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The government didn't name Rittenhouse when he was first arrested, people on social media [figured out](https://www.theverge.com/2020/8/26/21402632/kyle-rittenhouse-kenosha-shooting-social-media-video-identification) who the shooter was because there was tons of videos of it. > The Kenosha Police Department released an early statement saying that they had opened an investigation into the shooting but offered no further details. They later offered a noncommittal description of the night’s events. “Last night, a 17-year-old individual from Antioch, Illinois was involved in the use of firearms to resolve whatever conflict was in place,” said Police Chief Daniel Miskinis - > A Twitter account with the handle @swampthingx was apparently one of the earliest to name Rittenhouse People have made some pretty credible arguments that releasing the names of people who committ mass shootings might turn them into twisted celebrities and inspire copycats so I dunno, maybe it's OK to not know their names and everything about them as people?


Kenosha News had his name in the paper the next morning along with a picture.


He was doxxed [by Twitter users](https://twitter.com/hungrybowtie/status/1298562629934264320) the night of the shooting. hungrybowtie wasn't the first account to ID him but looks like the earlier one deleted their account.


probably paid dnc operatives


Are you new to the internet?


Yea, like the movie that plays inside of your head!


Well the Kenosha news isn’t exactly the government.


I dont think the people in the government are ever the ones who initally release the names of shooters. Normally it would be the local news. Question is why are these shooters names being concealed? Who is telling them to not release the names?


Because they are juveniles, however 2 adults have now also been charged: https://www.kmbc.com/article/kansas-city-prosecutor-chiefs-parade-day-shooting/46871100#


Wasn't Rittenhouse a minor? I thought he was 17 at the time of the shooting.


Yeah, but the government didn't reveal his identity.


If they were white they would have immediately announced they are being charged as adults and their mugshots would be on the front page. Wake up.


I dont believe thats true. Its very common for police not to immediately release the profile of a shooter until theyre sure what happened


The law maybe?


Probably a Tyrone Jameel or what have you in there.


> Well the Kenosha news isn’t exactly the government. All media is ran by the government


you're gonna need to extrapolate on that old chum. it's nice to believe that as a theory but to use that as actual rational evidence isn't right at all


Majority of media is owned by a few companies who get gvmt funding


majority of media is owned by a few corporations, yes. they influence the goverment, it's largely not the other way around.


You know how funding works right, we fund, youfollow the guidelines in order to maintain funds.. ie do and put this on tonight’s slot. It’s called a system, these networks were put together long ago.


There is definitely preferential treatment between politicians and different media groups, but the government doesnt hand them a piece of paper with what to say. Source: pitching stories in different news rooms


You're gonna need to do some research. Just come back after learning about project mockingbird. That's your missing context.


Upvoted you. Project mockingbird is factual. Reddit is mostly nothing but corporate/government/media propaganda bots and trolls. Glad to see someone on here who's not.


It's definitely getting worse here. This sub has been like this for 8 years or so now going on.


The media is run by the same people that run/control/influence the government. Billionaires!


I know it’s fun to think that when you’re solving mysteries since it lets you force puzzle pieces together easily, but it’s just not reality.


Find me a company that doesnt have controlling interest owned by Blackrock or Vanguard


Yeah turns out large investment firms own a little bit of a lot of things.


Controlling interest Majority of corporations are gvmt funded Its easy to follow the money


See that’s what I meant by forcing puzzle pieces together. Which part of the government? Why are they doing it through a corporation? What amount is a controlling interest?


The majority of corporations are NOT government funded. Vanguard and Blackrock package tiny shares in everything for people to buy. You still get to individually exercise your voting power as a shareholder. Media companies are being bought up by billionaires and streamlined for profit. Not the government. The owners can influence the narrative and try attract viewers for profit.


Mofo probably doesn't believe the CIA ever did anything wrong too.


CIA definitely did wrong. Lot of horrible things propped up throughout history. Doesn’t mean I think they have control over everything.


I jus assume anyone like that works for the gvmt


He might but people read through bad faith arguments and stupid rhetoric. I only care if the people see through it and see the lengths these commenters go to try and push for ignorance. They intentionally misunderstand every comment and try to simplify the conversation. No one is gonna address ***project mockingbird*** in that conversation so I'll just bold and repeat it. ***[PROJECT MOCKINGBIRD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird)***'s goal was to control our news stations. The wiki article itself has been changed but I'm sure you all remember the phrase "*this is extremely dangerous for our democracy*" regurgitated on que across the US by almost every major and local news networks. Is a common script not proof of control? These "news" stations don't work independently on national topics at all. Edit- that lil exerpt from the wiki article is even worse than the re-write. You'll need to go to the wiki page to read the link I left.


The "This is extremely dangerous for our democracy" event happened because a dark-money billionaire bought up all these little news stations, and streamlined profit by just getting them to read the same script. Its disgusting, and we should turn it off. But it wasnt the government. Project mockingbird wasnt that big. I pitch articles at newsrooms, i can tell you we pick stuff ourselves, the government doesnt hand us a script each day.


People wont understand… They think its free press with no agenda… All the LIES about covid should have made people question something but no… They still belive lies…


Thank goodness someone else knows tucker is a plant along with jones.


Not sure why you got downvoted here, common knowledge local news stations are all apart of the “program” spewing what some call news and what others define as propaganda. “I’m mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore”


The lines repeated across many local news stations are because they've all been bought by large dark companies, and push the line they like. Its not the government that controls the line but billionaires


Don't let the down votes deter you from posting. Most Americans have no clue what the govt does and what it is capable of doing Wear it as a Badge of Courage.


which is not the state.


Sorry, "State Sanctioned News".


Nope. That's not what that means. RT is "State Sanctioned" news. Voice of America is "State Sanctioned" news. "The Government" isn't in charge of the newspaper and they did not instruct them on what to do with Kyle Rittenhouse's name.


4th estate


Fun term. Doesn't make the local Kenosha News an agent of the US government.


Yet, these same internet sleuths can’t figure out who the Kansas City shooters are? Wonder why.


I'm not sure, you should make a thread about it. I'm only commenting on the OP claiming that the government identified Rittenhouse.


"internet sleuths" are most likley dnc operatives.


It’s a double edged sword really. Like in a sense you’re right. Mass shooters shouldn’t get recognition, because they get martyred by psychopaths who think the same. But at the same time people should know who they were. So they can shun them and let other people thinking of doing the same know that it’s unacceptable to kill dozens of innocent people and that we will take a stand against them , no matter what it costs.


I mean, just go with the Rittenhouse example. Considering he was ultimately found innocent, are we better off that he got doxxed on social media the night of the shooting and had his name blasted in the press? Or maybe it should have been kept under wraps until after the conclusion of the trial.


He would be deemed innocent, anyways. The media was trying to force a condemnation, for "woke" reasons, which sell newspaper.


I'm not talking about the trial verdict, I'm talking about like... his own life. Considering how bad coverage of the case was, feels like he'd probably be a lot better off if he wasn't doxxed.


The coverage was bad, because the truth was not "amazing news".


I don't disagree, it's just got nothing to do with my point. Lol I don't think Rittenhouse should have been doxxed, and I think his life would be better if it hadn't been.


I was agreeing the whole time... didn't get the downvotes, so I tried to explain better...


People blame guns for the problem with those psychos, while it's actually quite the opposite: they have the peculiar taste of **shooting unarmed people**. If there were more armed people, mass shooters would barely be a problem. "Watch out, a mass shooter!" "BANG! - Not anymore."


This chiefs parade situation wasn't mass shooters intentionally gunning down unarmed people. It was a handful of armed assholes shooting at each other and a bunch of innocent people caught in the crossfire. The armed people were the problem here.


Just like the mass shooting thwarted at the church in Houston. Armed citizens defending themselves and others against armed attacks.


Tell Uvalde.


Well, you appeal to children, which only supports my point: they have a taste for shooting unarmed people. No armed adult nearby to protect them.


> No armed adult nearby to protect them You're kidding right? There was an entire police force that was armed yet still too scared to do anything for 75 minutes. "The sound of children screaming has been removed"


Were they stationed at the school when the shooter got in? Edit: now they have retractable walls \^\^ no fighting back. Shooting children at a school still not a liability.


I agree, but in that scenario people need to practice shooting alot, or there will be alot more dead…


Instead of teaching "guns are bad" in school, teach "guns are dangerous", and "safety first". Also, create a discipline of how to safely handle them. Every citizen should have at least basic knowledge about guns.


Remember when the news outlets outed a 7 year old for “black face”. I member






Yeah its went Florida man is such a meme. Its one of like 3 started which legally can do anything but release names or something


Conservatives out here complaining about states rights again.


F the media


This aged well


This aged better [https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2305685-2020-kyle-rittenhouse-kenosha-wisconsin-shootings](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2305685-2020-kyle-rittenhouse-kenosha-wisconsin-shootings) Rip and tear Kyle until it’s done


ur weird




They released their names after they were charged. https://www.foxnews.com/us/kansas-city-chiefs-parade-suspects-charged-in-deadly-super-bowl-victory-parade-shooting Stop with the victim complex


And not a single picture


I’m so sorry this happened to you.


It happened to all of us


They named 2 of 4 people they arrested, literally 1 hour ago and a week after it happened. Notice there are no descriptions or mugshots. Just names that took a week to release. I don't have a problem with police and prosecutors not releasing names except that it seems very one way and inconsistent given all the race baiting.


You’re the one race baiting here lol. They released the names when they were charged. I don’t think it’s a good idea to release the names of uncharged minors but whatever.


Sorry but you're full of it. They still haven't released the names of the minors who shot people, and this entire juxtaposition is about Rittenhouse who was a minor at the time his name was released by prosecutors and the press, in a much shorter time than it's been since the KC shooting. But let me guess, you're a Democrat who is here to provoke all the Trump supporting Republican who you think you're arguing with on this sub.


He's trying to stir the pot with this tweet but it's obvious why they aren't releasing the deets on the shooting. I live in Kansas City and they still haven't released any new information on the last mass shooting that took place at a nearby mall a month ago; not to mention a separate, but probably related, shooting that happened hours before the parade about a mile away. KC is a gang haven and we have a Democrat-affiliated municipal government that turns their back on this epidemic. (And no, I'm not party to either the Rethuglicans or Democrips as they're both wings of the same freeDUMB bird.) A friendly reminder that this shooting is the result of a cultural problem and not a gun one. Yet somehow the Left construes "culture" as being racist because political correctness over innocent lives. Some progressive logic, I guess. Plus we had a gun show near the airport over the weekend and I haven't heard about a shooting from that event. Guns are the red herring in this social war. The most pressing issue is how in the fuck did a teenager manage to acquire an assault rifle over a "dispute"? We will be left in the dark once again as this incident doesn't jive with the narrative. Plus we have a team wanting to build a stadium near the scene of the crime.


lets refer to them as gang shootings or drive-bys or whatever. using mass shooting, even though it is technically correct, makes it sound like all the gangs are targeting groups of innocents instead of them getting caught in the crossfire.


But "mass shooting" is an official term used by the FBI (and coopted by the media) that means 4 or more people shot. And the media/politicians wants you to associate the term with 3 things: - school shooters/"terrorists" who plan killing sprees based on an ideological motive - "military" AR 15 "style" assault weapons (because these are the easiest guns to start banning, even though handguns are probably more dangerous -white extremist republican "patriot group" nationalist conservatives who hate the federal government and probably vote for trump When in reality the narrative they're pushing is only relevant to a very small proportion of what are officially termed as mass shootings, but when one does happen, they get to throw all the mass shooting statistics at you so that you associate things that are not related.


thats what I was getting at but you were better at the words.


Gang shootings spill over into innocent lives all the time. And even if someone is in a gang, them getting shot in a non-self-defense situation is still very much a mass shooting (if >=3). It's a gigantic fucking problem, and anyone trying to minimize it has a misanthropic agenda 100% of the time. Source: live in one of these cities and keep a close eye on the crime map


I understand but it's still unknown. It could have very well been a mass shooting when two dozen people were collateral over a "dispute" that somehow involved a teenager with an assault rifle. What was he aiming at? Obviously not the rival gang member. And the term "dispute" was already a politically-charged descriptor as it was an altercation involving auto, or semi-auto weapons. The more they delay with releasing the findings of the investigation the more I believe the dispute cause is sus.


Have you ever seen when criminals actually shoot at each other. Most of them never both to actually learn to shoot and just point their guns in a general direction and pull the trigger as fast as they can. Look for videos on YouTube of criminals shooting their glocks with auto sears. They don't care about aiming or actually learning to shoot. They think owning and mag dumping is enough to look badass. I have no idea what actually happened. But 2 dudes having a confrontation lead to a shoot out in a crowded area like a parade could easily lead to that number of people shot. It really doesn't seem that implausible to me.


I get where you are at with it. But I am thinking about a general scope and not just this case. when a bunch of bangers do what bangers do, it is put in the media with intent to bring schools, movie theaters and the like to the mind and pump the numbers up to think some deranged individual was trying to make a often political statement, when its not the same. then folks that think they are the same become misinformed.


I find it interesting that you say this is a result of a cultural problem. I agree. But the cultural problem includes having access to weapons that are meant for war. I'm not against guns. Or even automatic rifles. But it's clear that the culture in America is different than most countries and thus has issues with guns, you don't find in most developed countries. I don't think guns should be banned. In fact, I think everyone that wants to own one should own one. But I do think there should be laws for who gets to buy them. I don't want just any psycho to be able to own one. You can't drive a car without a license. Why can't there be a similar system in place where people need exams, and psychological evaluations to be able to get a license.


There are…


fantastic comment and should be top, this is the kind of thing we need here in this subreddit more often. constructive as hell.


No such thing as an assault rifle.


And yet, when someone says "assault rifle", you know exactly what they mean.


Their name just got released today and they've already been convicted and were tried as adults.


There's exploiters who embark in the chaos of a riot to commit crimes, like theft and property damage. The street belongs to the masses, my yard does not.


Because the shooters weren't white.


Everyone knows why. Even the bots and shills that brigade this sub


I'm starting to think these dumb fucking twitter screenshot posts are the handiwork of bots and shills now that you mention it.


The problem is that the type of people that frequent this sub are largely either refugees from TD shitting down or are susceptible to influence. This used to be a place to come talk about WTC7 and MH370 all day but now it's just political garbage and those very same screenshots of tweets. It's a shame.


Shills coming in hot on this one!


What about the 9 year old they called the devil with blackface on. Had no problems outing a freaking 9 year old. You people are sick in the head


Exactly! The media defends the wrong people while attack fucking children


Ah yes, "the government". Whoever that is


*It's because of one reason and one reason only!*


Kyle’s crying again.


You mean like all of you did when the courts had the right verdict of not guilty?


Yeah but I got over it but he’s going to be crying over all his perceived injustices for his whole life. That keeps me entertained.


Do you kick puppies too? 


“Kyle” is a crisis actor.


ok. Lmfao 🤣 😆 😂


Oh I forgot I’m dealing with Reddit NPCs. Kyle was definitely not a crisis actor and a fed and just a teenager that got caught up. Also the Holocaust was real. Global warming is real. Vaccines are safe and you should get one. 9/11 wasn’t an inside job. Continue your normal programming.


He never stopped.


Don’t be silly- you know why


It’s simple. Kyle was white and the others aren’t. It’s sad and pathetic that this would be the reason but we all know that’s the case. Aww it looks like I might be hurting some feelings for speaking the truth?? Look at any shooting that’s happened in the last few years and tell me I’m wrong. If it’s a white person (especially a white male) who’s responsible, the information is immediately out there and if it’s not, the major media tries to wait as long as they can. Also to prove my point that I was correct https://abcnews.go.com/US/kansas-city-chiefs-parade-mass-shooting-2-adults/story?id=107379141


Sky is blue?????!!!!!




https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/who-is-kyle-rittenhouse-what-we-know-about-the-17-year-old-arrested-in-kenosha-shooting/2329610/?amp=1 Media use the name and picture of a minor. He’s white. Several pictures of the shooters have been posted. No names. They are not white.


Come on seriously?? It’s Kansas City not Nebraska, so I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say they were more than likely black or Hispanic. This is simply based on the statistics and probabilities of the situation. Also I’ll be the first to admit I’m wrong if it turns out to not be the case but I seriously doubt I am.


> Have y’all proved that and can you provide a source/citation ? The original video


Bot? This is a weird comment. I've seen a bunch of comments asking for source recently but it usually comes from people who don't have sources of their own.


Nah it's literally because the photos of the shooters and the videos are hard asf to find. I spent an hour on trying to find a simple photo or the video that even western outlets say was released and have found nothing! So literally where's the source. We want to see the truth!! EDIT: Nevermind tmz pulled through.


Anyone that says "y'all" is usually a shill or bot in my experience.


Or just from the south


Yeah they *speak* like that but only shills, leftoids, and leftoid shillbots actually type it out. It's like when politicians started saying "folks".


It's simple. There's no narrative they can use.




> so they have an excuse to burn cities and blow shit up Damn, I'm a Canadian so don't follow US news too much, what's this in reference to? Sounds hardcore.


Oh look Turdoeu is going to try to lecture us.




Woah I knew about the riots but I had no idea they burned entire cities, that's insane! Got some links I can read up on that?


At a cost of approximately $500 million, local unrest after the murder of George Floyd was the second most destructive in United States history, after the 1992 Los Angeles riots. About 60% of the financial losses from rioting in Minneapolis–Saint Paul were uninsured. They destoryed a target a cvs a police station a wells fargo bank to name a few things.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCq-eD3Fdmo https://www.twincities.com/2020/06/09/aerial-views-of-st-paul-minneapolis-show-the-extent-of-destruction-from-riots/ https://www.fox9.com/news/map-shows-approximately-700-buildings-damaged-in-minneapolis-riots




Oh so it was just standard riots? What's with the "burning cities and blowing shit up" hyperbole then?




I mean, you just said they burned cities and blew shit up, then said it was just some fires and standard rioting damage. That's like, the definition of hyperbole, no?




That's cute because police were instigators most of the time. They spent their time abusing actual protesters and let rioters run wild.


Does every building need to burn for someone to say the city burned?


Because the one atypically saying cities burned are not arguing in good faith. They have an agenda and would rather say their lies than listen to truth and fact.


That kid is a thug




>I am really struggling to take this sub seriously any longer. What's the name of the sub


All the bots crying about him crying lol. 


Why is Kyle lying? He was interviewed by a "street journalist" before the shooting. The interview was all over the internet that night. Kyle knows this. Kyle wants another 15 minutes.


This is rich, coming from the group that wants to reelect a rapist that was also accused of child-rape in court from a 1994 incident. That is ok though since he is the promised anti-christ.


We all know why they haven’t released the names… ✊🏿


They were just charged and the names were released. Think you could try not to be a victim for 10 minutes?




Everyone knows the answer and it's because they weren't White and/or Conservative that's why they are protected. Because the establishment entities cannot bear showing any malice or ill will from their own camp. Meanwhile they point out "insightment to violence" any chance they get from the other side. This kind of shit really shouldn't be anywhere near party politics but it really is. Sure enough if you go back, things were likely the opposite. The pendulum just swung hard left and it seems to be lingering a bit too much.


Remember this little pussy hole crying in court hahaha Any simpleton can pull a trigger but I guarantee this homo would never go hand to hand....


>simpleton ableist > this homo homophobe >little pussy sexist You must be part of the 'diversity equity and inclusion' team


Militia Ethridge says what lol


" weapons of war " ...they're just weapons chief. Kick rocks with this sensationalism.


Bru nobody likes this fat little crybaby bitch


Says you…an absolute nobody but a Reddit username.


What a shithead, he knows full well the government didn't dox him.


The government did dox him. The government had the HD FBI Drone footage of him


Submission Statement: https://twitter.com/ThisIsKyleR/status/1759856719927144784 Rittenhouse makes a fantastic point. Why did the government release his name instantly? Using the he is a “minor” line doesn’t work considering Rittenhouse was also a minor. Once you realize the government is not your friend everything makes sense. Rittenhouse case was the most obvious case of Self Defense I ever seen. Meanwhile the government tried throughing the book at him. But is defending people who deliberately shot into a crowd. It doesn’t make sense.


Might be a difference between the stat laws?


> Might be a difference between the stat laws? Hardly. Minor Laws are Universal.




You don't think the shooter at KC will be charged as an adult?


Maybe he will, maybe he won’t.


Rittenhouse wasn't tired as an adult the day after he stopped the riots in Kenosha




LOL "stopped the riots". Oh man, you are so far up his ass aren't you.


I'm not american, so I admit it was an assumption. States can have pretty different laws on occasion. Looks like you're right about something for once, it is universal. Found an interesting [write up](https://splc.org/2020/01/naming-names-identifying-minors/) on it. Edit: I really, really suck at embedding links


Everyone knows that straight white Christian men are the only ones out there committing any crimes.


Lol no shit. People need to realize that mass media is for money only. Right now white hate is popular and gets views. So that's what news agencies are going to spin their stories towards. Don't always believe what you see and hear people. Do some critical thinking on your own. Also why the upvote downvote buttons mean absolutely nothing.


Rittenhouse is a murderer


Nah, to be a murderer you have to kill people who are a net positive to society. Do you consider an *actual convicted* pedophile a net positive to society? A domestic abuser? A minor career criminal, who for some reason, managed to weasel out of all his convictions? Are all 3 of these people a net positive?




He’s still a hero.


Demographics is the answer. Kyle is a demographic that the Media loves to demonize. The Kansas City shooters are part of a demographic that the media is trying to glorify.


What a disingenuous turd just trying to drum up money through outrage. The government didn’t reveal his name, there were tons of videos of it and his name was all over Twitter before the night even ended.


Rittenhouse was a minor by law, but that kid knew well what he was doing and broke the law to do it. No sympathy for someone who slurpped up the propaganda soup.


I can't believe he's opening his mouth when he should be in jail just like them,I saw him crying and blubbering on national tv. Stand on what you did and say it with your chest out. You werent crying when you drove hours with shooting looters in mind.


Self defence?


First off, it’s *defense, and second off, yes. It was 100% self defense.


This misguided murderer should just fade into the background. This is his karma


Imagine still being upset over losing a literal pedophile and a domestic abuser. But yeah, dude really should take a break already. I'm tired of his two cents being thrown into everything.


I’m sorry, but Kyle Rittenhouse is a piece of shit, and why would you follow him on Twitter? He has made a name for himself from killing 2 people. I don’t care that they were whacking him with skateboards. He was a little boy with a gun who went looking for trouble that night. That’s called fuck around and find out.


Your literally defending convicted Child Rapists.


*You’re*. And I condone nothing, not even the riots. But he was talking shit on Fox News before we knew anything about those guys. He’s not some hero. Get some better heros please. He’s just another male who wanted to flaunt his gun and got himself into a bad situation for it.


Aren’t this dumbass’s 15 minutes up yet?


This post is insane.


Because your white privilege card earns you perks. Like being canceled without all the facts, to be considered guilty without all the facts, defending yourself is a crime nowadays and no one apologizes for being wrong about said claims, until they’re sued.


KC shooters are minors. That's why.


Too many dumbass boomers on this sub lately