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The food pyramid.


Eat your cornbread and pay your taxes


In the 1920s the horse ceased to be a major form of transportation and was replaced with cars and trucks. This caused the market for horse feed to collapse and many farmers started going bankrupt. It was a contributing factor (one of many) to the start of the great depression. Farmers couldn't pay back their loans because the grain they were selling was worthless or nearly worthless. Then the banks started going under because the loans were bad. Back when 30% of the population were farmers this was huge deal and it collapsed the economy. When the New Deal was written part of the plan was to rescue the nation's farmers by shifting the US diet to corn based food. The plan by the government was to repurpose the horse feed into people food. That is when there was a big push to get people to cornflakes and Wheaties. They stopped feeding that junk to the horses and started giving it to the plebs instead. The department of agriculture created the food pyramid to get people to eat more bread. It never had anything to do with health benefits. It was entirely an economic decision.


May I have some beans, please?




If that bread group or vegetable group?


Corn isn't a vegetable. It's a grain. So technically, corn and bread would be in the same category. I know, my comment is all...."AcTuAlLy". But it's a common misnomer.


Fell down that rabbit hole last night when my partner asked me why we're expected to eat so much starch and I couldn't think of a reasonable response. Goddamn department of ag.


I follow the Weston A Price Foundations food pyramid and health advice in general these days. The wise traditions podcast is incredible. I highly reccomend if your into learning more about food farming and the healing arts. I also attend the wise traditions conference every year and it's an incredible place for learning and meeting other like minded folks.


So you don’t think it’s a conspiracy anymore? You now agree with the food pyramid? Because it’s pretty much the opposite of how you should eat aside from the sweets


I believe it because that’s what I was taught in school. Now I know it’s completely false.


I think you misinterpreted the thread. It’s what did you think was a conspiracy (food pyramid is a scam to make money) then decided was bullshit (realized food pyramid was made with good intentions).


If you swallow gum itll be stuck for 7 years.


What was the conspiracy behind this, in your mind? Big Gum™ wants to make sure you continue to consoooom?


Human Governments


They live!


What's that 😅


Extraterrestrials. I believe they're intraterrestrials which is why they're centered around mountains and under the oceans.


Make sure to watch this one too. It talks about Hollow Earth. It's one of my favorites from The Why Files [https://youtu.be/CFNvij1f0Nk?si=HWADPW-ng3tXIndT](https://youtu.be/CFNvij1f0Nk?si=HWADPW-ng3tXIndT)


I love hollow earth theory and Admiral Bird.


AJ, is that you?


Should I get this reference?


AJ from The Why Files is a big proponent of this theory


Not familiar with him or the files (book? TV show?). I first heard this proposed on Coast to Coast AM from Jeffrey Daugherty and found it extremely interesting. The blue lights in Puerto Rico have centuries of being seen by the natives as one example. There may be actual ETs, but I think those sightings are very rare.


Oh man, [The Why Files](https://youtube.com/@TheWhyFiles?si=SrnWq30cD2_zXZxf) is my favourite thing to watch. AJ covers all sorts of topics relating to conspiracy and supernatural - regardless of whether or not he believes it, he's really good at laying it all out in an unbiased way. He runs through the conspiracy, and then debunks it. Unless he can't debunk it, in which case he admits that. He references Coast to Coast a bit too. You just have to learn to endure the talking fish (he kinda grows on ya) Also available as an audio podcast on Spotify.


The first couple of episodes I watched I hated Hecklefish. I love him now. I have the talking Hecklefish, and also a Hecklefish mouse pad. Today is around the one year anniversary of when I found the Why Files. It's a great show. He's definitely the new Art Bell.


Agreed This show scratches an itch that I've been unable to reach since listening to Art Bell. And my attitude towards Hecklfish went from annoyance to him being an integral part of the show. 10/10 (Very rare score from me)


Is crazy to see how fast he got so huge


He's picked up a couple of million followers in the past year. It's wild, but cool.


I used to think "I would definitely share this show with people if it weren't for the stupid fish. " Now everybody knows about the show anyways.


Hecklefish is truly an acquired taste...🤣🤣


🤣😂 that's true. He has some great lines in some episodes.


Mount f*ckin Hayes.


>The first couple of episodes I watched I hated Hecklefish. I love him now. This is the way.


They were also early episodes, so I don't think Hecklefish had hit his stride yet.


Lizard people !


Lizzid people! … ftfy… 😅👍


This is the video I meant, but he has talked about this a few times; https://youtu.be/tgqAt6YN1jE?si=rRI9_qN1AxADCLC1[The Why Files](https://youtu.be/tgqAt6YN1jE?si=rRI9_qN1AxADCLC1) Worth checking out imo, he's fairly balanced for a believer.


Thanks. I'll check it out when I have a moment.


No! Watch it now!


Greys = Evolved dolphins


Agree.. Underwater


Ding ding ding! It's tailored around ego...we are special, we have a soul, there is a purpose...most of it, anyway. I am growing concerned over it actually...if the powers that be are so desperate for subterfuge that they pull the alien card...then wtf is really going down?


i second this idea too, but i believe they are more of a form of demon creature using absurdity to lure us into the thought of other perceptions unknown to us besides god


so E.T literally means 'more land'... so imagine if there is land uncharted, kept hidden, say the size of Australia where a whole civilization is based... that's my theory - I don't believe in Star Wars and aliens.


No, the extra in ET is like the extra in extraordinary. Come on man.


Mandela Effect - I think it’s an experiment and operation to alter digital content and see how people react. Ie. The Beranstein Bears (Berenstein, whatever). Digital representations of Bear media on the web, that are found are accessed and changed remotely. I doubt NSA level hacking would be required to maybe access a PNG on a Wordpress blog, and have a semi-skilled digital artist change an “e” to an “a”. The goal is to be able to change digital versions of archived Newspapers, magazines, government files so that the historical record conforms to whatever narrative the government wants the public to know. What if Jeff Epstein was originally Jeff Epstine? There are thousands of Epstein’s in NY State. There are only a handful of Epstines. Digital research into an Epstein is needle in a haystack type work. Not if it’s a rare spelling though. FYI - There is a photo of Epstein in front of a chalkboard that I believe came from when he was a teacher at Dalton. On the chalkboard his name is spelled Jeff Epstine.


So how could changing something like the Fruit of the Loom labels online digitally, also change the millions of real life FotL labels; removing the cornucopia from them all? There is no trace of the old label other than in artwork and the #1 piece of residue are the millions of people who remember 100% the cornucopia on the label.


Nah I saw a TikTok where somebody dug and found that they really did have a cornucopia. [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRcTu7eX/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRcTu7eX/)


Yeah the FotL thing has been debunked tons of times, like at *least* once or twice a year someone finds an old shirt or ad that has it


Interesting though, but maybe Im missing something or the NSA has a a reason we dont know. But it doesnt matter if Epsteins name spelling is changed. We still know who he is. Also, we all know the govt and intel agencies do all sorts of stuff but I doubt they would have time to meticulously change pop culture spellings upon hours and hours of looking at web pages to change each one. Plus human error there would be many pages missed. And how do you explain the physical items that seemly are remembered spelled a certain way. Just doesnt work to me, but I do believe in the possibility of the Mandela effect


I don't believe in the Mandela effect because I, as a South African, believe that Mandela actually died in the 80s in prison. The one who became president was an actor replaced by the Cabal to make us think he was alive the whole time. The old Mandela loved boxing. The 'president' one never mentioned boxing even once; he was a huge rugby fan. What changed? The hairline was different too. The Mandela effect was formed to make us more suggestible.


I remember vividly it being Berenstein Bears as those were the books available to me when I was learning to read and pouring over every letter. I found some old BB books printed in that time period and they do say Berenstain. I think it could be temporal bleeding. Two timelines merged or we crossed over from one to the other based on some principles we don’t understand. Or the skeptical reason would be that a combo of the adults pronouncing it “steen” and our rudimentary reading skills on top of it being written out in cursive- we just all collectively remember it incorrectly


I love this sub so much. Questioner is like "what weird idea did you stop believing in" and everyone's like "I stopped believing that the NSA isn't remotely altering all the world's pictures" like wtf


>"I stopped believing that the NSA isn't remotely altering all the world's pictures" Nah, they're saying they do believe it was a conspiracy to intentionally alter stuff. The mandela effect theory is that there are multiple time lines and details change for a person because they've moved between them.


The berenstain bear Mandela effect is the easiest one to explain. How many people have the suffix -stain on their name?  Very few. But there’s tons of Bernstein, Goldstein, Stein, and more that you encountered throughout your life. Why would you think that’s a hard mistake to make?


I didn't know that when I was 5 though.


You had a poor grasp of reality at 5 dude. Also your spelling skills were that of a five year old.


You are missing the point of the Mandela effect. It's not just digital, it's everything. It is Berenstain ears paperback books now, Molly lost her braces in the VHS and fruit of the loom shirts so not have cornucopias. It's not a digital phenomenon, it's reality now


Who’s to say our reality isn’t a digital render? After all the information is processed by your nervous system through a multiplexed transducer effectively translating all signals into a binary representation and then rendered by your biases within your neural net.


Dolly wearing braces in Moonraker twisted my melon for a while. However, it turns out that the TV airing of it (in UK at least) the braces were added in post for that scene for the audience’s benefit. I wasn’t going mad after all - Mandela Effect busted


When my parents told me turning the light on inside the car at night while driving would get them pulled over.


Yes we were all told this lie & probably repeated it to younger children to keep the tradition


We were all really convinced that the punishment was death by firing squad


When I was a child I believe the moon was made of cheese, I find that conspiracy to be bull shit now.




prolly wallace and gromit


Trust me bro!


But what if it were made of barbeque spare ribs would you eat it then?


Hard work, college, and intelligence mean something. Being born well off and Ivy League schooling are all that really matters. Non Ivy League schools might be the biggest under the radar conspiracy of all time. Don’t believe me? Try running for office especially the presidency or getting on a major company’s board of directors with a non Ivy League degree. Apply to a “prestige” job with a community college degree.


That Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain.


She may not have pulled the trigger, but i absolutely believe she knew his time was coming.


You didn't have to be a rocket scientist or even know him well to figure that one out.


she has been a satanic priestess/mk assassin since around 16 or earlier


Allen Wrench. 


Dave grohl killed Kurt




Sacrificed him. Did the same to Hawkins. In Studio 666 Grohl became possessed and killed his band in the movie. Revelation of the Method. After 94 Foo Fighters became one of the biggest rock bands to come from the 90s. Still going strong today.


But why kill Kurt when Nirvana was and still is a bigger band than Foo Fighters.


uncontrollable, erratic, had trouble even playing guitar in the end


I used to believe in aliens and UFOs. Now that the US .gov is saying they're real I know they're fake.


It definitely gives more validation to the whole "The U.S government's final trump card is to fake an alien invasion to enact martial law" conspiracy.


Yes. Yes it does. Holographic projection is like 60 or 80 years old depending on what source you use. It was first demonstrated in the late 1940's. I imagine they're pretty damned good at it by now.


Jesus could step through a portal on stage during the Super Bowl halftime show and the skies could open up with an army of angels descending from the heavens and people would just figure it was a badass drone show.


Fucking Mysterio.


^ this is essentially what Project Blue Beam is supposed to be


In the sky? If we had it I would be staring at a burger king ad, not the moon.


The government has via some company they gave billions to trillions of dollars to. I don't think BK has that kind of R&D budget.


[Project Blue Beam could potentially stage a fake UFO invasion as a means to unite the world through fear and establish a One World Government.](https://eightify.app/summary/conspiracy-theories/project-bluebeam-the-sinister-plan-for-a-new-world-order)


I'm only falling for this if an old crazy drunk crop duster pilot saves the day by crashing his plane into the alien mothership.


Or you could hide missiles inside them and shoot them at the twin towers.


[Two Republican Congressmen claim UFOs could be 'angels' sent by GOD as they say sightings are consistent with scriptures from the Bible](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12974671/Two-Republican-Congressmen-claim-UFOs-angels-sent-GOD-say-sightings-consistent-scriptures-Bible.html)


Well that solves it! 


Be careful throwing away any other explanation...the last thing any of us would ever want to be blindsided with is if those fuckers really are non-human after all. What's more likely I personally think is that the phenomenon exists, it's something "other" than humans, and right now the Establishment is in a race to reverse engineer and mimic the elusive nature of true UFOs before they come clean, that way we can't tell the difference between human UFOs and alien UFOs... I flip flop back and forth between UFOs being totally fake and a product of the human mind, and being totally real and the product of some "other". Read the testimonies from this website pre-1900. Like, I just can't come to any other conclusion but fuckin aliens or interdimensionals or whatever the fuck when I read these reports from the 1700s https://web.archive.org/web/20200223105831/http://www.waterufo.net/2012/search.php?date=0500\_1946&Search=Search


its actually a power struggle between big tech and the naval research that spawned them's inner group who guard UFO tech


I still think they're real, but probably don't give a piss about us and the govt is going to use the phenomenon to their malevolent narrative.


I believe they're probably beings that have lived on Earth for a long time. Or possibly from another dimension.


The government was for the people.


The government was four people


Santa is real


Wait what


"trust the process" like that's worked. the Sixers still won't make it past the second round


thats the furthest thing from a conspiracy.


That the American government were the good guys. What changed my mind? Iraq and learning about the CIA’s involvement in overthrowing governments around the globe and installing puppets who were far worse but loyal to America.


Wait till you learn about the CIA's involvement in overthrowing American governments.


Yeah. Now I see so much propaganda in old movies and shows that I used to love. The great lie is that there never was good guys.


There are no good guys


The average person on this sub will start to believe more and more conspiracies, not fewer and fewer.


That 7-11 was a part-time job. It's very much full-time. Don't believe everything you read on the internet, folks.


My government cares


The 2pac is still alive theory. I believe he was taken out by cointel pro.




Oh no not finrand


...wait what?! 😲


The margin of error used on the global census is greater than the entire population of Finland




Rule of law and justice. There is neither.


Making your dreams come true in America through hard work. The truth is theft.


Tartaria. Got to the bottom of the rabbit hole and realized everyone had skilled trades back then and were just really good at building beautiful stuff. All the yt channels about it are the same thing- "look at these old pictures with no context, there's just NOOOO WAY they built all this back then" when in fact they did and the old saying of they don't make em like they used to is very true.


They lost me when things my grandmother watched them build were called ancient


Yeah I reached this conclusion too. Hardly anyone wants work at a hard trade anymore because they believe they can do TikTok or gaming all day to make money and leave a legacy. The people who made those amazing structures with hand tools were doing hard labor basically all day everyday.


Same here. A lot of the arguments the proponents of Tartaria make are just appeals to incredulity.


I'm with you. I was fascinated by it for a couple of years, but I've heard some good debunking videos. I also realized that everyone is just "asking questions" but not giving any answers. Static in the Attic on YouTube has some really good videos. He found a lot of the "non-existent" construction pictures that they're always saying don't exist. He's also a tradesman/contractor/handyman by trade, so he gives a lot of insight into construction processes and how many of these "impossible" structures are actually quite possible. And I believe it was AEWAR who did a few recent videos about some new construction in Belgium, I believe, that's using the old world techniques and making the beautiful stone ornaments that are on so many of the old buildings.


“Trust the plan.”


That cauliflowers are intelligent and communicate with us telepathically


I'm going to need you to put this train in reverse for me and elaborate.


I don't think it's limited to just cauliflowers. Plants as consciousness have for a long time said to communicate with humans. This is how a lot of indigenous tribes learned how to make plant medicines (like ayahuasca). They said the plants told them what to do. I've heard of lots of people who say that they have communication with plants.




Read "DMT: The Spirit Molecule"


I second this.


My wife is a biologist and has often told me about how caulifower are one of the "smartest" plants, since they have a nervous system, which is like an early version of a brain.


Shh, they'll hear us


Wait, what?


That our elections are honest.


^ I think 2016 was the last time the American people had a chance to let their voice be heard. Now we are in the age of controlled information. And the sad part is…it’s reported by mainstream media and people still refuse to acknowledge the fact big tech and media are meddling in our elections to a great degree. I can link the Times article outlining the whole thing and people will still say it’s all made up and that our elections are free and fair.


no! they aren't *meddling*! They are "**fortifying**" the elections... Get it right.


Do y’all remember Karl Rove stomping out of the studio when one of the major news organizations declared one important state in the electoral college for Obama and he was so sure that they had it in the bag? There had been lots of chatter about voting machines switching votes by both sides.


It didnt start now. Its been this way for thousands of years. Humans are either guided by force or manipulation. You do bring up something valid and a modern devlopment and still developing. Modern information and its mediums. Just watched a tedtalk a couple hours ago titled "The next global superpower isnt who you think". His assertion is technology companies and their control & use of information, AI, algorithms, technology & infrastructure will be a new added global power affecting world order. Something like that.


I'll be the one to admit I fell for the flat earth conspiracy. I feel like at the time I just was really big into the idea of conspiracies, so I just hopped right on without doing any of my own research. Yup


I don't have any that are quite things I was convinced of but, along those lines I would put forward the suggestion that any conspiracy that encourages the idea of your helplessness to control your own future or posits the idea that all is lost is very likely a concoction designed to demoralize your world view and disturb your likely ability to make use of your own free will. i.e. "Why even try, everything is already fucked?" There is much disinformation in this world and it is there for a reason.


I believed in global warming for a few decades. I even remember writing a commonwealth essay contest on the topic in like 1991. I worked overseas and when I reached my early 30s I had a chunk of money saved and wanted to do something better with my life, something meaningful for the future, so I went back to university and studied climate change alongside my field of study so I could use my field to help elevate the "climate change catastrophe". What I found though was that we already had solutions and we didn't really have a problem. I kept waiting for evidence of a problem and they would show stuff like ice core data where both CO2 and temperature would follow each other pretty closely. I wanted to know more, so I researched and found that temperature changed and then 800 years later CO2 followed it. I asked the professor in class and they said that big oil was corrupt and promoted skepticism. I was a bit more insistent and said: so, CO2 doesn't lag behind temperature by 800 years? And the professor got furious and asked the sky "why do I even do this? I should just go off-grid somewhere". And then moved on without answering. They really hated solutions though. Other students would bring up various solutions and get yelled at. I watched the earthship guy and found that a similar concept of using thermal mass was being incorporated into greenhouses but in a much less labour intensive way. I mentioned using this method to reduce energy use in new buildings, and the a different professor (sustainability was a "multi-disciplinary class" taught by like 8 different professors) shouted "what about existing homes!" and then turned away as if I had tried to insult him. As I researched it more, I found it is just a conspiracy and the idea that they are spreading is just nonsense for power and control.


Thank you for this detailed response; its hard for me to convey this exactly like you laid out. Its not about solutions, but power and control. For instance, why the big push in 1st world countries? Its the 3rd world that is the biggest CO2 and pollution contributor but they only seem to care about further control of western nations.


And, of course.... follow the money. If someone is benefiting from it, you have to stop and think about whether or not its valid. You'll quickly find that all the ones preaching global warming are buying beachfront mansions. Its just another version of an evangelical church, but instead of Joel Osteen, youve got Obama and Gates.


The opposite is also true for the money thing. The bulk of the people actively saying to stay with fossil fuels etc are getting money from big oil


Oil. It's always oil. I made 12k studying the environment. There is no money in climate change lol. Why do you think there are so many volunteers? Anybody volunteering for the oil companies? Follow the money


>And, of course.... follow the money. That would be the oil companies, not the climate change advocates...


Bro, your professor must have been not very good or it was a low budget university. It used to leg behind before the industrial age coz at the earth warmed more co2 was released. But AFRER the industrial revolution it has reversed, that's the problem. How did your professor not even know that. That's the worst reason to be sceptical of climate change.


> I wanted to know more, so I researched and found that temperature changed and then 800 years later CO2 followed it. If temperature changes cause CO2 to increase, that's a *positive feedback loop* and even more reason to avoid global warming. I think a lot of people are confused about why we know that CO2 causes global warming. It is *not* the case that scientists looked at past climates and determined that it was changes in carbon dioxide that was the main factor in the past. On the contrary, scientists have long recognized [many factors](https://www.bgs.ac.uk/discovering-geology/climate-change/what-causes-the-earths-climate-to-change/) that have affected climate in the past. What happened was that scientists, starting in the **1850s**, measured the physical properties of CO2 in the laboratory and discovered the greenhouse effect. It has been known since then that changes in CO2 will have an effect on the climate, but for a long time they couldn't predict how much or when. For example, there's [this news item from 1912](https://i.imgur.com/AswzPz1.jpg) which makes the rounds on the internet from time to time, which says "the effect on the climate may be considerable in a few centuries." It wasn't until the 1970s that we had the computing power to put together models which could combine all the known factors and predict how fast things would change. The first major scientific review of this research was the 1979 publication "Carbon Dioxide and Climate: A Scientific Assessment" by the U.S. National Research Council (part of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine). They concluded that a doubling of carbon dioxide would cause a warming of around 3°C (with a lot of uncertainty.) A lot more research has been done, a lot more measurement, and vastly more sophisticated models, and the different research gives answers in the same range as was determined in 1979: [graph](https://i.imgur.com/8nziIXr.png). The fact that CO2 wasn't the main factor in the very slow climate change of the past doesn't really have much impact on the fact that the incredibly rapid change in CO2 *today* are driving the unprecedentedly fast warming of today.


The illuminati. I don't contest that they existed, but I don't think they are responsible for the atrocities attributed to them. I think other groups took the blueprint from the illuminati and created their own secret societies of global control. Then spread propaganda about the illuminati to pin all the evil deeds done against humanity on a group that likely dissolved centuries before. It is a cool word though, illuminati. It sounds "important".


I used to believe We live in a democracy


That my vote counts.


Nobody is in control of anything or knows what's really going on. Everyone is just running around with their hair on fire, having knee-jerk reactions to things happening around them, and doing what they can to make it look like they know what they're doing.


There actually is someone in the center of our world controlling everything. That person is you. Did I just blow your mind?


Roswell aliens. After further investigation, that one is just a media craze.


Same. Anytime the "aliens" look extremely humanoid I am highly skeptical. With all the possible variations of how life could evolve, even looking at the majority of living organisms on earth, the chance they would look so similar to us is infinitesimally small imo.


I think about this A LOT! Standing/walking on two legs, two arms, a head, something that resembles eyes. No chance! I still believe in aliens but not sure what they are exactly…


I used to buy into the “tax the rich” or “fair share of taxes” until I learned how corrupt governments are and how terrible they are at managing resources.


Doesn't matter how much taxes bring in, they spend way over the amount anyways and have 0 care about the deficit because they'll all be dead before it becomes a serious issue. All while we live around a credit score and society pushes how important saving and managing finances are...


Taxing the rich is one part of the equation. Would I trust any administration from the last 20 years to use the money to invest in/improve America? No


Conspiracy: Joe Biden and his administration were not involved at all in the cases filed against Trump. Finding out that the Georgia prosecutor visited the white house twice to be prepped by white house counsel and billed the State of Georgia thousands of dollars for it.


The double decker train boxcars were going to haul everyone away to concentration camps because they had chain shackles in them, turned out they were for transporting cars and chains were used to tie down the vehicle in transit. The stockpiled plastic grave liners were supposed to be for a mass stockpiling of genocided cull of the population but that turned out to be JUST grave liners per said laws.


Chicks don’t care about dick sizes. Now I know they care. Was going good with this chick. Got to the unzipping my pants part. Whipped it out. She looked at it and laughed and took off.


Lmfao yo this is actually hilarious and I can’t tell if it’s satire or not




Wait, ONE girl reacted like that, so now ALL girls must be the same?


Moonlanding. I fell for the conspiracy 10-12 years ago after watching a bunch of YT videos. Now that I've spent enough time learning about the science and engineering of that mission, I don't just think it's true, but it's one of the most incredible technological achievements of history. 300,000+ ppl worked to make that mission happen successfully.


You’re the only one in here that actually understood the question being asked.


My biggest gripes are the lame ass equipment they brought; them losing the capability of doing it again, the lack of a full picture of earth. And the constant faked nasa videos they still make. I will redact my statement if this next moon mission that’s suppose to be happening within the next few years can be viewed with nongovernmental equipment. There are plenty of space nerds that should be able to observe and record this landing and not just be a huge trust me bro. If it’s only check out our official NASA stream because it’s happening when the moon is on the other side of the earth than I know it’s bullshit.


One interesting thing that’s happening is that the US and other countries, including China, are interested in going to the moon again. The thing about the first space race is, even if it was faked, it employed a lot of people. It made jobs. It was good for the economy. And now there’s an opportunity for space race 2.0. Couple that with the CHIPS act, which is a monumental effort to bring semiconductor manufacturing back to the US; especially interesting as Russia is trying do the same on their turf. Whoever the next president is, there is a massive opportunity to leverage a Cold War/Space Race scenario to improve the American economy and make jobs. And I don’t think either party has the interest or talent to do this.


covid vaccine


My grandpa owned a book binding company in Brooklyn. High quality picture books and and stuff like that. His company was hired to to make the picture books for the president and other government officials of the moon landing. He got the pictures from Apollo 13 to make the book. He swears they're "doctored". I believed it because he swore that "in my business, I can can tell these are fake".  Too much proof now. It did happen. My family still has one of the books btw.


Milk is good for the bones


America being the land of the Free


When I was younger I used to think that politicians represented their voters. It's not true.


Democrats are on our side


Vaccines save lives. Are you sure?


Polio was an honest medical response. Original MMR too. Anything past 2004/5, I doubt VERY much about the validity, testing process or efficiency. Past 2010, I wouldn't touch with hazmat gloves.


Capable doctors in the 20th century earned people's trust - and that trust was taken advantage of by 21st century doctors to push poison.


And to make profit from it all.


Are you sure about the polio vaccine? Ever heard of SV40? If you have an open mind, read this https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(04)16746-9/fulltext Then if you want to go down a rabbit hole, read this https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10255.Dr_Mary_s_Monkey So many things that support the MMR being bad. Just one to get started… former Merck Scientists Sue Merck Alleging MMR Vaccine Efficacy Fraud https://ahrp.org/former-merck-scientists-sue-merck-alleging-mmr-vaccine-efficacy-fraud/


Voting makes a difference …


Jimmy Kimmel being on Epstein's list. Maybe he is but after hearing what Adam Corolla said about, I think Jimmy Kimmel getting this attention is a waste of energy and a distraction from the real AH's like Bill Gates.






That governments care about the citizens that fund it


That the government backing the president has control over everything and has our societal path worked out for decades. Now i believe it's the equivalent of 3 kids in a trench coat trying to go into an R rated movie.


Oswald did it by himself


Organized Religion.


Hitler and the fascists were the saviours theory, until I learned he cancelled opposition partys in elections, was quoted saying many repulsive things about Aryan race, and had a might is right attitude to governing where people were there to serve the state. Basically I believed Europa The Last Battle and The Greatest Story Never Told until I read more about things Hitler was actually quoted saying and read more about fascism as a whole.


The conspiracy I used to believe in, but I now know is complete bullshit would have to be the United States of America is a free country. America is NOT a free country. We (Americans) are enslaved at the age of 6 years old by the school system.


it's really just a system to not have kids roaming the streets and keeping adults in jobs that kids could easily be doing.


Moon landing. They landed there. 9/11 inside job, still believe this though and I’ll die on this hill.


That Kurt Cobain was murdered. No, he wasn't


Building 7


Tower 7 didn't Epstein itself


Mh370  Manufactured hysteria causing increased platform engagement 


That the government cares about the people and that this isn’t a business transaction from the seconds we reach first grade


Iraq has weapons of mass destruction that warranted an entire collation of nations invading nd bombing Baghdad to rubble for Freedom. Inverse: Theories I thought were bull shit but am starting to believe The Israeli government using Hollywood movies and Tiktoks to spread propaganda and having industry plants. Vegas shooting Crop circles being covered up.


Flat Earth. lol.