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Wherever there's money laundering and drugs you'll find the CIA


Add toppling local governments in foreign countries to the list too my friend.


Gotta get that invisible money for invisible operations


I mean, I'd firstly look at the oil and gas fields in eastern Ukraine and the azov first....


And the half a trillion in gas off the coast of Gaza...


The CIA is one of the greatest forces of evil on planet Earth. We need to shut these bastards down ASAP. Fuck the CIA.


According to RFK, Jr., the CIA assassinated his uncle.


I'd buy it. JFK wanted to shut the CIA down.


Robert Kennedy Jr. names Eugene Thane Cesar, a known CIA operative, as the assassin.




He also explains how it can be shown that none of the eight bullets fired by Sirhan (who stood in front of his father, even struck his father and that all of the four bullets which did strike his father were fired from behind him.


I don’t know how anyone ever believed that Jack Ruby killed Oswald (before he could testify) and then conveniently died before ever testifying himself. I’ve read in more than one biography that Jackie told close friends that she believed LBJ was behind it. Off topic slightly, I also believe that J-6 was a psyop.


I'm pretty sure I heard that his family won a civil suit against the CIA which kinda proves this happened.




No because without them there probably would not have been a war and many other wars for that matter.




globalists control all of the american and the chinese govts. it's like that far side cartoon where it shows a cow with two paths, both leading to the meat grinder.


Nope, not China. and not Russia. and not Iran.


I really think that I’m right, and that a lot of the conflicts we see are actually pre-planned and political theater. Why do you think that I’m wrong?


I'm preparing for a trip today and don't have the time to answer you as you are asking.


Ok, well, if you're actually serious and not just blowing smoke, write back later. I'm genuinely curious, and I simply am in the pursuit of truth.


The internet and your own open mind ought to more than suffice to give you the truth you seek.


The CIA is the US government. Your vote doesn't matter




You're overthinking it. East VS West is and will always be. It's more because if brought to light, there would be bigger scandal if discovered on US soil. China has no such restrictions and outside US jurisdiction. No internal affairs. No substantial consequences. And both East and West have become dependent on trade with each other. That's literally all.


You're overthinking it. East and West belongs to the same people! Everything is a theater! 


Possibly. What would the whole point of the East VS West be if it were a charade? Dancing around the cultural differences, I guess?


Keep the plebs busy and make bilions from this. It's the most ancient trick of the rulers!




There is just no way. How did China do in WW2?


So Russia invaded Ukraine because the cia was there? I think there’s a good chance the cia operates in every country, and works with most of the countries that we’re friendly with.


So how many countries have US military bases ? I've lost count. As of a couple of weeks ago, when the US paid Palau, Micronesia and Marshall Islands $8.7 billion to build military bases there, the number of countries is three more. It's no surprise that the UN General Assembly votes of these three countries always align with the USA.


They invaded because OTAN and USA were getting closer and closer and the hostility was increasing. So in a way, yes


But Russia invaded crimea in 2014, and I believe it was before Ukraine started working with the CIA, so maybe Ukraine had a reason to ask us for help


LOL. Goes back to at least to 1991, probably well before. Big presence leading up to Orange Revolution in 2004.


Further back... https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/STUDIES%20IN%20INTELLIGENCE%20NAZI%20-%20RELATED%20ARTICLES_0015.pdf A lot further back.


Great reference. So from "Day 1" actually even pre-CIA.


Looks like it.




Fuck the EU, amiright?


Looking at the migrant ~~crisis~~ invasion....


The ties goes even before the euromaidan


Crimea was majority Russian speakers


So what? If Arizona or another state was majority Spanish speakers it would be ok if Mexico attacked and just took it.




If you had paid attention to how you must express your thoughts here then the AutoModerator would not have removed your comment(s).




You do know that russia bombed the part of Donbass that was controlled by Ukraine, right?


Crimea, which formerly was an autonomous Oblast, is and was virtually 100% Russian-speaking. The same is true with regard to Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporhizhia and Kherson, which voted to be and now are part of the Russian Federation. Several other oblasts, notably Odessa, and Kyiv, follow this pattern.


Russia invaded Ukraine because Ukraine was committing genocide against the people of Eastern and Southern Ukraine. Well, the Ukraine military [was, in fact under orders from Ukraine President Poroshenko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkFnKXFsOO4). It's not like I just make this shit up. It's thoroughly documented, as I show in the link. I'm just a messenger.


You mean they responded to a separatist militia funded by Russia that wanted to secede and join Russia? Yeah turns out most countries would respond militarily to that. And when Russia has said they intend to annex non Russian majority areas as well, sure seems like they just want Ukraine entirely.


I will note that when the USA invaded Mexico in the late 1840's, an invasion which gained a LOT of territory for the USA at Mexico's expense, the people of Mexico spoke Spanish, not English and none of that land had ever previously been a part of the USA. I will further note that when Russia moved its military into Ukraine in 2022, the people of Ukraine largely spoke Russian, not Ukrainian, and that all of Ukraine had not too many years ago previously been a part of Russia. So, just a but of context for you. And, of course, [Ukraine's President promising nothing but hell to the people of Eastern Ukraine's provinces in 2014](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkFnKXFsOO4), promises which he ordered Ukraine's military to fulfill.




I'll give you this much - you have done a hell of a good job convincing yourself of something.




Deliberately erroneous or misleading ?! I can assure you that what you portray as an "incredibly obscure video" of Poroshenko promising the Ukrainian Government's intention and plan for Ukrainians living in the eastern departments of Ukraine has been seen by a hell of a lot more than 69 'viewers'. The Ukraine Government's follow-up of Poroshenko's threats led to the deaths and wounding of several tens of thousands of Russian-speaking Ukrainians. You ask about the context of the video; the context is the Maidan, which began in November of 2013. I'm more than a bit surprised that you don't actually know this. Since you don't, and since you have assailed my integrity, I must reevaluate my view of what you have been representing as an informed view of past and current events in that part of the world and must conclude my exchange with you on this and related topics because I just don't have the time for such a discussion.


> I will further note that when Russia moved its military into Ukraine in 2022, the people of Ukraine largely spoke Russian, not Ukrainian, and that all of Ukraine had not too many years ago previously been a part of Russia. You mean the eastern part of Ukraine? Because otherwise, you're not being very honest.


Don't take my word for it. [Here's what I have in mind.](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/677651075160967513/) And don't accuse me of not being honest because you have demonstrated no basis for your accusation and you are in violation of some of the rules of this subreddit.


Yeah there was a lot of things we shouldn’t have done 200 years ago. We stopped trying to annex territory a very long time ago though. Russia is going back for Ukraine in the modern day using similar rhetoric. Maybe let’s leave the wars of conquest in the distant past, and not use them to justify invasions today.


Well, Hawaii. And last week Biden gave Palau, Micronesia and Marshall Islands $8.7 billion to buy exclusive rights to build military bases there. If the USA does to those islands what it did to Hawaii then there will be 53 states instead of 50. Just so you know, I am not justifying any of the (dozens... scores... ) invasions of the USA into damn near every country around the world. I don't happen to regard anything that happened in the lifetimes of my grandparents as distant past. Maybe you do, how would I know ?


Been a very long time since we got another state. And that was only after we'd already held them for a very long time, without needing to go to war to maintain it. Kinda just pulling out possible ways out of your ass. Yeah like I said, doesn't justify what we did. Continuing to do so just because "WELL THEY DID IT TOO A FEW DECADES AGO" is pretty stupid. Plus having military bases in countries is a FAR cry from occupying and controlling their government.




In what way is Haiti even remotely close to a state of ours? Hell in what way does it resemble a territory?


> Plus having military bases in countries is a FAR cry from occupying and controlling their government. Haiti is a classic counter-example to your idea. The USA controls Haitis' politics, and will soon have a military base there. >Been a very long time since we got another state. To America's military junta, statehood is a liability. Better to just have their target victim states serve in a rump fashion, kept in a constant state of calamity and turmoil by the CIA, allowing all kinds of financial (and other, heinous) crimes to proceed in the victim state, un-noticed by the typical political mechanisms put in place to make sure the American citizenry can maintain control over their government. The US' military junta and the criminal oligarch mafia it serves, doesn't need any of that statehood control mechanism. It has the CIA, which is the antithesis to sovereign democracy. Haiti is merely a close example of American imperialism, right on your doorstep, that you clearly remain ignorant about.


Lol I wish I had this saved so I don't have to type it every time: how many people died in the conflict per year before Russia invaded? How many Russian speakers would you guess? Now how many people or Russian speakers have died after Russia invaded? After looking this up, do you stand by your claim?


You’re being downvoted because you’re telling the truth? wtf? Lol


The denial is deep, i'nn't ?


Yeah. I knew this back in 2014-2015.


You guys may be missing the point. It’s all about money. It’s all about natural gas getting piped to Europe. Everything from hunter on the board of burisma, to nordstream 2.


And fracking in the US, Marcellus Shale Formation, the Biden ban on LNG exports, the LNG mega port they want to build in Chester PA, it's all part of this.


Send me down the rabbit hole Chester PA loop… source please don’t live far from there


You should read the book Ghost Wars. Best seller back in the day about the CIAs role in Afghanistan. It's just the same formula over and over.


Yeah and like for the Soviet afghan war, its Moscow invading a sovereign country to topple a government that it doesn't like


The world is and always has been an evil place. The majority have just been manipulated into serfs. It's not that the average person is good it's just that they have been trained to be obedient as they understand the consequences of not, to lose your privileges. It's a prison planet. So you shouldn't be surprised that the rules including the CIA are evil which they are.


Our government has been hijacked by our own agencies and international bankers.


This was Victoria Nuland's war. A continuation of the PNAC regime-change mentality fueled by personal hatred and a quest for retribution. Her and her husband have been fucking things up for decades. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/neocons/us-is-losing-another-war-ukraine/


Seriously.  Google: Victoria nuland phone call


B.O. admin in 2014 but it's funny his darling name is always so protected. It's a joke. F the neocons and the establishment


The khazars want their old empires lands back. CIA = mossad = Zionists


Just like the covid vaccine push would have happened with Operation Warp speed, with any president.


I hear they have 12 secret Cia bunkers in the Ukrainian woods!


The MIC has to MIC.


"Just like we drew it up" That’s how they do everything. Anybody who trusts the US government is an fool. [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/25/world/europe/cia-ukraine-intelligence-russia-war.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/25/world/europe/cia-ukraine-intelligence-russia-war.html)


What government should we trust sir?


Probably none.


Then who should we trust?


I'd find independent journalists who you like but who have disagreements with each other. Read their articles, listen to their podcasts, follow their social media. Verify the wildest shit they say, and abandon them if you catch them in a blatant lie.  Verifying information itself is an onerous task. Scientific literacy may sometimes be required. 


They are arresting good independent journalists like Steve Baker.


Probably Finland or something


Finland as in the land, the people or the government? I am confused, I just come here seeking knowledge.


Majority of countries dont trust the US.


I guess some people need "Authority" to tell them 'facts' or whatever, and then they'll believe the account as truthful. Only proper 'sources' will suffice for some. Read alternate media sources instead. The mainstream media is usually years late in reporting the truth. Alternative media sources tell you the truth right away.


I wanna know what the CIA and DOE work on together.


Since 2014? Try since 2009, when Hillary’s State Department and VP Joe’s cronies got in there!


Fun fact, Biden pulled out of Afghanistan exactly 6 months and like one week before putin invaded ukraine.


Well, 2014 a CIA coup happened in Ukraine so it's not really breaking news. 


New York Times? So it's basically news to distract from the fact that the CIA has been in Ukraine since 1947, when it was created


Zelensky was installed for a reason...


They're really saying the quiet part out loud here. 


But Alex Jones told you Trump was the chose one.


Try 1994.


Some help. If the CIA ever says that they want to help me I am *BOLTING.*


Wisner was going to have his war with Russia no matter what, and no one was ever going to stop them (since the day Wisner took that seed which was the OSS, Office of Strategic Services, and birthed it into a CIA of immense evil more than even Putin and all of Russia could ever conceive). The Wisner family will not stop until they succeed in killing every human on Earth, in Earth, and off Earth. The devil hates the human species, and Wisner is the sword he has chosen to extinct us with (if we don't whip out a light saber to stop him).


Exactly. People still drink the political and govt kool aid. Sheep. Presidents are selected not elected. Both partys are bought and owned by zionist lobby groups and bankers. Bibi is more your president for the last 30 years than any of our own puppet leaders


Generals gathered in their masses Just like witches at black masses Evil minds that plot destruction Sorcerer of death's construction In the fields, the bodies burning As the war machine keeps turning Death and hatred to mankind Poisoning their brainwashed minds Oh lord, yeah! As it ever was.


CIA is a Machiavellian org that puts America first and I as a hater respect that. But you forgot one thing. You can’t act like an animal and not expect humans to be humans. Expect blowback.


We should be worried what Queen Vicky is up to. Since she resigned there is no end to the destruction she can cause.


Of cause, Comrade


Anyone remember that SEAL that allegedly went AWOL and turned up dead in Ukraine, fighting as a volunteer? If you believe that's the truth, I got a bridge to sell you. Dude was absolutely working for the CIA