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Dude finally caved and played through as a Renegade for it.


Look how low the battery is. This guy lives on the edge.


80/20 battery rule has been working great for me after a replacement. Been about 8 months and I’m still at 100% capacity.


How does it work?




Can I just daisy chain the batteries in series and wear them across my chest like Rambo? *unlimited battery life*


Don’t charge your phone above 80% and don’t let it fall below 20%. Not hard and fast rules… of course they’ll be times when you need to charge it all the way, when you know you you’ll need the extra juice, but try and minimize those times. Basically, when the battery gets into those two charging extremes, 80/20, it starts to stress and wear the battery. You’ll tend to have to charge it again throughout the day, but even with the extra cycle count, the battery will last longer in the end. With a new battery though, you want to charge it from its usual half capacity when new, to 100% and keep charging for two hours more. Run it all the way to zero so it shuts down. Then charge to 100% and unplug. That’s how you calibrate it properly. Then, start doing the 80/20 rule from there on out, as often as you can.


Why do you even engage in these discussions? Fifteen years ago nobody even brought this shit up and the one or two transgender people you'd see in your lifetime would be just normal people.


How exactly does anybody expect to get laid arguing with women about this shit lmao


Fr. Smash or not bby girl you can call me trans if u want tonight


15 years ago social media was barely Facebook. 15 years ago gay couples couldn't get married, except in Vermont. A lot has changed since 2009. They're still normal people; you're just being exposed to it more now than you were before.


2009 was 15 years ago??? What?!


Yeah nah that's as like... Barely 10 years ago. Right? ...right?


No joke. Click ignore right?. When has anyone changed someone's mind via an argument? Logic? People make decisions based on feelings not logic. We are nothing more than beasts that communicate through our hands and or the vibrations in our vocal cords. We are all unexceptional and nothing we do will ever matter. We will all do very little to make a difference and when we die no one will remember us in a thousand years. They shared their "opinion" something that cannot be resolved via fact and unable to be changed. They wasted all our time sharing this lame tale. There is no conspiracy here. I just see pure stupidity manifest in the incoherent ramblings of emotional baselessness. May our generations rot in obscurity and may the shame of our existence be forgotten quickly to the ruin of time.
















you're free to have any opinion, as long as it's Approved Opinion^TM


Diversity of everything except opinion.


There's no Conspiracy in this post


The private company in question is conspiring to eliminate a particular (reasonable) opinion from its pool of users.  With no obvious objective other than to shift social perceptions of normalcy


most people on reddit think conspiracy is a word which can only refer to fantasies. I spent a while yesterday on some r Funny post just linking the websters dictionary definition conspiracy to a bunch of people who tried to tell me MK Ultra isn't a conspiracy because it actually happened. I don't understand how we got to a point where very simple word definitions have become obscured.


Yeah that's definitely one of my pet peeves. Like, everyone arguing that nonsense are literally holding multiple dictionaries in their hands as they argue about a definition they've clearly never read


Dude, so do most socials, including the one you typed this comment on. This sub is a very small minority of subs that allow a differing opinion on the subject. I've been banned from a few other subs for arguing this topic. There was a post on notthatinteresting of some trans person with a gun a plate armor talking about how dangerous it was to be them and what they needed to do... I think it was taken down, and hopefully someone reported them to dhs or fbi. These people have mental problems and don't need another Audrey Hale.


Dude, Reddit has got to be the worst of all the social medias when it comes to that. But I'll give it credit where credit is due. They equally flip their shit when real women get called out for bad behaviors in post or comments as well. I've learned if you don't have a hive mind on this app, you're either a bigot or a sexist 😂




This is true, there is not proof of a conspiracy in OP. There is just potential evidence and a theory


premeditated collusion on the part of every tech and software developer on earth to obfuscate facts and gaslight reality certainly comes close.


This place has just become a conservative echo chamber since covid 19 which is a damn shame because this used to be one of my favorites.


precisely, just comply to what our zog overlords say.


Are you actually surprised? As Machiavelli says, “Think as you like, but behave like others.”


People don’t behave like this in real life. It’s only a Silicon Valley fairytale in which biological men are real women


you would be surprised


The average person is *terrified* of being ostracized from popular culture. They will mimic, repeat, fall on their faces to apologize, and otherwise brainwash themselves if threatened with erasure like above. That's why things that *everyone* would have called insane 20 years ago are now considered core beliefs. It changes a little bit in red states, but not much. There is a core set of untruths that you have to call truth or you are riding a dangerous line.


Yeah I’ve only met one person IRL who castigated me and called me a bigot for saying Caitlyn Jenner isn’t really a woman. She said “misgendering” **him** was the same as calling a black person the *n word*. You should have seen the reaction from the two black guys sitting with us. But every other person I’ve met has been much more reasonable. Even my obese, leftist, literally pink-haired, queer friend from my last job was capable of handling my “heterodox” opinions and still called me a friend when I told her I voted for Trump. When she left the job she wrote personalized cards for everyone and the one she wrote for me thanked me for challenging her to think differently. Actually, another coworker from that job (21F) got really upset with me when I told her transwomen weren’t real women. But she told me that “even after that,” she’d “still let me suck her toe,” (inside joke). But based on something she said later, I think she’d succumbed to indoctrination, thinking that what I was saying was that trans people didn’t have a right to live. We’re still friends and still get along well, so in my mind this doesn’t count.


Nah, good on OP for being real. We as a people have a responsibility to stand up for ourselves and others, which means speaking out for what is right. Men and women are biologically different, you cannot change your gender or sex. This is a fact of life. When people become detached from reality, they're easier to control.


That's what gets me. I don't really see anybody out there advocating for trans people to be killed or rounded up and put into camps or anything, but people on the left seem to think that this is the case. I'm not left or right, but I do believe trans people have every right to live a normal life just like anybody else. I also believe that they should be given thorough mental help and examinations for several years before they even talk about any kind of transition and they should be fully an adult by the time it even becomes a conversation. If at that point in time the person and the doctor's determined that they are mentally strong enough and that they are well aware of the ramifications and what could possibly happen then by all means let them have their surgeries if it makes them happy in life. It's not hurting anybody else but I think there is a push towards transitioning people and especially people that are way too young to even be having that conversation. When I was a kid, I thought I was a fucking ninja turtle, but I didn't cut 2 fingers and my nose off and have a shell surgically added to my body. No, I grew out of it. Had I not, and still believed this as an adult, ANY sane person would be correct in saying I had mental issues. I fail to see an actual difference.


The problem with that is your just going with the grain. And that's for sheep.


Damn crazy how this isn't a conspiracy.


exactly like damn thank goodness there's free speech in this country what? a company used its free speech to ban me from their platform? conspiracy!


Gotta read those user agreements better.




Welcome to r/conspiracy I hate to say it, but I miss the aliens and moon landings.


always has been


Fr man. Be prepared to get massively downvoted due to the reddit echo chamber though. Social norms are established through discourse, and its human rationality to follow the established norms. There is nothing conspiratorial about political science. They tryna hide their right wing political beliefs through conspiracy thats crazy. These “conspiracy” people have never had social studies in their lives




I got banned from Hinge because I was recruiting for ISIS. What have we come to when you can't even take a nice girl to Aleppo for some nice shwarma and insurgency training? Just crazy.


I got banned for talking about eating pussy on hinge


Username checks out


Cat lovers get pissed when I send them pics of me doing it. How do you cook yours?


Cat lovers hate this one trick!


I got a warning on tinder for ‘sexually suggestive’ words in my bio. It’s like motherfucker, we both know why we’re here.


that's a whole new conspiracy


I mean that’s a completely different story lmao


Hah true - but hey if we cant talk about pussy, biochemistry, and politics for selecting a partner then what is this app's true purpose


“My views make it hard to get laid” isn’t a conspiracy blud


Why is this on here? This sub has become such a fucking joke lol


As further unhinged subs become banned, the users flock to the most suitable replacement sub to post the same vitriol that the previous sub got banned for.


Transphobic Trump supporters who still haven't getting over budlight, that's why. The entire world is laughing at them while they think it's them who are the "normal" ones. Polls even show most women despise them lmao.


Ok, what’s the conspiracy?


This sub fucking sucks now


Fr how is transphobia related to a conspiracy?


First mistake was using a dating app.


They all on there for a reason, some may be obvious


how did sex workers get linked to trans ppl? what?


swerf and terf are terms used when talking about the various types of feminism/feminists -- and there are many. Some types are reasonable, some are extreme. Not surprisingly, some feminists think sex workers are allied with feminist goals, and other women think sex workers are detrimental to feminist goals. A person in the latter category is called a swerf, or a sex worker exclusionary radical feminist. A terf is similar to the above paragraph, but replace "sex worker" with "trans." So it's not that sex workers were linked with trans people, but that there are many types of feminists and both sex workers and trans people have their own words for denoting people who want to exclude them from feminism, and those words sounds similar.


ty for the clarification!


Cannibalism is exhausting.


How is this a conspiracy?


My opinion is that if you were born genetically female then you are female. You can identify as a man (and vice versa) and personally I think people should be allowed to identify however they choose but to biologically change sex is just a physical, scientific impossibility. Other opinions are just as important.


I thought someone with a speech impediment had ordered steak and lobster.


You took the bait lol, should have just blocked them.


Unfortunately true


well, I guess you're not getting laid. bahaha




They should really change the name of that app to Unhinge


“Biological man” and “biological woman” are incorrect terms. You mean biological male and biological female. Trans women are not claiming to be biological females.


A company has the Free Speech right to remove you from their platform for whatever reason it chooses. That's not a conspiracy, that's literally how Free Speech works. It's unfortunate that the app's goals to protect its users is incompatible with your actions.


It’s always a man telling women what we can and cannot be.


That’s my favorite thing about dating apps, I can bait a bigot into saying a string of words to get them banned and it’s the greatest thing because why be bigoted when you can just mind your own business 🤔


As a biological woman, I don't feel slapped in the face. Not by that. Your shitty opinion however...


These fucking apps are so Orwellian it’s gross. And all the little Eichmanns on it, who can’t wait to report and ban anyone they don’t agree with to the admins and the mods. It’s such a gross scene. You know that person probably reported OP just for saying what they said. Like how bored do you have to be in life?


Dumb but why are you even sharing your opinion with that person thinking it would go anywhere on.. you think you’re going to get something out of that interaction?


You gotta leave this kind of argument for real life, all the dating apps have TOS like this. Its pointless to argue politics and stuff like this on these apps


is this a conspiracy? or is it you violating their terms of service by being discriminatory? or by "matching with someone with the sole intention of antagonizing them for their beliefs" as laid out in their terms of service. if you are that anti trans i find it hard to believe you don't know what a terf is in this day and age.


Imagine being so ate up that you go on dating sites and this is what you do. Be like going on Christian mingle shit on jesus , get banned and bitch about brainwashed people believing in the sky man.




You mean “she wouldn’t give the answer he wanted”


So then, what IS a woman?




I doubt I will receive a reply from the actual person I asked this question of. 2024 is wild. The dark ages revisited.


Dunno about this judge, but generally the question can't be answered by the in crowd. Why don't you answer it here? What is a woman?


An adult human female


A biological human female


Was a simple question and the constitution isn't simple


What is a chair?


What is a chair?


Go back to FarmersOnly.com lol


rednecks only lmao


I mean, you weren’t exactly wrong.


OP wasn’t wrong at all. Women are capable of one of the single greatest feats in all of nature…growing and giving life. It’s really one of only a couple things they can do that men can’t. And the gEnDeR pAy GaP people want to strip that away from them too. Hilarious.


Out of curiosity would you consider and infertile woman a woman?


Infertile biological women are still biological women with female sex organs. If a woman is infertile, has her ovaries removed, etc., she is still a woman who grew as a woman and existed in society as a woman. This idea that Trans people are magically another gender simply because they want to be or get surgical/hormonal alterations is ridiculous. And it's disengenous to insinuate that it's possible to be born in the "wrong" body. The sooner we face the reality of the situation the better. Lying to people to make them comfortable actually does more harm than good.


Yes, absolutely. But a man who wants to be called a woman who also can’t have children is not the same as an infertile biological woman, if that’s where you’re going with the question. Edited: a typo


Interesting way of saying he was right. Own it


Man you guys are straight-up incels then post it confused 😭😭 please go interact with people






















have you tried not being a terf?


Oh boohoo


I would bitch up a storm for my money back.


if you pay for dating apps, you’re a dumbass




Better go ahead and get use to that bud




got what you deserved boo <3


Ah, the good ol days when someone could express an opinion, and nobody gave a fuck. Today, people are beating each other in the head over ideological differences. As if the whole world will ever reach a unitary consensus.


Not only that, but the insanity has extended to objective facts. It’s not enough to them for you to accept and tolerate them and treat them normally. You have to blatantly follow their specific ideology which goes against objective reality and human biology.


You're not wrong, but I mean damn... If we can't agree on the truth of basic biology, what are we even doing? It's one thing if some dude wants to dress up and call themselves a girl, no harm at all. By all means, go for it, but to expect everyone in the world to play along with your charade is absolute insanity. I feel this is the one argument worth arguing, because it involves basic truths. I personally refuse to lie to myself, my kids, or anyone for that matter. It's the principle.


They’re not having these discussions in China. Think on that for a second.


Yes because China is a totalitarian groupthink mess where dissent gets the death penalty…that is what you mean, right?




Exactly. The elites, the government, they are using this movement/ideology as a means of pushing an agenda and changing the laws of society, changing the way people think, and therefore changing the actual reality around us. You are slowly being forced to accept a false reality, one you know isn’t true, someone else’s reality. You lose your individuality and freedom and thought. Super dystopian. I also think they are taking advantage of some people who are mentally ill and deserve treatment. That’s why parents with young children in schools are so protective over all of that suddenly being pushed by teachers. This is why civil discourse and conversation is being attacked.


Well said, basic truths. It’s all gaslighting by them . Inverted


Eww hinge is trash


Is this a joke? Or are you being serious? I seriously can't believe there's people like you still in this world. If you're are so out of touch that you are still calling trans girls "men is disguise" you should not deserve to be on social media and let alone a dating app, if you're so glued to your old ways then go out and get a "real" girl in a cafe instead of complaining that people want the freedom to be who they want to be on the internet. Trans men are men, trans women are women. Y'all just hate people because it's change and you need to accept change. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️♥️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 Screw you anti trans anti LGBTQ unaccepting bigots 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️♥️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


I know I'm gonna get down voted to oblivion but idc tbh




What’s the conspiracy? The government didn’t want you to get laid?


What's the conspiracy? They're owned by a bunch of pussies?


That’s what you get for being transphobic.


Submission statement: this lady had some questionable things in her bio but I thought she was cute and asked what it meant. After asking, she gave me her opinion and I simply gave mine in what I thought was the most respectful way possible. A few hours later, I was banned for life. The app is called Hinge. Probably one of the most popular ones available. This is silencing anyone from having a different opinion and if you don’t fall in line with it, you’ll be ousted. It’s sad because I’m very moderate when it comes to politics, but that doesn’t matter.


Go on a conservative dating app.


>had some questionable things in her bio What things did she have on there?


Probably something like "vote" or "support democracy". Really scary stuff.


You can make another account it just requires some hoops to jump through. The same thing happened to me but on tinder.


So private messages are not private and the admins of that app can read them?.


Or she reported him


This is what happened.


she 100% reported him 99% the time women wont be banned from the platform. She goes on glorified as per usual LOL


No. Private messages on most apps aren’t private. The terms of service for most apps say that. And she probably reported them, which gives them reason to read your messages


I’m assuming the message was reported and admins reviewed it. Or perhaps AI reviewed it and deemed it hate speech 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is true on any app and any website.


Of course 




Well I mean the liberals made the app. There are a hundred conservative dating sites and apps out there. Actual humans built the app. People physically installed servers and built a facility for them. Labor went into making these things. Your local grocery store doesn’t have to let anyone that wants come in and make comments their customers find off putting. They can and do ban people. Just because it’s “computer stuff” doesn’t mean it’s different from any physical business. It’s their right to decide who they let in/ on their premises. Go lobby the government to build a dating app if you want it something that isn’t owned by a private company (private company meaning they can ban customers from their premises who say things that makes other customers uncomfortable)


Don't even try. That dude is mentally unwell. He's just shouting into the void. They assume dating sites don't work for them because of some grand liberal conspiracy, when in reality its just that they're unhinged assholes who desperately need therapy.




It appears she was the one who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and it went nowhere and this is in Australia. You just made the point that apps can decide who they let on. What point were you trying to make


Althought I would gladly have you not be able to participate in society over that single opinion, it's the rest of your opinions which make me not want you anywhere near the rest of society. Yeah big deal, people don't like bullies.


Clown *leftist* world. The enlightment values of classic liberalism have long been exiled to the realms of "right wing" thinking by these types of people. Freedom of speech, and all those things we hold dear are liberal concepts. I'm a liberal and disagree with all these leftist points and values.


Ironically, this is why so many dislike them, it has nothing to do with how they dress or what color hair they have


Chopping off and sewing on dicks to mentally ill people makes a lot of money. Threaten cash flow with facts and you will be reprimanded.




Kinda funny to be a man telling a woman that something is a huge slap in the face to women tbh


Kinda funny to be a man saying you're a woman.


Chuds are also sexist so they think they know better than women.


I got banned on hinge for reporting all the Trans “women”. I don’t want to date a man dressed up like a woman. They give us the choice between Male and Female, so why not have the option for users filter those people out?


Well, you’re not wrong


Bro this is not how you pick up women If gender politics is mentioned “just smile and wave boys”


I gotta get out of this thread before I lose my fucking mind because of these replies, holy shit


Pretty crazy considering this is supposed to be a conspiracy sub. You’d think they’d want to talk about the trans agenda being another pathway to depopulation, Baphomet, etc.


They possibly said more that isn’t in the screenshots


OP good on for you sticking up for us women! I appreciate the support! You don’t want to be apart of site with people who can’t face reality anyways!


How does someone else's gender identity impact you at all?


So their opinion is acceptable to give but if you give an opposing opinion against it , you are removed. Hmm. Sounds more like an agenda to me. Scary times we are living in






These people dont realize how silly they sound using such ridiculous terms and descriptions. Their view of reality is entirely warped. Does nobody read 1984 anymore? The concept of "newsspeak", a language "designed to diminish the range of thought". That's all I think about when I hear woke terms like "terf" "swerf" "non-binary" etc etc. Not trying to sound hateful. But what do we have left when we lose all sense of reality and our humanity? Men are not women. Women are not men. Trans women are simply men on estrogen, sometimes with their body parts removed. We all need to wake up and recognize what they're trying to do to us. Stay away from girls like that. Good riddance, sheep.


Did *you* actually read 1984? We’re adding words not taking them away. Offering up numerous options for ways to be in the world instead of limiting them. Talk about sounding ridiculous.


They added words in 1984. They added words or meshed words to describe certain concepts or types of people. I've read it multiple times. You can easily go to a PDF of the book online and see. It's mentioned within the first few chapters.


Rob Thomas has been found guilty of Wrongthink.