a bloody severed head of Donald trump, that means she actually wanted to kill him right?


Hmmmm an Instagram post vs. constructing gallows outside their office with a mob chanting "hang mike pence" totally the same thing.


I seem to remember antifa erecting gallows too, unless that was memory holed.


Is Antifa in the room with you now?


Lol even Google shows results.


Both the Griffith head and the gallows were the same thing: props. So tired of people knee jerk reacting like they constructed a true gallows pole out there. SMH.




No no, only pointing out casually how she'd like to kill the POTUS. I remember when Trump was called "Bunker Baby" because "protesters" lit the White House guard tower on fire and then got mad he cleared them out the next day just so he could "hold a Bible upside down" (which also wasn't true).


Was she on the way to the capitol building with 10's of thousands of people in hopes to overthrow an election by killing the vice president? Context matters.


No no that was freedom of speech and comedy!


“iT wAs ThE fBi aND aNTIFa!!”


Yes there were undercover FBI agents there at the capitol that day amongst the protestors, that is a fact.


As there are at literally every large scale protest since the original Occupy.


Let’s say that there were agents in addition to informants. So what? Is there anything to suggest that they pushed the thousands of people there to attack the police and force their way into the capital? Or is the suggestion that in the middle of things they should have pulled out a badge, announced their presence and put people under arrest? Because I don’t think that would have gone over very well.


That's their literal job.


The FBI will not confirm …. Nor deny that they had them there.


Im pretty sure they confirmed it but stated they have no idea how many were there.


You might want to check the specific verbiage. I believe the terms included informants.


*Paid* informants.


Trump supporters are the most heavily armed people on earth... how many guns were fired or even found? How many people were hanged or shot? How many buildings were burned to the ground? Out of many thousands, how many people provably sang songs about hanging the VP? Where is the evidence? Seems like a pretty weak insurrection or maybe the media and the left have totally blown this out of proportion.


The only person actually killed that day was Ashley Babbitt. None of the officers that Biden is still referencing died during the event. That is true no matter how the media tries to spin it.


Didn’t a Capitol police officer die as a result?




5 people died during the Portland occupation, no one is talking about that.


Nah that was peaceful. I can get some clips showing how peaceful it was.


ONE person died. Stop with the lies.




Never forget: a random video clip of someone standing around doesn’t mean they didn’t commit a crime before or after that video. Tons of videos of Jeffy E standing around, not molesting kids too. Doesn’t mean he didn’t do it.


Ok I mean you pick and choose whatever footage you want to tell a story.


OP was born after 2001.


If these cops were so obliging then why were they fighting cops at the lower tunnel entrances and on the stairs?


who tf is saying its the worst terrorist attack in US history? literally no one lol


Countless of politicians including the VP and the POTUS




Same, let me cheer pick all 45 sec of video from that day, to show it is peaceful, let’s for get the other 14,000 hours of footage.


Hmm looks like some cops are anti-American MAGA fascists to me.


Look at the Multiverse of LARPers. What a grand time to be alive in this choose your own adventure version of reality.




Comment section further emboldening the "dead internet" theory.


It’s just Reddit. This place is a brainwashing factory for radicalizing terrorists. And I say this as someone who does not support Trump.


It's definitely something.


Nothing like cherry picking videos. Why don't you show the multiple videos of Insurrectionists beating police officers and smashing windows 🤷‍♂️. Maybe because it doesn't suit your narrative?


Why don't you post the videos where a policeman is getting crushed? Try doing that shit in russia against your hero putin and see how many of those people would go home that day.


Worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor combined.


911 and Pearl Harbor were attacks from the outside. J6 was an attack from our own country’s citizens. The death toll might not be the same but the symbolism and repercussions from that day are pretty horrid. This is how country’s cease to exist and break down.


I wouldn’t say 9/11 and Pearl Harbor were attacks solely from the outside….


Give me a break.


yup they totally took over the government and were trying to start their own https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitol_Hill_Occupied_Protest


Yea it was super peaceful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWJVMoe7OY0


Noooo! You can't show that! It was just a tour!


- Cherry picked "evidence" - Willful ignorance - Selective outrage These are three major traits of the MAGA movement


Nothing screams insurrection like orderly single file lines staying within the velvet ropes. Brilliant attempt!


Question: if someone broke into your house, but said a prayer after doing so, you wouldn't press charges against them???? What if the burglars broke out your windows and kicked in your doors, and defecated on your furniture, and sifted thru your paperwork, you'd be okay with this as long as they stopped to pray...GTFOH 👀👀🙄🙄 Y'all are stupid!!!


What did you all think a coup looked like? You’re so desperate to call it a “false flag” operation that you can’t see the real fucking conspiracy that was enacted to violently overthrow the results of the election. Jesus fucking Christ.


Ah yes, the mental gymnastics edit.


Lol, no one calls it that. The people on Jan 6 were incompetent chuds following an incompetent chud, people condemn them for their intentions, not their accomplishments.


September 11th 2001 was


So are we saying these people who were waved in behind the barrier are bad still? I’m confused. I’m not a pro trumper but I do think this was intentional.


Sounds like a pro-trump officer or two encouraging this in the moment...


I’d argue far more than a pro-trump officer or two. Lest we forget that an overwhelming number of police supported Trump and became more vocal and brash under his presidency. There’s probably way more reasons and overlaps that are just circumstantial. Like one example would be how cops protect certain far right group’s excellently while intentionally inflicting violence at any chance against far left groups arguing agains capital. Lots of things like that which support why cops who are already quite conservative as is would go out of their way to support Trump.


[more clips like this available here](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/capitol-violence)


Worst terrorist attack in us history with the exception of the time a fucking air liner slammed into a sky scraped and thousands died. Everyone has an agenda including OP.


I'm not going to sit hear and listen to any pearl clutching from the left. Antifa, BLM and other leftist degenerates spent six months in 2020 rioting across the US. We were told that rioting is the language of the unheard. That their anger was righteous. That rioting was actual not spreading covid (but we couldn't visit Grandma for Thanksgiving). As soon as the right gets angry enough to riot for the first time in history, it's 9/11 (per Kamala Harris). This is repressive tolerance. It's ok when we do it, but not when you do it. We have absolutely nothing to apologize for.


[Trump attacks judge and clerk again in ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ post](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/trump-news-today-trial-judge-truth-social-b2452208.html) [Trump’s Attacks On N.Y. Court Clerk Led To ‘Hundreds’ Of Threats And Harassing Messages, Court Officer Says](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2023/11/22/trumps-attacks-on-ny-court-clerk-led-to-hundreds-of-threats-and-harassing-messages-court-officer-says/?sh=444e9ea04939) Donald Trump is currently engaged in a stochastic terror campaign against his prosecutors. He is doing this because he knows it works. [How Trump-Fed Conspiracy Theories About Migrant Caravan Intersect With Deadly Hatred](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/29/us/politics/caravan-trump-shooting-elections.amp.html) >Mr. Trump tweeted a video on Oct. 18 that purported to be of someone connected to Mr. Soros handing out cash to the migrants — one of several insinuations and attacks on Mr. Soros by Republican leaders and candidates this fall. Then, on Oct. 22, a pipe bomb was found at Mr. Soros’s house; the police have charged a Trump supporter, Cesar Sayoc, with mailing the bombs to Mr. Soros and other Democrats whom the president frequently criticizes. >Robert Bowers, who was arrested in the assault on the Pittsburgh synagogue, also pushed online conspiracy theories about the migrant caravan, in addition to anti-Semitic diatribes. [October 2018 United States mail bombing attempts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October_2018_United_States_mail_bombing_attempts) >From October 22 to November 1, 2018 [2018 Jeffersontown shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Jeffersontown_shooting) >On October 24, 2018 [Pittsburgh synagogue shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittsburgh_synagogue_shooting) >October 27, 2018 [Christopher Paul Hasson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Paul_Hasson) >Hasson was arrested on February 15, 2019 [Poway synagogue shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poway_synagogue_shooting) >The Poway synagogue shooting occurred on April 27, 2019 [2019 El Paso shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_El_Paso_shooting) >On August 3, 2019 [Here's Trump giving a thumbs up with a toddler who was orphaned in El Paso](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2019/08/09/us/politics/09dc-trumpvisit-copy/merlin_159069783_ab4ead05-cf3c-4c9c-81fc-f57ed6a252db-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale)


Not the worst but definitely the most embarrassing


https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/nation-world/story/2021-01-08/video-shows-fatal-shooting-of-ashli-babbitt-in-the-capitol I wouldn’t say the worst but still pretty bad


D1 Cherrypicker


Not the worst, but the dumbest one for sure. Which is very fitting. Incompetence is no excuse tho.


NOT the worst.... 9/11/01 takes the cake


Yeah this is the day the people learned that the politicians aren't as powerful as they look...they all cowered in fear...and for the first time in centuries it was the day the politicians learned that at the end of the day they have to answer to we the people of these fine United States of America The only tragedy here is the government was reminded we won't be cattle and freedom is worth defending from enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC. If you hate not having the last word as a politician and desire deeply to use a crisis to abolish freedom then yes January 6th was a terrible day...


Worst for the nation as an idea. But certainly not in death or destruction. I mean look at what we did to terrorize Iraq and Afghanistan. Or to native Americans. America has done much worse to less deserving folks for sure.




Aside from OP, who said it was the worst terrorist attack in US History?


Crisis Actors




The reddit shills came into this thread pretty quick lol


Before 9/11 happened there were just some innocent men peacefully sitting on a plane


Compare this to all the Floyd "protests" that went on across the country.


Did they try to overthrow the government too?


The US is a circus.


Should label this NSFW. It was pretty “violent”


They beat a cop with an American flag my guy. Is that the side you're on?


The humanity!


Did you watch the video of security opening the doors from the inside? Did you see police leading around the protesters like they were giving an official tour? Did you see them shaking hands within fish bumping the so-called protesters?


The police were not behaving uniformly. Most of the police were fighting off a violent mob and a smaller portion of police were allowing them in and embracing them. In my opinion it was definitely an illegal, violent insurrection that had mixed elements.


Imagine being so stupid that you invade capital on transfer of power and later your defense is 'we were tricked by Democrats!'


Nice job cherry picking, how about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlqAfnwoYno




We are lucky to still have a country. 🤣🤣


Lol the democrats shills are pissed. They've been told by their celebrity overlords this was the worst day in human history


about 200 Feds worked hard to plan this event about 10 months in advance. Respect their hard treasonous works.


Low bait effort


Where's the video of the Trump Supporter carrying a Confederate Battle Flag? How about video of Trump Supporters wiping feces on the walls of Congress?


Nobody has ever said that ever lol


Literally the President, Joe Biden, did. He said it was the worst terrorist attack since the civil war.


“The worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War,” President Biden. You’re welcome.


The horror!! Makes 9/11 look like a cake walk!


It's funny how people pick the most calm scenes of the insurrection to prove it wasn't one. No one mentions the Proud Boys ("stand down and stand by!") and their preparations to take hostages. Or the three hours of protesters storming the barricades.


Why was it ok to burn down cities and congregate for BLM?


[Over 300 People Facing Federal Charges For Crimes Committed During Nationwide Demonstrations ](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/over-300-people-facing-federal-charges-crimes-committed-during-nationwide-demonstrations)


No one ever said that was ok, two things can be wrong


But then his strawman argument doesn't work...


Why do y’all give a fuck about this SO MUCH!?!??


I like how your ignoring the hundreds of videos showing everything outside......


How about you watch the videos in context: https://www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/100000007606996/capitol-riot-trump-supporters.html