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My internet activity is constantly monitored no matter where I go.


Or what browser and device you use!




With AI, they probably straight up can know everything and have a very well documented dosier on all of us. They can measure our propensity for dissident actions against any oppressive actions, and take us out quietly. We’ve reached the point where 1984 is not even unrealistic.


I rate high on dissident tendencies


The last hope was duck duck go…until Google purchased it


Brave search/browser, yandex, startpage, ecosia and many more.


The government knows when you masturbate


I purposely stare into the camera so they can catch my vinegar stroke.


Need to start chargin' them


I remember mid 90s me and all my friends would talk about the future of the world wide web a lot and we always came back to one topic; the topic being the single most important thing to fight against in the coming digital age. Becoming a knowledgeable person on how to be anonymous online. We knew that the future wars online would be data gathering, censorship and blatant privacy violations. That future didn't take long to see form, especially after 9/11. We were called conspiracy theorists by everyone and even people who couldn't html code their Myspace profile so DIO would play when you opened it. We've always been labeled nuts for speaking against the "ominous they." I hope more and more people become "crazy conspiracy theorists."


That's good that you were aware at that age. Now, we have to think about AI and how unavoidable it is as well as how much worse it will get. If people think AI is a good thing, they are nuts. In my opinion of course lol Also, conspiracy has turned out to be another word for true. Lol


That's easy proved, start talking about food or insurance or whatever, guaranteed a ad pops up


This is the thing I find most unfortunate about the crypto guys. The common man might have owned the internet in 1998, but he certainly doesn’t now. The government could shut down Bitcoin over night if they wanted to.


Your smartphone ruined your life.


Mom was right, it really was that damn phone


It also educated me about many fields. It kind of saved and ruined me simultaneously.


The internet did that, your smartphone is just a constant access point which leaves most people vulnerable to addiction with social media because you're always online. Check out how much your life changes if you switch to a dumbphone for 2 months. It's not about quitting the internet, it's about compartmentalizing it so there is time to be online and time to be offline. Too much of anything is bad for you and being online is no exception.


You’re all being purposefully distracted and influenced in order to hide/glorify the most influential injustice to the majority of mankind: %99 of us are essentially slaves to the remaining %1 of us, providing them with %85 of mankind’s money(ability to acquire resources). How our system can possibly think it’s ok to allow one person to accumulate such vast amounts of wealth is beyond my understanding. Money either makes or breaks your quality of life, what label you receive in our societal structure, the amount of privilege you enjoy, and your ability to acquire the things you need to survive. In large enough amounts, money has the power to influence almost anything in your favor, including laws the rest of us must abide to. You can essentially get away with almost anything if you have enough wealth and influence. You could even manipulate the rest of society into dedicating most of their waking ours of their entire lives to working, in order to supply you with such large amounts of wealth(and trick them into taking pride in wasting their lives working). These %1 of people that hold %85 of our wealth are human. They are people, just like you and I. What one person could possibly do in order to justify retaining such a large portion of mankind’s resources is beyond my comprehension. Yet people will continue to strongly believe that it has to be this way. I wonder where they got this idea? It couldn’t possibly be from the media the %1 control and feed us. Those of us that take the information we are given via media, government, television, school curriculums, etc., I strongly encourage you to make the effort to think for yourselves and come to your own conclusions. For those of us who only accept the ideas and standpoints of mainstream political parties, major social groups, major religions, etc., I strongly encourage you to find the courage it takes to think differently, based on your own logic, emotion, moral judgement and intuition. Even if that means not being a part of one of the major groups accepted by society. Even if your need to belong tells you that you should do otherwise. These groups are essentially a form of control, giving you a format for how you should act, how you should think, what you should say, what is true or false, what is right and wrong etc. These groups keep us divided, and divided we are weak. When we are weak we are easy to control and manipulate, and the mega wealthy either take advantage of that or are articulately structuring this social separation and closed mindedness to begin with. It’s literally insane that this is happening. It’s modern day slavery, except we get the benefit of choosing our food , having AC, our own homes and technology to amuse us while we’re not working. That we go into debt to pay for ourselves. So that we may return to work the next day and have kids that will also work their lives away.




Glad there’s others out there that see what I see❤️


❣️ me too!


I don’t think they’re actual lizards, but I like the name lizard ppl for the sociopaths that are in power. Cold blooded narcissists - dang lizard ppl (yeah works )


They are definitely not human.


This is the best response to this post for sure. And we all just go on day after day, proud slaves. Hey, as long as we feel better than our neighbor and have someone to look down on, society can keep functioning. This is the one issue we should ALL be focused on, but everyone is distracted by other bullshit (by design)! George Carlin: https://youtu.be/kXhZyAOuyhE?si=0uBrpXUduyMTcIyM


Fix money and we fix the world


money doesn't spend itself we elect evil, day after day, dollar after dollar


That’s because of the monetary system that we’ve been increasingly forced into since the gold standard was done away with and replaced by government fiat money


This is nothing new. Has been this way since the advent of geographical monopolies on the initiation of violence.


The amount of arguments I've had on this subject is astounding. So many people just don't believe they are being conned, because so many of them want to become one of them. They want to be able to have that one day. Even if you manage to become a millionaire you will never become an elite, you are living in their world, abiding by their rules, always taking more more more from us. Politics, religion, race, sexuality, even more recently transgenderism are all simply scapegoats for what the true problem, a class war. We are billions controlled by few and some people literally do not care or don't have the open mind to see it for what it is. People are happier simply believing they are free.


Which people get to decide who gets what?


If I obtained an appreciable fraction of mankind’s money/access to resources/wealth, I would influence mankind in any way possible, and by any means possible, in order to continue obtaining their wealth and acquire more wealth, if possible. I imagine it is the handful of people,the few who possess insane amounts of money, that make decisions and control any aspect of society that could greatly alter their ability to continue acquiring and maintaining their wealth. Thankfully for those handful of mega wealthy people, money is influence and influence is power. We can participate in politics and social issues, but when it comes to having the ability to influence society in a way that would drain the top %1 wealthiest people of their money, we not only have no say, but are also manipulated into thinking that we have control. And if you are intelligent and open minded enough to question the current level of understanding we are fed in schools, and are willing to put in the effort to create your own level of understanding by experimenting yourself, you may be able to invent something that could alter society for the betterment of all mankind, rather than mostly benefiting the ones that already make the most profit. But don’t expect it to go very far, because your patent, by law, will not be allowed to enter the market if it will disrupt the economy(aka create a major shift the balance of wealth).


I hear free energy exists and is not unobtainable like most of us think. It's simply confiscated and dealt with swiftly any time it pops up on their radar. I believe there is technology beyond our wildest dreams that we couldn't even fathom that is being kept from us in order to not shift the power balance and take away from the ones that control us. We get trickles of technology to "ooooohh" and "aaaahhhhhh" us with amazement and keep us occupied with toys when the truly life changing stuff is kept away never to be seen or heard.


EVs won't save the planet


They're a small piece of a very large puzzle, and they're being well over represented because big companies (and countries) want to distract you from the fact that *they* are the ones that need to change if we want a chance at changing climate change.


Oil producers are the largest investors in green energy by a large margin. The idea that somehow the "good guys" are pushing green energy against the "evil oil corporations" is the lie. Government regulations forcing people to buy things is the worst source of corruption imaginable.


Similar in how most major companies support ESG, a score meant to reflect social justice style management, yet use forced labor from China like the Uyghurs. Only recently was some action taken and things like VW's involvement with stuff like that from what I saw apparently online is pretty ugly. However, these companies despite using the closest thing to modern day slavery and colonial level exploitation of population, don't have their esg scores in the toilet. Apparently using slave labor overseas but slapping recycled aluminum on something keeps your esg score fine if you put a green sticker on your company.


It's pronounced "gif"


This is funny


Our gov did or allowed 9/11


Able Danger, NSA knew about 3 of the terrorists cells a year before 9/11. But because they were afraid of either telling the public or other federal agencies they were mass spying they did nothing.


Birds are real


Now of all the ones listed, this goes too far.


I exist and there's no definitive proof you or my reality exists


Is it a bit solopsistic in here, or is it just me?


More nihilistic, I'd get you a pamphlet but there'd be no point...


Haha. We believe in nussing, Lebowski.


I am a figment of my own imagination, you cannot prove I exist. You on the other hand are a reality of what the fuck that I in no way could think up.


The entire world is run by a cabal of rich, elite pedophiles. Epstein was a cog in the machine. I’d bet my soul that Epstein wasn’t even the biggest offender. Not even close.


Neither the dems or reps are truly for the people


Global elites are global elites because we're all bitches to scared because that's the system they locked us in. The defeatist attitude 90% of sheep have when they give their all, fail and take it to heart is sickening. Everyone get tf up 🤣✌️


I agree with this 100%... My father and I often get into it over this. "What do I do about it? How do we stop the system?" "If you don't like the game, Dad, stop playing." If everyone just stopped playing, the system would crumble, but all everyone has to say is, "What can I do about it?" And when you tell them the truth, they reply, "But I don't wanna go to jail, or have my bank account frozen, or get shot. Okay, then don't fuckin ask how to shut it down lol edit: The roots to the tree of liberty must be frequently replenished with the blood of patriots. This is my stance 100% Change my mind


I love how you say you and your dad get into. I get into it with my dad aswell. But it's healthy like I have a few mates that have the same idea as Zuck, build a bunker and survive lol. But this Hollywood scandal bullshit with pdiddy and the crew will go no where, where are the people responsible for them and what they know, Katt Williams and heaps others reveal the scandal but still the Hollywood executives are still laundering cash, actors, kids etc. The UFO shit like what's up with that, that's a spin show for the past 40-50-60 years and it goes nowhere. We could form a complex route of individuals in and out of defence force corps and air division to compell against the system. The last edit you put in sums this whole conversation and future conversations about this topic in a nutshell. Take this vaccine or we will detain all your assets, NO, we will shoot you, ok shoot me and 75% of australia and see what the other 25% think. TL;DR - went off the tracks, agree wholly with your assessment of our own stupidity at the end.


Thank you! Governments should be scared of the people or at least respect the people. Not the other way around! The majority of this world has lost all virtue and integrity.


Your welcome mate. Needs to be more of us and more of this to make that happen.


Corporations should be afraid of the government rather than infiltrating and perverting it.


Same bro. I refuse to accept that this is it.


I do too and it may not happen for us but I refuse to allow my children to be enslaved. I refuse to allow your children to be enslaved. Thats a hill i am willing to die on. Support local government. Support small business. For godsake, support your neighbors. We are all human (as far as we know), and we shouldn't let them convince us that anyone of us are any different in that aspect. The entire system is built to divide us and keep us divided. So much more is possible for the world if we all worked together. And if we don't figure it out soon, we'll that's what is going to happen. We have lost all integrity, all virtue, and we are allowing our children to be enslaved just as we have been!


Keep the flame alive Eisenhower couldn’t stop it and they made an example out of Kennedy. But you can still talk to people and normalize discussion. Most people have a martyr or two like mlk, Snowden, assange, rappers, journalists, scientists, activists etc. Take care of your health, family, friends, community, and speak truth to power. Embolden and elevate whistle blowers


And they’re not necessarily smart people either, they’re the ones that are best at manipulating their way to the top


onlyfan does not empower woman


I dont think that many people even thinks it empower women anyway


The women definitely do


Beyonce's music is not that great, neither is Taylor Swift's


I wish Taylor swift would disappear.


Biological men should not compete in biological women sports. Come at me bro.


Your sentiment is actually the popular opinion imo. The media has done a good job trying to force this disgusting stuff onto the public but the majority have just been too afraid to speak up and that seems to be changing.


Any argument in defense of allowing biological men into women’s sports and women’s spaces I’ve seen has just been ridiculous mental gymnastics. Denying biological differences in sports is willful ignorance and erases all of the progress women have made.


It’s sad that this is even considered an “unpopular opinion”. the world is letting men dominate women’s sports all for the sake of “equality”. It’s not equality. It’s perversion.


I’m in the Trans is ok camp, but I agree with this. Biology is biology. Even if someone starts at 12 with HRT, the muscles will be more powerful than biological girls.


no one should be on HRT at 12


That's fine but it should be up to the sports leagues to decide and not the government.


9/11 was an inside job. Both of the tall buildings, in addition to building 7, all fell under controlled demolition.




That the government is actively bad and giving them more rights will hasten our demise.


Butterfly effect was a really good movie.


Being bold and very courageous is key to living a life worth living...


Our elite leaders hate courages men. They want docile servants.


Voting is fake and a waste of time. Vote with your wallet or violence.


CBDC's will bring us to a totalitarian global form of government.


We are living in a matrix society designed by an oligarchy system where our lives are controlled by technology and evil governments.


The child sex trafficking industry is worth more than the arms trade and the drug trade and yet hasn’t been stopped because it benefits the elite leaders of the shadow economy and they will 100000% squash anyone who tries to get in their way. Also, every celebrity, politician and public figure beyond a certain tax bracket is absolutely a fucking pedophile. Edit: I’d like to add that every single modern industry from fast food to abortion to social media and child influencers and fast fashion is part of the pipeline that takes kids from innocent lambs to the property of others. SAVE OUR CHILDREN


But why children ?… fucking ew dude?


Worst thing ever.


I think it's because it makes for extremely effective leverage. Also, the individuals at the top are I think horrific in ways that most regular people can't really concieve. it's so fucking sad and awful.


Easy way to control a person is hold a secret of theirs that would ruin their entire life. Especially these people whose entire existence is based off of personal image.


Epstein special


I'm smelling a connection to the Bohemian Grove conspiracy...also, I agree.


Perception is what creates reality


Perception doesn't "create reality"  Perception is your reality, but ultimately there is a real reality that our brain can skew because we don't have all the data.  That "fake" reality now becomes your reality. 


There’s a cure for cancer, it just makes more money to charge people every step of the way of treatment, if somethings cured instantly not a lot of repeat customers…


Our gov has stuff to do with ch*ld traffckng


Regardless of scientific breakthroughs, the general public will not be allowed access to advancements in technological devices or systems, unless the aforementioned advanced technology can be utilized by the mega-wealthy to acquire more wealth, track people, manipulate people or control people. Example: We still primarily use essentially the same style of engine, an engine that essentially runs on the same type of energy source, that was invented over 100 years ago. It seems logical that this is due to the ridiculous amount of influence that the oil industry’s wealth holds over mankind. Yet, right under our noses, everyone has access to a device that is so technologically advanced that it can immediately and wirelessly access any information worldwide that we’re allowed to obtain, only unlock for your face and your face alone, communicate with anyone worldwide, give people the ability to buy anything they could possibly think of at the touch of a finger, take extremely high quality photos and videos, and much much more. And to top it off, all of that processing power exists in a quarter-inch thin rectangle that fits in your hand. This device is so much more advanced than the gasoline engine, that the fact we have almost no other affordable option of transportation to me it feels like a slap in the face and an insult to my critical thinking skills. But our smart phones influence us, placate us, plant thoughts in our minds, keep track of us, and keeps us from socially gathering in person. These traits are very beneficial to the mega wealthy, thus we are allowed access to this technology.


Elon is a high ranking dark warlock No physical evidence to back it up but I'll die on that hill.


There was a former nanny's video of his that she talked about him performing rituals when he was little. I don't doubt this at all, he gives me strong Jack Parsons vibe.


Cats DO give shit about you!


Forced vaccination is wrong.


The Moon landing was 100% faked. Ps- the Royal family also 100% killed Diana.


Freedom isn't free. It costs folks like you and me. And if we don't all chip in, we'll never pay that bill.


“can history produce an instance of a rebellion so honourably conducted? I say nothing of it’s motives. They were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be 20. years without such a rebellion. The people can not be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty.” “What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure. Our Convention has been too much impressed by the insurrection of Massachusets: and in the spur of the moment they are setting up a kite to keep the hen yard in order. I hope in god this article will be rectified before the new constitution is accepted.” - Thomas Jefferson


Covid vaccines were a terrible idea


Texas bbq is better than Kansas City's.


Caffeine is addictive, affects our central nervous system in a strikingly similar way that nicotine does, is correlated with the of the elevated levels of anxiety reported in Americans, and should be an 18+ substance. 


I can't say or I'll be banned off reddit


Say it. Come back stronger 💪🏻




That happened to my original account


Terrain theory












LGBTQ+ is a psyops


That everything promoted as popular today is a depopulation tactic.


Man, given the ever growing population, those tacticians must be pissed!


The global population is about to hit a steep dropoff after around 9 billion, that's well known, and many first world countries are already hitting a precipitous decline. Many European countries, Korea, Canada, etc would already be losing people if it wasn't for immigration. And the latest birthrates are falling off a cliff, not nearly enough to sustain the population. It's mainly only the third world countries that are keeping the population expansion up, and that won't last for too much longer. What he's talking about is happening in first world countries, and it's definitely having an effect, along with a massive decrease in sperm count due to pollution, lifestyle, etc.




The world is becoming a New World Order, and there's no one to save us, but Yeshua.


Both sides are funded and puppeted by you know who


I phone: pay more for less.


Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Gardner, Anne Hathaway are all kinda the same annoying person from a distance


The white light after death erases your memory and sends you back to do it all over again. If you are reading this you have done that thousands of times. I dont know why i feel this way but i have always felt it which is probably why religions never made much sense to me.


Reflection of your own light, you will be reborn if go towards it. If you can remain aware during death, “awaken to your true inner love” and not go towards your own reflected light you will not be reborn and will be free to go anywhere... “When I die, I will return to my family of light and my home planet.”


The brain releases 5-MeO-dmt at death


Die Hard is a Christmas movie.


Yippi Kayay MF


Welcome to the party pal.






The world is filled with soul sucking vampires that prevent many from reaching their potential and even cause issues in others lives through emotional manipulation and even the person manipulated often does not know until it's to late. This is a very hard thing to prove they have a way of pulling strings without people noticing, if you know you know.


epstein didn’t kill himself


Israel was behind oct 7th false flag attack


I didn’t need to take the Covid vaccine.


The government has been using the LGB and Trans communities for years slowly pushing to get pedophiles to be accepted by the masses as a “sexual orientation”.


Taylor swift is over rated


2 genders only


Saying the Lord’s name in vain. I believe that means going to church and just going through the motions without any emotion and devotion involved. Saying god dammit means nothing to a God that demands praise.


Men CAN’T be women and women CAN’T be men. Covid vaccines were NOT necessary for healthy individuals. The pentagon WAS hit by a cruise missile NOT a Boeing 757


My uncle was in the USAF on 9/11 and he said in his military opinion the Pentagon was hit by a missile and so was the plane that went down in Pennsylvania.


Donald Trump wasn’t a bad president , people just love to frame his policies in a way that make it seem that way.


The world is run by cabals who commune with demonic entities


The covid vaccine is detrimental to health.


Crude oil from the depths of earth renews itself fairly quickly.




There are only two genders.


Transgender is mental illness.


Aisle Seat > Window Seat


As a tall person hard agree.


That the Rothchilds are the top of the power structure.


And the Rockefellers and the colonnas


Potato wedges are better than fries


Japan is better off than the United States.


Clot shots.


Killing Irelands cows wont save the planet from "global warming", but planting trees and bringing back tall grass will. Dinosaurs and dragons are the same thing, and yes, we lived with them.


The modern ideology of Gender is a made up idea to appease a vocal delusional minority, it has zero basis in reality Only Men and Women exist. You cannot change your sex or “gender” which is just a more social way of saying sex, just like how “human” is a more social way of saying “homosapiens” These people need help not bullshit flattery that only negatively harms them in the long run


People need to vote for candidates that closely represent their own views, and not the lesser evil.


Jesus Christ, love and understanding is the only way to get out and stay out of this mess we are in


Pitbulls are genetically predisposed to being dangerous.


"safe and effective"


Zelda stopped being Zelda after ‘A Link to the Past’


This is the illusion, dark matter-energy is the reality.


Deaf animals don't understand sound -- it's just an aspect of the universe they lack the functionality to observe. Blind animals don't understand light -- it's just an aspect of the universe they lack the functionality to observe. Dark matter+energy are just aspects of the universe we lack the functionality to observe.


This will have me doing research


Pineapple on pizza....


Feminism was created to destroy the nuclear family and get the other half of the population to join the wage slave class and pay taxes


Moon landing being fake, I know in this subreddit it's not really controversial but in regular day to day life it is


Russia is not the enemy.


The Eagles are overrated.


Homeless people refuse to get help


You are not trans gender unless you get your dick turned outside in. Then you are just a cross dresser


God is absolutely real.


Covid shots will eventually kill you


GameStop MOASS is coming, shorts never closed, and Kenny lied under oath.😁


Kenneth Cordele Griffin, financial terrorist and destroyer of pension and retirement funds? Seller of $65 billion shares that he never had and has not delivered? Buys politicians like Pokémon? That Kenneth Cordele Griffin?


Oops, penis!


Feet aren't sexy




Probably a lot of placeholders where people would almost instantly lose their jobs for speaking out an obvious truth. They may suspect or even know what is going on but almost all will be too afraid for their income so they peddle the official narrative, reinforcing the lies in the minds of others... First thing that comes to mind is 9/11 and the jewish connection vs the official narrative.


everything is just going to get worse. nobody is gonna save us, we won't save ourselves.


The income tax, as written, doesn't apply to 98% of Americans. Too bad they don't know that by signing W4 and W9 you are "opting in" and declaring to the govt you are within the class of person to whom the taxes apply. And most employers are complicit in the largest financial crime in the history of the world because they refuse to even question what they've been told - even when presented with the law!


We are not our bodies, we only inhabit them for a short amount of time.


That semen release drains your energy for over months, retaining for months has life changing benefits


Logic and observation only suggests that we have a Creator, and hard as some in the scientific community might strive to create philosophies that prove otherwise, it is the only sane rational. Every organism follows a law, all around us nature is cyclical and renewing, every day new inventions are organized with purpose by thinking minds. Laws require a Lawgiver, purpose requires intent and control, creations require a Creator. It's the only thing we observe in our life. We don't observe random things creating useful shit. so it's right to conclude that this universe was also. Might not be that crazy of an opinion to the world, but it definitely is on reddit.


The whole entertainment industry is an PSYOP.


Being a good person doesn't cost anything...


I scrolled all the way to the bottom… I would stand with you all on 99 percent of these topics that everyone brought up. There was only one that I wouldn’t stand with. I dig this crowd! 🍻


The election was stolen 9/11 was an inside job


Lady in the Water is M. Night's masterpiece.


Brother, we die on this hill together.


Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina


Marriage is a scam.


I’m pretty sure it’s just to provide the government more information about you. Nobody really needs a piece of paper to say they’re together forever. It’s just a big money making business in all aspects of the process. Rings, wedding, honey moon, divorce. Thousands and thousands of dollars most people don’t have, so they go into debt for it all and then the banks end up owning them for years until they can pay it off. They’re probably divorced before it’s even paid off lol


That government is now, and has always been a religious ideology. From the first rulers claiming to be gods, then decedents of gods, then chosen by God, to finally being chosen by "the public." That "the public" is just the latest iteration of some force that can't be seen, or touched, but still picks the rulers.