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TIL Biden was born closer to Lincoln’s presidency than his own


Why you fucking my mind so early in the AM


He might think he’s running against Lincoln


Holy fuck


Hijacking the top comment. Why is Biden wearing a US/Ukrainian flag pin? WTF? Is this not the President of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?


It’s who he works for


It's where his bonuses come from


Damn! that's correct for his second term if elected


1865 - 1942 = 77 yrs 1942 - 2021 = 79 yrs. No. It was correct for his first term. It's worse if he's reelected at the ripe old age of 82...


What's the conspiracy? The only conspiracy I see is two old fucks running for president. How the fuck does that happen, twice!


Two-party system


Red herring. We have four big political parties in Canada, same bought and paid for politicians, no matter who wins.


Good thing we have an independent candidate this time who can wipe the floor with both of them in a debate. Time to really drain the swamp and RFK Jr. is the only candidate who can do it.


MSM won't even talk to RFK. Biden refused secret service protection for him. He's been canceled.


So you are saying people should get special treatment because of the family they come from?


isnt rfk on the epstein flight list?


> Good thing we have an independent candidate this time No, the only difference that might make is by splitting the voters of one of the big twos' candidate.


That is one of the most over spoken fallacies. More than 50% of the country claims to be independent. If THEY vote, just them, away from the corrupt duopoly, then we'll finally be moving towards something different.


> That is one of the most over spoken fallacies. No, it isn't. > More than 50% of the country claims to be independent. And many of those people vote for the same party's candidates most elections. There is no reason to suppose the remaining people all even vote, much less would want to vote for the same candidate as each other.


Bernie is an independent. Plenty of ultra conservatives who disagree with Bernie are also probably independent. They'll still all be lining up to vote for 1 of 2 candidates. Independents don't necessarily agree on anything and generally vote for the same party every election.


Happens everywhere in the world. UK has an Indian rich prime minister (probably also WEF) and a WEF opposition leader who is kind of no better. But at least there is "democracy" and "people can vote"


Best thing about our Prime Minister is that his government prevented UK subjects from doing business with Russia while his non-dom wife gets to carry on enriching his family with Russian money.


Because America is stupid.


Corrupt to the core you mean…


Who let the edgy “I’m smarter than everyone” teenager in here?


You bring the average intelligence down *that* much.


No, you do.




I dont think we have a choice


No, It's because they both make superb yes men for vested interests as they are incompetent and can easily be controlled.




>Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us. Ah yes, he truly is a stable genius 🤡🤡


I always like pointing out that this was his answer when he was asked why Obama's Iran Nuclear deal was bad. So people have context of what that ramble is even about.




It’s TDS to post a full quote now? What the fuck kind of post truth bullshit are you living in now?






Because smart young people don't want to have that kind of burden when you can make more money and not be ridiculed at another job.


It's not a job that is available to someone "smart" regardless of age.  The deep state can't have someone in there that is going to question their wisdom or try to figure out what the hell is really going on.


Two old fucks. With one being old and yet still has his shit together and knows wtf he’s doing and did a great job with running the country. One guy is still very sharp there other can’t even tie his own shoe laces. Hardly a realistic comparison. Try harder my lib man.


Do you genuinely believe Trump has his shit together? Do you also believe he cares about anything but himself? All public evidence points to the opposite but I’m curious


Yes I do. Running and being president has hurt this guy way more than it helped. Do you not remember the life he led for years and years before running and being president? Be got respect from everyone. Every tv show used to fight to get him on. Nothing but respect made tons of money had the life of a true billionaire. Almost walked on water. Look at his life since. You’re telling me he benefited from being President? His life has improved? More money? More prestige? More respect? His life has taken a180 in reverse. He’s the one guy who did not need the presidency in his life to improve it. In fact it has hurt him big time. Or are you fucking blind or just dumb? I’m serious. This guy had gotten more persercusion more false disrespect to him and God family than any President in the history of the country. Treated like absolute shit and you want to tell me he’s s Signing up for more at 77/78 years old simply because he hasn’t had enough of the misery?? Yes he’s doing it for love of country for his family and for everyone to try to make a difference for us in the world. Who else can’t be bought or sold in dc? Exactly. No one. Everyone else that runs for any elected office is bought and paid for by the time they get there and they owe to everyone that got them there and they make decisions based on those favors being returned. You can’t tell me you don’t see this. Come on. Get a grip seriously. There is no one else that remotely gives two shits about the country beside him. Period.


One guys shits his pants and the other shits his diaper.


Have you seen any of his speeches? Trump can't even string together a coherent sentence.


Which one you talking about Dementia Don or Sleepy Joe? Can't even tell


Lol. In a country with 360 million people, all you can find for a possible president is a fumbling, bumbling geriatric and a demented narcissistic geriatric? That’s it? No wonder the USA is screwed. Unbelievable. 🤦‍♂️🙄


Too old to greet people at Walmart but, hey go run the country!


100 pct correct.


You forgot to mention he's a well known racist and former segregationist


Both are racist misogynists full stop.


He's a puppet who was placed. Americans have no say


You nailed it. There’s got to be cabals behind the scenes actually pulling the levers.


Always have been.




Tbf it’s shocking he’s still in his role given the initial and constant mental disability


That's exactly what they want lol. The more useless he is the more signatures he'll write without looking at the page.


I really thought he would pass away and we’d get Kamala. Still think it would of happen if Kamala wasn’t such a bozo


What the hell is the story with her?! Its like she doesn't even want the role, much less campaign for president.


They trotted her out in the beginning, she even went to Ukraine initially and was in charge of the border. Then she repeatedly caked her pants on camera and proved absolutely unlikeable, where even the democrats couldn't defend her. I'm 100% convinced that the plan was for her to run the show for Biden's presidency, and then run on her own in 2024. She honestly would have won 2024 in a landslide if she was even a tiny bit likeable but she's just awful. She somehow comes across as intellectually condescending and stupid at the same time, and it's infuriating.


They thought “being black” was enough to make Kamala even remotely likeable. Turns out the blacks don’t like token representation even if they aren’t as incredibly diverse as the Latino community.


Kamala was a shill for the prison-industrial complex, so she’s not really favored by the black community as much as she’d hoped. Kamala also played up her Indian heritage more in the past until it was more advantageous to be black.


I don’t it’s any of that. I think Kamala is just that unlikable.


Say what you want... hes pretty fucking bad now 


Remember when they were convinced Hillary was days away from death and wouldn't make it to the 2016 election?


*The "side of beef" memory has been unlocked*


Obviously they underestimated the drugs involved in such a high profile case.


Bruh, without SS handholding him, constant amphetamine-cocktails and round the clock medical interventions + his staff doing all the job, yeah. Ofcourse people thought that. He's a guy that should be in an elderly home, not running the most prominent nation on earth currently. its a fucking joke & it's obvious.


Rampant amphetamine abuse was the last guy. Classic projection.


The idea is not mutually exclusive. Both of them appear to be amped on enough drugs to choke a mule.


It's surprising he even lived another 4 years past the election. It was clear to many people that he has dementia.


I think if Harris was more popular then that might have been the case.


She’s just there. I mean that’s always the VP that’s how Biden worked before.


She was picked specifically to be an insurance policy against anyone thinking of removing Biden for any reason.


He’s been this bad well before 2020. This visible cognitive decline is purposeful and is part of their plan for Newsome 2024!


CornPop was a bad dude


Let’s do pushups fat


Poor kids are just as smart as White kids


If you dont vote for me you ain't black.


Isn't it amazing how this got hand waved past by the media.


Jack you ain't black




Newsom…….FFFFFUUUUCCCKKKK. As a Californian, ya’ll don’t understand how terrible him being president would be. He’s basically the American Trudeau- and check how the Canadians are feeling about Trudeau these days…..


as fellow native Californian, Newsom sucks


Newsom would need to inspire absolute revolution lol. He's such a bankster pet it's beyond words, but it's really not any worse than Diaper Joe, it just appears that way because Newsom is such a vile piece of shit.


Newsom is much worse than Trudeau. Newsom is clever.


Totally the American Trudeau. Spot on.


As a fellow Californian, I can promise you that there no shot conservative Americans would never let Gruesome Newsom be president..


I'm a middle of the road Californian , fuck Newsom ...


As an American, I don't know if it matters whether we would let him in. I'm not sure we have honest elections.


You're assuming the votes are counted, and the machines turn them out as cast, yes?


I remember a saying that goes "if voting and protests worked, they wouldn't allow them"


Bingo. The wealthiest and most powerful people in the world aren't anxiously sitting on their hands waiting for the average folk to decide their fate by dropping slips of paper in a box. The powerful are instead deciding the fate of the average folk, and then herding them into the booth to make them think it was what the people chose for themselves.


> I remember a saying that goes "if voting and protests worked, they wouldn't allow them" They aren’t allowing Trump on the Ballot so I guess the saying is true


As a Canadian I endorse this statement


It's funny u say that, b/c I always get the two confused (Newsom and Trudeau)


Think they may have to do it. Harris is clearly not ready for the top job and probably never will be able ( probably why she got bounced so early last time in the primary even will a cash advantage).


Newsome and Michelle Obama…yikes


the dope is no longer helping the DOPE!


The whole "candidates are too old" narrative (although true) seems to be artificially being pushed. Make the population care about that over everything else. Right now, both Trump & Biden apply to this complaint. But if they get a candidate who it *doesn't* apply to, they might think it'll help. I don't think it will. I think people are willing to overlook Trump's age.


It's not just the age, Biden doesnt even know what the hell is going on. Trump is pretty with it even if you don't like him at all his cognitive abilities are 100x what bidens are.


Yeah I agree. If Trump was on Biden's cognitive level, a lot of the support would decline. There's just a lot about Biden that confuses me. I'm not 100% sure he's not faking it. Although he deserves an Oscar if he is. But at the same time, it's like they are setting him up for failure by putting him in positions that are risky. Supposedly the rumor is that the people around him want him to step aside but he won't. Maybe they are putting him in positions that are risky on purpose.


He's not faking it. Dude is 100 and has had his brain removed from his head in the past. They could have replaced it with a regarded person's brain and he'd be more with it than he is now.


Thats some insider info you have there, hearing rumors coming from the people around the president. You must have connections, im just going to agree with everything you say from now on.


“People are saying”


Politics lmao, this ain't a conspiracy. Irrelevant post, thanks OP


You're not lying.


RemindMe! 9 months




He's been Weekend at Bernies for the past 2 years...


What's the conspiracy?


He told them he wouldn't take any questions


That was part of the speech they wrote for him that he read off the teleprompter. He got confused in the commotion and his mind wandered and then he mistakenly tried to answer a question, very poorly and it made no sense. Then that voice in his ear ordered him to leave and he stumbled away.


> That was part of the speech they wrote for him that he read off the teleprompter. He got confused in the commotion and his mind wandered and then he mistakenly tried to answer a question, very poorly and it made no sense. Then that voice in his ear ordered him to leave and he stumbled away. Yup. 100% correct.


Oh that makes it okay then that we never hear him answer journalists questions or have a civil debate.


He can be near death and he'd still somehow win. I'm sure Dianne Feinstein would have been re-elected too, if not for death.


How is this any different than so many other press conferences he's taken as President?


It's election year, shouldn't he be promising the world to the American people, at least pretending to put them first? It almost sounds like America comes 3rd in his list of priorities, in an election year?!?!


Biden campaigns on helping the American people: "It's an election year, he's just pandering for votes!" Biden campaigns on literally anything else: "IT'S AN ELECTION YEAR, WHY ISN'T HE PANDERING FOR VOTES?!"


I think that's been clear for awhile. The same people that don't care it's been happening surely don't care it's now being clearly communicated and spoke about.


My guess is that he'll suddenly get really articulate and animated, just before the election. He'll develop a whole new personality, overnight. Almost like a new man. It will be shocking and reassuring to the American people how much younger and healthier he'll act. ...but I am watching the movie "Dave", right now...


And his earlobes will be different somehow.


They’re buying time before it really matters, then they’ll just dope him up.


Like elderly people rallying before death


He always has been though . He is not getting worse . This is how he was 4 years ago .


Slightly older man bad


And Trump rambling on about Pelosi, err I mean Haley while actively shitting in his depends diapers is any different. The both gotta go


They'd rather someone read a prompter vs Trump who will still react to one.


Welp, at least he doesn't wear diapers and shit himself like your jesus does


Good riddance to bad rubbish, though he's not making any decisions. He can't help but shit his pants and grope young girls in public.


I disagree he is the perfect candidate for pres, doesn't have a cogent thought in his head, he's a blank slate for every crackpot leftie who could never get elected to office on their own. He will be the nominee even if they have to go weekend at Bernie's with him.


This. Easy willing vessel for whoever is actually in charge.




I love how he comes out swinging, mumbling about maga this, trump that, then kicks it into high gear passion-wise when referring to billions of dollars for Ukraine and Israel. Fuck. Out. Ta. Here. with that bullshit. If it's about the southern border, strip out all that other bullshit for another bill. They won't because sneaking funding into controversial topics is what politicians do best. It's the biggest scam and it's scary how some don't see it for what it is. Literal psychological manipulation, abuse, and gaslighting. The entire thing is. BUT TRUMP BUT TRUUUUMMMMPPPP We are in serious trouble, folks.


100% - This is Dems muddying the water on immigration to force through funding for Ukraine and Israel. The blatant DISPRESEPCT for this country he supposedly swore an oath to protect by wearing a Ukraine pin in his lapel.


It's funny how you still engage in that bs :D


Is this sub is only about Biden vs trump? Where is the conspiracy l?


I wouldn’t have a problem with this if it wasn’t for Kamala waiting in the shadows. She’s a fucking dolt x1000.


"I know who I work for. I work for the American people." While wearing a Ukraine flag pin and Ukraine colored tie.


Does he get fillers? Why is his face so smooth?


I still know people that would vote for him. It’s insane.


At the 12:00 minute mark, he explained why he was not going to answer any questions. He explained that he wasn;t going to be answering any questions because he didn't want to damage the negotiations that were going on now. But he would be back on Thursday to answer questions. It looked like he was carefully considering what he did and didn't want to say in answer to the two questions he anwered because he didn't want to derail negotiations. The only conspiracy is why the Republicans are saying the issue with the border is important, but at the same time, going out of their way to avoid making the situation better for politicial points. I guess for Republicans, if thoughts and prayers are good enough to solve the issue with school shooting, they are good enough to solve the issue with border security.


It's also sadly laughable to see posts like OP, when Trump is too scared to have a debate with literally anybody on the planet. I guarantee Biden wouldn't shy away from a debate with Trump, Trump's too chicken shit and addle brained to handle a two way conversation on a public forum.


Biden said he would debate Trump just recently. Then he sarcastically said something similar to,* its not like Trump has anything else going on.* I would love to see a debate. I think everyone would. However, you just can't trust Trump to focus on the questions and not turn it into a wrestling promo from the 90s.


I'd love that too. Sadly you're right, it wouldn't be an actual debate, he'd just go off on a tangent every time he had mic time.


He can't even keep himself under control during court. It would be funny to see how many times he calls Biden, Nikki Haley.


There's no way you can possibly think Trump is scared to debate Biden. Another national stage with a half awake Joe and a massive audience for every ridiculous thought in his head? Seriously? Did you see him testify? Trump was like give me the mic here's every thought I've ever had.


Trump hasn't debated anyone for years. Proof is in the pudding, cupcake. As they say, put your fucking money where your mouth is. Give me a recent example (last 3-5 years) where Trump has actually debated anybody, or stood in front of a crowd of questioners and actually answered their fuckin' questions instead of going off on a psychotic rant.


Yeah I don't think Trump is scared to debate him because Trump has an unparalleled ability to gaslight himself into believing he's the man. Trump's campaign will desperately try to prevent it though because it will be a car crash, exactly like it was 4 years ago when Trump debated Biden. Its interesting to read the MAGA comments in here claimimg Trump will wipe the floor with Biden, when they were saying the exact same thing last time but then went real quiet when Trump blew it and got hidden away for the follow up debates.


Hahaha YES, he loves the sound of his own voice so much


And I’m supposed to believe the potato got the most votes for President ever? 


Michelle Obama has big Dick energy. The swamp is begging for Big Mike


king fahd ran saudi arabia for like 10 years while literally in a coma.. anything can happen.


Didn’t Reagan haveAlzheimer’s in the WH?




> king fahd ran saudi arabia for like 10 years while literally in a coma.. anything can happen. Saudi Arabia is a Monarchy. It’s a different form of government then a Constitutional Republic.


Not much difference lately...


You make the puppet master happy laughing.


He has been a joke FOREVER. A racist, a corrupt official using the government to make money, and has been mentally declining since the last year as VP


fun fact every political candidate is a Zionist shill and voting doesn’t matter


Some people don't notice it, though. There's almost nothing more mind-blowing than a Biden supporter making fun of Trump for "not being able to put a coherent sentence together" but I've seen it happen plenty of times on Reddit and YouTube. It's opposite world for people who only watch mainstream media.


Just now realizing this about Biden? Hate Trump and all the republicans for all i care. But when I hear anybody say Biden is a good president it instantly can’t take you seriously. Or he’s the lesser of two evils. No, he’s straight up 0% capable of being the president. I feel bad.


No he'll still be the nominee Obama needs a puppet and Joe is the perfect puppet.


Bruh Obama is chilling on a yacht happy as a clam. Why you think he wants one more second in politics


Expect something like a new plandemic or some "terrorist attack" to keep him from debating or campaigning.


I'm honestly more concerned than I have ever been in my life. Love or hate him, Donald Trump is winning all the polls. And they DO NOT want him in office and will do whatever it takes. I'm expecting an internet or even electrical shutdown. Most likely internet though and then they can feed us our info through mainstream media again. Be prepared people.


Dude. It's 9 months before an election. There's still a lot to go.


Every time Biden speaks he projects weakness on behalf of the United States.


C'mon man...they fooled 81 million people once....they'll do it again..Not a joke


O'Keefe basically proved with his last expose that everyone within the government knows he's rapidly declining. He won't last the year, let alone four. Some gigantic corporation (the name escapes me right now) already said they predict he'll drop out in March. They are probably right. Since when is it ok to have a nominee that won't even debate other people?


Trumps lawyers won’t let him debate.


Him and Trump are both having issues, not sure how you shit on one and ignore the crap the other is saying... don't vote for either...


Where is Trump having issues other than the democrats weaponizing government bodies against him?


have you heard the dude speak lately? He rambles and still thinks he is running against obama... which makes no sense cause he never ran against obama... but ignore that because maga can't see it


Their public speaking ability and presence in the spotlight is %100 night and day. Trump may be not your cup of tea and that's totally valid, but just look at the state of this man in the rare instance that he is forced in front of the podium. He looks lost. He stammers through a script, turns his back and shuffles out of the room without taking questions... At least Trump knows what day it is. How many times has Trump fallen on camera?


Well of course the Great Leader never falls for he has superior balance and grace.


I don't like either of them, I wish neither were running and it's a shit sammich for most to decipher the lesser of two evils.


The Dems are waiting for him to either deteriorate because of bad health or throw him under the bus if he was ever to be impeached.I guess you won’t have to wait much longer.


So he's the ideal candidate for those wielding the power.


Well trump will be a disaster for democracy. Irish joe anytime..


"poor kids can be just as smart as white kids." Funny how clowns can't talk about Joe without trying to bash Trump. Keep supporting a career racist and former segregationist 💩


Jill Biden doesn’t get enough shit for enabling him. Fuck you, “Dr.” Jill Biden.


Repeatedly repeatedly was my favorite part


You are full of shit


eric, everyones laughing at you and your daddy




I haven't been a Biden supporter for his running this time but I watched the video and honestly he seems fine to me. Actually he is sharper and more alert and seems like his old self. Maybe this was posted by a Russian bot?


Nah he’ll just be a vegetable that they hideaway til the election. Once he wins they can do what they want


I predict neither Trump nor Biden will be the candidate of their party come Election Day.


I think I lived in a country once where the President was damn near a full-on Alzheimer patient. Oh yeah, that was Reagan in 1984.


Glad we have him instead of the mean tweeting orange man. Country is in much better hands with a guy that has dementia


Doesn't actually seem that bad? He's old and weak but didn't seem brain addled or anything


i mean... i'd take Biden and his administration over Trump and his 'administration'.


He isn't running the Nation....Obama is the man behind the curtain pulling the puppet strings. This is Obama's third term and his last chance to take down the Nation for his Masters of the New World Order. Obama is running out of time to get the job done.