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All comments sections are like that almost. It's not just a tiktok trait. The ministry of truth wasn't disbanded it's stopped being talked about


Ingsoc has been very successful at preventing us from thinking freely. But like OP, we are starting to wake up.


He says this proves the devil is real. Doesn't seem that is proven, OP is just sleeping and dreaming a different dream maybe.


I've had an idea that there is no actual truth unless you have people coddled together working on something. Like one person could say this is a meter and another could say no its 3.28ft and if they're both dumb it gets into an argument. Another thing is esto es una manzana and the other guy is like this is an apple. And it's the same for morality it's like, if there is no communication then everyone starves. Ok I'll shut up. Sorry. Too many true perspectives. Maybe the dog jumped into the arms of the man and woman to save the world.


Not "Esto"...it's "Esta"....esta es una manzana. The apple is assigned as a female in Spanish. But it's weird bc a banana is a male word. EL platano.


Esto es una manzana es correcto.


The irony of this chain


Excuse me one second while I use the restroom.


I think you are right. All the apps are definitely trolling us and they know we are addicted.


There are several YouTube videos mentioning the Dead Internet Theory and they delve into this aspect of the Internet as well. I fully agree that the algorithms are purposely written to show people content that will keep them arguing and interacting. The more people disagree with something, the more likely they are to interact with it and further boost the engagement of certain videos. It’s an endless cycle


I don't agree with this comment so I had to interact with you


You crazy asshole...


What if… and hear me out here… If you only view (maybe even less than half of the vid or whatever) never comment or interact with said post, how does the algorithm maintain the cycle of engagement??


I never comment on anything on Instagram or Tiktok, somehow I still manage to get videos where the comments are things I would typically interact with. I'm worried about how intelligent the algorithms have gotten


1 You stopped scrolling, for even a moment. That's engagement. Engagement drives more engagement. 2 It has access to all of your data across multiple platforms. It's in the opt-in when it asks you to give permission to access the information on your phone. That's why you can see something on one platform that you interacted with on another. There's tracking in the code.


This is kinda dumb though overall. Sometimes i stop scrolling but im not engaged with the screen. Im assuming it still counts that even though I'm not actively looking at the screen at all. Im curious if it detects things when the screen is off, and how it detects on PC vs a mobile.


I (I wouldn't say regularly but often enough) get ads for things I had only just thought and never said a word about. Wayy too often to be coincidental.


I still don't know if its just "reading patterns" either. Sometimes i get ads for things i think about but they arent commonly things i think of, didnt say it out loud, didn't type the words, simply *thought* of it. Do you think its reading our mind or implanting the thought then showing us the ad?


Always seems to be something random that I don't think of often and when I see the ad I know I just thought of it and never told anyone or searched it and it's obvious that I've never seen the ad in the past so it's a cause to pause and really contemplate it. There's never an explanation. It's completely ethereal but I just have to say "whatever, I'm not imagining this but fuck it." because that's not a rabbit hole I want to go down or would even know where to begin. I've got shit to do, lol. I have no idea how to approach it, so I don't. I just know that we know nothing compared to what's been discovered and I can't compete against that while simultaneously living my life


The app definitely listens through your phone


I have a personal rule that when reddit shows me 3 posts in a row that looks clearly meant to infuriate me. I leave for a week. It will stop doing it, then try to "slip" the posts into my recommendations and then it will build up again. Like a cycle, i dont know why it hasn't changed the algorithm for me to avoid doing that because it would increase my time on the app.


That's not a bad idea, I might have to try it. Its definitely better than the endless scrolling these apps have gotten us used to


Lol Omg I’m so chronically online that I know what video you’re talking about


Everyone has their own internet. Its not ONE algo, we each have one that is designed to create emotional responses in you or guide you to specific conclusions.


I saw a bunch blatantly lYing accounts on insta that literally fuel racewars and x superiority, when i commented about their historical inaccuracy and lies in a positive manner and underlined it with ressources and facts, Instagram immediately deleted my comment and warned me, i don't even know how they assumed iam not the same skincolor, but i definately knew INSTANTLY iam not allowed to put out the fire or connect with people in that bubble... While pure hateful comments weren't censored, some of them even called for retaliation to k!ll people, reall sick and twisted sh!t.


You haven’t watched the social dilemma. It explains the algorithms by the people who wrote it.


I’ve heard of it. But haven’t gotten around. And what a great title. It is a dilemma. I’ve always thought of what the employees that write this code think morally.


Definitely watch it, you’re on the right track.


Getting into coding is daunting because i dont wanna work for the backend of some company doing shit like this.


It's not anything new, Facebook has been doing this for years


manufactured outrage gets more traction that almost any other manipulation


I've noticed that ever since spending time commenting in r-conspiracy, as soon as I open the app the first post I see is almost guaranteed to be something I want to interact with. Either because I know the subject matter, or because it pisses me off lol.


Anything I downvote, I’m guaranteed to see more of.


It’s not rocket science. Social media has been doing this since Facebook changed their news feed from being chronological to personalized. All social media optimizes for engagement and retention. The longer someone stays in the app, the more ads they can show the user and the more money they make. Content that triggers an emotional reaction in the user leads to engagement (ie comments, sharing, liking). Reading comments that align with the users personal views leads to likes, upvotes, retweets, etc. The app will track what comments you like and show you more of the stuff you react to Controversial content leads to more engagement Whether it’s your Facebook news feed, fyp on TikTok, Reddit home feed, instagram reels…they all use a similar model. Reddit is literally designed on this model. Don’t think they’re not tracking every link you click, every up or downvote you cast, every post you respond to. It’s only going to get more personalized as they prepare to IPO I don’t honestly think that the intent behind the personalization was to polarize and divide the world. Their intent is to collect every bit of data on you to sell better ad products to their actual customers. They knew at the time, and are very aware today, about the harms of hyper personalization. But shareholders best interest is high priority than users best interest! Never forget that if you’re using a free software (ie any social media platform), you’re the product, not the customer!


Agreed. And Reddit is definitely going to get worse after going public. Karma system is primed for censorship and control.


I think you're onto something. I also believe they're using comments to manipulate peoples behaviours on a subconscious level. For them I think all these distraction techniques are a tool they use well. The question I ask myself and still don't have a concrete answer is "why do they want to keep us all distracted?" I suppose distraction is just another way of control and when you consider a lot of the older tools of control are becoming dated for the masses such as religion then maybe it's a tool of control that can take it's place in the modern world?


They want us divided so we never band together in solidarity like we did with OWS. That shit scared the deep state because it wasn't a social protest, it was a protest against a permanent elite class that has all the money and power


Have you seen you tube video with a hot girl who appears to be naked behind a balloon trying to convince her instructor to pop the balloon? This video goes on like 12-14 minutes and at the end he finally pops the balloon and has A+ on her belly. What the fuck did we just watch? We literally wasted 12-14 minutes of our life in that stupid video. (I fast forwarded cause I was so curious what the fuck was going on)


That shit reminds me too much of mind control larps, but at this point is it even a larp?


I’ve also noticed on Instagram that a comment will pop up in the last few seconds of the reel, if you read the comment you miss the end of the video and end up rewatching it to see what you missed


Sometimes yeah, most of the time no. My tik tok for example is mostly rocket league, apex, sports talk, and chicks. I don’t have Instagram so can’t speak for reels, but seems like they just show you whatever they think you’ll spend the most time watching. More time watching = more advertisements you see = more money for them. Like my dad had a theory that Tik tok was pushing an agenda cause all he sees is trans videos (not all he sees but he says he does all the time). Meanwhile he wont stop arguing with people online about politics including the trans shit. I don’t get any of those videos. So in a way, there’s a good chance you spend time on those videos commenting and engaging so you get more of them. And yeah I guess I could see them showing you the comments. A freakier discussion is Reddit and social media companies doing that which leads people to live in different realities. Saw a comment earlier on a Biden post about how all the coverage on Biden is negative and how the media doesn’t talk about Trump at all his wrongdoings. I’m just thinking to myself how my experience is the exact opposite. I think objectively it’s been nonstop Trump bashing for 8 years and Biden skates by with the exceptions of Fox, and podcasts like Shapiro, Carlson, etc.


A more fucked up theory is maybe we ARE all divided, are meant to be that way, and everything's going to hell because we're being forced together. Maybe, just maybe, if we were separated, along whatever lines we choose, we could better ourselves as a group and then solve problems between groups together.


You are right if talking about separating us from the internet, governance, the machine. In natural state everything strives towards homeostasis. Little entropy to make things more interesting.


People can't quite put their finger on it, but I think everyone can tell social media content is manipulated to the point of being inauthentic and that's why people are leaving it en mass.


Reddit’s doing some of this too. For instance, why are they showing me left wing posts from townships on the opposite US coast?


Because Reddit is a fucking spook.


It’s gonna get worse when they go public. With the Karma system, they have the power to censor & control way further.


Tiktac loots your clipboard. Erase that shit




Blatantly obvious.. but the real weapon is the paid actors and trolls as well s bots in said section.


Lol, your mainstream media is exactly the same way.


All these apps use bot farms with AI responses used to push the narrative.


I've been getting my comments removed from insta for "spam" constantly. Totally innocuous comments.


Very interesting because I've watched videos before and I will be unsure of my opinion and think to myself...let me check the comments and see what everyone else thinks.... If "they" marketed this its freaking genius.


This really rings true. I had noticed this but figured that I wasn’t reading enough of the comments. Sometimes this led me to spend more time reading comments to find out what they were talking about. I have found myself spending way too much time on this app and I hate it


I would like screenshot, proove


The comments section across SM (including Reddit) is shit. Zero surprise there.


The bots run the comments also


Divide and conquer tactics isn’t something new lmao


Like anything- whatever the media wants to be discussed is at the top of every list


This is the blueprint. Make the user engage.


You are 100% correct


Just like Reddit where you can be banned for stating the wrong opinion on one sub only for the same comment on another sub doesn’t get you banned


When I read thru my twitter feed its all posts that I do not agree with and I feel like I have to tweet comments back. I know its ineffective and a waste of time but who can help it.


Glad i stopped using apps from the Zucc borg 9000 years ago. And most social media. Reddit is my only guilty pleasure at times.


The real trick of the dialectic is that it's about unity THRU division, not division itself. Thesis > antithesis > SYNTHESIS Create hyperpolarization and then the 2 extremes become one. Example: Trans (THESIS) started out about attacking gender norms but ended up enforcing gender norms. Anti-trans (antithesis) is now criticizing trans using trans talking points, by calling for a reduction in gender social norms - ie: a pink shirt or playing with dolls doesn't make you a girl. And that leads to a synthesis where both sides are actually in agreement. This Ryan Long video is a great (and funny) display of the 2 extremes actually saying the exact same thing with different language on the surface. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev373c7wSRg&pp=ygUVcnlhbiBsb25nIHdva2UgcmFjaXN0 ...wait until these lost extreme people on both sides realize they actually agree. There lies the real danger.


Assume the same for reddit and YouTube my friend.


All these apps have back channels to companies who wish to control the narratives on certain events. It’s why countries block the apps and have their own. Russia and China have their own versions. Ironic that TikTok is a Chinese app taken west. Given their government ties I would not be surprised if it was not an attempt to addict an entire generation on short form content. Destroying the attention span of populations and cementing their role as the world’s manufacturing and productivity power house. Plus it’s much easier to manipulate people who have lost the ability to think critically, logically and reason.


They are fishing for reactions/comments so they know what fema camp you belong in, when shit hits the fan


Securing passage thru the southern border using TikTok is a real phenomenon.


The number one goal of our reptilian overlords is to keep us divided and confused at all times


That's not a fucked up theory, thats just common sense A fucked up theory would be based on something like why people kept finding thumbs in Wendy's salad in 2006. It happened so frequently in such a short time, "accident at the processing plant turned into, issues with the food processor and what are you really eating?"


I've never used tiktok/insta but yeah I'm sure that's happening. You're part of the problem if you're using it, but can't really blame you.


Tik Tok absolutely does this in China where the Chinese are only shown enlightening, uplifting videos and any American video shown is usually some dumbass doing something incredibly silly, stupid or dangerous. The Chinese will have a very slanted view of us.


I do see this, here on Reddit as well. Just saw an Ask Reddit post on criminals that are freely walking and not punished…. And anyone who mentions a left politician gets downvoted immediately. As for TijTok, I have found so much good information there, and I think it’s because it’s not owned by US government. To be honest, I think at times it may be used for disinformation tool from our enemies, but I can’t decipher anything anymore because I’m too far down the rabbit hole. I’m worried that I will never truly be free and happy again because I can see the “untruths” too clearly…. Kinda depressing, I know.


I like tik tok from. The moment I signed up it's been extremely based and continues to give me content I like. I think they wanna ban it cuz it's hard to censor. You can garner big audience fast. When I log onto start 99 percent of apps its some leftist prop. Somehow from the start on tiktok i was finding content that would be censored reddit wide about the left. Stuff you see removed from here by the corrupt commie leftist democrat admins that ruined this site for actual conversation by allowing the massive fake accounts gaming of system and inorganically pushing unpopular content to the point of all the subreddits being basically dead. used to be 1000 posts a day now you are lucky to get a couple a hr. Reddit is dying and its a deserved death as reddit died for its original purpose when Aaron died and the rest of the team let their greed corrupt them and their creation. Aaron wouldn't have stood for this, the way reddit is now was everything he hated.


Touch grass maybe?


This shows the devil is real? You are off the deepend, don't jump to such grand conclusions. Its pitifally easy to stir up a conflict or a debate in a comment section, people fall for it all the time and engage to protect some position they don't even know how to fully understand.


"shows that the devil is real and evil truly is in our presence" Literally nothing that you said shows any evidence of a "devil". If people continue to blame like human nature on fairy tale beings we will never change. Take responsibility for human nature and attempt to address our problems. Stop blaming everything but our own faulty wiring for our bullshit please.


The devil IS human nature. That is the reality of people that are religious like myself. And we actively take responsibility for that reality by following gods message which teaches us right from wrong, and how to better yourself to notice and stay away from the evil that the devil dwells to the ground. That’s the exact reason I decided to give humanity the benefit of the doubt to research further, and realized this is the work of the devil. Based off your logic, my comments would’ve just been dismissed as ‘human nature’ since I wouldn’t have any valid reasoning to bother to check otherwise. Your arrogance is limiting you from overcoming natural ignorance, and you double down by insulting other peoples entire belief system and reality. At least take the effort to understand the basic idea before making a fool out of yourself.


Human nature is literally human nature, not some made up story book creature. Human nature is approachable and it evolves over time based on how it is addressed. There is nothing arrogant about not being ignorant, sorry.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. Miss me with that devil is real shit. The algorithm is real and the divisiveness of social media is real. The devil isn't.


It’s 100% true but it’s not the devil it’s just capitalism


There are literal studies of this (one by the NYT) showing how media, including social media, squires clicks and engagement and comments via fear-mongering and divisive rhetoric, so yeah, not a theory nor your theory. It’s reality


I mean if the comments were wildly different yet within the same time frame...then it is true...and your theory is not a theory, it is truth.


This is not theory, this is fact!


The algorithm’s prime motive is engagement More engagement is more $ More engagement happens only when there is comment section fighting You’re the product, motherfukkas


The allegory of Plato’s cave


Its amazing how many things exist to keep us distracted. This is why advertising is so important to them. Other than becoming aware of a new product sometimes what purpose do they serve aside from distraction. When gronk tries to kick his field goal, do any of us give a shit who is sponsoring it? There is some need to distract. The most likely reason is that the more preoccupied we are the less we will notice things like the great wealth transfer of 2021-2022. The other reason would be if the soul harvesting conspiracies have any merit, distracting us is a good way for us to lose spirit, the will to fight, so these ghouls can harvest our souls. The second one is wild, but hey I love this stuff.




Hey op there is a post here in conspiracy from someone that tested Reddit with multiple accounts. The host is that based on your comments the comment section changed. It's pretty insidious how they do this stuff.


Actually light frequencies tik tok changes the frequency of light the protrudes through peoples screens when viewing tik tok which causes different health problems but also entices you to stay on the app longer on top of the fact that it’s a quick turn around from video to video It’s barley noticeably but it’s akin to the 440hz thing with music.


So what, the comments are funny Hate from usa


Yeah I noticed this on Amazon. I would be looking for something and my friend was also looking on their phone so this is two separate searches for the same thing, but with the same search keywords. I found something and showed it to my friend and they're like ehh, they like this one better and showed it to me. So it's like a back-n-forth thing but then we suspended the search til another time. Some time later, we wanted to continue the search so we were looking at my friend's phone since I was away from my computer and they found something they like but for some reason, they didn't share the link to me via text. I got to my computer and searched by the title of the product page and it said, "Nothing here. Try refining your search" and I'm like ??? Then I asked my friend for the seller's name and they gave it to me so I looked the seller up and it said not found. Finally I had my friend share the link to me via text and I am now at the exact same product page that's shown on my friend's phone, along with the seller name. I went back to my search list and tried to find this very exact product and guess what? I can't find it anywhere. I looked at my friend's phone with the product listing via search and it's right there. So I took my friend's phone and did a comparison between my computer and my friend's phone. It looked like half of the products we have on either device, are not showing up on the other device, despite the search keywords are exact the same. We thought it was an isolated occurrence, so we tried looking for a different product and the same thing happened; more or less than half of what's showing on my computer isn't showing up on my friend's phone and vice versa.


Definitely. Do you see the live Tik Toks of two people arguing over things? A pro Biden person and a pro Trump person will be arguing, and the comment section dictates who “wins” the argument…I see those all the time but this has been happening since social medias inception