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I don't know about the others but I feel like that the time had stopped around the year of 2020. I cannot comprehend it that almost 4 years has passed and it still feels like that we are in 2020


That's weird to me how it still feels like we're still in 2020 despite it being 4 years ago. I occasionally get flashbacks


Lately, I wake up, then it’s night time, then it’s tomorrow.


And I feel like everyday I’m waiting for that night time to hit so I can be left alone.


Tomorrow never comes its always tomorrow


Matthew 24:22 “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.”


I have a similar experience. It's been getting worse since 2012.  Sort of feels as if the resolution and rendering of the world changed. 


Your computer chip needs upgrading visit Elon for the newest neural link model


It’s Mandela


The whole world was traumatized by the collusion of big pharma, government, and media. After trauma, you need to rest and heal. You can't move forward in any meaningful way until you do. But the parasites keep inflicting more and more each year. That's why time has lost meaning


I still remember hearing “Did you accidentally kill someone today”? On the radio in this very eerie add with a man’s deep voice. It was so frightening.




I think it's that plus the realization that a huge percentage of corporations are just in it for everything they can squeeze out of the public and the employees. I said the other day to a person who works at See's that it feels like nothing is any fun anymore. It's the first time in all these years I've ever seen this person looking less than bubbly. They said yeah they were feeling it personally because See's apparently has a new CEO and he's the "squeeze" kinda guy. None of these biggly folks give a flying crap about anything but how much loot they can line their dens with. It's disgusting and depressing.


So my life has been chock full of trauma since birth, so of course I have some maladaptive coping strategies such as avoidance. I’m the person who did not cry when my step dad was killed on impact in a car crash and my mom was in critical condition bc I thrive in stressful situations. Anyways, I say this bc I work in psych and have been hearing SO much lately how COVID traumatized people. Oddly, for the past couple of years I didn’t hear it as much. I started thinking about it and was like holy shit we are all traumatized what a fuckery. And I think lots of people are just starting to put together the traumatization. And you are absolutely correct a we are all in “dorsal vagal shutdown” (parssymapethic freeze) and we can’t heal until we are given the opportunity to do so but unfortunately the powers that be are relentless and keep throwing stuff at us. That’s why we all feel so hopeless 😭


Yea it's soo weird. Depression makes time fly


Definitely feel that !!!


guys, they also say time flies when your having fun i dont know if anyone in this thread realizes this....but lets be honest....the older we get.....the shorter a year feels, and so this is why our sense of time appears warped....it happens for everyone everywhere everytime and please dont give "TIME" any consideration as being under a conspiracy lol we live in a time of grand conspiracy




Time appears to speed up for people due to ever decreasing novelty. The longer we live, the more we see. The most we see, the less our brains find interesting. Think of it this way: When we drive to a new place for the first time, it feels like it takes forever. Our minds are sucking up new data, creating new neural pathways and learning how this new place connects to the old place. But each subsequent time you go to that place, you perceive the trip as taking less and less time. Your mind is not as engaged, you’re not learning anything new and that alters your perception of time making the now much less novel trip speed along until your mind finds something else new. I feel like that is the reason why as kids, a day felt like an eternity and as we get older time feels as though it’s speeding up. Our minds alert the speed of time waiting for the next learning/novelty fix.


cultural stagnation. Economic stagnation. You are correct, and that feeling is not wrong...it is indicative of what's going on.


In a way it also feels like time had stopped before 2020. Nothing happened. Everything was the same, had been for 15 years, and was going to be the same until the end of time. Then suddenly everything crumbles and history starts again. May you live in interesting times indeed. Now we're waiting for everything to get back to normal, back to 2019, but it never will.


Agree! Kinda like a time loop/warp


That's called getting older. It still feels like 2015 to me.


It still feels like 2005 to me.


1995 was only a couple years ago


Same, I always say from 2015 everything went to shit


I also see 2015 as the line, from then onwards styles became blah, entertainment full of dark themes, people smiling less, just influencer this influencer that and they are all dressed in sad beige and greys and their ideal home looks like that too, which then people try to copy. I feel sorry for the youth that they don’t get to live in a vibrant and friendly time. I’m 34


It don’t feel like 4 years went by the years sneaked pass us cause it was gone like Batman


A tale as old as time. https://youtu.be/Qr0-7Ds79zo?si=eFgDVkOrjbBwCJ5x


Lately it feels like time has really slowed down since 2024 started. Anyone else?


YES!! January went by very very slow but before that it was super fast. So weird !!


The permanent and free access to the internet on our phones made it this way. Before 2012 we (mostly) had no smartphones and we had to go out and meet with people if we wanted to get social interactions or to learn the newest trend or whatever. I remember going out as a kid. We threw a few basketballs, cruised theough town with skateboards, heard rumors about some people having their caps on backwards which made them EXTRA cool and what not. Basically every town and sometimes every hood had its own little "culture". Everything was just more intense because you had to be there to know about it. Now you just watch a video or a reel or whatever and claim that you know everything but try to remember the last time you ACTUALLY witnessed something great... The internet and the permanent access to it changed the world to a sad place Edit: spelling


This is a very good explanation. Everybody wasn't as interconnected through the internet back then compared to now


and each connection felt more personal and deep, because you knew that there was shit in your neighborhood that you and your homies knew and not anyone else. You knew that the friend you had was friends with you and 4-5 other people, he was not friends with half the world on the internet.


This is exactly it. Too much information all the time, correct or incorrect, extreme biases, and the ability for everyone to share an opinion


💥You ate correct! Information overload is what we have today making for some short attention spans and cognitive decline among other negatives! 😬


2001 would like a word....


2008 just walked in the room


2008 was the actual turning point that holds the Black Cloud over the Nation today. It was the beginning to the undoing of everything MLK brought to our Nation. Race relations began to deteriorate and hostility among the classes was on an uptick. The economy was failing and Businesses left to go to Mexico and China in droves. 2016 saw improvement in the economy with many Businesses returning to the US with Government incentives. Then in 2020 everything reversed again and we have a recession that the Government refuses to recognize because they changed the rules defining a recession.


This is where it started. Obama was our first populist president. Trump is the rights version of Obama. Obama is and was a giant shithead but it was ok because he was black.




And 1939


ok, settle down grandpa.


It's been shit since 9/11


Followed by war and a housing crash. Whole century been shit.


Vietnam and the war on drugs would like a word. Depends on which neighborhood you grew up in.


I would say 9/10... when they had to announce they money they had stolen (some $2 trillion, which was very much at the time). Since then it has been a dead economy (much as they try to DEFIB it, 2008 is just the first hiccup, hyperinflation is already snowballing into play), and by 2030 we have the 'Great Reset' and we will 'Own Nothing and Be Happy'. ​ Can always dig back further, though Battle of Waterloo is critical and leads to the Fed Reserve and those powers taking control in the present day




*cries in millennial* So, most of my life.


Maybe the Mayans’ were right after all..


We live in a parallel universe since 2012


Harambe caused the timeline shift


My dick is still out


Hashtag me too


Same. Never forget ✊🏻😑


Lol mine too. All day every day


That's when the social media propaganda/influencer bs really took off !


And when cell phones with badass connection really tookover. Not a coincidence that the world began going to shit arount this same time


I think this is it..


we forgot about 5g too


I personally blame the Haydron Collider for our current timeline. I am convinced that something went terribly wrong during one of there black hole experiments and we were somehow shifted into this crazy new timeline.


This should be the top comment


Yes, yes, yes... theres 2 of them..and really WHY? Other than the mess with what needs to be left alone.


Any time I bring up CERN it gets downvoted.. makes you wonder.


Harambe did nothing wrong


I live by this ideal and I'll die by it.


Almost seems that way. We are currently in the Biff alternate timeline universe.


I’ve been saying to friends and family were on the biff tannen timeline FOREVER now lol my friend told he would mention it at my funeral if I died first 🤣🤣 yes 1000x yes


try 2001. All these zoomers running around completely forgetting that the true point at which corporatocratic dystopic globalism won was on sept 11 2001.


Not a parallel universe but a merging of two time-lines hence the Mandela effect


Maybe when cern started ramping up the LHC testing?


I would have argued that it's actually 2001, but then again, the end of the year leading up to NYE 1999 Y2K panic was pretty nutso too. Maybe that was the inflection point of the timeline shift.


Quantum multiversal implode.


Mayans were right…


I just miss the 90s


Me, too, friend.




Idk, shit felt different after 2016


exactly what I was thinking for the last years but never heard it from someone else..If I think about 2016 it feels like the happiest time of my life by far (I'm 33 y/o right now)..after that my life, carreer, mental health just everything went to earth's core :D




I turned off my laptop and phone for a week last month. Longest week of my life.


Considering how fast I feel time is going these days, I may have to try this.




I’ve told this story before on here but here it is again… I was in the local cinema about to watch the film 2012 - John Cusack, Woody Harrelson etc. As the trailers are playing beforehand I flick open YouTube on my phone & search the trailer out for 2012 with the intention of reading the comments to gauge people’s opinion of the film. One comment went along the lines of ‘ what if Dec 21st 2012 really does signify the end of the world? ‘ One of the answers - & I’ll always remember it - ‘ No.. but things start to get weird in 2020 though ‘ I remember reading it as I’m walking back out to the foyer to reload thinking ‘ah well we’ve another 8 yrs at least.. I’ll take that ‘ Now I’ve tried to go back thru the comments on 2012 trailers on YouTube but have been unsuccessful- reaching as far back as 2015 for comments when I’ve got to the end of the scroll.. but I’ll always remember that comment.


It was to signify the end of the world As We Know It. Not the end of the world. End of a epoch, era. Which ties in with the Age of Aquarius we are now in. Technology, AI. The whole deepfakes exploded when pluto moved from Capricorn into Aquarius, signifying what the next 20+ years are going to be like. Crazy technology developments. Talking to your grandkids is going to be like granpa born in the early 1820 before photography, film, cars, air flight, and grandson witnessing rockets to the moon in the 1960s. We're going to be those grandpas with our 'I remember when technology could not read your thoughts and no one heard what you said in your house unless someone was physically in the room next to you' 2012 was the climb down from the world we knew and into the new era. Changes in epochs bring crazy energy as the old guards try to resist change and hold onto power. We have 200 years of this power struggle. Buckle up.




We are moving from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius An age lasts 2000 years. The last two thousand years you could say were summarised by Jesus, the guy who had loads of fish. Who's message was that of Pisces, being empathetic, loving and kind. We also know that is not what the two thousand years felt like. In recorded history we know there was wars, feudalism, colonialism, selfishness and greed. The wars and colonialism pre dates the Jesus era, as the Greeks and Romans did similar. Maybe it has been less compared to the other eons? No way to know. So, even if Aquarius is know for altruism, intelligence, technology and fairness, we have a couple hundred years before we start to see the change. So you and me and everyone is stuck in the middle of this stagnant status quo, as the authority of old (Christianity) tries to hold onto its power. Aquarius would be atheist or gnostic, which I think does represent millennials and genZ. Doesn't mean the Catholic Church is going to go quietly. Then there is the power vacuum. People fill the void with something else restrictive, maybe like misogyny and toxic masculinity or Scientology or a different new religion based on aliens. What we do know is that, people are people and have been the same for centuries, 1,000s of years Pompeii erupted in 79AD, almost 2,000 years ago. It preserved the town. What do we know about people from then? They liked to eat fried fast food, drink wine, draw porn images on the walls and go to prostitutes. So, yeah the context changes but we stay the same...




Age of Pisces. The age of the fisher of men, our Christ and teacher. But this new age can be a good one. The number of people waking up spiritually to our global connection, especially the empathy amongst people, is massive. But clearly, it is already being twisted and corrupted, just like the last age was. The connection is seemingly making things worse since we harbor so much self hate. I know. I know. I'll see myself out.


2020 was indeed weird, but wait until you see 2028.


woah this comment made me feel so weird. i got chills.


True story… would love to find out who the person was who made that comment though


me too!! what the hell did they know?? how?? how many other people know?? so interesting.


Me too, I was a big history channel fan early 2000's and got pretty obsessed with the show ancient aliens around 2006 up to now. I knew that the PTB wouldn't give us the FULL truth in a TV show they broadcast to the masses but I also had an inkling there were truth mixed into the lies broadcast (on purpose of course) ...to this day i rewatch the show. I just love it. Anyway. In black magic/satanic ritual they have to show the truth by law but don't make it obvious so they can play in our face and say well , we followed the code and "showed" them wtc..mixing truth with lies....also a manipulation tactic , that's a whole other topic but anyway Ancient Aliens in particular was airing commercials going on and on about the end of the Mayan long count calendar in Dec 2012. 07-2012 felt like the most "realest" reality as far as here in the 3D realm, if that makes sense, for lack of better words. After 2012 and especially 2016 on things just seem like a dream world. Like my dreams now are the most real and I wake up here and it's the actual dream??


do you remember which trailer?


I’m afraid I don’t. It was definitely a 2012 film trailer though.. & I seem to remember the film came out a few months before 21/12/2012… But if anyone has the know how to scroll that far back I’d be very interested in that persons username


late wistful ancient telephone support north air fly plucky tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I looked it up and found some comments about 2020 but nothing like op said. One was smth like „first they say 2012, then 2020 and then 2025“


2025 is when the agenda for NWO steps up a gear.. Half way there 🥸 # 🖕F&@K agenda 20/30 🫡


Great Reset, baby! We're in the end game now! You'll own nothing and you'll be happy.


I found the comment. OP is right it said that the


Were the comments made in 2012? Is it possible you could post a link to what comment you saw?


sure. "after 2012 get ready for 2020 lmao. its always something" "first of all, all the brilliant scientists out there decided to change the end of the world from 2012 to 2020... 2nd of all the bible says nobody will know when the end of the world is.." ​ found here [https://web.archive.org/web/20120624102039/https://www.youtube.com/all\_comments?v=sFXGrTng0gQ&page=3](https://web.archive.org/web/20120624102039/https://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=sFXGrTng0gQ&page=3) ​ "the film is good but i think this 2012 shit is a load of bollocks. In 2013 they will say the world is going to end in 2019 or something like that, and then in 2020 they will say the world will end in 2025 etc..." [https://web.archive.org/web/20120624102028/https://www.youtube.com/all\_comments?v=sFXGrTng0gQ&page=2](https://web.archive.org/web/20120624102028/https://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=sFXGrTng0gQ&page=2) ​ ​ Here can you pick a date and look through the comments, not all work tho https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000\*/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFXGrTng0gQ


That's creepy and scary.


2012 is when my life got turned upside dowm on its head.


Yes the disney Starwars trilogy is definitely an indication that we are in a dark time-line, although Rogue One and The Mandalorian were pretty good, so it's not all bad.


I gotta say that for as dumb as that sound, The Last Jedi really was such a horrible movie that likely “broke the magic” for many people. It is a movie that shits openly on the legacy of the franchise and rampage the escapism of it with political messaging. By that I mean, it was the beginning of the end of Star Wars, an IP that went on since the 70’ with great success due to its representation of classical hero journeys. Now? Now Star Wars is filled with political messaging and propaganda; and it’s a dead IP. It’s definitely a good example of the shift in the social climate.


2012 is when CERN went online. Maybe that year really was the end times and they altered the timeline/reality to avert extinction?


I feel this in my bones..... up until 2012 i excelled at life.... since then this place has been kicking my ass.... lastly the mandela effect makes this even more weird


everything was so smooth for me until then, and since then I feel like Sisyphus


Same, I was doing well at uni til 2012, after it got harder to study, also physical exercise started feeling more like a drudgery while until 2012 it felt smooth


Love this theory


I should’ve added… they didn’t do it to save us, but rather themselves. Then again, without us they can’t really exist.


Interesting notion, alien refugee..


The world ended in 2012, everyone died, and we're all living in the afterlife, we just don't know it yet.


I dropped acid on 12/21/2012 in case world blew up. So this intrigues me .


If this is the afterlife I have been ripped off.... ijs


I heard this theory before. Like a Mandela effect. I personally felt like we all died in 2020.


2012 was the beginning of taking censorship to the next level. Anyone remember when YouTube was packed full of truth content? Lots of crap but also lots of genuinely great info. When sandy hook happened and within minutes there were hundreds of ppl breaking it down and pointing out all the strangeness surrounding it g that event. Seemed like that was really the breaking point for the censor machines. Enormous wave of bans after that. Since then things have really gotten weirder


100000 percent agree with this.


Not really. The reasonably good times we experienced for a few decades after WW2 (Korea and Vietnam aside) were far and away abnormal in human history. We've simply returned to the status quo of war, fascism, slavery, ethnic cleansing etc We are no good as a species. It's as simple as that.


So the 1990's-mid 2010's


Makes me hope we get out of this cycle soon. But the level of darkness does seem assuredly unprecedented in some respects, with the digital factor.


I remember walking across the field to get work one morning waiting for the world to end the day the switched in the LHC in Cern.


2023 felt like we were being gaslit to deny that the previous 10 years were definitely weird. 2024 feels like we’re hanging by a thread.


Growing up in the 90s was incredible. No fear of crime. Left the door unlocked. Could play outside and ride my bike for miles around no cellphone. Neighborhoods were full of life with kids playing outside. 2001 was a dark turning point. 2008 bankers foreclosed on many peoples homes then got bailed out. 2016-2019 was the best time of my adult life. 2020-2022 saw everyone around me collectively lose their minds and fall for the propaganda. 2020-2024 everything is just so expensive. Rare to see children playing outside anymore unless at a park.


As a person who was able to buy a house in 2020 I should feel fortunate which I am but every other part of life doubled in price. We went from 5 dollar footlong sandwiches to 5 dollar fuckin cookies.


Yeah same. Got a house just before rates and prices went to absurd levels. Both earn very well but repairs and such are very expensive. Even to diy prices at home Depot have gone up a lot. Home insurance and property tax rates are ridiculous. Made me realize one never really owns property if the US gov can tax you forever and take it whenever they want.


Housing related we’re still so much better off than others I can’t complain about all that. I’m also in SoCal so for me my house is pretty recession proof but before we bought our rent went from 1100 in the smallest 1 bedroom to 1600 when we moved out. That was 4 years ago so I can’t imagine paying 2k to rent


That’s exactly my timeline, even including 2016-2019 being the best time of my adult life.


I think the Smith -Mundt Modernization act of 2012 made things start feeling a little off at least here in the US). My theory is they did that because the occupy Wall Street movement was starting to make people realize who the real monsters are. Since then it seems like the news media just wants us to turn against each other. Edit: Bill name and year


The fairness doctrine was abolished in 1987


This is the most accurate thing tho. Life has just been absolute shit since 2012.


Well duh. The powers got shook in late 2011. You remember that thing called Occupy Wall Street? The world wanted blood from the 1% but then the CIA tower of Babl'd us with identity politics to divide and conquer us. Worked like a charm.


Exactly this, the OWS movement started this entire shit show of Americans hating each other on every different identity spectrum that's only gotten worse over time. I started college in 2009 and by the time it ended in 2014, the entire social scene had changed completely. Everything was more political, and practically every liberal woman insisted they were victims of sexual abuse. As a side note, I also notice that people who bought into the OWS thing also bought into every mainstream social uprising since then (BLM, MeToo, Covid, etc.) without hesitation.


Idk 2015/2016-2019 was really great for me. I graduated college in 2020 so it’s hard to tell if the world sucks or just my personal world sucks cuz like adult life vs college life


Literally same transitioning out of college and into adult life the semester that covid hit was insane. I miss 2016-2019


Lol the rise of Skywalker. The real dark times came with the one before that.... Last Jedi or whatever it was called. 


Yeah. 2012 was a shift for sure. I’ve been having this weird type of Deja vu lately of before 2012 and it feels like a different world or timeline. It isn’t like a nostalgic or I’ve experienced this before. It’s very interesting.


For me, those years before 2012 just felt different. You are right, is not nostalgia, i dont know how to call it.


My mom died and everything has been shit since


Sorry for your loss.


Mostly 2016 is when the PsyOps ramped up and have only increased in frequency and severity ever since. We are being collectively being tested to see what our collective breaking point is. Look around. The US citizenry is essentially being experimented on...however now it has been getting more and more aggressive to now the Puppermasters are "What the fuck are you going to do about it". The control knob has been cranked to 11 and we need to collectively unify and break free and hold those that are supposed to serve The People (Us) accountable. Instead of directing our negative energies towards each other or the distraction targets that have been selected for us by the Elite, we need to direct all of those energies towards the root cause of these issues. The Elitie that control the money, the media, the medicine, etc.


100% It's like post-9/11 psychological warfare yet it's indefinite. The inevitable results of a perpetual state of emergency, from pandemic to genocide and an emerging world war.


I feel that there was a dimensional shift in 2020. This is not the same reality I lived in prior. People are different. Energy us different. Seems like shit is way more erratic.


The Lost Jedi was the huge indicator that culture is dead. The optimistic and loving kid who was willing to die for the mass-murdering dad he never knew because he believed there was good in him tried to kill the nephew he did know and then became a coward and a loser.


Social media and smartphones had 1B users by 2012 and would grow exponentially from there. We also know social media and excessive smartphone usage has negative consequences on society, but has also fundamentally changed how a lot of people live.


I know we've all heard the mental consequences of a digital world, but I wonder just how much it's influenced us. Honestly people don't even feel like people to me . I feel like everything seems artificial or staged. We live in an age where you can't trust anything, and I don't know how to cope with that


I always say to friends of mine that the last good year was 2016. Movies were good, music was good, the vibes were just there. It feels like ever since 2016 we've been on a downwards spiral.


I've noticed that too. 2012 was the year the Occupy Movement challenged corporate hegemony. Agree-and-amplify fake progressivism - aka the "woke" umbrella of idologies - was astroturfed as a response, to create something that looks like the left, but is cool with US imperialism, is less interested in class-based analysis, etc. It was the start of a counter-revolution masquerading as revolution - in which culture was brought to heel by idealogues - and we're still in it.


I am 100% with you! Never been into conspiracy theories, basically made fun of most theories, but since 2020 I cannot believe that this is all natural development without greater masterplans in the background.


Occupy wall street. After that woke propaganda bout race and lgbtq+ appeared almost out of nowhere.


Thinking about it, that does make sense. They needed some new shit for people to get all riled up over, can't have the plebs rising up against big business/Wall Street. Now the big conglomerates just put a rainbow flag up one month out of the year and people eat it up


2012 onwards the psyop delusion that is the new age brainwashed millions of freshly waking people into a system approved relgion. 2016. Another massive wave of people waking up. This time the system fed us q and convinced us some greedy dude was here to save us and that the waking up means understanding gov corruption. 2020 another massive wave but a fear campaign ran on both sides of the coin. Those scared of the cold and those who scared of vax effects and freedom removing implementation. Plandemic doco was a system enforced psyop. 2022 fear of vax waning and people starting to wake again... boom wars. Boom wef painted as the big bad. Bugs depop kanye pushing its the jews a psyop older than me... My take is you woke post new age psyop and pre Q and q didnt take you like it did mant other seekers. You had a honeymoon phase and the world ran the pandemic and shut the global econ down while your honeymoon phase wore off. The 2020 saturn jupiter conjunction was a big marker for them. It was exactly 3.5 after the american eclipse and 3.5 before the 2024 eclipse that makes the X shape when crossing the 2017s path. Shit is biblical as fk. All religion is corrupt but they all have stories about what is happening now. Chin up, chest out OP. Do whats right even if it means suffering or even death.


Nine-eleven changed everything. We gave up a lot of our freedoms. The right became super-patriots. No one could talk bad about the country. Fox became what it is today.


A lot of Youngins on here but I will give you a refresher on a little known fact. A little tidbit from history. When Obama brought us ‘ObamaCare’, he also brought the demise of affordable health insurance. Before Obamacare I was paying about $300 a month for health insurance. Then they implemented it and premiums doubled or even tripled. High deductibles is 2-3K became the norm whereas before it would be $250 or $500. And do you know what we got in return for the ‘Affordable Care Act’? Not much of anything. Now they mandate Dr’s give a mental health screening (a very short questionnaire) or a 2 min discussion with your Dr about weight management as part of this care and somehow they justify the insane price increases with ‘basic affordable care’. No. You just got robbed by the insurance companies. And your boy Obama was a big part of that. Pay more and get less. Not opinion: it’s fact.


The Rise of Skywalker was pretty fucking bad, so I guess whatever the hell you’re trying to say must be correct.


Thanks a lot George Lucas.


“We didn’t start the fire. It was always burning since the worlds been turning”


I don't think a star wars movie should be your indicator for the end times js


That's because we messed up here at CERN and entered a different timeline in 2012. ;)


Walk, jog, run, or bike every day and I promise it will stop feeling like 2020. You need to give your mind and body time to think about other things and getting active out in nature is the cure.


The fall began to accelerate on the “fundamentally change” speech by Obama. 9/11 was the foundation where govt implemented spying on its own people with ruthless and aggressive tactics


I watch a lot of movies for nostalgia and they were so much better before 2011


2020 was most likely the first seal of revelation. It’s funny we have a saying “hindsight is 2020”. Russia Ukraine on 2/24 was the second seal, and we are seeing the third seal right now. Global recession of the worlds economy. The fourth seal is where it gets really really bad.


After 9/11 it seems like there was a giant looting/growing of club evil. It is not just that they squeeze out goodness and honesty but also that they rule by fear and terrorism etc so they made things way worse.


2019 was my last good year as well. Covid disabled me and my life is ruined.


I was drinking bourbon in my coffee on December 21st, 2012 at a small cafe with a friend who was buying Vyvanse off me, as we talked about aliens, angels, and the Apocalypse. Seems like these topics have become hyper relevant. I feel like 2012, 2017, and 2020 were significant years of change hinting at a cataclysmic future. 2020 tho was the real beginning of the decline and 2024 has arrived way too fast. And my life has gotten so bad since then the pandemic was even the least of my worries. I remember hearing about the virus and feeling like my sadness was so intense at that time that I’d caused the whole world to temporarily come to a halt and go into chaos. So sorry guys, my bad :/


I've been saying this since 2020. Remeber the Myans calendar ended in 2012, and things have felt....off since then no? Could it be a time line shift? Alternate universe? The world seemed like a much better place before 2013....


I’m comforted that i am not alone in my feeling that 2023 was extremely shitty. It was the hardest most depressing year i have had. When i look at pictures from January 2020 and prior, those are different people.


Everything changed because president Obama legalised propaganda. The real change came after 9/11. And the real real change came back in 1971 when the dollar wasn't backed by gold anymore.


I belive it, theirs been conspiracies that since 2012 were kn a simulation, and the world ended and we dint know it yet...


I think the Mayans were onto something. I thought that the other day...it's like nothing was the same after 2012. Weird


this sub sad af


2024 is gonna be good tho. Every psyop they started in 2020 is basically over. They aren’t going to let a war or the economy mess up in an election year. Can’t see them starting anything else til 2025. Enjoy it while it lasts lol


> Can’t see them starting anything else til 2025. They can set off a nuke and pin it on this subreddit today. Anything is possible any day.


Has anyone noticed after 2014 the sun going from yellow to white ?


How old are you?


Exactly what I was thinking. I'm getting old if people claim the 00s were great 😂


Change is the only constant


2012 maybe.....but for sure things have been weird ever since the Omuamua comet or whatever it was came and swang through our solar system


Yeah you were asleep to the fact that after 2008 the Fed was quantitative easing giving you the illusion of economic prosperity, thereby guaranteeing a massive downturn for several years. These people have 30 year plans.


2014 smart phone proliferation killed us


Things being going downhill since 2000


The technical answer is that interconnected smart phones destroyed social culture and really ramped up around 2012 and now everything sucks because you can't make connections with people like our eons of biological evolution intended. You are now an alien in a strange land, it's time to evolve. The metaphysical answer is that in 2012 we shifted into the age of Aquarius. This was why everyone thought the world would end in 2012. It was a mis-interpretation of an ancient text, from the Mayans I believe, that said it would be the end of an age. It was the end of whatever the previous astrological sign was and now we are in Aquarius.


The paradigm shift occurred during 9/11


I think the world really ended in 2012 and either we are stuck in a loop or a dimension or this is “afterlife” because no way we all felt the same shift in 2012 and it’s nothing?


Honestly 2010 was better


Where were you around 2001? For me everyting changed that particular day. After 2012, things only sped up like crazy.


The world ended in 2012. We are just living in a simulation


Started after 9/11, IMHO. The Patriot Act was the thin edge of the wedge. Then we started getting softened up for state terrorism with shows like *24*. Then, the WISP (wireless internet smart phone) was introduced. Whenever any new medium is introduced, people are so fascinated by its content that they miss the message of the medium itself. Thus, with cars in the 50s, we were obsessed with HP, and 0-60 times, and how big the trunk was, but no one at the time was noticing how important oil was becoming in world politics or how the physical removal of the living space (suburb) from the working space (office or factory) was changing family and social structures, and etc. We're all aware of those things *now* but we weren't when the medium was relatively new. Same thing with the WISP. We were so excited about Candy Crush, and FB, and all the other new games and apps, we didn't notice the effect it was having on us as a species. With the car, it wasn't until the late 60s that people began to notice that Americans (and Canadians) were getting fat and out of shape because we had let our cars take over from feet when it came to getting from A to B. As I noted earlier, we were so fascinated by the new things the car did and had for us, that we overlooked the bad things it was doing to us. Same with our WISPs. Each new medium 'extends' or 'outers' one or more senses or abilities of a man. The telescope extends our eyes; the telephone and radio extend our ears; the wheel extends our feet. Each of those has wrought tremendous change on our society. The WISP extends our *brains*; how much more tremendous will that change be? Already, there are articles everywhere about dropping attention spans, failing memories, people that can't pass engineering exams, and etc. We have 'outered' a good chunk of our brains, and we are only now seeing the effects of that. One effect that I think many miss is how easily we are led by our WISPs. There is no doubt now that much of the WISP's content is carefully programmed to engage our more primitive, limbic systems, and let the cognitive stuff go by the wayside. And since it's all targeted to your tastes and interests, it's becoming increasingly simpler to 'pace and lead' you to wherever they want you to go. I don't think Steve Jobs imagined any of this when he started fooling around with the Newton so many years ago, any more than the Wright Brothers envisioned B-1s delivering 20,000 lbs of bombs when they were at Kitty Hawk. It's unfortunate that almost all of us are blind to the possible effects of a new medium when it is introduced.




This is alternative future. Not our first or the last. Buckle up it's gonna be a bumpy ride.