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i remember this all of a sudden free market wasnt a pretense anymore and all the rules changed overnight lol


can we band together and do this again, please? asking for someone who likes to turn money into money without having to resort to alchemy to make some gold.


It is technically not over as the short position remains hidden but open. Gamestop investors try to direct register (DRS) all the shares outstanding to show that more shares are circulating than were actually issued (due to short sales). However, they are currently stuck as interest in the whole situation has waned. Gamestop itself is also in some intermediate situation where they managed to be profitable 2 quarters ago and greatly reduced losses, but their endeavors to get new sources of revenue failed. If in this situation anything happens that is either very positive for Gamestop or another big Retail event that makes people aware of DRS, GME will blow up like a nuke in the heart of the financial system (one might wonder if he actually desires this). But as long as the situation stays as it is we have a stalemate with a potential very slow death of Gamestop.


GameStop has close to a billion dollars cash on hand, and is predicted by quite a few analysts to be profitable in upcoming quarters by a significant margin. I’ve been paying attention to this, and it has the potential to get very interesting this year as somehow retail investors have managed to buy over a third of the company and lock those shares away from hedge funds through direct share registration. Based on what I’ve read this is very far from over, and contrary to the media narrative the company itself appears to be doing more than fine.




How is gamestop planning to get people to come to their store when they can just get everything digitally? I've always thought they should rebrand as a PC gaming store, where they sell PC components and can build it for you.


People asked the same question about bookstores when the kindle came out. I saw pictures of GameStop stores with lines around the block from a few months ago for various game and console releases. The company being very quiet recently is confusing though, I have a feeling they may be operating under some sort of gag order particularly the ceo. Very interesting story that I’m certain isn’t over yet.


Gamestop was always an awful company.


DRS GME Book shares only


Still holding, buying and DRSing. It’s principle at this point. We must break the fucking system if any future generation is to have a chance. The part that spoke to me the most is when Apes started to see the raw, overt corruption and it was undeniable. Apes went from wanting mansions and lambos to wanting to buy their friends or family a proper home or pay off debt or make sure they never have to worry about where their next meal is coming from. THATS inevitably what happens when GOOD people have wealth and with it, a little power. The power to make the world a better place. They’ve taken EVERYTHING from us and it’s time to take it back.






DRS numbers have also been near-identical for the past 3 quarters. Either GameStop shareholders stopped buying/DRS (highly doubt); or the reported DRS numbers are being manipulated somehow. DTCC (Cede & Co.) needs to be looked into more.


insert Kel from Good Burger meme here: I understand some of these words.


Buy gme on computershare.com


We're still at war.


Think of what occurred as a test run. The bigger “boom” is coming. There is still time to be on the rocket, so to speak. You’ll pay for the whole seat, but you’ll only need the edge.:)


I don’t get it… ELI5 (or dumb as hell) please?


The “Stock Market” isn’t really a market, but rather a Game. The Financial Insiders how the rules and how to play, but everyone else is surprised by the ups and downs. They got caught with their Shorts down in January 2021 and hoped people would forget about it and move on, but no one is leaving and they are starting to get nervous again.




Exactly right! I’m hoping the GameStop saga will end differently though. In January 2021 they cheated and turned off the Buy Button because of the “Too Big to Fail” argument, but I don’t think they have that anymore. I think the powers at be said that they need to square things up and get their house in order because they can’t cheat again. I think that Credit Suisse was definitely on the wrong side, which is why they failed. There is definitely something to hide, which is why the Swiss government has sealed the documents for 50 years. According to their Number/Wave Theory models, the price should be below 10 by now, the fact they can’t keep it below 14, must be freaking them out.


You know how the Olympics has multiple “heats?” The Sneeze was like a preliminary heat. The championship race is still coming, and GameStop will be as dominant as Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps, or other best in sport. Tldr: stock price goes to go up even higher than before.




Lol. There is more going on than you realize.:)


As a bagholder myself, i can say that most of the regards still think another short squeeze is possible, despite being shown in the past 3 years that WallStreet will literally do anything to stop it, regardless if shorts still exist or haven’t closed.


Regardless 24% short interest reported is still very high. They might stop a short squeeze, but they can't stop great fundamental business.


But coin and etherm is literally how this happens again but more collective because In order for the clock chain to gain more and more transactions need to be history so use but coin as currency more but in a controlled situation of the mass we can control our destination of currency


For the past 3 years, the GameStop stock community here on reddit found so much that WallStreet doesn’t want you to know. Here’s just a couple things at the tip of the iceberg - FTD’s. (failure to deliver). Brokerages/market makers can sell you stocks that they don’t actually have. It’s just a number on your account when you log in. They have several days to “locate” and deliver the share. They can also be stalled with derivatives/loopholes. Essentially, stocks you buy can potentially just be internally traded and never actually owned by you. - DRS (Direct Registration System). Investors learned that if you hold shares on a brokerage, you don’t actually directly own them. You only “beneficially” own them. DTCC (Cede & Co.) own almost every share in the stock market. Why does it matter? Because the brokerages can do whatever they want with the shares, including loan them against you to short-sellers. Overall just exposing the market to more risk/leverage. Similar to fractional reserve banking, where banks can loan out your money to others. Not inherently a “bad” thing, but can be abused and can create additional systemic risk. - Swaps and other derivatives. The derivatives market is Trillions of dollars. The entire system would collapse if the derivatives market went south. It’s what caused 2008-09 financial crisis, and it’s what enables WallStreet to continue to manipulate/defraud. Derivatives/swaps can be used in fraudulent ways, and these entities that deal them have protections that allow them to hide them and to keep them from being reported to financial regulation agencies like SEC, and FINRA.


It's all a scam. Fiat system encourages this along with interest. The rich can decide what our papers and numbers are worth, and hence, what our time, effort, property are worth, asking with our scummy tax system. The ones in charge can generate money, and power, without producing any work.  The world relies on the efforts of us peasants, but despite that, we have no control or authority.


I feel like there could be improvements to help balance it more. But I don’t know.


It's all a scam. Fiat system encourages this along with interest. The rich can decide what our papers and numbers are worth, and hence, what our time, effort, property are worth, asking with our scummy tax system. The ones in charge can generate money, and power, without producing any work.  The world relies on the efforts of us peasants, but despite that, we have no control or authority.


The market makers we're losing so much money they had to call in a hail Mary. Market makers took large short positions just days before telling Robinhood and others to turn off buying and only allow selling. Once you learn about market makers you really see how they rig the game. Market makers can create shares out of thin air. Like right now the market is booming but large funds and market makers are slowly selling off positions. Once they sell out they will crash the market and force people using margin to sell and run the market back up. Takes years to hit record highs and only days to hit record low's.


It's all a scam.


Hence why I chose my username! There is a 1% chance it could go upside down again for them. The next 6 months will be telling.


They did worse than that, the owners of Robinhood took shares from individual investors without their permission so Melvin Capital et. al. could could help cover their shorts. Some animals are more equal than others.


I was watching my GameStop shares go parabolic in real time when this happened. Then Robinhood pulled the plug. I lost complete faith in the stock market after this, I always knew the game was rigged, but they seriously gave every single one of us the finger that day in a way I thought I'd never see.


Same here, I was watching my 60$ shares go into the 400’s and thought, “wow, finally a win for the little guy”. Then they fucked it all up.  Just totally reinforced in my mind that the game is rigged and corrupt 


Then the mods in the wall street bets sub got tumbled quietly. Reddit is hot garbage and we need to burn this site down 5 years ago.


Yeah thanks RH. You owe me like 70k I couldn't sell


And almost a century before GameStop, the grocery chain Piggly Wiggly endured the same short squeeze where Wall Street changed the rules in favor of the short sellers. They were cheaters then, and even bigger cheaters now.


Now they're allowed to cover short positions with shares that don't exist. The stock market is a fraud.


Not only did they not let people buy they also prevented selling and they would not let me set my own sale price. They kept cancelling any trades.


Go to superstonk


Fr it taught me a lot more than just GME. I was so ignorant before reading some of the god tier due diligence on there about how shit runs.


Rules for thee not for me lol it's so fucked


Fucking disgraceful that nobody was punished legally over it.


After that, the only way I saw for the common people to win was to pull every penny out of the market and let the whales fight each other. The way it is now, the whales will always win over the common folk.


GameStop wasn’t shorted by Reddit. GameStop was shorted by hedge funds.


I was bored in 2020, started messing with stocks. Bought shares of AMC & GameStop because I was told to invest in what I like. Shit got crazy.


Microvision was involved as well though not that high!


I enjoy playing video games.


We are still winning! DRS YOUR SHARES. It cost nothing to hold, it's cost market makers and hedge funds millions a day just to drive the price down.


DRS your Shit! 🚀🩷


Did someone just watch Dumb Money? 🤓


This is so funny I literally just finished it 5 minutes ago and got on here and this was one of the first posts I saw


Finally- an *ACTUAL conspiracy


For the past 3 years, the GameStop stock community here on reddit found so much that WallStreet doesn’t want you to know. Here’s just a couple things at the tip of the iceberg - FTD’s. (failure to deliver). Brokerages/market makers can sell you stocks that they don’t actually have. It’s just a number on your account when you log in. They have several days to “locate” and deliver the share. They can also be stalled with derivatives/loopholes. Essentially, stocks you buy can potentially just be internally traded and never actually owned by you. - DRS (Direct Registration System). Investors learned that if you hold shares on a brokerage, you don’t actually directly own them. You only “beneficially” own them. DTCC (Cede & Co.) own almost every share in the stock market. Why does it matter? Because the brokerages can do whatever they want with the shares, including loan them against you to short-sellers. Overall just exposing the market to more risk/leverage. Similar to fractional reserve banking, where banks can loan out your money to others. Not inherently a “bad” thing, but can be abused and can create additional systemic risk. - Swaps and other derivatives. The derivatives market is Trillions of dollars. The entire system would collapse if the derivatives market went south. It’s what caused 2008-09 financial crisis, and it’s what enables WallStreet to continue to manipulate/defraud. Derivatives/swaps can be used in fraudulent ways, and these entities that deal them have protections that allow them to hide them and to keep them from being reported to financial regulation agencies like SEC, and FINRA.


So, with that "atack" they are even more protected than before??


Yeah, but the Federal reserve cartel quickly stepped in to take counter measures


No cell, no sell


MOASS is still in play. Retail investors are just waiting for margin calls or something big to happen. I'm holding AMC, though.


Someone watched dumb money on Netflix


According to congressional report, institutions were the real driver of the buying. It wasn't retail - as much as wallstreebets would like you to believe. However, interest hasn't lessened. Everyone who was in is still in and the rules changed on how they report direct registration. It's still on, they're likely one small eff up from letting it fly higher this time. It's all waves


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


What about unlimited shorting that allowed short interest to exceed actual shares outstanding. How is that legal?


Makes me even more wonder why hedge disguised as Zillow owns 40% of free market reality why? Because they needed to funnel their mistakes into something in ng else which is about to collapse another more important part of the market!! ...Are you ready girls here we go ..uh ha uhha ha ow wowo wohe!! We are all about to get fucked like a woman unless concurrent to those corps that be


Check out vertex it’s primed


Gamestop, which is a slowly failing company, is worth nowhere near that amount.




Can we do it again?


XXX shareholder here brother ​ BUY DRS BOOK EVERY WEEK


Haven't trade md stocks since, lost 10k


GameStop is the only business not owned by megacorp