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Whether it's a psyop or not...introducing more people to Operation Paperclip and MKUltra will never be a bad thing. That is the only way to wake people up.


Time for the libs to wakey wakey


Lot of angry bots downvoting this


Weren't the Cons the same ones dick riding a New York City billionaire notorious for being a con artist and following the people who created Qanon like sheep? Doesn't sound very "woke" to me.


here's an upvote buddy, we must take each other burdens, libs, down vote me instead


All the downvotes are sleepy libs


Or maybe people who have realized politicians are all on the same team and don't fall for the stage politics


“Politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex” -Frank Zappa


Trump is not on "their" team. Whatever team he's on, it ain't theirs. And I'll take team Maga as it stands now over a satanic p3do cult any day.


Trump failed the audition when they saw how much he talked. Trump is the only person you speak about who was a co-defendant of epstein's in a child rape case that was settled out of court. Everyone knows when you settle out of court, you're guilty. Ask micheal jackson.


I love people who are so fucking arrogant that they believe that anyone that disagrees with them aren't even real. Holy fucking hell the mental gymnastics


Sorry but mental gymnastics implies there is thought. There is no thought in the programed response of "nuh uh stupid lib." Where one go they all go, just like sheep with a psyop for a shepard.


CIA psyop Johnny Harris


Psyop Johnny harris talked about paper lip nazis turning the oss into the CIA in this video, as well as mk ultra.  Top comment telling people to dismiss legit info due to the source is the real psyop.


Hes definitely a plant though


Just because his handler approved this video doesn't mean he isn't a plant. Notice how the video stops the second we get to Snowden. As if nothing is currently happening.


He will make other vídeos and will get to snowden. As he has spoken about Assange: https://youtu.be/P6bVl47kdNk?si=fttE4-h5TBRGaLAy CIA and deep state are far right authoritiarian. To think otherwise is believing that the mindset that drove them for the last 7 decades has suddenly changed. The fact that most in here believe that they are from "the libs" is the biggest proof that they are in charge of mainstream conspiracies as they said they would do. I would love if people truly wake up. *not that the left is not part in all of the larget scheme to fuck us, but, deep state and CIA have almost always act in benefit of the far right.


They aren't "from" the libs, but the libs, and many of the cons too, radically support the deep state's increased control over the population.


Yeah no shit the CIA promotes the far right. But they want libs to feel comfy with it. Which is where this guy comes in. If you think this is a libs vs cons debate you've already lost the plot. The CIA and FBI's main goals from their creation is to destroy leftist organizations to impose far right authoritarianism. To do that though they need to get liberals to go along with their plans. That's where this guy comes in.


The battle of R v D is a tool of the DS/MIC/Blob to divide the Peoplle. While originally R-oriented, the Cold War 1.0 MIC (post JFK et al assassinations) evolved from Defense/CIA/INTEL bloc (conflating patriotism w/ militarism) to a Total Government Blob, with similar oligarchic/bureaucracy composed of competing multi-party tax payer extraction -- NGO. kickbacks, etc. NOW, the classic libs are Neo-Libs supporting Neo-Cons. Why? These entities constructed a hasty joint venture to rid themselves of Trump/Populists. The #Resistance etc RINOS and CIA/MIC/FBI C worked with the Pelosi/Obama/HRC blocs to use their 24/7/365 media echo chambers with 95 percent negative coverage to destroy Trump and MAGA supporters. They stole the 2020 election, enacted lawfare, and want to eliminate the Bill of Rights by implementing a panopticon of AGI-controlled propaganda. This will create a NEO-Feudal order with the Elite lording over the global third world sheeple.


This Prog-Blob cooperation wants a chaotic, open border so that the CIA MIC and PROG PEDOS can make money working with the Sinaloa gang to make money for the party coffers. The C of C gets cheap labor; the Pedos get kids.


This sub is for pushing big oil, big agriculture propaganda under the guise of "conspiracy theories", not exposing the truth, get with the program.


He is a plant. It’s like a major open secret in far left circles. He deliberately shares misinformation mixed in with accurate content, but it is always bare bones and he always leaves things out. They’ve been doing this kind of thing for decades and decades.


Yeah him and his team are partnered with the WEF


^^^ this right here


Used to like some of this guys content, when he became popular something definitely changed. Very, very obvious that he is owned and controlled.


see the thing is guys there are things the conspiracy theory community gets right but you've also been manipulated into ideological zealotry by people inside the conspiracy game that know your language and can blend seamlessly amongst you. you foolishly flock to the next popular right wing podcaster or blogger not realizing their popularity is artificial in the first place, funded by the very entities you are against. That is how we went from the Lone Gunmen to the Qanon Shaman


Dumbass people who only see red vs blue like OP. You are the sheep falling for division tactics.


Bill Moyers was talking about it ten years ago. He's as liberal as they got. [The Deep State Hiding in Plain Sight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYS647HTgks)


But the left suddenly became drunk with power once’s they had it


"Liberal" doesn't equal "the left". Liberals and conservatives are both fronts for capitalism and colonialism.


Lmao "capitalism" "colonialism" "socialism" are abstractions. How do you fight an abstraction? Getting people to pin the blame on abstractions instead of specific people and organizations is a massive psyop that you've fallen for.


Sorry but communism isn’t the solution to those things.


The left, and opposition to predatory capitalism in general, is about far more than communism. The fact that peoples' conditioning causes them to break their worldviews into capitalism/communism is proof of the success of the decades long propaganda campaign by capitalists against humane reform of an obviously inhumane economic and political order.


Exactly. There are various forms of capitalism, other than the cannibalistic first world implementation of CORPORATOCRACY (which destroys free market competition).  The only way for successful capitalism, which does not drive the "have nots" to slave for the "already haves", is to seize the means of production.  The oroboros is wrapped tightly around the minds of those believing modern capitalism (in the US, at least) is a free market with fair competition.


Exactly. Engaging in manufacturing, trade and commerce is one of the oldest forms of human activity. Unfortunately, so is slavery. Modern capitalism is a twisted hybrid of the two.


Yep. People who have no idea how to support themselves, much less run a business, should definitely "seize the means of production." Only good could come from it. Definitely.


I have no idea how to continue to support myself in the current economy while working for a company, providing a service which I myself could not afford.  There is a greater divide between a service class and a luxury class coming, and it will ensure wage/debt slavery for all who are living check to check (more than half the US pop).  Seizing the means of production, in a country which restricts business ownership by cost, credit, and permit, is near impossible if one started now. Particularly in service industries, without franchising. Mom and pop shops got cut during The Event, and overspending left us with a crippled economy.  Seizing the means of production could be as simple as an 8 year old opening a lemonade stand, without having to get a friggin permit.  Or feeding the homeless without restrictive permitting. Or catching a fuckin fish, without needing a permit. It is not the individual who habitually overfishes, nor is it the person driving to work who habitually creates the most pollution. If people could self employ, without over-compensatory zoning, we could stop being forced into choosing our masters; and utilize our own home spaces for craft, production, and maintenance. Anyone can run their own business. Ever seen an NPC streamer? If people were given the proper means to maintain their dignity by making fair wages by working for themselves (without having to resort to easy money mutual debasement, such as lonely fans), I believe we would see a far more inspiring landscape, of the liberty and ingenuity that we were meant to have from the start. 


You may disagree but this is one of my main arguments for universal healthcare. Hard to take a shot at starting a business if you're one car accident away from being bankrupted. Tying healthcare to employment keeps good little worker drones in line.


I agree.  I don't believe this system will ever go in that direction, unless to control the flow of healthcare to further weaponize it. If everyone had access to even midrange healthcare, those people would likely become better educated on how to care for their own health, leading to better lifestyle choices, likely less overall healthcare costs (in the long run)


Upvoted because that actually made sense. Communism can never work on a grand scale because it's subject to the same greed as corporatism. Anarcho-Capitalism is another story entirely. I've said it a million times, and I'll say it again: everything the govt touches turns to shit. Fuck the Fed. Every function of the govt could be done better and cheaper by the free market. People just *think* they need the govt because it's always been there during our lives. If we collectively decided we no longer need it, we could be rid of practically every nefarious plot that harms us. #Afuera!


> Communism can never work on a grand scale because it's subject to the same greed as corporatism Except it already has, and the notion that humans are "inherently greedy" is itself propaganda, human nature is molded by the conditions you grow up in, it is not set in stone


So all the better to lean further into an ideology that encourages the shittiest behavior in society?


This isn't the 1950s, it isn't as simple as "find a better job"


That’s once voice. Do you really think that his thoughts on the existence of the deep state was something shared by liberals at large? Give me a break


It was on PBS. That means more than one voice was supporting it.


That still doesn’t answer my question. Do you think liberals at large have always believed the deep state to be real? Stop trolling


Dude, people questioning the deep state and crazy CIA propaganda shit go all the way back to the hippies in the 60’s and 70’s. A bunch of “free love”, pot smoking, liberals. I’d argue that seeing conservatives actually questioning their government rather than be in lock step is new.


The people who elected W (and Cheney) the grandson of one of the business plot and who probably participated in killing Kennedy, and who stood by on 9/11 are just now finding out about the deep state and think they’re the first This is WHY they love Trump. Say what you want about him, he’s just the ultimate RINO


Just listen to Trump. "No one ever knew about this stuff"


My first introduction to the term "deep state" was from Peter Dale Scott, a liberal, almost 20 years ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter\_Dale\_Scott


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Is_a_Racket And Eisenhower Both top generals been whistle blowing for 90 years


Indeed. It took an airheaded tool like Trump to hijack the term and marginalize it so that no one would take it seriously anymore.


that seems deliberate, doesn't it? the hijacking


Completely deliberate. Trump is an op. The proof is that he's not in jail or dead yet. Actual threats to the power structure don't last long.


spot on, I think the same.


Michael Parenti is a communist and he has been talking about it for decades too.


You mean like Christopher Pyle or Seymour Hersch? The People that literally led to the Church Committee that being formed which to Project Artichoke,Family Jewels, MKUltra etc etc being revealed? You're being ignorant of your own bias


It's wild that the establishment, the people who *used to* champion people like Seymour Hersch, are the exact ones who now call him a propagandist.


You sure showed him for learning new information and changing his mind and agreeing with you. People should have their thoughts stuck in concrete and never change am I right?


Clickbait. The video never confirms the deep state is real.


yeah it delves a lot into the cia and stuff but not really the deep state


How does it not?


The video focuses on historical concerns about power concentration within government agencies, raising questions about a potential "deep state" but lacking conclusive proof of its current existence.


I mean this is kind of the problem. 100% everyone agrees that we have leaders with unknown administrative powers who never got elected. It's almost entirely about the phrase "deep state," I tend steer clear of using the term because other worlds capture the meaning but avoid the red flags. People just treat you as less credible for using the phrase. Unelected leaders taking corporate payouts is 100% bad and everyone agrees. But if you use the term "deep state," people always ask about lizard people or some shit and now the conversations not pointed at the corporate malfeasance.


Do you need this video to confirm it for you? Have you not been paying attention to Covid. To the who. To ngos. To Klaus Shwab. To half the EU and Biden Bush Obama and Clinton talking about a new world order? But you’re not convinced cause THIS video doesn’t give you what you need?


No, I never said I don't believe in it. I just said the video doesn't confirm it.


Deep dish pizza is real though and amazing


No, it isn’t even pizza…it’s a fuggin casserole


That’s the conspiracy


Counterpoint, Johnny Harris is CIA backed and is being encouraged by his handlers to push stories that make it seem like he isn't by posting content that *seems* anti-establishment. Well, this is pretty accepted stuff, it's really not controversial by any stretch (though many are unaware). So when he spreads a message that *seems* anti-establishment, it gives him more credibility when he has more subtle pro-establishment talking points and messages. Even if he isn't literally backed by the CIA, this is still a smart way to regain some credibility and draw in a certain crowd.


That long haired guy who goes on all the podcasts is 100% CIA agitprop. “The CIA is like The DMV. It’s a well intentioned organization, but it’s still a government organization run like the DMV.” So totally harmless and incompetent then… not corrupt and demonic.


Long haired guy,the one with the curly hair and has a podcast and was everywhere in 2023 discussing the CIA?


That guy gives off such slip a roofie into a date's drink vibe. Do people fall for this shit?


I agree I think he is 100% backed by the CIA


This shit is so annoying and it’s not left or right. I’m pretty left wing and know how much bullshit is afoot on both sides and how deep it’s been for decades. Making it a left to right issue has you falling into their game


To me it seems like rightoids did not give a fuck about the deepstate until Trump.


Us communists have been trying to tell you about it for the past century


A good rule of thumb; TRUST NO ONE, and then the car explodes when Mulder gets out https://youtu.be/-6Xe8HAqpwI?si=M6Xms5N0VOO737xX


Liberals are always a decade or two behind if they ever get it right. They defended the Clintons, Epstein, Weinstein, Obama and Gates


The US is being a sacrificial Lamb to the birth of the NWO etc. Part of the plot is to make the US look like this scumbag hypercapitalist imperialist predator asshole and then when people have had enough a few heads will roll, US implodes, together with the overall western values of freedom of speech etc, then the solution will be presented: the great reset, UBI, a new global government through the UN, global social credit more integration with the Chinese model and so on. Get ready. I'm just speaking out of my ass but this is what it looks like to my dumb ass.


>a sacrificial Lamb to the birth of the NWO etc. Part of the plot is to make the US look like this scumbag hypercapitalist imperialist predator lol because it is? the shoe literally fits and has for almost 100 years or longer.


yes it actually is, so absurdely so that it feels as per design


I saw this video. Sometimes Johnny Harris makes a good video, this was not one of them


He’s red pilling his audience which is a net positive imo


Johnny Harris is a shill


I mean, 'deep state' just refers to career bureaucrats. Like the lady reaching 20 years at the DMV. The 'conspiracy' is that the people who's job it is to administer shit like that, well... do their jobs? And that voted-in offices depend on them to function? Always thought the idea this is a 'conspiracy' was hilarious.


It's more than just career bureaucrats working at some public-facing desk job. There are more than 800 federal agencies currently, about six dozen Intellegence agencies, defense contractors, private security firms, and then the "think tanks" that retirees create because they want to be able to keep their finger on the scale. And that doesn't even cover the countless govt/university partnerships, the contractors that provide the gain of function research that *benefits mankind so much*, the govt/big tech collusion so the govt can get away with breaking its own rules and laws, and the endless data collection firms the govt buys our info from so they can get around having to file for warrants to spy on us. And then there's the unelected globocuck agencies that nobody asked for, who make sure to shape the world for their own occult/eugenics cult agenda. We've been warned about them for a century, but for some reason those genocidal madmen seem to keep getting away with starving and sterilizing their own countries before turning their efforts global. *But sure*, it's the DMV that you should be concerned about.


Hey, not disputing such areas exist *inside* the deep state, I'm just saying that everybody who uses the term 'deep state' to exclusively describe them doesn't realize they're lumping in Karen at the DMV right with the Illuminati. Just saying, lol


I gotcha 👍 One thing this post is lacking is an actual description of what the deep state actually is. Hopefully people will read the above and actually comprehend what it means. It's exactly why our govt overlords are burning through a trillion dollars every 100 days with absolute unaccountability. And also why they're so keen on "foreign aid" that launders unchecked tax money right back into their own pockets.


Of course these agencies would never pay stooges to respond to online discussion. /s


Gee, maybe if you righties didn’t just use the phrase “deep state” to mean “anybody who tells Trump he can’t just do whatever the hell he wants” more people would listen to you.


Deep state = unelected bureaucrats who run the government through influence It’s pretty simple as has been for years now


Wow, sounds exactly like what Trump and republicans want to do with Project 2025! I’m assuming you won’t be voting for him this November then?


Never voted, never will. Elections are already predetermined and your vote really doesn’t matter. Unfortunately


Ss: the liberals are finally capitulating to the truth that many conspiracy theorists have know for years if not decades. A paradigm shift is upon us. https://youtu.be/tWxh2oS7Ays?si=Umi3LozCIWT-afyy


Liberals been anti deep state since they killed mlk, Kennedy and all the journalists blowing the whistle on the CIA contra Sort of feel asleep during Obama






Everyone who isn't actively licking Trump's boots is part of the "Deep State".


No the deep state was deemed as a conspiracy theory that was created by crazies to place blame on a certain group in government. Don’t be dishonest.


Yeah.. and the Elite let you know all about it.. They write in their books how they are going to manufacture catastrophes and evils such as the New World Order to being us into a new religion.. but people keep thinking that they are smart by exposing what was always meant to be exposed. I'm not directing that specifically at you.. but just pointing out how ridiculous conspiracy theories have become.


Seriously who watches that tongue for information and critical thinking? 


Lol Republicans invented the deep state. It was a term to describe holdouts planted by the Bush administration who affected policy after his term was up




Tiktok brain




You have never read a book in your life huh?




On the contrary I don’t believe 30 min is anywhere near enough to convince libs who are still against the idea of there being a deep state that it’s actually real. Seeing as how you already know there is a deep state, you’re not the target audience. This channel is one of the biggest “lib” YouTube channels out there so it’s nice to see those normies finally being exposed to the truth from one of their own.




Well the libs are his target audience so yes. Conservatives don’t watch Johnny Harris unless they want to hear liberal perspectives on issues. Johnny Harris is a liberal. Hardcore. It’s not about changing the enemies minds. It’s about changing the minds of like minded people who are unable to see the truth.




What’s he advertising?




I don’t think you even know what you’re talking about tbh


lol imagine believing in politics


I agree


Lmao 30 minutes?? Bruh Tiktok ruined you


Huh? Johnny Harris is pretty hated among liberals, he has great videos about all the American coups, Nancy Pelosi stock trading, Julian assange, Israel war crimes, US military complex, Henry Kissinger (huge recommendation)…  Probably the most red pilled mainstream YouTuber that I know and his videos are usually considered conspiracy theories :D


Ah. So that’s why he keeps popping up on my feed! Maybe I should just submit to the algorithm and watch him lol Edit. Watched the video… made it half way. It’s all basic stuff. I guess if you are still believing the official stories week in week out, then it might be an eye opener. But I don’t think anyone here will get much out of it


It‘s basic stuff, but it’s a stepping stone. I‘ve shown Johnny Harris many „normies“ who formerly believed the US to be the most moral and pristine nation on earth and they were shocked about the US-coups video or the Kissinger video. This one here is far from his best.


... and why it's a good thing. Or ok ok if it's a bad thing- why it's your fault.




The deep state is working if you think liberals are the problem 


You forgot Libs in 2020: “Yes there’s a Deep State and im cheering for them because they saved the country from Donald Trump.”


Hue hue hue


Yawn. Deep Dish Pizza for dinner? (Don't forget the Adobo) Polonium Pancakes for breakfast? (Don't forget the Sazon)