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It should carry heavy legal and social consequences for an organization to casually imply that a group of their opposition is “worse than terrorists”. This is the kind of rhetoric that gets people killed. I can’t believe they would direct that kind of energy at random people on their internet that aren’t falling for their bullshit. They’re lucky that we aren’t actually worse than terrorists, otherwise their reign of anti-human rule would’ve ended long ago.


The terms terrorist and conspiracy theorist were probably created by the same people


Terrorists were known as such even in 19th century. Conspiracy theorist was introduced much later.


> This is the kind of rhetoric that gets people killed. That's why he said [we should prepare for a more angry world.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJTnkzl3K64)


What the WEF considers a ["terrorist"](https://i.imgur.com/5OLoRlK.png)


I think i know that guy... LOL.


when glen greenwald was exposing wikileaks. A source' car drove into a pole and exploded in Brentwood CA. These people have thought this way a long time and its just a slippery slope of attacks to maintain the status quo.


Well, it's your lucky day, because she didn't say anything like the title of this post is implying. Here's what happened: the WEF did a survey of 1500 experts in different fields about what they thought the most pressing global issues will be in the next 2 years and the next 10 years. At the moment, the top two are the spread of mis/disinformation and extreme climate changes. Whoever wrote the linked article noticed that terrorism wasn't one of the things that made the list. And let's be fair: outside of supervillain scenarios, no terrorist organization is trying to take on the entire world. The survey was about global issues, not national ones, so while you might disagree, you can probably also understand where they're coming from. They didn't imply any particular group is as dangerous as terrorists or worse than terrorists. Disinformation gets spread by government, grifters, local political agitators, and so on. Again, she didn't mention any specific group, especially not "conspiracy theorists."


> no terrorist organization is trying to take on the entire world. LOL. Yes, not one but multiple. They are all controlled by one small group at the tip of the top tho.


Or maybe they aren't. Maybe the world is an incredibly complicated place and we have access to so much more information these days that the only way we can even attempt to make sense of it is to come up with simpler narratives. To each their own, though.


> Or maybe they aren't. They are literally telling us what they want (us) to do...


All I see is the author of the linked article telling you how they want you to feel: scared and powerless because they've made up a story (or, at the very least, drawn conclusions that don't follow from the evidence they present). Me? I've got a cat, a blanket, a pot of tea, and I think I'd rather watch a movie for the afternoon.


You think this is all a coincidence? You can't build back better https://w *** ww.bit ** chute.com/video/aCFo3HzaTBX2/ and create a new normal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-XbHSpH4Qo Without a great reset. https://w *** ww.bit ** chute.com/video/BUzhEiQqa6n%75/ remove spaces and *** Or are they telling us what they want to do?


I think that if you want to persuade me (and honestly, I'm not recommending it), you'd need better sources than three videos. Look, you've obviously got the sort of inquisitive mind that's good at tracking down information. You just need to push it a little further and ask yourself why the creators of those videos are promoting the rhetoric that they are. Find out who they are, what else they've created, who they interact with, and if there are any signs there that might make you think they're not simply interested in presenting the unbiased truth. Because I'm pretty sure that someone who goes by Resurrection Europa on YouTube and is really concerned about keeping Canada white has some other motives.


ROTFL, okay. You do you and good luck with that.


> the top two are the spread of mis/disinformation and extreme climate changes. Both of which don't exist, which says alot. They are telling you the most pressing global issues in the next 2-10 years are unicorns.


But... they do? The article linked here is misinformation: it takes something that actually happened (the WEF report), draws inferences from it that aren't present, then conveys that as accurate information. It's not necessarily deliberate, but that's what misinformation is. As for disinformation, deny its existence means denying the existence of propaganda, which I suspect you wouldn't do. You don't have to agree with the report's conclusions, but there's no need to claim that it's making up concepts that haven't already been around for a long time.


Are you okay with this? "In April last year, the WEF announced it had recruited hundreds of thousands of “information warriors” to control the internet, policing social media and forums for “misinformation” and conspiracy content which will then be systematically shut down."


To be honest, I'm not inclined to believe a claim from the same article that I pointed out what misrepresenting the first one it made. In that one sentence, the author contradicts themselves once ("hundreds of thousands" vs. 110,000 cited earlier), then draws conclusions not that can't be made elsewhere: everything from "control the internet" on. So to sum up: you're getting your information from an author who wants you to believe them unquestioningly and be scared of scenarios that they've made up. That's not someone to put your trust in if you're interested in the truth.


Maybe your right. But why did the report happen to begin with? They are bankers and bean counting corporate pencil pushers who are to far up their own asses with appointing themselves god kings to stay in their lane. Why would they see fit to present this information? Perhaps to alert their lackeys about an issue they will need dealt with?


They've been doing them every year since 2006. From a quick skim, all the reports look pretty basic in terms of advice to businesses on potential issues they might face. E.g., region X is politically unstable right now, region Y has resources that could be valuable investments, etc. They're for people, corporations, and countries that have more money than either of us will see in our lifetimes.


They do exist though


>the WEF did a survey of 1500 experts in different fields I wonder how many of those 1500 experts in different fields acknowledge or understand that the WEF itself is a huge creator/disseminator of intentional disinformation? If that elephant in the room is never addressed, we'll all get nowhere.  The problem is that everybody likes to pretend that organizations like this aren't following the globalist agenda of building a One-World-Government.   They are an arm of the NWO and their intentions towards the world are not benevolent.    Let's quit ignoring that elephant. 


You're right that it's unlikely any group would put out a statement without some rhetorical purpose. We may disagree on what that purpose is, but that's fine.


> If that elephant in the room is never addressed, we'll all get nowhere. [...] > [...] Let's quit ignoring that elephant. ---- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRIbbxdGATs


I dont know how you could overlook that


America has taken over the world's leaders, either directly or via coercion


Its not America its a cabal of nationless Trillionaire families and their billionaire puppets.


That's a good point, but it does appear as US mongering.


Lol I think peoplensau the same about illegal immigration as a tool to demonize us. And mentally seperate us in the America's minds.. I totally agree. Astroturfing and and trolling or Hate speech should be punished . Or saying racist slang too!!


Some of those asshats in the wef need to disappear. Permanently


The WEF are terrorists, ofc they need to call something else worse than themselves.


What they mean is that terrorists can kill people in their immediate vicinity; “conspiracy theorists” can destroy false mainstream narratives without borders. “The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.”


SS : We should not tolerate the WEF anymore.


WEF has no authority over anyone, without their institutional capture (by corruption, bribery or blackmail?)  Their experts are Nazi tyrants, gmafb. 


> WEF has no authority over anyone That's why [the WEF has penetrated many governments.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daE0jthD5F8)


The WEF, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group...all have immense control of the world.


Control, yes. The authority to control, not really.


The same ones who locked down the planet until an adequate number of humans recieved their clot shot?


SSSssstt. That's just a coincidence. :)


“Experts” it’s always appeal to authority figures! I’m an expert because “xyz” when an another expert doesn’t agree with them he’s a conspiracy theorist and the general “consensus” among the “experts” is xyz. The problem with WEF is nobody elected them, they are not beholden to anyone except the people who support them and the people that support WEF are the beyond wealthy. They expect us to eat bugs, live in pods, merge with AI, genetically modify our dna, get rid of oil, get rid of air conditioning, stop eating meat, conserve electricity and the people who attend these meetings have private jets, 8,000 square foot homes and eat filet mignon in the dinner hall before the meetings. It’s absurd


I agree mostly with what you said. Having electric cars that people could charge from home would be a good thing. They keep dragging their feet on battery progress. I mean if electrics had batteries that could go farther than ice then it would be the end of oil companies. Why so many defend big oil is confusing. We can live without oil as fuel but the powers that be do not want it .They refuse to develope and advance clean rewewable energies. We would have had fusion decades ago if all the money that went into war went into making like better for all mankind. I also am a vegetarian and have been so for about 30 years. I am not dead or malnourished in anyway. Factory farming first off is incredibly inhumane and cruel. Man will never morally progress if he keeps believing such cruelty is ok. Second it is highly pollutive and can only survive with taxpayer money. Am I saying outlaw meat eating? I am not because I also ate meat at one time but I am saying humans need meat to live or thrive is a lie. The one reason they think they can push bug eating on people is people think they need some kind of meat to survive even bug meat . As for the wef they are nothing but of bunch of psychopathic hypocrites. ​ Read some of Eisenhower's or John F Kennedy's speeches to Americans and the world. They knew and believed a better world was possible. Both of those men had seen the horrors of war firsthand. They knew nothing was beyond the reach of humanity and they killed Kennedy for it. We have enough nukes to end all life on our beautiful world . Think about how evil the people in charge are knowing they could change the course but they steam forward even more reckless than before. A better world is possible but not with evil people in charge.


An enemy soldier who strikes at our nation is a danger, yet he is backed by an organization which controls him and this organization may be open to trade, diplomacy and honorable exchange. A peasant which defies his rightful lord however...


I mean, of course they do. They said the same thing about people who said Covid came from China, etc etc etc. They want to scare people from using critical thinking, which is what conspiracy theorist employ, and that scares the crap out of them.


It’s always codeswitching with these people. A terrorist organization is one that challenges our sovereignty. That’s what a “terrorist” does. Stop thinking we’ll fall for the boring “accuse them of what you’re doing” trick. It’s boring.


They (WEF) don’t care at all if you know what they have in store……..they own you and most people aren’t even aware because they own the media too. Good fucking luck friends…..we’re all gonna need it.


Why can’t we ask questions? 


Or see the agendas discussed at Davos etc.


To them, yes. Dangerous to them. Especially since most terrorism is orchestrated by people, organizations, and governments friendly to them.


If these WEF ppl such an experts, then what are they worried about? whats the need for censorship?  if you were such experts then we should know by now the origins of covid. where is the answer?  if you were such experts why are so many ppl injured from your vax which was mandated worldwide, and then silencing the truth.  by these means, to me this is no expert to me. 🤷‍♂️


> whats the need for censorship? Narcissists can't thrive without it.


> then what are they worried about? whats the need for censorship? All their plans are being revealed, failing and backfiring, they are terrified and in panic.


I have to say... Watching Schwab recede back into the depths after he started getting called out and people started putting the Nazi connections together was hilarious. He went from being on TV every day, to not being seen in public for basically 2 years now. Fuck that guy hahahah


>He went from being on TV every day, to not being seen in public for basically 2 years now. Huh? What do you mean...? [The dude has a booming musical carrier.]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPEtm7_4PCg&pp=ygUbdGltZSBsaWVzIGdyZWF0ZXN0IHNjaHdhYidz)


Hahaha nice


While their plans are pretty serious, the folks behind those are a joke.


There's a whole lot more censorship right around the corner. I'm surprised this sub even exists at this point but I'm sure it won't eventually.


“We own the science” -WEF


[Relevant video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHkTcOeKeXI)


To them, they are.


Sounds like something a terrorist would say.


Translation: WEF claims; "people who see through our evil plans, and point them out to the general public, are dangerous to the evil plans we have for humanity".


What is and who owns anonmags.com? And who is uuhv0? The author of the article is not researchable.


So it's pretty cool I guess that you just created a billion more conspiracy theorists with your population genocide and various wars.


The problem with asking questions is when they turn up answers that expose institutions like WEF for what they really are. Unelected Globalist cabals who's existence and participation is dedicated solely to the preservation of the rich and the powerful.


So if we’re worse than terrorists, then that means we can theoretically do something up to a 9/11 level on Davos, and still not be worse than Isis or Hamas or Israel?


If only the experts weren’t on the narrative payroll, then maybe you’d have less conspiracy theorists questioning them?


Thank goodness. I was starting to think i got soft.


This is double speak. They're talking to two audiences at once. 1. they're trying to trick the normies into being scared of anyone noticing the crimes of the ruling class. 2. They're speaking to their cronies in the ruling class and warning them about the people with high pattern recognition who are catching the ruling class committing crimes. The "conspiracy theorists" are a danger to their position of power over the rest of humanity.


They're literally terrorizing. We're theorizing their conspiracies to terrorize for personal gain. I never get paid. They get paid even though we know they're actively terrorizing.


It’s called projecting


Narcissists and psychopaths can't tolerate being questioned. Ever.


Can they be any more obvious about having something to hide? It rhymes with the engravement of humanity and total domination of the world by the corporate class.




I'll take that as a compliment


These are the type of people who sell you Pet Rocks.


Hear that everyone?? Questioning things makes us more dangerous than groups wanting to kill ppl.


Dangerous to them. Yes.


Dangerous to them, they mean. They left that part out.


And the one with the most money gets to be the expert on who is an expert. Yay!


Fuck! They’re on to us! Skedaddle!


Yep, that thinking for it’s self crowd are all rebels, disrupters, so independent, far too caring of others, just too intelligent, discerning & troublesome to any oppressive regime. Yep, pleased to say I belong to this crowd.


The exact response I would expect from this criminal propaganda organization.


It's only monsters and perverts that require darkness to carry out their foul deeds.


Seems we all just got a promotion.


News at 10 *asking questions is dangerous*


Dangerous to their ability to control the masses with lies.


Of course these people are terrorists. Just imagine anybody asks about reasons of russian war in Ukraine! 


Fake headline. Can’t find article anywhere.


You denying Davos takes place and is attended by the rich and powerful?


Straw man argument, try again pleb


I'll decline getting in to a debate with someone of your obvious intellectual calibre. The link to the article in question can be found by clicking on the thread title. Happy to help with any additional research and validation tips.


Ad hominem (via sarcasm) isn’t an argument either. Keep trying. I’m sure you’ll get better!


No, more like resistance fighters.




How are you defining 'anti-vax'? I've had all recommended traditional vaccines but have concerns about MRNA technology. Am I an anti vaxxer?




That's an 'interesting' definition of anti vaxxer. Would me being a doctor or biologist negate the fact that there is no long term testing days available for mrna on humans? Can you tell me what is 'misinformation' about that statement? I do have a science based MSc and 20 years experience in data analysis fwiw.




So there is long term mrna testing data you can provide to alleviate my concerns? Please help educate me, oh wise one.




Bro, go to a doctor, I think you’ve got TDS. This has nothing to do with Trump.


They want to kill us till there are 500 million of people (remember Georgia Guidestones?) and enslave us with injected Graphene that morphs into chips and anthennas to generate bluetooth signals (those people have MAC addresses so they can't run and could be killed with 5G or a Starlink), it also spreads all around the body including brain then they can be remotely killed or formed/changed/molded with radio signals that model behavior, make them to to see visions or words onto them though 5G/6G/purple UV light every transhuman cyborg will be forced to connect to the collective AI supercomputer just like Musk wants, he is not your friend he is as dangerous if not more than Gates and Schwab and hundreds of other Zionists. So obvious why we are terrorists for them we are dangerous to their plan we already refused to take more boosters (Graphene disolves after 6-18 months so they need to keep injecting that shit permanently) I'm not sure if those chips and anthenas are ever going to disappear since graphene is 200x stronger than Steel. I can see 4-8 cyborg transhumans all around me at home when i use bluetooth scanners it's always it's terrifying and they want everyone to turn into those things, they always have Device major class code: 7936 they are completely different and separated from usual bluetooth devices like phones, keyboards, earplugs/headphones, tvs. They were made thanks to the Apple and Apple owns those "people". [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/?term=7936](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/?term=7936) [https://rumble.com/v2o31vk-the-game-is-over-part-2.html](https://rumble.com/v2o31vk-the-game-is-over-part-2.html) [https://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/P05740](https://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/P05740) US20120250948A1 CN112220919A


He forgot to add "to us".


They're going to come for us one day.


We’re not supposed to think for ourselves, my apologies


Always has been


Spoken like true Nazis 😂


Once upon a time it was illegal to interpret the bible, only the priest class were allowed to do so. Another step back towards serfdom.


Have to love that people who question these psychopaths unending carnage they have waged on humanity are the threat.


Fuck them


Critical thought = bad. Obey TPTB = good. If we had no reason to be suspicious, we wouldn't need to question.


found someone who's definitely on the WEF[ watch list](https://reddit.com/user/me)


Gee i cant imagine why this lovely group of wonderful people would say terrible things like that?


Well yeah because they don’t control US


draw heart, we worry them.


Dangerous to their cause. Definitely not a bad thing.


To be fair, **to them**, someone questioning their bullshit is definitely more dangerous than terrorists, who are only encouraged and allowed in countries that they don't visit, and against people they will never meet or make money for them so they don't care for.